4058C/TY ENG/NEERS CERTIFICATE l.here6yy cerfify 1h,71/have exam/i7ed fhe wilhln map of "Tracf No.40SB„Poncho Arafura; fhaffhe su6di�isian shaven f//ereoa 4 su6Afamra//y fhe same as/ fappearedonf/etenlafivemop fhereofandaoyappra&daffe1,?hbns, fhafallprovis1Mr0, Me V hlandany/aca/ ordi7ances app!/cab/e of fhe fine of fhe appproval of Elie lenfafii'e map have been comp/rsdwifb, and/hof/am Uh$ IW Alf saidmap rs fechmW4 carrecf. Dated 20f C/fy Engineer of fhe C/fy of Cuperfii7o. CITY CLERKS CERTIFICATE /herebycerfifyytha/fhewrfhinfoalmapof'AeclNo. 40SB, 9;a7Movenfura;wasappro�ed 6yfhe 01y Cauncilafthe C/fy of Cuperfiooafitsrequ�rmeefinglre/donffie `F A day of ae : a tti E�? ,/965, and fhaf saidCouncildid, afsaidmeefi�y, accepffhededreafionafa// sfreels andoo.-hoes ofs/reefs and.,//easemonfs offeredfordedreafron and shaven 0/7 Saidmap wif//in saidsu6drvision, C/%q Clerk and Ex -officio Clerk of fhe CifyCounci/af fhe llJyofCuperfino. RECORDERS CERTIFICATE Fife /Uo_Fee S'° Paid. Acceo�fed for recoro'andrPcaro'ed/h Book'11O° of /vlaps afpaye�24& fhe attic affheGbunfy RecoraerofSanlaC/araCounty,Ca/forma, fhisaayaf ,/96S,af 4A P,411L R. TE/LH, Caanfy, MI-aer 6y DEPUTY NOTES AND L E6EN0 A//disfances andd�inensibns ora shown /n feel anddeciina/s thereof The 6/u96orderhoe /odieafes fhe boundary ojlandsu6d/�lded6q/hismap. • /ndibafes tilonumenfor/ylarkerfaundasnvfed. o /ndicafes /roo Prp'e cSe o /ndicafes standard CYy of Caperlioa monumenfsef. BASIS OF BEARIAW The 6earir7y, N. 0 *07'00'Z, of fhe eenfer/oE of Foofbi!/Bou/e�ard(former/fMDunfa/o N#- - SfevensCraekRoaJasshown on fhemapof TracfNo.3604,"/tocorded/hBk /69 of �1a��s afpa9e 45 Banta 0&11.7 ounfy Records, was fakes as fhe basis of 6eanwfs shown a7 fblrmap. LAND SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE /, Howard 6.a K;7yslon, hereby cerl/fy fhaf lama L/ceasedLa17,1S41,*yor of fheSfafe ofCa/!f- ornla; tha/ fhis map, can rlMf y of one sheet, alncl/y re/oresents asu/vey made wee, Rfsuper- Yision during fhe manf// of r/u/y, /965; fhaf fhe survey4 free wi/amrecf asshown; fhaf.,!/mon- umenfs shown &WVW&,71y WV orX,716e set before .4vp,19, 6S, fhaf fheirposifons are correcf/y shown and fhaf saidmanumenfs are sv"eienf fo ena6/e fhe survey to6erelraced. Dated Hawardd Ki7gsfor7 Z. S. 27 k T NO. 405 BEING A PORTION OF INSPIRATION POINT SUBDIVISION LYING WITHIN THE CITY OF CUPERTINO - CALIFORNIA SCALE: I" ! 100' JULY — 1965 M ASTI N & KINGSTON CIVIL ENGINEERING - LAND SURVEYING 40 WOODHAMS ROAD -SANTA CLARA - CALIFORNIA C UR vE "rA 0 OWNERS CERT/FICA TE We hereby certify fhafweare fhe owners ofarhaY9 so/neni hl, f/fleorinfervel/naodlo fhe rea/properly /ncluded w/thin the subdivision shown upon bis map; and fhafWeare fbeon/y persons whose consenfis necessary fopass a clear fifle fo saidrea//oroperfy, (Mdwehere6y con- sent /o fhe makiny a//dreeonvif of saldmR andsu6dly/sloe asshown wrfh/� fhe blue border Goes and hereby dedeafe fo oud/ie use a//sfreels wdporfions of sfreefs //ofherefafore exisfiny asshown on fhe wifhin map wlfhin saidsuddkl'1o1/ and°'/so a'ed/cafe easements forany oidllpW- !re uses, under, upon oroversaidsfree/s andporf/ons of sfreels. lye alsoheredy dedicate to vadlic use easemenlsforpu6lreufi/ifles, storm drai;7aye andsanlfary sewers under, onor6Yer fhosecerfain strips of landlyi�y 6efween fherear%nesand/or sib'ehnesof lots andlhe dasbedG�es eachdesigna/edas RS.E. '(Pu6lri'ServreeEasemenf>, andlar "SD.E. tsform Draii/age Easeme/rf), and/or "S.S.E "('fanifary Sewer Easament�,and/or f1.E, '(AnchorEaseinenf) andeasemenfs far wire c%arancepur,oases only oyer (hose eerfain areas delroeafedanddesiynaled ,;,7 WC.E. "(if'/i'e Clearance Ease/nenf). Pu66i' ServieeS,?X e171s /06ekepf C/earaf 6u//o//rgs or sfrucfures f anykihdoxeepl ul!/ily company sfrucfuresandlawfu!/fonces. Wipe clearance Ease- menfsere%6ehinAWk hu//oibfs, sfrucfures erg Purfenancesfbere%w//ichhaYeamaxiinum hsigbf of fiffeea (/5)feefa6ove fheyrade affhe pend lW ofpoles. wea/so hereby dsdreale forpu6/icare /beone foolstros oflmdacrossfho eadof sfreefs, eachdeelp nafed as "1'ReserYeSfrio 'apansaidmap. Sain s/rps of landarofo6areseraedexe/uslve/y forf6e owners of/ofs AM, solo su6dibisron un/i/iheachcase an exfensianaf saidsfrestsisaccepfeiifAe Clty Caunei/of fhOOlyof Cape,'f/,7o. o 06YNER5 QUOz4r�� gzaa ,90NAL0 A. EXCELG OAR,4.E&.E .EXeELL liAL L EY T/TLE.. COMPANY a Calif mlo �-y P �' t�/CE PREs/DENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OFSANTA CLARA On fhis - day of_.S ,/965,before me, a /Uatary Pak.^ /,7&70'/0/- 4,911 fate andCauoly, t1,1inf /herein, du/y uommissioWMMIsworn, persona/!y appeared Oona/d 9. Exce/l orad oar/anexce!!, known tome fo 6e ffepersan whosenames aresu6seri6edfo fhe within /i/sfrumenfandfhey acknow/odysd fo me fhaffheyerecufedfhesame as Owners. /N N'/T/VESSfYHElIEOF, lhaueherounfa sefmybandandaffiiedmyoeia/Sea/fhedayandyear A; fhis cerAlWle fi�sf aioae wrrlfen, n _� MyCamm/ssion EX101;-es: 8 W)'ARY`'�0&8 C �� ve a ;13th oda 3io n.rv.dzCa::�.r�•`5Yefa 'ab Pda'!•ARY P'JZV,C o STATE OF CALIFORNIA P r n C!< Court„ Calif. COUNTY OF,9ANTA CLARA On lhis % b'd day ofAvhm ,I96S, before Me, �P G. Nixoru , a Notary Puh/ie rnand�or said <Sfafe andCou�fy, residiiy iheroin, du/ycommissionedandowarn, roei�� ray y a/opearedOJ7 J7 /907/0, a7d1a trio " • a;nwu,known fo me to k lb"e�ee President andAssis/anfcSeerofary,�specfi�e/y,afva//ey7//r mm�gya�/hn„Cc/p-afioa;f6eco� porafibn fhaf exeaufed fhe within rnsfrumeof a//d a/soknown fo me l06e fhepersons wfia execs/A/ /fan6eha f of saidcorporafionand fheyacknow/edyed ki me fhafsueh corporation erecufed fhe same, as Tru9fee. /NW/T/VESSWMFREOF, /havehereunl0 fefmybandandaffiredmyoff/eia/sealI&dayand year /h fhis serf oafe f fst above wrilfen . Hy Commisaion Expires --20-109 ' N07 RY P418L/C •' u 3Y3P 3C�.�.OQARkbf+(5"ifrwd503lmGS`fed G. NIXON "m NOTARY PUB11C m Santa Clara County, Calif. r— �2Y®0 ,MA AM AC—ZC 3f R .4 L / 20.00' 900749 3/.46' 2 230.00' /O' /6'40' 4/.26 3 230.00' e' 07'”' 32.62' ¢ 20.00' 09 °s2'//' 3/.37' 5' /70.,90' 9'09'36' 27✓9' e 20.00" 90's9'//' 29.26' 7 20.00' /9'00'00" 9 20.00' 35'07 46" /2.26' 9 40.00' S7'/3'5'1" 39.95' /O 40.00• 29' /0'4s' 20.37' // 40.00' 49' 3s /2' 34.62' /2 40.00" 49'.95'Os 34.62' 13 40.00, 29°f9'S9' 20.94' s 40.00 /7'32'56" /2.25' /5 20.00' /2/'46'45' 42.5/' /6 20.00' 53'0746' /9.54' 0 OWNERS CERT/FICA TE We hereby certify fhafweare fhe owners ofarhaY9 so/neni hl, f/fleorinfervel/naodlo fhe rea/properly /ncluded w/thin the subdivision shown upon bis map; and fhafWeare fbeon/y persons whose consenfis necessary fopass a clear fifle fo saidrea//oroperfy, (Mdwehere6y con- sent /o fhe makiny a//dreeonvif of saldmR andsu6dly/sloe asshown wrfh/� fhe blue border Goes and hereby dedeafe fo oud/ie use a//sfreels wdporfions of sfreefs //ofherefafore exisfiny asshown on fhe wifhin map wlfhin saidsuddkl'1o1/ and°'/so a'ed/cafe easements forany oidllpW- !re uses, under, upon oroversaidsfree/s andporf/ons of sfreels. lye alsoheredy dedicate to vadlic use easemenlsforpu6lreufi/ifles, storm drai;7aye andsanlfary sewers under, onor6Yer fhosecerfain strips of landlyi�y 6efween fherear%nesand/or sib'ehnesof lots andlhe dasbedG�es eachdesigna/edas RS.E. '(Pu6lri'ServreeEasemenf>, andlar "SD.E. tsform Draii/age Easeme/rf), and/or "S.S.E "('fanifary Sewer Easament�,and/or f1.E, '(AnchorEaseinenf) andeasemenfs far wire c%arancepur,oases only oyer (hose eerfain areas delroeafedanddesiynaled ,;,7 WC.E. "(if'/i'e Clearance Ease/nenf). Pu66i' ServieeS,?X e171s /06ekepf C/earaf 6u//o//rgs or sfrucfures f anykihdoxeepl ul!/ily company sfrucfuresandlawfu!/fonces. Wipe clearance Ease- menfsere%6ehinAWk hu//oibfs, sfrucfures erg Purfenancesfbere%w//ichhaYeamaxiinum hsigbf of fiffeea (/5)feefa6ove fheyrade affhe pend lW ofpoles. wea/so hereby dsdreale forpu6/icare /beone foolstros oflmdacrossfho eadof sfreefs, eachdeelp nafed as "1'ReserYeSfrio 'apansaidmap. Sain s/rps of landarofo6areseraedexe/uslve/y forf6e owners of/ofs AM, solo su6dibisron un/i/iheachcase an exfensianaf saidsfrestsisaccepfeiifAe Clty Caunei/of fhOOlyof Cape,'f/,7o. o 06YNER5 QUOz4r�� gzaa ,90NAL0 A. EXCELG OAR,4.E&.E .EXeELL liAL L EY T/TLE.. COMPANY a Calif mlo �-y P �' t�/CE PREs/DENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OFSANTA CLARA On fhis - day of_.S ,/965,before me, a /Uatary Pak.^ /,7&70'/0/- 4,911 fate andCauoly, t1,1inf /herein, du/y uommissioWMMIsworn, persona/!y appeared Oona/d 9. Exce/l orad oar/anexce!!, known tome fo 6e ffepersan whosenames aresu6seri6edfo fhe within /i/sfrumenfandfhey acknow/odysd fo me fhaffheyerecufedfhesame as Owners. /N N'/T/VESSfYHElIEOF, lhaueherounfa sefmybandandaffiiedmyoeia/Sea/fhedayandyear A; fhis cerAlWle fi�sf aioae wrrlfen, n _� MyCamm/ssion EX101;-es: 8 W)'ARY`'�0&8 C �� ve a ;13th oda 3io n.rv.dzCa::�.r�•`5Yefa 'ab Pda'!•ARY P'JZV,C o STATE OF CALIFORNIA P r n C!< Court„ Calif. COUNTY OF,9ANTA CLARA On lhis % b'd day ofAvhm ,I96S, before Me, �P G. Nixoru , a Notary Puh/ie rnand�or said <Sfafe andCou�fy, residiiy iheroin, du/ycommissionedandowarn, roei�� ray y a/opearedOJ7 J7 /907/0, a7d1a trio " • a;nwu,known fo me to k lb"e�ee President andAssis/anfcSeerofary,�specfi�e/y,afva//ey7//r mm�gya�/hn„Cc/p-afioa;f6eco� porafibn fhaf exeaufed fhe within rnsfrumeof a//d a/soknown fo me l06e fhepersons wfia execs/A/ /fan6eha f of saidcorporafionand fheyacknow/edyed ki me fhafsueh corporation erecufed fhe same, as Tru9fee. /NW/T/VESSWMFREOF, /havehereunl0 fefmybandandaffiredmyoff/eia/sealI&dayand year /h fhis serf oafe f fst above wrilfen . Hy Commisaion Expires --20-109 ' N07 RY P418L/C •' u 3Y3P 3C�.�.OQARkbf+(5"ifrwd503lmGS`fed G. NIXON "m NOTARY PUB11C m Santa Clara County, Calif. r— �2Y®0 ,MA AM AC—ZC 3f