NO PERMIT NUMBER (2)Q 70 No. Street APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO Date 196 L Application is hereby made for a permit to to he occupied only as Lot No.Q Sanitary No, v / 6 File NO.Lf—//jP%. story, Type 1 in accordance j'. Plot Plan, Plans and Specification filed herewith„ Estimated Value of Improvements FEES .6 0 a n Owrwr Contr. Ono Plan Check $ Address l3.S,J--x� p. ,o il:A .. f Address Phone Q.$ .ri � e� ` State License /)S_p/ 7!,7/ ,-//4.J Approved K -e64 APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Dare /"L2— 196—.,7—� Contr. ��b G✓�-.-.�...�.-...� Phone I.3'6 FEE$ Address I `''Z-'�/C✓ 'J� State License 2— L 2-- Approved 171, APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT 1 Date 196 GAS FEE $ a� / T— PLUMBING FEE i-7_ Cant, V—' ';j' Address r/ t-- �%7"� `r✓ Phone State License �AJd Approved, Dore APPLICATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT 9 S a 196 2 FEES — Contr. Phone 9 J x i r Applicants agree not to violate any of the'( W rk I i o man s Compensation Laws of the (( State of California :i Address /—q& �/�-•—A ,State License `2 _r— 2 ,(Approved _lLS25.�s�ritiL J/ RECORD OF INSPECTION- APPROVALS PAD FINAL FOUNDATION UNDERFLOOR _ FRAME LATH PLASTER GRADING FINAL_ FINAL BLDG.- BUILDING DATE INSPECTOR MISC. ELECICAL DATE INS CTOR MISC. UNDERGROUND ROUGH ROUGH WIRING - FINISHED WIRING "Z&V FIXTURES MOTORS;9 FINAL e PLUMBING, GAS 8 APPLIANCE DATE INSPECTOR MISC. BACK FLOW REQ. SANITARY NO. UNDERGROUND ROUGH PARTIAL ROUGH `V-, ROUGH COMPLETE /MAIN DRAIN FINAL PLBG. 3- FINAL GAS - 37 FINAL APPLIANCE J Z 6 13 - z) DATE CITY Of CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Ave. CORRE TION NOTICE ------------ -- Department Job Located atc�, r5�Z..:.��, 2 - ---------- ------------------------------ -- ---------- -- -------- You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done until the above violations are corrected. When corrections have been made call the inspector. 252-4505 Date: .T—_7.-�1� _ City Telephone Inspector: .. ........... 1n47n Ctnikog Avg NO. 51'N CET LOT NO. 81 an 2. APPLICATION FOR, ELECTRICAL PERMIT n-6 currxrlNo Date Permit No. l 1. 1 ce Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring afi yfAtt ices SS li3ted�� th"reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in acccord3�9c���iSi�h the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises Owner Di tz—f ran Address By As A KlcFw ROAD Address SEONTRACTORS,AGENTIFORNIA I PHONE 736.9d21 Approvy Phone: I ELEC'MICAL INSPECIOt '� State License, 12422 / ra F - - �'---- 'ITEM - - - NEW RPLI ofOutletsNumber•-of SwitchesNumber 6FEE�Number of Receptacles k Number of Fixtures Size of Main Service r '= Number of Meters Number of Panels msfoimers ' any m x ..,,, use ise = es �. s /Q V _r?.2/ / L�L� l ¢/ LOT NO. n NO. . STIkEEIFLAN 1619 APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT N w i fTY OF CUPPRTINO x o Sanitary No. P 6 �L October 28 0 a Date I ^ 196 9 Permit No 5/I 87• 2 3 50 i a Pee $ � Apj�licntion is hereby made to the Cityof Cupertino for a Permit to install plumbing 0 i crs' ndfo ztur P 0 P P . �; /t' EGU�R�$Itil everse side hereof, and agrees to install said prices i m and/or fixtures m accordan'ct witK he provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of a w Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. w I 4 Use of Premises Dwelling 0 0 Ditz Crane Co. oa Owner 2295 De La Cruz Blvd. Ad77dress J Z By Palm Plwnbing Company Add esEs. Fremont Ave. J J Q 3 F CONTRACTOR, AGENT m Phone 2L45-2323 c�Jp, , ^- D w z �'�Q/N-/ a o State License 186579 PP A roved Vc. ut� 1 A\ PLUMBING INSPECTOR FIXTURES NUMBER MAIN DRAIN Units Fees Units Fees Water Heater / Size Water Closet Material li Bath Tub / To Curb Shower / To ✓ Z To _Lavatories Kitchen in No Dish Washer KSTORM Waste Disposal Wash TrayAINAGE Washing Machine / Size Water Softener Material ' Bar Sink To Main Drain Comb.Sink & Tray To Curb Dental Unit Drinking Fountain Floor Drain WATER SYSTEM Hopper Size Restaurant Sink Material Sand TrapEDminFee' ES Urinal Fixt Area Drain MainWater Leader StorSprinkler System Wat Relief Valve I I Gas Fee Vac Breaker Skimmer Filter Pool Sweeper Permit Fee Total i Total Fee �' n` v= f= Y LL O J 3U W � x0 W F oa r. zN a W ux S� 00 0a zJ J Z J,0 3� a W z YF W ao —U 10470 (Stokes Avenue LOT NO, 81 NO. sraeer APPLI,CAT10k',FCR APPLIANCE PERMIT , V CITY, OF CUPERTINO Date 196— Permit No. ��� 7• v .t- ^.i; d-n "1 Fee.$ Application*is hereby irratle-to the City -of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the Citv of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. Use of Premises R2sidence OwncPitz—Crane Co. ByPlOR Sheet Me al r.n_ CONTRACTOR,AGENT Phone. _37A-11934 PLOG SHEET METAL CO. State License CA.-gpprj i CALIF. LICENSE #292825 Address 2595 DeLaCruz Blvd. Addrest30 so, Gilman Avenue Approved WILLIAM D. 6ENEVICH X PLUMBING INSPECTOR I I' l Z, Type of Appliance Units Fees Remarks (Check V) New Replace Relocate Gas Ranges Wall Heaters Gas Plates Circulating Heaters lower Furnaces � o Gas Fired Boilers Wanning Ovens Percolators Griddles Steam Tables Gravity Furnaces Suspended Unit Floor Furnace Miscellaneous (NAME TYPE) b u i �E7� 1u �•S� F i6 1 1•0 6 I 1 0 AER�n 1 Appliance Fees c , �s o U 0- /oYj�� No. dj re P CAS j�T�'w FOR BUILDING PERMIT YA � tic . f C Lot No. /6 /z. upertmo N�7V�Li' 19� Sanitary No. C G G Date 19 Permit No. S// k 7, / AppGbli qp is?rby de for a perr'miitt to build a 7_. Z�U �r�' TJN 1 IJ 5 Building to be occupied only as one family res. N accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan filed herewith. P1 Ck Fee a G c Estimated Value of Improvements, $ _Z�O(�Q �— Fee $ ro// It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will be complied with. Owner Ditz-Crane Co. 2295 De La Cruz Blvd, By Phone 252-2653 State License 151791 Santa Clara, Calif. Approved g Inspector ROUTE SLIP - File No. Date Location_,r_n. � Subjec Note f Approved - a_e Ins ctor ___ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Date --- 6� . ..... I—) ....... 19 57 / e 7, 1 Building Permit No - -------------------- ne Building Located at .... ...... 7-� ...................... Ownedby ....... --------------------- .................. ------------- - ------- ---- - .. .. .......... .. Has Been (Completed) . �� (J— - ForUse Asv� ............ --------------------- ...... ............................. ------------------------------------ --------- ............ ........................ ..................... - ................................................. I ------------------------ ................................ BUILDINGPlicro-R� 102 12/66-IM ___ Lo_ GAS SERVICE NOTICE OFFICE COPY BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO ------ __..--.13...... 7 0............................ . To You are hereby authorized to connect the GAS service for PJ.T QgAN C. • Owner or Tenant ..... Zn........ At..... [P.`i... 7.0 ......... S7 o e E s...... ..4.V&...................................................... New Service � .................. No. of Meters ....... /............ Reconnect ............................. Move Service ....................... No. of Add. Meters .............. Move Meter ........................ ............................. PLUMBING INSPECTOR Bldg. Dept. Office Copy CITY OF CUPERTINO SEWER -PLUMBING NOTICE ta Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No..�4-9.<nL ............. Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit No..57-//Z 7, LotNo....._�1 -------------------- Owner or Tenant ... . .......................................... .................... At.... 7-C ....... 19-111, . ................. Tract ----Sz ------------------ Date Connected ... . . .......... ....... ..... --....... ----..... ---... ----... ----------------------... ---- 19............ Date Final .......... -3 --- - -- 70 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 ............ .A -------------- PLUMBING INSPECTOR OFFICE COPY CITY OF CUPERTINO ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE You are hereby authorized to connect electrical service for Owner or Tenant ----- At No. of Wires ..... .4-3 ............ Size of Wires ..... Size of Switch Motor Load .......................... Voltage .......... ....... . ......... Phase Heating Load . ...................... K. W. - . ...... ......... Voltage ........ ................ No. of Meters ...................ht ......... V.-. I New Senice.� Reconnect, ........ Lig Heat ............. 220. ... Three Wire..... ........... M�,,Q Se",i(c No. of Add. Meters............ Power..t ..... F p INL)" Wter ........ ...... .... . .. .......... CLECTR!CAL INSPECTOR Inter -Dept. Route Slip File # Si�77 — Subject /'-10e. 6711�41 Requested by f pD/ Inspector or Dept. Uri Date Chief Building Inspector Rem -ems to