CC Resolution No. 591 ~ ~ . 8 ~ ' Ft~c94~'~I~c+~r ~U, 5~1 ~ ~~.~t~`"~~.Z~ '~t~ CY'.~'Y L~UI~4~~ l}1~F °~'~L'~ ~"~.'Y V~' ~"U~Bj'i'~~Q 87..?~.O~fj:T1~' ~:@I`'~'.$~.tl ~ Ci.'~~~I9~'. 4~4.~ we~.Itt#:rid.,~'iY ~23 Y+I18 E3WIl A~ ,~:jr'~`~ .02~ Df?11L~:2/.~ NOS c, t~3,'il ',i~19. ~'1ut~ l[~~i~~tmen~ c?.simt~ s,ru~ ol~:~:!B .''in ttc~ ~LUn of ~641.2y~ ~u~a~d • ( 1'i~lJ ~ i . ~ ~ ~,l ~ r . . f ~ i ~+~:S~r ~Cau~yc,~il af ttc~ C1~y~ a~ G~nar~lno ~io~~ hex~by a~ow~ve, ..l fl~s`~~~e ~~ri oaYler as fQlloj~rg: ~f E 1.. ~at in t~aeo~r~~e wi*~h sect•ion 3'~242 o:P the Cfi~v~rnmsi~t C~ir,~~~.~~ Cle~rk or hia de~i.~ L-~?,c! z~epi~eaent:ative hex°eby~ +~erti.~'~.oa to the a~~c°~~~r ot the following d~.-~1~'~t~a an+~ t.o t,~a~s ava~.lab~ll~i o~' ~~rrde ~'o~ ~hc~~eof. , e~ ~ ~ /e/ S~i.~nce K. A~.x*ti~ y e~' ~ ' ~~~car~ 2. Tha~ the ~~~llairl.ng ~cY,aim~ ~nd dea~axsda have b~~n awdited ~ ae r.~:~g~~ ~aw ar~d the'c t;ae $ac~ are ~~r~b~,• allowcd in the acr~un~ ar~ he~~ai'~t~r ~et forth. 1~1arr~:i~t Acnount ]ped . Cla#~r~ !/o. Paid 7a~:. OA3x iioa,p, Qr+oe~ .?nounC . . _ ~ ~n~~c~, ~.:3. 2?~ 33~3•65 $4.3.00 ~11.].0 ~?7.26 $355•04 + TA ~tts~w9 , 27~9 303. ~ 3`.~ • ao 9. 58 7. 26 3of .~p + T~i seh~, .T.~. ~710 15i.4o 2:t.cr,~ 5.60 ~ 17 .oo ` Mart~sa, L~,~,. 2°'; 11 288~oj ~.40 10.5? - 33~.00 ~s 2712 ~~.3~ .50 8.69 7.26 ~~.oo + ~ig. 3tor~, P.~t. 2'T3.3 ~7 3.~2 ,,00 Z~i.63 5.95 5~4.00 + ltng. ~Lt:~p, ;~.A . 27~.=: ~47 .92 3~ . zc.` 5. 88 - 188. cso ~o~tS~.o, _A. 2715 20 8.71 3~ -~0 7. 8g - 2~2. 5tD J~e~vsa, 2?16 163 .62 18.;ao 5.08 - 188.00 ,a, - I~t,~er~, ~t. A. 2't 1 ~4 . 0~4 3. c1~' . 5 ~ - 1~' .11 F~,c~a~L~, ~1~ 3Q0.00 - - Engineering Sex vi~e~ And~i~+:n~,~ :s.J. ~'719 i r5•U(1 - - - Attor:ley 3Qrti?. - + Secty 3n ~,r WATfiR D$PAFiit~.'rT PAF~?0~•L DC~C~y i7w ~ ~~G~5~ ~~~3 7~C~ G~C~VV ~ 1Kno~c~:-~, ~r. 869 185.39 ?~~.5fl '~'.lb 5. 5 ~2~.oo , i~lee~~, A. L. B~'i 0 145. 51 3~ . c~D 5. 8~3 6. ~ti 1~t3. 00 +!'!lg . µ i~aite~, H. 871 67.8E3 15.30 2.68 - 85.86 Ac~pt~d ~h~ day o~ MA~{ 1c„~i2 , P~]~roll p~eL^lo~; ended ~-30~"'~ ; . . . . . N i , ~