CC Resolution No. 789PMaUJ'. ON NO, 789 V , 3 POMAY*U=, as co -partrwrahlp, oo"aeaed by HUM . 1w*A,* L*Anw LvScwn wd Q= have ut aid a dedi- 0* "M %&1ch is' in sood and sufficient form, Scwting to the City *0 t a rtl.no, County of Seta Cla State of Cahlaf arnta, the fee UU* to captain real pro arty for roadway purposes, situate in the City of Cupertino, desori, as follows: at an iron, pipe at the couthea ster2y corner of that certain parcel of land conveyed by Prances . King to Hyman Weiael, at ux,, and Sf *&lpschuta by Dead recorded June 29, 1962 in Book 563Dp at page A% Official Records of Santa Clara County; thence frm saki point of begin alo the southerly 11me of aalAl parcel o ad to W eisel, et at, South % 30 00" Wrist 5W.51 f"t to the True F�Int of Beginning of this description; thence from raid true paint of beginning, cont1 wing along said southerly line South 89 30 00" Meet 49. feet; thence leaving said south lin lt rth 24 05' 29" West 164.13 feet; thence along an arc or a taMent curve to the right with a radius or 795.04 feet through a central aucagl.ee of 3. 50' 17" an are distance of 25.50 feet; thonoe Morth 350 05 00" East 54.13 feet; thence southeasterly along the arc of a curve to the left from a to Ment which bears South 20 Olt 1 �i " Bast with a radius of 750.00 feet: through a central a of 4 04 Ili" an are distance of 53.28 feet; thenc tangent tcthe preceding curve South 2 05' 29 Ea 179.,78 feet to the true point of beginning of this description and being a portion of the erore,sCtd portion of land conveyed to Weisel, at al. I10N, TBE , IN r! 13MLM that the Mir of Cupertino ac- cept said grant so tenderod; and 1T IS FURTM RESO GD, that the pity Clerk be? and he is here- by authorized to record maid dedication and thie It solution. PASBRD IWD ADOPM this 5Q day of . .jj Mat 1963, by the following votes AT= Cowxellmwn - Dempster, P`lnoh, 19aiah, Jewett IINM s Courw limn. - None s Counciluen - Bencttl AMIMa APPHpYM: lr .0ren fi. Reid �s�rne H, � wwott I