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CC Resolution No. 766
I 6 r u sso qqr'��yyqq `` ^^rr''�� w w. �. 76 � ► `tp sp ACOMM DEDICATIOU O" MILL PROPERLY FOR R+7AlMAX PVAPMS SAS, F"trAIltiR!AM. 'a o tnerahip, composed by 10" r 4ftNiL, .t0Cf1! M LIMMA ,tai IMM 00i b, have a xacuted a deft - 400dow Iblah is U good CA > Nmetrnat for©, arantino to tie City at c iao, County of svn**A`oxAa%, Stater of Call,fa=U, tho fea 1 to Certain areal prorar" �; tr roodway gases, slut Me in me atty of Cuwtuw, deem'+ � sera fellows: �1 R at an J-on pipe at fte Southeasterly coimerr of that carr- taft feel of lend conveyed by y`iNm*s Ling to ftsen Well, at Sigmund Lipschutz by recorded June 29, 1962 In 1Book set fad 149 Official fteorda of Santa Clara County; tAaence ftm *&14 point of beginning along the Southerly little of sold parcel conv to We lsel, set a1, S wth 89 3D 1 00" lest 49$„41 Meet to the 7=3 POINT 0V EMOM330 of this dtetncriptions tbonice Fran **M true paint of begisnlnixtg, continuing along said So^uth- tarin 11m e South 89 30 d0" lAnt 49.10 Jf*et; thence leovIng sold Orly line, South 24 05 2Sr Weat 179.78 feet= theme along an are of a tangent curve to the right with a radius of 754.00 foot- through a central angle of 4 04 14 ", an arc distance of 53. feat; theme North 35 05 00" Rust 55.74 feet; thenco ftatiteraterly alzrZ the arc: of a curve to the Raft, frow a tan- which bears South 37i 2 41" Bast, with a radius of 745.00 thro%A& a central angle of 6 39 , 48 ", an arc distance of «99 feet; thence tangent to the preced,ng curve, South 24 05 29'" Nast 199 .43 fe to the try: point of begi of this des - o and being a portion, of the aforcoaid parcel of land commvytrd to Weisel, et al. jA=n B 11 1 1"ANIM at a point in the V4wlterly line of Craft Drive at the Southeasterly ccrner of Loot 11 an said Lot &tnd nrave are sewn up= that certain sap eatitled, '"'Tract No. 1181 Xeelaw Nelghts ", rizaa for record In Boole 95 of laps at Pages 38 amd 39, &a nta Clsx% County Records, seed point being in the most Northerly line of then certain parcel of lasxl coriveyed by Frances King to ern 3ie1**1, at =8 and Sigmund Y _hutsz, by Deed .recorded June 29, 19 in Book 5630 at Page 149, Oft"Icial Records of Santa Clara �y thence from said paint of beginning along said Northerly liar, forth 69 30 00" Mot 100.04 feet to the Northeasterly sncwwiew of sold parcel conveyed to Weisel, et al; thence along an Xwrbw2y line of said peel acmeyed to Weisel, et al South +0' 30 00" Bast 20.00 f eet; thovae running parallel with tho arc raaesoaid Nortbariy lino of exi.d parcel conveyed to Meisel, et a1, Saw* W 30 OD' Vest 15,32 feeets thence leaving e✓aid parallel Bosse alcsag an ,arc of a tangent curve to the left with a radiu of MAO feet; thrcu¢h a central same or 48 11 24 rc ", an. a die - t� of 1G „8? fret to a ” o At of revRrSe curvature; thenco along rk'iMatr wro of u curve to tite r.14jkt with a radius of 40,00 f eat, at aentrel angle or IV* Ill 24 ", are, arc di.e of ' toot to the point of ma of this deneripti.or, mod be- Aft a portion of the afore& p umil of latd conveyed t4r welse l l Ny 20 IPMR IS IV i 9AMP, that the City of Ouveftino *4I't * *"d groat a* t+taWlr0m*r" 'V& =, posm maw 11 I fts W Clerk be mu l be to 4"WW'Xed to 1 4K* 14 M04 ft#IfiOoition W4 this ft"Wntum.,, rm �� "" ,�, r r•r , � '� � �'PV �,.„ , ". �. ° ry WUpWD AND MPMD this day of Auguate..— '1963A kjr ttia followirig. vote: Dempster,, Flnoh, Saich, Je. 'lett IRA" ' Oouncllm n Blene ttl Florence 1, Reld f CITY Clow 2 fog -2- W arvo - m - -H , t rr �0 'I L