CC Resolution No. 850SOLUT101I NO 8 RE 50 ,`. BB.M A ItM LUTION OF TIC: CITY ON rUIBM16 ACMTIM D&MATMN CIP REAL PROPEM7 FM ROAMAY PURPOSE 111MIlA.'1, ALLEN L. C11ADWXM end BARMIA A. C11AIMM, h i13 wife, ! MM, KAMA.. and 7MXM, ' KAPLAM his wife, have executed a Medication wtAe/A tx lz.1 good and sutfiaient f'Qrm, grantUig to the City of Cuper - ty qty of :Banta Clary:, t3tr►Atto of 0811fort118, the fee title to a tfa* "*I prov,*rtw for roaftay purpbscs o situate its the City of ! 0W tip, domeribed, as : allaarso PAN= MX at a point on the Smtherly line of Stevem Creak Road as 'fie aaaaat was estsbllohed by the Z+tvw from Southern Pa ol:flp Compw -', a motion, to the County of Santa Clara, stated April % 1937, and reaardW December 'r, 1 937 in Book 653 of Official Records, Pa a 248, 3�l Clva a County Recorda, disc wt thereon South. 89 54 WON 346.51 .t'es t frm a ene inch iron pipe set at the intersection thereof" with tho Uenterly line of Blan Avenue, ae it formerly exi sted 40 feet 113:; tierce along said Southerly line of Ste ens Creels Road South %1P 54 Keen 27 5.00 feet to a one inch iron pipe set at the Northwest - orly eeraer of the parcel of land conveyed by Frank MrA ral, a single maux,, to► Fred Lawrence et ux, by deed dated October 31, 1952., and re- corded Moverber 3, 1952 in Book 2519 of Official Reoords, Page 46, Sancta Clara County Records; thence leaving said line of Stevens Creek Road and running along the went line of said parcel of land so convey- ed to Lawrence, South 15.00 feet; thence along a line parallel with said Southerly line of Stevens Creek Road North 89 54 East 275.00 feet to a point distant South 15.00 feet From the point of beginning; thexu;+e North 15.00 feet to the point; of beginning, containing approxi- mately 0.095 acres of land. PARCRY, TWO .aMNNING at a one inch iron pipe set as the Westerly I ine of Blaney Avenue, as the same formerly existed 40 feet wide, at the Soull3easterly corner of tcha parcel of land conveyed by Prank Maral, a sl ogle man to Fred Lawrence et ux, L-r Deed dated October 31,1952 and recorded Ncxenber 3, :15 in Book 2519 of Official Records, Page 46, Ban -eta Clara County Reoorda; thence along said Westerly line of Blaney Avenue, North 80.00 feet to u 3/4 inch iron pipe; thence leav- ing said line of Blaney Avenue and running parallel with the South- erly ll.ne of said parcel or land so conveyed to Lawrence, South 89 54' Vest 10.00 feet; then.,© along a line parallel with said Wester- ly 11me of Blanes Avenue South 86.00 feet to a point on the Southerly l of said parcel of lantl so conveyed to Lawrence; thence along aald Southerly line North E60 54' East 10.00 feet to the point of be- girsiaing, containing approximately 0 .018 acres of land. NGW, TIi6Rfi M.. BE IT R85UM% that the City of Cu.pertlno aa- i:ept said grant so tendered; and IV IS FURTIM RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he i.o here- by a ut-Wrixed i;4 record said dedication and this Resoa.ution. PAS= AND ADOPTED this ,,,,MM day of 2963, by the following vote: AM: u zunoilmn - MIP**M? *M *% R da" Sit Mu J Qourtailiwn - RM0 Pn' M2 APPRMAD& r i- x+M�-hi�IF ►�1 rM4M�.M.MhM�11�R UY�n Y��r r ���4�V�e��+.11 v 'T " 1 4 Y 1! x'