10300 TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO, CA 950143255
TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3212 • FAX: (408) 777-3366
davek ~ cupertino.org
Agenda Item Number ~ ( Agenda Date: April 1s2448
Provide recommendation to the Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) PAC representative
regarding the VTA Board's realignment.
Attached is a report from Karen Antion Consulting outlining the governance issue and a memo
from Mayor Sandoval to the West Valley Mayors and Managers proposing the position v/hich
should be taken..
Respectfully subnutted:
David W. Knapp, City Manager
TO: West Valley Mayors and Managers
1rROM: Dolly Sandoval
DATE: March 7, 2008
STJBJECT: VTA Governance
Tlie West Valley Mayors and Managers met on. February 28, 2008 and discussed the VTA
Governance Proposal submitted by VTA Board Director Greg Sellers. Generally, the group
agrees in principle with many elements in the proposal and offers the following comments for
• We agree that each city grouping should have the authority to select their own
representative rather than the current rotation process. Furthermore, we agree that
representatives should have the necessary background in transpartation, such as serving
on the VTA Policy Advisory Committee or other transportation-related committees; prior
to serving on the VTA Board. Representatives should also have a genuine interest in the
field of transportation planning. These changes will. add stability to the Board and -
increase the experience and knowledge of Board Members.
• We believe that representatives should serve as long as the city group chooses, however
the terms of directors should remain for two years only. Two years is an appropriate
.amount of time for each city group to assess the performance of their•representative and
to determine whether to reappoint their representative or select someone new.
• Finally, we believe that the current composition of the Wesf Valley City Group should
remain. The West Valley Mayors and Managers have been~meeting on a monthly basis
for many years to address issues of mutual interest and to seek collaborative solutions to
issues unique to the west valley area. Los Altos Hills does not have a connection to our
city grouping nor is the town geographically connected to the west valley. While we
appreciate Director Sellers' efforts to have similar population totals within each city
group, Los Altos Hill's population will not significantly alter the population difference
between the west valley and north county city groupings. For these reasons we believe
that Los Altos Hills is better served as part of the North County City Group.
The West Valley Mayors and Managers look forward to continuing this dialogue to improve the
governance at VTA.
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: ranuary 1 s, 2ovs
Director Greg Sellers .. ~ .
VTA Basz-d of Directors
3331 N. First Street
San. rose, CA •
.Dear Director Sellers,
• Attached please find the Governance Committee's recommendation far strengtheni~tg.
VTA's governance straetare as it pertains to.the term of offiice~for Tirectors and the
proced~u-es for selection of Directors by city groupings.. , -
Sincerely, .
.• r
Karen Antian ~ ~ •
• resident
61 Seaview Avenn.~, Suite X58
Stamford, C'i' 06902
Smas Clma
Ya!!ep TreKSpar~tian .4ntkcr~y
VTA Board Governance Recommendations
January 20(18 .
' In 2007 VTA engaged the HSy Group to conduct a complete Qrganization •and Financial
. Assessment. As a result of that Assessment, VTA received a set of recommendations
•~ designed to stre~gtben VTA's governance, financial ~ management and organizational
. effectiveness. The Board has made a number of decisions to implement the
recommendations resulting from the Assessment and VTA is beginning to realize the
. benefits it eagaecsted. ~ .
In the area of Governance, the Board started by approving the formation of an Audit
.Committee as a standing committee of the B oard. The work required to formalize ~ the
• Committee and procure the resources to ~deveiop and implement an Audit Pfau. is
underway. The Board approved the development of a "Leadership Summit" to revisit
'- VTA's Ysion and Nfs.ssion and provide guidance to the staff on required revisions. The
Summit is scheduled for Febnzary i, 2008. 'The Board also~made the decision to designate
Director Greg Sellers to serve as ttze Board's representative to work directly with the
'V'I'A staff.and consultants to implement governance related recommendations.
The work plan for the "Governance Committee" activities is listed below:
Governance Work Plan Activiti
1. Review and Evaluate Governance Strue~ure
a_ Term of 4ffce for Du~ectors
b. Procedures for selection ofUirectors by city groupings
2.. IIevelop snd Implement a Board Self Assessment Program
3. Reduce the number of Advisory Committees
ar • Evaluate opportunities for consolidating Advisory Committee
responsibilities. Consider the z~eoomme~ndation from the xay Group as
well as alternative strategies. ~ ,
Karen 14 - 4
Same Cl~a .
vaIIe~ Y}~w~mtaaon •
i. I3ay Recommendation Work with the Policy, Advisory Committee
and the Technical Advisory Committee to consolidate~the
~i responsibilities, goals and objectives of the two committees.
b. Itecommead changes to by laws and new work plans to reflect
responsibilities far advisory_committees affected by the consolidation.
The Committee met to develop a strategy for reviewing and evaluating the governance
structure as it pertains to the term of o#fice far i?irectars and the procedures for selection
of Dir-ectozs by city groupings. 'T#ke following changes to the governance structure are
recommended. '
lmmertdect Changes tothe Governance 5t~ucture
.The Hay group identified board turnover as s critical challenge to .the governance
structure at VTA. Directors are ctnrently eligible to serve one two year i~rsn. The report
recommends that the VTA Board look at alt~mafives to lengthen the term of office far
directors and also wank with appointing authorities to ensure that eligY`bility far selection
to serve an the VTA Board include appropriate qualifications and experience as well as~
the time~Ieft in the~elected officials term of of~.ce so that they do not "term out." during
their tenure as a VTA Director.
. The Assessment also spoke to the VTA Board's responsibility as a regional poficy Board.
:~ Specifically, the report slates "The board ha.s been'charged with serving as a regional
policy body. Appointing authorities and the VTA Board of Directors need to Work
together to ensure that Directors appointed to the Board have a regional perspective and
., experience consideri~.g policy issues as well as projects and programs",
. A unique characteristic of the composition of the VTA Board is that it includes five city
• council memhiers selected from among the city co3mcils of all of the cities in the county,
other than the City of San Jose, as provided by agreements among. those cities. The cities
' involved created three "city groupings" where each city withui~the grouping serves on the
. VTA Board oa a rotational basis.
A solution to help reduce Board turnover and a#.tbe same time help nnove the VTA Board
structure to one that has more "regional representation" map Ile with the election of these .
five Directors and the specafic defmitian of the city groupings. The current configuration
was based primarily on population and secondarily on geography. VTA's history and
Directors' experience has shown that cities that are geographically proximate have very
similar issues, challenges and opportunities. Oar recommendation looks to group cities
based on geographic proximity first and population second. The population analysis is
l~aren 14 - 5
S~ CJars
Yew ?rmupar~iae
based on current data and also contemplates areas of new and planned growth in the
County: The population analgsis supporting this recanvnendation i$ attached.
Recommendation: .
1. Reconfigure the city groupings and add a new group based .on geographic
proxhmity and population size to create "regions". within the county..(Refer fA the
Chart below). The foarth region has been added is recagnifian that San A+Iartia is
seeking its designa#ion as a city and thaf the South Gaunty region is the fastest
growing region i:n Santa. Clara County. .
WE~"€' VQ,ltEY .
3. SEAT ~ hlt)RTH
Cam bell 38 138 Los Alfo~ 29 300 Mii Itas 65 050 Giiro 48 527
Cu amino
53 000 Mountain
71 995
Santa Clara
1i0 771 Morgan
37 fl9i
Los Altos Hiils_
8 48Z
Pafo Alto
62 000
Sunn aie
133 754 San
5 000
Los Gatos. 29 132
Morita Sereno 3 90fl
Sarat a 31 Q97
TOTAL ~ i63 749 163 295 304 575 90 618
Pa seat i63 749 163 295 154 788 90 fii8
2: Eliminate. the concept of city rotation within the region. Each of the regions of the
county will "select" their representative(s). to serve as a Director on the VTA.
3. Regional representatives serving on the VTA board will serve a four year term.
4. A process should be developed fox -selection of regional representatives oa the
VTA Board 'of Directors. Regions! representatives serving as 'VTA Directors
should have the required experience, qualifications and time available in their
term to leave a four year term on the VTA Board.
In conclusion, the Organization and Financial Assessment conducted by the Hay Group
tecommeaded that the VFA board explore altern~.tives for lengthening Directors' terms
of affce in order to reduce Board turnover. A solutiozi to help reduce Board turnover and
~•~ 14 - 6
sonltt ct~ -
Yallg ~~
. at the same time help move the VTA Baard stnxcLure ~ one that has more "regianal
representation" involves creating four regions within the cou~.tq based on geographic
proximity and population size. A process for each region to select their representative
would replace the pradica of city rotation. Directors would serve faro year terms and be
selected baste an qualifications and time available in their team to serve a four gear term
on the VTA Board. This solution is one that is within the ETA Baazd's aurent ~nzthozity
to implement.
. .
"s .
Karen ~ a - ~
Saxta rx~ra .
YaE[g Trassporta6ian .4r~kor#y
W1=5'i' ~,tAL.L1Y
-i SEA.T
. COi,EkYTY _
~ t~lCsN4-
Cam bell ~ 3$ 138 Los. Altos 29 300 Gifro 48 527
Cu ertino
53 000 Los Altos
f-lifts .. .
8 482
Mil itas
65 050
Los Gatos
29 i3Z Mountain
Vfew -
71 495
Mor an Hfil
37 091
Monte S~reno 3'300 Palo Alto 62 000 -
Sarato a "31 097 Santa Clara 110 771 '
Sunn ate 133 754 •
155 257 416 302 150 668
Pa seat 155 Z67 138 767 150 668
4 -- ON GU G G O
WEST \IA,LLE't~' {2
2 SEATS SOE,i`F']!f
COlfi(+O'~' ~
~. S>`AT '
Cam bell 38 138 Mif Etas 65 050 Gilro 48 527
Cu ertlno
53 000 Mountain
71 99S
Mor an f-ffl!
37 091
Los Gatos 29 132 Santa Clara i10 771 San Martfn ,. 5 000
Los Altos 29300 Sunn ake 133 754
Los Altos Hilts 8482
f?aka ARo 62 000 ~ .. ~ .
Monte Serena 3 900
Sarat a 31097 "
TOTAL 255 II49 ~ 381 570 90 618
Po 'seat. 127 525 190 785 90 618
fl -- P
9dSi'It5'i S~A)i.~ii"
Cam bell 38 138 Los Altos 29 300 Mif itas 65 D50 Gilro 48 527
Cu rtino
53 000 Mountain
71 495
Santa Clara
1i0 771 Morgan
37 091
Los Altos HIlks
Palo Aito
62 000 -
Sunn le
133 754 San
5 000 '
'Los Gatos 29 132 .
Monte Serena 3 900
Swat a 31097
TOTAL ~ 163 749 163 295 309 S75 90 618
Po spat 163 749 153 295 154 788 9D 6i8
~~~ 14-8