CC Resolution No. 750Ij
amwirnor 110. 7556
a"wr vm not wqv= r,,. - zPvwi'
UNMRM Waltar �,w Jexwos4 to tu narried r4m au his x41*'axd
to vtOPwtY Uss *am*%* l d a front DAwd Ublou, 0 t-z. i'404 OU&
owifftelsift twvkp &v.*st1v4S 41 wr Us rlgtt# Utlo az,A. Intarevit,
lot Ualt 4*1 riol prspertr sit to In th* MX of Oupsrtliaop
Oo",T of Santa Okras Stato at Callforula devarlbod In ExhibIt,
r .
' A wbiek Is attashed horwt* and and* part heraof# amd
WXWM&S It s"ears to the best interests of that Olty S*
accept said Grant Defid;
That the City of Cqpertino accopt said Grant Deed so
Tact that City Clerk bat and hereby is authorized and
Lw:tructed to r000rd iseii-i Grant Deed and a certified ccpy of
tale resolution
PASM AND ADOPTED, at a =eating of Use City Council of the
City of Cupertino this Ifth day of April,, -1963, by the tollowinr,
Councilmen � �r :�"� -�� �-�� � � t..v - �
46 TMT
0 w
- WtlH,'ia IXG at thy► Nortboa morly corster 44 the ltur4b , rit�aoiO*Pot
(W '6210 SOV1016ao't 1/4 of 9OMMIar 13 TOWWOU1�O; 7 S OA , 0, teat, p tine "i"O leaving wand paiet AW bacinslst2 Alabra ? a1 fi ill liaa'o��
amid North 1/2 ; ot' the soulkwams 1/4 of the gsvni�malt '1/4 a Datedioe
13 Yo"11% 69 klog. 03 20" Vote .148.00 too to *'poi on eo lin rallttl tof ft
and distant 446.00 feat clew ly $saaawrod at rig;bt a lost fuel to gmstarly
limes air sold portion of Sectte+,* 12; ttieea7aa leaving sold Northerly Yt �
M oog
stai pa li NoufM 9 *#g. 5 25
g. 524.14 feet t a �
p✓siot con a . parallel with ewe distsa mt, 524.14 f eet aeatbarly 00ahtr d
21 rlgtat angles from sold Nortlaerl�� 11 "' of said portioae of 68chaan 13;
thence leaving said 't Ina parallel with s a'd f:aisterly lints al.a satd
lone parallel with said Northerly line South 69 deg. 03' 20" Essi
41.1.00 feet to a point on the Wewtsrly Alasof chat vhrtain parcel of
land conveyed by Nick Kirdesloie, sat aa, at ugl to Santo Clare Covaty
Flood Co:,al rol. a ;.fd fester Conavrvation Viaa t,rtot by Dood recorded January 2,
1962 to book 54117 of 4fficAml Reartrda, page 662 Santo Clare. County ltacoards;
thence leaving sold parallel lirwr alone said Westerly Ytws of the parcel ,
convened to Santa Clara County Flood Control h hater Conservation
Distract North 0 Oeg. 50 25" Be 389.12 toot; thence along a tangent
ourve to the right with a radlesa lof 155.00 feet, through a central
a virile of 39 leg. 16' 05" for an arc length of 106.23 feet to a l aoint
ou Qe aereinabove mentioned E:astaairly lute of said portion of Secttiorl 13,
avid ?point being the most Northerly tu r ner of said parcel conveyed to
S,vats Clara County Flood Control a Water Conservation District; thence
lemytsg said Westerly line of the parcel conveyed to Saute Clara County
Flr'od Caritr R ~cu ter conservation District along said Easterly line
of matt' portion of Section 13. North 0 deg. .5e, ;' 25" least, 36.91 feet
to the point of beginning. • .
- ont,stninv 5100 acres, more or lees.
TOGE:TI 1 . ' R VA T11 an easement for ingress and ogress and for the i no to l la t i on
anJ raintenance of public utilities over a strip of land of a uniforw gtdth
of 30_00 ftbet, the Northerly lies of whloh is wore particularly descri4ed
an follows-. I
PFGV*`t11N, at the tiorthwenterly corner of Cos North I/3 of th2v Svuthvjot
1 /11 of the Southeast 1/4 of S*ctirn 13, Tmootbip 7 South, flange 2 ►.gas:.
VAI.V. ; weird oorner beinu, on the origljv!l centerline of Ssr&toga- Surnyrnle
koa!1: thence leaving said point of baginaing'along the Northerly line,
of as d portion of Section 11, Swath 8 dpg. 03' 30 11 toot 676.40 feet
to the Rerarinal point of tha Northerl lie* bereinhatngt deec•ribed, mAvId
termins°1 poiht tKolug distant stivag, said Northerly line of seaiti
port i oo of Section 13, North 89 dreg. 09' 10" Wgwt, 446.(M) toot from the
:tiortt ravVerly corner lheroof«
tM OV "A"