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20699A She -1•. Dr v� ' �r v�.—d 5 J It s����''``Byye��l ', 1 ' 1 `, AP tkl))'TI N- Fpo77R BUILDING PERMIT O3 ' JUL 24 1963 CITY (7F' CUPFRTINO 3 a Sanitary No. of U rPITNU!tVleG' f L� i,17� 1961 Permit No.���7� o Application is hereby made for a permit to erect a i m a 1 story,Type Frame Building aw to be occupied only as single family residence a t 'It 10 o in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot-Plag gcd herewith. • '' > 3 Estimated Value of Improvements,St'" ��� Fee$ 54.00 �.. ZJ It is hereby agreed that the requirements 'of the:Cupertino.Building and Zoning•Ordinances and * zall other laws applicable to the cons'truction,,'I`ocatik:and usexol'buildings, within the City of d o Cupertino will be complied with. '- � ' • - -.-., - , 3OWnerin and Em 're 1prs • IrMdress960 Camden Ave CainnbeI a By Address96 amde Av.C tie I I < o phone 379-2280 —0 nQ,, State License 184784 -BULLD FG INSPe.CTOB RECORD OF INSPECTION- APPROVALS FOUNDATION 3 \\NDATE R' C'EOR UNDERFLOOR DA 111 INSPECTOR FRAME 1/0 --� — 3 ow� DATE INSPECTOR LATH and PLASTER DATE INSPECTOR FINAL BLDG. I DATE INSPECTOR r' 7 FINAL ELEC. INSPECTOR T�FINAL PLBG. R - !,' INSPECTox *� (;FINAL GAS` 1 + _ r �,.*��� nnTr ...• n:..� 1N§r ec,�I>x `;�i� r rG O CY9 STREET V�J�.�A.J Y Y� LOT NO. ©APP IL CAT PIITFOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO f JUL 26 1963 �//,�� Date - tl n T 1;x,2 Permit No. , I CITY Y OF WPERT� 11 Fee Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. v Use of Premises 9110—c �Lnc cc a Ownt.,..�P Address inn 0'a'{' / By' Address • "1,CONTRACTOR, AGENT C . . '�� •Phone: E�� ` EL¢CTRI INSP¢C11071 NEW RPL FEES Size Service Conduit----- ...Number of Outlets.................. . ......... �.. Size Service Wires.........7�....g-----Number of Switches.......:--------- -- .�. ---- DD.Number of Receptacles............ . --- . L . . 06 Size Service Switch...../.02— . -. .......... . Q. -06 Size Sub Feed Conduit........ .......Number of Fixtures.................. ./..v//.- ---------- -�..-..... Size Sub Feed Wires......... --------Ranges---- ---- --- KW------------- ---f.-- --------- ------ Number of Circuits-----------. .... Oven -./........ KW.............. ../.,, ---------- -...�s Number of Meters.......................Signs......../.. Transformers........ ...._..../.. _.......- ........ .r Misc----------.. .-..:.•..............Dryers---/.............................----- .....L.. ------- - ------�5 Motors..... .. ............ HP.-.l Phase.... .:.m".. Permit Fee 1.00 . .� Motors--------- -.- HP-------------------- Phase-------1.....,. r$ 7S . Motors------------------ HP..._-------- ---- Phase.---------..:t. H P Charge..,.----.-"I:.------o b TOTAL FEES • ' NSPECTION AP ROVALS RoughWirin /&)--. -------------- Fixtures....:.... DATE ' O INSPECTOR [ OR • N Finrsh-Wiun .):...-'-_:::.. .. . . . .... Motors -------------- .................. 8 h .: - - - ' INSPECTOR 1j DA ��INSPCGTOR - Final .--`--- .- .� :I .. . .- ------------•`' l DATL - INSPECTOR C V y p` 0 � J a LU Z W v v H a' z o Z E C � m z = a cc—0 > w � ❑ d . 6 6 C da Vv.o v• ,l_I LLQ o U > v� v V + I l� '_. o d C" Qv .v. L M1c v O` d Ccl, 11�" �x `" W u Q G n 7 a h Q 'VIN8O311V7 30 31VIS '3H1 dO 111-1 NOIIVSN3d WO S_N3WNHOAA 3H1 30 ANV 31VIOIA ION 111M I' 33UDV I J I'I� R sf M Int IFI— UNITS FEES UNITS FEES Water beater ( Size Water Closets Materia'_ ,J, _ Bath Tubs To Curb Showers y To Prop. Line Lavatories To Existing y Kitchen Sinks Not Conn. Dish Washers Sewer Boxes ' r Waste Disposals Wash Trays STORM DRAINAGE Washing Machines Size Alater Softeners Material s Bar Sinks To Main Drain Comb. Sink v Trays To Curb Denfal Units ' •. � Drinking Fountains Floor Drains WATER SYSTEM I M Hoppers Size ' Restaurant Sinks' Material Sao Traps TOTAL FEES Urinals Fixture Fee 911W Area Drains Main Drain Fee orb Water Leaders Storm Drain Fee �prink�ervmves Water Sys. Fee /pv Permit Fee &V TOTAL TOTAL FEE ew RECOAD OF INSPECTION Underground Rough... .Partial Rough.. .Rough Complete.. 3—` Main Drain — _ — Final--- 1 - t O-OG 7 9 I a� v.-N u�/'� , LOT NO. 95 NO. Q STnBF.'1�� �C°"� A'PPLI&'ATION FOR GAS PERMIT w i CITY Or CUPERTINO y O AUG 21 1963 . 3 a Date f�, 1963 Permit No. LL CITY OF C 1PER I.. Fee $ / - O Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas pipes o a and/or gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said pipes 'z m and/or appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City ¢ w of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. r �UAR�/IICJ ' 0 Use of Premises 0 0 AA : oa Owner MJ2yYnL'P �, ltpi Address Z , , �`Lll(' LLT- >pQP R' z .By �.11 1 . Address Qa O `C TRACTOR, AGENT +�59 w i Phone 31Q'' g'II I te. ¢ a s State Licensee'Io2y 3g Approve �� �� MBING INSPECTOR aO 3 _n � i�. •a - xry p C tD Y. w o n 'ro0 H TT � C m 1 J v ° N O —w 'lata• 9 R Y\ � / n n A � •/t� I I A J �' j 516 v ' LOT NO. (, NO' A STREE �A`PPLICATIO OR APPLIANCE PERMIT IAUG 27 1963 ca M".:017 CUPERTINO Datel+ITv�Yr -- -•n+r14Cti. Permit No. Voil Fee 1._�_� . Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said V appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing bode of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises 2 '� a�►v�1 !r 17i Owne _ Address����+rj�-£P�� RI ii77 y Addres , N ACTOR, AGENT Phone Ki F y 3 Z3 Approved L PLUMBING INSPECTOR ,� ' °. n 'O H rt ka O G' O H ^ � A n �, CERTIFICATE OF, COMPLETION BUILDING INSk OR'S OFFICE CITY OF RTINO 1 � f . 1 Date ...................................... ........ 19--.....--... �f� Building Permit No�...:--e..!��...... The Building .. Ltd/.h,. -.-...... [ ................ Owned by..::....-...-.rr:-......__s74e.�_C . ; � `- _Has Beln'_ ompleted) For Use As. .......... (Ja (Altered) v « ............................ .Il i // . ... n /f ..a .. ........... I .......!.. ... . .. ... BUILDING INSPECTOR 102 1/63-500 •i', OFFICE COPY a II ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE �" CITY OF CUPERTINO T You are hereby authorized cgynect elD1trical arvice for l Owner or Tenant --- .....`..S_. .'.------ ---..... . �-,. .rl r `.' / r1 r� f No. of Wires .....�............ Size of Wiress.. ........ Size of Switl00f. -fir. Motor Load ----------------------- Voltage ................................ Phase Heating Load K. W. --------------------- ----------- Voltage ................................ ' Light_,_::.. 110.........��New Service_Reconnect.._.............. ... , No. of Meters.... ._..._.. . I+T �Heat....._�-. 220.._�CJ1ree µ'e... ......... Tfove Service............ No.of Add. Meters............ l/� Power............... 'phree ase. _..... Move Meter............... ELECTRICAL, 1 R ::. -� ' C�... . ' 104 7/63.500 NS ECT R U -- GAS SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE COPY BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO 4-- -- - --- --------- To You are hereby authc,Rl�to connecljl e G service for Owner or Tenant ................. --- - --- -- --- .......................... ..... ... At .................. ......... Q�Z.New Service........✓ --------- ................... No. of Meters .........I.... ......... Reconnect .................. ........... Move Service ........................ No. of Add. Meters .............. ove Meter .......................... a PLUMBING INSPEC 0 11 o 6/63-500 NEW Bldg. Dept Office Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO ❑ Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No.Z-4.11 .............. F-1 Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit No .............. Lot No. .................. Owner or Tenant ..............) ti ---- -- - -------- ------------------- ----- - T......... . -- At ..... ......... . . Tract ........... .......... .... ... Date Connected ............................... ...... .. --- -5!._'.....__..-- -- ------ . .......... .... 19........... DateFinal ............................................... ---------------- ....... ........i.- ....... PLUMBING INSPEC R III 7/63-IM