95504 (2) 1028 TUSCANY PLACR rn 74-e Tract No. Lot No. CITY OF SAN JOSE / BUILDING DEPARTMENT PPLICATION F�rJO/ %RJ�BUILDING PERMIT �✓�c'c"G Date_ 19� Per it No. Applicatio is hereb ade for a permit to — 1—_.�_story, Typ B ildi 9� Use Zone at C> _ / Occupancy to be occupied only as Parking Space— in prinkler in accordance with Plans, Specifications a in fie erefvifK Estimated Value of Improvements, _ 3490 �° ,Z'25'd'r��• Elect. I certify that in the performance of thework f r which this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to violate the workmen's compensation Iai ofOlcott St. s,Cij OwnOND er EROS Address 080 By Address 3080 Olcott St. S.C,, 1 RECOO OF INSPECTION Foundation f, �'N��XIe �f�dL% lsi_ Frame Stucco Finish 9076 26 601N N T09-09z o uio 1O / ps ud4 { � oiwo}�Iv� yo oisvu4o-sa,!i�s�!4 ssie/v,uyliisam nsg iseAy4if0v �esLor/u�vs ON # o} lin} m- ss 4uvaiIdd' / / ❑ ❑ 'eu.xo sv :4u vaydtiv Ay powivja Ayan oy n osuil tso}awPell} 4uewsms 4uo� so} viuuo}lIaO }o e04$ so} 411wonnbes wolf uoydwes3