NO PERMIT NUMBER (17)is TESTING ENGINEERS, INC. 2811 Adeline St. PO Box 24075 510 835-3142 510 834-3777 fax Oakland, CA 94608 Oakland, CA 94623 800 660-3142 Oakland Santa Clara Diablo Valley Monterey Work Request No.: C-1416 INSPECTION REPORT Week Ending: 6/25/93 PROJECT # 32616/GRE539 we -TI -101i Seven Springs/11/20 & 376 - 385 Tract 8098, Phase 10 Cupertino, CA Permit #23883 DATE 6/22/93 HOURS 4 ZONEIMILES I INSPECTOR(s) J. Sweet TYPE OF INSPECTION: Rebarfrendon Placement PLACE OF INSPECTION: �I�/ED; Jobsite AUG 01 CITY OF, CUPERTINO BUILDINR DE" Reported to Reid Hastings of The Gregory Group at the jobsite. Inspected the placement of post -tensioning tendons and reinforcing steel for Lot 20, Tract 7994 slab -on -grade. Inspected the placement of holddowns for the above. Work inspected, as noted, was in compliance with approved job plans and specifications. Reviewed by: Roger sley C.E. #20132, Exp. 09/30/93 Icc: The Gregory Group/Christopher J. Gatley Bauer Concrete Pacific Post Tension Bassenian/Lagoni Architects City of Cupertino/Bldg. Insp. Dept. RECEIVED; AUG Ol lou • EITY. OF. CUPERTINO 99ILDINti 09"I TESTING ENGINEERS, INC. 2811 Adeline St. PO Box 24075 510 835-3142 510 834-3777 fax Oakland, CA 94608 Oakland, CA 94623 800 6603142 Oakland Santa Clara Diablo Valley Monterey Work Request No.: C-1416 INSPECTION REPORT Week Ending: 6/25/93 PROJECT # 32616/GRE539 PROJECT. Seven Springs/11/20 & 376 - 385 Tract 8098, Phase 10 Cupertino, CA Permit #097024 UA/L 6/23/93 6/23193 HOURS4 4 1 1 INSPECTOR(s)T. Woodbeck R. Tuttle 6/23/93 R. Tuttle & T. Woodbeck Reported to Reid Hastings of The Gregory Group at the jobsite. TYPE OF INSPECTION: PT Concrete PLACE OF INSPECTION. Jobsite Monitored loads arriving at the jobsite for correct mix and proper slump. Inspected placement operations and vibrating procedures. Performed 1 slump test (3') and cast 1 set of compression test specimens (4 ea.), Sample #133927 for concrete placed at footings and post -tensioning slab -on -grade at Lot 20. (Concrete Mix #0246 from RMC Lonestar - Santa Clara; 3,000 psi; 4" slump) Inspected the placement of reinforcing steel for the above. Work inspected, as noted, was in compliance with approved job plans and specifications - PT -5. \ Reviewed by: Roger S. Whsley C.E. #20132, Exp. 09/30/93 Icc: The Gregory Group/Christopher J. Gatley Bauer Concrete Pacific Post Tension Bassenian/Lagoni Architects City of Cupertino/Bldg. Insp. Dept. RECEIVED; is AUG Ci ix,., LIfY OE CUPERTINO E_UILDINf Ou"I