B 0295 (2)APPLICANTTOFILL' IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CONTACT: rnun oc SEISMIC FEE . � L&M%VL CITY. OF CUVERTINO ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) _ BUILDING. ELECTRICAL PLUMBING -MECHANICAL LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm mut 1 am licenced under provisions of Chaper 9 (cr n Hent ng with Seetitn]Uagof Divi,ma3ofthc Bnsmes,and Prfe 'my Inch. is in albrn and, t_Z�j Llcea' Class Lie )ate Cnmracmr ✓ t QTY . .1 " IPGRMiT . I. PERMITNO #J 160295 ^ 5 f. J1VISlON APPLICATION/PERMIT CHITEC'I"S OHCLA [Off=PANELS r undmntund my plain sham he Hoed tin PnMi cords 50001 Q 3 Fp; DUII,DINC ](11-11VOAMPS j.'r,_.,)' 'BUILDING. PROJECT IDENTIFULAI HIN-•i OVER IINMIAMI'S SIGNS F.LIfCfRICA1. SPECIAL CIRCUD"MISC. - Y� 'RyyC a N Q[]I, Fy lammmensing with Smdon](KK)of Division Jufthe Holiness and Professions Cale)nr that he is exempt therefrom and the bulls lin the alleged twern,amm. Any violation lir Section 9031.5 by any applic.nt lin a permitsubjeetsthe applicant to it civil pvaskyof nal ooc than live hundred duller, (S500). its owner of the property, (it mycnydnyttswith wages for their Sec. cm{gmnsutinn weer sv will dothewons Code,HeCuntlxnots License Law does ousale t and I'role.vsinns Cule: The Comrn:fr'x License Law doea not apply f an owner of pv,wrty who builds aro improves thereon, and who does loch work binmelf lir through his own employees, provided thatsuch impmvtmems are not intended m offered for TEMP MCI'(?R OR POLE (NST. POWER DEVICES SANITARY NO. NEW RESIDHN'TIAL BLEC'1'R SQ APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DA'1'li HI111,DING ADDRESS: C v �D 1�� . TOl'AL: M 1 st of colo.). n ❑ as wner of the Sec.7peopmay, sinusineexclusivelynd Protracting with licensed amctors m mamm the project (Sec. 9000, Business mA Professions Csror a The Contractor', 1.1- cense law docs not apply m an owner of progeny who bullas or improves thereon. anA -r y I r. QTY..4 t"t""P6l1MBING PF,RMIT OWNERS N MIc P O E: CONT ACTOR' NAME: I N S3 NIC CONTROL Owner Dom IezA ❑ WORKER'S COMI'I!NSA9'ION DECLARATION RCIII'I'ECT/ENGINEER: LIC NO^ W \ d A?iiii , -rP1 '�1` "`,rJV FEE PERMIT INFO, ❑ ❑ ❑ 1013 DESCRIP TION CONTACT: rnun oc SEISMIC FEE . � L&M%VL ❑ KITCHEN REMODEL ❑ Consultant Fees Paid by Applicant (Initial) _ ,cZ YO I° UgU W LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm mut 1 am licenced under provisions of Chaper 9 (cr n Hent ng with Seetitn]Uagof Divi,ma3ofthc Bnsmes,and Prfe 'my Inch. is in albrn and, t_Z�j Llcea' Class Lie )ate Cnmracmr ✓ t QTY . .1 " IPGRMiT . I. PERMIT ISSUANCE APPLIANCES—RESIp[iNTIAL Q V] X277 CHITEC'I"S OHCLA [Off=PANELS r undmntund my plain sham he Hoed tin PnMi cords UP T02()1]AMI'S Q 3 Fp; Licensed Pnde"on al ](11-11VOAMPS dA 4%Q 01 u O y ythat OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that 1 um exmapl from the Contractor's License Law for the followin6 reason. (Section ]031.5, Business and Professions Cade: Any city or county which requires a permit to consumer, alcor, improve, demolish. lir repair any structure prion -to its issuance, also requires the applicant morsubpennu to file a signed statement he is licensed pursuant to the proveions of the Contractors License taw Chapter OVER IINMIAMI'S SIGNS F.LIfCfRICA1. SPECIAL CIRCUD"MISC. - Y� 'RyyC a N Q[]I, Fy lammmensing with Smdon](KK)of Division Jufthe Holiness and Professions Cale)nr that he is exempt therefrom and the bulls lin the alleged twern,amm. Any violation lir Section 9031.5 by any applic.nt lin a permitsubjeetsthe applicant to it civil pvaskyof nal ooc than live hundred duller, (S500). its owner of the property, (it mycnydnyttswith wages for their Sec. cm{gmnsutinn weer sv will dothewons Code,HeCuntlxnots License Law does ousale t and I'role.vsinns Cule: The Comrn:fr'x License Law doea not apply f an owner of pv,wrty who builds aro improves thereon, and who does loch work binmelf lir through his own employees, provided thatsuch impmvtmems are not intended m offered for TEMP MCI'(?R OR POLE (NST. POWER DEVICES SWIMMING I'O(II. ELECTRIC UUTLGI'S—SWI'TCIIIiS —Il%T NEW RESIDHN'TIAL BLEC'1'R SQ ❑TENANT sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the IMPROVEMENT' own er,milder will have the burden of proving that he did num build lir imp ..w, loo, par- . TOl'AL: M 1 st of colo.). n ❑ as wner of the Sec.7peopmay, sinusineexclusivelynd Protracting with licensed amctors m mamm the project (Sec. 9000, Business mA Professions Csror a The Contractor', 1.1- cense law docs not apply m an owner of progeny who bullas or improves thereon. anA -r y I r. QTY..4 t"t""P6l1MBING PF,RMIT who contracts for such projects with o connotations) licensed pursuant n the Contractor's PERMIT ISSUANCEF:]I Licensc Low. mon txuntpt ander Sec. B d, P C for Thi. rasm AL'1'HR—DRAIN & VIm,N'r— WATER Hi A) Owner Dom WORKER'S COMI'I!NSA9'ION DECLARATION RACK FLOW PR(yfECT. IJI?VICH 1 hereby aRan under penally of perjury one of the following declarations: ,] I hove and will maintain a Cenificete of Consenno self-Insum for Workers Cmnpen-FGAS FLOOR. BOOP, AREA. CONE. sation. as provided for by Section 37M of the labor Cade, for the performance of the work for which this permit is hostler. —PER TRAP Fl 1 have and will maintain Worker, Compensation Insurance, as requirel by Section 3](e, of the labor Code, mor the arform:mcc of the work for which this lmnnit in issued.SYS'CHM-I INC. 4 OUTLETS S YS'I HM-0VER 4(EA) My Worker's Compensation Insurance currier and Policy number arc: Cartier: Policy N., FL ST RL WAS' I'E INTERCEPT OR CERTIFICATE OF E%EMVI[ON FROM WOR KERS' COMPI INSAT](IN INSURANCE Tfhi, co,linprod ma hat cvmnpHtmJ it thcpermi(is for one hundred dollars($FXb'RAI' Icertiry Omar in the pmfonnenee of the work furwM1ich this Permitil ixaucd,lshullANITARY— not employ any P,monm say mwmer... n. almor ni, irstil, ImQtheWorker,'Compen- S'1'OkM EA. 200 FI� WATER BEAT FIR W/VfiNT/C:LIiCTR Z',Z O smion laws of Cal''doyy''�;�ry D � L� Applicant a; fS.l r n NOTICE TO APPL .a ing this Certificate of Eserl you should bcammc subjceno Wohers Compensation Provisions of me laMn Grade, you must fanhwithcomply -th such provisions or this permit shall Is, deemed mvnkN. WATER SYSTEMO-REATING WATERSF,RVICE NEW RESIDT:NI'IAh1'LMp. SQ, FU d Q UO CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby affrm, that Nuc nor comma,lum lending agency for the pohmnance of Ore work for which this perm,( is Noted (Sat: 3099. Civ. CJ TOTAL: W Ctit Uz, Lender's Name Lender, Address I teddy that I have mud this appllallnn and ,lam that the nNoc oforn alum N Prru.t I agree to comply with all city and county urbanites and state lawv relating un building cnnstruoion, and hereby mulcts ene,or,mausexrfmm, city lo,for open the Y '. QTig I MECIIAMCAUPERMIT, ' PERMIT ISSUANCE ALTER ORADD'in ViLCH. abovememoned property for inspection gorp:mex. (We) agree to save, indemnify slid keep mail the City of Cupertino against liahilities.judgmen(s, costs andmo co,cs which may in anywayaccre, against crid City in communicate of the stenting of this permit. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH AL1. NON -POINT AIR HANDLING UNIT (TO 10,000 CFM( SOURCE REGULATIONS, ' AIR HANDLING UNIT (OVER IOA00 CPM) EXHAUST IIOOD(W/DUCT) - Signature lir A,d,1,mUCrmmamr Dant HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE. gnecupan( store ofhaue ha,i...u. raamrinl Will the applicant orfutum houl.dl HEATING UNI'I'1'101(ML001J BTU)a, HIiATING UNIT (OVER 100.000 BTII) defined by the Cupertino Municipal Cod, Chapter 9.12,'ad the Health and Safety Gale. Section 25532nd? VENTILATION PAN (SINGLE RESID) E] Yes Cl No will the vppliant lir (more building usub m nix equiptnem or device, which nit horn ous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Mi nagemem BOILER (3HP OR RXL010 BTU) BOILER -COMP (OVER 100,000 BTU) Aklrin9 I C] yes 7 N AIR CONDI' I'IONER I have read the hazardous materials requirement, under Chaplet 6,95 o1' the Call- NEW RESIDENT ]At, 1,1I701, SQ. IT ' furnir I caph At Safety Cade, Sector, 25505,25533..,125534. 1 nndoomend that it d1e • a of ydwsnrvpant oI (Imm,movavre,,ntnlyhavc lactfohalithmylerfe Corm lem of IIIc rcquircmats which mux( M: rano prim m imm�ec of o Ccrtilicvm of Oavpnnry. TOTAL: Owner lir euthoriaed ager - Date OFFICE FEE PERMIT INFO, ❑ ❑ ❑ 1013 DESCRIP TION RESIDENTIAL: SEISMIC FEE . � L&M%VL ❑ KITCHEN REMODEL ❑ADDITION [I PLUMBING RIi-I'IPIi ❑MULTI.UNIT [-1STRUCTURAL 41 MODIFICATION ❑ INTERIOR ❑CHIMNEY REPAIR IMPROVEMENT E]SWIMMING POOLS ❑ BATH REMODEUREPAIR Ll DEMOLITION , ❑ OTHER A 7 6 Spy 6t'yal— COMMERCIAL: ❑ NEW BLDG/ADDITION ❑ DEMOLITION ❑TENANT ❑ FOOD SERVICE IMPROVEMENT' ❑ OTI TER $/SQ. 14. PA JUL 0 9 ANST CITY vi- uurrnIINU BUILDING DIVISION FEES PhANCIIECK I�lili ENERGY FEE GRADING FEL' SOILS FEE PAID Duce Receipt M BUILDING FBI; SEISMIC FEE . ELECTRIC IFI; PLUMBING ITE MECHANICAL FEE 41 CONSTRUCTION TAX HOUSING MI' I'IGAfION FEE PAID Ilam Rcv,'. ISSUED