Regular Adjourned Meeting
Friday, March 10, 2000
At 12:40 p.m. Mayor John Statton called the meeting to order at the Blackb~ixy Faiui Retreat
Center, 21975 San F¢~mndo Avenue, Cupertino, California.
City Council members present: Mayor John Statton, Vice-Mayor Sandm James, and Council
members Don Burnett, Michael Chang, and Richard Lowenthal. Council members absent: None.
Staff present: City Manager Don Brown, Administrative Services Director Carol Atwood,
Community Development Director Steve Piasecki, Parks and Recreation Director Steve
Dowling, Public Information Officer Donna Krey; Public Works Director Bert Viskovich,
Human Resources Director Bill Woska, and City Clerk Kimberly Smith.
1. Review 2000/01 Goals
Council members reviewed some of the preruninary goals and the time lines proposed by
staff. They agreed to add a new goal regarding Stevens Creek/Blackberry Fa,-a Master Plan,
which is a high priority. A study session will be scheduled on this matter in June of 2000
when the new City Manager and consultant are both on-board.
2. Cupertino Library and Town Center
Community Development Director Steve Piasecki reviewed a downtown concept for the
Civic Center/Town Center area which would help to create a more walkable community.
The city council directed staffto open discussions with major property owners in the town
center area as well as to test the concept with developers.
Council members discussed the next steps involved in the library construction project,
including the selection of an architect, and methods of encouraging community input
regarding site selection and other matters.
Ms. Barbara Rogers reviewed a list of issues to be considered in the library site selection.
These include a review of optional layouts, public input, parking, location of a drive-up book
drop, possible visual and noise intrusion on neighbors, status of memorial redwood grove,
potential for enlarging buildings in the future, impact on the plaza, options for land banking
the area south of the present libra~, and uses for existing library building.
Sanuary 10, 2000 Cupertino City Council Page
City council agreed that they would usc a process similar to that used for the Cupertino
senior center. Discussion was held about the makeup of the committee. Staffwas directed to
return with a recommendation for membership on the steering and selection committee, to
include Councilmembers Michael Chang and Sandra James as well as Cupertino Librarian
Mary Ann Wallace.
3. Conversion of retail uses to office uses
Because of time constraints, this item was continued to the next regular council meeting.
4. Sports Center building alternatives
Parks and Recreation Director Steve Dowling reviewed alternatives for the Sports Center
building. Alternative A would complete ADA, seismic, and HVAC upgrades and replace the
observation deck. This status quo approach would mean a reduction in revenue from thc
sports center because the current fitness area is too limited to retain current pass holders.
Model B would complete all the upgrades, replace the observation deck, and complete the
fitness/aerobic expansion. This option will enable thc operation to be self supporting. There
would still be ongoing programming and maintenance limitations in the 25 year old building.
Model C would demolish the existing building and construct a new single story facility that
would be designed for programs and services. This would eliminate under utilized space
-- such as racquetball, bar service, and locker rooms, while maximizing tennis, fitness and
aerobic spaces. The new building would be fully compliant with current codes and
specifications, and the pwgram and operational benefits would be significant.
Council members agreed that the building should be demolished and a new sports center
constructed. They asked staff to provide an inventory of existing amenities as well as those
that could be provided if the building were enlarged.
At 4:00 p.m., the Council recessed to a closed session to discuss labor negotiations pursuant to
Government Code Section 54957.6 related to the replacement of the retiring city manager.
At 4:58 p.m. the council rcconvened. No action was taken.
At 4:59 p.m. the meeting was adjourned.
City Clerk