CC Resolution No. 557 - . i'~3~~'~t;C~ ~ ~p. ~ ~5? ` ~.~rr~~ f~~ ~.4''~Y t~~'~;~:x C~St' dF~ Ct~'~~C~t7 a~.:t~~t~g ~+~rt~in q`3,~f~r`a t~.vL~I1~9.~ ~ '~~t~ t~,~'c ~'i~G~, ~4 e~• I~:~~tl ~tfJ~ ~~t ~~~i~ , Y:~~~' 1~,p~x~~ry c~x~:~~ ~~cis in e~uum nr ~1,, e~3. l?~r~8 . 1~~N ~~i 7~i ~ ~Y~~rR ~ +~a1~y r~q~?m?c~l'L a~~ ~I~x ~~.4.~ a~~' C~~re~tir~o doe~ t~~x~eh~? ~aeaxv~~, dc~tarx,~- ~ ~Y'~ F~A~~'~ +~1b'~(~Ri~' Ati ~iD~~.QtiA~: ~:k,gc~r~ 'Y'~,t tac~coa~Z:?~~~ ~r~~h se~~~.+a;a 37'~4~ o~' ~h~ t~~v~~€~n~ ° C.ac~e~, ~~m L~-y~ Cl~rl~r oa! h~.a d~,~~~~~t~s~ ~eprrr~wn~t~t~.va ha~r~a~ oc~rtiPia~ to ' ~'F~ ~?c~~~cy oP ~1~~ ro1la~Sn~ d~~s end ta th~ A~i~.~?~~.~.i~ af iw~Sa t'~~ ~nti ichereoY'. ' ~ I~+~x~onaa ~t. ~n.~~in . ~l`~,~"8~~a... ~ ~ctt~.on 1~~ T~t '~he ~'c?11oe~.~ o1e~,~~ gnd? c~~rn~r~~ l~ve 11~811 AL~1~6i~ ~ ass r+~te~~y ls~ and ~h~~: tt~ a~.a~ at~e he~~~r a;~~owed in the atnuunt ae h~1r~~cz~Pt.er p~e~ fb~h. Warraa~~ AmounC ' C~t ~ AIo, ~ ~nd~ture Pbr: lP. a. ~ 8. co. 2"~5 ~600.36 Eieo~.enar~r-at. xi@ht?~' &~ign:~~ • Dle.ke, ~lfotfir t~k 'Ibxne 2546 g.13 Pq',per toti~tela ' aa~iru~11. +Compan~ 2~ 48.49 Fipe . Cupcrt3rxQ I~mber Co. 254~ 20.53 Huil.di.n~ m~..~~r,~.a1+a . I. B. 254~ 35.00 3ox~viae conta~~.ct•-~~,Ypewr3Cer . sAn~gx~oth 33ros. 255a 73•19 Pl+~n~ m~.x &~snu~.oi~an oi.]. . F~ioth111 Prin~. ~c Pub. 2551 25.11 I~egal ~ubli ~ation~ ~on's of ~ttper~ina ~552 ?.17~' I3rivexop~g ~`up~rt~t.r~o Hardwure Ca.Tnc. 2~5 ~3.~i9 Keya J. C. Du~lioa~ing 25~F ~.3.30 bitYQe auppli~a Ciay Ar~a E].ec~ric Corp. 2555 7, 235• x~ 3i~lizat3or~ St~vena Crk ~ lf~ll~er; Ste~~ene Crlc L~ nlenQy Sta~~x~d Reg,~.a4er Gb. 2556 ~$.09 ~ieotrip~ t'c~1?4;~ 6~A'L`B~ IIH~'AHZMKNT fiXPGNSEB ~a.rl ~i. Heple, Ina. 7~2 ~8.7g `Pr~ench ror ~ar~~r eerw3.ac~ P~e ~~~elo~?hone Ans. F,erv. 7g 15.0o T~e~epr,on~ arza~rrer, Sng serv~ ca P~ci~i~ Qas da E~ects3Q Co r 7g~ 962 .1~ 81~a~. energ~=~rater wrD~e . pumps Orc~.mx~ ~~:~p1y ~rd~?re ~y5 8.G8 Ca~ble a1~P~ 1~ ~.ir oor~d F+aat~~l. Pc3n~. ~ Pub. Co. 7~j ^0.12 Plau~o met~E~r a~et~ 1c~art~ta~ corp~nar,lon T9~ 14.3o abrlrc ord~z• ror~? r~I ~l~ Service~~ ~ 3•16 ~c~s artd gt~li~r 9.3 ~ax . pur~ Ceap~r~.~rr~a eatx~i.c Ina . QUx 9.88 ~4pa1r 3tiev~rt~ Cr~~k ~?umY~ Xaer+~' Fal,~;~~yv9.ri ~D2 lO.CrR ~po~n~.ic ra~s~i I~llc+~r~ ~~enhein 84~ 10.t3A~ D~~os:lt x`f~~~ C`~sp~x*~.:lua~ L~Lnber $t~, 3.39 Bu~,lc~ing tr~,t;c~.r~lt~l~ U. i;~. II~s~ O!'f~ioe 8~ 23.0~ I~nt~ge ~'o~ ~tteac /~~upte4S, tl~e a`~~, cf.~y u!' i~ Z,~ 1, x~+`iZ. , . . . „ „ , ~ rv. ~r„ „ ,h,