CC Resolution No. 0923OV).?ION Wo. 923 polo At ANOW"N Sao clam as t to eft A"drfN ' i ' M"61 Uno. , ftt pn"kmt to i'olut alas* caC resat Act aria *W#smzt z W" t" ftw"taa, being Seetlea 6500' at asst. of the 00 ceft of as state of [tali$ornia, *At VNMLVMp t1w► obtaining of stato and fodera 1. f%wds far rtreat la aro'rroe w nt squishes Vhe coopaarativo effort and coo rd it - nation an provided In Bootion 188.4(o) of the Streets and Niablaya► 0040 of the Starts of Qaal.ifornia, being part of the 00111er- rwk Leal. Transportation and Dsvolopnant Actp and �, Stevens Creek Blvd. hero boon daterrdned to be 's, Fedoratli, Ali Seoomdarf Bystss an provided in BeationV3 Title 23, II. S. Qoda, and RAS, it appears to be to the beat interests of the Cities of Santa Clara and Sunnyvale, and the County of Santa Clanra to enter into mutual Weements concerning the improve - ars nt of Rwwstead floaad, and 8A3, it appears to be to t3.4 twat intsrssts of the Cities or Cupe rl4no, Santa Olara and San Joao,, and than Bounty of Santa Clans $, to enter into aautua samnta for the Lw4wvv4mnt of Stevens (braa4k: Blvd., rndl WN=Ua, George S, licits Oonswl.tim Civil Sngineors, Mae. Us properod a "Pr*11mina ry Sturdy Fear 1*provfm )nts for Varl„ oo 14*., Cv„psiot:ina+„ ttl.if oftia", dated *Twmaary 27, 19640 u ieh In I earperated k4waiaa "a Mds port "*X, sort k ki IL wMma k'V om", tboi"fore to in raa*aa wy tixtt an 41A► aura :W1Wk1* Join UothAW tO r*Vi 'MV YVOL. joint paaotlelpatioa ft ev t1da&wXj OA VMMMp ttl*, 014W 00MO .1 of the f! lt.Y of Owportive boUa"e It to be iu UO pa bUo Intort a t that tba County of Santa Clara ra ,aet as coar4twftag qpowy for the vaoriveA uit iom Involved; 1. That. tbo City Council horaby requests this Citieo of San Jone Santa 11ora und. Sunnyvale to adopt @,irelmolution consistent in parinalple with this resolutlon r*q" sting this Count? of Santa Clar* to act as co*rdinatJmS ate+ neay for that Purposes above a mawated. 2: Thnt oust jurisdiction Was ':n prepare a fina- lized recoa Wndation relative to the applicaticm of the 11 "o - Undnary Studer - Mmgn "panto for Valloo Pta k Cupa rtinop California ", by George A.. Nolte Co nsulti ng Civic, FmSinoerep Ina., dated January 27, 1964. 3. That each city W'86 to subaaait to the county a statement of 1propowaA commitnant subject to tbo receipt of watching fund contributions as provided by sitats a ud federal law. BE TT 1 1MR'TBRR Adg O LVE s That We ro"Intion�,In no gray commit any Jrarisdits. t1on to the smpouUt ro of hands othwz- than prolAwInwy a n- diturns Idthin It,a 0,.eero►tion) that no f"48 or OM JVW10diation %l ell be dmm" to bw eow4 tt od uxatil fizo plaxo approved ao ud o •wer►A, *0 W* AlOdU004F mt hori:r * 1W o"k Ual�aXative L M it M i Q 2"t u6 dtfW Clark be "I Its"Ur ls,imoUmat4i *4) ,. � �`c`�q�e,� , ► +Ct°�w , S'a��, �a�rrt,�' Q3E� � , . �`,4a�� nW= Mb A i t at ru ad join[ x*X m"*Ift of Ow City 0"�u at fts aty at ftpwtiw tuls day of Oweb,p 3-96k, 'by fts re ,alas vote: �4 °lt ��� {�► . , :� CM O'S i �. , S A s C Maje t camalunap si a 1 x AASMI c old, e 0 t. N asrp t t