CC Resolution No. 768• �s A 8230 tYrum no. Ta A Im3m Cm ` "M CM (V CvrsRT=Q APB M W `PUM VW,Wx "MOV"em ROAD r thaft bas bee Pe""tted to the City m il for I rr+amesl at rival Plans for the Ax wTVI srertt of the north sins or No Zomo-SUR ons Gmek Roads 3W reqt o "t of pbothIll Bmd*Vr a sod I4IWK there has bom pr"sssae 9 to the City Counci3. s Wo- p4A agmemmant for the constmetUe opt' improvesirnts and good and wWrMc l ent bonds have been jprowont*d for the faithful porforo ce of saW work and L.t carrV1gg out of maid agreementl and Bald plaa agroownt, and bcwjds hsv* boon approved by the City Attor- ney; rt m s t herefore, M IT RUMVED that so ld f laal Im plans of t he north older of San. Jcae- Stevwm Crmk nosed, 300 feet asst of Foot- hM Demlevard be approved ewK that the City L%ineer be author- Izad Zz XW said plane m behalf of that City of Cupertino. IPAS p MW ADCiI'!'RD this JIM day of 1&v,_._.,.___. ...... 1963. UY the folloxing rotes= A C.ounc'llmen V MSW ftzcb ftleb, Jewett : C - Mm z cou ttellmn - nmmfttl A'ANW- w APIRO A: r 1 1 I � � APIRO A: r 1 1