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CC Resolution No. 666
~ ' ~ e , . Rt~.S;cYLCi~"x~.~?~ ~3~Q_~~_~____~iu6 ~?~~.~~`;~'~C~~1 Ql~ T~' C~[TY COift1CIL ~N ~.?.i'~~~ GITY 0~' C(.'PER~-~'N~ al~o~r~ng eert~?i~ix ~;~.Q~.~~q ~~~r.~ ti~~~ar~.~ 7ta the ~~ti+~ u~ ~a,~•~2.~3. D~:naiyd No$. 3~C~ tY?riu 3215 - ~~~r~ ~tan. a~l'~` t3u~i ~t%';~~~4. ~'iura ~~a~ter D~par~~Al~i1t ~:lasrn~ anri d~mand~ ~y~ of $59~.~. I1~i~r~i 1.0?? t1~ru ~a79. , 1 "~+crs Gi'~y Coumril oP xh~ C~~y ~?Y C~pc3r~i~~ does h~t~eby Pec~~olve, de-- ~~c~ti~.r~ ~ytd urder ~ss fn2Z~~ra~ ~&;~on 1. ~R~~ ~n r~c~cardaricL ~1th Sect?iun 37202 of ths f+odei~rlnent C~d~„ ~~~'~~~y C'«r~c or hia dee~~y~d rea4rc~s~nCative herebq Certiif lea to ~~.~e ~+~c~ur~a~c~* of the Tollat~in~ d~m~nda and ~a the a~~ilaY~ility of i~r~ci~ fo~ g~~~n~ t'he+~~af. ls I=.::: . ~~s Martin_ c,~~ erc ~ ~,~•tioti 2. ~a*. thR 1~o31n~+in~ c2~ima and demanda hr~ve G~~n auci~ted aa i~;adi~ec~~y ~lav an3 that tt~ ~a~e are h~reby allow~~d in ~h~e ~rnouiit a~ Fr~Y~~.~teFter ~et fcrth. ~t~~:°am; Arnour~t ~'ed. Cla~.~aranfc . Fai.;2 '~'sx QA~I Husp. (1ro~a Acr~ount s~an ~.`a3~c~ev.chi ~~5 39 • 1a ~ 2. 70 ~ 1 • 35 - ~S 43. ~o Bob ~zriter =.~ob 32.5~ - 1.05 - 33. Go T9e 1~a~ttas 3?cyT ~7. ~ 3. 6g . 6T - ?.1. ~i0 Elai~e IIra s~~c~ 17 .~+3 3. 9g .~9 - 22.10 Juae~" F. Tamez ~~'G9 16. 3. 67 . 64 - 24. S~o 3ohr~ Parham : ~l0 266.12 30. 80 9. 53 - 30s5. ~0 Wlll~~ D.Bene~~ich 3211 318,f~ 4b.6U - '1.25 372.5~ JoPua :~usta ?212 275.,~~ 39.40 - 7.25 3~2.00 pdu~r: T,.Murphti =213 263.45 35.80 - 7.2~ 306.50 ,7~s~z9 A~ ~orr3lo ;~~v 2ii.Tr 3'7.?'~ a.28 7.2`: 265,00 ~er~. S~i3.11a ,;21~ 15 .?3 5.~ 6.17 - 1?.5~ Phili.~ ~1.storm ~217 44~.21 ~.5~ - 5.95 ~i.G~ I~az~i ~.H3~P :21r3 155.73 35.~ 6.17 197.50 Ant,~ L~hi. ~:219 3~ .07 52.~0 ~3.5 - 4~3. ~?0 R+~ber't S.Shook .~~20 27~.2? ~~3.G0 10.6~ - 3d}1. Agsc~e~. Di~t. kla~.J. =raoka ~~2'i 21f3.23~ 44.50 8.~"~'r - 2~'1.38 + Aeaeas. Y~L G7 ~ w ~?lar~~h~ Nevi 11~ 322~ 141.4 ~7 32 . ~0 ~.~o - 179• 00 Lawrre~cx: K.Marti~t ~223 3~2.43 46.6C~ - 7. ~'5 ~"2. Sp + m]g. ~hir~ey ~ton~ ?~24 1~?.~3 27.00 u.6b - ~~9.04 + mlg. ~~IA~ E PA i~'T"Y~IP.NT I'A YROI:I, A~r~r weston 1~ 149. 2c~ 60 f.~ 6. I~5 1~l1. ~0 ~ahk~, r~ctr~ns 1078 253. 87 :,i 30 9. 25 ~,06.5~ t~:il:'R~?~~ Kna~~~ I~~' T9 7 1 9 2. 9~ 4 l U 7. 5 a. 5• 9 5 2'~ 5 0 Ac~apted the ~ o~''~~~~~ ,196~k ~yr~~.1 ~S~i~ end~d~`3~<?.