CC Resolution No. 736 r . . - a~su~urio?+ ~ (To !~t wad onI<ii con~wr tr locn! /aw) .~u~horiiin~ filins of application w~ith the l~nited Statea af Amerec~ for an ad~aacr to proride fot thc pltnnin~ ot fiublir wrc~rks undet tl~e tetms c! P~~ilic Lew~ SGO~ 83rd Conacest , ot ih~ ti'nited Statcs~ •s amcr~-d. ~ , tasreln collel :t~t "A'p11ee,~"J alttt ~}fEREAS ~ , ~~.y_~ /J.~:wf ~awe o~o plira+u) choroa~h considtratian rf the vatioua Aspects ot the rsobl~m Arrl study of n~ailrble dato h~s herrbq dctc~tmined th~t e~e ron- srroccias~ o? cert in public ~vrk ~~enerall:• desrribrd •s • v ~ ~ !s h.._-~ t~Q.l~ ~--Al.s t~.'!K...~:..,1..~s=.._L...,~.;._5...3~~.St..Gt a ~,~~.._H.aLi. _ ~ is ctesirs~le and in the ~+u51ic intetest ~nd to that t~d it is ntccssacy chat actioa pceliminary to the cohaut+alanote~aidttrico be cakcri i~rnediatrly: and eH~RkA~, under t!:e terms ot Nublic La.~ S~. 8j~~ C.onRrrss. as amend~*d, th~ llnitcd Sir~tes ~tAnterica6~s~athod~c~d ihe rnshia~ ot ad~snr~~ co public b~dies co sid in fin~ncin~ ~fie cost of cnqine~rin6 aN! nrchitectutal twrveJrs~dttf,se~~platia~ .orkin~ ~'sa~.in~t~, s~~ecitications ur other ~ctian prrliminuy to and in pteparation Fot the to~struction At puNi~ wotltt; ~nd THfREAS~ che app~icant h~s c~unined ~nd duly con~idered ruch ~rt r»d che .pplic~at coA~Idcr• ft to t+e i~ tl~e poblic inrrresr ar~1 tn ica hcncti~ ro tile an MpF+lication ur~der s~id ¦ct nnd to Ruttwrize other ¦aian io toancction thcrceitb; ltir7T, 71tF.R~F(~RE'. Bk fT RF.~OI.VFD S3Y . _ ? 't : ~ ~ ~ ~ ihe Rofcr~inX M.~r of sai.i y~lic~nt, (ollnvs: t. That the cc+natcvetion o( s~i~l publir fotlc~ is rasenttal ta anc~ i~ to the besi intetesis o~ ehe a~plitaaR~ ~ to tbr ~ cnd ~hat such ~+~:~1ir •~otks may b~: pta~idcd ~s promptly es ptacticxble it is desitable tlw~t ~ction pttliealwtsy' to tbe~ cee~~truct+rn t?vrceot br undertaxen inmc~li~~rly; That _ ~ r ~.,r Ac~eby ~4Khorited tu'(i!e in beh~ll ol the e~tic~nt an ~?pplic~tion (io totn+ teWlttd tr~r tbt Unit~d Strte~ rd in cant~~~mi~y ait~ saia ~a) (vt an adrRUCe tn be m~dc 6y che I)nited Steter to c~e ~'~plit~M.. to a!d k ~eis~~~ tl~t ~o« ~1an ~re~~ruits~ for the •barr('~.de:rribrd puhlic works, vhieh ah~U cvaNj~t ~cacttJlr of ~_~...ia_a_ ~~~_tJ~fi_~..~~~~s"~..~ nr~_. a'.-~.-1"~~11~a~-.L1L~. _ 'j C..f .....-~..f~ y ~ t~,, i._.~.A~l.._ i. T~at if yuch t:~~nce !rc ma1r. thc ~+4+IicNnt rh~ll pro~idc nc ruRl~ce n~tt~~~r rtt~?e~arc~~ a pR~?Ide arA hals. sn ~~I~~ition cr che ~drance, ~s mrr be rrquir:d +a det~~r she coac ot ehe p!~ pc:p~?r~tioa ol web pnblit ~rairv; 4. rh~ h~tutl __~.~e ~_~~~_W_.~~..._~li_~3,...`_,}..C_1~.__..._____.._. r._.....____- ehy ~uchoc~:ed t(uraish wcA inforfl~ificx~ ~ talcr such ~rtion ~~aar be n~~ysrY to eaabYM ~~1k~we c~ yu~lity ~et tht ~~ancr; Tbet the oi(icee dr~iRn~ted in tfie pttcrdiry~ prtyRr~ph i~ hectbr desi,~~rttd t!~ amtilorixed ~~pnsr~t~tjv~ al the . a~+lic~nt far the putpwre ol fumjshla~ to the United St~te~ ~uch lntotrrtiaa, d~. ~rl da:.arrrtr pert~tdy tt? tbe o~Plicrotiaa Mt rw ~draitce o~apbee~equired: snd achKei~e ea •ct ebt~ard~wi~d e~ewr~tlme N~e ~1lc~at in connedioa •ith thio ~pplk~+tioo. • ~~r~. ' 6, '~Lu certiticd cvpir~ oI cl~ir KsnludM be iaclidcd u{~ct ot t~e ~ppl~c~isa ket ew a~?rce w lee Nbei~w~d oa tAe l3uite~d S+trtes. 1 . . ..c..~..i..www+MwwM~w~tii ~ r1 Y t ~OMI~u11~f1~ ~M~ ~ 1~-O~M . . „ - .t`"'"t~„~,~.^. „ _ „ . , , , ~ ~