06070008 (2) CITY OF CUPERTINO p vw•7 ,saw ` I. ' BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT ` CdNTIU0()R INFORMATION. BUILDING ADDRESS: a ABCO CONST PERMIT NO.06070008 10620 S TANTAU AVE Ov'vER'S NAME: PERMIT ISSUE DATE ROGER WINTLE 14880 LLAGAS AVE 2006 p E: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (408) 779-7577 ARCHITEC IENGINEERt BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH 0 0 0 0 wid, ad LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION IObD0SCT1 UOn w 1 bertby affirm Nisi at l am licensed under provons of Chapter 9(commencing P ad section 7")of0ivla'an 3 ofthe Business and P,ofevsiolu Code,and my license is in fall I..a ad dree,. HOUSE DEMO lnv License Class Lic.g Hp Dow Continuator ARCHITECTS DECLARATION )wI urndeBand my piens shall W it as publi..cards U y I,t; Licensed Professional S OWNER�BUILDER DECLARATION iI 1 W reby alum that 1 am exempt from dm Contractors License Law for the I O o following mason.(Section 7151.5,Business and Profedom Cade:Any city or county m which.,.I.a permit to construct,elle,improve,d.mo0.sh,or repair any structure $10000 prior at its issuance.also imparts the applicant forsuch permil to file a signed summcm that W is licensed purvsant to the provisions of she Centimeter's License Law(Chapter 9 Sq.Ft. Floor Area Valuation (commencing wish Suwon 7000)of Division 3 of she Busines,and Professions Crude)or that he is exempt thancrom and the baso for the aleged exemption.Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant fm a permit subjects Ne applicant W a civil penalty of tU Uf lyd,�o'f Oc 9nC Type nos mart Nan fere hundred dollars(SSW). Y . na y yp ❑1,as owner of the prepary,m my employees with wages as their mk Compensation, Y will do the wad, ad Ne stmetme is not intended or offered Formic(Sad.7014,Business r' p and Pmfeadom Cade:The Conmcmrs License Taw dinner Inst apply W in owner of Required InspeZtiens property who huildsteimpova Nertan.andwhe docasuch wank himselfur through his ltd 1 howam empbyrs,ping or i prvemesuch ntp;mid within amnot far sales- fa fg".+// however,the ow,thetrrimpmpourin usaldwiiin oro year of improve Ne owner- builder will have the burden Of proving that he did rot Wild Or improve far purpose of qqq sold.). !/ ❑1.as owner of ct property,am=elusively dd Prolcontractingfume wish licensedTheCcentramm i. 4H Com l.a d prones(Sec.o an owner of ark Py,who m Code:)The Contramon.Lid cense law does not apply c m owner of prapeny,who Wilds m improve Nemon.and yyy����III who ns Lacufar such projects wish acanranor(s)licensedpmwambNe Convasnrr License mlaw. ❑Tom czcmpl undo See- .B&P C far this mason r /v v Dale1261 WORKERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION hereby affirm under penalty of Perjury one of she following declarations: ❑ I have and will mountain aCertiBele of Commis to self-insumfwWorkcrsCompcn- sadon,as provideA far by section 37W of the labor Code,far Nc performance of the wart for which this permit is issued. ❑1 have and will maintain Workers Compensation Wuomed.as required by S.ction 37W of did labor Code.for Ne performance of Ne wort for which this permit u issued ' My Workers Compensation Inmrance carrier anal Poli,number are: Carrier. Policy No.: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This it.reed act W completed if Ne permit Is fora..hundred dnllan(SI W) or less.) I certify Net in the performance of NC wad for which this Permit u issued.I shall act employ any laccen many matter as as u,WCalne subject in the Workers!Compensation Laws of Califom' . m ApPliCo.. NOTICE TO ANT:IL OMr making this Ccrtifiwle of Exempsion,you should bccmne m dile Wartcra Compensation provisions of the Labor Cade,you mus .J z lard, comply with mels provisions or this pcnniuhal)W domed nrvakcd. z CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY r [-+ Thereby affirm WI Vert is a ed(See,30 leading.Cagency for de perfunna�of E Nc wort for which Nu permit is issued(Sec.7W7.Civ,C.) 1 A Lenders Name 7 z LcMers Add. U O 1 cutify that I haus read this application and rude that ft above information is . U. f' correct.1 agme to comply with all city anal county ordinances and ruse laws relating to pU building eonswclion,and hereby authoom apracmatives of this city m cmcr uPnn the FLS7 abovomenuon.dpmpcny far dexNeoon VwrFewhich s. gy (We)agree to...Indemnify and keep harmless IW City of Cuperu.0 agunsl Z in of the cuts and of this may inany vnyacme against inial City U z A eanmgvNT of the granting of Nis Permit. r ^ APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date t�" � tel/ SOURCE REG2 OfiS. , �� ��� Re-roofs /�- 5m1n2ppluWWConracmr Ease HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will she"Isom or forum Wilding comport am Whandle Wrmdons material as tleBced by IW Calamine Municipal Cade,Chapter 9.13,and the Health and Safety . Section 25532(a)T ❑Ye El No All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. Will the applicant or future Wilding Oecupam um equipment or deviav which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove ' emit hovardnus air csnmminams as derined by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. Diss mT ❑Yes 0N - I beer,real de hvardaus materials requirements under Chaper6.95 of Ne Califon Ria Health&Safely Ced.,Sections 25505,35533 andM34.I undersand thatifshe Witding doe not'imera y have a enant that in u my ropes olity m Iwury Nc occupant of the requimmcn It msa W.1 Our in issuance ora cerlifem Ocapamy. Signature Of Applicant Date Gw uthrived agent D,le - All roof coverings to be Class "B"or better