CC Resolution No. 0974C 1 4, ..n' }'is�,i: �' _, i, ,1'- if r•Y ) .l!' . q L
A�gOltl�.�0 ho., wk
DING' A RESa [l'=011 OF 01B CI%7 Cn CUPWRTMI)
AOMPTING Z�tl IC1.T.WNT OF it!'�N� P' ii �F -a.-Y 1'ro11
RS3it,Ui {?�3t' 3'iJ;i>~'(1:3I�:1
AS,, ,NIACDO+IA D AND IDUWA, a partnerutcin, has executed a
detU cation 994c h in good and suff1cl.ont form, granting t+) the City of
CvPqwt&wk County of Santa C°:i ar3; States of California, the fee title
1 to eft ; �, property for roadway purpoties, altuaete� � L p the City
of 0PV0V*4.W, described as follows:
R at tlxt Southoesterly ocrner of that cortaIn 2 .96
acre par6el of IwA as ztt wn on that certain reed of awvvy,
4, Alep i
In ths oOrfice of - the `oiatg Recorder of s said at Maus
duty, - said Point; of kleglmlnG belt* also in the V-sate rly
um of that aertat2n Tritat No. 3492, Beywood T*r 5ss, Volt
No.. 3, a ;Sap of which I s filed in book 1 of Nspa, at
pages 44 and 4% in the office of the County Riot .fir of
sW 31 Santa Clara County; theme from said point or
� running Southerly alone the Southerly prolongs-
of said Easterly line of wild 2.% caret parcel of
land and the westerl :tine of that certain Tract lino„ ;�,
S. O 14' 21" W. 1$.46 feet; thence br said Westerly
-11 a of said Tract No. 3492, end the Southerly prol+ats -
tion of the Easterly line of that certain 2. 96 acre parcel
of land along the aro of a curves to the right whose tan-
gent. bears N. 27 50 00" W. hawing a radius of 170.,OD
feet through a central angle of r 24i hl" art am length of
21.99 feet to a point on the Southerly line of that certain
2.96 acre tract of land; themes Southeastez'l y along said
Southerly mine , nf' that certain 2.96 acre paurotl of land..
S. 80 00' 59" E. 9.20 feet to the Point of Beginning.
Containing 0.002 acres of land more or lees, and being a
portion of Section 22, Township 7 South, Range 2 Went,
N ,A,,H, & M.
MW, 'fHIWnRE, Bit I'P HI,%MVED, that the City of Cupertino
accept salts grant so tendered; and
1T- 13 FUIrATER RESOLVED, that the City (Aerk be and he is hereby
authorized to record paid dedication and this Renolution.
PASM AND ADOJrr' D this ZIAC&h,........., day of ._�.. : ?. ..e..,....,.�...r
1964, by the following votes
FAYES s Councilmen: VjV"tqr, Ldtsgerald, Noel, ,:i fic±!zqs, pinch
moss C NNW
/tom: Oounollmen: Na
Amt► "PR04ni
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