CC Resolution No. 507'q.
Cy' '
P (tM(X OF TIRP. C1T;r WNCIL OP THE CITY OP 4`t. MiTINO allowing aertalil
cUUja and demends In tho sum of $3, x68.24,, Demand Nos: 2323 and P326
t 2'334. Plus Wgt9tr' D*Vsrtment claims and de' mends in the sum of
d ADO. QewaiAl Moo ,4 %3 thru 655.
"*' City emmail. oat the laity of „Cupertlno does hereb3 remolve, detea ne,
es ' wear ' is fol lolls s
ation 1. That In n+ wMizloe smith dxotiob 37202 of tho g overnmen t
0"0 VA""' MTy Clerk or his desigt4ted rejrres*ntative herby certifies
to t acciumay of the rollowix* - - demands saA to the Ovallability or fit+le
, r paVvent therof.
! Martin T ne e K.
Section 2 Uut the following claims and damands have been audited
as r+ �atir and that tho sane are hereby Bellowed In the amount as
here1nsfter set forth.
Warrant Amowit F*d..
Claimant No
Worm A. Myers 232
Y1111am Benevich 2
Jtfq Bun to 23 27
Je��wtte L. Echwald 2321
lawrence K. Martin 2329
Bdrapard L. Murphy 2330
ndup W. Storm 2331
Hazel A. Hile 23
John Fleming 23
Saar J. Anderson 23
Paid Tax OA3I Gross Amount
71.40 $ 3.90 '2.13 4 .977.63
36ii.00 35 - 355.00 + TA
320-70 3o6.5o + TA
151.63 33.00 5.37 3.79 .00
300.85 3 .40 - 338.00 + Mileage
4 43.5 .00 - 278.00
500,00 + TA
1 .46. 0 16 34. 5. 64 1W .00
300.00 - Engineering services
775.00 - - Attorney Servalcers +
Secretarial Services
Hobby Dockina 653 267.66 33.10 (8.76) 292.00
William Knotts 654 191.63 30.50 6.87 22 .00
Audrey L. Weston 655 153.11 34.20 5..+4 18.00 + mileage
Adopted the �4 l.... day of ss� G-ry 196" Payroll perior� ended 10-31-61 - `""`