CC Resolution No. 604 ~ ~ RE30.LiTi"~t~I N0. 60~4 ` AE~~~f".,C'I~?J ~F THE C3TY COUNCIL ~P CITY OF CU1'ERTINfl a11ow1ng eerCain ~ cl~s~ ar~it dea~rr3:s ir, tt~e sum o~' $3, 8~5. 87 13~marid Nog. ~771 thru 2 8~ ~~c4 2'~"~. P1ue ~gter Daparta~n~ c].aG1ms and, demands in ~he ~um of ~~~5.21. ~ ~tos . 90'-~ thru gt36. . ~a City Con.mci:l oP th~a Cfty? aP Cuper~ir~o ~aes her~by raoolva, dP1t~x~il.ne and order a~ follous: ~ir~~tion 1. T~at 1n accord~nae with SBO~~on 37202 of ~he dovernment CoR.a~,~~~+:'~L'3~y Clerk or ttio dest~nated r~epresentative t~erebq certifie,e to ~I~ae ~~curacy of ~k~e follo~ring ci~~de and to ~h~ availabilit~ o!" fl~nds fv~ pw~~nt thereof. lal L~arenae K, l~rtin , `~'1~~ e r3c ~ ~c~1on 2. That the follo~i»g cYaiq~e art~i deaoandB have been audlted as r+~~u~red~by l.au and that tt~ rr~u~e ~x*e hereby a1low~d i.n tihe amount ~s • ttera~.~.a~af~er aet forttz. hTarrmnt Amount P'~d. C'~~~~+t r t:a,r ~ Tax OASI HOgp• f3raaa Acaount een~~sch, w. b. 27'T~ ~343. ~5 #43. oo ~1~.. ~o ~ 7.26 ~355. oo ~ ~ ~ust~o, J. 2'T7"2 303.86 35. f3o g.58 7. 26 306.50 + 2~1 Ect~aa~~, ,p. 2T73 ~51.4a 22, o0 5. 60 - i79. o0 ~atv., ,a.v. 2774 392.~1' S2.4o i3.5~ - 43 .oo + Tn Mart:~, L.K. 2775 290.37 3.40 ~0.57 - 33~.00 + Mlg. ~~~a, E. L. 2775 258. 06 .5o a. 6 ?.26 278. oo t~ig. stoz~, p. w. 27 1~?9. 67 0. o0 9. 3~ 5. 95 500. oo +~~A H~.le, H. A. 277~ 147 . 92 3~ . 20 5. 8t3 - ~BB. 00 sorz~.3o, J. n. 27~9 ig~~ . 20 35 .~0 7. 8g i4 . 51 2 2. 50 Le~r~.~, M. 2'7~ 163. 62 18~ 5~ 5.8E3 - 1~9.00 P'lem~.,,-~g, J. 27~1 300. GO - - - FnEinnerin~ Serviae~ And~r~on, ~.J. ~i:2 7?5•~ - - - ACtiorney Serv. ~ u~!:~~'.SQY'V. t~y~r~, :v.a. ~7~ 3f.o5 a.~o ~.~~2 - 45.~7 WATEA I1EF.ARTMENT PAYfiOLL ~ Dockls~a, B. y.'~i ~42. 51. 33.10 ~.13 7. 26 2g2. o0 Knotts, ~t. ~~5 1£~5.39 3C.5o ?.16 ~.g5 22g .00 best.~, A.L. X~7.31 3?~.20 5,83 3.4G ]~88.00 + Mig. lldop~~d ~h~ `t'~~ d~y of , 1gG2. Pnyrall ~ri~ic~ended 5»31- . . . . . , ~ ~