CC Resolution No. 6253 .i....... . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . ~ • 1 7 RFSOLUTION NO. 6253 A RESOLUTION OF THC•. CLTY COUNCIL OF TllE CITY OP CUPERTINO AFPROViNG THF. FI.NAL MAP AND IMPROVEMENT PI.ANS OF TRACT N0. 7548, GRANADA HILLS, LOCATED ON ORANGE AVENUE NORTH OF CRANAUA AVF.NUE, DEVELOPER DtONTA VISTA PROPER'CIES ACCEPT- ING CERTAIN F.ASEMF.NTS; AUTHORIZINC. SIGNINC OF FINAL MAP AND IMPROVEMF.NT PI.ANS; AUTfIORIZING THE EXECOTION OF AGREEMENT IN CONNECTION THEREWITN / wdE~ZEA~, therc has been presented to Ghe City Councll for approval anU for author:za[ion [o :ecord .inal map of Trac[ No. 7548, Gran:ida dills locateJ on Urange Avenue norch of Granada nvenue showLng cer[ein avenues, drives, piaces, and roads by i~lonta Vista Proper[ies; and i+~:uREAS, Lherc l~as been presented to [he CL[y Council a proposeti agreement fur the con~tructlon uf s[ree[s, curbs, and gu[[ers, and fur uLher :mprovements, aNd goad and suFElcient bonds, fe~a, and deposits as set furUt Ln Gxhibit "A" hciving beeo presen[ed Eor the iaithful performance of sald work and the carrying ou[ uf said a};reement, and said map, agreement, and bonds havtng been approved by Che Ci[y Actorney, N0, TtiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED TNAT a. Suid flnat map and improvement plans of Tract No. 7548, be and the same ure hereby appruved. b. The offer of dedlca[ion for roadway and for easemen[s is hereby accep[eJ. c. The City Engineer and the City Clerk are hereby authorizad to sign said fLnal map. J. The City Engineer is hereby ~authorized to sign the improvement plans. e. The Mayor and the Gi[y Clerk are hereby authorised to execuCe [he agreemenc herein referred to. PA5SED AND ADOPTEU at a regulUr m~e[ing of the Ci[y Council of the City o[ Cuper[ino Chis ~6th__ duy of _ Februarv 1984 by the following votc: V~=te Members of [he City Council AYES: Gntto, Rogere, Spe~rks. Plungy NOES: Nnne ABSENT: Jnhnson AUSTAIN: Nonc ATTEST• AYPROVL'D• - _ . ~•i, - - - - • ~solution No. 6253 ? ~ EXHIllIT "A" SCFiEDULE OF BOND, FEES ANU UEPOSITS UEVELOPMENT: Tract No. 7548, Granada tiills UF.VF.I.OPER: Monta Vista Properties LOCATION: Orange Avenue north of Cranada Avenue A. Paithful Pcrformance Bond: $49,000.00 Forty-None Th.ousand and no/100 Uollars Ii. LAROR AND MATERIAL BOND: $49,000.00 Forty-Nine Thousand and no/100 Dollars C. CHF.CKING ANU INSPP:CTION FEF.: $ 1,960.00 Qne 1'housand Nine NunJred Sixty and no/100 Dollars U. INDiRIiCT CITY EXPI'.NSES: S 294.00 'fwo flundred Ninety-Four and no/100 Dollars F.. DEVELOPMIiNT MAIiJTIiNANCE DEPOSIT: $ 340.00 Three Hundred Forty and no/L00 Uollars F. STORpI DRAINAGE FF.E: $ 1,040.00 Une 'ChousanJ forty and no/100 Uollars C. ONF. YEAR POIJF.R COST: $ 36.00 '1'hirty-Six and no/100 Dollars H. STREF.T TREES: NY DF:VELOPF.R i. MAP CIIECKINC Fi~.Ii: $ 112.00 One ll~uidred 1'wclve and no/100 Dollars J. T'ARK FEf: ZONE A-2 $14,112.00 Fourteen Thousand One Hundred 'Cwelve and no/100 Dollars K. IJATER MAIN EXTENSION bF.POSIT/MAIN INSTAI.LATION - N/A L. STORAI RF.IMBURSF.FIF.NT $ 6,000.00 Six Thousand nnd no/100 Dollnrs M. Mt~PS AND /OR IMYROVF.MF.NT P1.hNS: BY DEVELOPER