CC Resolution No. 0879I
+ 4
0 RESOLUTION h0. 879
r1jVj0Ur'.'t'J1a ON TIM CnY COUNCIL OF V01 CITY OF CUPERTINO a ll o wing certain
nl.aims and demandv in the sum of $6, Demand Nos 4 4 tYav 4771.
Plus 'Dater Department claims and demands in the sum of 5699.86. Disroand
Nns. 1669 thru 11572.
The City Council of the City of Cupertino does hereby resolve, de.
teinine and order as followo s
Section I. That in accordance with &cation 37202 d-f the Govern.
amt. U o"e e,, -- th'e City Clerk or his designated representative hereby oert-
xfies to the accuracy of the following dmsandu and to the availability
of funds for payment thereof.
�sl Lawrence K. Martin
My M r
Section 2. That the follow.!ng claims and &.=nds have been audited
as requT R f aw and that the same are hereby allowed in the amount as
hereinafter suet forth.
Warrant Amount lied.
Claimant ric). Pai Tax OASDI CPS Gross Amount
lff l i3„ Kz e l A. 4745 'S7o l 12 ijP ! 0 "T.'�9 ---"'- r MUM
storm, 1111lip W. 4746 551. 95.E -- 11.90 583.33+TA
McHugh, Gladys A. 4 7 1 17 137. 41 19.20 5.89 - 162.50
!Martin, lawrenoe K.474 32.95 50.20 - 14.51 391.00+•Mlge.
Reid, Florence B. 4749 116.98 34 6.82 - 1881 +TA
0 0
06 0 B rooks, William J. 1 10.70 55.80 -
Lahi Ants V., 4751 4'jx V .20 - 14.5192.00fTA
Neville, Blanche 4752 14 6.98 .20 G.82 -- 188.00
Provence, Harol P,4753 264.37 42.70 9.61 - 265.00+41gd.
Shook Robert S. 4 75 1 1 2 5]. 0 53.00 .. 14. 355 OO+M2ge.
Benevich, William 4755 361.29 55. 20 .- 14.51 391 :004TA
Busto, John A. 475G 333. ^9 50 -nO - 14.51 338„00+TA
Murphy, Mward L. 4757 328.09 M 40 .. 14.51 322.00+TA
Harkins, Gunhild L. 4758 13'x.4:1 1;1.20 5.89 - 7,62.50
Parham, John 4`(59 355.139 41.60 - 14.51. 362 .004TA
Andrews, Bob 4 41, 3� C . rn 1.91 - 2.80
Bowores, Pat 4'x61 '79.00 t:. ' U 1..30 - 9 .60
Po sea, Shirlee 4'1x72 49. 11. C.' 2 - 64 « 0o
Hughun, James 1176 41.03 3.50 1. 9.7 - 46.20
Hunter, Robert II, 1164 75.45 11.00 3.25 - 89.70
Takeuchi Stan 1D7ti5 7P, 53 11.40 3.27 - gp .20
Thorpe, belroy 0. 476 ,. :gib 6.70 2.34 .. 64.60
Doffilo, Jerry 4'66'1 2�t' .4 38. I0 .- 1 299.5 0+Mlge•
Sh Thomau 4764 10.08 31. 90 .5? 20'
Vojvoda, lvun 4769 167,35 14.20 1 ,8 3 188.38
Inward.-, Lois 4770 39.11 9.20 1.82 - 50.16
Andereon, Sam J. 4771 800,00 - .. .. 800,00
Page, Paul A. 1669 191.40 18.0 7.90 - '218, n0
Dookl,ns, Bobby 0. 1670 268 « 09 9.40 ro 14.51 322.00
Weston, Audrey L. 1671 T .60 45.00 .• .. 218.00+Nlge.
Hollesoe, Beth 16'x2 .7'j' N.00 2.89 - 79.66
A the b th day of Janus 164
Ending DecOR
31 19bS