CC Resolution No. 735 †縉उउउउ †ठ†ठउउ ††Ⰹ†उ†ठॾ †ठ繲഻ऊउउउउ†縉उठॾउउउउ †ठമ ✠䰠⁌楾††ठऊउउउउउ†縉†ൾഊ ॾउउउउ †縉उउउउउउउउउउⰉ縠縠उउउ 縉繠縧㜮ㅾ㬱愧縧縧縧 ठॾ††ठ❑❾उ繖繾ㄠ椠縠愠縠उउउ 匉≾धउउउउउठ椧縬⁾ബऊउउउउउउउउउ††縉縠उउउउउउउउउ †椉उउउउउउउउउ †ठൾऊउउॾठ繾繾繾睾縧†按⁾琠繾繾繾縬ॾ††縉繳繞繾†縉繴‿Ⱐ繾捩८उ ठ繾牾ㄠउ ठ⁾⸠†ॾउउउ琻繾†繾縠稿ⅾ†繳恾†牾捡繲愮繾†㽾縱 †ठൾऊउउ縮繾✴睡†繒繩Ȿ≩†汲楊睮⬪偾繓†汾縢繩❾⭙⁾縧䴮⁌縠楥繾†百繲ꈧ⸮⁾䄠縮奾繾䥾繾Ⱪ爴慾䥾†繾縧楌ㄶ楒✬歩繳畗†ൾഊ ॾउठ縻縻㬻Ⱜⲕ⸬縮㨵†❾㥃❾㩥汸繾縻⁴縠瑖慾㭴繡繾縧愺縧Ⱞ㨧繾†爮繡†㑾†ठ歾縧㬧カ⑾₰縠㔺❾繊瑤∱⁾縠†繾縧❠繾ⱶ縧䩾㝷䱾ऊउ†ठ⁾⁾›縮Ⱪउउउउउउउउ尉攠縠उ ठ❵†猉‧妕Ȿ❤⩾उउ∉㕲†繅ㄢ㝾⁃縠㍳縱繩琮র縉†㭴⁾⁾縠⬱縬縠縠攠繾⁾縠Ⱡ❨✫㭾ㄫ❾縻⁴縧怮❾⁃†ठ汾繦礠उउ ††✉縠끩縫†ठ繾摩†牾繴縱縧䙬繾㌧縱†浦䍲䱝⑾ॾउउठ摑उ ठ甭繾†縮繾⸮䥀⁉氠繩縺․縠瑒❾उ††ठ繉⁄縠繖⁁縠儮㑴⁾縠†摩繴䰺उ 縉ㄫ椢縮⁷縠攧縧搧ㅩ䅫奾†塾䥾※†縉उउउ††ठ縮繾繾縿敩慯獾†景†繡摬†灾獩ꭾ晥㩾†繡†楴ൾऊउठ繡ॾ ठ捾牴㩾†㌉㔹Ȿ†ठ縮獾繱汾⁴攠繬漠⁆椠繴牡†爉捾犰牾繾楾慾†繡൦ऊउठ繡ॲ 䌉ⱴ捾䌠慾敾㽾†ㅾ縴牾†楾繥楥捵敲†票†慳敡汾繾物繯⁾†愉†繣祲उ 縉†楾䅾†獬†繳繒繉瑡楾†砱慾繡縮瑲†ठൾऊउउ ††⸉†ठ桴䌠瑧⁾縠牸繠砠 ठ繴†楃祬†偯††ठॾठ恾繾൳ऊउⰉ繾眠縹⁾縠捾澰牾獾繮挫Ȿ敾†Ⅱ†汥⁾琠✿湾慸⁾䌠⭬慲†硃灾繴†繥繾潴൸ऊउ縉Ɑ楷畡†獡†慤楴†潩捡繴椠砮ॡ††縉潲畬楴⁾愠繾牾㥴‱戠㽾†瑾敾†繊ㅾउउ晷⁅縠➄慷睸繩㥳മऊउ †ㄉ䤱いㅾ₄†✉䍾繐奒縱繴†戉潾९†縉汾牷摥†祾†汴牾†繃繾†㽴繳繲汣汬†繡⁾映Ⅹൾऊउ †愉⁾†䰉†繊縧❾മऊउउउ††椠縿ॾठ❾汦䅾⁾ऊउ †ㄉ⸡††㜉繣⁴縠㽡†潈繾 ठ牾牡百㽩慯繲†杯†慷汾†㽾潬捾爮瑲捾ൾऊ ††縉†繡†䵾ॴउ愉繷†牾慾牭⁾瀠‡琠䅾攫†繾瑾⁹琠慡繾楾‱琠繶†ठ繾⡾縧繦氮उउउउउउउउउउउ††ㄠ縿瀠उउ†ठ縫縵†ⅴ㽾†繸繣繴牌爬㭾牾†牾晦†繴†楾畡瑮ॾ 䰉繣繴唠潬瑾繾†ൾऊ ††縉繤琴❾Ȿ縫琿睾縠ㅾ摾†縡㽾獾❾†瑾Ȿ†㌉❾繾†爉㽯†瑾繮縮繮⁁縠†繴瑾渠縫慾縿縱繴湾उ††ठ瑾⁾縠䑾†搱繾瑳⁾戠楴‧縠㽾牾捾Ȿ⁾縠繲挹汾縠捡繣൴ऊउउउ䴉繉汌䰷縱†ॾ†縉乩瑾ㄷ❾ㄱㄱ䌳繢⁾ㄠ縱镗†ठ⁾縠汾䥠汭†繉繘ⰿ㽾†℉❅㑾繞ധऊ ††縉縮❉⁾䤠㥃†楣繡汬†✬楾繒牾उ楾縳‡縠❾縬❶湾‱愠Ȿ†縬繴楷縧†䰮繾†ठ❁繾†縉⁄縠縱उउउउउ†ठॾउउ 㬉उउउउ†椉उठ഻ऊ Ⰹउउउउ††ठ॥उउउउउउ†⸉†मउउउउ †ठॾउउठ繲‱⁾縠उउउउ†Ⰹㄱउउउउउ 琉३उउउउउउ††縉उउउउउउउउउउउउउൺ ॾउ†縉†ठ⁾††⸉उउ†縉उ††縉उउ††縉उ †㘉उउ †縉
am*"* tbovAgazol fte x4 tiowl of 4"d ftwr co*dsmica
cuo ~06 by "m ftA\xd of ftoo"I'Doxv.
34 That taid W&M of 8tV*j:mAgax% bot, awl airs hareW, %,d-
'vUwd 4r,,t'tbe zwWletm supwa* by tba CLty Counall of tim eLty of
C-R'505,1,010 of said rookipmoofttims of thq smtA CIA&* CA%Mty
obww QmmdAo",;ft so C*N*OAM*d La the %*Soluuoa adarod bw the
'imms'd of &*6tvivorm.
Masm AWAINDUAdo by it e4ty co-aucil or the City of
*a the &W 4w 1%3 by tho 90110""
1tval call votAt
MIMS kAIL4.���
ter, P,"44.-U;
AR 2
r «
�MSMU" UM Art :)Pr IJ�G� �tte�.�c..�«Ct�.tr t�E��a�LS.A�MTAC14, .apt OFF',
G7C►[tiTA �.nfr'�:J%1-• W�� .11332 ro+iI%f� MI t/oY�iawiF�1pSsf t)i AWID
vvrsrrr&Ivva& -v dnhre'.;wcvmw klm-%vrrAasti+r.►.s. e.Vrimfooa Q►a..••,sawt.
VAVjMr in ? 7QC i 1 vilth Pt'8tflous rw oc=wwAd ations of tyiho
Sail s Clue Cozy vraga r C Mtalsgfe. ra,, this &Wad CC as 'atr41 brs catablisstxod
Yale' ui s both at *kid as a "v th e cum ter Paz, Wd a bw
+ ttor� i41 the . q � 000 fm the ftftAt + to a wow i''e>
ERt i11$, the saivft Clare County Waurr C wads lww an Feltmwy 3i1,
19630 sade cumin wrwsrl tit> ww modIS', UM fm*vloic► revoomwSeUmis
6n tax aid water cbswjoa► to pewido xeveaue In suppm of said bowled
el+actkxn; old
'aYiiVM, *a Now$ of Supra visors testa that "Id wswodifivatioass
as reaoamen&4 by the Sasta Ckca County Water commission are equitaus
and will be beneficial to tt.>stn District and said scones.
NOW, TIC :, it is boveby resolved that the recauuewntlatlons
-dopted on Fe�,s ty 80, 1963 by the B�»nta CY.era CauntY wa:,� Gwat�,rmissiexte
We hewreby mdoptcxi by da S AkWAI of 3mpervrinors wavA oesrt Calb as follows:
A. Const+raeW" ,ie of 1lreatment and lwitwaattribec ion raullittes.
1. Mw lKesW*wstrt, Ce ntral# and C*ntral "lon
yVa#U*s, an contained in llve tlglx*Ws Report.
Zow dated yUlY 10* 1962,em to be co"S .%ectod►
to barn as o Amble in tinges to roceive► WrAer from the
at"* of Califorale ttr vWjh the 800h ay AgaWhW2
by Dry s W 31 a 1964.
3. 2%0 West Fip'el,Lte• and kho rim iwrrwwrear srd of the
West fit► yi vatar welt Plant~ +aav to bps csoroir►mUd to
At s wt ow., to d" 1WvM0.v% uk be In ttw
+ 91Y rirAv a 66fto d wll 00"A awo "a ft IMWrawwwwav t +1
ett� ar
qr boo 000wir an tl' r Vh*
c,ansfasoction of treatment planta, except that which
is P% poi tod by bona We contracts for the puorcchaso
of said ester which will au %pert tte repayment of
cost foe said plant and said costs, as herolnaf5tet
set FOdh in (C. 3) .
3: fts fwnherly Portion Uf the Came- .Volloy Pipelirv►s
to to be constructed to beconn Memble by Januory 1,
2967, unleso it is found wwassary► to construct said
tim at an earlier data in mtlerar to obtain better
dia-Aribution of water.
4. '9?w NfAlpitas and East Pipeline* and the first increment
of tM Grist Fdde Yreatmwt Plant are to be constructed
whan contracts have obtalmd which will satisfy
tb,lj provisions to be contained in said bond election
S. The remaining purticr of the Crroax- Valley Pipeline
is to be constructed to become operable in time to
receive water from the completed Pacheco Aqueduct,
asclmated to be- January 1, 1971.
B. Bond Financing.
1. The water treatment and distribution system, nos adopted
by this Board of Supervisors on Monday, August 20,
119620 is to be fir4wed by the issswince of revenue-
supported general obligation bonds within Zone W-1.
2. Such WMP, shell not be sold until needed for construction
ot! frecilities in accordance with the above construction
C. Psriei OW !r"ii"raairrp.
,*. "6,o a rtoo Vistrict --wrde tin of 54 on each $10
a►stlsesse4l radar 44 land OW ImpWo eruts is to
100 M'ImCned twok ft % &VOWOmr, 0.6 set took ,
C7���y �' •' .xl, ',ri �' '. Yh �A rro" � "e, .F,r�r :a,.r ' � ` %Yt, '�' �
�." In (c) below. Said tax tvimll hP "-,d to pay
forr tho gametal economuca eiti to iris county
a* a whole for 1mviing facilities ,.rhich Import
arrateir, kncludirrg the Gbunt ltsy and P&AWO Aqueducts.
b. S&W tax ahalll be limited to a mwdjnm eta+ of 50.
c. Wit► total mvenues am suiflele t t!s reds
+ te"0 or WGterc Most the DLr4rkAr-vr ► tax Will
bo ,wed to as em belbrrs a rod In ilia ptim
ef hVeled watemr car a M-J of tO YOGI
amaaard UNfustrriat grod"d wmtec Ch**VA below $10 pert
a or a t+edwtion mid OP aplo rkeral gmn*wA
warier Chu" below $S per orXV f*(Jt.
4. lsg eft shall be a t m Impact ONAK to be IMW to
cAfts air districts IreportUQ Hater-may, at
any other approved baportod wafer into q" Saari
Chula County Fkwd Control and Wow Conservation
#imict. The UnX Import Credit is so W +xrrrrptrrpOd
by determining the rwcorsage of Hsr * *Hetchy
wos+rer used within each such city of dhWftt. tech
such city or district is to be given a crar k an
taumres collected therein in the "as s percentage
an Its Hetch- Hetchy watarr use beard to total w,.rtw
eve tr 3hin such city; provided however, that the
tax Import endit woulU be li,r#ed as to each
city or district to a maximum of of the tame
colluact*i for water purposes by the Santa Clam[
Comutrty Flood CoWol and Water CorwNvo►tWA DISUIc t
min such intpming city air diutrlct.
7. Grog bd WaW Charge,t.
au. The ag rNultural grouutd water rAwve will be
*at4bUsh*,6, st 65 per ivcro foot f`at' aki vrstw
46 3»
.. �,,,'.,n,�,,..�� r �� �'�',r 5.,!•, ��+ �, y�; „�. � r 0.'i J. �,�YM,,.' •,,,, .•,
for. ayrtcultvi*I WM fti'M %' !Uti wlilsta
Zow W-2. said water charge to bea"w'kM.4�
on jkdy 1, 1964.
b. The aw4cipal and Industrial groum+�d w attic mbrC e
will lemmreQ eskabHshet!a at $10 per aoe toot forr AM'
wWW pvdwjed for mmntunWipal wW ladeNrW trmsta
fro n WQUS within Z M %F-t, "Aid chat" to
become wtive's on Fuly A, 1964, svbCoa to
Fmk tae as sat faith in 46.) below.
c. In the evom r+ venues besed an ** o6we 54
talc &W ilea aabcmw $5 and $10 qr+ AW wonlm W "Wees
are I amsiffSaftat to pay anmrml oDW, d w rrvmUcW
and to a trUl ground water ctaVe wIU be irmamsed
to the extent necessary to pay such am meal cots.
d. Cost's not paid for by 1? tows re aaalramUmq often
payamrenmt of tan tam4wrt credits, 2) revetwe Avatar
tagriculmtummrtal ground water charges cc "lea d
agrfcrAural surface distributed wotemr and,
3) cravwuo to repay 1/"2 that cmarrractloa a A
ma intea wwo and operation scot s of 0* to t r
want, and Milpitas Pipelines resulting floor ti 'Ies►
of trrrataed vaater herelr>aafter poet forth in (C. 3.),,
sMU be aUocated to thaw municipal and Wustrial
ground reaaW charge.
3. Treated Water Prices.
a. Treated vaster will be priced at mama amrr Aunt to lacluft
all ct the c amwtiration of constnmmotirsn ms:s fos
treaaltrmmramtt plants, including land, all t~rratarad
pink mararrm a>mmrme.1%ce and opperation OrAted FAVO 1/'2
Of tim>0 a%MpW* raaquit IJ to 84lo"190 tin► cOMUU> OAM
Sp of r
5 I
D. Legisbtion.
;3, r
and the Amos ranee and opetation cotta of than
East, Wlavt, and Milpitas PIpeiims, pbLv on
on mxzm aqueI to the munlcipari and IndupwW
qrMMd waiw charge.
b. The is rake calling Me bomi electAw sbati.l
comtrAft to SOCUM tsrrlyilMUM the exlllwsdl Calm of
any tlmil y auVJkwised fordo -11MIM ,w► vt
trIMU.9 ts, 'ifjntll g1''me as'.iat tam r acts
for the F'Aa said - matar, whiter MW
COCAMMS will i,w4xwt that regoymerrt ot 00 can"
for includiig land, and 1/2 01
oonsiru= = sad mainunence and operasilom costs
df tiwi VMW,, r Neat, and Milpitas P*elinss aas sia
fWA In (8) /above.
1. UM Santa c.11 r'a County, iclood Control and 'Water
Cfmser aOm DistrlclAA shall be amended to pet9rmlt
the pricINJ poUcles set forth herein with special
reforoncri to swoming the maximum limit of $10 per
acne foM an dw municipal and industrial ground water
chm" sail allowing for tax iwpo t credit payments
to elutes at districts importing water into the &ant&
Clara Couxs;y Flood Control and Water Conservation
Dlrtnict .
2. Ytva Water Convorvailon A-3 of 1931 shall be a mnJed to
brclude lrgiasier m as submit0d by the Be"& Clams
Valley Water C-oa"rvatlon District authorbIng• said
Dilstvict. to &%Vy 9mund water clumves .
I.. S ,.
3. The msewmbwnts to the &rote Clara County Flood Control
arai Wattetr Conservation District Act aod the water
C' sg6* wIlcn Act of 1931, as andcwsed by this
resolunw, should be enaclt(d into loot at tW 6MUO t
pos',AW date so that," tha peels of Me dMUicts
art therreby can be assume, ' to Mayy6, 1263,
that the pihicies ad7pted her►nby con W wA bito
h ef(.
PAMD AND lVOMlb by the 8osrd of Sup"V11MCS of the Santa
ckm County Flood Cowl 'Water Conservation ;C>sttict this
4th day of March* 1963, by the foUowt w vote:
A S: 8up*9vls0rs Tx it T)ella Ataagl.ore Spangler T#ciirkcns Sanchez
Novo: Supervisors None
M: Suwrvlsors Runs
Chairman of the Booed of Su pisvittwa
of the Santa Clara County Mad Control
and AVateit Conservation District
saki Wwd of SvpervisCws
- 6 -
1011 U 1 363 r
c" .� y�,�,yl (I,3;� „e aA.l �'�q �i ",., ,b n'r,' ���,�:y ��F,'�.� •� ��! „i��i •, �''° �E:�ry�p