21914 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Project Identification PERMITNO. Budding Address: _ nn 21914 Q SGY1T STE /.v6 /COAr� C'uP n/ era am one: `c 4L �U71ACWW CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION Contractor's Name: [dc.Nm APPLICATION I PERMIT 3 �--� I C&V,%ZD OCA)D 69IT0 BUILDINGELECTRICAL-PLUMBINCMECHAMCAL CATEGORY CONTROL Ya AA�qitcct/Engineer Lb.Na (7 1.19SIV, h�tC/fA K .S 3' % �'F a � n ' �i e a $' �-, ,,,�;+BUILDING PERMIT INFO- R* R QTY ._:: ELECI1tICPERMITy.! . . ,_I$EE'.1, - - --.. .._._ �,,u�?" Address PERMITISSUANCE ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 2,P J I MhSyi. 70thatDims.in3oftheusinmadPmfessionssed under intwisloAs 9de,and e- APPLIANCESRESIDF.MUL ]OBDESCRIPTION Incense is Mlon force of d efeion3oflhe Bustnesand['roleslonsCade,and my license I,In fol force and let PANESLiccP TO 200AMPS T Date Chs Lice S I Date _Contractor IIWO / ARCHITE a used.rS DECLARATION OVERIOOOAMPS SQ Fr.FLOOR AREA f/SQ FI, p�u m0 Z ]understand my plata shall be asci s public records Licensed Pro(eabnal SIGNS ELECTRICAL �<lg OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIAL CIRCIRT/MLC Ihereby.M.tlmt lam exempt front the Contractor's License Law forthe Q following reason.(Section 70315fesslo ,Business and Pms Code.Any city or TEMP MEITROR POLE INST. cmntywhichnquimaper mmrmtruct,alter,Lnpmve,de=lWh,ortepair anystructure prbrrolts hanase,oleo requlmtheapp0cant(oranch permit to POWER DEVICES ¢ Q file a signed staternt that he In B¢nsed pursuant to the pronas loof the S a Contractor'.Lcese law(Chapter9(mmme.cng with Section 7000)d DIN- SWIMMING IDOL ELECTRIC 30 Yon 3 ofthe Business And Profesbna Code)crthat he Is exempt therefrom and VALUATI • y.' the bash for the alleged exemption. Any Violation of Section 70115 by any OUTLETSSTNTCFISFDCTURFS y+- 5 <3i app0¢nl fora perMleubjecb the appllrant too tlVilpemlty o(nrt trortthan '�I 7 fHc five hundred dollars(SM. NEW RESIDENTIAL ELELTR �n ❑I,as owner of the property,or rey employees with wages u their win �'�' STORIES TYPECONSIRIX:TION compensation,willdo the work and the structure h rotWended or offered for C O sale CSo.70K Business and Piefeslom Gude:Th.CoMactore License Law $ donor apply to an owner of property who builds or tmprwn Hereon,And �^ whodanmchmrkhimxV¢throu hbowneml OCC.GROUP R6 UNTIE Improver ntsa¢notintenow orrofc pldio the14ha ver,lhebulldingorhave TOTAL -juju bnprovementbmldwilhlnoveyearolcompldlon,theownervbullderwOlhave �, tl�urdenofproNngthathedldrobufldorlmprove!¢purposeofsale.). Q'j'y, .a„ "PI.Uli1B['IVG,PERMIT FEE''A - Lj L ss owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with horsed FLOOD ZONE .APN - conmctontomstructtiuprojed(See70K Bushes and Profesbrs Cade: PERMIT the Contea¢ota Lkxaue law does not apply to an owner of property who �.�_ builds or improves thereon,and who contrasts for such PVojects with a ryBjTactarW Bomsed purauantto the C011baROra License Law. BACKFLOWFEESUMM(IRY;' LJ I am exempt under SmB k P C for this rcannI UT .,..ri Owner Date DRAWS - Y RECEBT0_::t k:` �+"' r`•,'r)' WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION pEg SCF] TAX::Y_ N_al: , QI hereby affirm Wt 1 have a¢rdfl¢te of const ro ssV-Inane,¢a +:$.,. RECEIPT I•rC_•Y t;'a; .rt".teofWorkes'Compesati%In mm¢aoeYilled copythereofiSec, AEA 1ctioumE3800,fabCd PARK+F�E-• � REEIN -A policy tl TI Wira Cam any GAS EA.SYSITM-OVER 4(EA) BUILDING DIVISION FEES :..z-tk?ifY Lj Certified . z copy is hereby furnished. GREASE/1NDUSRtL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE '•`'c+v:%'•i't'L F Certified copy is filed with the city inspection dlvWn. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS GREASE TRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE SETVER•SANITARY-STORM FA 20017 _ Date !�'-e".slReeei (# i7a?'bf".-.�" (Thio action need not be completed if the pends bforos hundred doom ENERGY FEE - ,!4Ra (O�¢rHlytiut tsthe pedoman¢o(thework(orwMch llW pemdtbimed, WATER BEATER W/VENT/aMGM . _.'_ -P _.•1r,: 1.h U n¢employ any pereon in any manner w s W become abjeet to the WATER SYSTFCH/TItEAIlNC •• �`..... Worken'Compewtbn law.of Callfomb.Date PAID O Z Applicant NEW RESIDENTIAL PLMB. PUFL Date Rete t# Z O NOTICE TO APPLICANT.If, ,after making this Cremate of Faemptlaa,you PN should become subject to the Warks¢'Camperuatlan prewbbts of the Labor TOTAL a. ; Code,you mut forthwith complywlth such pWs nweorthb pernW shalibe 1V G deened remked. BUILDING FEE cONSTRUCTION.LENDIIG AGENCY SEISMIC FE CL Z ¢therebyaLmthat than bamruttucHonlending agency forth.perfrm ELECTRIC FEE .. p anof the work for which thla permit h loved(Svc.3097,CW.CJ ' f, O Lander.Name - - -. a PLUMBING FEE ,. •',� .�. 5,.::'^;t,: I- Lender.Addrn. QT7 E'� ME_ CAL EEE. - I;-,�..a,s -. O w 1¢YVythat l have read thhapplhatbnand smathatov the abe Wonim on - MECHANICAL FEE ^c'r „. - � 1. 'rl_ bcorrect.I agmto comply with act etyand minty ordinances and Mate laws PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: ^.•I"^ il:,.^�, , } N relating to building mstroctfon,and hereby authorl repreaentathen of this p -y. F city roeNer upon the above•mentlosd property fa Wpectle.purposes. ALTER OR ADDID MECFi. rr .141ss 100 ? (We)agate to save,indemNly an d keep hamdes the City of Cupertino Date :.ReceI t#.2, v•..' :- V agaEut 1011es,judgments,coasand,expenses which my In anywayaosue AfRHANDlUNGUNR(TOl0,g00FMSUBTOTAL ityin n. geC 'aga d cm � p .r¢ AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER laaBCFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX ,:>I•.. .;f�� sig reofAppVant/Contrmor to EXFIA1.51HCOD(W/D13CD CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: -, ;•u���R_ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future building occupant store or handle hazardous HEATING UNIT(TO 100,000 BTU) mDate - ReCel t# ! y� material as delved by the Cupertino Municipal Code,Chapter 9.17,and the Health and Safety Code Section 25532WT HEATING UNIT(OVER 100,000 BT(B ' TOTAL: t) n❑Yn No Wllltheippllcentar No VENTILATION pment¢d equlevlm VFMTIATION FAN(SINGLE REBID) ISSUANCE DATE which codt hanrdoua air mntamW neve as deftned by the Bay Arta Ab �uality Management District? BOILER-COMP OHPOR 100,000811)) P!L✓rM1y I I Yn n No ?.. thavereadth.havwsnutcHabrequbemenbunde,Chapter59Sof BOILER-OOMP(OVER 100,000 BTU) Rf R r•�QQt tk Callfomh HealthkSafety Code,SMlos25505,25S33and2S531.1 rt J �h�/✓V _ understand that If the building don its,mrrently lave a tenant that it is my NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQFr. ' responsibility to notify the oc upare of the requirements which cost be met e,tl prior to issuance,d a Cerllllon of Occupancy. NOW" ' t Owner or authorised agent Data TOTAL, ISSUED BY: OFFICE COPY