CC Resolution No. 492M.' 0 ,UTION NO. 492 RMLM'"1011 OF THE CITY CC MCIL OF THE C.I' -f 0,? CUPEH'!' V0 a? lowI ng, certain claims and demands in tho suss or $2,367-:'-5. Demand Nos. 2260, 2261, 2270 t ru 227 Plus Water Depart claims and demands in the sum of $2, 350,00. Demand Nos. 616, and 6 thru 632. 12be City Council of the City of Cupertino does, hereby recsolve, deter - adne and order as follows: Section 1. That in accordanoo with Section 37202 of the Government Code �K f fy Clork or his designated representative hereby certifies to the accuraoy of the following demands and to the availability of funds for y&ymnt thereof. // e Ltwrenc 1 t . Martin Ci y t.'Ierlc Se ction 2. That the following claims and e(emands have been audited as re<ra red By law and that the same are hereby allowed in the amouit as hereinafter aet forth. Warrant Amotvnt CM Imnt No . maid Expenditure For: Valley let Natl. Hank 2260 16' 0.00 Quarterly I ncome. tax League of Calif. Cities, 2262 180.00 Reg. for League conference Foothill Printing k Nb. 2270 158.92 Legal publications J. C. implicating 2271 5.15 0 supplies Faciflc Maintenance 2272 35.00 janitorial serv. -- August John S.alch 2=:73 9.00 rcpensea C. 0. Mil�enberg k Co. 2"74 66 4 .00 Account ing & annual reporr. Dohrmnn hotel Supply 22'75 21.58 Electric percolator 'Pacific Gas &- Elec.Co. 2w6 '23.35 Street: lighting Philip W. Storm 2277 44.25 Expenses WATER DEPARTMr.11T EXPENSE Valley lot Natl. Bank 616 x19 Quarterly in come tax Cupertino Water Dept. 6 ?? 2.25 Office service Peter A. Deraitus F::3 7.75 Deposit refund Pagers Telephone Ans. Serv. G?4 15.65 August service Cupertino Electric 625 29. �4 Repair s:igna.l and pump BBH Pool Service 626 1$.72 Pyrex. Pacific 0ae & Elec. 627 2,049.69 Office service and 3 pump.. Alfrxl Dalm�.0 628 10.00 Depotiit refund Estebp+n Yharra 62!! 4 .17 Deposit refund iota Yost 630 7.89 Deposit refund Sheldon Benett 631 .83 Deposit refund John Jorgenson 632 8.21 Deposit refund Enacted the 4 day of H 1961