CC Resolution No. 743RFSOLiR". Off No. 743
UHMAS, UELTS VARGO 1 12WjS, bas executed a dedication
wfirlch In in Rood and sufficient orin, granting to the City of
Ca4mrt1no., County of Santa. Mara, State of California, the fee
t1e to cert,t�in real property for roadway purposes, situate in
City of Cuportino, described as follows:
INME IM at the fforthwast4rly corner of the North 1/2
'" the Bouthttast 1/4 of the SmUve,bot 1 of Section 13, To
mQdV Sotith, Range 2 Weet, V..DJM., said cornet being on the
14Uua centerline of Saratoga -3unnyvale Roan; distant there -
r= S th 0 "West, 1325.52 .feet from a granite monument at
`tie point of intersection cf amid centerline with the original
coat4w1ine of Stevens Creek Roan d; thence leaving sold point of
g along the Northowrly line of said North 1/2' ��f the at eaet 1/11 of the Southeast 1A of Section 13, South
agg 03 "Bart, 250.00 feet to a point on a line parallel with
b einahive mentioned centerlIne of Saratoga -Sunnyvale
load; thence leaving said Northerly line along said parallel
3..1ne South Oo 53" 20" West, 30.00 feet to a point on a line par -
allel with and distant 30.00 reet Southerly, measured at right
am W3vs, from said Northerly Line of the North 112 of the South-
vest 114 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 13; thence
sald 11ne parallel with the centerline of Saratoga- Sunnyvalee
Aoad along said last named pasurallel line North 89 03 20" went
169.97 feet; thecice letaxUig na ld parallel line along a tangent
cix we to the left with a radius of 30.00 feet through a central
w4la or 900 030 20" for an are length or 47.15 feet to a point
nn a line parallel with and distant 60.00 feet Easterly, meas-
ured at right angles, from the- herei.nabovre mentioned centerline
of S Sunnyvale Road; thence aelnur. tlaid parallel line
Scuth 0 53' '2'3" West, 174.97 Feet to a point on a line paral-
liel with the tereinaabove r4ntloned N- krthhr ly line of said North
1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 or Section 13;
S:'t ence leavinZ said line parallel with the centerline or Sara-
W ai-Sunnyvale Road along, s &i3 last named parallel line North
031 20" West, 60.00 feet to ae point on said centerline of
Sad !a Vagaa -Suns tva:le Road; thence leaving said parallel line a-
long said centerline North 0 53' 20" East, 235.00 feet to the
,pol rt of beginning.
NOW, TFTX"ORE, BE Ill" RESCMUD,, that the City or Cupertino
acceplt said grant so tendered; and
.3T IS FURTHIM RESOLVE3) that the City Clerk be and he Is
bexvtr.r authorized to record sa ld dedication and this: Resolution.
(PASSED AID ADOPTED this 14 dad of
1963, by the following vote: rY
13 Councilman & .
JKX.S: Cotuacilmen -
A ': Councl3iaen -