CC Resolution No. 6863 ~ ~ Ii~OIUPI~i N0. 6863 A RE50IIT!'ICN OF ZHE CPPY NUNQL OF 'IHE CITY OF QTPF:E1TaI0 ~TII9G Z3~ SAN!'A CCARA VAT~IE,'Y FII~TFR DISTRiCT Zl~ WF~SF~ 'IfIE TASK OF CCFANIriG UP L1N~UND FUEL TANK LFAKS 4JIZf~1 ~ Cl'PY Fk~AS~ this axu~cil recognizes the existence of a seriaus threat to ths 4~o~u~watex' resa.uroe.s oP the oaunty arrl of this city azxl its inht+bitants by reason of f1~e1 leaks ~ storage tarilcs into the underlY~4 soils and in this manner threatening to oo~taminate and degrade the aquifers which prwida dcn~stic water; ar~d ~'AS, this Camcil is advised ard fitx3s that sc~s four hw~dred 1 ~rft~el~sit.es are suspec,~ted to exist in Sarrta C1ara Qauity arxi that exF~ected rise to seven tnu~dred upoai closer investigation: and this C~amcil is iiirther advised that the San FYancisoo Reqio~al Water Quality (xx?trol Baaxti has been unable to secure an allocation oE mar~pow~er to suparvise its clea~nip Ord~ars and sees no pnospect oP such an allocatia~i ar~d ~E'AS~ this Cau~cil finds that tha Santa Clara Valley water District is the local public agency best equipped by reason of oamty~wide juz'isd.iction, e~erience atxi hyrirogeologic expertise to supervise cleanup oP such spills as they are c1{scavexed; ~w, ther~fore, ~ IT F2ESOL~ID BY ~ City Council of the City of Qipertino: F~ TS : 'IY~at this ~u~cil here2~' z~equests S~ir~ta Clara Valley Water District to aooept the task of werseei~ clearn~ of ft~e1 leaks within and withwt the City; ~I : 2hat tha Cbt~cil Pully understetrrls tt~at the said District lacks legal authority to issue cleam.tp ordezs to dischazgeYS and t2~at therefore tha work will have to ba do~e and should properly be done in ooaperatioai with the oognizarrt Regiomal Water Quality G~ontrol Hoani; and ~Q: ~hat the Cau~cil further z~eoogttizes that the task is beyond the Present fiscal resouzr~s of the District arrl that Su~ding na~.st be so~xPub and applied: in which endeavor the District is er?oouraged to make evezy possible effort atYi t2~at in t.hat effort this City will cooparate fl~lly. -1- ~ • RF: OLITrIOTT N0. 6863 PASSID AND ADOFPID at a re~gular meating oE the City Qotu~cil of the pf ~jnp }~g 2nd ~y pp June , 1986 by the fOllowing vate: V~ M~nbexs of the Citv Cau~cil py~; Gat[o, Johnson, Plungy, Sparka, Rogers ~ NOFS; None AHSII~IP; None AffiTAIAi; None APFRWID: r, City of Cvp ~ AZ'Ifi:S`P: - ~ ~ > ~ r"- ' fr~ c r i City Clerk -2-