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CC 12-06-99
:ITY OF CUPE nNO AGENDA OF THE CITY COUNCIL & REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Don Brown, City Manager Speaker's Podium Monday, December 6, 1999 Timed RiChard Lowenthal Sandra James, Vice-Mayor xl' J ohn Station, Mayor · / i1~ Michael Chang Kimberly Smith, Chuck Kilian, City Clerk ' Don Burnett Robert Cowan, Director, Community Development _Donna Krey, Public Information Officer ili IESteve Dowling, Director, Parks & Recreation - Carol Atwood, Director, Admin. Services _ Bert Viskovich, Director, 'Public Works CITY HALL, COUNCIL CHAMBER, 10300 TORRE AVENUE, CUPERTINO, CA 9~014-32~5 408-777-3;~00 ~ Website: www.cupertino.org THE CITY COUNCIL Cupertino is a general law city organized under and subject to statues of the State of California. It is governed by the five-member city council with the mayor as the presiding officer. The city council receives advice and assistance from eight commissions and committees, which are appointed by the council for overlapping t~mis. These are the Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Library Commission, Public Safety Commission, Cupertino Telecommunieations Commission, Fine Arts Commission, and Cupertino Housing Committee. The city manager is appointed by the council to interpret and carry out council policies. As the chief administrative officer, the city manager is responsible for coordinating the many activities of the city. Department heads, professional, and technical city staff are appointed by the city manager. Members of the city council are elected at large for four-year tenus on an overlapping basis. Two are elected at one election and three are elected two years later. Representatives from the council are selected to serve one-year terms on such organizations that include: · Association of Bay Area Governments · Bay Area Air Quality Management District Board · County Committee on Housing & Community Block Grant Program · North Central & Northwest Flood Control Zone Advisory Committee · Santa Clara County (SSC) Cities Association · SSC Cities Association · SSC Emergency Preparedness Commission · SSC Transportation Agency Board · SSC Water Commission · Traffic Authority Policy Advisory Board · West Valley Mayors and Managers COUNCIL MEETINGS The city council regularly meets the first and third Mondays of each month. These meetings are held in the council chamber of City Hall, starting at 6:45 p.m. Urgent business may require an adjourned meeting to be held. These will be noticed beforehand. Anyone may review copies of agendas as soon as they are printed or minutes of the city council after they have been approved. These are available in the city clerk's office and the Web. These same materials are available by mail, but for a nominal fee. CONDUCT OF BUSINESS The mayor is the presiding officer of the city council. All statements and questions are to be addressed to the mayor whether by members of the council, the staff, or general audience. The proceedings of the meeting are video and audio taped. Therefore, it is essential for members of the audience, who wish to address the council, to come to the lectem and identify themselves. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the council on any matter not on the agenda. Such presentations are restricted to three minutes. Sign-up cards are available at each meeting and may be completed and submitted to the city clerk prior to the start of the meeting. Oral communication is not intended as the means for debate or decision making, but only for the making of presentation in person. CITY COUNCIL POLICY It is the intent of the city council to provide the opportunity for any person to communicate with council on any matter of community interest or within the council's purview. To assure fairness to advocates on all sides of an issue, debates and actions taken will be limited to those items previously placed on the agenda. Items of an urgent nature, which cannot be carried forward to the following council meeting, may be processed under certain conditions. PUBLIC HEARINGS There are two kin& of public hearings: those required by law and those called by the city council on its own volition. In either event, the purpose is to provide the opportunity for all persons to be heard. Sign-up cards are available and may be completed and submitted to the city clerk prior to the start of the meeting. These cards are used to facilitate preparation of the record of the meeting. It is appreciated if comments are restricted to three minutes. [Continued on back cover] 6:45 (15) AGENDA CUPERTINO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ~ REGULAR MEETING CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL ~ REGULAR MEETING 10300 Torce Avenue, City Hall Council Chamber Monday, December 6, 1999 6:45 p.m. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL CEREMONIAL MATTERS & PRESENTATIONS WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of minutes of the September 20,-1999, regular meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS , Adoption of rules for owner, Resolution No. RA-99-11: "Resolution of the cupcrtino Redevelopment Agency approving and adopting roles governing participation by property owners and the extension of reasonable reentry preferences to business occupants in the Cupertino Vailco redevelopment project." , Preliminary report, Resolution No. RA-99-12: "Resolution of the Cupertino Redevelopment Agency approving and authorizing transmittat of the preliminary report to affected taxing entities on the proposed redevelopment plan for the Cupertino Vailco redevelopment project." Proposed redevelopment, Resolution No. RA-99-13: "Resolution of the Cupertino Redevelopment Agency referring the proposed re, development plan for the Cupertino Vailco redevelopmerit project to the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino for report and recommendation." Draft EIR, Resolution No. RA-99-14: "Resolution of the Cupertino Redevelopment Agency accepting and authorizing circulation of the draft environmental impact report on the proposed redevelopment plan for the Cupertino Vailco redevelopment project." ADJOURNMENT December 6, 1999 Cupertino Redevelopment Agency & Cupertino City Council Page 2 7:00 (5) 7:05 (5) ROLL CALL CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL MEETING CEREMONIAL MATTERS - PRESENTATIONS POSTPONEMENTS WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the council on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the council from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by council, staff, or a member of the public, it is requested that items 1 through 13 be acted on simultaneously. Minutes: November 15 regular meeting; November 17 and November 19 regular adjourned meetings. Accounts payable: November 12, November 19, and November 24, 1999, Resolution No.'s 99-347, 99-348, and 99-349. Payroll: November 12 and November 24, 1999, Resolution Nos. 99-350 and 99-351. Monthly Treasurer' s and Budget Report, October 1999. Making determinations and approving the reorganization of territory designated "N. Stelling Road 99-06," approximately 0.24 acre located on the west side of N. Stelling Road between Gardens Drive and Greenleaf Drive; Sect (APN 326-08-051), Resolution No. 99-345. Resolution extending the deadline for receiving arguments and rebuttals related to the library ballot measure in March 2000, Resolution No. 99-352. Request from Cupertino High School for waiver of use fee for the Cupertino High School football team annual banquet held at the Quinlan Center on Sunday, November 21, 1999. Jayesh P. Parikh, 22092 San Femando Ct., APN 357-12-010: (a) Quitclaim deed, Resolution No. 99-353 (b) Improvement agreement, Resolution No. 99-354 December 6, 1999 Page 3 Cupertino Redevelopment Agency & Cupertino City Council 9. Change order No. 1, Valley Slurry Seal, Project No. 99-102, Resolution No. 99-355. 10. Designating preferential parking zone, Barbara and Pepper Tree Lanes, Resolution No. 99-356. 11. Acceptance of city projects perfomied under contract: Valley Slurry Seal, Project No. 99- 102. 12. Certifying availability of local share of Bollinger Road and Foothill Blvd., bike lanes projects, Resolution No. 99-357. 13. Amend Natural Gas Sales and Aggregation Agreement 96-022, which includes increasing the term from one year to three years (July 1, 2002). ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARINGS 14. Public hearing concerning a nuisance on parcel 375-27-025, 18781 Tuggle Avenue, overgrown weeds in the firont and side yards. (Continued from November 15 meeting.) (Nuisance has been abate&) 7:~0(5) 15. 7:~5 (5)//16. / 7:20 (5), 17. 7:25 (10)/18. Ordering vacation of roadway easement, C.I.W. Trust, Diana Wong, Trustee, 10067 Bianchi Way, APN 359-07-009, (Res. No. 99-305), Resolution No. 99-359. Ordering vacation of emergency vehicle access easement, Parcels 2 and 3, 22831 Mercedes Road, (Res. No. 99-325), Resolution No. 99-360. Tom Quaglia - The Riding Group: request for a tentative map to subdivide an approximately two-acre parcel into 8 lots, and prezoning an approximately two-acre parcel from Pre-A to Pre R1-6, applications 5-TM-99, 8-Z-99, and 13-EA-99. The project is located at 7816 Festival Drive (APN #362-17-002). A Negative Declaration is recommended and this item is recommended for approval. (a) First reading of Ordinance No. 1842, "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City ofCupertino Rezoning a 1.96 Acres Parcel at 7816 Festival Drive (362-17- 02) ~'om Pre(A) to (R1-6,000); applicant The Riding Group." Actions to be taken: 1. Grant Negative Declaration 2. Approve applications per Planning Commission Resolutions 5080 and 5081, modify, or deny 3. If approved, conduct first reading of Ordinance No. 1842 S.l.ltOaa}l 'IIDNflO3 Si~OdTtI33V&S S,sl;2)N'N'NIiT~O · ~aluo3 atll u.t SO!I!A!:a~ l!~lO~ ptre 'sluatu3xsd~ '[aloq n ~oJ 'uo.tlnooI pus :q~!aq gu.tpI.mq gu!pnlou! 'suo!lnlrt~o~ luotudolaAop u.t sagunqo alnpommooas ol usld o~J.toodS Xl.tO oql jo pug tm|d i~ouaO otll ol sluotuptmttre ~ap.tsuoo ol gu.tmaq o.qqnd ~ al~!l.tu! ol 1sanbo~t /~" [ ~5 (s) 0s:~ · s:luomu~.tssl~ pue saoB.tu. mIoa [.iounoOJo AXO.IAO~t '0~ (00 O~:L SS,';IMISfla MaN SSSINISflH O~IHSINI~IMfl $MOI.l.VDIqddV 9N!ININIVqd I!atmoD Xl.tD oupJadn3 ~g ,(oua~v luamdolaAapat~I ou.t~odnD 666I '9 ~aqmoaa(I December 6, 1999 Page 5 Cupertino Redevelopment Agency & Cupertino City Council Santa Clara County Cities Association Representative, ABAG Board of Directors Santa Clara County Committee on Housing and Community Block Grant Program Santa Clara County Library JPA Board - Alternate Santa Clara County Transportation Authority Policy Advisory Committee Santa Clara Valley Water Commission Senior Center Expansion Design Committee Councilmember Chang: Association of Bay Area Governments Joint Venture Silicon Valley Public Sector Round Table - Alternate Leadership Cupertino Legislative Review Committee Library Expansion Committee Public Dialog Liaison Santa Clara County Cities Association Santa Clara County Emergency Preparedness Commission - Alternate Councilmember James: Cupertino Audit Committee Economic Development Team Leadership Cupertino Santa Clara County Cities Association - Alternate Santa Clara County Drag and Alcohol Board Senior Center Expansion Design Committee CLOSED SESSION ADJOURNMENT Adjoum to Monday, January 3, 2000, at 5:30 p,m., in the City Council chambers, for a joint study session with the Plann'mg Commission regarding the City Center hotel and apartment project at the comer of Stevens Creek and DeAnza Boulevards. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION The city council encourages expression of views by its citizens on matters of concern to those persons. Oral presentations during public hearings are one method of expressing these views, or citizens may address the council under "oral communications" if the item does not appear on the agenda. Another method widely used is the written communication. If any such communication pertains to an agenda item and is received by the city clerk prior to noon on the Thursday preceding the council meeting, it will be duplicated and distributed as supporting information to the pertinent agenda item. The city council discourages the submission of any printed material during the course of the meeting as this does not provide the time necessary to give it fair evaluation. If materials are presented at the meeting, copies must be given to the city clerk to be retained as a part of the permanent record. A complete packet of backup information for each council meeting is available at the Cupertino Library or at the entrance to the council chamber. ORDINANCES Ordinances are the means by winch the city enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances must first be presented at one meeting as a "first reading;" then at a subsequent meeting, there must be a "second reading and adoption." Following a waiting period of thirty (30) days in most cases, during winch time ordinances are published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose, ordinances go into effect. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the city council formally adopts policies or approves the taking of specific actions. These are effective when adopted. APPEALS Appeals to the city council from decisions of advisory boards and commissions must be submitted in writing to the city clerk, within fourteen (14) days of the action. RECONSIDERATION Any interested person, including the applicant, prior to seeking a judicial review of the city council's decision on a matter, must f~rst file a petition for recousideration with the city clerk within ten (10) days after the cotmcil's decision. Any petition so filed must comply with municipal ordinance code §2.08.096. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY The City Council also serves as C'upertino's Redevelopment Agency. Their meetings immediately follow each City Council meeting. TELEVISED MEETINGS City council meetings are televised on TCI Cablevision Cupertino Channel 26. Broadcast schedule is: Monday ..............(live) ...............6:45 p.m. Tuesday ..............(replay) ...........6:45 p.m. Thursday ............(replay) ...........6:45 p.m. Dates and times are subject to change. Confirrn meeting schedule with the city clerk's office, 777-3223. Copies of the City Channcl program schedule are available in the city hall lobby and on the City's website. AGENDAS AND MINUTES ON THE "WEB" Agendas and minutes for current and prior meetings are available on City of Cupertino's Website at www.cupertino.org. This site includes a convenient keyword search feature, CUPERTINO SCENE The Cupertino Scene is a newsletter covering various city programs and services. It is mailed monthly to each residence in Cupertino (No issue is published in August). Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Cupertino will make reasonable efforts to accommodate persons with qualified disabilitie& If you require special accommodation, please contact the ciO~ clerk's office at 408-777-3223 at least five (2W) days in advance of the city council meeting. IMPORTANT SERVICES AGENCY TELEPHONE Fire (Emergency) .....................S. C. Co. Fire Depafi~ient ..........................911 Garbage ...................................Los Altos Garbage Company ............725-4020 Parks & Recreation ..................Quinlan Community Center ..............777-3120 Police (Emergency) .................S. C. Co. Sheriff .........................................911 Sanitary Sewers .......................Cupertino Sanitary District ................253-7071 Water .......................................San Jose Water ..................................279-7900 Cal Water ....................................650-917-0152 MINUTES CUPERTINO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ~ REGULAR MEETING Monday, September 20, 1999 CALL TO ORDER At 7:15 p.m. Chairman Dean called the meeting to order in the Council Chambers, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. ROLL CALL Redevelopment Agency members_ present: Chahittan Wally Dean, Vice-Chairman John Statton, and Agency members Don BurneR, Michael Chang, and Sandra James. Agency members absent: None. Staff present: Acting Executive Director Bert Viskovich, General Counsel Charles Kilian, Finance Director Carol Atwood, and Acting Secretary Roberta Wolfe CEREMONIAL MATTERS & PRESENTATIONS - None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of-minutes of the August 16, 1999, regular meeting. The Agency unanimously approved the minutes of August 16, 1999. UNFINISHED BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 2. Authorizing amendment to Resolution No. RA-99-08, which authorized execution of an agreement for payment of costs between the Agency, the City of Cupertino, and JG Cupertino LLC, Resolution No. RA-99-10. Slatton moved to adopt Resolution No. RA-99-10. Chang seconded and the motion carried 5-0. ADJOURNMENT At 7:20 p.m., the meeting was adjourned. Roberta Wolfe, Acting Secretary CITY OF CUPE INO Agenda No. ,~ - 5' SUBJECTS: 10300 7~,'rc' ,,h'cm~c C;zq}erlino, C '/I 95014 (408) 777-330,V FAX (4O8) 777-3333 Cornmuntty Devehgrnent Departmen! SUMMARY 9 ? Adoption of rules for oximer participation and extension of reasonable pret~rcnces to businesses, Resblution No. RA-99-11. , 2. Determine adequacy of Preliminary Report and refer to each affected taxing entity. Resolution RA-99-12. Refer proposed Redevelopment Plan to the Planning Commission Ibr its r~p.o~ and recommendation within 30 days, Resolution No. RA-99-13. Authorize Draft EIR to be circulated (CEQA Guidelines Section 10584), P, csolution RA-99-14, BACKGROUND: In response to concerns about the viability of Vallco Fashion Park. the City Council. Agency and Planning Commission met in joint session on July 17, 1999 and took three actions initiating the process for adoption of a Redevelopment Plan for the Cupertino Vailco Redevelopment Project: the City Council designated a redevelopment survey area; the Planning Commission selected the boundaries of the Cupertino Val Ico Redevelopment Project and approved a Preliminary Plan tbr the redevelopment oF the Cupertino Vailco Redevelopment Project; and the Agency accepted the Prelinfinary Pkm for the Cupertino Vailco Redevelopment Project. Staff also held a meeting in October with tenants of Vailco Fashion Park and other interested parties. Meetings have also been held, and will continue to be held. with affected taxing agencies. The Redevelopment Area is co-terminus with Vailco Fashion Park; the property owner. J G Cupertino LLC, an affiliate of the Richard E. Jacobs Group, Inc., anticipates new construction in and renovation of the Shopping Center in the near fixture. As shown in the attached schedule (Exhibit A), use permit review of the proposed change is scheduled for Planning Commission review in February 2000, although this date is tentative. In the meantime, review of the Redevelopment Area, irrespective of a use permit application, continues. Four documents will be reviewed and/or released at this meeting, as described below. Representatives from Keyser Marston Associates and the Murphy & McNay Law Firm will be at the meeting. RULES GOVERNING PARTICIPATION BY PROPERTY OWNERS: This document and the Redevelopment Plan were prepared by the Murphy & McNay Law Firm. In connection with the preparation of the proposed Redevelopment Plan, staff and the City/Agency redevelopment consultants have prepared proposed "Rules Governing Participation by Property Owners and the Extension of Reasonable Reentry Preferences to Business Occupants in the Cupertino Vallco Redevelopment Project." Recommended Agency action is to adopt the Rules. PRELIMINARY REPORT: The Preliminary Report was prepared by the City's economic consultant, Keyser Marston Associates. The Redevelopment Agency is being asked to approve the Preliminary Report and authorize its transmittal to the affected taxing agencies. The purpose of approving the Preliminary Report is to continue documenting that the Agency has taken the required actions in the redevelopment plan adoption process, including preparing and transmitting the Preliminary Report to the affected taxing agencies. The California Redevelopment Law (CRL) does not require that the Agency approve the Preliminary Report or substantiate its findings. The Agency's action at this time is only to establish the record. The Preliminary Report is to provide the taxing agencies (such as the Connty and school districts) with information on the proposed project so that they can detem~ine if adoption of the redevelopment project will impact their ability to provide services. This information includes the reasons for selecting the project area, the blighting conditions in the project area, the projects and programs proposed to alleviate the blighting conditions and the proposed method of financing the project and its financial feasibility. The contents of the Preliminary Report, as suggested by its title, are preliminary. The findings of the Preliminary Report will be incorporated and supplemented as necessary in the Agency's Report to Council. The Report to Council will be approved by the Agency and received by the Council prior to the joint public hearing on the project adoption. The report to Council will also include a summary of consultations with the affected taxing agencies as well as recommendations by the Planning Commission on project adoption. As currently scheduled, the Agency/City Council will receive the Report to Council at its meeting on March 6, 2000 and will have a month to review the document prior to the joint public hearing tentatively scheduled for April 17th. Recornrnended Agency action is to adopt the Preliminary Report and authorize its transmittal to each affected taxing entity. REDEVELOPMENT PLAN: Based on prior actions, staff and the City/Agency redevelopment consultants have been working to implement the plan adoption process in accordance with the requirements of the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.), and have prepared a proposed Redevelopment Plan for the Cupertino Vailco Redevelopment Project, which will eventually be scheduled for consideration by the City Council and Agency at a noticed public hearing. The Community Redevelopment Law requires that the Redevelopment Plan contain provisions for participation in the redevelopment of property in the Project Area by property owners; it also requires that the Agency extend reasonable preferenced to persons who are engaged in business in the Project Area to reenter in business within the redeveloped area if they otherwise meet the requirements prescribed by the Redevelopment Plan. These provisions must be set forth in rules adopted by the Agency prior to the Agency's approval of the Redevelopment Plan, and the rules must be made available for public inspection. Recommended Agency action is to refer the Redevelopment Plan to the Planning Commission for report and recommendation. DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (DEIR): The DEIR was prepared by the planning firm of Wag staff and Associates. It will provide environmental review for the Redevelopment Project. When the use permit is submitted, the EIR will be evaluated to determine if any additional analysis is required. The only Agency action on this item is to authorize circulation. Any substantive review by the Planning Commission and City Council will occur after the 45-day review period. Although no discussion or action on the DEIR is requested at this time, the document provides background info:mation on Vailco Fashion Park that the City Council may find helpful in understanding the project. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt rules for owner participation and extension of reasonable preferences to businesses, Resolution No. RA-99-11. Adopt of Preliminary Report and authorize transmittal of report to affected taxing entities, Resolution RA-99-12. Refer proposed Redevelopment Plan to the Planning Commission lbr report and recommendation, Resolution No. RA-99-13. Authorize circulation of the Draft Environmental Impact Report, Resolution RA-99-14. Enclosures: Exhibit A: Vailco Fashion Park Redevelopment Project Plan Adoption Schedule Rules Governing Participation by Property Owners Preliminary Report Redevelopment Plan Draft Environmental Impact Report Prepared by: Ciddy Wordell, City Planner Submitted by: Approved by: Robert S. Cowan Director of Community Development Don Brown City Manager G:planning/pdreportdcc/vallcoredevelopgovem RESOLUTION NO. RA-99-11 RESOLUTION OF THE CUPERTINO 'REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING AND ADOPTING RULES GOVERNING PARTICIPATION BY PROPERTY OWNERS AND THE EXTENSION OF REASONABLE REENTRY PREFERENCES TO BUSINESS OCCUPANTS IN THE CUPERTINO VALLCO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the Cupertino Redevelopment Agency has prepared a proposed Redevelopment Plan for the Cupertino Vallco Redevelopment Project; and WHEREAS, Section 33345 of the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code Section 33{j00 et seq.) provides that a redevelopmerit agency shall adopt and make available for~public inspection rules to implement the operation of owner participation in connedtion with a redevelopmerit plan; and WHEREAS, Section 33339.5 of the California Community Redevelopment Law provides that a redevelopment agency shall adopt and make available for public inspection rules regarding the extension of reasonable preferences to persons who are engaged in business in the project area to reenter in business within the redeveloped area if they otherwise meet the -requirements prescribed by the redevelopment plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CUPERTINO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY that the "Rules Governing Participation by Property Owners and the Extension of Reasonable Reentry Preferences to Business Occupants in the Cupertino Vailco Redevelopment Project," in the form attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, are hereby approved and adopted. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Cupertino Re, development Agency this day of ,1999, by the following vote: Vote Members of the Redevelopment Agency AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: APPROVED: Secretary Chairman, Redevelopment Agency RESOLUTION NO. RA-99-12 RESOLUTION OF THE CUPERTINO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING TRANSMITTAL OF THE PRELIMINARY REPORT TO AFFECTED TAXING ENTITIES ON THE PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE CUPERTINO VALLCO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.), the Cupertino Redevelopmerit Agency (the "Agency") has prepared a proposed Redevelopment Plan (the "Redevelopmerit Plan") for the Cupertino Vailco Redevelopment Proje.ct (the "Project"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 33344.5 of the Community Redevelopment Law, the Agency has prepared a preliminary report (the "Preliminary Report") on the proposed Redevelopmerit Plan for the Project for transmittal to each affected taxing entity as defined in Section 33353.2 of the Community Redevelopmerit Law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CUPERTINO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY THAT: Section 1. hereto. The Agency hereby approves the Preliminary Report in the from attached Section 2. The Executive Director Of the Agency is hereby authorized and directed to transmit the Preliminary Report to each affected taxing entity. this Vote PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Cupertino Redevelopment Agency day of ,1999, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Members of the Redevelopment Agency APPROVED: Secretary Chairman, Redevelopment Agency RESOLUTION NO. RA-99-13 RESOLUTION OF THE CUPERTINO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY REFERRING THE PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE CUPERTINO VALLCO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO FOR REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION WHEREAS, the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.) provides in Section 33346 that, before a proposed redevelopment plan is submitted to the legislative body, the redevelopmerit agency shall submit the .proposed plan to the planning commission .for its report and recommendation; and WHEREAS, the Cupertino Redevelopment Agency has prepared a proposed Redevelopment Plan for the Cupertino Vallco Redevelopment Project; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CLrPER. TINO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY THAT the proposed Redevelopment Plan for the Cupertino Vallco Redevelopmerit Project, in the form attached hereto, i$ hereby referred to the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino for report and recommendation. this Vote PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Cupertino Redevelopmerit Agency day of ,1999, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Members of the Redevelopment Agency ATTEST: APPROVED: Secretary Chairman, Redevelopment .Agency~. RESOLUTION NO. RA-99-14 RESOLUTION OF THE CUPERTINO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ACCEPTING AND AUTHORIZING CIRCULATION OF THE DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ON THE PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE CUPERTINO VALLCO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, the Cupertino Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") has prepared and completed a Draft Environmental Impact Report (the "Draft EIR") on the proposed Redevelopment Plan for the Cupertino Vallco Redevelopment Project (the "Project") in accordance with the provisions of the California Environmental Qualit9 Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000 it seq.), the Guidelines for Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (14 Cal. Code Regs. Section 15000 et seq., hereafter the "State CEQA Guidelines") and the local procedures adopted by the Agency pursuant thereto; and WHEREAS, the Agency hereby finds that the Draft EIR is in sufficient detail to permit adequate evaluation and review of the environmental impacts of the proposed Project; and WHEREAS, notices were sent to responsible agencies, affected taxing entities, and other interested persons and organizations for the purpose of soliciting comments prior to final preparation of the Draft EIR; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CUPERTINO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY THAT: Sectiorfl. The Agency hereby finds that the Draft EIR on the proposed Redevelopment Plan is in sufficient detail to permit adequate evaluation and review of the environmental impacts of the proposed Project and is hereby accepted by the Agency as the Agency's Draft EIR for said Project. Section 2. The Executive Director, acting on behalf of the Agency, is hereby authorized and directed to: (a) File a Notice of Completion with the State Office of Planning and Research in accordance with Section 15085 of the State CEQA Guidelines;. (b) Send the Draft EIR to the State Clearinghouse for distribution to, and review and comment by, all state agencies having jurisdiction by law and/or special expertise with respect to the Project; (c) Provide for the distribution of said Draft EIR for comment from and consultation with public agencies which have jurisdiction by law with respect to the Project and to each affected taxing entity, as defined in Section 33353.2 of the California Community Redevelopment Law (Health and Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.); and (d) Publish a notice once in The Cupertino Courier, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Cupertino, and provide notice to organizations and individuals who have previously requested such notice, advising the public of the availability of copies of said Draft EIR for review and comment by the public. Copies of said Draft EIR shall be maintained for public inspection during the comment period at the office of the City Clerk at City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. Resolution No. RA-99-14 Page 2 this Vote PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Cupertino Redev¢lopment Agency day of ' ~;1999, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Members of the Redevelopment Agency APPROVED: Secretary Chairman, Redevelopment Agency VALLCO FASHION PARK REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PLAN ADOPTION SCHEDULE November 29, 1999 Document Draft Survey Area Designated Preliminary Plan 7/9 Redevelopment Plan 8/3 O.P. Rules 8/3 Preliminary Report 9/20 Draft EIR .10/27 Report to Council 2/7 'Final EIR 2/7 Initial Use Permit Receipt Initial Use Report Initial Use Permit Approv. al Staff FinaP Planning Comments Commission 7/12 7/15 8/17 8/24 8/17 8/24 11/1 11/8 11/12 11/24 2/14 2/21 2/14 2/21 7/19 1/24 2/28 Exhibit A Agency City Council 7/19 7/19 12/6 12/6 12/6 12/6 316 3/6 3/6 4/17 EIR NOP/Ini+jal Study 8/18 Draft EIR Received 12/6 Review Period (45 days) 12/8-1/24 Final EIR 2/21 Agency Approval 4/17-4/24 Community Consultations Mailing and Publishing of Meetings Community Information Meeting 10/13 10/27 Planning Commission Receipt of Plan & EIR 1/10 Report and Recommendations one Plan 2/14 (30 days) Receipt of Initial Use Permit .1/24 Report on Initial Use Permit 1/28 TAXING AGENCIES 33327 Notices Sent 7/23 Fiscal Officers Report (60 days) 9/20 Preliminary Report & EIR Transmitted 12/7 Consultations 12/7- 4117 Agency staff receives final document on this date Hearing Agency & Council Consent. 3/6 Notices Mailed (30 days before hearing) 3/16 Notices published (4 weeks before 3~20, 3/27, headng) 4/3, 4/10 Joint Public Headng 4/17 1~ Reading (if no wdtten objections) 4/17 1*~ Reading (with written objections ) 4/24' 2~ Reading (if no written objections) 4~24* 2"a Reading (with written objections) 511 * Special Meeting Agency & Council meets 1" & 3= Mondays Planning Commission meets 2'd & 4~ Mondays h ,r' . ¢ f~ [PROPOSED] RULES GOVERNING PARTICIPATION BY PROPERTY OWNERS AND THE EXTENSION OF REASONABLE REENTRY PREFERENCES ' - - TO BUSINESS OCCUPANTS IN THE CUPERTINO VALLCO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT Prepared by the Cupertino Redevelopment Agency CUP/OPR~ October 2,5, 1999 TABLE OF CONTENTS L L~OOI n. L~ool m. [§3ool Iv.[~oo1 v. ~.sOol vI.[g83o1 vII.[~7oo1 wn. x. PURPOSE AND INTENT DEFINITIONS ELIGIBILITY TYPES OF PARTICIPATION COI~,ORMING OWNERS ~ OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENTS CONTENTS OF OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENTS LIMITATIONS ON ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY BY THE-AGENCY REENTRY PREFERENCE TO BUSINESS OCCU'PANTS WITMN THE PROJECT AREA AMENDMENT OF RULES CUP/OPRules 10/25/99 RULES GOVERNING PARTICIPATION BY-PROPERTY OWNERS AND THE EXTENSION OF REASONABLE REENTRY PREFERENCES TO BUSINESS OCCUPANTS IN THE CUPERTINO VALLCO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT PURPOSE AND m ENT These rules are adopted pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law of the Sta~e of California (H~alth and Safety Code Se&cion 33000 et seq.) in order to implerrieht the p~ovisions of the Redevelopmerit ;Plan for the Cupertino Vailco Redevelopmerit Project regarding participation by property owners and the extension of reasonable reentry preferences to business occupants within the Project. These rules set forth the procedures governing such partidpation and preferences. It is the intention of the Agency to encourage and permit participation in the redevelopment of the Project Area by property owners and to extend' reasonable teentry preferences to business occupants of red property within the boundaries of the Project Area to the maximum extent consistent with the objectives of the Redevelopmerit Plan. n. [~.oo] DEFINITIONS As used herein, the following definitions apply: (1) "Agency" means the Cup ertino Redevelopmerit Agency. (2) "Business_Occupant" means any person, persons,. corporation, assodation, pax'htership,.or other entity engaged in business within the Project Area on or after the date of adoption of the Redeveloprnent Plan by the City CQuncil. (3) "City Council" means the City Council of the City of Cupertino, California. (4) "Owner" means any person, persons, corporation, association, part~'Lership, or other entity holding title of record to real property in the Project Area on or after the date of adoption of the Redevelopment Plan by the City Council. (5) "Owner Participation Agreement" means an agreement entered into by an Owner with the Agency in accordance with the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan and these rules. CUP/OPRuIes 10/25/99 (6) "Project Area" means the area described in the "Legal Description of the Project Area Boundaries" (Attachment No. 1 of the Redevelopmerit Plan) and shown on the "Project Area Map" (Attachment No. 2 of the Redevelopment Plan). (7) "Redevelopment Plan" means the Redevelopment Plan for the Cupertino Vallco Redevelopment Project as'adopted by the City Council by Ordinance No. on o 2000. m_ ~300] EUGmILITY_ Owners shaH' be eligible to participate in the redevelopment of property within Lhe Project ~rea in accordance with the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan, these rules, and the lirrdtations herein described. Participation opportunities are necessarily subject to and limited by factors such as the followin~ (1) The appropriateness of land uses proposed and consistency with the General Plan of the City of Cupertino and the Redevelopment Plan; (2) The construction, widening, or realignment of streets; (3) The ability of participants to finance redevelopment in accordance with the Redevelopmerit Plan and development criteria adopted by the Agency in implementation of the Redevelopment Plan; (4) The construction or expansion of public facilities; and (5) The fact that, other than public rights-of-way, the Project Area consists '- of a single retail shopp~g center that is intended to be redeveloped as a uniform and consistent whole The Agency presently contemplates that in carrying out the Redevelopment Plan, certain portions of the Project Area may be acquired by the Agency for public improvements, faeillties, or utilities. Therefore, owner participation opportunities will not be available for such properties. IV. L~100] TYPES OF PARTICIPATION Subject to these rules and the limitations in Section 300 and this Section 400, Owners shall be given a reasonable opportunity to participate in redevelopment by retaining their properties and redeveloping or improving such property for use in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan. CUP/OPRules 2 10/25/99 Each proposal for participation shah be reviewed by the Agency specifically with respect to the following: (1) Confofadty with the land use provisions of the Redevelopment Plan; (2) Compatibility with the standards, covenants, restrictions, conditions and controls of the Redevelopment Plan; and (3) The partidpant's ability to finance the redevelopmerit or improvement in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan. V. [gS00] ' CONi;ORMING OWNERS The Agency may, in its sole and absolute discretion, determine that certain real property within the Project Area presently meets the requirements of the Redevelopment Plan, and the Owners of such property will be pe~udtted-to remain as confozming Owners without an Owner Partidpation Agreement .. with the Agency, provided such Owners continue to operate, use, and maintain the real property within the requirements of the Redevelopment Plan. In the event that any of the confonxdng Owners desire to construct any additional improvements or substantially alter or modify existing structures on any of the real property described above as confo~ndng, then, in such event, such confom'~ing Owners may be required by the Agency to enter into an Owner Participation Agreement .with the Agency. VI. [,~:~] OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENTS Owners wishing_to participate in redevelopment within the Project Area may be required, as a condi_tion to participation, to enter into an Owner P~articipation Agreement with the Agency if the Agency determines it is necessary to h!3pose upon the property any of the standards, restrictions, and controls of the Redevelopment ' Plan. The Agreement may require the participant to join in the recordation of such documents as the. Agency may require in order to ensure the property will be developed and used in accordance with the Redevelopmerit Plan and the Owner Partidpation Agreement. VII. [~700] CONTENTS OF OWNER PARTICIPATION AGREEMENTS An Owner Partidpation Agreement shall obligate the Owner, his or her heirs, successors and assigns, and tenants to devote the property to the uses spedfled in the Redevelopment Plan, abide by all provisions and conditions of the Redevelopmerit Plan for the period of time that the Redevelopmerit Plan is in force and effect, and CUP/OPRules 3 10/25/99 comply with all the provisions of the Owner Participation Agreement according to their terms, duration, and effect. An Owner Participation Agreement may provide that if the Owner does not comply with the terms of the Agreement, the Agency, in addition to other remedies, may acquire such property or any interest therein by any lawful means, including eminent domain, for its fair market value as of .the date of the Owner Participation Agreement, and the Agency may thereafter dispose of the property or interest so acquired in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan. An Owner Participation Agreement shah contain such other te~ms and conditi6ns which,in.the discretion of the Agency, may be necessary to effectuate the purposes of the l~edevelopment Plan. ; VIII. IriS00]. LIMITATIONS ON ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY BY THE AGENCY The Agency shall not acquire real property to be retained and developed by an Owner pursuant to a fully executed Owner Participation Agreement if' the Owner fully perfo,ms under the Agreement. The Agency shall not acquire real property on which an existing building is to be continued' on its present site under the Redevelopment Plan and in its present form and use Without the consent of the Owner, unless: (1) Such building requires structural alteration, modernization, or rehabilitation; improvement, (2) The site or lot on which the building is situated requires modification . in size, shape, or use; or (3) It is necess..ary to impose upon such property any- of the. controls, limitations, restrictions, and requirements of the Redevelopment PIn, and the Owner fails or refuses to partialpate in redevelopment by executing an Owner Participation Agreement in accordance with the provisions of the Redevelopment Plan. [~900] REENTRY PREI=EKENCE TO BUSINESS OCCUPANTS W1THIN THE PROJECT AREA Business Occupants who desire to remain within the Project Area shah be extended a' reasonable preference to remain or reenter in business within the Project CUP/OPRules 4 10/25 / 99 Area if they otherwise meet the requirements prescribed in these rules and the Redevelopmerit Plan. X. [§1000] AMENDMENT OF RULES These rules may be modified or amended from time to time by the Agency at any regular or duly called special meeting, provided, however, that no such amendment shah retroactively impair the rights, of Owners who have executed Owner Participation Agreements with the Agency in reliance upon these rules as presently constituted. CUP/OPR~ 5 10/25/99 [PROPOSED] I~EDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE CUPERTINO VALLCO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT." Prepared by the CUPERTINO REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CUP/RedevelopmentPlan 11/29/99 TABLE OF CONTENTS [§1001 INTRODUCTION [§2001 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AREA [§300] PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT ACTIONS A. [§301] General B. [§302! Participation Opportunities; Extension of -' 5. - Preferences for Reentry Within Redeveloped Project Area 1. [~3031 Opportunities for Owners and Business Occupants 2. L~304] Rules for Participation Opportunities, Priorities, and Preferences 3. B305] Participation Agreements 4.- L~306] Conforming Owners C. [§307] Cooperation with Public Bodies D. [§308] Property Acquisition 1. [~309] Real Property 2. [~310] Personal Property E. [~311] Property Management F. [~312] Payments to Taxing Agencies G. B313] Relocation of Persons, Business Concerns, and Others Displaced by the Project 1. L~314] Assistance in Finding Other Locations 2. L~315] Relocation Payments CUP/Redevelopm~ntPlan 11/29/9~{)/7 H. [§316] I. [§319] 1. I- L~326] K. L 329] Iv. USES S. /g402] 1. CUP/RadavelopmentPL~n Demolition, Clearance, and Building and Site Preparation L~317] Demolition and Clearance [~318]. Preparation of Buildin.g Sites Property Disposition and Development [§320] Real Property Disposition and .Development a. [§321] General ~ b. [§322] Disposition .and Development Documents c. [§323] Development by the Agency d. [~324] Development Plans [~325] Personal Property Disposition Rehabilitation, Conservation, and Moving of Structures L~327] Rehabilitation and Conservation [~328] Moving of Structures Low- and Moderate-Income Housing PER/~LITTED IN THE PROJECT AREA Redevelopment Land Use Map Other Land Uses [~103] Public Rights-of-Way [~104] Other Public, Semi-Public, Institutional, and Nonprofit Uses L~05] Interim Uses ii 11/29/99 4. [~06] Nonconforming Uses C. [~07] General Controls and Limitations 1. [~38] Construction 2. [g409] Rehabilitation and Retention of Properties 3. [g410] L~imitation on ~e Nmber of .Buildings. ' 4. - ~11] Number of ~ell~g Unit~ 5. ~] L~tafion on T~e, S~e, ud Height of Build~gs 6. ~13] ~en Spaces, Ludscap~g, Light, ~r, ud Privacy 7. [~14] Si~s 8. ~15] Utilities 9. ~16] hcompafible Uses 10. ~1~ Nondiscrimination and Nonsegregation 11. ~18] Subdivision of Parcels 12. ~17] M~or Varia~o~ D. [~0] Desi~ for Development E. ~1] BulldOg Pemi~ ~] ~ODS OF ~C~G ~ PRO~CT A. ~1] G~er~ De~p~on of ~e Proposed F~anc~g Me~od B. ~] T~ hcrement F~ds ~3] ~er Lo~ ~d Gru~ CUP/RedevelopmentPlan 111 11/29/99 VI. VII. VIII. IX. [§600] ACTIONS BY THE CITY [§700] ENFORCEMENT [~800] DURATION OF THIS PLAN [fi900] PROCEDURE FOR AMENDMENT Attachm. ent No. 1 Attachment No. 2' Attachment No. 3 Attachment No. 4 Attachments Legal Description of the Proje..Ct Area Boundaries Project Area Map Redevelopmerit Land Use Map Proposed Public Imprgvements CU~/Rede~eJopmenb~hn iV 11/29/99 REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE CUPERTINO VALLCO REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT I. [~100] INTRODUCTION This is the Redevelopment Plan (the ~'Plan") for the Cupertino Vailco Redevelopment Project (the "Project") in the City of Cupertino (the '~City"), County of Santa Clara, State of California; it consists of the text, the Legal Description of the Project Area Boundaries (Attachment No. 1), the Project Area Map (Attachment No. 2), the Redevelopmerit Land Use Map (Attachment .No. 3), and the Proposed Public Improvements (.~tt~chment No. 4). This Plan was prepared by the Cupertino Redevelopment Agency (the "Agency") pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law of the State of California (Health and Safety Code Section 33000 et seq.), the California Constitution, and all applicable local laws and ordinances. The proposed redevelopment of the area within the boundaries dLthe Project (the "Project Area") as described in this Plan is consistent with the General Plan for the City of Cupertino (the "General Plan"). This Plan also acknowledges the existence of that certain Development Agreement dated August 15, 1991, adopted by the City Council of the City of Cupertino by Ordinance No. 1540 on July 15, 1991. Nothing in this Plan shall be construed to impair or alter any of the rights or obligations o[-the parties under said Development Agreement nor prevent the Agency [rom assisting in the implementation of said Development Agreement. This Plan is based upon a Preliminary Plan [oanulated and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City o[ Cupertino (the "Planning Commission") by Resolution No. 5054, on July 19, 1999. This Plan provides the Agency with powers, duties, and obligations to implement and [urther' the program generally formulated in this Plan for the redevelopment, r. ehabili~ation, and revitalization of the area within t~e Proiect Area. Because of the long-term nature of this Plan and the need to retain in the Agency flexibility to respond to market and economic conditions, property owner and developer interests, and opportunities from time to time presented for redevelopment, this Plan does not present a precise plan or establish specific projects for the redevelopment, rehabilitation, and revitalization of the Project Area. Instead, this Plan presents a process and a basic framework within which specific plans will be presented, specific proiects will be established, and specific solutions will be proposed and by which tools are provided to the Agency to fashion, develop, and proceed with such specific plans, projects, and solutions. The purposes of the Community Redevelopment Law will be attained through, and the maior goals of this Plan are: CUP/RedevelopmentPlan 11/29/99 The establishment, by effective use of the redevelopment process, of a planning and implementation framework that will ensure the proper, long-term redevelopmerit of the Project Area. The elimination and prevention of the spread of blight and deterioration, and the conservation and rehabilitation of the Project Area in accordance with the City's General Plan, specific plans, and local codes and ordinances. The replanning, redesign, and redevelopment of underdeveloped or . poorly developed areas that are underutilized or improperly utilized. The strengthening of the economic base of the Project Area by the redevelopment and rehabilitation of structures and ~he installation of needed site improvements. The promotion of new private sector investment withi.n Project Area to facilitate the revitalization of an important commercial center. The elimination or amelioration of certain environmental deficiencies, such as insufficient off- and on-street parking, and other public improvements, facilities and utilities deficiencies adversely affecting the Project Area. The creation and development of local job opportunities and the preservation of the existing employment base. The provision, by rehabilitation or new construction, of improved housing for individuals and/or families of low or moderate income within the City limits. ~,'. The provision of assistance to existing building owners ~n financing renovations needed to bring their buildings up to current codes and standards. n. [~.00] DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AREA The boundaries of the Project Area are described in the "Legal Description of the Project Area Boundaries," attached hereto as Attachment No. 1 and incorporated heroin by reference, and are shown on the "Project Area Map," attached hereto as Attachment No. 2 and incorporated heroin by reference. CUP/Redeveloprn~ntPlan 11/29/~9 III. [§300] PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT ACTIONS A, [§801] General " The Agency proposes to eliminate and prevent the spread of blight and deterioration in the Project Area by: Permitting participation in the redevelopment process by owners of properties located in the Project Area consistent with this Plan and rules adopted by the Agency; 2. , Tb.e acqctlsition o~ real property; The management of property under the ownership and control of the Agency; Providing relocation assistance to displaced persons and business concents; ::: :' : The demolition or removal of certain buildings and improvements; Providing for participation by owners presently located in the Project Area and the extension of preferences to business occupants desiring to remain or reenter into business within the redeveloped Project Area; The installation, construction, or reconstruction of streets, utilities, and other public improvements; The disposition of property for uses in accordance with this Plan; The redevelopmerit of land by private enterprise or public agencies for uses in accordance with this Plan; 10. The rehabilitation of structures and improvements by present owners, their successors, and the Agency; and 11. Providing for the retention of controls and the establishment of restrictions or covenants running with the land so that property will continue to be used in accordance with this Plan. CU~/RedevelopmentPlan 11/29/99 In the accomplishment of these purposes and activities and in the implementation and furtherance of this P. lan, the Agency is authorized to use all the powers provided in this Plan and all the powers now or hereafter permitted by law. [§302] Participation Opportunities; Extension of Preferences for Keentry Within Redeveloped Project Area 1. [§303] Opportunities for Owners and Business Occupants In accordance with this Plan and the rules for participation adopted by the Agency pursuant to this Plan and the Community Redevelopment Law, pe. rsons whq are owners of real property in ~ Project Area shall be given a reasonable oppommity. to participate in the redeVelopmerit of the Project Area consistent with the objectives of this Plan. The Agency shall extend' reasonable preferences to persons who are engaged in business in the Project Area to remain or reenter into business within the redeveloped Project Area if they otherwise meet the ~q.hirements prescribed in this Plan and the rules adopted by the Agency. L~304] Rules for Participation Opportunities, Priorities. and Preferences In order to provide opportunities to owners to participate in the redevelopment of the Project Area and to extend reasonable preferences to businesses to reenter into business within the redeveloped Project Area, the Agency shall promulgate rules for participation by owners and the extension of preferences to business tenants for reentry within the redeveloped Project Area. 3. [g305] Participation Agreements The-Agency may require that, as a condition to participation in redevelopment, each ~articipant shall enter into a binding agr~emen~with the Agency by which the participant agrees to rehabilitate, develop, and use and maintain the property in confonnance with this Plan and to be subject to the provisions hereof. In such agreements, participants may be required to join in the recordation of such documents as may be necessary to ensure the property will be developed and used in accordance with this Plan and the participation agreement. Whether or not a partialpant enters into a participation agreement with the Agency, the provisions of this Plan are applicable to all public and private property in the Project Area. In'the event a participant fails or refuses to rehabilitate, develop, and use and maintain its real property pursuant to this Plan and a participation CUP/RedevelopmentPlan 4 11/29/99 agreement, the real property or any interest therein may be acquired by the Agency and sold or leased for rehabilitation or development in accordance with this Plan. 4. [~3061 Conforming Owners The ./~gency may, at its sole and absolute discretion, determine that certain real property within the Project Area presently meets the requirements of this Plan, and the owner of such property will be pe~'nxitted to remain as a conforming owner without a participation agreement with the Agency provided such owner continues to operate, use, and maintain the real property within the requirements of this Plan. However, a conforming owner shall be required by the, Agency 1o enter irtto'a participation agreement with,- the Agency in the event that such owner desires t6 construct any additional improvements or substantially alter or modify existing structures on any of the' real property described above as conforming. C. [§307] Cooperation with Public Bodies Certain public bodies are authorized by state law to aid and' cooperate, with or without consideration, in the planning, undertaking, construction, or operation of this Project. The Agency shall seek the aid and cooperation of such public bodies and shall attempt to coordinate this Plan with the activities of such public bodies in order to accomplish the purposes of redevelopment and the highest public good. The Agency, by law, is not atithorized to acquire real property owned by public bodies without the consent of such public bodies. The Agency, however, will seek the cooperation of all public bodies which own or intend to acquire property in the Project Area. Any public body which owns or leases property in the Project Area will be afforded' all the privileges of owner and tenant participation if such public body is willing to enter into a participation agreement with the Agency. All plans for development of prop~.erty in the Project Area by a public body shall be~Subject to Agency approval.. The Agency may impose on all public bodies the planning and design controls contained in this Plan to insure that present uses and any future development by public bodies will confo~a'~ to the requirements of this Plan. To the extent now or hereafter permitted by law, the Agency is authorized to financially (and otherwise) assist any public entity in the cost of public land, buildings, facilities, structures, or other improvements (within or without the Project Area), which land, buildings, facilities, structures, or other improvements are or would be of benefit to the Project. CUP/RedevelopmentPlan 11/29/99 D. [§308] Property Acquisition 1. [§309] Real Property . Except as specifically exempted herein, the Agency may acquire, but is not required to acquire, any real property located in the Project Area by any means authorized by law. It is in the public interest and is necessary in order to eliminate the conditions requiring redevelopment and in order to execute this Plan for the power of eminent domain t6 be employed by the Agency to acquire real property in the Project Area whiCh cannDt be acquired by gift, devise, exChange, purchase, or any other lawful method. Eminent domain proceedings, if used, must be Commenced within twelve (12) years from the date of adoption of this Plan. The Agency shall not acquire real property to be retained by an owner pursuant to a participation agreement if the owner fully perfov~..s .Under the agreement. The Agency is authorized to acquire structures without a.cq.uiring the land upon which those structures are located. The Agency is authorized to acquire either the entire fee or any other interest in real property less than a fee. The Agency shall not acquire real property on which an existing building is to be continued on its present site and in its present form and use without the consent of the owner unless: (a) suCh building requires structural alteration, improvement, modernization, or rehabilitation; Co) the site, or lot on which the building is situated, requires modification in size, shape, or use; or (c) it is necessary to impose upon such property any of the controls, limitations, restrictions, and requirements of this Plan and the owner fails or refuses to execute a participation agreement in accordance with the provisions of this Plan. The Agency is not authorized to acquire real property owned by public bodies whiCh do hot consent to suCh acquisition. The Agency is authorized, however, to acquire lYublic property transferred to private o.wnersl~ip before redevelopmerit of the Project Area is completed, unless the Agency and [l'~e private owner enter into a participation agreement and the owner completes his responsibilities under the participation agreement. 2. L~10] Personal Property Generally, personal property shall not be acquired. However, where necessary in the execution of this Plan, the Agency is authorized to acquire personal property in the Project Area by any lawful means, including eminent domain. CUP/RedeveloprnentPlan 11/29/99 E. [§311] Property Management During such time as property, if any, in the Project Area is owned by the Agency, such property shall be under the management and control of the Agency. Such property may be rented or leased by the Agency pending its disposition for redevelopment, and such rental or lease shall be pursuant to such policies as the Agency may adopt. F. [§312] PaFnents to Taxing Agencies Pursuant to Section 33607.5 of the Community Redevelopment Law, the Agency is requfir. ed to and shall make payments to affected taxing entities to alleviatre'the financial burden and detriment that ~he affected taxing entities may incur as a result of the adoption of this Plan. The payments made by the Agency shall be calculated and paid in accordance with the requirements of Section 33607.5. In any year during which it owns property in the Project.Area, the Agency is authorized/but not required, to pay directly to any city, county, city and county, district, including, but not limited to, a school district, or Other public corporation for whose benefit a tax would have been levied upon such property had it not been exempt,. an amount of money in lieu of taxes. [fi.313] Relocation of Persons. Business Concerns, and Others Displaced by the Projec~ 1. [g314] Assistance in Finding Other Locations The Agency shall assist all persons, business concerns, and others displaced by the Project in finding other locations and facilities. In order to carry out the Project with a minimum of hardship to persons, business concerns, and others, if any, disp.laced by the Project, the Agency shall assist such persons, business concerns and_others in findIng new locations that .are w~thin their respective financial means, in reasonably convenient locations, and. otherwise suitable to their respective needs. 2. [~315] Relocation Payaients The Agency shall make relocation payments to persons, business concerns, and others displaced by the Project for moving expenses and direct losses of personal property and additional relocation payments as may be required by law. 'Such relocation payments shall be made pursuant to the California Relocation Assistance Law (Government Code Section 7260 et seq.) and Agency rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. The Agency may make such other payments as may be appropriate and for which funds are available. CUP/RedevelopmentPlan 7 11/29/99 H. [§316] Demolition. Clearance. and Building and Site Preparation 1. [§317] Demolition and Clearance The Agency is authorized to demolish and clear buildingst structures, and other improvements from any real property in the Project Area as necessary to carry out the purposes' of this Plan. 2. [§318] Preparation of Building Sites The Agency is authorized to prepare, or cause to be prepared, as building sites any real property in the Project Ar~ea owned by the Agency. In connection there~,vfth, the Agency may cause, provide for, or undertake the installation or construction of streets, utilitieS, parks, playgrounds, and other public improvements necessary to carry out this Plan. The Agency is also authorized to construct foundations, platforms, and other structural foL'a~s necessary for the provision or utilization of air rights sites for buildings to be used for residential, commercial, industrial, public, and other uses provided for in this Plan._':. 7.' Prior consent of the City Council is required for the Agency to develop sites for commercial or industrial use by providing streets, sidewalks, utilities, or other improvements which an owner or operator of the site would otherwise be obliged to provide. I. [§319] Property Disposition and Development 1. [~320] Real Property Disposition and Development a. [g321] General For the purposes of this Plan, the Agency iS authorized to sell, lease, exchange, sctbdivide, transfer, assign, pledge, encumber by mortgage or deed of trust, or other~/ise dispose of any interest in real proper~. To' the extent penx~itted by law, the Agency is authorized to dispose of real property b~'negotiated lease, sale, or transfer without public bidding. P~:operty acquired by the Agency for rehabilitation and resale shall be offered for resale within one (1) year after completion of rehabilitation or an annual report concertdug such property shah be published by the Agency as required by law. Real property acquired by the Agency may be conveyed by the Agency without charge to the City and, where beneficial to the Project Area, without charge to any public body. All real property acquired by the Agency in the Project Area shall be sold or leased to public or private persons or entities for development for the uses pe~'L~itted in this Plan. CUP/RedevelopmentPlan 11/29/99 All purchasers or lessees of property acquired from the Agency shall be obligated to use the property for the purposes designated in this Plan, to begin and complete development of the property within a period of time which the Agency fixes as reasonable, and to comply with other conditions which the Agency deems necessary to carry out the purposes of this Plan. b. L~322] Disposition and Development Documents To provide adequate safeguards to ensure that the provisions of this Plan will be carried out and to prevent the recurrence of blight, all real property sold, leased, or conveyed by the Agency, as well as all property subject to participation agreaments; is subject to the provisions of this Plan. The Agency shall reserve such powers and controls in the disposition and development documents ~ may be necessary to prevent transfer, retention, or use of property for speculative purposes and to ensure that development is carried out pursuant to this Plan Leases, deeds, contracts, agreements, and declarations of restrictions of the Agency may contain restrictions, covenants, covenants running with the land, fights of reverter, conditions subsequent, equitable servitudes, or any other provisions necessary to carry out this Plan. Where appropriate, as determined by the Agency, such documents, or portions thereof, shah be recorded in the office of the Recorder of Santa Clara County. · All property in the Project Area is hereby subject to the restriction that there shall be no discrimination or segregation based upon race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, or ancestry in the sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure, or enjoyment of property in the Project Area. All property sold, leased, conveyed, or subject to a participation agreement shall be expre_.ssly subject by appropriate documents to the restriction that all deeds, leases, or contracts for the sale, lease, sublease, or other tr. ansfer.c~f land in the Project Area shah cantain such nondiscrimination and nonsegregatL_on clauses as required by law. c L~323] Development by the Agency To the extent now or hereafter permitted by law, the Agency is authorized to pay for, develop, or construct any publicly-owned building, facility, structure, or other improvement either within or without the Project Area, for itself or for any public body or entity, which buildings, facilities, structures, or other improvements are or would be of benefit to the Project Area. Specifically, the Agency may pay for, install, or construct the buildings, facilities, structures, and other improvements identified in Attachment No. 4, attached hereto and CUP/RedevelopmentPlan 11/29/99 incorporated herein by reference, and may acquire or pay for the land required therefor. In addition to the public improvements authorized under Section 318 and the specific publicly-owned improvements identified in Attachment No. 4 of this Plan, the Agency is authorized to install and construct, or to cause to be Stalled and constructed, within or without the Project Area, for itself or for any public body or entity for the benefit of the Project Area, public improvements and public utilities, including, but not limited to, the following: (1) over- and underpasses; (2) sewers; (3) natural gas distribution systems; (4) water distribution systems; (5) parks, plazas, and pedestrian paths; (6) playgrounds; (7) parking facilities; (8) landscaped areas; and (9) street improvements. , . . ; The Agency may enter into contracts, leases, and agreements with the City or other public body or entity pursuant to this Section 323, and the obligation of the Agency under such contract, lease, or agreement shall constitute an indebtedness of the Agency which may be made payab!.e 9ut of the taxes levied in the Project Area and allocated to the Agency under subdivision (b) of Section 33670 of the Community Redevelopmerit Law and Section 502 of this Plan or out of any other available funds. d. [~324] Development Plans All development plans (whether public or private) shall be submitted to the Agency for approval. All development in the Project Area must conforn~ to City design review standards. 2. [~3251 Personal Property Disposition For the purposes of this Plan, the Agency is authorized to lease, - sell, exchange, transfer, assign, pledge, encumber, or otherwise disp6se of personal property which is acquitted by the Agency. J. L~326] Rehabilitation. Conservation. and Moving of ~tructu;es 1. [~327] Rehabilitation and Conservation The Agency is authorized to rehabilitate and conserve, or to cause to be rehabilitated and conserved, any building or structure in the Project Area owned by the Agency. The Agency is also authorized and directed to advise, encourage, and assist in the rehabilitation and conservation of property in the Project Area not owned by the Agency. The Agency is also authorized to acquire, restore, rehabilitate, move, and conserve bnildings .of historic or architectural significance~ CUP/RedevelopmentPlan 11/29/99 2. [§328] Moving of Structures As necessary in carrying out this Plan, the Agency is authorized to move, or to cause to be moved, any standard structure or building or any structure or building which can be rehabilitated to a location within or outside the Project Area. K. [§329] Low- and Moderate-Income Housing Pursuant to Section 33334.2 of the Community Redevelopment Law, not less than twenty percent (20%) 0f all taxes which are allocated to the Agency pursuant-to Section 33670 of the Community Redevelopment Law and Section 502 of this Plan shall be hsed by the Agency for the purposes of increasing, improving, and preserving the City's supply of housing for persons and families of very low,' low, or moderate income unless certain f'.mdings are made as required by that section to lessen or exempt such requirement. In carrying out this purpose, the Agency may exercise any or all of its powers The funds for this purpose shall be held in a separate' Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund until used. Any interest earned by such Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund shall accrue to the Fund. IV. [,,~t~] USES PERMITTED IN THE PROJECT AREA A. [~.01] Redevelopment Land Use Map The "Redevelopment Land Use Map," attached hereto as Attachment No. 3 and incorporated heroin by reference, illustrates the location of the Project Area boundaries, major streets within the Project Area, and the land uses authorized within the Project by the City's current General Plan. The City will from time to time update and revise the General Plan. It is the intention of this Redevelopment Plan t. fiat the land uses to be permitted within lLhe PrOject Area shall be as provided witl~n the City's General Plan, as it currently exists ok. as it may from time to time be amended, and as implemented and applied by City ordinances, resolutions and other laws. B. [g402] Other Land Uses 1. [fi4133] Public Rights-of-Wa, y As illustrated on the Redevelopment Land Use Map (Attachment No. 3), the major public streets within the Project Area include Stevens Creek Boulevard, Wolfe Road and Vailco Parkway. Additional public streets, alleys, and easements may be created in the Project Area as needed for proper development. Existing streets, alleys, and CUP/RedevelopmentPlan 11 ~ j911~/2~/99' easements may be abandoned, closed, or modified as 'necessary for proper development of the Project. Any changes in the existing interior or exterior street layout shall be in accordance with the General Plan, the objectives of this Plan, and the City's design standards, shall be effectuated in the manner prescribed by state and local law, and shah be guided by the following criteria: The requirements imposed by such factors as topography, traffic safety and aesthetics; and The potential need to serve not only the Project Area and new or existing developments but to also serve areas outside the Project by providing convenient and efficient vehicular access and movement. The public rights-of-way may be used for vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic, as well as for public improvements, public and private utilities, and activities typically found in public rights-of-way. [g404] Other Public, Semi-Public. Institutional. and Nonprofit Use~ In any area shown on the Redevelopment Land Use Map (Attachment No. 3), the Agency is authorized to penxxit the maintenance, establishment, or enlargement of public, semi-public, institutional, or nonprofit uses, including park and recreational facilities, libraries, educational, fraternal, employee, philanthropic, religious and charitable institutions, utilities, railroad rights-obway, and facilities of other similar associations or organizations. All such uses shall, to the extent.possible, conform to the provisions of this Plan applicable to the uses in the specifi..c area involved. The Agency may impose such other reasonable requirements and/or restrictions as may be necessary to protect the development and use of the Project Area. 3. [.~DS] Interim Uses Pending the ultimate development of land by developers and participants, the Agency is authorized to use or permit the use of any land in the Project Area for interim uses that are not in confo~ndty with the uses permitted in this Plan. 4. [g406] Nonconfonxdng Uses The Agency may permit an existing use to remain in an existing building in good condition which use does not conform to the provisions of this CUP/RedevelopmentPlan 12 11 / 29 ~99'~ Plan, provided that such use is generally compatible with existing and proposed developments and uses in the ProjeCt Area. The owner of such a property must be willing to enter into a participation agreement and agree to the imposition of such reasonable restrictions as may be necessary to protect the development and use of the Project Area. The Agency may authorize additions, alterations, repairs, or other improvements in the Project Area for uses which do not conforxn to the provisions of this Plan where such improvements are within a portion of the Project where, in the determination of the Agency, such improvements would be compatible with sur.roundi~.g Project uses and development. C-.- [g407~ General Controls and Limitations All real property in the Project Area 'is made subject to the controls and requirements of this Plan. No real property shah be developed, rehabilitated, or otherwise changed after the date of the adoption of this Plan, except in conformance with the provisions of this Plan .... .. 1. [~108] Construction All construction in the Project Area shah comply with all applicable state and local laws and codes in effect from time to time. In addition to applicable codas, ordinances, or other requirements governing development in the Project Area, additional specific perfo~,xtance and development standards may be adopted by the Agency to control and direct redevelopmerit activities in the Project Area. 2. L~,09] Rehabilitation and Retention of Properties Any~existing structure within the Project Area approved by the Agency for retention and rehabilitation shall be repaired, altered, .reconstructed, or rehabilitated in such a r/iarmer that it will be safe and sound in all physical respects and be attractive in appearance and not detrimental to the surrounding uses. 3. [g410] Limitation on the Number of Buildings The number of buildings in the Project Area shah not exceed the number of buildings pezudtted under the General Plan. 4. [g411] Number of Dwelling Units At the time of adoption of this Plan, there are no dwelling units within the Project Area. The number of dwelling units permitted in the Project 11/29/99 Area shall not exceed the number of dwelling units permitted under the General Plan. 5. [~412] Limitation on Type, Size. and Height of Buildings Except as set forth in other sections of this Plan, the type, size, and height of buildings shall be as limited by applicable federal, state, and local statutes, ordinances, and regulations. 6. [~413] Open Spaces. Landscaping, Light. Air. and Privacy - - - The approximate amount of open space to be provided in the Project-Area iS the tbtal of all areas which will be ;in the public rights-of-way, the public ground, the space around buildings, and all other outdoor areas not permitted to be covered by buildings. Landscaping shah be provided to enhance open spaces in the Project Area and create a high-quality aesthetic environment. Landscaping may include, in addition to trees, shrubs and other .l~v.'mg plant materials, such materials as paving, landscape containers, plaza furniture, and landscape and pedestrian lighting. Sufficient space shall be maintained between buildings in all areas to provide adequate light, air, and privacy. 7: All signs shall conform to City sign ordinances and other requirements as they now exist or are hereafter amended. Design of all proposed new signs shall be submitted to the Agency and/or the City prior to installation for review and approval pursuant to the procedures of this Plan. 8. [g415] Utilities . The ~.gency shall require that all utilities be placed ur~derground whenever physically and economically feasible. 9. L~416] Incompatible Uses No use or structure which by reason of appearance, traffic, smoke, glare, noise, odor, or similar factors, as determined by the Agency, would be incompatible with the surrounding areas or structures shall be permitted in any part of the Project Area. 10. [~417] Nondiscrimination and Nonsegregation There shall be no discrimination or segregation based upon race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, or ancestry permitted in the CUP/RecleveloprnentPlan 14 11/29/99 sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, tenure, or enjoyment of property in the Project Area. ~ 11. [~418] Subdivision of Parcels No parcel in the Project Area, including any parcel retained by a participant, shall be subdivided without the approval of the Agency. 12. [~419] Minor Variations Under. exceptional circumstances, the Agency is authorized to permit ~i variation'from the limits, restrictions, and controls established by this Plan. In order to pe~xidt-sL/ch variation, the Agency must determine that: The application of. certain provisions of this Plan would result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships inconsistent with the general purpose and intent of this Plan; ..... There are exceptional circumstances or conditions applicable to the property or to the intended development of the property which do not apply generally to other properties having the same standards, restrictions, and controls; Permitting a variation will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in the area; and d. Pe~itting a variation will not be contrary to the _ objectives of this Plan or of the General Plan. - No v~riation shall be granted which changes a basic l_and use or which peKmits other than a minor departure from the provisions of this Plan. In permitting any such variation, the Agency shall impose such conditions as are necessary to protect the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and to assure compliance with the purposes of this Plan. Any variation pe~u,itted by the Agency hereunder shall not supersede any other approval required under applicable City codes and ordinances. D. [2~20] DesiJ~rt for Development Within the limits, restrictions, and controls established in this Plan, the Agency is authorized to establish heights of buildings, land coverage, setback requirements, design criteria, traffic circulation, traffic access, and other CUP/RedevelopmentPlan 11/29/99 development and design controls necessary for proper development of both private and public areas within the Project Area.' No new improvement shall be constructed, and no existing improvement shall be substantially modified, altered, repaired, or rehabilitated, except in accordance with this Plan and any such controls and, in the case of property which is the subject of a disposition and development or participation agreement with the Agency and any other property, in the discretion of the Agency, in accordance with architectural, landscape, and site plans submitted to and approved in writing by the Agency. One of the objectives of this Plan is to create an attractive and pleasant environment in the Project Area. Therefore, such plans shall give confiderayon to g'ood design, open space, and other amenities to enhance the aesthetic quality of the Project Area. The Agency shall not approve any plans that do not comply with this Plan. E. [g421] Building Permits No pe,,~dt shall be issued for the construction of any ne,,~:bn. ilding or for any construction on an existing building in the Project Area from 'the date of adoption of this Plan until the application for such permit has been approved by the Agency as consistent with this Plan and processed in a manner consistent with all City requirements. An application shall be deemed consistent with this Plan if it is consistent with the General Plan, applicable zoning ordinances and any adopted design for de,~elopment. The Agency is authorized to establish permit procedures and approvals in addition to those set forth above where required for the purposes of this Plan. Where such additional procedures and approvals are established, a building permit shall be issued only after the applicant for same has been granted all approvals required by the City and the Agency at the time of application. [§5001 METHODgZ. OF FINANCING THE PROJECT A. [§501] General Description of the Proposed Financing Method' The Agency is authorized to finance this Project with financial assistance from the City, the State of California, the federal government, tax increment funds, interest income, Agency bonds, donations, loans from private financial institutions, the lease or sale of Agency-owned property, or any other available source, public or private. The Agency is also authorized to obtain advances, borrow fun&, and create indebtedness in carrying out this Plan. The principal and interest on such advances, funds, and indebtedness may be paid from tax increments or any other funds available to the Agency. Advances and loans for survey and planning and for the operating capital for nominal administration of this Project may be provided by CtrP/Redevetopmena'hn. 16 11 / 29 ~ the City until adequate tax increment or other funds are available, or sufficiently assured, to repay the advances and loans .and to pe~a~it borrowing adequate working capital from sources other than the City. The City, as it is able, may also supply additional assistance through City loans and grants for various public facilities. The City or any other public agency may expend money to assist the Agency in carrying out this Project. As available, gas tax funds from the state and county may be used for street improvements and public transit facilities. B. [§502] Tax Incr. ement Funds - - All ~tax6s levie~l upon taxable property within the Project Area each year, by-or for 'the-b~nefit of the State of California, ,,he County of Santa Clara, the City, any district, or any other public corporation (hereinafter sometimes called "taxing agencies"), after the effective date of ~e ordinance approving this Plan shall be divided as follows: That portion of the taxes which would be produced by-the rate upon which the tax is levied each year by or for 'each of said taxing agencies upon the total sum of the assessed value of the taxable property in the Project as shown upon the assessment roll used in connection with the taxation of such property by such taxing agency, last equalized prior to the effective date of such ordinance, shah be allocated to and when collected shall be paid into the funds of the respective taxing agencies as taxes by or for said taxing agencies on all other property are paid (for the purpose of allocating taxes levied by or for any taxing agency or agencies which did not include the territory of the Project on the effective date of such ordinance but to which such territory is annexed or otherwise included after such effeE~ve date, the assessment roll of the County of S~nta Clar~ last equalized on the effective date of __said ordinance, shall be used in dete~'a~ining the assessed valuation of the taxable property in the Project on said effective date). CUP/Redevelopment. Phn Except as provided in subdivision 3, below, that portion of said levied taxes each year in excess of such amount shall be allocated to and when collected shall be paid into a special fund of the Agency to pay the principal of and interest on loans, moneys advanced to, or indebtedness (whether funded, refunded, assumed, or otherwise) incurred by the Agency to finance or refinance, in whole or in part, this Project. Unless and until the total assessed valuation of the taxable property in the Project exceeds the' 11129199 total assessed value of the taxable property in the Project as shown by the last equalized assessment roll referred to in subdivision 1 hereof, all of the taxes levied and collected upon the taxable property in the Project shall be paid .into the funds of the respective taxing agencies. When said loans, advances, and indebtedness, if any, and interest thereon, have been paid, all moneys thereafter received from taxes upon the taxable property in the Project shall be paid into the funds of the respective taxing agencies _as taxes on all other property are paid. That portion of the taxes in~ excess of the amount iaentified in subdivision 1, above, which are attributable to a tax rate levied by a taxing agency which was approved by the voters of the taxing agency on or after January 1, 1989, for the purpose of producing revenues in an amount sufficient to make annual repayments of the principal.. of, and the interest on, any bonded indebtedness for..the acquisition or improvement of real property shall be allocated to, and when collected shall be paid into, the fund of that taxing agency. The portion of taxes mentioned in subdivision 2, above, are hereby irrevocably plei:lged for the payment of the principal of and interest on the advance of moneys, or making of loans or the incurring of any indebtedness (whether funded, refunded, assumed, or otherwise) by the Agency to finance or refinance the Project, in whole or in part. The Agency is authorized to make such pledges as to specific advances, loam, and indebtedness as appropriate in carrying out the Project. The Agency is authorized to issue bonds from time to time, if it deems ' appropriate to do so, in order to finance all or any part of the Project. Neither the members of the Agency~.nor any persons executing the bonds are liable pe~sonally on the bonds by reason of their issuance. ~. The bonds and other obligations of the Agency are not a debt of the City or the state, nor are any of its political subdivisions liable for them, nor in any event shall the bonds or obligations be payable out of any funds or properties other than those of the Agency, and such bonds and other obligations shall so state on their face. The bonds do not constitute an indebtedness within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory debt limitation or restriction. The amount of bonded indebtedness to be repaid in whole or in part from the allocation of taxes described in subdivision 2 above which can be outstanding at any one time shall not exceed FORTY-TWO MILLION SIX HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($42,610,000.00). CUP/RedevelopmentPlan 18 11/29/99 The Agency shall not establish or incur loans, advances, or indebtedness tO fLnance in whole or in,-Inrt the Proiect beyond twenty (20) years from the date of adoption of this Plan.' Loans, advances, or indebtedness may be repaid over a period of time beyond said time 1Lmit. This time limit shall not prevent ~he Agency from incurring debt to be paid from the Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund. Further, this time limit shall not prevent the Agency from refinancing, refunding, or restruc[-uring indebtedness after the time limit if the indebtedness is not increased and the time during which the indebtedness is to be repaid is not extended beyond the time limit for repaying indebtedness set forth immediately below in this Section 502. - - The Agency Shall not receive, and shall not repay loam, advances, or other indebtedness to be paid with the proceeds of property taxes from the Proiect Area pursuant to Section 33670 of the Community Redevelopment Law and this Section 502 beyond forty-five (45) years from the date of adoption of this Plan. C. '~503] Other Loans and Grants Any other loans, pants, guarantees, or financial assistance from the United States, the State of California, or any other public or private source will be utilized if available. VI. [~:~01 ACTIONS BY THE CITY The City shall aid and cooperate with the Agency in carrying out this Plan and shall take all actions necessary to ensure the continued fulfillment of the purposes of this Plan and to prevent the recurrence or spread in the area of conditions causing blight. Actions by the City shall include, but not be limited to, the following: Institution and completion of proceedings for opening,. closing, vacating, widening, or changing the grades of streets, alleys, and other publiE rights-of-way and for other necessary modifications of the streets, the street layout, and other public righ~-of-w~.y in the Project Area. Such action by the City shall include the requirement of abandonment, removal, and relocation by the public uMli~/companies of their operations of public rights-of- way as appropriate to carry out this Plan provided that nothing in this Plan shah be construed to require the cost of such abandonment, removal, and relocation to be borne by others than those legally required to bear such cost. Provision of advances, loans, or grants to the Agency or the expenditure of funds for projects implementing this Plan as deemed appropriate by the City and to the extent funds are available therefor. ,~ CUP / Redev eloprnentPlan 19 11/29/99 C, Institution and completion of proceedings necessary for changes and improvements in private and publicly owned public utilities within or affecting the Proiect Area. Revision of zoning (if necessary) within the Project Area to permit the land uses and development authorized by this Plan. Imposition wherever necessary (by conditional use permits or other means) of approptiate controls within the limits of this Plan upon par_cels in the Project Area to ensure their proper development and use. Provisibn for administrative enforcement of this Plan bY the City after development. The City and the Agency shall develop and provide for enforcement of a program for continued maintenance by owners of all real property, both public and private, within the Project Area throughout the duration of this Plan. . .... G. Preservation of historical sites. Performance of the above actions and of all other functions and services relating to public peace, health, safety, and physical development non~ally rendered in accordance with a schedule which will permit the redevelopmerit of the Project Area to be commenced and carried to completion without unnecessary delays. The undertaking and completing of any other proceedings necessary to carry out the Project. The foregoing actions to be taken by the City do not involve or constitute any commitment for .finanCial outlays by the City unless specifica~y agr~d to and authorized by the City. VII. [~700] ENFORCEMENT The administration and enforcement of this Plan, including the preparation and execution of any documents implementing this Plan, shall be performed by the Agency and/or the City. The provisions of this Plan or other documents entered into pursuant to this Plan may also be enforced by court litigation instituted by either the Agency or the City. Such remedies may include, but are not limited to, specific perfo,mance, damages, reentry, injunctions, or any other remedies approptiate to the purposes of CUP/RedevelopmentPlan 20 11/29/99 this Plan. In addition, any recorded provisions which are expressly for the benefit of owners of property in the Project Area ma.y be enforced by such owners. VIII. [§800] DURATION OF THIS PLAN Except for the nondiscrimination and nonsegregation provisions which shall run in perpetuity, the provisions of this Plan shah be effective, and the provisions of other documents formulated pursuant to this Plan may be made effective, for thirty (30) years from the date of adoption of this Plan by the City Council; provided, however, that subject to the limitations set forth in Section 502 of this Plan, the Agency may issue bonds and incur obligations pursuant to this Plan which extend beyond the termination dat~, and in such event, this Plan shah continue in effect to the extent necessaiy fo pefn~it the full repayment of ~uch bonds or other obligations. After the termination of this Plan, the Agency shall have no authority to act pursuant to this Plan except to pay previously incurred indebtedness and to enforce existing covenants or contracts. IX. [~900] PROCEDURE FOR AMENDMENT This Plan may be amended by means of the procedure established in Sections 33354.6 and/or 33450 et seq. of the Community Redevelopment Law or by any other procedure hereafter established by law. 21 11/29/99 ATTACHMENT 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION CuPerdnoNallco Bedev~iopment Project Legal Description ALL THAT CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY SITUATE IN THE CITY OF CUPERT1NO, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA AND STATE OF CALIFORNIA DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSE. CT1ON O.F' THE I~_ONUI~ENT LINE OF STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD, WITH THE MONUMENT LINE OF ~/VOF, FE. ROAD AS SHOWN ON THAT CERTAIN pARCEL MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 325 OF MAPS AT'PAGE 12, S;~'A CLARA COUNTY RECORDS. ' THENCE ALONG THE MONUMENT LINE OF S l ~-VENS CREEK BOULEVARD NORTH 89 °36'00" EAST, 53.96 FEET TO THE SOLITFHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF WOLFE ROAD; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION SOUTH 01°05'14" EAST, 75.01--FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY UNE OF STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD (120 ~ WIDE) A~D THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF ST'EVENS C~ BOULEVAP, D SOUTH 80 ° 36.'q0- WEST, 961.68 FEET; (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (lo) (l~) THENCE NORTH 00°42'30" WEST, 1384.97 FEET ALONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF TRACT NO. 2086 AND ITS SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION AS SAID EASTERLY'LINE IS SHOWN IN BOOK 112 OF MAPS AT PAGE 40, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS; .. THENCE NORTH 89°13'29" EAST, 298.99 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE EA~-RLY UNE OF TRACT NO. 2086, NORTH 00°04'30" WEST, 1207.04 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY UNE OF TRACT NO. 2860 RECORDED IN BOOK 138 OF MA~S AT PAGES 22 AND 23, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY UNE NORTH 83°47'30" WEST; 42.44 FE~"F; " THENCE ALONG THE ~Y UNE OF TRACT NO. 2860 NORTH 00 '17'20" WEST, 463.60 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF JUNIPERO SERRA FREEWAY, IN ~-_RSTATE 280; THENCE SOUTH 43 '49'16" EAST, 267.07 FEET;, THENCE SOUTH 57'03'27' EAST, 731.74 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 60 ° 14'49" EAST, 699.00 FEET TO THE ~ i ~-~LY UNE OF PARCEL 1 AS SHOWN ON THAT CERTAIN PARCEL MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 325 OF MAPS OF PAGE 12, SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDS; THENCE ALONG SAID LINE SOUTH 01 °05'14" EAST, 10~.61 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY UNE OF VALLCO PARKWAY (110 FEET WIDE); THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE NORTH 88°54'46" EAST, 79.99 FEET; (12) THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A TANG~.NT CURVE. CONCAV-'_ TO T'HE SOUTH HAVING A 685.00 FEET, THROUGH A CENTF~,L ANGLE OF 03°5~'53" FOR A DISTANCE OF 46.00 (13) THENCE LEAVING SAID NORTHERLY LINE SOUTH 01 °05'14" EAST. 414.46 FEET; (14) THENCE SOUTH 88 °54'46" WEST, 835.00 FEET TO THE WESTERLY LINE OF 'WOLFE ROAD; (15) THENCE ALONG SAID LINE SOUTH 01 °05'14" EAST, 112. 12 FE="r; (16) THENCE SOUTH 89°36'00" WEST, 11.00 FEET; (17) THENCE SOUTH 03 °05'14" EAST, 5_29.04 FEETTO THE TR~E POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING ,~ 'I:OTAL AR~ OF 80.14 ACRES MORE OR LESS. THE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR THIS DESCRIPTION IS THE MONUMENT UNE OF WOLFE ROAD SHOWN AS NOFrrH 01 °05'14" WEST ON THAT CERTAJN PAP, CEL MAD FECOI~DED IN BOOK 325 O~ MAPS AT PAGE 12, SANTA CLARA COUNT~ RECORDS. ATTACHMENT 2 ~" Z,~ ""~'---...--.~ !~! ...'"-: \,, .! 1 ATTACHMENT 3 ':: · '- .m -- ,'-= ~..qm.J,F.!,!.sls. lV.sR.slR. W.;,F. RLq"l~s~.tq.Wq.~i UJ uJ / Commercial / Residential Office I IndustYal / Corninertial I Residential Commercial / Office / Residential Industrial / Residential · :.t::::: ~ Low:. 1-5 D.U./Gr. Ac, · ': ~ Med./Low: 5-10 D.U./Gr. A~ ~ ~ I~ed./14igh.; 10-20 D.UJGr. Ac.; -.-."'--,--Jcht~ahS. efvice'Area'eoundary / High:2O-~5O.UJGr. Ac. "' Gi~'l:'imitsB°unda"Y' :/,,,,, ,,-_ ~., ':/S / /r , Private Open Space !: ~ ~Public Open Space I :: ["'~Quasi-Public / Institutional I P,a.. R..ea,o., I !: Parks ~Public Fadlilies O Fire StaUon Spedal Planning Area ATTACHMENT NO. 4 PROPOSED PUBL.IC IMPROVEMENTS The following public improvements are anticipated to be provided in the Project Area: 1. Streets and Roadways The construction, reconstruction, widening or other improvement of streets and roadways within or serving the Project Area; ~ The installation or mod.ernization of traffic signals on streets and roadways within or' serving the Project Area; and The construction, reconstruction or other impro.vement of curbs, gutters and sidewalks within or serving the Project Area. 2. Water, Sewer and Flood Control The installation of new, or repair or replacement of existing, water, sewer and storm drainage systems and lines within or serving the Project Area. 3. Parking_Facilities The construction, reconstruction or other improvement of parking facilities within or serving the Project Area. Streetscape~and Street Lighting a. The installation of new, or repair or replacement of existing, landscaping and irrigation, street lighting, gateways and other signage, street furniture, trash receptacles, planters, murals and other amenities within or serving the Project Area. CUP/RedevelopmentPlan Attachment No. 4 11/29/99 ~N~ES CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL Regular Meeting Monday, November 15, 1999 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At 6:45 p.m. Mayor Dean called the meeting to order in the Council Chambers, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California, and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL City Council members present: Mayor Wally Dean, Vice-Mayor John Statton, and Council members Don BurneR, Michael Chang, and Sandra James. Council members absent: None. Staff present: City Manager Don Brown, City Attorney Charles Kilian, Administrative Services Director Carol Atwood, Community Development Director Bob Cowan, Parks and Recreation Director Steve Dowling, Public Information Officer Donna Krey, Public Works Director Bert Viskovich, and City Clerk Kimberly Smith. CEREMONIAL MATTERS - PRESENTATIONS Vice-Mayor Statton presented proclamations to the DeAnza and Cupertino Optimists Clubs in recognition of Youth Appreciation Week. Representatives of those clubs thanked the council and Mayor Dean'for all of the support he has given to the service clubs. City Manager Donald Brown presented two Westem Access Video Excellence (WAVE) awards to Donna Krey and the video crew. These were both first place awards in the professional categories of Programming by/for Children, and Municipal/Govennnent Access programming. POSTPONEMENTS - No. 19, a public hearing on a nuisance on Tuggle Avenue, was continued to December 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Request from Mr. Leonard Hurlon to modify the City's annexation policy relative to the requirement to annex newly developed properties contiguous to a city boundary. Mr. Hu~on said that the property in question is on North Smiling Road. He had purchased another property on Stelling two years ago and developed it through the county. Then he purchased this pwperty and submitted his plans. One month later he was told he would have to submit plans to the city instead, and that annexation to Cupertino was required. He asked if the city would be lenient and forego annexation, or if not, could he apply for prezoning and annexation, but continue with the development process. Dean referred the matter to staff for recommendation. /~-'* / Page 2 Cupertino City Council November 15, 1999 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None CONSENT CALENDAR James moved to approve the items on the consent calendar as presented. Chang seconded and the motion carded 5-0. 2. Minutes: November 1, 1999 regular meeting. Accounts payable: (a) October 29, 1999, Resolution No. 99-329 (b) November 5, 1999, Resolution No. 99-330 4. Payroll: October 29, 1999, Resolution No. 99-331. Approving the 1999-2000 Citizens Option for Public Safety (COPS) Funding Allocation, Resolution No. 99-332. Review of applications for Alcoholic Beverage Control license: (a) Rags and Friends, 19979 Stevens Creek Boulevard (b) Green Valley Liquors, 10073 Saich Way Tank Protect Engineering of Northern California, Inc.: Change order No. 1, fuel tank replacements, Project No. 98-117, Resolution No. 99-333. Grant of easement, roadway, C.I.W. Trust, Diana Wong, Trustee, 10067 Bianchi Way, APN 359-07-009, Resolution No. 99-334. , Improvement agreements: (a) Ben Shyy and Monica H. Sun, 19028 Stevens Creek Boulevard, APN 375-11-071, Resolution No. 99-335 (b) Xuan Ngoc Nguyen and Nguyet-Lan Thi Vu, 22056 Wallace Dr., APN 326-03- 041, Resolution No. 99-336 (c) C.I.W. Trust, Diana Wong, Trustee, 10067 Bianchi Way, APN 359-07-009, Resolution No. 99-337 10. Quitclaim deed, Xuan Ngoe Nguyen and Nguyet-Lan Thi Vu, 22056 Wallace Dr., APN 326-03-041, Resolution No. 99-338. 11. Acceptance of municipal improvements: Sobrato Dev. Co., 19310 Pruneridge Avenue. 12. Authorizing execution of the revised Memorandum of Agreement for the Santa Clara Valley Urban RunoffPollution Prevention Program, Resolution No. 99-339. 13. Approving re-issuance of the City of Cupertino's Municipal Storm Water NPDES Permit, Resolution No. 99-340. November 15, 1999 Cupertino City Council Page 3 14. Resolution of intention to approve an amendment to a contract between the Board of Administration of the California Public Employees Retirement System and the City of Cupertino, Resolution No. 99-341. 15. Resolution extending the deadline for receiving arguments and rebuttals related to the library ballot measure in March 2000, Resolution No. 99-342. 16. Report from Fine Arts Commission regarding grants. Vote Councilmembers Ayes: Bumett, Chang, Dean, James, and Statton Noes: None. Absent: None. Abstain: None. ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR - None PUBLIC HEARINGS 17. Public hearing to consider the proposed use of $25,529.00 of Public Safety Block Grant Funds for the Public Dialogue Consortium discussions on community safety. Administrative Services Director Carol Atwood reviewed the staff report, and said that it is proposed that this year's allocation be utilized to provide community outreach and neighborhood training using the services of the Public Dialog Consortium. The grant requires a local match of 10%, or $2,837.00. She said that an advisory board was established to review the application for funds, and they recommended approval. Statton moved and Chang seconded to approve the local match of funds. The motion carried 5-0. 18. Ordering vacation of roadway easement, 10201 Hillcrest Rd., APN 326-16-060, Resolution No. 99-344. Public Works Director Bert Viskovich reviewed the staff report. Bumett moved to adopt Resolution No. 99-344. James seconded and the motion carried 5-0. 19. Public hearing concerning a nuisance on parcel 375-27-025, 18781 Tuggle Avenue, overgrown weeds in the front and side yards, Resolution No. 99-345. This item was continued to December 6. Page 4 Cupertino City Council November 15, 1999 PLANNING APPLICATIONS 20. Santa Barbara Grill site - 10745 North De Anza Boulevard. Request to initiate a public hearing for a general plan amendment to allow existing commercial retail site to be developed as office space. Community Development Director Bob Cowan reviewed the staff report. He explained that this parcel had not been successful as a retail site. Another parcel to the south also suffered from very poor access, and the restaurant on that location was tom down and converted to an office use. Mr. David Wheeler, local CPA and past president of the Chamber Of Commerce, explained that this restaurant has been the Santa Barbara Grill for one year, and before that it was Sports City for nine years. None of those businesses has done well, especially in the evening hours. In fact, Santa Barbara Grill is currently in Chapter 11 trying to reorganize. Although they have won several "Best Restaurant in the West Side" awards, when the other restaurant use converted to office space this location was severely impacted. It is also a difficult site for a retail use because access is too difficult, and the parcel appears to be too small for housing. They propose a landmark style office building which would make an good impression at the city's gateway. Cowan said if council chooses to initiate the general plan amendment hearing, it will not prohibit this parcel from being designated for housing. Burnett noted that the site is roughly the same size as the old fire station location where housing will now be placed, so it is his current preference that this spot also be used for housing. Chang agreed that the potential for housing at this location should be explored. The city council members expressed regret at the loss of a fine restaurant. James moved to adopt staffs recommendation. Chang seconded and the motion carried unanimously. The recommendation was to initiate a general plan amendment hearing at which the following analysis will be made: · The impacts of converting retail'to office be assessed in terms of determining whether it would result in diminished pool of retail space which would not meet the City's retail (fiscal) objectives · To evaluate the possible aesthetics relative to the general plan design objectives and the North DeAnza Boulevard conceptual plan. 21. Appeal of the Planning Commission decision regarding applications 8-U-99 and 21-EA- 99 of HOK Architects (for Symantec Corporation). The application requested a use permit to construct a 1,750 sq. ~. addition (Leaming Center) to an existing office building located at 20330 Tonre Avenue. (Mayor Wally Dean, appellant.) (Continued from November 1 .) November 15, 1999 Cupertino City Council Page 5 Community Development Director Bob Cowan reviewed the staff report and showed a diagram illustrating where the medians could be installed. Public Works Director Viskovich said a bailpark estimate for the entire median would be $100,000. The southern side by itself would cost roughly $50,000. Burner noted that some of the planted area would be lost if this project is approved. Mr. Jeff Birdwell, representing Symantec, said that they do not object to the concept of a median, only to the magnitude of it compared to the value of their 1900 square foot addition. Symantec is willing to share costs at a magnitude that would feel in proportion to this project, and perhaps the city could condition the future hotel or other tindeveloped portions of the City Center for additional funds. Also, the city may wish to allocate dollars to construct the median. He said their proposed building will have a very high cost compared to other buildings of its size because of the audiovisual technology inside and the high finishes of the building. Overall cost for this addition will be between $700,000-$900,000, whereas a nomtal building might be $200,000. In the previous meeting there was also discussion about having four trees relocated, but that was not reflected in the staff report. He said Symantcc is willing to relocate the four trees, but they should not be relocated to the median because of the root ball size and existing utilities. Instead, there is a location on the site where they can be planted. Burnett said that the project is already over the floor area ratio restfictions, it will cover more planted areas, and it will bring in more employees, thereby negatively impacting the traffic and the environment. He didn't think their argument for amenity space holds up, but this median would serve as compensation. He reviewed the history of Symantec's buildings and their changed plans regarding the world headquarters building. Statton suggested that the southern strip of median be installed with 36 in. box trees, which would help to isolate residential areas from office areas, and slow down traffic on that streat. Chang said he remembered Symantec arguing passionately for their 50,000 square foot bonus for their world headquarters bnilding. It is hard to see the benefit/profit in that instance and now say that the council's request for a median is too much money. He agreed that them may be a major impact on the nearby homes as well. James said she felt that Symantcc was making a good faith effort, and to install part of the median would be a good compromise. Mr. Birdwell said he was authorized to offer relocation of the four trees, estimated to cost $10,000, and provide a contribution of $35,000. The city can put in a median or other improvements. Symantec prefers not to be responsible for installing the median in a public right-of-way. Page 6 Cupertino City Council November 15, 1999 Statton moved approve the applications upon the condition that Symantec donate $50,000.00, to be used for median improvements along Torre Avenue, as well as relocate four existing trees to another location on the property. Chang seconded and the motion carried 5-0. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - None NEW BUSINESS 22. Consideration of a letter from Marc G. Hynes, Esq., attorney for Steven D. Hoffman, appealing the decision of the city manager regarding use of city park facilities by the Cupertino Unified School District for commercial day care center operations. Public .Works Director Viskovich reviewed the background of this issue. The parking lot today is being used for drop-off to the day-care center and a turnaround for parents to drop-off their kids. The request by Mr. Hoffraan is that the city no longer allow this parking lot to be used for that purpose. He said that Mr. Hoffman made an appeal to the City Manager, who rendered an opinion, and now the appeal is before the city council. Killian said that Mr. Hynes did submit a letter to the city council dated November 9 requesting that the heating be held by the council but that no decision be taken, so they would have the oppommity to negotiate some compensation by way of a transfer of the old Crescent Way area. Viskovich said such a transfer of property would take about 10 feet from Varian Park. James said she understood that Mr. Hoffman has been in litigation with the school district for the last two years. The City Clerk reported that a letter had been received today fxom Charles Corr, representing the Cupertino Union School District, regarding this student care center. Copies were provided to Council. Mr. Hynes distributed a binder of materials for each council member stating his elient's position in detail. Mr. Hoffman is proposing acquiring additional property beside his house. He referred to an earlier letter regarding the joint use and maintenance agreement entered into by the city and the school district. That type of agreement was principally designed for a situation in which the city, in return for spending money and maintaining the property, would have the recreation fields, etc., available for city and public use. He did not think it necessarily provided the type of leeway being used in this case. James said she felt it was good public policy to support the child care center, and felt the city manager made the right decision. Chang said he did not see a basis for negotiation about the transfer of property at this time. Mr. Hoffxnan said he understands the dire need for day care services, and he is also a supporter of the YMCA. He is fighting a p~ncipled issue of notice and oppommity to be heard. The day care is not the issue, but whether the school district can use a public park November 15, 1999 Cupertino City Council Page 7 without coming to the city for approval. As a property owner adjacent to the park, he is entitled to some protection and an oppommity to be heard. He felt that his property values had substantially declined because of the traffic (350 cars a day), the full parking lot, the late-night noise and lights from the cleaning crew, etc. Bumett said he was sympathetic to Mr. Hoffrnan in terms of the way this is being done by the school district in ternis of noise, etc., but he did not see how the additional land could help the situation. It seems a situation that will have to be addressed with the school district. Dean agreed that there is a lot of noise firom the air conditioning in the summer. Statton said perhaps the cleaning crew could come down the back road on the park land. He did not feel the city should consider deeding public land as mitigation for another entity's problem. James agreed most of the problems seem to be something to be addressed by the school district and it would be a poor precedent to negotiate payment for that 16 feet of property, which will not change the basis situation. Chang agreed that some of the noise issues can probably be mitigated by the school district. Mr. Hoffman said the additional property from the city would give him a bit of a buffer and remm some of the lost property value. He said he is prepared to pay a fair price for the property and the change will not detract from the park. Liz Gallegos, executive director for the Northwest YMCA, said they are working to be good neighbors. The child care program was expanded in partnership with the school district over the last couple of years because the demand was so large. The parents and children using this facility live in the immediate area. She said they can instruct the cleaning contractors to adjust their work schedule so they are not cleaning late at night. A delivery track comes in every two weeks, and the rest of their items are centrally purchased and delivered by staff. The air conditioning can be put on a timer, or staff can be reminded to turn it off at night in the summertime. She said that these communication issues that can be easily resolved. Statton voted not to negotiate with the applicant regarding a transfer of a strip of property. Chang seconded and the motion carded 5-0. Statton moved to continue this item to January 4, and the applicant agreed. Chang seconded and the motion carded 4-1, with James voting no. ORDINANCES Second reading and enactments of: 23. Ordinance No. 1837, "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Amending Section 11.34 of the Cupertino Municipal Code Relating to Roadway Design Features, Section 11.34.010, Relating to Road Bump-Definition." Page 8 Cupertino City Council November 15, 1999 24. 25. 26. 27. The City Clerk read the title of the ordinance. Burnett moved and James seconded to read the ordinance by title only, and that the City Clerk's reading would constitute the second reading thereof. Motion carried 5-0. Burnett moved and Statton seconded to enact Ordinance No. 1837. Motion carried 5-0. Ordinance No. 1838, "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Amending Section 11.34 of the Cupertino Municipal Code Relating to Roadway Design Features, Section 11.34.020, Relating to Administrative Authority." The City Clerk read the title of the ordinance. Bumett moved and James seconded to read the ordinance by title only, and that the City Clerk's reading would constitute the second reading thereof. Motion carried 5-0. Burnett moved and Statton seconded to enact Ordinance No. 1838. Motion carried 5-0. Ordinance No. 1839, "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Amending Section 11.34 of the Cupertino Municipal Code Relating to Roadway Design Features, Section 11.34.030, Relating to Establishment of Warrants for the Installation and Maintenance of Road Bumps." The City Clerk read the title of the ordinance. Bumett moved and James seconded to read the ordinance by title only, and that the City Clerk's reading would constitute the second reading thereof. Motion carried 5-0. Bumett moved and Statton seconded to enact Ordinance No. 1839. Motion carried 5-0. Ordinance No. 1840, "An Ordinance of the City Council of the city of Cupertino Amending Cupertino Municipal Code chapter 11.24.150 Relating to Parking Prohibition, Chapter 11.24.160 Relating to parking Prohibition during Certain Hours on the East and West Sides of Mary Avenue, and Chapter 11.24.180 Relating to Diagonal Parking on the West Side of Mary Avenue." The City Clerk read the title of the ordinance. Burnett moved and James seconded to read the ordinance by title only, and that the City Clerk's reading would constitute the second reading thereof. Motion carried 5-0. Burnett moved and Statton seconded to enact Ordinance No. 1840. Motion carried 5-0. Ordinance No. 1841, "An Ordinance of the City Council of the city of Cupertino Amending Section 11.20.020 of the Cupertino Municipal Code Relating to Establishment of Vehicular Stop and Section 11.20.030, All Directional Vehicular Stop Required at Certain Intersections to Include Bahl street at the Intersection of Ainsworth Drive, Kendie Street at the Intersection of Aimworth Drive, and Carta Blanca Street at the Intersection of Alnsworth Drive." November 15, 1999 Cupertino City Council Page 9 The City Clerk read the title of the ordinance. Burnett moved and James seconded to read the ordinance by title only, and that the City Clerk's reading would constitute the second reading thereof. Motion carried 5-0. Bumett moved and StaRon seconded to enact Ordinance No. 1841. Motion carried 5-0. STAFF REPORTS 28. Human Services funding - preliminary report. City Manager Donald Brown reviewed the preliminary staff report. He said a full- fiedeed evaluation of human services funding in Cupertino would be a complex undertaking, and would require the use of an outside consultant. Chances are that the conclusion will be there is a significant gap in funding. Staff has provided the historical contributions that the city has made to all the agencies over the past 10 years, and another alternative would be to follow that same pattern with a CPI adjustment, with the understanding that there may be some catch-up years like this one. If council wanted to do a full analysis, he suggested that it be discussed as a part of the goals in January. Burnett suggested another altemative, which is consider what other information the city can use to dete/niine if its grant is appropriate, and he listed a number of categories StaRon said one of the issues is what is the city's role in providing social services for its residents,'as well as the role of public vs. private funding Council concurred to discuss this item at the council goals session in January. The basic approach will be to incorporate the suggestions by Cotme. Burnett and Statton which included: 1. The percentage of money spent on administration by each agency. 2. The percentage of Cupertino residents served. 3. The percentage of city funding in relation to overall budget. 4. How much funding is provided by other cities. 5. How much funding comes ~:om private versus public organizations. 6. Need versus demand. COUNCIL REPORTS Chang reported that he attended the 5 C's town hall meeting on Wednesday on the issue of diversity and cultural richness in the city, and was glad there was such a good turnout (over 130 people), and he congratulated the organizers. Bumett said there are plans for the flood control issue to be on the ballot for November 2000. However, they will need to clarify their message and be more specific about the sunset provision and the bonds, as well as being more specific about the programs they plan to spend them on. He said that he had also been to a number of housing meetings of the Manufacturers Group. They Page 10 Cupertino City Council November 15, 1999 are starting a trust fund and are trying to raise $20 million and leverage it by having it rollover in loans. Cupertino will be requested to contribute to this fund. James complimented the staff on the 5 C's town hall meeting. She said that Senior Center members said goodbye to their building on Sunday and it was very touching event. She attended the housing summit to discuss strategy setting participation with Silicon Valley Manufacturing Group. For affordable housing they will focus on teachers, law-enforcement, emergency workers etc. She noted that the Cupertino Rotary Club painted the gazebo, as well as making and delivering emergency kits for seniors. CLOSED SESSION - None ADJOURNMENT At 8:34 p.m. the meeting was adjourned to November 17, 6:00 p.m., in the City Council chambers. The purpose' of the meeting will be to swear in a new council member and to elect a new mayor and vice-mayor. Kimberly Smith City Clerk MINUTES CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL Regular Adjourned Meeting Wednesday, November 17, 1999 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At 6:00 p.m. Mayor Dean called the meeting to order in the Council Chambers, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California, and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Dean showed a video that was made for an earlier State of the City address, and said the significance was that the council that was coming on board would take the city to the next millennium. ROLL CALL City Council members present: Mayor Wally Dean, Vice-Mayor John Statton, and Council members Don Bumett, Michael Chang, and Sandra James. Council members absent: None. Staff present: City Manager Don Brown, City Attomey Charles Kilian, Administrative Services Director Carol Atwood, Public Infonnation Officer Donna Krey, Community Development Director Bob Cowan, Parks and Recreation Director Steve Dowling, Public Works Director Bert Viskovich, and City Clerk Kimberly Smith. CANVASS OF VOTES (a) Resolution No. 99-346: "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Receiving Declaration of Election Results, General Municipal Election, November 2, 1999." City Clerk Kimberly Smith stated that the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters had canvassed the votes for the City of Cupertino. Those figures were attached as an exhibit to Resolution No. 99-346 and showed that the two individuals who received the most votes were Richard Lowenthal and Michael Chang. Bumett moved to adopt Resolution No. 99-346. James seconded and the motion carried unanimously. CEREMONIAL PRESENTATIONS TO OUTGOING COUNCIL MEMBERS Statton introduced a short video presentation highlighting Mayor Dean's community service. After the video, the following individuals offered their congratulations to Dr. Change and Mr. Lowenthal, and thanked Mr. Dean for his service: Barbara Rogers, former councilmember and mayor Barry Chang, Cupertino Union School District board member Laurie Smith, Santa Clara County Sheriff November 17, 1999 Cupertino CityCouncil Page 2 Martha Kanter, President, De Anza College Fariba Nejat, representing the Iranian community Mary Ellen Chell, Cupertino Community Services James read a letter from Bill Bragg, Superintendent of Cupertino Union School District. Bumett recognized Dean for his contributions to open space, his gifi for working with youth, and his championing of the beauty of the community. Chang said he was impressed with Dean's sense of what a council member should be like. He said he had a great sense of the decon of council and was very supportive of all council members. He noted that Dean was a real leader in all his passions, including shopping carts and graffiti, and he was appreciative of Dean's leadership. James said she had worked with Dean on the sports field partnership with the schools, youth sports, speech contests for kids, and various business enterprises. She described him as a compassionate, caring, honest official. She presented a gift that highlighted some of the passions that he had taken leadership on, including grocery carts, signage, graffiti, and median landscaping. Dean expressed appreciation to staff members for their work during the eight years he was a councilmember. He presented gifts to City Manager Don Brown and Councilmember Statton and talked about their support for his vision of CityNet. Statton presented Dean with a plaque and gift on behalf of council. On behalf of staff, the City Manager presented Dean with a model radio-controlled spy plane with camera. OATHS OF OFFICE FOR COUNCIL MEMBERS Smith administered the oath of office to newly elected Councilmembers Richard Lowenthal and Michael Chang. ELECTION OF MAYOR AND VICE-MAYOR Councilmember Statton opened nominations for mayor. Councilmember Chang nominated John Statton. Burner seconded and the motion carried unanimously. Mayor Statton opened nominations for vice-mayor. Councilmember Burnett nominated Sandra James. Councilmember Chang seconded and the motion carded unanimously. OATHS OF OFFICE FOR MAYOR AND VICE-MAYOR Smith administered the oath of office to Mayor Statton and Vice-Mayor James. November 17, 1999 Cupertino City Council Page 3 COMMENTS BY NEW AND INCUMBENT COUNCIL MEMBERS Council members thanked their families and supporters and offered their best wishes to outgoing member Dean. Mayor Statton said he had learned that a community is an expression of the collective efforts of hundreds of people working together, and building a successful community takes hard work over a long period of time. As they embark on a new year in the city's life, it was appropriate to acknowledge the hard work of those who had come before them. He recognized former councilmembers who were in the audience. He said it was appropriate to look forward to challenges, including diversity, strengthening the economy, providing effective city services, and preserving and enhancing the city environment. He talked about the responsibilities of membership in a community and said members of the audience were the leaders in the community. He asked for their continued support and said the council would be working with staff and the community to make this a great place to live and work. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None. ANNOUNCEMENTS - None. ADJOURNMENT At 7:00 p.m.,-the meeting was adjourned to Friday, November 19, at 9:00 a.m. for a Council workshop to be held at the Blackberry Farm Retreat Center, 21979 San Femando Avenue. Kimberly Smith City Clerk MINUTES CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL Regular Adjourned Meeting Friday, November 19, 1999 ROLL CALL At 9:00 a.m., Mayor Statton called the meeting to order at the Blackberry Farm Retreat Center, 21979 San Fernundo Avenue, Cupertino. City Council members present: Mayor John Statton, Vice-Mayor Sandra James, and Council members Don Bumett, Michael Chang, and Richard Lowenthal. Council members absent: None. Staff present: City Manager Don Brown, Administrative Services Director Carol Atwood, Community Development Director Bob Cowan, Parks and Recreation Director Steve Dowling, Public Works Director Bert Viskovieh, and City Clerk Kimberly Smith. Also present were representatives of the Kimpton Group and Pegasus Development Company. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None NEW BUSINESS Review City Center hotel, aparhnent and open space concepts. Community Development Director Bob Cowan reviewed the background on the project, and said the general plan designates this site for a hotel and park at the comer of DeAnza and Steveus Creek Boulevards. A general plan amendment may be necessary to meet the height requirements of the proposed projects. Mr. John Moss, representing Pegasus Development, said this is a mixed-use project that includes a hotel with meeting space and restaurant, a city park, some retail uses bordering the park, and housing. Mr. Paul Lettieri discussed the layout of the buildings, how they would relate to the park space, and the proposed landscaping and public art features. The Kimpton Group representatives reviewed their company's history and said they now have 28 boutique hotels in operation, which are fairly small (averaging 200 rooms) with a high level of customer service. They discussed their corporate philosophy and showed photographs of several of their hotels. November 19, 1999 Cupertino City Council Page 2 The Kimpton Group architects explained the hotel layout including rooms, parking, restaurant and banquet facility, meeting rooms, and pedestrian and vehicle access. The architecture is Mediterranean style with stucco materials, and the tower building on the end will be 127 feet high. The DeAnza Boulevard site was chosen because it is a better suited for their needs than the larger area on Stevens Creek Boulevard. The Pegasus Group architects reviewed the retail store area and apartment project. The structure will be "4-sided" for approachability by pedestrians, and will step up in height from Stevens Creek Boulevard (3 stories) towards the twin towers (8 stories). The apartments will be a podium design with 205 residential units ranging in size from 800- 1300 square feet. Enclosed decking is preferred on Stevens Creek Boulevard because of the noise, but decks will be open on the rest of the project. All the council members viewed the proposal favorably, and offered their suggestions for changes, as follows: Bumett felt that all apaxtments should have open decks, to allow container gardening, etc., and felt that the project was very large. Also, the interior garden area should be open to pedestrians. Lowenthal did not want gated access either, and felt a community room was needed. The project must integrate apartment users with retail and restaurant uses. He hoped it would have a more "open" feel, with open windows, balconies, etc. Chang wante_d a closer look at parking, and suggested more drawings to scale from different angles to show the different views and intensity of this project. He also asked if the traffic impacts were acceptable. James felt the apartment complex was large and overwhelming, and care should be taken to make it an environmentally ~iendly place. She suggested a bookstore be one of the retail uses, and that emphasis be placed on landscaping. StaRon agreed with her comments. The Kimpton Group representatives noted that the hotel design is extremely tight, as far as lot size is concerned, and they cannot make any changes in location, height, etc., because of minimum hotel standards and the restrictions imposed by the odd-shaped lot. Community Development Director Bob Cowan said the next step would be for council to initiate the General Plan amendment process. Council members agreed that a joint meeting of the council and planning commission should be scheduled to review the conceptual plans. RECESS The meeting was recessed for lunch, and reconvened at 1:00 p.m. /- November 19, 1999 Cupertino City Council Page 3 ROLL CALL City Council members present: Mayor John StaRon, Vice-Mayor Sandra James, and Council members Don BurneR, Michael Chang, and Richard Lowenthal. Council members absent: None. Staff present: Community Development Director Bob Cowan, Parks and Recreation Director Steve Dowling, Public Works Director Bert Viskovich, Public Information Officer Donna Krey, City Clerk Kimberly Smith, and Human Resources Officer Bill Woska. NEW BUSINESS (continued) Council/Management staff workshop on transition planning. Facilitator Greg Wright led a group exercise on organizational needs. CLOSED SESSION At 3:00 p.m. Council recessed to a closed session to discuss Labor negotiations pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6. No action was taken. ADJOURNMENT At 4:00 p.m. _the meeting was adjourned. Kimberly Smith City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 99-347 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS PAYABLE IN THE AMOUNTS AND FROM THE FUNDS AS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED FOR GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING NOVEMBER 12, 1999 WHEREAS, the Director of Administrative Services or her designated representative has certified 16 accuracy of the following claims and demands and to the availability of funds for payment hereof; and WHEREAS, the said claims and demands have been audited as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby allows the following claims and demands in the amounts and from the funds as hereina~er set forth in Exhibit "A". CERTIFIED: Director of Administrative Services PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this day of ,1999, by the following vote: Vote AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Members of the City Council ATTEST: APPROVED: City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino 11/10/99 CITY OF CUPERTINO ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 5/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between "573210" and "573262" FUND - 110 ~ GENERAL FUND CASH ~CCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT .............. VENDOR ............. FUND/DEpT 1020 573210 11/12/99 4 A T & T 1108501 1020 573210 11/12/99 4 A T & T 1108501 1020 573210 11/12/99 4 A T & T 1108501 1020 573210 11/12/99 4 A T & T 1108501 1020 573210 11/12/99 4 A T & T 1108501 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573211 11/12/99 9 1020 573211 11/12/99 9 1020 573211 11/12/99 9 1020 573211 11/12/99 9 1020 573211 11/12/99 9 1020 573211 11/12/99 9 1020 573211 11/'12/99 9 1020 573211 11/12/99 9 1020 573211 11/12/99 9 1020 573211 11/12/99 9 TOTAL CHECK ABAG:POWER PURCH~ING 1108503 ABAG POWER PURC~/ASING 1108506 ABAG POWER PURCHASING 5606620 ABAG POWER PURCHASING 1108509 ABAG POWER PURCHASING 1108504 ABAG POWER PURCH~ING 1108507 ABAG POWER PURCHASING 1108505 ABAG POWER PURCHASING 1108501 ABAG POWER PURCHASING 5708510 ABAG POWER PURCHASING 1108508 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 1020 573213 11/12/99 10 ABAG POWER-ELECTRICAL 1108602 ABAG POWER-ELECTRICAL 1108602 ABAG POWER-ELECTRICAL 1108530 ABAG POMER-EEaCTRICAL 1108511 ABAG POWER-ELECTRICAL 5708510 ABAG POWER-ELECTRICAL 1108507 ~aAG POWER-ELECTRICAL 1108506 ABAG POWER-ELECTRICAL 1108504 A3AG P~ER-ELECTRICAL 1108503 ABAG POWER-ELECTRICAL 1108530 ABAG POWER-ELECTRIC~ 1108312 ~ POWER-ELECTRICAL 1108315 ~ POWER-ELECTRICAL 1108314 · d]AG POWER-ELECTRICAL 1108303 ABAG POWER-ELECTRICAL 1108407 ABAG POWER-ELECTRICAL 110 ABAG POWER-ELECTRICAL 5606640 ABAG POWER-ELECTRICAL 5606620 ~BAG POWER-ELECTRICAL 1108602 ABAG POWER-ELECTRICAL 1108511 ABAG POWER-ELECTRICAL 5708510 ABAG POWER-ELECTRICAL 1108507 ABAG POWER-ELECTRIC~Jd 1108506 ABAG POWER-EI,ECTRICAL 5606620 ..... DESCRIPTION ...... TELEPHONE SVC 9/99 TELEPHONE SVC 9/99 TELEPHONE SVC 9/99 TELEPHONE SVC 9/99 TELEPHONE SVC 9/99 GAS LEV P~Tr 11/99 GAS LEV PMT 11/99 GA~ LEV PMT 11/99 GAS LEV PMT 11/99 GAS LEV PMT 11/99 GAS LEV P~TT 11/99 GAS LEV P~TT 11/99 GAS LEV PPTT 11/99 GAS LEV [~4T 11/99 G~ LEV PMT 11/99 ELECTRIC 11/99 ELECTRIC 11/99 ELECTRIC 11/99 ELECTRIC 11/99 ELECTRIC 11/99 ELECTRIC 11/99 ELECTRIC 11/99 ELECTRIC 11/99 ELECTRIC 11/99 ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 11/99 ELECTRIC 11/99 ELECTRIC 11/99 ELECTRIC 11/99 ELECTRIC 11/99 PREPAYMENT 7/99 ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 11/99 ELECTRIC ELECTRIC 11/99 ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC SALES TAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O. O0 PAGE 1 11.33 11.33 30.94 11.33 11.33 76.26 581.47 98.56 592.93 47.69 1640.48 295.51 1010.52 499.21 44.62 5000.00 0.00 60.62 0.00 3523.91 0.00 0.00 32 0.00 43g~.14 0,00 1082,91 0.00 157,60 0.00 7152,57 0.00 1284.38 0.00 18869.24 0,00 236,55 0,00 319.43 0,00 1814.18 0,00 3218,68 0.00 1279.88 0.00 -36287.00 0.00 181.44 0.00 181.44 0.00 2540.09 0.0O 362.87 0.00 2902.96 0.0O 725.40 0.00 182.44 0.00 234.14 0.00 5080.18 0.00 200.82 0.00 725.40 0,00 725.40 0.00 181,44 0,00 362.87 0.00 3 0.00 ~ 22 RUN DATE 11/10/99 TIME 17:07:51 - FIWANCZAL ACCOUNTING 11/10/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: CTION CRITERIA: s/oo CITY OF CUPERTINO CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND transact.check_no between "573210" and "573262" FUND - 110 - GENERAL FUND CASE ACCT CEECK NO TOTAL CEECK 1020 573214 1020 573215 1020 573215 1020 573215 1020 573215 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573216 1020 573219 1020 573219 1020 573219 ,~'~0 573219 lug0 573219 1020 573219 1020 573219 1020 573219 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573220 1020 573221 1020 573222 1020 573223 1020 573224 1020 573225 1020 573226 1020 573227 1020 573228 1020 573229 ~ 573230 ISSUE ~ .............. VENDOR ............. ~/DEPT 11/12/99 40 11/12/99 1604 11/12/99 1604 11/12/99 1604 11/12/99 1604 11/12/99 M 11/12/99 M 11/12/99 1160 11/12/99 130 11/12/99 132 11/12/99 132 11/12/99 132 11/12/99 132 11/12/99 132 11/12/99 132 11/12[99 132 11/12/99 132 11/12/99 132 11/12/99 1603 11/12/99 1156 11/12/99 160 11/12/99 M 11/12/99 1405 11/12/99 191 11/12/99 1430 11/12/99 223 11/12/99 242 11/12/99 243 11/12/99 1333 ALTEC INDUSTRIES INC 6308540 AMRICAN RED CROSS 5806449 AMERICAN RED CROSS 5806449 AMERICAN RED CROSS 5806449 AMERICAN RED CROSS 5806449 BOB GERE t4~OWRY 1100000 BOB GERE MASONRY 1100000 DAVID BPJ%DY 1103300 CALIFORNIA PARK ~ RECR 1106300 CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE 1108312 CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE 1108312 CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE 1108407 CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE 1108314 C~IFORNZA WATER SERVICE 1108509 CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE 1108407 CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE 1108407 CJ~IPORNIA WATER SERVICE 1108314 CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE 1108508 CASH 110 CHA 110 CHILDREN'S ART ST~I0 5806349 C~CRIT.T. CI;3B 1104000 CMA & AaSOCIATES INC 1107502 CUPERTINO CHAIV~ER OF COM 1101000 DISPENSING TECHNOLOGY 2708405 DON & MIKE'S SWESPIND IN 2308004 MLOYM DEVEL DEPT 110 EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMENT 110 ESCCB4 SOP'EW~ SERVICES 6109854 PAGE 2 ..... DESCRIPTION ...... SALES T~a( AMOUNT 0.00 52493.87 LABOR & MATERIALS 0.00 1753.32 SUPPLIES 0.00 126.00 SUPPLIES 0.00 -298.00 SUPPLIES 0.00 298.00 SUPPLIES 0.00 -126.00 0.00 0.00 REFUITD DUP BUSINESS LI 0.00 86.00 REFUND DUP BUSINESS LI 0.00 -86.00 0.00 0.00 DY~NDWOOD BRJ%SS CLOCK 0.00 197.76 ME~ERSHIP/C HANEL 0.00 125.00 WATER SVC 10/99 0.00 34.82 WATER SVC 10/99 0.00 17.70 WATER SVC 10/99 0.00 78.04 WATER SVC 10/99 0.00 314.66 WATER SVC 10/99 0.00 26.66 WATER SVC 10/99 0.00 3120.03 WATER SVC 10/99 0.00 78.67 WATER SVC 10/99 0.00 310.80 WATER SVC 10/99 0.00 77.71 0.00 4059.09 BLDG CHANGE FUND 0.00 100.00 EMPLOYEE DEDUCTIONS 0.00 130.00 RECREATION PROGRAM 0.00 3273.28 MEr~]ERSHIP 0,00 I00.00 Pld%/q CHECK 0.00 765.75 S.~d','DEAJAMES 0.00 30.00 SUPPLIES 54.22 867.11 STREET SWEEPING 10/99 0.00 8560.13 STATE WITHHOLOIND 0.00 14241.46 STATE DISABILITY 0.00 56.82 P&R IMPLEMNTATION SVC 0.00 6250.00 RUN DATE 11/10/99 TIME 17:07:51 - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 11/10/99 CITY OF CUPERTINO PAGE 3 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 5/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact,check_no between "573210" and "573262" FUND - 110 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT C~ECK NO ISSUE DT .............. VENDOR ............. FUND/DEpT 1020 573231 1020 573232 1020 573232 TOTAL CHECK 11/12/99 262 FIRST PLACE INC 1101000 11/12/99 M GRAPHIC PRESS 1104000 11/12/99 M GRAPHIC PRESS 1101000 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 1020 573233 TOTAL CRECK 11/12/99 310 GTE WIRELESS 1108706 11/12/99 310 GTE WIRELESS 1108504 11/12/99 310 GTE WIRELESS 1108504 11/12/99 310 GTE WIRELESS 1108504 11/12/99 310 GTE WIRELESS 1108504 11/12/99 310 GTE WIRELESS 1107501 11/12/99 310 GTE WIRELESS 1107501 11/12/99 310 GTE WIPELESS 1108201 11/12/99 310 GTE WIRELESS 1107503 11/12/99 310 GTE WIRELESS 1107503 11/12/99 310 G~ WIRELESS 1107503 11/12/99 310 GTE WIRELESS 1107503 11/12/99 310 G~ WIRELESS 1107503 11/12/99 310 GTE WIRELESS 1108602 11/12/99 310 GTE WIRELESS 1108201 11/12/99 310 GTE WIPELESS 1108201 11/12/99 310 GTz WIRELESS 1107503 11/12/99 310 ~I~ WIRELESS 1107503 11/12/~9 310 ~ WIRELESS 1107503 11/12/99 310 b"r~ WIRELESS E208003 11/12/99 310 b"rE WIPELESS 1108501 11/12/99 310 GTE WIRELESS 1108102 11/12/99 310 G~I~ WXRELESS 1108503 11/12/99 310 GTE WIRELESS 1108102 11/12/99 310 GTE WIRELESS 1108505 11/12/99 310 G~ WIPELESS 1108101 11/12/99 310 GTE WIRELESS 6104800 11/12/99 310 G'rE WIRELESS 6104800 11/12/99 310 G~TE WIRELESS 1108503 1020 573234 1020 573234 1020 573234 1020 573234 1020 573234 1020 573234 1020 573234 1020 573234 11/12/99 334 HOME DEPOT/GECF 5806649 11/12/99 334 HM DEPOT/GECF 5806649 11/12/99 334 HOME DEPOT/GECF 5806649 11/12/99 334 HOME DEPOT/GECF 5806649 11/12/99 334 HOME DEPOT/GECF 5806649 11/12/99 334 HOE DEPOT/GECF 5606640 11/12/99 334 HOME DEPOT/GECF 2708405 11/12/99 334 HO~ DEPOT/GECF 1108503 1020 S73235 1020 573235 1020 573235 TOTAL CHECK 11/12/99 338 IBM CORPORATION 1104100 11/12/99 338 IBM CORPORATION 1104100 11/12/99 338 IBM CORPORATION 1104100 DESCRIPTION MAYOR'S GAVEL PLAQUE SEMINAR/C ATWOOD SEMINAR/D BURNETT CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PRONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR pHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE CELLULAR PHONE SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE 10/1-9/30/ MAINTENANCE 11/99 MAINTF2~ANUE 10/99 SALES TAX AMOUNT 0.00 191.50 0.00 320.00 0.00 320.00 0.00 640.00 0.00 7.31 0,00 65.79 0.00 84.30 0.00 51.74 0.00 71.55 0.00 24.47 0.00 40.30 0,00 96.15 0.00 25.30 0.00 30.30 0.00 73.27 0.00 21.05 0.00 48.65 0.00 21.13 0.00 24,47 0.00 47 0. O0 )4 0.00 26.23 0.00 48.36 0.00 17.75 0.00 33.97 0.00 230.67 0.00 26.94 O.OO 37.66 0.00 24.47 0.00 48.36 0.00 57.93 0.00 42.95 0.00 26,98 0.00 1371.56 0.00 60.88 0.00 48.71 0.00 277.40 0.00 331.49 0.00 101.07 0.00 363.01 0,00 19.41 0.00 486.80 0.00 1688.77 0.00 189.55 0.00 250.e0 0.00 = 9 0.00 6 ,5 RUN DATE 11/10/99 TIM 17:07:52 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 11/10/99 CITY OF CUPERTIN0 ACCOG~qTING PERIOD: 5/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEM[~qT 'CTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between "573210" and "573262" FUND - 110 - GENERJ~ FUND C~H ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT .............. VENDOR ............. FUND/DEFT PAGE 4 ..... DESCRIPTION ...... S~ES T~ ~ 1020 573236 1020 573237 1020 573238 1020 S73239 1020 573239 TOTAL Cq4ECK 1020 573240 1020 573241 1020 573242 1020 573242 TOTAL CHECK 11/12/99 11/12/99 11/12/99 11/12/99 11/12/99 11/12/99 11/12/99 11/12/99 11/12/99 343 IC~RETIRE~ =RUST-45 110 M MOUNTAIN VIEW, CITY OF 1101500 1137 EIEaEN ~rt~RAY 1101500 475 NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION RE 11'08312 475 NATIONAL CONS~I~UCTION RE 1108312 480 NEI~EN ENGIWEERING 1107305 501 OPERATING ENGINEEPa W3 110 507 D~ OSBOR/{E 1108504 507 DAN OSBOPaE 1108504 1020 573243 11/12/99 833 P E R S 1020 573243 11/12/99 833 P E R S 1/~2~0 573243 11/12/99 833 P E R S 573243 11/12/99 833 P E R S . u 573243 11/12/99 833 P E R S ,=-1020 573243 11/12/99 833 P E R S TOTAL CHECK 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BEE~ 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 F~IFIC BELL 1020 5732~6 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1020 S73246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BRLL 1020 S73246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL · 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 P~ZFIC. BELL 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1020 573246 11/12/59 511 PACIFIC BELL 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1020 573246 11/12/99 Sll PACIFIC BELL 1~ 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL S73246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1101000 1102100 1101500 1104300 1103300 1103500 1104000 1104100 1104200 1104510 1104510 1104530 1104400 1104200 1106100 1106265 1106360 1106529 1106500 1101200 1107200 2617402 1107301 1107302 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0.00 7113.25 C KILlAN & E MURRAY 0.00 60.00 REIMBURSEMENT 0.00 20.00 RENTAL 10/19-11/16/99 0.00 41.65 RENTAL 11/16-12/14/99 0.00 41.65 0.00 83.30 SERVICES/~uNNEXATION UNION DURS TIME & MATERIALS TIME & MATERIALa RETIREMENT RETIREMENT RNTIREMBNT RETIREMENT RETIREMENT RETIREMENT TEt,EPBONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVIUR TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE 0.00 700.00 0.00 405.00 0.00 455.24 0.00 17549.83 0.00 18005.07 0.00 305.65 0.00 150.44 0.00 579.37 0.00 2904.08 0.00 67.68 0.00 21384.17 0.00 25391.39 0.00 405.01 0.00 135.00 0.00 337.51 0.00 503,29 0.00 135.00 0,00 202,51 0,00 405.01 0.00 675.02 0.00 67.50 0.00 270.01 0.00 135.00 0.00 135.00 0.00 33.43 0.00 67.50 0,00 202.51 0.00 1417.54 0.00 44.35 0.00 67.50 0.00 547.12 0.00 202.51 0.00 135.00 0.00 67.50 0.00 607.52 0.00 135.00 RUN DATE 11/10/99 TIME 17:07:53 - FIN~/~CIAL ACCO~ING 11/10/99 CITY OF CUPERTXNO PAGE 5 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 5/00 C~ECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between "573210" and w573262" FUND - 110 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT __~i .......... VEER ............. FUND/DEPT 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1107501 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC HELL 1107502 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1107503 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1108001 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1108101 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1108102 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1108322 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC HELL 1108501 1020 S73246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1108503 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC HELL 1108507 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1108508 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1108509 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC HELL 1108601 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC HELL 1108602 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 5208003 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 2308004 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1108504 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1108201 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 1108706 1020 573246 11/12/99 Sll PACIFIC BELL 5606620 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC HELD 5606640 1020 573246 11/12/99 511 PACIFIC BELL 5708510 TOTAL CHECK ,~1020 573247 11/12/g9 511 PACIFIC BELL 1108501 1020 573248 11/12/99 513 PACIFIC C~ & EIaC~FRIC 5606620 1020 573248 11/12/99 513 PACIFIC C~ & ELEC'rRIC 1108407 1020 573248 11/12/99 513 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC 1108602 TOTAL C14ECK 1020 573249 11/12/99 513 PACIFIC C~ & ELECTRIC 4209110 1020 573249 11/12/99 513 PACIFIC G~ & EI~(,'l~IC 4209110 1020 573250 11/12/99 513 PACIFIC C~ & EIEC'I~IC 1108407 1020 573251 11/12/99 533 pERS LONG TERM CARE PROG 110 1020 573252 11/12/99 1071 REPUBLIC ELECTRIC 1108530 1020 573253 11/12/99 626 SANTA CLARA CO DSPT OF E 1102100 1020 573254 11/12/99 652 SIERRA SPRING WATER COMP 1101500 1020 573255 11/12/99 653 SIGN CITY 1101201 1020 573256 11/12/99 677 STATE S~I~'T B~aSK & TRUS 110 1020 573257 11/12/99 M S~ALE-CUP~RTINO B~ 1101500 ..... DESCRIPTION ...... TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPRONE SERVICE TELERHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE TELEPHONE SERVICE SALES TAX ~40UNT 0.00 810.02 0,00 135.00 0.00 135.00 0,00 270.01 0.00 751.60 0,00 67.50 0.00 9.25 0.00 1170.72 0.00 1183.63 0.00 41.66 0.00 47,40 0.00 41.66 0.00 270.01 0.00 270.01 0.00 67.50 0.00 87.50 0.00 33.31 0.00 330.64 0.00 216.11 0.00 735.05 0.00 206.68 0.00 6 ~2 0.00 14, 2 TELEPHONE SVC 10/99 0.00 19.74 GAS 10/99 ELEC=~RIC 10/99 ELEC~IC 10/99 10/99 10/99 0.00 15.21 0.00 7.29 0.00 8.09 0.00 30.59 0.00 113.52 0.00 21.35 0.00 134.87 ELECTRIC SEP & OCT 99 0.00 22.06 LONG TERM CARE 0.00 521.53 LABOR & MATERIAbS 0.00 2170.00 CITATIONS 9/99 0.00 2030.00 WATER 9/22-10/20/99 0.00 12.69 CUSTO~ STREET BANNER 0.00 1169,10 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0.00 538.68 nUNCHEON 0.00 ' RUN DATE 11/10/99 TIME 17:07:54 - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTIN~ 11/10/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: ~CTION CRITERIA: s/oo CITY OF CUPERTIN0 CRECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND transact.check_no between "573210' and "573262" FUND - 110 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT C~ECK NO 1020 573258 1020 573259 1020 S73259 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573260 1020 573261 1020 573261 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573262 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND TOTAL REPORT ISSUE DT .............. VENDOR ............. FUND/DEPT 11/12/99 1154 UNITED WAY OF SANTA CLAR 110 11/12/99 745 VMI INC 1103500 11/12/99 745 VMI INC 1103500 il/i2/99 302 WASHINGTON MUTUAL il0 11/12/99 962 LINDA YEIAVICI{ S506549 11/12/99 962 LINDA YELAVIC~ 5506549 11/12/99 M BOB GERE F~ORRY 1100000 ..... DESCRIPTION ...... EMPLOYEE DEDUCTIONS DIGITAL EQUIPMENT PKG DIGITAL EQUIPMENT PKG DEFERRED COMPENSATION REIMEURSEMENT REIMBUESEMENT RFD/DUP BUSINESS LIC PAGE 6 SALES TAX AMOUNT 0.00 135.25 1791.33 23504.33 S829.37 76488.37 7620.70 99992.70 0.00 19268.10 0.00 35.40 0.00 35.00 0.00 70~40 0.00 86.00 7674.92 295063,67 7674.92 295063.67 7674.92 295063.67 RUN DATE 11/10/99 TINE 17:07:54 = FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 11/10/99 ACCO~TrlNG PERIOD: 5/00 SELECTION CRITERIA: FUND - 110 - GENERAJu FUND CASH XCCT CHECK NO 1020 572663 V 1020 573215 V 1020 573215 V TOTAL C~ECK 1020 573216 V TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND TOTAL REPORT CITY OF CUPERTINO CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND transact.t_c-"20" and transact.trans_date between "11/08/1999" and "11/12/1999" ISSUE DT .............. VENDOR ............. FUND/DEFT 10/22/99 60 ELLE ARNOT 5806349 11/12/99 1604 AMERICAN RED CROSS 5806449 11/12/99 1604 AMERICAN RED CROSS 5806449 11/12/99 M BOB GERE MASONRY 1100000 ..... DESCRIPTION ...... RECREATION SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REFUND DUP BUSINESS LI SALES TAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE 1 N~4OUNT -3273.28 -298.00 -126.00 -424.00 -86.00 -3783.28 -3783.28 -3783.28 295,06}-67+ C~ncd~ }, 273 - 28 - 000 29] ,790'39' RUN DATE 11/10/99 TIME 17=08#42 - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING RESOLUTION NO. 99-348 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS PAYABLE IN THE AMOUNTS AND FROM THE FUNDS AS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED FOR GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING NOVI~IBER 19, 1999 WHEREAS, the Dire:ctor of Administrative Sen;ices or her designated representative has certified to accuracy of the following claims and demands and to the availability of funds for payment hereof; and WHEREAS, the said claims and demands have been audited as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby allows the following claims and demands in the mounts and from the funds as hereinafter set forth in Exhibit "A". CERTIFIED: PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this day of ,1999, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: APPROVED: City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino 11/19;99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 5/00 CITY OF CUPERTINO CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between "573263" and "573490" CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT .............. VENDOR ............. FUND/DEpT 1020 573263 11/19/99 1604 AMERICAN RED CROSS 5806449 1020 573263 V 11/19/99 1604 AMERICAN RED CROSS 5806449 1020 573263 11/19/99 1604 AMERICAN RED CROSS 5806449' 1020 573263 V 11/19/99 1604 AMERICAN RED CROSS 5806449 TOTAL CRECK 1020 573264 11/19/99 1604 AMERICAN RED CROSS 5806449 1020 573264 11/19/99 1604 AMERICAN RED CROSS 5806449 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573265 11/16/99 1611 ALOTTA'S DELI CATERING 1101000 1020 573266 11/16/99 149 CASH iiO1200 1020 573266 11/16/99 149 CASH 1101201 1020 573266 11/16/99 149 CASH 1101000 1020 573266 11/16/99 149 CASH 1100000 1020 573266 11/16/99 149 CASH 1104001 1020 573266 11/16/99 149 CASH 1107503 1020 573266 11/16/99 149 CASH 1106500 1020 573266 11/16/99 149 QASH 1101060 1020 573266 11/16/99 149 CASH 1101070 1020 573266 11/16/99 149 CASH 1102100 1020 573266 11/16/99 149 CASH 1107501 1020 573266 11/16/99 149 CASH 1104530 I~1020 573266 11/16/9~ 149 CASH 1107301 1020 573266 11/16/99 149 CASH 1107200 1020 573266 11/16/99 149 CASH 1107200 1020 573266 11/16/99 149 CASH 1106100 1020 573266 11/16/99 149 CASH 1104400 1020 573266 11/16/99 149 CASH 1104000 1020 573266 11/16/99 149 CASH 1103300 1020 573266 11/16/99 149 CASH 1104000 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573267 11/19/99 7 ABAG PLAN CORPORATION 6204550 1020 573268 11/19/99 13 1020 573268 11/19/99 13 1020 573268 11/19/99 13 TOTAL C~ECK ACME & SONS SANITATION C 5606640 ACME & SONS SANITATION C 1108321 ACME & SONS SANITATION C 1108005 1020 573269 11/19/99 20 ADVANTAGE GRAFIX 1107301 1020 573270 11/19/99 23 AERO-GEODETIC COHPORATIO 1108601 1020 573271 11/19/99 28 AIRGAS 6308540 1020 573272 11/19/99 29 LYNNE AITKEN 5806449 1020 573273 11/19/99 1616 ALL SEAS WHOLESALE INC S806249 ..... DESCRIPTION ...... SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES CATERING SERVICES ADMIN FEE PORTABLE TOILETS 10/99 PORTABLE TOILET 10/99 PORTABLE TOILET 10/99 COLOR COPIES AERIAL PHOTO SUPPLIES RECREATION PROGRAM SUPPLIES SALES TAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.O0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.o0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE 1 AMOUNT 298.00 126.00 -298.00 0.00 298.00 126.00 424.00 964.99 67.52 15.47 24.46 0.01 10.29 SO.O0 61.56 16.53 26.88 8.65 51.64 15.00 25.14 42.76 34.10 36.79 38.96 17.29 587.94 774.21 175.34 162.38 98.43 436.15 32.04 325.00 31.10 230.00 405 ~0 RUN DATE 11/19/99 TIM 09:57:26 - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 11/19/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: S 'ION CRITERIA: 5/oo CITY 0F CUPERTIN0 C~ECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND tranaact.check_no between "573263" and "573490" FUND - 110 - GENER~ FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO 1020 573274 1020 573275 1020 573276 1020 573277 1020 573278 1020 573279 1020 573279 1020 573279 TOTAL CRECK 1020 573280 1020 573280 1020 573280 1020 573280 1020 573280 1020 573280 TOTAL CHECK 1, 573281 1020 573281 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573282 1020 573283 1020 573284 1020 573285 1020 673286 1020 673287 1020 573287 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573288 1020 573289 1020 573290 1020 573291 1020 573291 1 573291 ISSUE DT .............. VENDOR ............. FUND/DEPT 11/19/99 36 11/19/99 888 11/19/99 M 11/19/99 45 11/19/99 1030 11/19/99 57 11/19/99 57 11/19/99 57 11/19/99 67 11/19/99 67 11/19/99 67 11/19/99 67 11/19/99 67 11/19/99 67 11/19/99 77 11/19/9~ 77 11/19/99 77 11/19/99 M 11/19/99 1657 11/19/99 1624 11/19/99 92 11/19/99 1592 11/19/99 1475 11/19299 1475 11/19/99 100 11/19/99 M 11/19/99 106 11/19/99 872 11/19/99 872 11/19/99 872 ALLEN'S PRESS CLIPPING 1103300 ALOHA POOL MAINTENANCE I 5708510 AMERICAN MGMT A~SOCIATI0 1104100 AMERICAN TRAFFIC SUPPLY 2708405 APED 1108501 ~K 1104510 AR~K 1104510 AR/MK 8506549 AUTOMATIC RAIN COMP/~ 1108315 AUTOMATIC RAIN COMPANY 1108407 AUTOMATIC RAIN COMPANY 1108315 AUTOMATIC RAIN COMPANY 1108407 AUTOMATIC RAIN COMP~a~Y 1108407 AUTOMATIC RAIN COMPA~ 1108407 BARCLAY MAPWORKS INC 1108101 BARCLAY MAPWORKS INC 1108101 BARCIAY~PWORKS INC 1108101 BARNATONE, LENORE 5500000 DAVID BARNES 5806249 RAy AREA SHOWCASE CHORUS 1101042 BEST OF COUPONS 5706450 BIDDLE ROOFING SUPPLY IN 1108312 BILL'S TREE CARE AND LAN 1108315 BILL'S TREE CARE AND LA~ 1108314 BMI IMAGING SYSTEMS 1104300 BRIAN FANGAS FOULK 1100000 BRIDGE RADIO CO~ICATI 1108315 BSA ARCHITECTS 4209114 BSA ARCHITECTS 4249210 BSA ARCHITECTS 4209114 RUN DATE 11/19/99 TINS 09:57:27 ..... DESCRIPTION ...... PRESS CLIPPINGS MONTHLY MAINTENANCE A/P REFERENCE BOOK SUPPLIES SUPPLIES EMPLOYEE COFFEE EMPLOYEE COFFEE COFFEE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES pARCELS/1 YEAR UPDATE pARCELS RANCHO RICONAD RUEBERSNEETING PRC~3ECT TRIP REFUND C~X'~ING SERVICES FINE ARTS GRANT DIRECT MAIL ADVERTISIN SUPPLIES TREE CARE TREE REMOVALS W/STUMPS MICROFILMING REFUND FEES SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROF SVCS PMT 15 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES SALES TAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 70.10 24.59 74.25 16.79 19.49 142.52 347.74 231.00 196.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.O0 3.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 - FIN]%NCIAL ACCOUNTING PAGE 2 AMOUNT 36.00 342.80 117.08 505.20 17.79 165.80 179.72 56.37 401.89 919.70 322.74 974.44 220.28 255.39 1869.00 4561.55 3051.00 2573.64 2806.80 8431.44 200,00 210.00 975.00 500.00 488.21 375.00 2450.00 2625.00 48.71 159.00 378.88 579.90 263.89 3380.88 -If 1020 573291 1020 573291 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573292 1020 573293 1020 573294 1020 573295 1020 573296 1020 573297 1020 573298 1020 573299 1020 573300 1020 573301 ~._1020 573302 1020 573302 1020 573302 TOTAL C~CK 1020 573303 1020 573303 1020 573303 1020 573303 1020 573303 1020 573303 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573304 1020 573305 1020 573306 1020 573307 1020 573308 1020 573309 1020 573310 11/19/99 CITY OF CUPERTINO ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 5/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between "573263" and "573490" FUND - 110 - GENERAL FUND CASH AC~T CHECK NO ISSUE DT .............. VENDOR ............. FUND/DEPT 11/19/99 872 BSA ~aCHITECTS 4249210 11/19/99 872 BSA ARCHITECTS 4249210 11/19/99 114 11/19/99 1622 11/19/99 1570 11/19/99 133 11/19/99 M 11/19/99 M 11/19/99 1625 11/19/99 M 11/19/99 M 11/19/99 143 11/19/9~ 146 11/19/99 146 11/19/99 146 11/19/99 147 11/19/99 147 11/19/99 147 11/19/99 147 11/19/99 147 11/19/99 147 11/19/99 M 11/19/99 1156 11/19/99 1626 11/19/99 M 11/19/99 164 11/19/99 1595 11/19/99 1612 BUBBLE MACHIND CAR WASH 6308540 DONNA BURGER 5806249 BUSINESS & LEGAL REPORTS 1108005 CAL-LINE EQUIPMENT CO IN 6308540 CALIFOP, NIA DEPT OF PESTI 1108201 CALIFORNIA SOCIETY OF MU 1104000 CALIFORNIA YOUTH SYMPRON 1101042 CAPCA 1108201 CARROLL, ELEANOR 5500000 CASEY PRINTING INC 1103400 CASH 5806349 CASH 5806249 CASH 1106265 C~H 5506549 C~H 5506549 CASH 5506E49 CASH 5506549 CASH 5506549 CASH 5506549 CAYOT, LINDA 5806249 CHA 110 C~RRY BOLSSOM FESTIVAL 1101042 CITY CLERKS ASSOCIATION 1104300 CLARK'INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY 1108303 CI~3WNS }aOUND CLUE 5806649 BARRIE D COATE 1104530 PAGE 3 ..... DESCRIPTION ...... SALES TAX AMOUNT PROP SVCS PMT 15 0.00 2305.31 PROP SVCS P~rr 15 0.00 4070.41 0.00 10600.39 CAR WASH 0.00 162.50 CATERING PROGRAM 0.00 117.00 REFERENCE 0.00 834.95 SUPPLIES 0.00 131.76 RENEWAL APPLICATION 0.00 140.00 MEMBERSHIP/C ATWOOD 0.00 100.00 FINE ARTS GRANT 0.00 1200.00 DUES 2000 0.00 75.00 TRIP REF~ 0.00 30.00 CUPERTINO SCENE 11/99 0.00 29 ~ PETTY CASH REIMBURSEME 0.00 14.74 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEME 0.00 208.50 PE'l"r~ CASH REIMBURSEM 0.00 6.48 0.00 229.72 P~'I-rY CASH REIMBURSEM 0.00 32.46 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEME 0.00 42.70 PET~ C~R REIMBURSENE 0.00 46.38 PETTY CABH REIMBURSEM 0.00 10.81 PETTY CASH REINEURSM 0.00 70.18 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEME 0.00 5.98 0.00 208.51 SUPPLIES 0.00 75.41 EMPLOYEE DEDUCTIONS 0.00 140.00 FINE ARTS GP, ANT 0.00 2000.00 MBMBER~HIP DUES 1999/2 0.00 110.00 SUPPLIES 0.00 42.33 PERFORMER~ 0.00 225.00 NORTICULTUR~ SERVICES 0.00 337 ~8 RUN DA~ 11/19/99 TIMB 09:57:28 - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 11/19/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: lION CRITERIA: 5/o0 CITY 0F CUPERTIN0 C"aECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND transact.check_no between "573263" and "573490" CASE ACCT C}{ECK NO 1020 S73311 1020 S73312 1020 S73312 TOTAL C~ECK 1020 573313 1020 573313 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573314 1020 S73315 1020 573316 1020 573317 1020 573318 1020 573318 TOTAL CHECK ~ 573319 ,2020 573320 1020 573321 1020 573321 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573322 1020 573323 1020 573324 1020 973324 TOTAL C]{ECK 1020 873325 1020 573326 1020 573327 1020 573328 1020 573329 1020 573330 ] 573331 ISSUE DT .............. ~DOR ............. F~/DEPT 11/19/99 1352 COFFEE BREWER EM3CTORa 1108504 11/19/99 970 COOPERATIVE PERSON~qEL SE 1104510 11/19/99 970 COOPERATI~rE PERSO~rNEL SE 1104510 11/19/99 183 11/19/99 183 11/19/99 984 11/19/99 194 11/19/99 195 11/19/99 198 11/19/99 1034 11/19/99 1034 11/19/99 209 11/19/9~ 1335 11/19/99 8SO 11/19/99 850 11/19/99 220 11/19/99 222 11/19/99 225 11/19/99 225 11/19/99 1613 11/19/99 233 11/19/99 234 11/19/99 240 11/19/99 1493 11/19/99 1556 11/19/99 249 COTTON SHIRES & ASSO IN 110 COTTON SHIRES & ASSO IN 110 CROSSROADS CHEVRON SERVI 6308540 CUPERTINO SUPPLY INC 1108407 C~3PERTINO SYMPHONIC B/~D 1101042 CUPERTINO UNION SCHL DIS 1100000 DAILY JO~ CORPORATIO 1101500 DAILY JOU~_N~.L CORPO~ATIO 1101500 DE ~NZA SERVICES INC 1108501 DENISE GOSS 5806249 DIDDAMS AMAZING PARTY ST 5806649 DIDDM ~d~ZING P~TY ST 1101201 DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY 5806349 DKS ~SOCIATES 4209524 DONE RIGHT ROOFING & ~ 1108504 DONE RIGHT ROOFING & G~3T 5609105 DUN & BRADSTREET 1108201 ECONOMIC DRIVING SCHOOL 5806249 EDS ENGINEERING DATA S~ 1101070 ELIZABETH ELLIS 1101070 EMPIRE L[MER C~]Y 1108312 BNC~C~TE(5~NICAL SERV 1108407 ESBRO CHEMICAL 5606620 ..... DESCRIPTION ...... LABOR OFFICE A~ET EXAM CREDIT 10/31/99 GEOLOGIC SVCS #94176 GEOLOGIC EVCS 894176 FUEL/CITYVENICLES SUPPLIES FINE ARTS GR~ UTILITY TAX REI~URSEM S F DAILY JOU~AL N C/~IF COUNT RULES SPECI/tL SERVICES 10/25 RECREATION PROGRAM S~PPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES LABOR & MATERIALS ROOF REPAIR REGISTRATION FEE RECREATION PROGRAM MAILING NOTICES TP~SCHIPTION 10/25/99 SUPPLIES CO~[[ROI~ASSyS 3 SWPLIES SALES TAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.56 0.00 0.00 O.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 161.93 1549.68 0.00 PAGE 4 AMOUNT 50.00 649.00 -35.00 614.00 671.80 478.20 1150.00 2214.34 256.60 600.00 927.22 S72.40 255.00 827.40 265.00 50.30 129.47 15.01 144.48 340.43 1635.60 250.00 250.00 SO0.O0 465.00 2365.00 88.91 425.00 2124.73 20333.68 32?.08 RUN DATE 11/19/99 TIME 09:57:28 - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 11/19/99 CITY OF CUPERTINO PAGE 5 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 5/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no betwee~ "573263" and "573490" ' FUND - 110 - GENERAL FUND ~H AeCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT .............. ~R ............. PUND/DE~ 1020 573331 11/19/99 249 TOTAL CHECK ESERO CHEMICAL 5606620 1020 573332 11/19/99 253 EXCHANGE LINEN SERVICE 5806249 1020 573332 11/19/99 253 EXCHANGE LINEN SERVICE 5806249 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573333 11/19/99 260 1020 573333 11/19/99 260 1020 573333 11/19/99 260 1020 573333 11/19/99 260 TOTAL CHECK FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 1104100 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 1104001 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 1107405 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP 1108601 1020 573334 11/19/99 M FINE ARTS MUSEUMS 5506549 1020 573335 11/19/99 264 FITZPATRICK BARRICADE & 2708405 1020 573336 11/19/99 266 RYAN FORBES 5806449 1020 573337 11/19/99 1502 JITDIT~ A FORD 5606620 1020 573338 11/19/99 268 1020 573338 11/19/99 268 TOTAL CHECK FOSTER BROS SECURITY SYS 1108506 FOSTER BROS SECURITY SYS 2708404 1020 573339 11/19/99 1268 GALLI PRODUCE 5806249 1020 573339 11/19/99 1268 GALLI PRODUCE 5806249 1020 573339 11/19/99 1268 GALLI PRODUCE 5806249 1020 573339 11/19/99 1268 G/LLLI PRODUCE 5806249 1020 573339 11/19/99 1268 GALLI PRODUCE 5806249 1020 573339 11/19/99 1268 GALLI PRODUCE 5806249 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573340 11/19/99 1275 GARDEN CITY SUPPLY INC 5806249 1020 573341 11/19/99 281 GARDE~ 5606640 1020 573341 11/19/99 281 GARDEN~ 1108408 1020 573341 11/19/99 281 GARDENLAND 5606640 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573342 11/19/99 1276 GOURMET EXPRESS 5806249 1020 573342 11/19/99 1276 GOUR~ EXPRESS 5806249 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573343 11/19/99 298 GRAINGER INC 6308540 1020 573343 11/19/99 298 GRAINGER INC 6308540 1020 573343 11/19/99 298 GRAINGER INC 1108315 1020 573343 11/19/99 298 GRAINGER INC 1108312 1020 573343 11/19/99 298 GRAINGER INC 1108315 1020 573343 11/19/99 298 GRAINGER INC 1108315 TOTAL CHECK ..... DESCRIPTION ...... SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SALES TAX AMOUNT 0.00 262.20 0,00 589.28 0.00 3.72 0.00 9.18 0.00 12.90 PRIORITY OVERNIGHT 0.00 24.00 PRIORITY OVERNIGHT 0.00 24.00 PRIORITY OVERNIGET 0.00 20.75 PRIORITY OVERNIGHT O.O0 25.75 0.00 94.50 MEMBERSHIP DUES 2000 0.00 40.00 SUPPLIES 0.00 161.18 RECREATION PROGRAM 0.00 130.40 RECREATION PROGRAM 0.00 117.00 PARTS & SUPPLIES 0.00 33.34 PARTS & SUPPLIES 0.00 SUPPLIES 11/11/99 CREDIT 11/8/99 SUPPLIES 11/10/99 SUPPLIES - 11/5/99 SUPPLIES - 11/6/99 SUPPLIES 11/2/99 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES 11/10/99 SUPPLIES 0.00 16.75 0.00 -27.50 0.00 209.50 0,00 267.85 0.00 109.30 0.00 · 21.55 0.00 597.45 0.00 315.70 0.00 173.09 0,00 502.14 0.00 47.86 0.00 723.09 0.00 105.90 0.00 554.75 0.00 660.65 20.13 264.15 1.73 22.75 0.00 229.67 0.00 110.21 0.00 186.28 0.00 25~ ~4 21.86 10 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES RUN DATE 11/19/99 TIME 09:57:29 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 11/19/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: FION CRITERIA: s/oo CITY 0F CUPERTIN0 C4ECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND transact.check_no between "573263" and "573490" FUND - 110 - GENER~d~ F~ C3&SH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT .............. VENDOR ............. FUND/DEPT 1020 573344 11/19/99 1349 1020 573344 11/19/99 1349 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573345 11/19/99 300 1020 573346 11/19/99 301 1020 573347 11/19/99 1378 1020 573347 11/19/99 1378 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573348 11/19/99 315 1020 573349 11/19/99 1614 1020 573350 11/19/99 327 1020 573351 11/19/99 328 10~. 573352 11/19/99 337 1~ 573353 11/19/99 995 ..~__1020 573353 11/19/97 995 1020 573353 11/19/99 995 TOTAL CREEK 1020 573354 11/19/99 349 1020 573354 11/19/99 349 1020 573354 11/19/99 349 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573355 11/19/99 3S3 1020 573356 11/19/99 1524 1020 573357 11/19/99 1122 1020 573358 11/19/99 369 1020 573358 11/19/99 369 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573359 11/19/99 1258 1020 573360 11/19/99 381 1020 573361 11/19/99 M 1~2A, 573362 11/19/99 385 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION COM 2708404 GRANITE CONSTRUCTION COM 2708404 BARBARA GRAVES 5806449 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO INC 1108503 GYM PRECISION 5706450 GYM PRECISION 5706450 JILL PL~FF 5806449 ~EIDE'S ~AY SALES 5806649 RELLO DIRECT INC 1108501 LAUREN HENSHALL 5806449 HUSBANDS & ASSOCIATES 1108303 INSERV COMPANY 1108504 INSERr COMPANY 1108502 INSERV COMPANY 1108501 INTERIM PERSONNEL 1107301 INTERIM PSRSONNEL 1107301 INTERIM PEP~ONNEL 1107301 IRON MOUNTAIN 1104300 JEFFREY JADRICK 5806249 JOHNSTON SUPPLY 5606660 KELLY-MOORE PAINT C0 INC 1108312 KELLy-MOORE PAINT CO INC 1108312 DONNA KREY 1101200 HMMA KUNDARGI 1101042 KUO, RITA 110 LAB S]~'rf SUPPLY 6308540 ..... DESCRIPTION ...... SALES PAGE 6 AMOUNT /~AL OVEPJaAY ~99-108 0.00 157031.82 SCB OVERLAY #99-101 0.00 14998.50 0.00 172030.32 RECREATION PROGFJ~4 0.00 131.00 SUEPLIES 0.00 80.96 GYM EQUIPMENT MAINT 0.00 125.00 GYM EQUIPMENT SVC ' 0.00 86.23 0.00 211.23 RECREATION pROGRAM 0.00 575.00 SUPPLIES 0.00 184.46 SUPPLIES 0.00 251.12 RECREATION PROGP,~M 0.00 230.00 WASTE RECEPTACLES 196.10 3090.78 WATER TREAT~NT 11/99 0.00 159.49 WATER TREATMNT 11/99 0.00 159.49 WA~R TREA~%~ITT 11/99 0.00 159.49 0.00 478.47 PLANNING TEMP 0.00 360.00 PLANNING TEMP 0.00 360.00 PLANNING TM 0.00 360.00 0.00 1080.00 RECORD STORAGE 0.00 183.66 CATERING pROGRAM 0.00 949.00 SUPPLIES 0.00 37.93 SUPPLIES 0.00 362.75 SUPPLIES 0.00 123.62 0.00 486.37 REIMEURSE~_a~T 0.00 425.00 REIMEURSM~NT 0.00 82.17 REFUND DEPOSIT R99684 0.00 100.00 SUPPLIES 0.00 123.47 RUN DATE 11/19/99 TIME 09:57:29 - FINANCIAL ACCOD~TING 11/19/99 CITY OF CUPERTINO PAGE 7 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 5/00 C~ECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between "573263" and "573490" FUND - 110 - GENEPj&L FUND CASE ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT .............. VEER ............. FUND/DEFT 1020 573363 11/19/99 386 MIC~L LAMB 5806349 1020 573364 11/19/99 393 JO~ LEE 580644g 1020 573365 11/19/99 396 PHILLIP M LENIFAN 5806449 1020 573366 11/19/99 397 1020 573367 11/19/99 398 LESLIE'S POOL SUPPLIES I 1108303 LEXIS LAW PUBLISHING 1101500 1020 573368 11/19/99 404 LONGS DRUG STORES #260 5806249 1020 573369 11/19/99 405 LONGS DRUGS #114 1108601 1020 573369 11/19/99 405 LONGS DRUGS #114 1104530 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573370 11/19/99 M LOWENSTEIN, KAREN 5500000 1020 573371 11/19/99 1089 LUCENT TECENOLOGIES 5606640 1020 573372 11/19/99 1463 HAACO AUTO PAINTING & BO 6308540 1020 573373 11/19/99 1602 MEIA MUNISERVICES COMPAN 1100000 ~1020 573374 11/19/9~ 431 1020 573374 11/19/99 431 1020 573374 11/19/99 431 1020 573374 11/19/99 431 1020 573374 11/19/99 431 1020 573374 11/19/99 431 1020 573374 11/19/99 431 1020 573374 11/19/99 431 1020 573374 11/19/99 431 1020. 573374 11/19/99 431 1020 573374 11/19/99 431 1020 573374 11/19/99 431 1020 573374 11/19/99 431 1020 573374 11/19/99 431 1020 573374 11/19/99 431 1020 573374 11/19/99 431 1020 573374 11/19/99 431 1020 573374 11/19/99 431 1020 573374 11/19/99 431 TOTAL CHECK MC WHORTER'S OFFICE PROD 5506549 MC W~ORTER'S OFFICE PROD 1106100 MC W~ORTER'S OFFICE PROD 5506549 MC WHORTER'S OFFICE PROD 5706450 MC W~ORTER'S OFFICE PROD 1108312 MC WHORTER'S OFFICE PROD 5606680 MC WHORTER'S OFFICE PROD 2708405 MC W~ORTER'S OFFICE PROD 5606680 MC WHORTER'S OFFICE PROD 1107200 MC WHORTER'S OFFICE PROD 5706450 MC WHORTER'S OFFICE PROD 5806449 MC W~ORTER'S OFFICE PROD 1106647 MC WHORTER'S OFFICE PROD 2708404 MC W~ORTER'S OFFICE PROD 1108201 MC WHORTER'S OFFICE PROD 1106100 MC WHORTER'S OFFICE PROD 1108408 MC WHORTER'S OFFICE PROD 1106100 MC WHORTER'S OFFICE PROD 1108315 MC WHORTER'S OFFICE PROD 1108530 1020 573375 11/19/99 1500 DEB~AMCGANN 5806249 1020 573376 11/19/99 437 ~uflxO NEWSPAPERS 1020 573376 11/19/99 437 M~O NEWSPAPERS 1020 573376 11/19/99 437 METRO NMWSP/~PERS 1020 573376 11/19/99 437 ~lz~l~O NEWSPAPERS 1104300 1104300 1104300 1101070 ..... DESCRIPTION SERVICES 12/4/99 RECREATION pROGRAM RECREATION PROGRAM FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE CA DEER ACS #2 9/99 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PHOTO PROCESSING PHONE SERVICE SERVICE SALES T~X AUDIT SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES CATERING SERVICES LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION LEGAL PUBLICATION PUBLIC ~ING NOTICE · SALES TAX 0.00 O.OO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 AMOUNT 200,00 272.00 56.00 474.07 61,41 19.90 6.53 13.24 19.77 55.00 9.52 450.00 0.00 4r ~ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O. O0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O. O0 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.S3 25.83 12.21 46.54 141.90 34.63 451.52 61.68 12.43 17.66 6.04 32.84 134.01 18.88 29.75 319.35 10.54 128.27 4.32 1507.93 133.00 47.50 40.00 6c no RUN DATE 11/19/99 TIM 09:57:30 - FINANCIAL ACCOD~TrING 11/19/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: TION CRITERIA: 5/00 CITY 0F CUPERTIN0 C4ECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND FUND - 110 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT C~4ECK NO ISSUE DT .............. VENDOR ............. FUND/DEPT 1020 573376 11/19/99 437 METRO NEWSPAPERS 1104300 1020 573376 11/19/99 437 METEO NEWSPAPERS 1101070 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573377 11/19/99 1238 MICRO CENTER 6104800 1020 573378 11/19/99 443 1020 573378 11/19/99 443 1020 573378 11/19/99 443 1020 573378 11/19/99 443 1020 573378 11/19/99 443 TOTAL C~ECK MILLENNIUM~4EC~ICAL IN 1108501 MILLENNIUM MECHANICAL IN 1108505 MILLENNIUM MEC"aANICAL IN 1108504 MILLENNIUM MEC-h~NICAL IN 1108503 MILLENNIUM MEC}MICAL IN 5708510 1020 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON'S LUMBER 1108501 1020 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON'S LU~ER 5708510 1020 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON'S LUMER 5806649 1020 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON'S LD~MBER 1108501 1020 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON'S LUMBER 1108501 1020 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON'S LUMBER 1108501 1020 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON'S LUMBER 1108314 1020 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON'S LDMER 5806649 1020 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON'S LUMBER 5708510 Y 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON'S LUMBER 1108504 I 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON'S LL~ER 1108504 ,__1020 573380 11/19/9~ 444 MINTON'S LUMBER 2708405 1020 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON'S LUMBER 1108530 1020 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON'S LUMBER 1108312 1020 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON'S LIME]{ 2809213 1020 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON'S LD~4BER 1108408 1020 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON~S LUMBER 5806349 1020 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON'S LUMBER 1108312 1020 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON'S LI~4BER 5806449 1020 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON'S LUMBER 1108501 1020 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON'S LIMER 5806649 1020 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON'S LU~ER 1108314 1020 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON'S LMER 5806649 1020 573380 11/19/99 444 MINTON'S LUMBER 1108314 TOTAL C~ECK 1020 573381 11/19/99 447 1020 573381 11/19/99 447 1020 573381 11/19/99 447 TOTAL CHECK MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE 1108201 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE 1108201 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE 1108201 1020 573382 11/19/99 455 HEAT~ MOLL 9806249 1020 573383 11/19/99 1485 MOOR~ IACOFANO GOLTSMAN 4239214 1020 573384 11/19/99 465 I 573385 11/19/99 902 MO~WTAIN VIEW GARDeN CEN 1108312 DAVID MOYER 1108315 ..... DESCRIPTION ...... LEGAL PUBLICATION PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE SUPPLIES & PERIPHERALS DUCT WORK MAINTENANCE - SR CTR MAIN~NANCE - QUIN~AN MAINTENANCE - SERVICE MAINTENANCE - SPORTS C SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES CREDIT 10/29/99 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES S~PLIES ~PLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORM SERVICE UNIFORM SERVICE RECREATION PROGRAM PROFESSIONAL SVC 8/99 SUPPLIES PROFFaSIONALSERVICES SALES TAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O. O0 O. Oo 0.00 O. O0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE ~d~OU~TT 40.00 112.50 360.00 2224.20 430.74 70.00 70.00 70.00 70.00 710.74 24.12 51,23 17.16 -3.50 2,52 17.72 17.10 6.28 21.24 88.65 178.85 11.98 8.13 38.10 24.40 40.04 9.72 84.20 4.86 12.93 38.95 7.77 25.11 5.83 733.40 92.83 8.50 71.15 172.48 777.00 11077.21 489.24 1045.00 RUN DATE 11/19/99 TIME 09:57:31 11/19/99 CITY OF CUPERTINO ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 5/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between "573263" and "573490" FUND - 110 - GENERAL FUND CASH AC~T CHECK NO ISSUE DT .............. VENDOR ............. FUND/DEPT 1020 573386 1020 573387 1020 573388 1020 573388 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573389 1020 573390 1020 573391 1020 573392 1020 573393 1020 573394 1020 573395 1020 573395 1020 573395 .~._TOTAL CHECK 1020 573396 1020 573396 TOTAL C"AECK 1020 573397 1020 573398 102Q 573398 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573399 1020 573400 1020 573400 1020 573400 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573401 1020 573401 1020 573401 1020 573401 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573402 1020 573402 11/19/99 466 MPA DESIGN 4219310 11/19/99 1617 ~U/LTIGRAPHICS INC 1106265 11/19/99 470 ~KJSSON THFA~IC_~ 5806649 11/19/99 470 MUSSON THEATRIC3&L 5806649 11/19/99 471 11/19/99 1191 11/19/99 M 11/19/99 1550 11/19/99 485 11/19/99 486 11/19/99 966 11/19/99 966 11/19/99 966 11/19/99 487 11/19/99 487 11/19/99 496 11/19/99 495 11/19/99 495 11/19/99 1190 11/19/99 500 11/19/99 500 11/19/99 500 11/19/99 507 11/19/99 507 11/19/99 507 11/19/99 507 11/19/99 509 11/19/99 509 MYERS TIRE SUPPLY COMPAN 6308540 NAKA rr~RSERY INC 1108407 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIAT 1107200 ADONIS L NECESITO 1103501 NEWMAN TRAFFIC SIGNS 2708405 NOBLE FORD TRACTOR INC 5606640 NORESCO 2709502 NORESCO 1108602 NORESCO 1108602 NORTHAIRE SIPPLY CO 1108501 NORTHAIRE SUPPLY CO 1108503 O'GKADY PAVING INC 2708404 OFFICE HELPER 1104300 OFFICE HELPER 1104300 RONALD OLDS 1103500 OPERATING ENGINEERE 1104510 OPERATING MINEERE 1104510 OPERATING ENGINEERE 110 DAN OSBORNE 1108501 DAN OSBOIM 1108303 DAN OSBORNE 1108504 DAN OSBOP. NE 1108503 P W SUPERMARKETS INC 5806649 P W SUPERMARKETS INC 5806349 ..... DESCRIPTION ...... PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REPAIR GHOSTWALK LIGFTING GHOSTWALK LIGHTING SALES TAX PAGE 9 AMOUNT 0.00 77.55 0.00 147.00 0.00 21.65 0.00 214.34 0.00 235.99 SUPPLIES, FLEET & EQUI 0.00 298.47 SUPPLIES 0.00 460.06 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL 1 Y 0.00 34.00 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0.00 275.00 SUPPLIES 0.00 517.25 SUPPLIES 0.00 22.96 INST~/~L TI~FIC SIGNAL 0.00 20745.30 INSTALL TRAFFIC SIGNAL 0.00 31[ INSTALL TRAFFIC SIGNAL 0.00 71. 0.00 59688.85 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PAVEMENT RESTROATION CREDIT 10/21/99 SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HLTH & WELFARE RETIRED HLTW & NELFARE/O RIVER HLTW & WELFARE P W EMP 5.68 74.48 8.72 114.47 14.40 188.95 0.00 33769.89 0.00 -32.42 6.84 101.25 6.84 68.83 0.00 180.00 0.00 2980.00 0.00 596.00 0.00 4836.00 0.00 8412.00 0.00 363.51 0.00 1642.47 0.00 865.00 0.00 445.75 0.00 3316.73 0.00 0.00 PROGRESS PAYMENT PROGRESS PAYMENT PROGRESS PAY~/qT PROGRESS PAYMENT SUPPLIES SUPPLIES r ~4 RUN DATE 11/19/99 TIM 09:57:31 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 11/19/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: TION CRITERIA: 5/00 CITY OF CUPERTIN0 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND transact.check_no between "573263" and "573490" ~H AC~ CI.{ECK NO ISSUE DT .............. VENDOR ............. FUND/DEPT 1020 573402 11/19/99 509 1020 573402 11/19/99 509 1020 573402 11/19/99 509 1020 573402 11/19/99 509 1020 573402 11/19/99 509 1020 573402 11/19/99 809 TOTAL C~ECK P W SUPERMARKETS INC 5806349 P W SUPERMARKETS INC 1106647 P W SUPERMARKETS INC 5806349 P W SUPERMARKETS INC 5806249 P W SUPERMARKETS INC 5806349 P W SUPERMARKETS INC 1106647 1020 573403 11/19/99 M PACIFIC CAR C/~ 110 1020 573404 11/19/99 M PACIFIC GENERAL CONS~UC 110 1020 573405 11/19/99 1099 1020 573405 11/19/99 1099 TOTAL C~CK PAVEMENT ENGINEERING INC 2708404 PA~NT ENGINEERING INC 2708404 1020 573406 11/19/99 531 PEPSI-COLA COMPANY 5806249 1020 573407 11/19/99 1525 RAY~ R pEREZ 5806249 1020 573408 11/19/99 535 PETERS-DE LAET INC 6308540 1~92~0 573408 11/19/99 535 PE~RS-DE LAET INC 6308540 , C"HECK .r1020 573409 11/19/~9 536 ~ MARIE PETERSON 5806249 1020 573410 11/19/99 1496 S~JaI~E PE"IERSON 5806249 1020 573411 11/19/99 537 PETPRO PRODUCTS INC 1108303 1020 573411 11/19/99 537 P~TPRO PRODUCTS INC 1108302 1020 573411 11/19/99 537 PETPRO PRODUCTS INC 1108315 1020 573411 11/19/99 537 PETPRO PRODUCTS INC 1108314 1020 573412 11/19/99 540 PICC INC 5609105 1020 573413 11/19/99 542 PINE COI~ LDMER 1108314 1020 573413 11/19/99 542 PINE CONE LXMER 1108314 TOT~L CHECK 1020 573414 11/19/99 545 JEFF PISERCHIO 5606640 1108201 1104310 1104310 1020 573415 11/19/99 1456 PI=~IEY BOWES iNC 1020 573416 11/19/99 546 PITNEY BOWES INC 1020 573416 11/19/99 546 PITNEY BOWES INC TOTAL CHECK 1020 573417 11/19/99 574 ~_AC}{ FI~SS CLUB 573418 11/19/99 577 R~ED EQUIP~ CO 5706450 5606640 ..... DESCRIPTION SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES ~ OF BALANCE R100766 REF~IND R4768 PROF SVCS PNT 8 PROF SVCS P~TT 8 SUPPLIES CATERING SERVICES PARTS & SUPPLIES PARTS & SUPPLIES RECREATION pROGRAM RECREATION PROGPJ~J'4 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES STUCCO INSTALLATION SUPPLIES SUPPLIES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COPIER MAINT & USAGE POSTAGE NETER RENTAL EZ-SEAL PROFESSIONAL SVC 9/99 SERVICE CALL SALES TAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0o 0.00 O.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.21 0.00 31.21 0.00 0.00 PAGE 1O AMOUNT 64.88 10.16 11.56 38.12 41.62 28.39 215.63 355.06 30000.00 15165.00 3922.50 19087.50 301.77 117.00 20.00 23.41 43.41 242.40 242.40 414.97 414.97 414.98 414.97 1659.86 8399.81 41.85 49.57 91.42 1705.00 123.17 409.51 94.66 504.17 1850.00 390.00 RUN DATE 11/19/99 TIME 09:57:32 - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 11/19/99 CITY OF CUPERTXNO ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 5/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between N573263" and "573490" ..... DESCRIPTION ...... SALES TAX PAGE 11 AMOUNT 1020 573419 11/19/99 581 RELIABLE 1107503 1020 573419 11/19/99 581 RELI~LE 1107301 1020 573419 11/19/99 581 RELIABLE 1107501 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573420 n/19/99 1020 573421 11/19/99 1020 573422 n/i9/99 1020 S73423 11/19/99 1020 573424 11/19/99 602 1020 573424 11/19/99 602 1020 573424 11/19/99 602 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573425 1020 573426 1020 573427 1020 573428 1020 573428 TOTAL CHECK 1200 REST ROOM WORLD 1108504 845 KEIT~ REUTER 1108314 838 ROADLINE PRODUCTS INC 2708405 600 ROTO-ROOTER SEWER SERVIC 2308401 ROYAL COACH TOURS 5506549 ROYAL COACH TOURS 5506549 ROYAL COACH TOURS 5506549 11/19/99 1615 11/19/99 611 11/19/99 614 11/19/99 345 11/19/99 345 1020 573429 11/19/99 959 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 1020 S73434 11/19/99 625 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 RU~ERFORD & CHEKENE 1108504 S C CO TR~SPORTATION 5506549 SAFE MOVES 1108603 SAN FRANCISCO ELEVATOR 1108501 SAN FR~CISCO ELEVATOR 1108502 SAN JOSE MERCURy NEWS 1103300 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108321 SAN JOSE WATER COMPA~"f 1108314 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108321 SAN JOSE WATER CO~ANY 1108315 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108315 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108314 SAN JOSE WATER COMP~Y 1108407 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108407 SAN JOSE WA'rZK COMP~%~NY 1108407 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108315 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108315 SAN JOSE WA~,R C0~]%a~Y 1108315 SAN JOSE WATER COMPA~Pf 1108407 SAN JOSE WATER COMP/~ 1108407 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108506 S~ JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108407 S~JOSE WATER CO~/%/~Y 1108407 SAN JOSE WATER COMP/~ 1108407 SAN JOEE WATER C0~A~ 1108407 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108407 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TIME AND MATERIAL SUPPLIES SERVICE TRANSPORTATION 10/13/9 TRANSPORTATION 11/11/9 TRANSPORTATION 10/5/99 ENGI~TEERING CONSULT~a~T MONTHLY FLASH PASS PROFESSIONAL SVC 9/99 ELEVATOR SVC 11/99 ELEVATOR SVC 11/99 SUBSCRIPTION 11/26 - 2 WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.58 15.07 331.54 370.19 477.84 600.00 426.99 3650.00 520.62 674.18 1278.38 2473.18 3060.00 189.00 48 ~0 136.68 46.12 182.80 37.51 30.42 695.20 256.28 1430.20 349.11 1014.61 943.20 780.39 225.05 30.42 1597.28 48.06 21.00 21.00 39.52 14.79 73.72 325.80 RUN DATE 11/19/99 TIME 09:57:32 - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING ,Z-,Zo 11/19/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: TION s/oo CITY OF CUPERTIN0 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND C~ITERIA: Eransact.check_no between "573263" and "573490" ~ - 11o - GEN'ERj%L [~/ETD CASH ACCT 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 1020 CHECK NO ISSUE DT .............. VEI~R ............. FUND/DEpT 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMP~ 1108407 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WAfeR COMPP~qY 1108407 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 5606620 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108506 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108407 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108407 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPAN~ 1108407 573434 11/19/99 625 SANJ~SE WATER COMPANY 5606620 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108407 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 5708810 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108303 573434 11/19/99 825 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108303 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108303 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108503 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMP~4NY 1108407 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPA~ 1108407 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108314 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPAN~ 1108314 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108507 573434 11/19/99 625 S]4N JOSE WATER COMP~NY 1108314 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108314 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108302 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPA~ 1108314 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMP~NY 1108314 573434 11/19/~ 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 5708510 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMP/~NY 5708510 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPi~%TY 1108314 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPie~qY 1108303 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108407 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 5606620 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPAHY 1108407 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108407 573434 11/19/99 625 ~ JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108407 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108407 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER CO~ANY 1108407 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WA~R COMPA~Ff 1108407 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108407 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108407 573434 11/19/99 625 S~ JOSE WATER COMPA~ 1108407 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108407 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPA~TY 1108312 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPA~ 1108322 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WA~R COMP/4~Y 1108321 573434 11/19/99 625 S~ JOSE WATER COMPANY 5708510 573434 11/19/99 625 S~/qJOSE WkA'ZK CO~A~qY 4209110 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108407 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108408 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108504 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WkA'~M CO~ANY 1108504 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER CO~AMY 1108303 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108303 ..... DESCRIPTION ...... WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WAT~ SERVICE WATER SERVICE Wk£~K SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE SALES TAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 PAGE 12 AMOUNT 63,62 18.06 31.81 35.23 10.90 53.83 119.66 112.58 21.00 251.39 45.02 673.54 1341.81 83.65 21.00 50.74 182.39 211.01 56.47 2182.93 138.03 299.74 72.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 615,99 465.73 45.02 80.08 114.02 81.10 30.93 29.50 46.68 37.68 86.34 32.37 244.24 207.03 S79.09 132.59 30.42 345.53 109.61 68.83 25.00 146.62 89.38 107.98 1821.20 RUN DATE 11/19/99 TIM 09:57:33 - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 11/19/99 CITY OF CUPERTINO PAGE 13 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 5/00 C~ECK REGISTER - DISBD~EMENT FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between "573263" and "573490" F~ - 110 - GENE~ FUND CASH ACCT C~ECK NO ISSUE DT .............. VENDOR ............. FUND/DEPT 1820 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMP/~NY 1108407 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108314 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 560664~ 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108504 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 S~aq JOSE WATER COMP~/~Y 5606620 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMP~a~Y 5606620 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108312 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JQSE WATER COMPA~ 1108312 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMP~uNY 1108407 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMP~u~TY 1108407 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPANY 1108407 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMP~A~Y ' 1108321 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMP~u~]Y 1108407 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMP~dqY 1108312 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMP~/qY 1108314 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMP~/qY 1108407 1020 573434 11/19/99 625 SAN JOSE WATER COMPAN~I 1108407 TOTAL C~ECK 1020 573435 11/19/99 1249 S~2~TA CI3~DA CO~ 5208003 1020 573436 11/19/99 628 SANTA CLARA COUNTY SWERI 1102100 1020 573437 11/19/99 628 1020 573438 11/19/99 633 SANTA CLARA COUN~ SHERI 5606620 SANTA C~ COUNTY S~ERI 5806349 1020 573439 11/19/99 1360 S~LNTA CI~ UNIFIED SC~O 2308004 1020 573440 11/19/99 637 SARATOGA BUILDERS 2809213 1020 573441 11/19/99 M EARAY, STE~FE 1100000 1020 573441 11/19/99 M S~y, S~"EVE 110 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573442 11/19/99 639 SAVIN CORPORATION 1104310 1020 573443 11/19/99 640 1020 573443 11/19/99 640 1020 573443 11/19/99 640 1020 573443 11/19/99 640 1020 573443 11/19/99 640 TOTAL C~ECK SCA HYGIE~ P~ER INC 1108314 SCA HYGIENE PAPER INC 1108312 SCA HYGIF~NE PAPER INC 1108315 SCA HYGIENE PAPER INC 1108302 SCA HYGIENE PAPER INC 1108303 1020 573444 11/19/99 1488 SEARS 1820 573444 11/19/99 1488 SFa~ 1020 573444 11/19/99 1488 1020 573444 11/19/99 1488 SEARS 1020 573444 11/19/99 1488 SF~ 1020 573444 11/19/9~ 1488 EF~ 1020 573444 11/19/99 1488 SEA~ 1108501 1108314 1108303 1108321 1108601 1108506 1108530 ..... DESCRIPTION ...... WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE WATER SERVICE Fa~W 2ND QTR FY99-00 IAW ENFORCEFF_2~T 11/99 PAYMENT FOR 11/5/99 ~RANSPORTATION REFUND/APP FEES R3857 REFt~D/APP FEES R3857 COPY PLAN 10/31-1/31/0 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES ELECTRIC RANGE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TOOLS SUPPLIES SUPPLIES S/~LES TAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 AMOUNT 10.90 10.49 130.00 9.00 191.29 116.88 504.37 863.72 167.92 313.59 73.91 3149.83 41.06 1336.12 14.60 187.91 189.59 26909.69 18750.00 384846.67 3 266.14 253.00 4067.17 1477.11 958.00 2427.11 4308.36 157.08 157.08 157.09 157.08 157.08 785.41 519.59 35.17 35.17 35.17 63.28 3F, 24 ? RUN DATE 11/19/99 TIM 09:57:34 - FINANCIAL ACCO~TING 11/19/99 CITY OF CUPERTIN0 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: S/00 C~ECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND TION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between "573263" and "573490" ~ - 110 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT C~4ECK NO ISSUE DT .............. VENDOR ............. FUND/DEFT 11/19/99 1488 SEA]~ 1108501 11/19/99 1488 SF~S 1108503 11/19/99 1488 SEARS 2708405 1020 573444 1020 573444 1020 573444 1020 573445 1020 573446 1020 573447 1020 573447 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573448 1020 573449 1020 573450 1020 573450 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573451 i 573452 1020 573453 1020 573454 1020 573455 1020 573455 1020 573455 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573456 1020 573457 1020 573458 1020 573469 1020 573460 1020 573460 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573461 1020 573461 1020 573461 19~n- 573461 3 573461 11/19/99 M 11/19/99 647 11/19/99 651 11/19/99 651 SFARZO, MARyANN 5600000 ELIZA~TH SHANNON 5806449 SIERRA PACIFIC TURF SUPP 5606640 SIERRA PACIFIC TURF SUPP 5606640 11/19/99 652 11/19/99 M 11/19/99 658 11/19/99 658 SIERRA SPRING WATER COMP 1106265 SIEVERT, MARy 1101042 SILVERADO SPRINGS BOTTLE 1104510 SILVERADO SPRINGS BOTTLE 1104510 11/19/99 1618 11/19/99 887 11/19/99 882 11/19/99 1075 11/19/99 676 11/19/99 675 11/19/99 675 SIMI FASTENING SYSTEMS 2708405 DIANE SNOW 5506549 MARK SREBNIK 1107302 STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZAT 110 STATE COMPUTER STORE 1104400 STATE COMPUTER STORE 1104400 STATE COMPUTER STORE 6104800 11/19/99 M 11/19/99 684 11/19/99 M 11/19/99 1361 11/19/99 695 11/19/99 695 STEIN, AGNES 5500000 CHERYL STODDAD 5806449 STRAC 5506549 THE S~IART RENTAL COMPAN 5806249 SYSCO FOOD SERVICES OF S S806249 SYSCO FOOD SENVICES OF S S806249 11/19/99 696 11/19/99 696 11/19/99 696 11/19/99 696 11/19/99 696 TADCO SUPPLY 1108318 TADCO SUPPLy 1108321 TADCO SUPPLY 1108314 TADCO SUPPLY 1108312 TADCO SUPPLY 1108303 ..... DESCRIPTION ...... SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES REFUND DEPOSIT RECREATION pROGRAM SUPPLIES SUPPLIES WATER SERVICE BA~R SUPPLIES WATER WATER SUPPLIES REIMBURSEMENT PROPESSIONAL SERVICES S]~IaS/USE TAX 10/99 SUPPLIES CREDIT 10/05/99 SUPPLIES TRIP REFUND RECREATION pROGRAM MMERSHIP 2000 P,I~AL EQUIP 11/6/99 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SALES TAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.00 0.00 o.0o o.0o 0.0o o.oo 0.00 0.0o 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 O. O0 0.00 0.00 O.OO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE AMOUNT 35.17 35.17 35.17 864.30 50.00 690.00 113.66 300.40 414.06 145.15 30.43 121.00 131.00 252.00 132.64 200.00 1900.OO 1708.00 75.59 -7S.59 484.04 484.04 100.00 575.00 29.95 731,80 745,69 844.65 1890.34 121.93 121.93 121.93 121.92 121.92 RUN DATE 11/19/99 TIMB 09:57:34 - PINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 1020 573461 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573462 11/19/99 698 1020 573463 11/19/99 1520 1020 573464 11/19/99 701 1020 573464 11/19/99 701 1020 573464 11/19/99 701 1020 573464 11/19/99 701 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573465 11/19/99 708 1020 573466 11/19/99 709 1020 573467 11/19/99 M 1020 573468 11/19/99 719 1020 573469 11/19/99 1154 1020 573470 11/19/99 1248 1020 573471 11/19/99 738 1020 573471 11/19/99 738 1020 573471 11/19/99 738 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573472 11/19/99 739 1020 573473 11/19/99 1619 1020 573474 11/19/99 M 1020 573475 11/19/99 749 1020 573475 11/19/99 749 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573476 11/19/99 749 1020 573477 11/19/99 749 1020 573477 11/19/99 749 1020 573477 11/19/99 749 1020 573477 11/19/99 749 1020 573477 11/19/99 749 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573478 11/19/99 749 1020 573478 11/19/99 749 11/19/99 CITY OF CUPSRTINO ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 5/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between "573263" and "573490" FUND - 110 - GENERAL FLFND CASH ACaT CHECK NO ISSUE DT .............. VENDOR ............. FUND/DEPT 11/19/99 696 TADCO SUPPLY 1108302 TALLY'S ENTERPRISES 2709435 TANK PROTECT ENGINEERING 1108503 ..... DESCRIPTION SUPPLIES SPEED BUMP FUEL TANK REPIJ~CENENT TARGE~ STORES 5806349 SUPPLIES T}aGET STORES 5806649 SUPPLIES T/LRGET STORES 5706450 SUPPLIES TARGET STORES 5806349 SUPPLIES NANCY THOMPSON 5806449 LOU THIS 5806449 TOM'S PLUMBING 1100000 CRRIS TREVISAN 5806449 UNITED WAY OF SANTA CLAR 110 US POSTAL SERVICE 1106100 VALLEy OIL COMPANY 6308540 V~TJ,~y OIL COMPA~IY 6308540 VALLEY OIL COMPANY 6308540 V~TJ,~y SLURRY SEAL CO 2708404 VENDNET 1106265 VILEN, J~ 5500000 VISA 5806649 VISA 5806349 VISA 5506S49 VISA 1101201 VISA 1101200 VISA 1101200 VISA 1104510 VISA 1101000 VISA 1102100 VISA 1104200 RECREATION PROGPJ%M RECREATION PROGRAM PaFUND/DUP PERMIT RECREATION PROGRAM EMPLOYEE DEDUCTIONS ANNUAL RENEWAL FUEL FUEL TANK RENTAL FUEL ANNUAL SLURRY SEAL VENDING MACHINE KEYS TRIP REFUND SUPPLIES SUPPLIES TRIP EXPENSES MTG REFRi"SI~4ENTS DISPUTED CHRG/SILVA BR LUNCH MTG ORAL BOARD LUNCH MTG LUNCH/BREAKFAST MTG AOL/SHERIFF ~TA CONFERENCE PAGE 15 SALES TAX AMOUNT 0.00 121.92 0.00 731.55 0.00 12000.00 0.00 35664.39 0.00 11.22 0.00 64.00 0.00 40.19 0.00 10.16 0.00 125.57 0.00 483.00 0.00 652,50 0.00 39.90 0.00 7939.50 0.00 13525 0.00 it d 0.00 274.89 0.00 220.00 0.60 255.75 0.00 750.64 0.00 46559.80 0.00 42.91 0.00 350.00 0.00 586.59 0.00 75.70 0.00 662.29 0.00 785.00 0.00 24.35 0.00 100.00 0.00 132.40 0.00 230.S3 0.00 106.37 0.00 593.65 0.00 5 RUN DATE 11/19/99 TIME 09:57:35 - FINANCIAL ACCOL%ITING 11/19/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: TION CRITERIA: CITY OF CUPERTIN0 5/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND transact.check_no between "573263" and "573490" CASH ACCT CHECK NO 1020 573478 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573479 1020 573479 1020 573479 1020 573479 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573480 1020 573480 1020 573480 TOTILL CHECK 1020 573481 1020 573482 1020 573482 TOTAL CRECK 1020 573483 1020 573483 T CHECK 573484 1020 573485 1020 573485 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573486 1020 573487 1020 573487 1020 573487 1020 573487 1020 573487 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573488 1020 S73488 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573489 1020 573490 ISSUE DT .............. VENDOR ............. FUND/DEPT 11/19/99 749 VISA 1104001 11/19/99 749 VISA 1101201 11/19/99 749 VISA 1101201 11/19/99 749 VISA 1101000 11/19/99 749 VISA 1104510 11/19/99 751 VOLT 1108501 11/19/99 751 VOLT 1108501 11/19/99 751 VOLT 1108501 11/19/99 1623 11/19/99 779 11/19/99 779 WATSONVILLE CO~T PRODUC 5806649 WEST-LITE SUPPLY CO 1108504 WEST-LITE SUPPLY CO 1108504 11/19/99 775 11/19/99 775 WESTERN PACIFIC SIGNAL L 4209524 WESTERN PACIFIC SIGNAL L 1108602 n/i9/9~ M 11/19/99 782 11/19/99 782 WHERE TO GUIDE 5506549 TRAVICE WRl'rr~N 5606660 TRAVICE WI{li-E~N 4249210 11/19/99 784 11/19/99 794 11/19/99 794 11/19/99 794 11/19/99 794 11/19/99 794 WILBUR SMITE A~SOCIATES 1108601 XEROX CORPORATION 1104310 XEROX CORPORATION 1104310 XEROX CORPORATION 1104310 X~OX CORPORATION 1104310 XEROX CORPORATION 1104310 11/19/99 799 11/19/99 799 ZANKER ROAD LANDFILL 5208003 ZANKER ROAD LANDFILL 5208003 11/19/99 1056 11/19/99 1558 ZD JOURNAL~ 1104000 JOSE ZI3~IGA JR. 1106265 DESCRIPTION ...... AOL/C ATWOOD SALES TAX PAGE 16 AMOUNT 0.00 21.95 0.00 609..55 SUPPLIES 0.00 54.98 CONFERENCE/L D LEE 0.00 300.00 MAYOR'S GIFT/REFRES}{ME 0.00 189.21 HOTEL/ORAL BOARD pANEL 0.00 635.80 0.00 1179.99 SUPPLIES 0.00 436.25 SUnppLIES 0.00 3.56 SUPPLIES 0.00 129.03 0.00 568.84 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 0.00 262.51 0.00 105.00 0.00 367.51 TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEM 2210.75 29007.75 LED LT INTENSITY METER 211.20 2771.20 2421.95 31778.98 0.00 35.00 SUBSCRIPTION 2000 PROF SVCS 10/20-11/15 PROF SVCS 10/20-11/15 0.00 627.49 0.00 296.60 0.00 924.09 PROF SVC 8/99-9/99 0.00 9403.78 METER&BASE C~GE 10/9 100.15 1314.10 COPIER LEASE ~E~MT 70.57 926.04 SUPPLIES 48.02 630.02 SUPPLIES 24.01 315.01 SUPPLIES 83.66 1097.66 328.41 4282.83 YARD WASTE PROCESSING 0.00 15877.71 COMPOST 10/99 0.00 100.00 0.00 15977.71 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL 0.00 S9.00 SECURITY 0.00 75.00 5528.53 1100913.03 5528.53 1100913.03 RUN DATE 11/19/99 TIME 09:57:35 - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 11/19/99 CITY OF CUPERTINO ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 5/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: ~ransact.check_no be=ween "573263" and "573490" FUND - 110 - GENER/~L FU~ CAS]{ AeCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT .............. VENDOR ............. FUND/DEPT TOTAL REPORT ..... DESCRIPTION ...... PAGE 17 SALES TAX AMOUNT 5528,53 1100913.03 RUN DATE 11/19/99 TIME 09:57:35 - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING RESOLUTION NO. 99-349 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS PAYABLE IN THE AMOUNTS AND FROM THE FUNDS AS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED FOR GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD ENDING NOVEMBER 24, 1999 WHEREAS, the Director of Administrative ServiCes or her designated representative has certified td accuracy of the following claims and demands and to the availability of funds for payment hereof; and WHEREAS, the said claims and demands have been audited as required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby allows the following claims and demands in the amounts and f~om the funds as hereinafter set forth in Exhibit "A". CERTIFIED: Director of Administrative Services PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this day of ,1999, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: APPROVED: City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino 11/23/99 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 5/00 CITY OF CUPERTINO CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between "573491" and "573535" FUND - 110 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT .............. VENDOR ............. FUND/DEPT 1020 573491 11/22/99 1611 ALOTTA'S DELI CATERING 5500000 1020 573492 11/24/99 4 A T & T 1108501 1020 573492 11/24/99 4 A T & T 1108501 1020 573492 11/24/99 4 A T & T 1108501 1020 573492 11/24/99 4 A T & T 1108501 1020 573492 11/24/99 4 A T & T 1108501 TOTAL CHECK = 1020 573493 11/24/99 61 1020 573493 11/24/99 61 1020 573493 11/24/99 61 TOTAL CHECK ARTISTIC PLANT CREATIONS 1108501 ARTISTIC PLANT CREATIONS 1108503 ARTISTIC PLANT CREATIONS 1108504 1020 573494 11/24/99 993 JACKLYN BADDELEY 5506549 1020 573495 11/24/99 148 CASH 6308540 1020 573495 11/24/99 148 C~H 1108201 1020 573495 11/24/99 148 C~H 1108501 1020 573495 11/24/99 148 C_3~H 6308540 1020 573495 11/24/99 148 C~H 1108201 1020 573495 11/24/99 148 C~H 1108505 1020 573495 11/24/99 148 C~H 1108503 1020 573495 11/24/99 148 C3%SH 1108501 L~1020 573495 11/24/9~ 148 CASH 1108201 1020 573495 11/24/99 148 C~H 1108201 1020 573495 11/24/99 148 C~N 1108201 1020 573495 11/24/99 148 C~H 6308540 1020 573495 11/24/99 148 C3&SN 5708510 1020 573495 11/24/99 148 CASH 1108501 1020 573495 11/24/99 148 C_~N 1108201 1020 573495 11/24/99 148 CASH 6308540' 1020 573495 11/24/99 148 C3&SH 6308540 1020 573495 11/24/99 148 CASH 1108501 1020 573495 11/24/99 148 CASH 6308540 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573496 11/24/99 1156 CHA 110 1020 573497 11/24/99 916 CO~R X~ XPRESS 6104800 1020 573498 11/24/99 1627 COR-O-VAN MOVING & S~RA 1106500 1020 573499 13/24/99 197 CUPERTINO TOWN CENTER 1101500 1020 573500 11/24/99 209 1020 573500 11/24/99 209 1020 873500 11/24/99 209 TOTAL CHECK DE ANZASERVICES INC 5606640 DE ANZA SERVICES INC 1108505 DE ANZA SERVICES INC 5606620 1020 573501 11/24/99 242 MMP~OY~ DEVEL DEPT 110 DESCRIPTION ...... T~ANKSGIVING LUNCHEON PHONE SVC 10/99 PHONE SVC 10/99 PHONE SVC 10/99 PHONE SVC 10/99 PHONE SVC 10/99 PLANT CARE 11/99 PLANT CARE 11/99 PLANT CARE 11/99 REIMBURSEMENT PETTY CASH REIMBURSEME P~l'l'i CASH REIMBURSEME PETTy CASH REIMEUESENE PETTY CASH REIMBURSEME PETTY CASH REIM~URSEME PETTy CASH REIMURSENE PETTY CASH REIM~UESEME PETTY CASH REIMBURSEME PETTY CASH REI~UESEME P~'rr~ CASH REIMBURSEME PETTY CASH REIMEUESEME PETTY CASH REI~UESENE PETTY CASH REIMBURSEME PETTY CASH REIMBUESENE PETTY CASH REIMEUESEME PETTY CASH REIM~UESEME PETTY CASH REIMEURSENE PETTY CASH REIr~URSEME EMPLOYEE DEDUCTIONS TONER CARTERIDGES MOVING JOB/SR CENTER RENT 12/99 JANITORIAL SVC 11/99 SPECIAL SERVICES 11/99 JANII~3RIAL SVC 11/99 STATE WITHHOLDING SALES TAX PAGE 1 AMOUNT 0.00 900.00 0.00 28.06 0.00 11.33 0.00 11.33 0.00 11.33 0.00 11.33 0.00 73.38 0.00 200.00 0.00 65.00 0.00 81.00 0.00 346.00 0,00 187.50 0,00 7.62 0.00 2.80 0.00 7.09 0.00 1.00 0.00 6.60 0.00 ' 9 0.00 ~ 0.0O 12.99 0.00 6.50 0.00 10.00 0.00 4.82 0.00 12.72 0.00 9.73 0.00 8.34 0.00 8.64 0.00 4.00 0.00 8.25 0.00 8.18 0.00 12.05 0.00 186,51 0.00 130.00 0.00 514.08 0.00 1592.43 0.00 2894.00 0.00 383.40 0.00 125.00 0.00 383.40 0.00 89? ~0 RUN DATE 11/23/99 TIME 13:03:41 - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING s/oo CITY OF CUPERTINO CHECK REGISTER - DXSBURSEMEN"T FLeD transact.check_no between "573491" and "573535" CAgE ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT .............. VENDOR ............. Ft~D/DEPT ..... DESCRIPTION SALES TAX PAGE 2 1020 573502 11/24/99 243 1020 573503 11/24/99 253 1020 573504 11/24/99 818 1020 573504 11/24/99 818 1020 573504 11/24/99 818 1020 573504 11/24/99 818 1020 573504 11/24/99 818 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573505 11/24/99 281 1020 573505 11/24/99 281 TOTAL C"aECK 1020 573506 11/24/99 298 1020 573506 11/24/99 298 TOTAL CRECK 1020 573507 11/24/99 M 573508 11/24/99 343 -~020 573509 11/24/99 1242 1020 573509 11/24/99 1242 1020 573509 11/24/99 1242 1020 573509 11/24/99 1242 1020 573509 11/24/99 1242 1020 573509 11/24/99 1242 1020 573509 11/24/99 1242 1020 573509 11/24/99 1242 1020 573509 11/24/99 1242 1020 573509 11/24/99 1242 1020 573509 11/24/99 1242 1020 573509 11/24/99 1242 1020 573509 11/24/99 1242 1020 573509 11/24/99 1242 1020 573509 11/24/99 1242 1020 973509 11/24/99 1242 1020 573509 11/24/99 1242 1020 573509 11/24/99 1242 1020 573509 11/24/99 1242 TOTAL CHECK EMPLOYMENT DEVELOPMNT 110 EXCHANGE LINEN SERVICE 5806249 FLOYD D BROWN FIRST AID 1108505 FLOYD D BROWN FIRST AID 5708510 FLOYD=D BROWN FIRST AID 1108501 FLOYD D BROWN FIRST AID 1108503 FLOYD D BROWN FIRST AID 1108504 STATE DISABILITY SUPPLIES RECBARGE FIRE EXTINGUI RECH~GE FIRE EXTINGUI RECE~RGE FIRE EXTINGUI RECH~GE FIRE EXTINGUI RECHARGE FIRE EXTINGUI GARDENEdU%'D 1108314 SUPPLIES GARDENLANP 1108314 SUPPLIES GRAINGER INC 1108314 SUPPLIES GRAINGER INC 1108303 SUPPLIES HARVELA, JUPANI S800000 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUNT-45 110 1108601 1108201 1104100 1104100 1104100 1104000 1101000 1101060 6104800 1104510 1101050 1107301 1101000 1107301 1107301 1108201 1107501 1107301 5208003 1104510 1104510 1104510 INSTY-PRINTS INSTY-PRINTS INSTY-PRINTS INSTY-PRINTS INSTY-PRINTS INSTY-PRINTS INSTY-PRINTS INSTY-PRINTS INSTY-PRINTS INSTY-PRINTS INSTY-PRINTS INSTY-PRINTS INSTY-PRINTS INSTY-PRINTS INSTY-PRINTS INSTY-PRINTS INSTY-PRINTS INSTY-PRINTS INSTY-PRINTS 1020 573510 11/24/99 M ZPMA 1020 573510 11/24/99 M IPHA TOTAL CHECK 573511 11/24/99 M IPMA REPLACE CK#571971 9/17 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0.00 46.82 0.00 62.50 0.00 82.62 0,00 164.87 0,00 302.10 0.00 1385.03 0.00 215.53 0.00 2150,15 0.00 96.34 0.00 165.78 0.00 262.12 0.00 122.32 0,00 102.88 0.00 225.20 0.00 152.00 0.00 7113.25 BUSINESS CAEDS 0.00 27.28 BUSINESS CARDS 0.00 54.56 BUSINESS CARDS MASTER 0.00 4195.45 BUSINESS CARDS MASTER 0.00 4195.45 BUSINESS CARDS 0.00 27.28 BUSINESS CARDS 0.0O 44.86 BUSINESS CARDS 0,00 64.52 BUSINESS CARDS 0.00 136.40 BUSINESS CARDS 0.00 32.26 BUSINESS CARDS 0.00 34,60 BUSINESS CARDS 0.00 96.79 BUSINESS CARDS 0.00 64.50 BUSINESS CARDS 0.00 68.19 BUSINESS CARDS 0.00 54.57 BUSINESS CARDS 0.00 41.86 BUSINESS CARDS 0.00 22.92 BUSINESS CARDS 0.00 45.82 BUSINESS CARDS 0.00 68.73 BUSINESS CARDS 0.00 34.60 0.00 9310.60 MMERSHIP/W WOSKA IPMAAC MMERSNIP DUES IMPA NEW/~aENCY ISSUES 0.00 100.00 0.00 40.00 0,00 140]00 0.00 267.00 RUE DATE 11/23/99 TIME 13:03:42 - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 11/23/99 CITY OF CUPERTINO ACCOUNTING PERIOD! 5/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between "573491" and "573535" FUND - 110 - GENER~ FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO 1020 573512 1020 573513 1020 573513 TOT~3~ CHECK 1020 573514 1020 573515 1020 573515 TOTAL C"aECK ISSUE DT .............. VENDOR ............. FUND/DEPT 11/24/99 354 J CRAWFORD & A~SOCIATES 5806449 11/24/99 676 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 1104510 11/24/99 676 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 1104510 11/24/99 1062 ](AYE SMITH BUSINESS GRAP 1104530 11/24/99 372 KINKO'S INC 5806249 11/24/99 372 KINKO'S INC 5806249 1020 573517 11/24/99 412 1020 573517 11/24/99 412 1020 573517 11/24/99 412 1020 573517 11/24/99 412 1020 573517 11/24/99 412 1020 573517 11/24/99 412 1020 573517 11/24/99 412 1020 573517 11/24/99 412 1020 573517 11/24/99 412 1020 573517 11/24/99 412 1020 573517 11/24/99 412 1020 573517 11/24/99 412 -u"1020 573517 11/24/9g 412 1020 573517 11/24/99 412 1020 573517 11/24/99 412 1020 573517 11/24/99 412 1020 573517 11/24/99 412 1020 573517 11/24/99 412 1020 573517 11/24/99 412 1020 573517 11/24/99 412 1020 573517 11/24/99 412 1020 573517 11/24/99 412 1020 573517 11/24/99 412 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573518 1020 573519 1020 573519 TOTAL CHECK 11/24/99 437 11/24/99 439 11/24/99 439 1020 573520 11/24/99 M LUCKY STORES INC - NO CA 5806349 LUCKY STORES INC - NO CA 1106343 LUCKY STORES INC - NO CA 5806349 LUCKY STORES INC - NO CA 5806349 LUCKY STORES INC - NO CA 5806349 LUCKY STORES INC - NO CA 1106343 LUCKY STORES INC - NO CA 5806649 LUCKY STORES INC - NO CA 5806649 LUCKY STORES INC ~ NO CA 5806349 LUCKY STORES INC - NO CA 5806649 LUCKY STORES INC - NO CA 5806349 LUCKY STORES INC - NO CA 5806349 LUCKY STORES INC - NO CA 5806349 LUCKY STORES INC - NO CA 5806349 LUCKY STORES INC - NO CA 5806649 LUCKY STORES INC - NO CAl106343 LUCKY STORES INC - NO CA 5806349 LUCKY STORES INC - NO CA 5806349 LUCKY STORES INC - NO CA 5806249 LUCKY STORES INC - NO CA 1106343 LUCKY STORES INC - NO CA 5806349 LUCKY STORES INC - NO CA 1106343 LUCKY STORES INC - NO CA 1106343 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 1020 573S22 11/24/99 493 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 ..... DESCRIPTION ...... SUPPLIES FINGERPRINTING 9/99 FINGERPRINTING 10/99 SUPPLIES COPIES COPIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES METRO NEWSPAPERS 5208003 1/4 PAGE MICHAELS ~13333 1106343 SUPPLIES MICHAELS ~13333 5806249 SUPPLIES NEI~IS, KATHY 5500000 OFFICE DEPOT 1107301 SUPPLIES OFFICE DEPOT 1107301 SUPPLISS OFFICE DEPOT 1107301 SUPPLIES OFFICE DEPOT 1107301 SUPPLIES OFFICE DEPOT 1108101 SUPPLIES OFFICE DEPOT 1108001 SUPPLIES PAGE 3 0.00 253 · 85 0.00 126.00 0.00 170.00 0.00 296.00 0.00 59.39 0.00 44.60 0.00 119.62 0,00 164,22 0.00 138.40 0.00 28,42 0.00 50,00 0.00 21.10 0.00 5.49 0.00 7.61 0,00 19.43 0.00 8.58 0.00 35.20 0.00 ? 6 0.00 0.00 lb.34 0.00 36.88 0.00 23.62 0.00 11.52 0.00 8.97 0.00 11.56 0.00 10.00 0.00 28.23 0.00 2.68 0.00 13.45 0,00 19.98 0,00 22.19 0.00 589.52 0.00 380.00 0.00 8.10 0.00 25.32 0.00 33.42 0.00 200.00 0.00 14.74 0.00 11.79 0.00 23.95 0.00 69.94 0.00 O. O0 3, ~4 RUN DATE 11/23/99 TIME 13:03z43 - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 11/23/99 ACCOUNTING pERIOD: 'ION CRITERIA: 5/oo CITY OF CUPEETINO CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND transact.check_no between "573491" and "573535" FUND - 110 - GENERAL FUND CARH AC~ CHECK NO ISSUE DT .............. ~ER ............. ~/DE~ 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1104100 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1107301 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1104510 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1108101 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 6104800 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 6104800 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1108601 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFIC~ DEPOT 1108601 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1108101 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 5806249 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1104530 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1108101 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1108101 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1108101 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1108601 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1108101 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1108601 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1104000 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1104100 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1108001 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1104100 10,2a, 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1108601 1 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1104100 10,. 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1108601 ~'I020 573522 11/24/9~ 493 OFFICE DE~ 1104510 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1108101 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1108601 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1108101 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1108601 1020 573522 11/24/99 493 OFFICE DEPOT 1108101 TOTAL CEECK 1020 573523 11/24/99 S01 OPERATING ENGINEERS ~3 110 1020 573524 11/24/99 503 ORCHARD SUPPLY S606640 1020 573524 11/24/99 503 ORCHARD SUPPLY 5606680 1020 573524 11/24/99 503 ORCHARD SUPPLY 5606620 1020 573524 11/24/99 503 ORCHARD SUPPLY 5606680 TOTAL CHECK 1020 573525 11/24/99 981 1020 573525 11/24/99 981 1020 573525 11/24/99 981 1020 573525 11/24/99 981 1020 573525 11/24/99 981 1020 573525 11/24/99 981 1020 573525 11/24/99 981 1020 573525 11/24/99 981 1020 573525 11/24/99 981 1' S73525 11/24/99 981 1 573525 11/24/99 981 ORCIiARD SUPPLY ~ 6308540 ORCHARD SUPPLY MARE 1108314 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 5806349 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWAEE 2708405 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWAR~ 1108408 ORCHARD SUPPLY HAlME 1108407 ORCHAKD SUPPLY H~P,D~ARE 1108315 ORCHARD SUPPLY ~ 1108303 ORE SUPPLY HARDWARE 1108312 ORCIiARD SUpPLy HARDWARE 1106647 ORCHARD SUPPLY MARE 1108408 DESCRIPTION SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPFLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES UNION DUES PAGE 4 SALES TAX AMOUNT 0.00 56.18 0.00 25.81 0.00 23.76 0.00 45.29 0.00 182.15 0.00 188.94 0,00 30.38 0.00 32.81 0,00 32.81 0.00 59.92 0.00 S0.58 0.00 2.17 0.00 14.48 0.00 5.42 0.00 45.29 0.00 17.70 0.00 72.81 0.00 263.89 0.00 240.35 0,00 17,23 0,00 34.59 0,00 17.70 0.00 33.90 0.00 72.81 0.00 30.93 0.00 6.81 0.00 36.12 0.00 36.12 0.00 19.96 0.00 19,96 0.00 1899.85 0.00 405.00 ON TIME PAYMENT CREDIT 0.00 -2.61 SUPPLIES 0.00 1,71 ON TIM~ pAYMENT CREDIT 0.00 -2.61 SUPPLIES 0.00 99.81 0.00 96.30 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES 0.00 515,83 0.00 159.78 0.00 222.87 0,00 411,66 0.00 30.16 0.00 49.71 0.00 288.16 0.00 90.00 0.00 44.45 0,00 34.14 0.0O 177,~1 RUN DATE 11/23/99 TIME 13:03:43 11/23/99 CI~"f OF CUPERTINO PAGE 5 ACCOUNTING PERIOD: 5/00 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND SELECTION CRITERIA: transact.check_no between "573491" and "573535" FUND - 110 - GENEP,~ FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO ISSUE DT .............. VENDOR ............. FUND/DEFT 1020 573525 11/24/99 981 1020 573525 11/24/99 981 1020 573525 11/24/99 981 1020 573525 11/24/99 981 1020 573525 11/24/99 981 TOTAL CHECK ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 1108315 ORCHARD SUPPLY HARDWARE 2708405 ORCHID SUPPLY HARDWARE 1108312 ORCHARD SUPPLY H~W~j{E 1108314 ORC~ SUPPLY HARDWARE 1108507 1020 573526 11/24/99 833 1020 573526 11/24/99 833 1020 573526 11/24/99 833 1020 573526 11/24/99 833 1020 573526 11/24/99 833 1020 573526 11/24/99 833 TOTAL CHECK P E R S 110 P E R S 110 P E R S 110 P E R S 110 P E R S 110 1020 573527 11/24/99 516 1020 573527 11/24/99 516 1020 573527 11/24/99 516 1020 573527 11/24/99 516 1020 573527 11/24/99 516 1020 573527 11/24/99 516 1020 573527 11/24/99 516 1020 573527 11/24/99 516 1020 573527 11/24/99 516 j-~I020 573527 11/24/95 516 1020 573527 11/24/99 516 TOTAL CHECK PAGING NE~ORK OF S J 1106265 PAGING NETWORK OF S J 1108102 PAGING NETWORK OF S J 1108201 PAGING NETWORK OF S J 1108501 PAGING NETWORK OF S J 1108501 PAGING NETWORK OF S J 6104800 PAGING NETWORK OF S J 1108501 PAGING NETWORK OF S J 1108501 PAGING NETWORK OF S J 1104510 PAGING NETWORK OF S J 5706450 PAGING NETWORK OF S J 1108601 1020 573528 11/24/99 520 PAPERDIRECT INC 1101000 1020 573529 11/24/99 533 PEPS LONG TERM CARE FROG 110 ~ 1020 573530 11/24/99 675 STATE COMPUTER S~RE 6104800 1020 573531 11/24/99 677 STATE STREET BANK & TRUS 110 1020 573532 11/24/99 1154 UNITED WAY OF SANTA CLAR 110 1020 573533 11/24/99 732 1020 573533 11/24/99 732 TOTAL CHECK UNIVEPSAL TRUCK EQUIP IN 2308402 UNXVMP, S~5 TRUCK EQUIP IN 2308004 1020 573534 11/24/99 M WADRAWAN, KAVITA 5700000 1020 573535 11/24/99 302 WMHXNGTON ~ftFfUAL 110 TOTAL CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND TOTAL REPORT ..... DESCRIPTION ...... SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES RETIREMENT RETIREMENT RETIREMENT RETIREMENT RETIREMENT RETIREMENT PAGER SVC 11/99 PAGER SVC 11/99 PAGER SVC 11/99 PAGER SVC 11/99 PAGER SVC 11/99 PAGER SVC 11/99 PAGER SVC 11/99 PAGER SVC 11/99 PAGER SVC 11/99 PAGER SVC 11/99 PAGER SVC 11/99 SALES TAX AMOUNT 0.00 38.15 0.00 181.39 0.00 437.16 0.00 272.50 0.00 40.00 0.00 2993.37 0.00 305.65 0.00 2869.06 0.00 67.68 0.00 21239.75 0.00 35.17' 0.00 579.37 0.00 25096.68 0.00 9.45 0.00 50.29 0.00 13.71 0.00 5.45 0.00 5.45 0.00 12.45 0.00 r ~ 0.00 0.00 3b.~7 0.00 25,95 0.00 17.95 0.00 200.27 SUPPLIES 0.00 87.80 LONG TERM CARE 0.00 402.48 ADDITIONAL MEMORY 0.00 459.84 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0.00 1538.68 EMPLOYEE DEDUCTIONS 0.00 135,25 TIME & MATERIALS 0.08 954.41 TIME & MATERIALS 0.00 2000.00 0.00 2984.41 0.00 165.00 0.00 19268.10 0.00 99341.48 0.00 99341.48 0.00 9934 REPLACE CK#570902 7/23 DEFERRED COMPENSATION RUN DATE 11/23/99 TIME 13:03:44 - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTXNG 11/23/99 ACCOUNTING pERIOD: ?ION CRITERIAr 5/00 CITY 0F CUPERTIN0 CHECK REGISTER - DISBURSEMENT FUND transact.t_c="20" and transact.trans_date between "11/22/1999" and "11/24/1999" FUND - 110 - GENERAL FUND CASH ACCT CHECK NO 1020 570902 1020 571971 1020 S72225 1020 573087 1020 573087 TOTAL UNECK TOT]5 CASH ACCOUNT TOTAL FUND TOTAL REPORT ISSUE DT .............. VENDOR ............. FUND/DEPT 07/23/99 M WADHAWAN, KAVITA 5700000 09/17/99 M HARVELA, JUHANI 5800000 09/24/99 1012 STOREFRONT DOOR SERVICE 1108504 11/05/99 M IMPA 1104510 11/05/99 M IMPA: 1104510 ..... DESCRIPTION ...... REFUND TENNIS LESSONS RECREATION REFUND LABOR & MATERIALS MEMBERSHIP DUBS PUBLICATIONS SALES TAX 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE 1 AMOUNT - 155,00 -341.50 -267 . O0 -407.00 -1055.50 -1065.50 000 99'341 1,069'50' 98,2?5'95* RUN DATE 11/23/99 TIM 13:26:58 - FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING RESOLUTION NUMBER 99-350 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS PAYABLE IN THE AMOUNTS AND FROM THE FUNDS AS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED FOR SALARIES AND WAGES PAID ON NOVEMBER 12, 1999 WHEREAS, the Director of Administrative Services, or their designated representative has certified to the accuracy of the following claims and demands and to the availability of funds for payment hereof; and : WHEREAS, the said claims and demands have been audited as required by law; NOW; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby allows the following claims and demands in the amounts and from the funds set forth: GROSS PAYROLL Less Employee Deductions NET PAYROLL Payroll check numbers issued 44382 through 44606 Director of Adrtiinistrative Services $356,108.84 $(114,953.59) $241,155.25 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this __ day of ,1999, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council APPROVED: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: - City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertmo RESOLUTION NUMBER 99-351 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS PAYABLE IN THE AMOUNTS AND FROM THE FUNDS AS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED FOR SALARIES AND WAGES PAID ON NOVEMBER 24, 1999 WHEREAS, the Director of Administrative Services, or their designated representative has certified to the accuracy of the following claims and demands and to the availability of funds for payment hereof; and '- WHEREAS, the said claims and demands have been audited as required by law; NOW; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby allows the following claims and demands in the amounts and firore the ~mds set forth: GROSS PAYROLL $354,752.59 Less Employee Deductions $( 115,447.68) NET PAYROLL $239,304.91 Payroll check numbers issued 44607 through 44825 C~I~IF~ ~ Dirdetor of Administrative Services PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this __ day of ,1999, by the following vote: Vote AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Members of the City Council APPROVED: City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino CITY OF cunr lno City Hall 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3255 Telephone: (408) 777-3220 FAX: (408) 777-3366 DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Agenda Item No. 4 SUMMARY Meeting Date: December 6, 1999 SUBJECT Monthly Treasurer's and Budget Report ~2)ctober 1999 BACKGROUND Attached is the Treasurer's and Budget report for the period ended October 31, 1999. The report includes all funds in control of the City. Investments The market value of our current portfolio totaled $39.9 million at month end with a maturity value of $39.8 million. The City intends to hold investments until maturity to redeem full value of the securities currently with a maturity value below market value. The current investment portfolio remained relatively unchanged during the month of October with incoming revenues offsetting expenditures. The investments of the City of Cupertino are in full compliance with our City investment policy and/or State law. Investments are tiered to adequately provide the City with sufficient cash flows to pay its obligations over the next six months. Revenue/Expenditure Trends General fired revenues are below budget projections at the end of October due to the timing of major tax payments received from the State and County. Operating expenditures for the General Fund remain below budget by 15.94%. Printed on Recycled Paper RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council review and accept the October Treasurer's and Budget report. Submitted by: Deputy Treasurer Approved for submission: Donald D. Brown City Manager .. j US Treasury Note 51% Investments By Type Managed Portfolio Cash 0% Corporate Bonds o%, LAIF % Money Market 0% Mortgage Obhgat~on O Rate of Return Comparison 6.00% 5.80% 5.60% 5.40% 5.20% 5.00% 4.80% 4.60% 9~ 10/98 11~ 12/98 1~ 2/99 3~ 4~ 5/99 6/99 7~ 8~ 9~ 10~ COMPLIANCE WITH INVESTMENT POLICY City of Cupertino ..... October 31, 1999 Category Standard Comment Treasury Issues US Agencies (eg FHLMC) Medium Term Corporate Bonds/Notes LAIF Money Market Funds Maximum Maturities Per Issuer Max Bankers Acceptances Commercial Paper Negotiable Certificates of Deposit Repurchase Agreements Reverse Repurchase agreements No limit No limit 30% with A rating $20 million 20% 25% up to 15 years Remainder up to 5 years 10% (except govts) 270 days & 40% 15% 30% 365 days Prohibited Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies Complies (FHLMC at 9.5 yrs) City of Cupertino October 1999 ACTIVITY DATE /'URCHASE MATURITY CASH DESCRIPTION SECURITIES SOLD None SECURITIES MA'i'tJRED None SECURITIES PURCHASED [N one CURRENT PORTFOLIO 10/31/99 CupertinoNational , CORPORATE BONDS LAIF 10/31/99 State Pool MONEY MARKET FUNDS 10/31/99 CupertinoNatlBank 10/31/99 Schwab MORTGAGE OBLIGATIONS 07/09/93 04/15/07 FHLMC(P) 09/30/93 09/15/07 FHLMC(P) 09/30/93 05/15/08 FHLMC(P) US GOVERNMENT SECURITIES 12/12/96 06/30/00 Treasury Note 12/12/96 06/30/00 Treasury Note 01/23/97 11/15/99 Treasury Note 08/04/97 11/30/00 Treasury Note 08/06/97 05/31/01 Treasury Note 08/29/97 07/31/00 Treasury Note 10/08/97 03/31/00 Treasury Note 10/08/97 09/30/00 Treasury Note 10/08/97 03/31/01 Treasury Note 10/08/97 09/30/01 Treasury Note 06/25/99 11/30/02 Treasury Note Total Managed Portfolio Average Yiel~ Average Length to Maturity (in years) REF 6f 6k 6k 6k 6a 6a 6a 6a 6a 6a 6a 6a 6a 6a 6a YIELD COST VALUE 159,541 159,541 159,541 159,541 159,541 159,541 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.08% 13,355,242 13,355,242 13,355,242 4.68% 0 0 0 4.18% 64,427 64,427 64,427 64,427 64,427 64,427 rUNREALIZED PROFIT/LOSS 6.11% 1,021,663 1,000.000 1,004,120 (17,543) 7.42% 2,510,431 2,400,000 2,448,960 (61,471) 6.62% 2,953,947 2,860,000 2,791,732 (162,215) 6,486,040 6,260,000 6,244,812 (241,229) 6.00% 999,238 1,000,000 1,003,130 6.00% 999,238 1,000,000 1,003,130 6.07% 2,499,817 2,500,000 2,501,575 6.01% 2,490,571 2,500,000 2,499,225 6.05% 2,515,711 2,500,000 2,526,575 6.03% 1,000,642 1,000,000 1,004,690 5.69% 2,009,054 2,000,000 2,013,760 5.71% 1,003,464 1,000,000 1,004,690 5.75% 2,015,775 2,000,000 2,016,260 5.79% 2,019,873 2,000,000 2,019,380 5.90% 2,498,294 2,500,000 2,488,275 20,051,677 20,000,000 20,080,690 40,116,928 39,839,211 39,904,713 5.78% 1.91 3,892 3,892 1,758 8,654 10,864 4,048 4,706 1,226 485 (493) (10,019) 29,013 (212,215) Ci~/ of Cuperano October 1999 ACTIVI'IY DATE REF PURCHASE MATURrl Y DESCRIPTION TRUST & AGENCY PORTFOLIO CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT: 07/26/99 07/26/00 Cupertino Natl(Kcster Trust) 6b Total Trust & Agency Portfo io I YIELD 4.15% ADJUSTED COST 35,797 35,797 35,797 35,797 MARKET VALUE UNR,EALIZED PROFIT/LOSS 35,797 35,797 City of Cupertino October 1999 ACTIVITY DATE PURCHASE MATURIT~ DESCRIPTION REF Tra~clmpa~ BOND RESERVE PORTFOLIO Franklin Fiduciary Trust Memorial/Wilson Escrow B (# 400948) Cash 12/16/92 11/15/99 U.S. TreasuW- Stripped 12/16/92 05/15/00 U.S. Treasury- Stripped Escrow Reserves 04/06/93 12/16/92 12/16/92 01/01/03 Repro - Escrow A (400972) 12/16/99 Repro-EscrowA(400957) 12/16/99 IRepro - Escrow B (400963) Blackberry/Fremont Older 1993 Escrow A (~400966) Cash 04/06/93 02/15/00 U.S. Treasury 04/06/93 08/15/00 U.S. Treasury 04/06/93 02/15/01 U.S. Treasury Stripped Int Total Bond Reserve Portfolio YIELD 5.68% 6.59% 6.75% 6.25% 6.10% 6.10% 6.07% 6.23% 6.05% ADJUSTED COST 19,100 978 229,506 6,553,215 6,783,700 2,833,464 835,430 1,327,919 4,996,813 605 1,822,872 933,292 27,128,706 29,885,475 41,685,087 MATURITY VALUE 19,100 978 230,000 6,744,000 6,974,978 2,833,464 835,430 1,327,919 4,996,813 605 1,810,000 915,000 28,910,000 31,635,605 43,626,496 MARKET VALUE 19,100 978 229,572 6,558,877 6,789,427 2,833,464 835,430 1,327,919 4,996,813 605 1,828,100 937,875 26,901,333 29,667,913 41,473,253 0 66 5,662 5,728 0 5,228 4,583 (227,372) (217,561) (211,834) City of Cupertino Summary of Budget Transfers 10/31/99 Description 1999/00 ADOPTED BUDGET PROJECT CARRYOVERS 1998/99 CARRYOVER: Encumbrances Depa~ hnent carryovers Grant carryovers Grant carryovers Project carryovers Budget carryovers REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS: Grant funded projects Grant carryovers Block Grant carryover TCI equipment purchase Acct # various various 610-98xx-9400 110-2401-7014 110-2402-7014 various various various 110-0000-4432 110-0000-4431 110-0000.4054 Budget Adiuslment 3,461,392 107,572 127,689 28,366 7,989,841 1,166,310 Revenue Budget 47,967,000l 1,742,354 105,811 28,366 155,000 Expenditure Budget 49,753,447 3,461,392 107,572 127,689 28,366 7,989,841 1,166,310 EXPENDITURE ADJUSTMENTS: Youth Leadership Grant funded projects City channel equipment Human service program Telecom grant-K. Tully Stelling Rd Annexation 1999/00 ADJUSTED BUDGET 220-4011-6111 various 110-3500-9400 110-3300-7102 110-1031-6206 110-7305-7014 5,000 1,742,354 155,000 29,585 250 4,000 49,998,531 5,000 1,742,354 155,000 29,585 250 4,000 64,570,806 4,500,000 IRevenue Comparison 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 - 2,500,000 - 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 - Sales Tax Property Tax Utility Tax Franchise & License Other Money and Propen)' Intergovernmental Charges For Services Fines & Forfeitures 10 Other Revenue ; BYTD 10/31198 ~ IYTD 10/31/99 500,000 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 g 10 2,500,000 JExpenditure Comparison f I Administration 2 Law Enforcement 3 Community Sentice 4 Admin. Service 5 Recreation Service 6 Community Dev. 7 Public Works BYTD 10/31/99 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 RESOLUTION NO. 99-345 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO MAKING DETERMINATIONS AND APPROVING THE REORGANIZATION OF TERRITORY DESIGNATED "N. STELLING ROAD 99-06", APPROXIMATELY 0.24 ACRE LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF N. STELLING ROAD BETWEEN GARDENA DRIVE AND GREENLEAF DRIVE; SEET (APN 326-08-051 ) WHEREAS, a petition for the annexation of certain territory to the City of Cupertino in the County of Santa Clara consisting of 0.457 acre on the east side of Imperial Avenue (AFN 326-08-051) has been filed by property owner William Sect; and WHEREAS, on November I, 1999, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 99- 324 initiating proceedings for annexation of the area designated "N. Stelling Road 99- 06"; and WHEREAS, said territory is uninhabited and all owners of land included in the proposal consent to this annexation; and WHEREAS, Section 35150.5 of the California Government Code states that the Local Agency Formation Commission shall not have any authority to review an annexation to any City in Santa Clara County of unincorporated territory which is within the urban service area of the city of the annexation if initiated by resolution of the legislative body and therefore the City Council of the City of Cupertino is now the conducting authority for said annexation; and WHEREAS, Government Code Section 56837 provides that if a petition for annexation is signed by all owners of land within the affected territory the City Council may approve or disapprove the annexation without public heating; and WHEREAS, evidence was presented to the City Council; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Cupertino as follows: That it is the conducting authority pursuant to Section 35150.5 of the Government Code for the annexation of property designated "N. Stelling Road 99-06", more particularly described in Exhibit "A"; That the following findings are made by the City Council of the City of Cupertino: That said territory is uninhabited and comprises approximately 0.24 acre. Resolution No. 99-345 Page 2 b. That the annexation is consistent with the orderly annexation of territory with the City's urban service area and is consistent with the City policy of annexing when providing City services. c. The City Council has completed an initial study and has found that the annexation of said territory has no significant impact on the environment, and previously approved the granting of a Negative Declaration. d. The City Council on May 17,1999, enacted an ordinance prezoning the subject territory to City of Cupertino R1 - I 0 zone. e. Annexation to the City of Cupertino will affect no changes in special districts. f. ' That the territory is within the city urban service area as adopted by the Local Agency Formation Commission. g. That the annexation is made subject to no terms and conditions. h. That the County Surveyor has determined the boundaries of the proposed annexation to be definite and certain, and in compliance with the Commission's road annexation policies. The City shall reimburse the _ County for actual costs incurred by the County Surveyor in making this determination. i. That the proposed annexation does not create islands or areas in which it would be difficult to provide municipal services. j. That the proposed annexation does not split line of assessment of ownership. k. That the proposed annexation is consistent with the City's General Plan. 1. That the City has complied with all conditions imposed by the commission for inclusion of the territory in the City's urban service area. m. That the territory to be annexed is contiguous to existing City limits under provisions of the Government Code. That said annexation is hereby ordered without election pursuant to Section 35151 et seq. of the Government Code. That the Clerk of the City Council of the City of Cupertino is directed to give notice of said annexation as prescribed by law. Resolution No. 99-345 Page 3 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that upon completion of these reorganization proceedings the territory annexed will be detached from the Santa Clara County Lighting Service District. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 6m day of December, 1999, by the following vote: Vote AYE S: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Members of the City Council ATTEST: APPROVED: City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino "EXHIBIT A" ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF CUPERTINO N. STELLING ROAD 99 - 06 MAY 1999 REVISED SEPTEMBER 29, 1999 All that certain real property situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, more particularly described as follows; Lot 7 and a portion of Stelllng Road, as shown upon that certain Map entitled, "Tract No. 631, Garden Gate Village ", which Map was filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California on May 23, 1949, in Book 22 of Maps, at pages 56, and more particularly described as follows; Beginning at the point of the intersection of the easterly prolongation of the Northerly boundary line of said Lot 7, 10 feet from the Westerly line of Stelling Road ( 50 feet wide ) with the Westerly boundary line of certain annexation to the City of Cupertino entitled Stelling 2, Ordinance No. 57; Thence running with Westerly boundary line of said annexation S 0 deg. 10' 20" W 77.45 feet; Thence leaving said Westerly boundary line and running with the easterly prolongation of the Southerly boundary line of said Lot N 89 deg. 54' W 135.00 feet to a point of the Westerly boundary l'_me of said Lot; Thence running with said Westerly boundary line N 0 deg. i0' 20" E 77.45 feet to a point in the Northerly boundary line of the said Lot; Thence running with the said Northerly boundary line S 89 deg. 54' E 135.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing: 10,456 square feet, more or less. .0.24 acres, more or less A. P. N.: 326 - 08 - 051 Iz/s t/o t '(]El ONI'I131S '3AV VISIA <( ___~: z~: rr'(D n,, 'a~ DNll131S 'N 3 ,.0~.0 LO' N o 0 ~wx~ ZZZ~ - RESOLUTION NO. 99-352 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO EXTENDING THE DEADLINE FOR RECEIVING ARGUMENTS AND REBUTTALS RELATED TO THE LIBRARY BALLOT MEASURE IN MARCH 2000. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cupertino adopted Resolution No. 99-342 setting the ballot measure deadlines for the March, 2000, special related to the construction of a new library; WHEREAS, the required public notice was not printed as scheduled and additional time was necessary to allow the required publication of the notice of election and deadlines; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Cupertino (1) Extends the deadline for arguments to Monday, Dec. 6, at 5:00 p.m.; (2) Extends the deadline for rebuttals to Wednesday, Dec. 15, at 5:00 p.m. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 6m day of December, 1999, by the following vote: Vote Memben of the CiW Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: APPROVED: City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino Parks and Recreation Department Summary Agenda Item No. 7 Agenda Date: December 6, 1999 SUBJECT AND ISSUE Request from Cupertino High School for waiver of use fee for the Cupertino High School Football Team Annual Banquet that was held on Sunday, November 21, 1999. BACKGROUND Attached is a copy of a request from Cupertino High School for a fee waiver for use of the Quinlan Community Center for their football team. This request and event is consistent with council's fee waiver policy. Council has traditionally waived such requests from qualified organizations. STAFF RECOMMENDATION City Council waive use fees in the approximate amount of $158.25 for the Cupertino High School Football team at the Quinlan Community Center. SUBMITTED BY Dowl Stephen ~. ing Director of Parks and Recre ?~MISSION TO CITY COUNCIL City Manager Enclosures: LeRer dated November 6, 1999 from Cupertino High School November 6, 1999 To Cupertino City Council, The Cupertino High School Football team has reserved the Cupertino Room at the Quinlan Center for it's Annual Banquet on November 21, 1999. The time planned is from 3:30 to 9:00 P.M. for 5.5 Hrs at $40 an hour. We have already given a $100 deposit. The rental fee will cause a great strain on our budget. We do not hold fundraisers for this event and try to get donations for food and decorations so that we can keep down the costs to the participating families so everyone will be able to attend. We like to hold the event at the Quinlan center because of the elegance of the location and to show support of our City facilities. I am reqtiesting consideration by the City Council for a reduction in the fees for our event. We are pleased that we can hold this event at a community facility and make this event very special for the players and their families. Thank you for your time and consideration at a time when high school sport's costs need to be paid for by the players and schools are trying to make sports affordable for players of all incomes. Sincerely, Barbara Goldstein, Chairperson Cupertino High School Football Awards Dinner Cupertino High School 10100 Finch Ave. Cupertino, Ca. 95014 81/84/1991 22:32 4887773137 CJF~ERTINO PARK & REC tOllS North 5tdlbg Read, Cepedko, CA 95014, Phone TT'/-3120 . FACIx .ITY USE APPLICATION //'~OUEST WOR tqlkor: Ljnda Vista Pl,-'k Group Am ~Memorbi Pro'k: · Picnic arcs .___Monn vim Semion Ces~.:. '_"_~-m Pon,~l Pm, k Grm~p Am .... Cmkaide Park B,,fidiag Amphtl4lter .,,.' e,. e,'4'i ;~SE 62 __Portal hsrk Building s,,. 'rh..-.- .'319. E.a ~U,,C 9; 0 0 Pt%..hde .~,b,l,y/,e, .~ p.p/cb...p tim.) I~le(s)eflv~. F.r, nt~ · }~oV .Q I . 199c? thrmagh ~atrlF,- rurpe,!~ OfOrltal,,'llle.: ..~CUportino Ne~-Pmfil .._Co-q~momd Club __Cupe~.o Resident J~-Itqlden'c N~-l~eth Pu r~N of Ever, __,_hblie EvM ' Attendance: ,. _ m~tlt$ Will ,~,knbol Be brved? under IS YES "'/" I,.TO iPrivm Pray ___.~ployee Training TOTAL. tN,.,O ~TGS AL,LOWED~i Koufc __ OffICt FireliltS, Public Works __ C, Mc Enforcement Other RESOLUTION NO. 99-353 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ACCEPTING QUITCLAIM DEED AND AUTHORIZATION FOR UNDERGROUND WATER RIGHTS FROM JAYESH P. PARIKH, 22092 SAN FERNANDO COURT, APN 357-12-010 WHEREAS, Jayesh P. Parikh has executed a "Quitclaim Deed and Authorization", which is in good and sufficient fonu, quitclaiming all his rights in and authorizing the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, to extract water from the underground basin, underlying that certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino, more particularly described as follows: All that certain real propeay situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, as shown and delineated on the attached Exhibits "A" and "B". NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Cupertino accept said "Quitclaim Deed and Authorization" so tendered; and IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to record said "Quitclaim Deed and Authorization" and this resolution. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 6th day of December, 1999, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: APPROVED: City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino QUITCLAIM DEED AND AUTHORIZATION FOR UNDERGROUND WATER RIGHTS APN 357-12-010 22092 San Fernando Court Jayesh P. Parikh, hereinafter referred to as the "GRANTOR', this 1 .?. day of NOV 1999 , hereby grant, bargain, assign, convey, remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the CITY OF CUPERTINO, a munleipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "GRANTEE", its successors and assigns, all the right, title, interest, estate, claim and demand, both at law and in equity, and as well in possession as in expectancy of the GRANTOR as owner of that certain real property situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, and specifically described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" & "B" to pump, take or otherwise extract water from the underground basin or any underground strata in the Santa Clara Valley for beneficial use upon the lands overlying said underground basin, and GRANTOR hereby irrevocably authorized GRANTEE, its successors and assigns, on behalf of the GRANTOR and its successors in ownership or overlying lands in the said lots to take from said underground basin within the said lots any and all water which the owner or owners of said overlying lands may be entitled to take for beneficial use on said lands and to supply such water to such owner or owners or others as a public utility; provided, however, that nothing contained in this instrument shall be deemed to authorize GRANTEE to enter upon any of the lots delineated upon the above described map or to authorize GRANTEE to make any withdrawal of water which will result in damage to any building or structure erected upon said lots. This assignment, conveyance and authorization is made for the benefit of lots within the above described plat and description and shall bind the owner of said lots within said plat and description. IN WITNESS WHEREOF; GRANTOR has executed this instrument the day and year first above written. Jayesh P~, "'>- (Acknowledgment and Notaxial Seal Attached) EX'91BIT A The land referred.~_ _ is situated In the County of San~:a C].a~'a . i~ the St. ate of Cali[ornl ao and i~ described as [ollow~: .incoTuoraced area, PARCEL ONE: z~rr 4B, AS SHO~ ON TaAT CERTAIN MAP ENTITLED, "TRACT NO. 211 S;E~t~'~S C~-~EK SUBDIVrSION MAp NO. 4"., WHIC}{ HAP ~IAS FILED FOR RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECOiLDER OF THE COUNTY OF SA,~rfA C:,~A, STATE Or CAZ, IFORlqIA ON APRIL 16~ 1S42 IN BOOK 7 OF MAPS, AT PAGE!S} 31. -- PARCEL T~Os A PORTION OF ~ 49. AS SHOalfONT EAT CERTAIN MAP ENTITLED. "TRACT NO. 211 STEVENS CREEK SUBDIVISION MAP NO. 4', ~ICaNAP WAS FZttD FOR RECORD IN ~ OFFICE OF THE RECORDER Q[ T~E COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFOR~TZAON APRIL 16, 1942 IN BOOK 7 OF MAPS, AT PAGE(S) 31, AND HOPE PAaTI~Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: · BEGINNING AT THE MOST. WESTERLY COFai~;~ OF LOT 49, AS SHOh'N UPON THE ]4A~ AJK)VE REFERaED ~ ~CE NOR~ 42' SS' E., ~ONG ~E NOR~WE~RLY LI~ OF SArD 49, A DZST~CE OF 22.635 FE~; ~L~CE ZN A DI~ LINE SO~E~Y ~ A POI~ ON ~E NOR~EST~Y LINK OF S~ FE~ CO~T ~ SA~D S~ FK~ CO~T SHO~ U~N ~E ~P HE~N~O~ ~FE~ED ~, DZST~ ~ON ~HU SAID NOR~ESTERLY LI~ NOR~TERLY 2.~2 FE~ ~OM ~E MO~ SOBERLY ~R S~D ~T 49; ~CE S~ESTERLY ~ONG ~E NOR~ESTERLT ~1~ O[ CO~T, A DZST~CE OF 2.92 FEET TO SAID SO~L~LY CO~R OF SAID ~ NOR~ 76· 33' W., ~NG ~ SO~ERLY LI~ OF SAID ~T 49, A.DZ~CE OF 139. ~4...FEET ~ .~ ~I~Or 'BEGI~I~. 357-12-062 .... 63079 cm/so/kh A357-12-10 12/16/94 C EXHIBIT B CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of California } County of ,(~x"'~'O.._. ("',\(',..JCO----~ ss. On \ \. } ~__ . c~, ~ , before me, Dale personally appeared Name and Title of Officer (e.g., 'Jane Doe, Notan/Public") Name(s) of Signer(s) [] personally known to me Place Notan/Seal AIx~ve to be the person(~ whose name(s)-is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/-shc/they-executed the same in hi~ authorized capacity(-ies-), and that by his/he~thcir signature(s-> on the instrument the person(~), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(~ acted, executed the instrument. ITNE~I. OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: Document Date: Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer Signer's Name: [] Individual [] Corporate Officer -- Title(s): [] Partner -- [] Limited [] General [] Attorney in Fact [] Trustee [] Guardian or Conservator [] Other: Number of Pages: Signer Is Representing: Top of thumb here © 1997 National Notan/Assocmtion · 9350 De Soto Ave., P.O, Box 2402 · Chatswodh, CA 91313-2402 Prod, No. 5907 Reorder: Call Tofi-Free 1-800-876-6827 RESOLUTION NO. 99-354 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND DEVELOPER JAYESH P. PARIKH, 22092 SAN FERNANDO COURT, APN 357-12-010 WHEREAS, there has been presented to the City Council a proposed improvement agreement between the City of Cupertino and developer, Symantec, for the installation of certain municipal improvements at 22092 San Femando Court and said agreement having been approved by the City Attomey, and Developer having paid the fees as outlined in the attached Exhibit A; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign the aforementioned agreement on behalf of the City of Cupertino. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 6th day of December, 1999, by the following vote: Vote Members o__f th.~e City Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: APPROVED: City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino Resolution No. 99-354 Page 2 DEVELOPMENT: LOCATION: EXHIBIT "A" SCHEDULE OF BOND, FEES, AND DEPOSITS Single Family Home Jayesh P. Parikh 22092 San Femando Court A. Faithful Performance Bond: FIFTEEN THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS B. Labor and Material Bond: FIFTEEN THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS C. Checking and Inspection Fees: Off-Site: $15,000.00 On-Site: $14,000.00 $15,000.00 $ 1,975.00 ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE AND 00/100 DOLLARS D. Indirect City Expenses: N/A E. Development Maintenance Deposit: $ 1,000.00 ONE THOUSAND AND 00/100 DOLLARS F. Storm Drainage Fee: Basin #3 $ 323.00 THREE HUNDRED TWENTY-THREE AND 00/100 DOLLARS G. One Year Power Cost: $ 75.00 SEVENTY-FIVE AND 00/100 DOLLARS H. Street Trees: By Developer I. Map Checking Fee: N/A J. Park Fee: N/A K. Water Main Reimbursement: N/A L. Maps and/or Improvement Plans: As specified in Item #23 of agreement RESOLUTION NO. 99-355 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO APPROVING CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 FOR STREET MAINTENANCE, SLURRY SEAL, PROJECT NUMBER 99-102 RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Cupertino, California, that Change Order No. 1 for changes to work which have been approved by the Director of Public Works and this day presented to this Council, be, and it hereby approved in conjunction with the project known as STREET MAINTENANCE, SLURRY SEAL, PROJECT NO. 99-102 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that funds are available and no further appropriation is necessary. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 6~day of December, 1999, by the following vote: Vote AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Members o._fthe City Council ATTEST: APPROVED: City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino LiD- of Cupertino Ci~7 Hall ] 0300 Torre Avenue CupeHino, CA 95014-3255 (40 S) ??7-3354 FAX (4Og) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT AGENDA ITEM 10 Summary AGENDA DATE December 6, 1999 Designating Preferential Parking Zone on Barbara and Pepper Tree Lanes to include Saturdays BACKGROUND A petition has been received from residents on Pepper Tree Lane between Stelling Road and Bonny Drive, and Barbara Lane between Scofield Drive and Pepper Tree Lane. The residents are requesting permit parking be extended to include Saturdays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. This neighborhood has seen an increase in parking overflow from De Anza College events. The petition has been signed by 69% (22 out of 32) of the resident owners of this neighborhood. Residents of these streets currently have permits and no permits need to be issued. The residents understand they wili be subject to enforcement during the posted times and that permits will be needed when parking on the street. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Stuff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 99- 356, extending permit parking on Pepper Tree Lane between Stelling Road and Bonny Drive, and Barbara Lane between Scofield Drive and Pepper Tree Lane to include Saturdays. Sub'd fiic Works App~r~ed bmission: City Manager Printed on Recycled Paper RESOLUTION NO. 99-356 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO DESIGNATING PERMIT PARKING ON BARBARA AND PEPPER TREE LANES WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1197 of the City of Cupertino ordains that a preferential parking zone be established in Cupertino_ in which parking will be prohibited on streets as designated by resolution of the City Council; and WHEREAS, exemption to such prohibition shall be amended to include following: Street Name Barbara Lane Pepper Tree Lane Hours Side Saturday Both 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Saturday Both 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Limits Sco~eld Drive and Pepper Tree Lane Stelling Road and and Bonny Drive PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 6th day of December, 1999, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Cotmcil AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: APPROVED: Lity of Cuperr'too AGENDA ITEM 12 Summary AGENDADATE City Hall 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3255 (408) 777-3354 FAX (408) 777-3333 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT December 6, 1999 SUBJECT AND ISSUE Certification of Availability of Local Share for Bollinger Road Bike Lanes and Foothill Boulevard Bike Lanes Projects. BACKGROUND Caltrans is soliciting candidate projects for funding under the Bicycle Transportation Account Program for fiscal year 2000/01. The projects must be used primarily by bicycle commuters. Staff is proposing two candidate projects: · Bollinger Road Bike Lanes between De ArEa Boulevard and Lawrence Expressway. Total project cost is $411,000. Tmsportafion Fund for Clean Air is funding $175,000. Local share for BTA funds is $23,600. · Foothill Boulevard Bike Lanes between Stevens Creek Boulevard and McClellan Road. It will extend existing bike lanes south of Stevens Creek Boulevard. Total project cost is $375,000. Local share for BTA funds is $37,500. Both projects are a high priority in the Cupertino Bicycle Transportation Plan. Caltrans requires a local share of at least ten percent of the total project cost. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 99-357 , certifying the availability of local share for Bollinger Road Bike Lanes and Foothill Boulevard Bike Lanes Projects. Sub d: B ch C4f Approv~ fo: ~s 'ssion: City Manager Printed on Recycled Paper RESOLUTION NO. 99-357 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO CERTIFYING THE AVAILABILITY OF LOCAL SHARE FOR BOLLINGER ROAD BIKE LANES AND FOOTHILL BOULEVARD BIKE LANES PROJECTS WHEREAS, Caltrans is soliciting candidate projects for funding under the Bicycle Transportation Account; and WHEREAS, staff proposes bike lanes projects on Bollinger Road between De Anza Boulevard and Lawrence Expressway and Foothill Boulevard between Stevens Creek Boulevard and McClellan Road; and WHEREAS, the Bicycle Transportation Account requires local agencies to ~md at least ten percent of the total project cost. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Cupertino hereby certifies that funds are available to satisfy the State's local share requirement. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 6th day of December, 1999, by the following vote: Vote AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Members o__f the City Council ATTEST: APPROVED: City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino MEMORANDUM ASSOCIATION OF BAY AREA GOVERNMENTS Representing City end Couniy Governments of the San Francisco Bay Area DATE: August 4, 1'999 TO: Members of ABAG POWER Natural Gas Program FROM: Elena Schmid, Program Manager Approval of First Amendment to Natural Gas Sales and Aggregation Agreement ABAG POWER is now in its third successful year of its natural gas pool program. The total program savings to its members have been approximately $275,000 or an average of 5%. Although this program has been successful, it has been limited by the one-year term of participation by its members. For example, this spring, we had an opportunity to purchase natural gas supply at a significantly discounted rate, but had to decline because we could not commit to any gas purchase beyond June 30, 1999. It is for this reason that the Executive Committee took action to change the term of this program from one-year to three years. This change will provide an opportunity to ~gnificantly increase sawngs to participating program members. In May we sent out our annual notice on program savings and notification of option to withdraw from the program. It indicated that a separate report and agreement amendment would be forwarded to each agency electihg to remain in the program that would provide for the change to a three-year tetnl. Enclosed with this memo is a first amendment to the Natural Gas Sales and Aggrggation Agreement that provides for this and several other agreement changes requiring approval by your agency's governing board. A sample of an agenda report is also included to assist in preparing this agenda item for your governing board approval. The first amendment to the agreement includes changes to the term, cancellation by public agency, gas program pricing and fees. The term and cancellation by public agency provide for the changes in term to three years commencing on July 1, 1999. The changes to gas program pricing reflect that gas is not purchased for a fixed price at the start of the program year as originally set up, but is now purchased at various times during the year. Pricing could include a combination of fixed price, indexed price and a variable price structure to maximize the price discount for program members. Fees are dependent on program cost and participation. The total program operation costs were reduced this year to reflect recent changes in our consultant contracts. We have enclosed two copies of the first amendment to the agreement for your signature after approved by your governing board. After you have signed these agreement amendments, please send them to ABAG POWER for final execution. We will then forward to you one of the executed agreement amendments for your records. If you have any questions please contact me at 510-464-7908, or ElenaS @abag.ca. gov. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2050 Oakland, California 94604-2050 Joseph P. Boa MetroCerrter 101 Eighth Street (510) 464-7900 Fax: (510) 464-7970 Oakland, California 94607-4756 info~abag .ca.gov CORE NATURAL GAS SALES AND AGGREGATION AGREEMENT By and Between ABAG POWER and City of Cupertino Amended July 1, 1999 For service within the territory of Pacific Gas & Electric Company CORE NATURAL GAS SALES AND AGGREGATION AGREEMENT This is the First Amendment to the Core Natural Gas Sales and Aggregation Agreement (Agreement), dated the sixth day of December, 1999, by and between the Association of Bay Area Governments, a California joint powers agency, (ABAG), and the City of Cupertino, a California municipalicy, (Public Agency). Upon execution by both parties, this Agreement becomes effective July 1, 1999. The parties hereby agree to amend the Agreement as follows: A. ABAG is replaced by ABAG Publicly OWned Energy Resources (ABAG POWER). B. Paragraph 7 of the Agreement is replaced by the following: Term: .Subject to the provisions of Paragraphs 12 and 13 hereof, and receipt of timely notifications of alternative arrangements, this Agreement shall be in full force for a three (3) year term commencing July 1, 1999. Subject to Paragraph 13, the term of this Agreement shall be automatically extended for additional three-year periods upon ABAG POWER's submission to Public Agency of written notice in conformity with Paragraph 11 and provided that ABAG POWER is not in breach of this Agreement, no later than May 1 of each year. C. Paragraph 8 of the Agreement is replaced by the following: Fees: The operational fees for all services described in Paragraphs 3 and 5 shall be established by the ABAG POWER Board of Directors, hereinafier "Board". D. Paragraph'l 1 of the Agreement is replaced by the following:. Gas Program Pricing: 11.1 Allocation. The gas charges to the participants will include the (a) cost of the gas commodity (gas charges), (b) applicable utility transportation charges, and (c) administrative costs. Gas charges are the product of a participant's usage times the unit rate for gas for each month. The unit rate is the total monthly cost of natural gas purchased for all participants at the supplier contract price divided by the total monthly usage of participants. Transportation and administrative charges will be allocated to each participant based on gas usage. 11.2 Annual Report. Each year, ABAG POWER will provide each participant with a report showing that participant's total costs for natural gas, transportation services and administrative fees at a per therm cost for each category. 11.3 Gas Purchasing. Under the policy direction of the ABAG POWER Executive Committee, the ABAG staff will regularly canvas the natural gas market and enter into contracts to acquire natural gas for, among others, fixed price, indexed price and variable price with a minimum and/or maximum. ABAG staff, under the policy direction of the ABAG POWER Executive Committee, has the power to execute all contracts reasonably necessary to deliver natural gas to each participant. Paragraph 13.1 of the Agreement is replaced by the following: Cancellation by Public Agency: Public Agency may cancel the Agreement by giving ABAG POWER written notice by June i of its intent to terminate on June 30 of the final year of the three (3) year term. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the par~ies have hereunto set their hands effective the date and year first above written. ASSOCIATION OF BAY AREA GOVERNMENTS By: Eugene Y. Leong, Executive Director Approved as to legal form and content: Date: By: Kenneth K. Moy, Legal Counsel Date: ABAG PUBLICLY OWNED ENERGY RESOURCES By: Date: Eugene Y. Leong, President Approved as to legal form and content: By: Date: Kenneth K. Moy, Legal Counsel PUBLIC AGENCY By: Approved as to legal form and content: Date: By: Date: Account Number I:XAIlStaffiKENNETHlVlXP3XKXNatural Gas\CoreAgg Agr Amd 99.doc CITY OF CUPE INO MEMORANDUM Date: To: From: Subject: November 29, 1999 Roberta Wolfe, Deputy City Clerk Alex Wykoff, Code Enforcement Officer 18781 Tuggle Avenue Please note that upon periodic inspection of the property located at 18781 Tuggle Ave., I observed that all weeds and overgrowth of foliage that constituted a property maintenance violation have been abated. The Public Nuisance hearing for the property is no longer necessary. CITY OF City Hall 10300 Tone Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3255 Telephone: (408) 777-3213 FAX: (408) 777-3109 ' HI IMA]x] RFRCII TI~cFe-· D1VIe~IC)N SUMMARY Agenda Item No. 15 Meeting Date: December 6, 1999 SUBJECT AND ISSUE Vehicle Abatement Hearing BACKGROUND On June 27, 1999 the Code Enforcement Division received a complaint concerning two inoperative vehicles located at 20091 LaRoda Court, Cupertino. The vehicles are identified as follows: 1967 Intemational Truck, license number Q24231. 1971 Poniiac, license number 863DYB. Although several letters and notices have been sent to the registered owner, there has not been any known change as to the condition of the vehicles. On November 2, 1999 a notice of intention to abate and/or remove the vehicles since they constituted a public nuisance was sent to the registered owner. On November 12, 1999 the property owner, Ms. Coleen James, requested a hearing on the matter. RECOMMENDATIONS: Consider appeal of Ms. James. Approve abatement of vehicles if vehicles remain inoperative. Suom tt d Appro b~: . ~, · oska Do Human Resources Manager City Manager RF, SOLUTION NO. 99-358 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ORDERING ABATEMENT OF ABANDONED VEHICLES AT 20091 LA RODA COURT RECITALS: (a) On June 27, 1999, the Code Enforcement Division received a complaint concerning two inoperative vehicles located at 20091 La Roda Court; (b) On November 2, 1999 a notice of intention to abate and/or remove the vehicles was sent to the registered owner. (c) On November 12, 1999, pursuant to Section 11.04.070 of the Cupertino Municipal Code, the owner requested a public hearing; (d) Pursuant thereto, the City Council of the City of Cupertino held a hearing with respect thereto, on December 6, 1999, at 6:45 p.m., in the Council Chambers, in the City Hall, located at 10300 Torre Avenue; (e) The following members of the City Council were present: Bumat, Chang, James, Starton, Lowenthal; (f) 1. 2. 3. (g) The following members of the City's staff, among others, were present: Director of Administrative Services Carol Atwood City Clerk Kimberly Smith City Attorney Charles Kilian The following interested persons were also present: (h) After hearing opening remarks, the City Council heard and considered all relevant evidence including, but not limited to, testimony under oath from owners, witnesses and parties interested, as well as received into evidence exhibits and staff reports, relative to said matter; · (g) Following the presentation of all evidence and closing remarks, the City Council considered the matter, and resolved as follows: Resolution No. 99-358 Page 2 1. The following findings of fact are hereby made: (a) Notice of intention to abate and/or remove the vehicles was sent to the registered owner of the vehicles, as required by the provisions of Chapter 11.04 of the Cupertino Municipal Code, Abandoned, Wrecked, Inoperative Vehicles. (b) The inoperative vehicles parked at 20091 La Roda Court in the City of Cupertino, State of California, constitute a public nuisance, in that said vehicles constitute a hazard to public health, safety and general welfare, by reason of threatening the free use and enjoyment of adjoining property. 2. IT IS THEREFOE ORDERED as follows: (a) Said public nuisance shall be abated. (b) A description of the needed corrections and/or repairs, necessary to comply With the abatement order is as follows: · Repair/removal of the vehicles at 20091 La Road Court by January 5, 2000. (c) Any owner shall have the right to have the public nuisance, as declared, abated, provided the same is completed as per Item 2(b) of this Resolution, which time, upon good cause shown, may be extended for a reasonable time by the City Council. (d) If such public nuisance is not abated within such time or any extension of time which may be granted, the Director of Administrative Services shall, by City forces or private contract, cause the same to be abated. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 6th day of December, 1999, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: APPROVED: City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino ~ity of Cupertino City Hail 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3255 (408) 777-3354 FAX (408) 777-3333 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Summary AGENDA ITEM 16 AGENDA DATE December 6, 1999 SUBJECT AND ISSUE Vacation of a roadway easement located at Bianchi Way BACKGROUND The roadway easement being considered for abandonment is located on Bianehi Way. This easement is considered excess and no longer needed by the City and the property owner has requested vacation of said easement. All utility agencies affected by the proposed vacation have been contacted and there is no objection. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 99- 359 , ordering vacation of the roadway utility easement. iector ~rf Public WorhC~ Z~SXi D~~Bro~i°n: City Manager Printed on Recycled Paper RESOLUTION NO. 99-359 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ORDERING VACATION OF A PORTION OF BIANCHI WAY AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 8320 ET SEQ. OF THE STREETS AND HIGH'vVAYS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA WHEREAS, heating on Resolution of Intention No. 99-305 was held on December 6, 1999, at a regular meeting of the City Council at 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California; and WHEREAS, it appears that notice thereof was duly given as required by law; and WHEREAS, from the evidence presented, both oral and documentary, it appears to be in the best interest of the city to vacate the hereinafter described portion of a city street; and that said portion of said city street is unnecessary for present or prospective public street purposes, but is necessary to be retained as public utility easement. WHEREAS, existing streets are adequate to handle present and future projected traffic; and WHEREAS, vacation is in conformation with the eity's General Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That all or any protests against the vacation of said portion of city street be and hereby are ovenled and denied; 2. That said portion of Bianchi Way described and shown in Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and made part hereof, be and hereby is vacated. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby instructed and directed to cause a certified copy of this resolution, attested to and sealed with the official seal of the City, to be recorded with the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clam, California, forthwith. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 6th day of December, 1999, by the following vote: Vote AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Members of the Cit7 Council APPROVED: City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino "EXHIBIT A" ROAD WAY VACATION TO THE CITY OF CUPERTINO OCTOBER, 1999 All that certain real property situate in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, more particularly described as follows; Beginning at a point of the intersection of the Southerly line of that certain 30 feet strip of land described in the Deed from Southern Pacific Company to County of Santa Clara, dated April 5, 1937 and recorded December 7, 1937 in book 853 Official Records, page 248 Santa Clara County Records, and the Westerly line of that certain parcel of land, 40 foot right of the way, described in the Deed from Bank of American to Peter Bianchi. dated April 10, and record April 28, 1941 in Book 1038 Official Records, Page 156, Santa Clara County Record, thence running alone the said Southerly line of that certain 30 feet strip of land N 89 deg. 57 ' 00 "E 2.51 feet; Thence on a curve to the right, with a radius of 35 feet, through a central angle of 32 deg. 52' 42 ", for a distance of 20.08 feet; Thence running along the center line of said 40 foot right of way and parallel with the Easterly line of Stelling Road, S 00 deg. 03 ' 41 "E 54.q-7'feet: Thence rutruing with the Southerly boundary line S 89 deg. 57 ' 00" W 20.00 feet; Thence running N 00 deg. 03 ' 41 "W 63.76 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing: 1,173 square feet, more or less. 0.027 acres, more or less A. P. N.: 359 - 07 - 09 Cupertino City Hall 10300 Tone Avenue Cupe~ino, CA 95014-3255 (408)777-3354 FAX (408)777-3333 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Summary AGENDA ITEM 17 AGENDA DATE December 6, 1999 SUBJECT AND ISSUE Vacation of a emergency vehicle access easement located at 22831 Mercedes Road BACKGROUND The emergency vehicle access easement being considered for abandonment is located on Parcels 2 and 3 at 22831 Mercedes Road. This easement is considered excess and no longer needed by the City and the property owner has requested vacation of said easement. All utility agencies affected by the proposed vacation have been contacted and there is no objection. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt Resolution No. 99- 360 , ordering vacation of the emergency vehicle access utility easement. Sub b · ..-,, B . · Appr~cd fdr submission: City Manager RESOLUTION NO. 99-360 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ORDERING VACATION OF A EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS EASEMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF CUPERTINO PURSUANT TO SECTION 50430 ET SEQ. OF THE GOVERNMENT CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, PARCELS 2 AND 3, 22831 MERCEDES ROAD WHEREAS, hearing on Resolution of Intention No. 99-325 was held on December 6, 1999, at a regular meeting of the City Council at 10300 Torre Avenue; Cupertino; and WHEREAS, it appears that notice thereof was duly given as required by law; and WHEREAS, from the evidence presented, both oral and documentary, it appears to be to the best interest of the City to vacate the hereinafter described emergency vehicle access easement; that said portion of said easement is unnecessary for present or prospective public purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That all or any protests against the vacation of said emergency vehicle access easement be and hereby are overruled and denied. 2. That that certain emergency vehicle access easement located on Parcels 2 and 3 at 22831 Mercedes Road, described as shown in Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and made part hereof, be and hereby is vacated. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk be and hereby is instructed and directed to cause a certified copy of this resolution, attested to and sealed with the official seal of the City, to be recorded with the County Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, California forthwith. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 6th day of December, 1999, by the following vote: Vote AYE S: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Members of the City Council APPROVED: City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino rSI'F . . ' . ~.~,.-s~ Gxullanx & Kull, Inc. Engineers · Planners · Surveyors Cupertino - Oakdale - Auburn EXHIBIT A Legal Description for Abandonment of Emergency vehicle Access Easement All that certain real property located in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, Described as follows: An Emergency Access Easement lying within Parcels 2 and 3, as described in that certain Parcel Map recorded in Book 563, Page 3, Official Records, County of Santa Clara. Said Emergency Access Easement being more particularly described in that certain Deed recorded in Book L019, Page 1544, Official Records, County of Santa Clara. and, An emergency access easement lying within Parcel 3, as shown upon that certain Parcel Map recorded in Book 563, Page 3, Official Records, County of Santa Clara. )O{:)I,-GIO fgOl') xDj O00i'-Si9 (gO)) '~Ul'lln')! { ]us|lnlD~ S.LN'::iV, I:ISV':i 3'I31HgA .L3N'qO~'q~:l 9NI.LSIX'~ QVOld S:90:93E1~11~i 1£gZZ . t,z 'o ~' ._itr t~ Z UJ bj CITY OF SUMMARY CUPER,TINO Age da No. /f Agenda Date: December 6. I t)99 SUBJECT Application: 5-TM-99, 8-Z-99, 13-EA-99 Applicant: Tom Quaglia: The Riding Group Property Owner: Perusina Family Property Location: 7816 Festival Drive Project Consistency with: General Plan yes Zoning yes Environmental Assessment: Negative Declaration recommended. Application Summary: Tentative Map to subdivide an approximately two-acre parcel into eight lots. Zoning from Pre-Agriculture to Pre-Single Family Residential with a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet (R1-6) BACKGROUND: This parcel is currently located in the County of Santa Clara. A house, barn complex and fruit orchard, exist on the parcel. It was part of a 20-acre parcel between 1939- 1960, and was subsequently subdivided into its current configuration. Residential land uses exist on 3 adjacent sides, with Highway 85 located to the east. The proposal is to extend Creekline Drive to serve the 8 lots, ending in a cul-de-sac betbre Festival Drive. Emergency access li-on~ Creekline to Fes(ival Drive will be available through a locked gate. Planning Commission Commissioner Harris asked questions concerning the water well and the method of cupping required by the Santa Clara Valley Water District. She also inquired about the probability of survival for the proposed relocation of the 20" Valley Oak on Lot 5 (98% survival rate estimated). Publib: Mr. William Cohen, a neighbor of the site, expressed concern about the compatibility of the future homes with the surrounding homes. Chairperson Doyle explained the public hearing requirement for two-story homes over 35% floor area ratio in the R-1 zoning district. Staff forwarded to Mr. Cohen the R-1 Ordinance and Residential Design Review packet, including the Design Guidelines. The residents in this neighborhood have historically been concerned about vehicle traffic bypassing Stelling Road to get to McClellan Road via Festival & September Drives (Exhibit C). As a result, Festival Drive was closed to though-traffic and will continue to remain closed with this subdivision. Staff.' The 20" Valley Oak on Lot #5 will be relocated at the end of the cubde-sac on Lot #8. l,cttcrs from Valley Crest Tree Co. and Hortscience (arborist), the companies to relocate the oak tree, Pnnred on Recycled Paper : s=: <2"::':i::5-TM-99, 8-Z-99 & 13-EA-99 December 6, 1999 ," Page-2- have been submitted. Large oak tree relocation has been successfully done at the O'Brien Group project. Success is based upon a coordinated r.elocation plan between the tree movers and the arborist. A condition of approval requires a tree relocation and protection plan be submitted along with the building permit request. Several other environmental topics were discussed including hazardous materials removal, underground well closure, and historic building significance. Conditions of approval were recommended to address the issues requiring action. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Commission recommends approval according to the attached Ordinance No. 1842 and Resolutions No. 5080 & 5081. Submitted by: Robert S. Cowan Director of Community Development City Manager Enclosures: Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 5080 and 5081. Pre-zoning Ordinance. Exhibit A: Zoning plat. Exhibit B: Legal description. Exhibit C: Neighborhood map. Tentative map dated October 4, 1999. Negative Declaration and Initial Study G: planning/pdreport/cc/5tm99 x°0 7 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO REZONING A 10,347 SQUARE FOOT PARCEL AT 20655 CLEO AVENUE FROM P(R3) TO P(RES); APPLICANT STEVE SARAY WHEREAS, an application was received by the Riding Group (Application No. 8-Z-99) for the rezoning of property from Pre-Agriculture to Single Family Residential with a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet, and WHEREAS, the rezordng is consistent with the City's general plan land use map, proposed uses and surrounding uses; WHEREAS, upon due notice and after one public hearing the Planning Commission recommended to the City Council that the rezoning be granted; and WHEREAS, a map of the subject project is attached hereto as Exhibit A as a proposed amendment to the Master Zoning Map of the City of Cupertino. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the property described in attached Exhibit B is hereby rezoned to Single Family Residential with a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet; and that Exhibit A & B attached hereto are made part of the Master Zoning Map of the City of Cupertino. Secti6n 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage. INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino the 6m Day of December, 1999 and ENACTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino the 3rd day of January 2000, by the following vote: VOTE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: APPROVED: City Clerk g/planning/~s/6z99 Mayor, City of Cupertino 8-Z-99 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, Califomia 95014 RESOLUTION NO. 5081 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A REZONING AN APPROXIMATE 2 ACRE PARCEL AT 7816 FESTIVAL DRIVE (362-17-002) FROM PRE-AGRICULTURE TO PRE-SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL WITH A MINIMUM OF 6,000 SQUARE FEET NET (R1-6) SECTION I: FINDINGS WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino received an application for rezoning an approximate 2 acre parcel from Pre-Agriculture to Pre-Single Family Residential with a minimum 6,000 square feet net (RI-6); and WHEREAS, the necessary public notices have been given in accordance with the Procedural Ordinance of the City of Cupertino, and the Planning Commission has held one or more public hearings on the subject application; and WHEREAS, _the Planning Commission finds that the subject rezoning meets the following requirements: a) That the zoning is in conformance with the General Plan of the City of Cupertino, b) That the property involved is adequate in size and shape to conform to the new zoning designation. c) That the new zoning provides a land use designation that meets the demand of the community for additional housing. d) That the agricultural soil is rated class 3, which is not considered a precious soil type for cultivation purposes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That after careful consideration of maps, facts, exhibits, testimony and other evidence submitted in this matter, the application for zoning an approximate 2 acre parcel from Pre-Agriculmre to Single Family Residential with a minimum lot size of 6,000 square feet net (R. 1-6) is hereby recommended for approval; and That the subconclusions upon which the findings and conditions specified in this Resolution are based and contained in the Public Hearing record concerning Application 8-Z-99as set forth in the Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of November 3, 1999, and are incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. Resolution No. Page -2- 5081 8-Z-99 November 3, 1999 SECTION II: PROJECT DESCRIPTION Application No(s): Applicant: Project Location: 8-Z-99 Tom Quaglia: The Riding Group 7816 Festival Drive SECTION III: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. 1. APPROVED EXHIBITS Plat map (Exhibit A) and legal description (Exhibit B) PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of November, 1999 at a Special Meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Harris, Kwok, Stevens and Chairman Doyle COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: Corr ATTEST: APPROVED: /s/Robert Cowan Robert Cowan Director of Community Development /s/David Doyle David Doyle, Chairman Planning Commission g:/planningdres/resoSz99 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 5-TM-99 RESOLUTION NO. 5080 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE MAP TO SUBDIVIDE AN APPROXIMATE TWO ACRE PARCEL INTO EIGHT LOTS. SECTION I: FINDINGS: WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino received an application for a Tentative Subdivision Map as described on Page 1 of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the necessary public notices have been given as required by the subdivision and procedural ordinances of the City of Cupertino, and the Planning Commission has held at least 'one Public Hearing in regard to the application; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission finds that the application meets the following requirements: a) b) C) d) That the proposed subdivision map is consistent with the City of Cupertino General Plan. That the design and improvements of the proposed subdivision are consistent with the General Plan. That the site is physically suitable for the type and intensity of development contemplated under the-approved subdivision. That the design of the subdivision or the proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial environniental damage nor substantially and avoidably injure fish and wildlife or their habitat. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That after careful consideration of maps, facts, exhibits, testimony and other evidence submitted in this matter, the application for a Tentative Map is hereby recommended for approval, subject to the conditions which are enumerated in this Resolution beginning on Page 2 thereof, and That the subconclusions upon which the findings and conditions specified in this Resolution are based and contained in the Public Hearing record concerning Application 5-TM-99 as set forth in the Minutes of Planning Commission Meeting of November 3, 1999 and are incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein. SECTION II: PROJECT DESCRIPTION Application No.: Applicant: Property Owner: Location: 5-TM-99 Tom Quaglia: The Riding Group Perusina Family 7816 Festival Drive /9-L Resolution No. 5080 Page -2- (5-TM-99) November 3, 1999 SECTION III: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. 1. APPROVED EXHIBITS The recommendation of approval is based on the Tentative Map dated, Revised October 4, 1999 (1 Sheet) of Application 5-TM-99, except as may be amended by the Conditions contained in this Resolution. 2. HAZARDOUS MATERI. ALS DISPOSAL Submit in conjunction with your request for a demolition permit proof from the Santa Clara County Fire Department, a Hazardous Materials Facility Closure permit proving that the hazardous materials has been disposed of properly. 3. WATER WELL CAP REQUIREMENT Submit in conjunction with your roadway improvement plans proof from Santa Clara Valley Water District that the water well has been capped in accordance with their ordinance 90-1 (Destruction Permit). 4. T. REE PROTECTION The specimen Oak (#23), Bay (#24) and Coast Redwood trees (#21,22, 84), as identified in the Arbor Care report dated April 1999, shall be preserved through construction. An Internationally Certified Arbofist shall submit a relocation and construction preservation plan in conjunction with the request for a demolition permit. A bond in the mount of $20,000 shall be submitted at this time. The Arbofist shall submit to the City a quarterly statement indicating that their preservation plan is being implemented according to their recommendations. Upon completion of construction and before the fmal occupancy permit is issued, the Arborist shall submit to the city a statement that the protected trees will survive the construction. If the trees are not going to survive, the bond shall be forfeited and the applicant shall plant, at a 2:1 replacement, 36" box native trees. The planting shall occur prior to issuance of the final occupancy permit. 5. ANNEXATION Annexation is required prior to issuance of the demolitian or roadway improvement permits. 6. NOISE PROTECTION The noise recommendations contained in the Environmental Service report dated April 20, 1999, shall be integrated into the building permit construction drawings. lr , 7 Resolution No. 5080 Page -3 - (5-TM-99) November 3.1999 SECTION IV: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT , STREET WIDENING Street widening, improvements and dedications shall be provided in accordance with City Standards and specifications and as required by the City Engineer. The Existing Emergency Vehicle Access Easement along the Highway 85 shall be improved with new traveled way in tuff blocks with landscaping as approved by the City Engineer. CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENTS Curbs and gutters, sidewal_ks and related structures shall be installed in accordance with grades and standards as specified by the City Engineer. STREET LIGHTING INSTALLATION Street lighting shall be installed and shall be as approved by the City Engineer. Lighting fixtures shall be positioned so as to preclude glare and other forms of visual interference to adjoining properties, and shall be no higher than the maximum height permitted by the zone in which the site is located. 10. FIRE HYDRANT Fire hydrants shall be located as required by the City. 11. TRAFFIC SIGNS Traffic control signs shall be placed at locations specified by the City. 12. STREET TREES Street trees shall be planted within the Public Right of Way and shall be of a type approved by the City in accordance with Ordinance No. 125. 13. GRADING Grading shall be as approved and required by the City Engineer in accordance with Chapter 16.08 of the Cupertino Municipal Code. 14. DRAINAGE Drainage shall be provided to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Surface flow across public sidewalks may be allowed in the R-l, R-2 and R-3 zones unless storm drain facilities are deemed necessary by the City Engineer. Development in all other zoning districts shall be served by on site storm drainage facilities connected to the City storm drainage system. If City storm drains are not available, drainage facilities shall be installed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 15. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES The developer shall comply with the requirements of the Underground Utilities Ordinance No. 331 and other related Ordinances and regulations of the City of Cupertino, and shall coordinate with affected utility proriders for installation of underground utility devices. The developer shall submit detailed plans showing utility underground provisions. Said 'plans shall be subject to prior approval of the affected Utility provider and the City Engineer. Resolution No. 5080 (5-TM-99) Page -4- November 3, 1999 16. 17. 18. 19. IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT The project developer shall enter into a development agreement with the City of Cupertino providing for payment of fees, including but not limited to checking and inspection fees, stoffrt drain fees, park dedication fees and fees for undergrounding of utilities. Said agreement shall be executed prior to issuance of construction permits. Fees: a. Checking & Inspection Fees: b. Development Maintenance Deposit: c. Storm Drainage Fee: d. Power Cost: e. Map Checking Fees: f. ParkFees: g. Grading Permit: $ 5% of Improvement Cost or $1,975.00 min. $ 3,000.00 $1,290.00/acre $ 75.00 per street light $ 504.00 $15,750.00/lot $ 5% of on-site improvement Cost or $156.00 min. -The fees described above are imposed based upon the current fee schedule adopted by the City Council. However, the fees imposed herein may be modified at the time of recordation of a final map or issuance of a building permit in the event of said change or changes, the fees changed at that time will reflect the then current fee schedule. TRANSFORMERS Electrical transformers, telephone vaults and similar above ground equipment enclosures shall be screened with fencing and landscaping or located underground such that said equipment is not visible from public street areas. DEDICATION OF WATERLINES The developer shall execute a quitclaim deed for underground water rights to San Jose Water Company and shall reach an agreement with San Jose Water Company for water service to the subject development. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES Utilize Best Management Practices (BMP's), as required by the State Water Resources Control Board, for construction activity which disturbs soil. BMP plans shall be included in your grading and street improvement plans. q Resolution No. 5080 Page -5 - (5-TM~99) November 3, 1999 CITY ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE OF ENGINEEPd'NG/SURVEYING CONDITIONS (Section 66474.18 California Government Code) I hereby certify that the engineering and surveying conditions specified in Section III of this Resolution confonrt to generally accepted engineering practices. /s/Bert Viskovich Bert Viskovich? City Engineer PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of November, 1999, at a special meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino, State of Califomia, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Harris, Kwok, Stevens and Chairman Doyle COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: Corr ATTEST: APPROVED: /s/Robert S. Cowan Robert S. Cowaxi Director of Community Development /s/David Doyle David Doyle, Chairman Cupertino Planning Commission g/planning/res/Stm99 ig,/o Exhibit A ZON/NG PLAT MAP AREA OF REZONING: 7.85 AC. GROSS EXISTING ZONING: ,°RE AGRICULTURE PROPOSED ZONING: R1-6 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL WITH A MINIMUM OF 6000 S.F. NET PER LOT TRA%CT NO. ~89'5,B'JS'E 230.31 L=I01,67 L=I6.01 CREEKLINE DRIVE N89'59'38~4/ 265.09 L POINt OF BEGINNING LOT 7 JEANETTE COURT TRACT NO. ZONING PLAT MAP LANDS OF PERUSINA, ET AL CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 558-M- 2J DATE: 9-28-99 SCALE: I "--80' DRAWN BY.' T.L.R. cHEcKED ~Y.. V., ~.. JOB NO.: I576 A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION CONSULTING CIWL ENGINEERS _RA~R~._~ .... RCE NO. 14218 Charles W. Davidson Co. Job No. 1576 September 28, 1999 Exhibit B DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED ZONING LANDS OF PERUSINA, ET AL FESTIVAL DRIVE, CUPERTINO Beginning at the most northwesterly corner of Lot 7 as said lot is shown on that certain map of Tract No. 7694, recorded in Book 544 of Maps at pages 56 and 57, Santa Clara County Records; thence northerly and easterly along the boundary of said Tract No. 7694 North 0°02'50'' East 257.86 feet; thence South 89059'38'' East 230.31 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent curve; thence from a tangent which bears South 12043'32" West along a curve to the left through a central angle of 123°56'39'' having a radius of 47.00 feet, an arc distance of 101.67 feet to a point of reverse curvature; thence along a curve to the right through a central angole of 70032'45" having a radius of 13.00, an arc distance of 16.01 feet; thence South 40 40'22" East 130.39 feet; thence South 88°11'55" West 27.39 feet; thence South 45002'50" West 141.95 feet; thence North 89°59'38" West 265.09 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 1.85 Acres, more or less. CITY OF CUPERTINO NEGATIVE DECLARATION December 6, 1999 As provided by the Environmental Assessment Procedure adopted by the City Council of the City of Cupertino on May 27, 1973, and amended on March 4, 1974, January 17, 1977, May 1, 1978, and July 7, 1980, the following described project was granted a Negative Declaration by the City Council of the City of Cupertino on December 6, 1999 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION 13-EA-99 Application No.: Applicant: Location: 5-TM-99, 8-Z-99 Tom Quaglia: The Riding Group 7816 Festival Drive DISCRETIONARY ACTION REQUEST Tentative Map to subdivide an approximately two-acre parcel into eight lots. Rezoning of an approximately two-acre parcel from Pre-A to Pre-R1-6. FINDINGS OF DECISIONMAKING BODY The City Council granted a negative declaration finding that the project is consistent with the General Plan and them is no significant environmental impact. Robert Cowan Director of Community Development CERTIFICATE OF THE CITY CLERK This is to certify that the above Negative Declaration was filed in the office of the City Clerk of Cupertino on ,1999. City Clerk g/planning/eredneg13ea99 CITY OF CUPERTrNO Department of CommuniW Development I0]00 Torm Avenue Cupertino, Ca 95014. 4.08-777-3308 Fe..%+~',,t..I l)r Environmental Setting PROECT DSSC~ON: Sit, ~ea (at.) I .~ BulldOg Cove.,~ ~% Exit. Buil~gj.f. ~oposcd Bldg. Zone G.P. Desi~a~on Assessor's P~el No. __ If Residential, Units/Gross Acre Total# Rental/Own Bdms Total s.f. Price Unit Type #I Unit Type #2 Unit Type #3 Unit Type #4 Unit Type #5 Applicable Special Area Plans: (Check) Monta Vista Design Guidelines N. De Ann Conceptual ["1 Stevens Crk Blvd. Conceptual I"'] S. De Ann Conceptual ["] S. Sara-Sunny Conceptual ~ Stevens Creek Blvd. SW &: L'scape If Non-Residential, Building Area s.f. FAR Max. Employees/Shii~ . Parking Required Parking Provided Project Site is Within Cuperdno Urban Service Area YES NO A) GENERAL PLAN SOURCES 1) Cupertino General Plan, Land Use Element 2) Cupertino General Plan. Public S~et'/Element 1) Cupettino General Pla~, Housing Element 4) Cupenino General Plan, Transportation Element 5) Cupertino General Plan, Environmental Ke~oumes 6) Cupertino General Plan, Appendix A* Hillside Development 7) Cupertinn General Plan, Land Use Map 8) Noise Elerrmnt Amendment 9) City PddSeline Policy 10) Cupertino General Pian Constraint Maps B) CUPERTINO SOURCE DOCUMENTS 11) Tree Precervation ordinance 778 12) City Aerial Photography Maps 13) "Cupertino Ch~nicle" (California History Center, 1976) 14) Geological l~port (site specific) 15) PatkinZ Ordinances 1:277 16) Zoning Map 17) ZoninS Code/Specific Plan Documents 18) City Noise Ordinance C) CITY AGENCIES' 19) Cupertino Community Development I~pt. 20) Cupertino Public Wor~ Dept. :21) Cupertino Par~ & P, ecreafion Department 22) Cupettino Wa~r Utility D) OUTSrDE AGENCIES 2.]) County Pining Depam'aent 24) Adjacent City's Planning Department 25) County Depa~nental of Environmental Health 26) Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District ~.7) County Parks and Recreation Department 2R) Cupet~no Sanitary District :29) Fmmont Union High School District 30) Cupertino Union School District 3 l) Pacific Gas and Electric 3:2) Santa Clara County Fire Department 33) County Sheriff 34) CALTRANS 35) County Tr'l~poRation Agency 36) Santa Clara Valley Water District E) OUTSIDE AGENCY DOCUMENTS 37) BAAQMD Sttrvcy of Contamlnant Excesses 38) FEMA Flood Map.q$~ Flood Maps 39) USDA, "Soil~ of Santa Clara County" 40) County Ft--n,dous Waste Management Plan 41) County Heritage Resources L'wentot~ .. 42) Santa Clara Valley Water District Fuel Leak Site 43) CalEPA Hazardous Waste and Substances Site List F} OT[Ik;R SOURCES 44) Project Plan Set/Application Materials 45) Field Re~un,i~s-nce 46) Experience with Project of similar s scope/cha'aczfistics 4'7) A. BAG Projections Series 1) Complete all information requested on the Initial Study Cover page. LEAVE BLANK SPACES ONLY WHZN A $PECIYlC ITEM IS NOT APPLICABLE. 2) Consult th~ Initial Study Source List; use the materials listed therein to complete, the checklist information in Categories A through O. You are encouraged to cite other relevant sourues; if such sources are used, job in their title(s) in the "Source" column next to the question to which they relate. 3) If you check any of the "YES" response to any questions, you must attach a sheet explaining the potential impact and suggest mitigation if needed. 4) When explaining any yes response, label your answer clearly (Example "N - 3 Historical") Please try to respond concisely, and place as many explanatory responses as possible on each page. 5) Upon completing the checklist, sign and date the Preparer's Affidavit. 6) Please attach the following materials before submitting the Initial Study to the City. - IMaject Plan Set of Legislative Docuraent (l) ~opy - Location map with site ~leariy marked (when applicable) [Tr~ SURE YOUR INITIAL STUDY k'tll;~As}|tl iAL IS COMPLETE - It~[e[03~sJl'Jltoqll; MATERIALS MAY [of, ltl-'t :'- PROCESSING DELAYS WILL THE PROj~ECT... IMPACT YES Not signmc~,t NO A) LAND USE GENERAL PLAN I) Kequire a change from the land use designation for the subject site in the C~ [] General Plan? 2> ,,ire a ch..e of arming? [] [] 3) Requlr~ a change of an adopted specific plan or other adoptca policy M ['] statemcn~ [~L.' o, csu t in substantial change in the ~ i~;!'-.:t land use of thc site or that of L:~;'tinS propcnics? ~ Dis~pt or divide the physicd configuration of an established ~ [] ' neighborhood? B) GEOLOGIC/SEISI~IIC HAZAB3D 1) Be located in an area which has pomntial for major geologic hazard? [] [] 2} Be Io.-,=d o. o~ ~j.,ant to a 5'~ [] known earthquake fault?. 3) Be located in a Geologic Study (~ [] Zone? 4) Be located in an areaof soil instability (subsidence, landslide, [~ [] shrink/swell, soll creep or severe · erosions)? .. e~ Cause substantial erosion or (. ~... ' Cause substantial disruption, overcoveHm~ of soil either on-site or off- site T) Cause substantial change in topography or in a ground surface feature? 8) Involve construction of a building,, wad or septic system on a slope o[' | 00~ F~ [] or greater? Significant Significant CumuLative (Mitigation CNo Proposed) Mitigation Pmposcd) C) RESOURCES/PARIC5 I) Increase the existing removal ra~, or result in thc removal of a natural r~ource for commercial purposes (including items such as rock. sand, gravel, trees, minerals or top-soil)? l) Kesult in the substantial depiction ,any oon-rcncw~ic naturai resource? 3) Convert prime a~'~cultural land (Class I or II soils) to non-agHcultond uso or impair the agricultural productivity of nearby prime a~ricultorzl rand? 4) Invotvc lands currcntiy prutectcd under the Williamson Act or any Open Space easement?. SOURCE [] [] [] [] FQ Fq [] F] [] ,.,2 Fq [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] 2 2.5.10 [] [] [] 2.,.,o Fq [] [] 2.,.,,.,,~ Fq [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] n n [] ~039 6.12,39 5,10 5.39 5.23 WILL THE PROJECT... 5) Substantially affect any existing agricultural uses? 6) Be located on, within or near a public or private recreation facility, park, wildllfe preserve, public wail either in existence already or planned for ~ture implementation? D) SEWAGFJWATER QUALITY 1) Result in a septic field being constructed on soil wid~ severe drain field performance limitations? 2) P, esult in a septic field being located within 50 feet of a drainage swaie or within tO0 feet of any well, water couae or war~r body? 3} l~,sult in extension of a sewer main _ line with capacity to serve new development? 4)Substantially degrade surface or goundwater quality, or the public water supply, including but not limlted to typical stormwater pollun~ants (e.g. sediment ~'om construction, hydrocarbons and metals from vehicle use, nutrients and pesdcides from lan...4iiiaping maintenance, metals and ar ~rom mining operations)? located in an area of water supply ._concern (such as low fire flows)? 6)Change in the quality of ground waters through infiltration of reclaimed water or storm water vanoffthat has contacted pollutants from urban, industrial or agricultural activities? ~)Kequire a NPDES permit for construction [Does it disturb five (5) acres or more?]? E) DRAINAGE/FLOODING 1) Interfere substantially with ground water recharge? 2) Substantially change ~c direction, rate or flow or quantity of ~round- waters, or wetlands either through direct additions or withdrawals, or excavations? 3)Change the absorption rates, drainage pa~crn$ or the me/mount of surface runoff'or wedand? 4) Involve a natural drainage channel or streambed or water course such as to alter the locations, course or flow of its watch? 5) Be located in a floodway or floodplain area? FLEI.,ORA AND FAUNA 8nlflcantiy affect fish, wildlife, reptiles or plant life by changing the diversity or numbers ofexlsting species, or by introducing new species, or by restricting migration or movement? 2) Subsmtial]y reduce the habitat area For fish, animals or plants? IMPACT YES Not Significant Significant Cumulalive SOURCE qignificant (Mitigation('No NO PropoSed) Mitigation ~ 3~ Pmposed) [] [] [] ,. ,0. [] 0- [] [] [] [] [] Fq [] [] ~ R [] [] F] 2o E{ E]' [] [] [] 20,36 20,36,42 20,36 36,42 38 5,10 WILL THE PROJECT... 3) Change the existing habitat food source or nesting place for a rare or endangered species of plant or animal? 4] InvoLve cutting, removal of specimen scale trees, whether indigenous to the site or introduced? INIPACT YES significant NO ~ [] F1 Significant Significant gumulative (Mitigation ('No Proposed) Mitigation Proposed) G) TRANSPORTATION l) Cause an increase in traffic which is substantial in relation to the existing Waffle load and capacity of the street system? 2) Cause any public or private street intersection tO function below Level Of Sc~ice D? C~:.~Adve.aly~ectance. tn commercial establishments, public . buildings, schools, patks or other · pedestrian oriented activity areas? 5) Cause a reduction in public transportation service at or neat the project site? 6) Increase demand upon existing patking facilities, or engender demand for new padring space? ?) Inhibit use of alternative modes of , transportation to private automobile usage? H) HOUSING 1) Reduce the supply of affordable [ ', -ing in the community, or result in the [~ ["1 · 'acemeat of persons from their (. ~. nt home? · ~-j Incmesc the cost of housing in the area, or subsmtially change the variety ~e [] of housing types found in the community? 3) erearea subsmtial demand for new ~ [] housing? [] [] [] []Fq []' [][] [] [] Fq I) HEALTH ~ SAFETY l ) Invotvc the applicmion, use, disposal or manufacture of potentially 2) Involve risk of explosion or other forms of unconlzollcd release of hazardous substances? 3) Involve the removal or continued use of any existing, or installation of any new underground chemical or fuel :storage tank? 4) Be located in an area of seasonal fire danger?. 5) Emp oy ~chnology which could ative~seiy a_fleet public safety in the event of a breakdown? SOURCE 5,10 11,12,41 4. 20,35 4,20 20,35 4,10 35 15,16 5.19, 34,35 0 R [] ~." [] Fq [] " Fq [] [q WILL THE PROJECT... NO Not Significant 6) Provide breeding grounds tbr mosquitos oi; other disease vectors? [] [] AIR QUALITY l) Create objectionabie odors? [] [] I 2) Violate any ambient air quality existing or projected air quality violation, or expose sensitive receptors to substamdal concena'ations ofpollutanU? K) NOISE 1) Increase substantially the ambient noise environment of the project vicinity during cortsu'u¢tion of the project? 2) Result in sustained increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity following construction of the project '3) Kasult in sustained noise levels beyond the thresholds orsound aner~ and duration limits contained in the City's Noise Ordinance? L' ~fHETICS ~ 1) Be at variance with applicable 2) Create an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? [] [] 3) Visually intrude upon an ar~a of natural scenic qualities? [~3 [] Obs=ct vle ora see.it ridge,i.e [] [] visible fi'om the valley floor'? S) Obstruct views orthe city's adjacent[] [] hillsides from residential areas or public lands? 6) Adverse[y affect the archi~ctoral character of an estab[ish neighborhood or [] [] business distrlc~ ~) Vrod.ce glue ~, ~incial [] [] fighting sources upon adjacent properties or public roadways? M) ENERGY t ) Involve the use orunusually large quantifies of foasil fiJels or non- renew*able energy sources? 2) Remove vegetation providing summer shade or wind-breaks to an existing or proposed building? 3) Significantlit reduce solar access to an adjancnt building. pubtic recreation sngc or private yard? ,aSTORICAL/ ARCHAEOLOGICAL 1) Be located in an area of potential archaeological or paleontological ~ [] resources? Significant Significant Cumulative (Mitigation ('No Proposed) MitigatiOn Proposed) SOURCE zS 1,17.19 1,16 I0, 42 , V(ILL THE PRO3ECT... INIPACT YE~S Not Significant Signitlc~, Cumulative Significant (Mitigation Proposed) Mitigation Proposed) 2) Affect adversely a property of historic or cultural significance to the community, except as pazt of a scientific study? O) PUBLIC SERVICES AND UTILITIES 1) Produce solid waste in substantial qtlantities? [] 2) Induce substantial growth, or alter [] the location, distribution, or do~it~ of the human population of an area7 ~!%. Cause substantial impact upon, or ~., :Y":',tse the need for. ,,~ ,:,:~, a) Fire Protection Services? [] [] b) Police Services? c) Public Schools? d) Patk.qRccreation Facilities? e) Maintenance of Public F~ilities? f) Other Governmental Services? 4) Cause substantial impact upon existing utilities or infrastructure in the following categories: a) Elcctricity? -. b) Natural Gas? ,' ,' ' c) Wa~r?. d) Sewage treatment and disposal? e) Storm w~.t:r management? 5) Generate dcmand for use of any public facility which c"uses that facility to reach or exceed it~ capacity? [] [] [] [] S~ E] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] E] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] SOURCE l, 10,4l 40 t, 46,47 19.32 33 29,30 5, 17, 19. 21 19,20.21 19 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] 0 [] 20,2, [] [] [] [] [] ' glFI R [][] MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE (To Be Completed by City Staff) V~ILL THE PROJECT... Have the potentia[ to substantially degrade the quality of the environment, to · substantially diminish the habitat of a fish or wildlife species; to cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustainable levels; to threaten or eliminate a plant or animal commdnity; to reduce the number of or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal; to eliminate important examples of the major periods of Califomia's history or prehistory? 2. Have the potential to achieve short term environmental goals to the disadvantage of long term environmental goals? 3. Have envkonmental impacts which are individually limited, but are cumulatively considerable? CCnmulativcly considerable: means that the .' incremental effects of an individual project are substantive when viewed in conjunction with the effects of past projects, other current projects, and probable future projects) 4. Have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse impacts ~' human beings, either dh'cctly or indirectly? YES NO [ hereby certify that the information provided in this Initial Study is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; I certify that I have used proper diligence in responding accurately to all questions herein, and have consulted appropriate source references when necessary to ensure full and complete disclosure of relevant environmental data. I hereby acknowledge than any substantial errors dated within this initial Study may cause delay or discontinuance of related project review procedures, and hereby agree to hold harmless the City of Cupertin ' staff and authorized · ffJ IMPACT AREAS: [] Land Use/Genera[ Plan [] Sewage/Water Quality ENVI_RON~IENTAL EVALUATION .. (To beCompleted by City Staff) ~Geologic/Seismie Hazard X Resources/Parks ~Drainage~looding [] Historical/Archaeological [] Health.& Safety [] Public Services/Utilities [] Ener~%, e~- ~FF EVALUATION [] Flora & Fauna [] Air Quality [] Aesthetics [] Housing [] Transportation Noise On the basis of this Initial Study, the Environmental Review Committee (ERC) Finds: That the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and recommends that a NEGATIVE DECLARA.TION be granted. That although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, no significant effect will occur because mitigation measures are included in the.project. ERC recommends that a NEGATIVE DECLARATION be granted. ,. 7"lt the proposed MAY have a significant effect on the environment and recommends that an · ['. 'VIRONMENTAL IIVIPACT REPORT be prepared: StaffEvaluator ~ ~~~ Date ¢0'~ Select On~ Wplannin~intstdy4.doc CI~ OF CUPER,TINO City Hall 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3255 Telephone: (408) 777-3223 FAX: (408) 777-3366 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK AGENDA ITEM NO. 19 MEETING DATE: December 6, 1999 SUBJECT Hearing to consider objections to proposed removal of weeds and to order abatement. BACKGROUND On October 18, 1999, Council adopted Resolution No. 99-287 setting a public hearing to consider any objections of property owners to the proposed removal of weeds. After adoption of that resolution the Santa Clara Cotmty Fire Marshall's Office sent notice of the abatement program and hearing to all those on their notification list. This is an annual program. The notice sent by the County is generic, not site specific. STAFF RECOI~IMENDATION Note protest(s) and adopt Resolution No. 98-361 ordering abatement of public nuisance. Submitted by: City Clerk wecds/summary.doc Approved for submission to the ity Co ell Do c . rown City Manager / Printed on Recycled Paper County of Santa Clara Environn~cntal Resources Agency Fire MarshaF,4 Office - Sal/la Clara CouIlly Fire l)(q)arllllelll COtlilly (;ovcrnnR~nl Cc'nlcr. E~ISI Wjll~ 70 Wesl Hedding Sireel. 71h Fkx~r San Jose. Calilornia 951 I (~ 1705 {4(}8) ~99-3805 FAX 270-8537 November 19, 1999 Ms. Kimberly Smith City Clerk City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 SUBJECT: 2000 Hazardous Vegetation Management Program (Formerly the County Weed Abatement Program) Dear Ms. Smith SUBJECT: 2000 Hazardous Vegetation Management Program Dear Ms. Smith The Hazardous Vegetation Commencement Report for the year 2000 is attached. It lists properties located within the City of Cupertino jurisdiction, which have been identified as potentially having hazardous vegetation. These are the properties that have been placed on the Program for inspection and possible abatement if the property owner does not accomplish the requisite fire hazard clearance. All property owners have been properly notified by mail of The City of Cupertino upcoming hearing, and have been given program guidelines and information to assist them in compliance with the Minimum Fire Safety Standards required by your Municipal Code. A copy of the letter to property owners, Notice of Public Hearing and Program Schedule, and our informational brochure are provided for your records Sincerely, Program Coordinator Hazardous Vegetation Management Attachments Board of Supervisors: Donald E Gage. Blanca Alvaratio, Pete McHugh. James Z. Beall Jr.. S. Joseph Similian COt lly Executive: Richard Wiltenberg County of Santa Clara Environmental Resources Agency Fire Marshars Office - Santa Clara County Fire Department County Government Center. -Fast Wing 70 W~_~l Hedding Street, 71h Floor San Jose, Califomia 95110-1705 (408) 299-3805 FAX 279-8537 November 3, 1999 Dear Property Owner, In order to implement a joint fire prevention program between your City and Santa Clara County, the City of Cupertino has authorized the Fire Marshal's Office Hazardous Vegetation Management Program to assist you in meeting local Murddpal Code standards regarding .ab_at. em~entg£ _fix__e .haz~ds c~us_ed by weeds, brush or combustible debris. According to our records your property may contain potential fire hazards. Notice is being sent to you now so that you will have suffident time to remove these fire haza]cds prior to the start of the next fire season. It is our objective to ensure your property is safe from fire hazards throughout the year. There are several abatement methods that may be used depending on the size, soil, slope, terrain and surroundings of your property. Some of the methods include: herbidde spray, ai.~cing, grazing, flail mowing, hand mowing and using a weed eater. Although each property is different and is assessed on an individual basis, all property owners are required to meet the Minimum Fire Safety Standards outlined in the enclosed brochure. If you have any questions about your property, a Hazardous Vegetation Inspector would be happy to meet with you or discuss your questions over the phone. In order to assist you with weed, brush, or debris abatement the County provides property inspections. When you maintain your property according to the Minimum Fire Safety Standards there is no charge to you. If you wish, the County offers a service whereby a County contractor will provide weed, brush or debris abatement. Should you choose to have the County maintain your property, or if your property is not maintained to meet the Minimum Fire Safety Standards, a Hazardous Vegetation Inspector will order any necessary work and have that work completed by a County contractor. If the County contractor provides'abatemenC~rvices, the contractor's charge plus a COunty administrative fee is included in your property tax bill during the next fiscal year. We would appreciate you taking the time to complete and return the enclosed Reply Form by DeCember 8th so that we understand your intentions regarding maintenance of your property. If we do not receive your Reply Form by December 8th, we will assume you would like us to maintain your property and weed abatement may commence immediately following your dty's public hearing (please refer to the attached Public Notice). If you choose to abate the weeds yourself, and you return the Reply Form, you will have until March 1st to complete this work. Many property owners find it convenient to have the County contractor perform all or part of the abatement and pay the charges with their next property tax bill. Should you wish us to maintain your property be assured that our Inspectors choose the least costly Board of Supervisors: Donald E Gage, Blanca Alvaratio, Pete McHugh, James T. Beall Jn, S. Joseph Sirnllian County Executive: Richard Wlltenberg method of abatement considering the physical characteristics of your property and compliance with the Minimum Fire Safety Standards. l~or your information we have enclosed a Public Notice declaring weeds a nuisance and info,'a'dng you of an upcoming public hearing that you may attend if you have any objections to the proposed removal of hazardous vegetation from your property. A Hazardous Vegetation Management Program Schedule for your city and a current County price list is included on the back side of the Public Notice. We have also enclosed a brochure about the Hazardous Vegetation Management Program which outlines the responsibilities of both the property owner and the Fire MarshaYs Office. In'order to avoid confusbn, please' be advised that residents located within the Hazardous Fire Area (includes most billside properties) can expect to receive a letter from the ~local fire depar[ment in 'January regarding bilkide fire safety and the Brush Abatement Frogr.am. Be aware'that the County Hazardous Vegetation Management Program, which is the subject of this letter, and the hillside Brush Abatement Program are separate programs and are not administered by the same agency. If should you have any questions relative to Brush Abatement notification, please call the Santa Clara County Fire Depath~Lent at (408) 3784010 and ask for the l~ire Prevention Division. Our goal is voluntary compliance With" the Mirdmum Fire Safety Standards. It is important for you to understand that this is the only notice that will be sent to you. If you are unable to meet the deadlines'in this letter or if you have any questions, please call the Santa Clara County Fire Marshal'S 'Office Hazardous Vegetation Management Program at (40,8) 299-2041. Thank you. Sincerely, Marty Hi Hazardous Vegetation Management Program Coordinator Attachments TRA 13 PUBLIC NOTICE TO DESTROY WEEDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on October 18, 1999, pursuant to the provisions of Section 9.08 of the Cupertino Municipal Code, the City. Council passed a resolution declaring that all weeds growing upon any private property or in any public street or alley, as defined in Section 9.08.010 of the Cupertino Municipal Code constitute a public nuisance, which nuisance must be abated by the destruction or removal thereof. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that property owners shall without delay, remove all such weeds from their property and the abutting half of the street in front and alleys, if any, behind such property and between the lot lines thereof as extended, or such weeds will be destroyed or removed and such nuisance abated by the County Fire Marshal, in which case the cost of such destruction or removal will, including but not limited to administration costs, be assessed upon the lots and lands from which, or from the front or rear of which, such weeds shall have been destroyed or removed and such cost will constitute a lien upon such lots or lands until paid and will be collected upon the next tax roll upon which general municipal taxes are collected. All property owners having any objections to the'proposed destruction or removal of such weeds are hereby notified to attend a meeting of said City to be held in the Council Chambers of City Hall, located at 10300 Torre Ave., Cupertino, California, on Monday, December 6, 1999 at 6:45 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, when their objections will be heard and given due consideration. TRAI3 CITY OF CUPERTINO WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM SCHEDULE December 6, 1999 December 8, 1999 Cupertino resolution passed and public hearing held. Reply forms due to the Fire Marshal' s Office Weed Abatement Program. December 9, 1999 Application of an environmentally approved pre- emergent herbicide may commence. March 1st First discing may begin on properties that will accommodate. a disc. Properties may be disced entirely or fire breaks disced to comply with the Minimum Fire Safety Standards. The minimum firebreak is 30 feet wide, although many parcels will require increased width due to terrain and slope. April/May Hand and flail mowing may begin on areas that won't accommodate discing or herbicide application. May Second discing may begin. 2000 WEED ABATEMENT PRICE LIST* Disc Work Spray Work Parcel Size 1st Disc +2nd Disc**=Total Discs Perimeter 0 - 5,000 sq.ft. 169.99 56.66 209.28 Area 5,001 7,500 181.61 60.53 223.56 7,501 - 10,000 193.20 64.39 237.83 Hand Work 10,001 - 12,000 204.77 68.26 252.08 2 person crew 12,001 - 15,000 216:38 72.12 266.37 15,001 - 18,000 227.98 75.98 280.62 Bail Mowing 18,001 - 21,000 239.54 79.84 294.89 21,001 - 25,000 251.16 83.71 309.17 Loader Work 25,001 - 30,000 262.75 87.58 323.43 30,001 - 35,000 274.32 91.44 337.71 Dump Truck 35,001 - 1 Acre 285.91 95.30 351.97 Over 1 Acre 262.75 87.58 323.43 Brush Work .329 [in.ft. .057 sq.ft. 149.40 hr. 159.72 hr. 164.86 hr. 164.86 hr. 164.86 hr. ** It is required that parcels be disced twice a year. The cost for the furst discing is higher due to additional work normally required during the first discing. Drop Charge 107.33 Added to orders with distant or difficult access. Dump Fee 100% Added to orders with debris removal at 100% of the dump site charge. * Includes County Administrative fee. "' ' :. (over) RESOLUTION NO. 99-361 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ORDERING ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 724 AND RESOLUTION NO. 99-287 WHEREAS, the City Council has declared that the growth of weeds, the accumulation of garden refuse, cuttings and other combustible trash upon the private properties as described in Resolution No. 99-287 adopted October 18, 1999 to be a public nuisance; and WHEREAS, after due notice, a public hearing thereon was held at the regular meeting of the City Council on December 6, 1999; and WHEREAS, from the evidence presented, both oral and written, it appears to be · in the best interests of the City to acquire jurisdiction over and abate said nuisance. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: 1. That the Office of the Fire Marshal is hereby ordered to abate such nuisance or cause the same to be abated by having the weeds referred to destroyed or removed by'cutting, discing, chemical spraying or any other method determined by him; that all debris, whether in piles or scattered, be hauled away; 2. That the Fire Marshal and his deputies, assistants, employees, contracting agents or other representatives shall have express authorization to enter upon said private properties for the purpose of causing said public nuisance to be abated; and 3. That any affected property owners shall have the right to destroy or remove such weeds or debris himself or herself or have the same destroyed or removed at his/her own expense provided that such destruction or removal shall have been completed prior to the arrival of the Office of the Fire Marshal or his authorized representative to destroy or remove them. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: 1. That the Office of the Fire Marshal shall keep account of abating said nuisance and embody such account in a report and assessment list to the City Council which shall be filed with the City Clerk. 2. Said reports of costs, hearing and collection procedures involved shall be provided as stated in Ordinance No. 724. Resolution No. 99-361 Page 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino on the 6th day of December, 1999, by the following vote: Vote AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Members of the City Council ATTEST: APPROVED: City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino ,z ~ ~ u < < < < < < ~ < < < < < < < < Z < n Z I~1 r,j (j r.j r.J U r.J U r.~ U U U rj rj U rj r,j U U < < < U u u u < < < < < < < < < < <<~ < z~~ < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U U rj U rJ U U U U U U U U < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < < (J (J < < < < < < < < < < < < < < U U U U rj U rj {j U U U U rj U U o < SUMMARY CITY OF Agenda No. c9- / CUPE INO Agenda Date: December 6, 1999 SUBJECT: Request to initiate a public hearing to consider amendments to the General Plan and Heart of the City Specific Plan to accommodate changes in development regulations, including building height and location, for hotels, apartments, and retail activities in City Center. BACKGROUND: The Pegasus Development Company and the Kimpton GroUp have prepared a conceptual plan for a joint hotel and mixed-use retail and apartment development at the southeast corner ol' Stevens Creek Boulevard and DeAnza Boulevard. The site surrounds the "Corner Park". Tbc applicants seek approval to shift the "hotel" site located on the Stevens Creek frontage to the DeAnza Boulevard frontage adjoining the Armadillo Willy's Restaurant. The switch will result in an awkwardly configured site for the hotel, which requires a building height that exceeds the currently defined height level of 30 and 40'. The companion mixed use apartment and retail commercial development on the east flank of the corner park uses a concrete podlure design which also necessitates a change in height standards. Both projects require an amendn~cnt of the "Heart of the City" site plan (please see attachments which include excerpts t~om the Cupertino General Plan and the Heart of the City Specific Plan). Section 20.02.025 of the Municipal Code outlines the procedures for initiation of a general plan request. A copy of Section 20.02.025 is attached. In stafl's judgment the proposal to increase the heights in and around the intersection of Stevens Creek Boulevard and DeAnza Bottlewtrd is compatible with overall general plan goals and objectives which recognize City Center as an urban place and further recognizes the need to incorporate commercial and hotel activities to introduce public activities. In order to meet the City's objectives and the objective of creating a strong fiscal base, there may be a need to increase building heights and modi l~ the presently defined land use pattern for both the General Plan and Heart of the City Plan. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Council initiate a public hearing to consider a general plan amendment and amendment to the Heart of the City's Specific Plan. 1[' the City Council concurs, the applicant can submit development applications to be heard concurrently with the subject general plan and specific plan amendments. The fbllowing actions would be necessary: Amend the General Plan · Amend the Heart of the City Plan · Amend the City Center Re-zoning Plan · Submit a conditional use permit (link hotel construction to retail/apartment construction) · Lot line adjustment or tentative map · Modify license agreement for use of the comer park Printed on Recyded Paper Timing: If an initial study indicates that an EIR is not necessary. the applications could bc heard between 8-12 weeks from the date the application is filled. Due to the state law limiting the number of amendments to a particular general plan element to tbur a year, stafl' will make cvcry effort to combine the proposed hearing lbr the ~ubject hotel/apartment project with the recently initiated request to consider land use changes tbr the Santa Barbara Grill site located on North DeAnza Boulevard. A joint City Council/Planning Commission workshop has been scheduled lbr tile January 3. 2000 City Council meeting (refer to December 6 agenda). The purpose is to acquaint the Commission and the Council with the proposal, listen to comments, and provide direction. SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: Robert S. Cowan, Director of Community Development SUBMITT~/ BY' Don r~"~.f'~-~ Enclosures: Excerpts from Municipal Code describing 20.02.028 Excerpt from the General Plan describing general use policy and Figure 2D describing heights Excerpt from the Heart of the City Specific Plan g/planning/cc/ccpegasus GENERAL PLAN EXCERPT I,~nd U~e/Communily Character 2-3 in living spaces and in the City at large must be balanced. The City must also offer a variety of educational, entertainment and cultural experiences throughout the day for continuous community vitality. Community Identity The General Plan provides a blueprint for growth in Cupertino which maintains and enhances the quality of life, protects the City's natural heritage and ensures long-t~Y.x eco- nomic vitality. This can be accomplished by creating land use controls that enhance Cupertino's natural hillside setting, shape the built environment and provide for economic development. A CREATE A SENSE OF PLACE IN CtJPERTINO BY ENCOURAGING DEVELO~ PATrbKN THAT PROMOTES THE URBAN ENVIRO~ WITH UNIQUE LAND FORMS AND FEATURES THAT SATISFY THE ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND AESTHgt'tC NEi~DS OF ITS RF. SIDI~qTS. G AL Figure 2-A is an urban design overlay that establishes the fundamental direction for this element It defines the appearance and dominant activities of the dp~i_~ed ]and use pat- tern. The diagram defines high-intensity nodes in Town Center and Vailco Park connected by lower-intensity, heavily landscaped suburban office and commert, lal centers. A pedes- trian-orien~ed downtown, the Heart of the City, containing a mixture of land uses, is phnned on or near Stevens Creek Boulevard. The Sports Center, Memorial Park and De Ann Col- lege campus form a gr~m edge on the west side of St~lllng Road to define the extent of of- rice and commercial development and the transition to less intense land uses in the western bMf of the City. The diagram also describes the bill ,~ide backdrop and Stevens Creek stre~n~ corridor, both of which establish the character of the City. The design concepts are reruxed in the urban design policy section. Vailco Park and the industrial complex on North De Anza Boulevard are already in- tensely urban. Town Center has potential for new urban activity. All three of these areas have the potential for kigtdy sophisticated buildings to enhance Cupertino's natural sky- line; this will advance the long sought after goal of breaking up the current pattern of com- mercial strip development. Housing near major boulevards offers an opportunity to increase streetside landscap- ing and ~ent with interesting juxtapositions of architecture. Reserving space near major streets for housing or open space says that Cupertino wants to diminish the automobile's dalm on disappearing vacant urban land and that community identity depends on an around-the-dock poF-_,lstion br a vital downtown. By providing for and encourag- ing a balanced mix d land uses and intensifies, the City can achieve a whole and complete community. · Polic!l 2-1: Diversity of Land Provide adequate land area for employment, housing, shopping, entertain~ merit, cultural activities, health care, personal sen, ices, recreation and open THE CUPERTINO GENERAL PLAN 2-4 Land Use/Community Character N. DeAn--, Blvd. Light Veilco Light Industrial and R&D Corridor Industrial R&D ,~ Commercial · n s ~ martial T Itlon ~~k~ ' " ~. Mixed Use ResldenUal, ,. ,..,..,..,, ,,. %.o,: .., CommerofBI Corridor, Low- % _./ or -Legend: Major Arterials and Collector Streets Freeways/Expressways High Activity Centers Stream Corrfdor Hillside Backdrop High-activity commercial entertainment uses am encouraged in Vailco Park and Town Center. These uses shall be limited in areas outside of the above centers. Landscaped parkways required in the corridors leading to the enter of towr~, Retain views of hillsides. Figure 2-~. Urban Design ONrlny. Strategies 1. Re$ional and Shopping Node in Vailco Park. Provide a regional employ- ment and shopping node within the Vailco Park planning area. Link Public Open Space Nodes in Neighborhoods. Open space nodes within individual neighborhoods should be linked visually and physically to their surroundings to facilitate pedesb-ian and bicycle access and to help defeat the "batTier" effect of travelways. Neighborhood Retail Vitality. Encourage the economic vitality of exist- ing neighborhood ze.~mng uses through sdective zoning of new canten, and through careful dp~r~tion of permism'ble uses. THE CUPERTINO GENERAL PLAN 7/ Land Use/Community Character Encourage Diverse Evening Pursuits. Encouz, age diverse activities, includ- ing evening hour services for enter, alnment, cultural and educational pur- suits. Cupertino is unusual in that it has no identifiable downtown and that most of its avail- able commercial property is along Stevens Creek .Boulevard. VVI'~le Cupertino has numer- ous amenities and activity centers, they are scattered throughout the City. There is no focal point that creates a sense of place and serves as a source of City identity. The "Heart of the City" concept represents a challenge t6 create a focal point, a downtown that reflects Cupertino's character in a uniformly planned mixture of stores, housing and public fadlities. B CREATE A POSITIVE AND MEMORABLE IMAGE OF CUPERTINO BY DEVELOPING A HEART OF THE CITY ON OR NEAR STEVENS BOULEVARD AND VISUALLY AND FUN~_-rlONALLY LINKING THE MAJOR At.q'iVITY NODES' ON STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD FROM HIGHWAY 85 TO THE ~'l'l~ CITY LIMITS. · Policy 2-2d Heart of the City Coordinate the efforts of private property owners on or near Stevens Creek Boulevard to plan and create a community focal point that expresses the character of Cupertino through a diversity of uses, serving City residents and scaled for pedestrians. Strategies fiecemeal Development alonB Stevens Creek BoulevanL Restzict piece- meal development along Stevens Creek Boulevard and adjacent areas un- til the City has adopted a specific plan for the area by means of a broad-based, citywide planning process whereby property and business owners, community groups and interested citizens all participate. Heart of the City:. Stevens Creek Boulevard Spedtic Plan. Prepare a Spe- cific PLan for Stevens ~ Boulevard whose objective is to create an envi- ronment which links activity nodes and creates a Heart of the City. The Heart of the City represents a unique pedest~an-orianted activity center which will be a positive and memorable gathering place for Cupertino citi- zens. The Heart of the City shall be located on or near Stevens Creek Bou- levard between Route 85 and the eastern City limits. The area of the heart shall be limited to make it unique. The plan shall include the following d- ./ a) A land use plan specifying the type and arrangement of land uses to promote pedestrian and business activity. Housing is strongly encour- aged along the boulevard. b) A design plan which provides for a pedestrian st~otscape for the heart and vehicular streetscape for the remaining sections of Stevens Creek which link De Ann College, the Heart, City Center and Vailco Park, The design plan shall con~in guidelines that foster pedestrian activity, a sense of arrival and neighborhood pro~=ction. THE OUPERTINO GENERAL PLAN 2-5 L~nd Us~/Community Chemcter POLICY 2-29 (STRATmmS) c) A traffic management plan that examines intersection performance, incorporates pedestrian and bicycling activities and provides for future mass transit. d) A detailed financing component that e~arnines infrastructure costs and strategies for funding. e) A IMan for park and recreation facilities. An urban parkway to the Heart of the City should be developed to cea~ a sense of arrival. New development shall face the street with small front sethacks. Mea;a.. end property frontage landscaping should unify the parkway effect, The Crossroads intersection should be develoF~l with a distinct sig- nature to mark its City prominence. Such improvements may include the siting of landnurk buildings, street monuments or other public art works, landscaping end special pavement, : Community Development Development Regulation Historically, Cupertino has regulated development intensity in non-residential areas to limit traffic congestion end control the intensity of building. This reff,,l~ion was mainly accomplished in two ways: Floor Area Ratios (FAlls): This determines buildable floor space by multiplying a specific value (.25, .33,... ) times lot area. F ARs limit only the total building area, but do not necessarily dictate the shape or height of the structure. Traffic Intensity Performance Standazd tiPS): This prohibits a development from exceeding 'a specific vehicular trip rate. The startlard limits activities to those that do not exceed 16 one-way trips per acre. The TIPS policy was generally applied to the North De Anza Boulevard and East Stevens Creek Boulevard areas. Shopping centers that existed before Decexnber 1973, when the "Core Area" General Plan amendment was passed, were exempted farm the TIPS policy. The FAR policy amendment, adopted in July 1983, was applied to all remaining commer- cial, office and industrial zoned propr~es not su~ect to TIPS. Land-use intensity in the Town Center area was regulated by a specific traffic generation accounting system based on a specified combination of land uses. Other features of the FARs and TIPS policies included the ability of private property owners to transfer "unused" FAR or TIPS to other properties with prior City approval and allowing higher FARs for residenHal dwellings in non-residential areas, but not in TIPS - governed areas. THE CUleIRTIMO GENERAL PLAN 1/98 I, arid Use'Cammun~ Character c) h'tclusionofffrounalevel, outdoor public. s. pace of adaquate size to sup- port a public gat. hering space. The space should provide pedesl:'ian amerti~ies including landscapfftg, public'~t and other public facilities. d) Inclusion of uses t_hat promote social gagerings and interaction, such as restaurants or erttertalnn~ent activities. # Setback Ratios % ~RAINB(:)~N ' ORivE Maintain the primal/building bulk below a 1:1 slope line drawn from the arterial street curb line or lines except for the Vailco area. For the Viico For buildings up to 60 feet in height, majntain the primay bud ng bulk below a 1.5:1 slope line drawn from the Stevens Creek BIrd., Homestead Road and Tantau Avenue curb lines and below 1:1 slope line drawn from Woffe Road curb line. For buildings over 60 feet in height, malntajn the priman/building bulk below a 2:1 slope line (i.e., 2 feet of setback for eve~ 1 foot of building height) drawn from the Stovens Creek Blvd., Homestead Road and Tantau Avenue curb lines and below a 1.5:1 slope line drawn from Wolfe Road curb line. SQU.tNGE;~ ~O · Remain open, no obstructed view of towers Heights Legend ~ 30 Feet ~'~ 30-45 Feet 30-45 Feet Typical/ ~ 60 Feet Landmark ~ 45 Feet ~ 60 Feet ~ 60 Feet Typical / ........... 75 Feet Landmark t t Residential setback to be determined Figure 2-D. Maximum Building Heights and Setback Ratios. 1/98 THE CUPERTINO GENERAL PLAN 8 HEART OF THE CITY EXCERPT HEART OF THE CITY ment standards and design guidelines that will promote the future image of Stevens Creek Bou- levard as the Heart of the City. Strategies: · Implement a streetscape program which will create a distinct, but cohesive, high quality im- age for Stevens Creek Boulevard. Require compliance with the Heart of the City design guidelLnes for new development or re- development of existing buildings. Emphasize urban design as a major consideration of. the design review and approval process. Promote BouleVard landscaping that comple- ments the planned land uses and activities along the Boulevard. Enhance and promote the creation of public space throughout the Heart of the City through the use of building siting and design, public art, landscaping and street furniture. Design entry points and landmarks which pro- vide a sense of arrival to the Heart of the City, initiate the streetscape theme and provide signage t_o important destinations. Develop entrance concepts which may includo structures and/or landscaping for maj projects to be implemented by private prop- erty owners. Consider the visual and functional access of significant public facilities in developing building designs for the Heart of the City. Emphasize private property landscape mate- rials that complement the streetscape land- scape plan. Develop economic incentives for property owners who wish to architecturally rehabili- tate or redevelop their properties. Implement a plan to have a professional archi- tectural advisor to assist the City in the design review process. Soften and define the hard(scape of parking areas, pedestrian spaces and pathways by using land- scaping and street furniture. Strategy: Develop design guidelines for the use of scaping and furniture in the harriscape area~ in order to define and separate use areas as well as create more attractive environments. Land Use Map and Special Areas The Heart of the City Specific Pla~x Land Use Map de- picts the general land use types allowed within the planning area. The four major land use categories are as followed: Residential - Areas suitable for dwellings which may be detached or attached to each other and which may be owned or rented by its resi- dents. The density is expressed in the General Plan Land Use Map as dwellings permitted per gross acre. Areas depicted on the land use map happen to be ex- isting residential areas. Medium to High Density Residential Overlay (8-35 dwellings per gross acre) - This is a resi- dential land use overlay to another "base" land use des- ignation. Properties with such a land use overlay are strongly encouraged to redevelop as an exclusive residential use or a mixture of commercial and resi- dential uses. The intent is provide additional hous- ing opportunities along the corridor that will fulfill the specific plan's housing production goal. Mixed use includes both horizontal and vertical arrange- ments of land uses that support.the polices and de- sign guidel.ines of the specific plan. Commercial and Office- This category in- dudes commercial retail and commercial of- rice uses, including business, professional, administrative and research/development type or rice activities. Public and Quasi-Public land uses also allowed. Residential uses may be allowed as an Land Use Map and Special Areas The City of Cupertino ancillary use and should enhance pedestrian activity, particularly in the Activity Centers. Public Facilities - This category applies to property used or planned to be used by a gov- ernment entity for a public purpose. This may include parks, schools, fire stations, etc. CActivity Center - defines a geographic area within the planning boundary where more tensive development may be allowed in order to crease human activity and promote pedestrian activity. Special Areas - are areas within the specific planning boundaries that are, because of unique circumstances, not subject to all of the standards and guidelines de- scribed in the specific plan. These areas are as followed: South De Anza Boulevard Special Area All properties with frontage exclusively on S. De Anza Boulevard and Town Center development are not required to install Heart of the City streetscape fea- tures, however, they are required to conform to the ar- chitectural and site design guidelines of the Specific Plan. Heart of the City Specific Plan Land Use Map Heart of the City ~ Specific Plan Area Boundary Residential (See General Plan Density Range) Meal/High Density Residential Ove~ay, 8-35 DU/AC ~'~ Triangle Property, Residential 5-10 DU/AC ET"'~ South De Anza Boulevard Special Area Crossroads and o ~ ~ . · : NORTH City/Civic Activity Center ~ >- STEVENS F BLVO [] )'~" ...r: _>~ Commercial and Office F'~Pub~c Facilities ['~ Hotel OActivity Center The following development regulations shall apply to assessor bemet numbers 36901-001 and 369-01-037: Building Setbacks Building Setbacks shall be COnsistent with the Stevens Creek Boulevarcl ,$peClfK: Plan startdam. Maximum Building Heights APN 369-01-O01:30 feel APN-369-01-O37,:~i6 feel 4/97 The City of Cupertino Land Use Map and Special Areas d/-¢ 20.02.010 Chapter 20.02 GENERAL PLANS Sections: 20.02.010 20.02.020 20.02.02.~ Contents and scope of the general plan. Preparation, adoption and ameDdment. 20.02,010 Purposes. A. State requires that the City Council adopt a comprehensive, long term general plan for the phys- ical development of the City, and any land outside the City's boundaries which rehte to the City's planning. State hw also requires that the City com- ply with Articles 5, 6, 7 and 10.6 of the c~lifomia Government Code dealing with the authority, scope, preparation, adoption, amendment, and arlmini~/~'a- tion of a general plan and the elements thereof. B. However, state hw also encourages the City to implement the above-described provisions in ways that accommodate local conditions and circum- stances, while ~11eefing the mlnirrlRm requirements of said provisions. C. This chapter is intended to implement the above-described pwvisions of State law. (Ord. 1664 § 1 (part), 1994) 20.02.020 Contents and scope of the general plan, The contents and scope of the general plan of the City shall be consistent with the applicable provi- sions of the California Government Code. The gen- eral plan may be adopted in any format deemed appwpfiate or approved by the City Council inclod- ing the combining of elements ~n'ibed in Section 65302 of the California Government Code. The degree of specificity and level of detail of the dis- cussion of each shall reflect local conditions and ch-cumstances. The general plan may include any additional elements (other than those described in C~lifomia Government Code Section 65302) or address any other subjects which, in the judE;~ent of the City Council, relate to the physical develop- ment of the City. (Ord. 1664 § I (part), 1994) 20.02.025 Preparation, adoption and amendment. A. Conforrnance with State Law. The City shall prepare, adopt and amend its general plan and any. element thereof in conformance with applicable provisions of the California Government Cod~. B. ,Anntlal Review of the General Plan. The Planning Commission and City Counci/shall review the general plan on an annual basis, Said review shall be conducted pursuant to the procedures de- scribed in the California Government Code for amendments to/he genera] plan. C. Pwcedure for Intere~ed Party to Request Hearing Regarding Planning Commission's Recom- menrhfions for General phn Amendments. With ,re,_,$pect tO an action by the p]hnning Cornmi-~sion regarding a recommenth~on 'for an amendment tO the genera] plan.; any interested party may file with the City Clerk a vaiuen request for a heating before the City CounCIl within five days ~ the Planning Commission's action on the proposed amendment Notice of the heating shall be given pursuant to Government Code Section 65090. The City Council may, purerant to Governrecur Code Section 66016, · establish by resolution a fee tO cover the cost of establishing the procedures and conducting the hear- ing described herein. D. General Plan Amendments. If it deems it to be in the public interest, the City Council may amend all or part of any adopted general plan. Con- sideration of such amendment may be commenced as follows: 1. By the City Council in conformanee with C..al;fornla Government Code Section 65350.et seq.; 2. By the planning Commission or any other interested party in conformanee with subsection E of thi_~ section. E. Procedure for Commencing a Request for General Plan Amendments Mael_e by the Banning Commission or by any Interested Party. Subject to the lim;~140ns on the number of amendments to mandatnry elements of the general plan which may 588-103 /o 20.02.O25 occur per year under the provision of California Government Code Section 65358, the City Council may initiate consideration of a proposed general plan amendment upon written request by the Plan- ning Commission or any interested person. Said writxen request shall be filed with the Director of Communi~ Development and submired to the City Council at a r~gular meeting by the ~r witlfin forty-five days of its filing. The City Council may initiate the process to consider such a general plan amendment proposal when it finds that the proposal will benefit the City and is compatible witIn the existing general plan policies and goals. In addition, the proposal should meet at least one of the following criteria: 1. The proposal appears to suppi~rt the existing general plan goals and objectives (although the degree of public benefit could not be fully ascer~ rained until the project is fully assessed); 2. The proposal represents an unforeseen laud use u~nd tinat has not been previously considered; 3. The existing general plan policy which p~- cludes the proposal is based upon outd~t,~i or inac- cura~ inforro~tlon. Upon initiating the consideration of a general plan amendment under this subsection, the City Council will immedhw-~y refer the proposal to the Planning CornmissioIl for its reCOrnme!ld~fiOns un- der the procedures described in the California Gov- ernment Code. With respect to proposals commenced by an · interested party, the City Council shall require that an amount equ_~l to the estirnat~t cost of preparing the proposed general plan sn~dm~-nt be deposited with the City prior to its preparntion. (Ord. 16~54 § 1 (part), 1994) 588-10~ i-/I JJ~IS s~I~oA~_ o.qqnd- uos-mch~'.qD-oo!A 'StmAOlS ,Cuff ~uu~ld ~!D 'IIoPaoA~. 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