CC Resolution No. 0980RE"DiDT i(2 10. 98 A ;IOUTI01 OF TAW CITr COITACIL 01 TIM 'CITY OP C?PIUMit3 `*W"r "fiG DIRECTOR V 3 DIM X%W T3. STATI OF CALIFO A. w WRBRW, the State at! California, acting by and f ►rwah its Director of tvtbU o Worke, has exeoubod it ftimetort it Dead Mo. 1 3 -•W vbxoh its in good and nuffl- elimt fora conveying to th* City of Tapertino all that stain real property altuato, lyixeg and being partly in t2w City of Sunnyvale, axA partly In than City of Cupertino :reed sUl in the Caivaty of Santa Clara, Stats of California, and which is pore paa►rtiaaulariy dosoribed in Exhibits "A" aatta(flied hereto and made herseof and VM. EFYAS, It appears to the heat interest of the City to accept aanid Seam no to ndaurtd; SNOW. "H1REFOAH, 39 IT RESOLVED: What the City of .0apertino accept said Directors s Deeed No. 13E4 Sao tender%a,d; BE 17 MI THER RE SCME D: .East the City Clerk be and heroby is authorized aamd directed to cauais ss;td Directory s Deed to be recorded the OPficiaal R000rde of the County of Santa Clara f i=*thwi th. PASSED AND ADOPTJW at n regular stseting of the City Cowncil of the City of Capart1 no, this 20th day of July, 2:96 . by the following lowing v ot• : a 0ouneiImen: DDe =peter, Fitzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch UO2540 Caunel Imen : Clone A T: 0ouncilmen: H a A" AMT , •Y ���i, � fMww.vw�rw.wwrr,r. PARCEL 1 A Fors.: az of in Deed No. =3 t o Ootober 22 _ ?79, .t Santa Clara C unty, that parcel of' lend described as PARCEL ONE the State of California, recorded In Volume 45A2, Page 479, Official Records of described-3z follows: COt�1ytE` .ING at a point on the southerly line of that 2. 70 acre tract of land described in said PARCU, ONE, distant thereon S. &r_ `15' 33" •B:; -.01.69 feet from h -t_ thwesterly corner of said tract; thence from a tangent that bears N. 4 ° 55 1 01" W., along a: curve to the right with a radius of 600.00 feet, through an argyle of• IT "07' 52 ", $n arc langth - of 179.40 feet to the northerly line of said tract , of land; thence along last said line 3-­49 E.., 339 .37 feet to . li ne being the westerly line of the easterly 220 feet of said tract as described in said MCU - .ONB; thence along; laxt•- line 5. 0 W., 176.50itert to bhe southerly line`of said tr;,ot of gland; thence along. lost :said 11ne N. 89 °15.3V" d.', 3118,08 feet -c the point ofccommenasmarrtt. CONTAINING 1.428 acres, aore or ions. EXCEFT:`'Q AND RESERVING unto the State c.f California any and all rights of ingress to or egress from the land herein ccnve;ied ovfr and ac the Nerbeely .line It is the purpose of -the foregoing exception and reservation to provide thot no eaaesrept ox aeeess shall attach or be appurtenant to the property-hereby •conveyed, by reason of the fact that the some abut e upon •a Stats' highway. . AND ALSO, the STATI Oil CpLUPOPMA, , acting: by and through its Direater Public Works dose hereby rwAss, release and quitclaim un:c the hearelvabove rA**d grantee, all'irtght, title and Interest !?% and to all • that cortain real property eltuate, lying and being in the City of Cupertinoi 0ounty of Santa Clara, State of doserabed as followa, to -mitt s 2 :,-i All .: that 10 foot Crider EA9k;AaiMr' described as PARCEI, TWO in Deed No. 13 :43 to the State of California, - r eoovo ed vctober 22, in Volume 4582, Rege 147.9, Officia A. Records of :.a: to Clara C.unty. EKCEF". :Nu THEREFROM the easterly 30 feet of said easement, :'. rntairling a net area of 0.044 of an acre, more or leas. The bearings and distances used in the Above descriptions are on the Cali forcila Coordinate System, Lone 3. Multiply the a,:,ve distances by 1.0000495 to obtain ground level distances. I 1 / . . .11 EXHIBIT "A " ti