DRC Summary 03-20-08 City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 (408) 777-3308 To: Mayor and City Council Members Planning Commissioners From: Steve Piasecki, Director of Community Development Date: March 31, 2008 Subj: REPORT OF DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE FINAL DECISIONS MADE March 20,2008 Chapter 19.136 of the Cupertino Municipal code provides for A eal of decisions made b the Desi n Review Committee 1. Application EXC-2008-05; Karen Ngo, 10495 N. De Anza Blvd Description Sign Exception for a ground sign more than 8 feet tall measuring from the sidewalk grade and a ground sign area exceeding 100 square feet Action The Design Review Committee approved the application on a 2-0 vote. This is effective March 20,2008. The fourteen-calendar day appeal will expire on April 14,2008. Enclosures: Design Review Committee Report of March 20, 2008 Resolution No. 268 Approved Plan Set G:planning/Drcj032008 summaryletter.doc To: From: Subject: Location: Design Review Committee Colin Jung, Senior Planner Application: EXC-2008-04 19480 Stevens Creek Blvd. Date: April 3, 2008 Project Description: Sign Exception for a proposed logo to exceed the allowed sign height of 18 inches. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the Sign Exception for a logo wall sign height of 20 inches where 18 inches is the maximum allowance in accordance with the model resolution. BACKGROUND: Jiffy Lube, a national automotive services business, is implementing are-imaging program and its applicant, Barbara & Alan Ford, are proposing new signage for the station located at the southeast corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Miller Avenue, 19480 Stevens Creek Blvd. The ground sign met City Sign Code and has already been approved by staff. The logo part of the wall sign requires a sign exception because the proposal of a 20" sign height exceeds the City maximum by 2 inches (Exhibit A). By City sign code, the maximum sign height is 18" for wall signs setback 50 feet or less from the street curb. DISCUSSION: The existing Jiffy Lube wall sign is about 30" in height. The extra tall letters seem to stem from a previous sign exception granted to a predecessor business known as Q- lube. Findings for Exception Per Section 17.44.040 of the Municipal Code, the Design Review Committee may grant an exception based upon the following findings: A. Literal Enforcement of the Sign Regulations are Inconsistent with Spirit and Intent of Sign Ordinance The intent of the Sign Ordinance is to "provide architectural and aesthetic harmony of signs as they relate to building design" and to "promote attractive and effective signs." The staff recommendations would promote the visibility of the ground sign, which will be set back 18+ feet from the roadway, while limiting unnecessary visual mass. B. The granting of the exception will not result in a condition which is materially detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare The proposed Sign Exception will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare; C. Least Modification and Minimum Variance to Accomplish Purpose A proposed exception for an 11' A" tall ground sign (as measured from sidewalk grade) recognizes the natural topographic differences on the site, the importance of maintaining the grade to protect the existing trees and achieving satisfactory sign visibility. Staff believes this would involve the least amount of modification and minimum variance to accomplish the purpose and intent of the sign ordinance. The sign area can be reduced below 100 square feet without affecting tenant identification. Staff believes a sign exception is not necessary and conforming to the code would accomplish the purpose and intent of the sign ordinance. Prepared by: Approved by: Colin Jung, Senior Planner Ciddy Wordell, City Planner Enclosures: Model Resolution Exhibit A: Sign Diagram (Perspective) Exhibit B: Sign Exception Justification Exhibit C: Site Plan Plan Set 2 EXC-2008-05 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 RESOLUTION NO. 268 OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO APPROVING A SIGN EXCEPTION TO ALLOW A GROUND SIGN HEIGHT OF 11' 0" AS MEASURED FROM SIDEWALK GRADE, AND DENYING AN EXCEPTION FOR SIGN AREA IN EXCESS OF 100 SQUARE FEET AT 10495 NORTH DE ANZA BLVD. SECTION I: PROTECT DESCRIPTION Application No.: Applicant: Location: EXC-2008-05 Karen Ngo 10495 North De Anza Blvd. SECTION II: FINDINGS WHEREAS, the Design Review Committee of the City of Cupertino received an application for a Sign Exception, as described in this Resolution; and WHEREAS, the Design Review Committee finds that the changes beneficial and compatible with the surrounding area; 1. That the literal enforcement of the provisions of this title will result in restrictions inconsistent with the spirit and intent of this title; 2. That the granting of the exception will not result in a condition which is materially detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare; and 3. That the exception to be granted is one that will require the least modification of the prescribed regulations and the minimum variance that will accomplish the purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That after careful consideration of maps, facts, exhibits, testimony and other evidence submitted in this matter, the application no. EXC-2008-05, is hereby approved as modified; and That the subconclusions upon which the findings and conditions specified in this Resolution are based and contained in the public hearing record concerning Application EXC-2008-05 as set forth in the Minutes of the Design Review Committee Meeting of March 20,2008, and are incorporated by reference herein. Resolution No. 268 Page 2 EXC-2008-05 March 20, 2008 SECTION III: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. 1. APPROVED EXHIBITS Approval is based on the staff report exhibits A: Sign Diagram, C: Site Plan and sign drawings titled: "Cupertino Landing 10495 De Anza Blvd, Cupertino, CA" dated 2-20-08, and consisting of two sheets numbered 1 & 2, except as may be amended by conditions in this resolution. 2. GROUND SIGN HEIGHT The proposed ground sign shall not exceed 11' 0" above adjacent sidewalk grade, or 8' 0" above adjacent grade, whichever is less in height. 3. GROUND SIGN AREA The exception request for ground sign area in excess of 100 square feet is denied. 4. NOTICE OF FEES, DEDICATIONS, RESERV A TIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS The Conditions of Project Approval set forth herein may include certain fees, dedication requirements, reservation requirements, and other exactions. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d) (1), these Conditions constitute written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations, and other exactions. You are hereby further notified that the 90-day approval period in which you may protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other exactions, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(a), has begun. If you fail to file a protest within this 90-day period complying with all of the requirements of Section 66020, you will be legally barred from later challenging such exactions. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of March 2008, at a Regular Meeting of the Design Review Committee of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: Chairperson Giefer, Rose COMMISSIONERS: none COMMISSIONERS: none COMMISSIONERS: none ATTEST: APPROVED: /s/Ciddy Wordell Ciddy Wordell City Planner / s / Lisa Giefer Lisa Giefer, Chair Design Review Committee c = = - = tS .- . r pi .. 3 ~ \J) 3 j ~ 3 c: ~ $2 4.~ &l/I -' ~ " <5 c~ L_ () t;. c: <( L! "J~:' ~~.T~ , "-,' '\ ,,,- \ " " ',; \ :,\, '",q:;" /'~\-"~\ t " \'\' ':'" \ ..\";.'; ,\'\ , ", J__. // -',' \ \ \ .i).:'\_;\ " ' V/ \ '\", , \ \ \ :Y' .\\ \ \ X. t, " \_,,' _, ;, .1\," ,r,"~\, \', \, i ,~:;:e.,1q..J""~ ~ ~ o -:z cJS -- V) ~ \\-:~ s~ ,-l- c.: c.) 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