22955 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES- USE BALLPOINT PEN ONLY Building Prom ldentifk lon 7 PERMIT NO. Betiding Addrena: a22955 o�s v 2:=c-10 one: am CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION 11��] trancYs Name: l,k.No: APPLICATION / PERMIT a ab¢� �•-� b s 3$QS\ BUIL.DINGELBCTRICAI�PLUMBINGMFGHAMCAL CATEGORY CONTROL Arci,kect/Fsglreer. 13e.No: C-S3 InQ ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Address PERMITISUANCE ❑ ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Ihereby am7(X0utlam Beenassi erpmvlabnaof Cssion. ode,ar�en< APPLIANCES JOB DF3rR�CfON Ingwit 1,1.full form of Divldm3 ofthe Budveeeendliv(estlon.Cade,end my Tiaras la In full fora and dfec PANELS - LteeroeCla s Licit A-O Date Contractor UP TO 200 ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 201-1 AM WZ IuMeretand my plavahill be u:d as public remrd> EROAREA OVIODOAMPS SQ.FT.FT. OR ARf/SQ.FT. O u�z� Llansed Prolerobrol SIGNS ELECTRICAL Q OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIALCIRCUE/ML9C i.., Thereby affirm? tlameaemptfromthe Contm=esLlcerselAwforthe Z 9_ (ollawing reason.(Section 7m15,Bwlnes and Ihofeabrs Cads.Any tlty or �L muntywhk requl ape torovtruMOter,lmpmve,demolbh,orrepalr TF].'�'MEFFR ORPOLE INS[. 'y aleprlor to lb ksuaroe,aLso requbeatbe oppllantfor such permit to POWER DEVICES illi a signed statement that he to llmond pursuant to the provbloru of the O w Comsat.".Uceroe Law(C,,Td'9(mmuneneog with Sedl.n 7,001 of avl- SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC t.30r^ don3ofthe B�at me dPrde re Code)orthathelaesemptthemfmmand VALUATION y.' the basis for the alleged e.emption. Any violation of Section 7M15 by any OUILETSSWITCHESF1%T11RFS <.e aPpb.t fora permit subjects the applicant to a dvd penalty of not morethan a flv undred dellara($ruin. NEW RESIDFNTW.E.FLTR .FI. p^, 1,a,owner of tAc property,or my employees with wages u their nolo STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION mmpematlon,will dothe work,and theatructure is not Intended or offered for Osale(Sec 7814,Be Wes.and Pmfadbro Code:The Cordran.?.Uame Taw $g does out apply to an owner of property who Wildsor impr°"e'there.,and EEE whodoessuchwork himselfmthrough hlsownemployene,provided that such OCC GROUP RFS.UNITS ImpravemeMn are ret Intended proffered far uk.H,however,the W Tiding a TOTAL Improvementiseddwithinomyurofmmpledogtheownerbudderw have ; t rden of proving that he did not bund or Improve for purpose ofsale.). QTY, PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOD ZONE APN "I,as owner of the property,am o=hadvely contracting with Bomsed mPERMIT ISSUANCE The - ntam ders to mmert Be pooled(Sec.7044,Bualnm and Profembns Code: ��— The Coetraetm'e Liame Law does not apply to en owner of property who ALTER-DRAIN k VENT-WATER(EA) bu0wa d. or lmprthereon, and who contracts for rn ouch piojewith a .)hoerw.d pumraet to the Contractor'.License Law. FEE SUMMARY I am aempt under Sec. B k P C for Nis reran BAIX FLOW i'RO'CFST.DEVICEOUTSIDEFEES Pvrer - Data DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,AREA,COND. SA ARY RBCFII'CY WORIQIAN COMPENSATION DECIARATION l pp�BES PER.]RAI' ❑I hereby affirm that 1 have a aMflore of current to if-imune,or -..� Sa{OOL TAX RECF71T Y artEateofWorkeno'Compemadon Insurance or a artlfted copy thereof(Sec. GAS FA.SYSCFM-1 INCA OU'TUFM PALKFFE Y N 39 W,Lab C.) REO CPI' 'cY�dhryo�Y GAFA.SYSFFM-0 ".. VER 4(EA) BUILDING DIVISION " TiaeIt enS lned copy is hereby furnished. GREASE/INDUSCRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE Ned copy is filed with the tlty W pedion diVWm CERTIFICATE OF IXD.IPEION FROM WORKERS' GREA.SETRAP PAID PEN ATIONI ' CE SEINER-SANITARY-STORM EA-20VT Date Repel t# CIMn need out M rook forom hundred dollen (6lao)er n.) ENERGY FEE Y N ' I fy that tathep o u f[h :forty ch RNs pemdttahsued, WATER IIEAIFR W/VENC/E.FL]R — I s not employ Ii no to become subjed to the WATER SYS EM/TRP.ATING W. in C.Pe v of PAID ' O Z APP 4 NrEWRESIDpAr(1,.EP),MB. SQ.FC. Date Recei t# Z O NOIICETOA L he akar t ks oub sof the,abo should loam Rothe Workers'Comperoatbnp bro of the tabor TO-FAL: CCN Code.you ort hwith comply with each providoro or this permit shall be •E deemed revoked.W mCONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE CL Ihereby aflmnthet there h a construction lending agency for the perfomv : ELECTRIC FEE aWTOTAL = Z ance of the work for wMeh thin permit et bed(Sec.3D97,C .C.) \ — U O I nde?e Name PLUMBING FEE IL F lender.Add. QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE OO Iartlfy Nntl have need this appIatbn and satethattheabove Wommlan Sboors Y.lagreeto camplywlthalldtyard muntyordWnmandtlate law. PERMIT ISSUANCE FEES PAID: >. Mating to Wilding matrudion,and hereby authorbe representative of this F Z city to enter upon the above-mentioned Property fa inspection pa rprnu. ALTERORADDTDMISH Date Remi t# (We)agree to mve,Ween fy an d keep her the Cityof Cupedlro P V agabut habWtks,Prigments,mete and eaperses whkh may In any way amus AIR IiANDUNG UNCI(TO tO,WO CPhD SUBTOTAL: Id 1[y In of the granting of W.pemdt CIL I" $ AIR I-IANDUNG UNCI(OVER 10,000 CM CONSTRUC ON TAX Signature of Appllant/C%rme,tor I Elm EXHAUST HOOD(W/Dun CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the appi"ot or future buildirgamupart store or handle harardou. HEATING UNIT(TO 100,(100 BTU) Date Recci t# material as dehre i by the Cupertino Municipal Cade,Chapter 9.12,and the health and Safety Cade Scct10%25532(a)7, I-QATING UNIT(OVER 100,0D)BTU) TOTAL: oZ1— ❑ Yen f]NO Will theapplantorfuture Wilding ottvpard uae equipment or device VENTTLATIONFAN(SINGI.ERFSID) ISSUANCE DATE whkhemithaeenerd aircontamWitsan defirad bytet Bay Anea Ain p • Quality MnvgementDlatW i BOnFR-CAMPO}iPDRlOD,ONBTU) P A I D Y n ❑No have read the haunt rnuterials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of BOILER-COMP(OVER 100,000 BTU) -NOVhe Calhomb Health k Safety Code,Sneilom 25505,25533 and 25531.1 IY8 1991 understand that lfthebuilding does eol carreNly have a tenant,that It is my NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. 5QpT reaporubilhy,to notify the onvpart of the requirements whkh moat be met prior to L»uancc of a Cenifiato of Omapancy. - - CITYIF ly^iU GHAfIIiw C.vncrorauthoriud.gcnt Date ISSUED BY:�V F \ TOTAL OFFICE COPY