CC Resolution No. 09431ULSOLUTION No. 943 hAMG 1% Id cuT)'Mooff OF 1 1H8 CITY' OF, CUPERITM ACCEPT - INO, DEDICATION OF REAL P30PERTY PIM ROALWAY PURPOSBS WMNAS, rMM B. J+ SON arVt KAY R. JOMMN,, ha i j exrout*d ot motion wtdch In in good &Abd sufflolent foie, granting to. tho , Oy at , County of Boate'. Mua, State o f OWN11""axda, the f6o. t itle 10 .fin mal property for rv�Otay purpoaoa, ' A tuat e In the Olty or lea, ' deserriard as fOLUMS) , A'x 'iM Off' itoe sout1went IA of SeotIOA 23, Z, 713y its, 2W., VZM' partlouxO27 described *U follmst at the .wrUbmat corner of that certain 2.250 acre parcel of S " dum upon that certain recor4 of sumey for Arthur Mallaco a of which w as filed for record in Pr ae of the Recorder of said County o4. . Dooseber 31 1 In Book 77 of W s , pbge 25; thikrbe t. o cS tb* west6rl lima of s aid 2.250 aore parcel, Be O ! _' :i. 154.10 fast to the Intersection thereof with the line divlaing lands of Henry R. Griffith wO Tibor B =1 $ohawn; thmae al+ *add dividing line, S. W 52 30 E, 50.01 feet to a VoUt of cusp; thence northwesterly and leaving said dlvU!0C line, along the arc of - a curve to the right from a t kiWent which bears N. 69 , 30 W. with a r&Uus of 2:0.00 feet through a central angle of 90 02 30" for an sire length of 31.43 feet to a point of tangency in a line droun Parallel with and distant 30.00 feet at right angles from the aesterly line of said 2,250 acre parcell %nicer along seld parallel Sine, W. 0 10' R. 234.19 feet to the intersection thereof with the northerly linos of W—d ;iweel; thence alcng said northerly line, S, 8 9 55 1 W. 30.00 feet to the Paint of Beginning, Kow BE IT RRSOL` ED, that the City of Cupertino wept said grant so tendered; and IT IS PCRTM RESMVBD, that the City Clerk be and he Is hereti r Gutborized to record said dedloation and this Resolution. PA AND ADOVIM this day of ..,��t 1 9�, by the foi OW4 votes votes _ ...... _ .. ,. - � Onit Couneilment Fitzgerald Hoel, stokes, Pinch NMSS Councilmen: Y(one AVMMt Councilmen: Dempster AMNSTs APPROVEDs 'je K. Martin ,...._,,. -.., / Paul Ii- FiDgh �C�r� syor