DIR-2012-15b CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 (408) 777-3308 To: Mayor and City Council Members / Chairperson and Planning Coininissioners �r� From: Aarti Shrivastava, Director of Community Developmen Prepared by: George Schroeder, Assistant Planner Date: Apri124, 2012 Subject: Director's Minor Modification, DIR-2012-15, to a previously approved Architectural and Site Approval (ASA-2001-12) to allow landscape and hardscape enhancements in the interior courtyard of the existing Travigne Villas HOA development located at 19999 Stevens Creek Boulevard Chapter 19.12 and 19.132 of the Cupertino Municipal Code allows for administrative approval of minor changes in a project. The Director reports his decision to the City Council and Plaruiing Coizunission in time to allow an appeal of the decision within fourteen calendar days. DISCUSSION The applicant, Trent Jorgenson, representing Travigne Villas HOA, is requesting a modification to a previously approved landscaping and hardscape plan associated with an Architectural and Site Approval (ASA-2001-12) at the Travigne Villas HOA. The modifications are located in the first, second, and third floors of the interior courtyard area and will be minimally visible from the street. The proposed changes include: • Replacement or transplanting of existing shrubs and perennials in the existing pots and planters throughout all three floors • Installation of six new benches (four on the first floor, one on the second floor, and one on the third floor) • Installation of two new tables and chairs (one table each on the secona and third floor) Staff supports the proposed modifications because they are generally consistent with the original Architectural and Site Approval and are enhancements to the development. ACTION The Director of Community Development deems the modification minor and approves the addition with the following conditions of approval: 1. APPROVED EXHIBITS Approval is based on exhibits titled: "Limited Remediation, Travigne Villas, Cupertino, CA 95014, prepared by StudioGreen Landscape Architecture, dated August S, 2011 and consisting of 5 sheets labeled L0.1, L1.1, L1.2, L2.1, and L3.1; except as may be amended by the conditions contained in this resolution. DIR-2012-15 19999 Stevens Creek Boulevard Page 2 2. CONSULTATION WITH OTHER DEPARTMENTS The applicant is responsible to consult with other departments and/or agencies with regard to the proposed project for additional conditions and requirements. Any misrepresentation of any submitted data may invalidate an approval by the Community Development Department. 3. TREE REMOVAL PERMITS Tree removal permits are required for any proposed tree removals within the development. 4. NOTICE OF FEES DEDICATIONS RESERVATIONS OR OTHER EXACTIONS The Conditions of Project Approval set forth herein may include certain fees, dedication requirements, reservation requirements, and other exactions. Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d) (1), these Conditions constitute written notice of a statement of the amount of such fees, and a description of the dedications, reservations, and other exactions. You are hereby further notified that the 90-day approval period in which you may protest these fees, dedications, reservations, and other exactions, pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(a), has begun. If you fail to file a protest within this 90-day period complying with all of the requirements of Section 66020, you will be legally barred from later challenging such exactions. This approval of the modification is effective Apri124, 2012. The fourteen calendar day appeal period will expire on May 8, 2012. Enclosures: Plan Set G:�Planning�PDREPORT�DlRreports�2012�DIR-2012-15.docx EXISTING WATERING RESERVOIRS TO BE REUSED PLANTER SOIL -FILTER FABRIC 1 1/2" ROUNDED DRAIN ROCK EXISTiNG DRAINAGE TUBING z TYPICA� P�ANTER POT - SECTION VIEW L0.1 SCALE: 1��=1�-0�� TYPICAL POT PLANTING - PLAN VIEW EXISTING PLANTER POTS WITH WATERING RESERVOIF� TO BE REUSED (t) 5 GALLON PLANT PER PLANTING PLAN (4� 1 GALLON PLANTS PER PLANTING PLAN, EQUALLY SPACED 3 POT P�ANTING - P�AN �IEW L0.1 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE TRANSPLANTING& REMOVAL NOTES 1.Remove plants and immediatety lransfer lo a suilable contai�er tor sto�age.Nursery pots are acceplable.Containers shaN be proporfio�ate to the pla�t matenals being transplanted.All containers shall be a minimum of 5 galbn size.Nandina shaX have a minimum of 15 galbn size conlainer. 2.Store planls i�a prolecled bcalion.Minimize exposure lo wind,direct sunFght, vandalism or other corWitio�s that may damage or harm the plants. 3.Provide tempo�ary irtigatbn with dnp tubing to each individual container. 4.AMow fo�drainage and run off from the containers.NOTE:The rvn off may be dark in cdor aM may stai�paved suRaces. 5.Pr�ne,fertilize and manage plants i�a healthy growing conditio�whAe in lemporary slorage.Unheal(hy or dead plants wil be replaced at Ihe Contractors exDense. 6.Reslore the hdding area of the transplanted plants to its original conditbn after plants have 6een reNrned to the planter bozes and pots 7.TRANSPLANT UST: -Clivia -Pieris 8.Due to the expense of iran5planting,5loring and mainlaining the existi�g vegetation,Ihe majordy of the ezisting planls will be rertwved and disposed of by the contractor. Existing Irees to be removed i�clude eight(8)Cercis canadensis mutti-trunk trees,approx. 4'diameter trunks. Various shrubs and pere�mials will be removed,induding but rwt Gmiled lo: Clivia minata �irbpe'Silver Drago� Asparagus densifbrus'Meyersii Cdeonema pulch�um Teucrium loropetalum chinense Nandi�a domestica Anemone Acanthus moNis Camellia japonica Pieris japonica Lanfana Erigerwi Convallaria majalis PLANTING NOTES 1.Provide a pnce for each plant per container size installed lo allow for addilive or deductive change ofders. 2.Make sure pot Gners,reservar,conduction Wbe and drai�s are in prope�funclaning co�ditlo�priur to refiMing with sdl and plants. 3.Provide sbw release plant fertilizer tablets per manufacturers recommendatbns. Best-Pak or edual. 4.Plant Ysl provided is for the convenience of the Contrector.In case of discrepandes,the plan shall govem. 5.UMess othenvise�oted,aN groundcover and shrubs shaA be spaced Ma�gulaAy. 6.AN plants shaU conform lo standards sel in the America�Slandards for Nursery Stock by the American Association ot Nurserymen.All plants to be container stock,healthy, vgorous,pest and disease-free,and withoul(resh abrasions to Ihe bark or excessive abrasans or disfigurements.All plants shall have wep-devebped branch systems and fibrous root systems which are rrol pol-bound.AN pla�ts shaU be of the species,variety, size and conditan as spedfied on ihe drawings. 7.All planls brought onto ihe site shaN be walered and protected from excessive wind,sun. physical damage,or thefl unUl plantirg. 6.AM pla�ls shall be placed in approximate bcations on pla�.Fnal adjuslmem shall be made by the Landscape Architect pno�lo planting.The La�dscape Archilecl reserves the right to make deletions,additions,or substiNtbns to the planbng plan i�the field as necessary,with adjuslmenls i�Me contract as appropriale. 9.The Contraclor is responsible for maintenance of the landscape unlA fi�al approval. 10.Trees aM sh/vbs shall be under warranry for a perad of 9 monihs,all other planting fo�90 days lrom the dale of final project approval by the Owner.Upon determinatbn by Landscape Archilect,replacerr�enl shall require plants ol the same species,variely,and n will 1 the Mrec1o(s e nse. s�ze a d be a Go � 11.After planting,apply a 1 1/2'layer of 1/4'(fine)Fir Bark Chip mukh to all planting areas. PLANTER SOIL MIX - UPPER PORTIO 75� STOCKPILED SOIL 10% i/4" LAVA ROCK 15%AMENOMENT MIX ATRIUM GRATE, BLEND 6" BEYOND � a a w _�I _ n � _ - � � ___ �--__- �� w �� �- � `�_�� 3° DRAIN ROCK LAYER WHERE DRAINS DO NOT OCCUR 3" PERFORATED PIPE; SEE SHEET L3 1 FOR DRAINAGE �SOIL SHALL BE 2�� BELOW DRIP LEVEL OF (E) FLASHING. DO NOT ALLOW PLANTER SOIL TO CaME IN CONTACT W/ FLASHING PLANTER MIX - LOWER PORTION STOCKPILED EXISTING SOIL, BLENDED AS FOLLOWS 75i STOCKPILED SOIL 15% SANDY LOAM (NO ORGANICS� 10% 1/4" LAVA ROCK SEE ARCH. DWGS. FOR WATERPROOFING REOUIREMENTS � TYPICA� P�ANTER 501� MIX - SECTION VIEW L0.1 SCALE: 1 1/2��=1'-0�� RUHMORA POT PLANTING - PLAN VIEW SUBMITTALS 1.Provide nursery lisl for aN planls to be supplied 2.C'�btain written approval from landscape architect prior to making plant su6s�itul'ans INSPECTIONS 1.Piant placement and adjustment "P;ovide a minimum 3 days advance�otice of Ihe need fo�site inspections. S�IL PREPARATION NOTES EXISTING PLANTER POTS WITH WATERING RESERVOIRS TO BE REUSED (3) 1 GALLON PLANTS PER PLANTING PLAN, EQUALLY SPACED 1.Have o�e quart of existing ble�ded planter sdl lesled for agricultural suifability by Soil& Plar�t Laboratory or equal lesUng agency.Provide(ertilizer recomme�datio�s lo Ownels ReFresentative. 2.Soil from existing planters shall be removed and stored for ieuse. 3.Flace amended pla�ler soil badc into planters in two lihs,aDV�oximatety equal in depth. Plai��e bwer half first,then upper remaining sal.See deta�1lL1.1 for miz of each porlion. 4.PMENDMEN T MIX: -.i0 h Nitrogen stabilize�fa bark -20%Rice hulls -20%Poultry-based composted manure u. �.. � ' '�_ -- `"v:� '� � �'�� ' .� ,o i�- -"" ��.,�i-`~- �.,i� )t:�_ " � PLANT LIST SYMBOL SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME - ---- -_-----_----- TREES -- ---.. _-.___.__----- - ---- TRA FOR TRAGHYCARPUS FORTUNEI WINDMILL PALM _ __�.-.. --- -- -- - ------- ---------------�--____------------__._.._..----� SHRUBS,VINES,GROUNDCOVERS,ANNUALS .._ ...-------�--- -� �- --------..._ BAC MON BACOPA MONNIERI WATLR HYSSOP - --��-- -....-------_____.._._. ._-_ �BOU ROS BOUGAINVILLEA'ROSENKA' BOUC•AINVIlLF1�__ ------ -- --...---�--- ------�---� CAM DOV CAMELLIA SASANQUA'WHITE DOVES' WHITE CAMELLIA _ .__..._..__... - �----- --- ---- CAM POS CAMPANULA POSCHARSKYANA SER6IAN BELLFLOWE ----.�_._------------------��---------- -------------- CLI MIN CLIVIA MINIATA CLIViq - ---.. .-�-- - -- -- ------��------_. DIA TAS DIANELLA TASMANICA FLAX LILY ------- --- -..._--- -�--- �--....----._-_..-._....-- LAM MAC LAMIUM MACULATUM'BEACON SILVER' DEAD NETTIE ----�--- -----�---- --...__..----��-- ---.._-_.._- ...- LAN HYB �ANTANA HYBRID LANTANA ------ -�------.__..----- ��------- --�---�----- LOR CHI LOROPETALUM C.'RAZZLE DAZZLE' LOROPETALUM ._----------------------- ----.-__ --------�----. . l0T BER LOTUS BERTHEIOTTI PARROTS BEAK ---� -�- -�-� --��----- �--.___ -------- -------�- - NAN OOM NANDINA DOMESTICA'FIRE POWER' HEqVFNLY BAMBOO . ._..----�-�---_.. .__ .____ .___.__.__.-- -- -�---- � --- PHO DUE PHORMIUM'DUET DUEI FLAX PHO MA1 PHORMIUM'MAORI QUEEN' MAORI QUEEN FLAX -- ..__...._.. _..-----__.- --_..._..___ ._--------. PHO ROE PHOENIX ROEBELENII PYGRAY OATE PALM -�-----�- - .... ._._____._ .-....- ----.._-._--.._._ . PIE SPP PIERIS PIERiS _.- -- - ------ ------ ----.__-__-.____- ---- PIT CRE PITTOSPORUM T.'CREAM OE MINT MINT TOBIRA --._---...------- ---------��- --� --------- RHO RED RHOOODENORON X'HENRV'S RED' RED�2HODOOENDRO - -- - -------------------.... ROS TUS ROSMARINUS TUSCAN BLUE' BIUE ROSEMARY HRA A�IANTIF RMI ��� AF FERN ___ .__ ___ _ _ ..__ __ RUM ADI RUMO D O S lEAT4ER LE -- --- ---- ---- --._ .. TEU CHA TEUCRIUM CHAMAEORYS TEUC RIUM _ _ TRA JAS TRACHELOSPERMUM JASMINOIDES STAF JASMINE SIZE COMMENTS -- - ---- -- --.. 6 BTH _ STANDARD MATCHED__ 1 GAL FULL PLANTS,MATCHED ---------- --_._..- 5 GAl FULL PLANTS MATCHED 15 GAL FULL PLANTS,MATCHED �----_ _.-----.-�.____.._ - 1 GAL FULL PLANTS,MATCHED ---�------------.- .._. _ - TRANSPLANT 1 GAL FULL PLANTS MATCHED�� 1 GAL� FULL PLANTS,MATCHED 5 GAL FULL PLANTS,MATCHED ------ -- - ---- 1 GAL FU�L PLANTS MATCHED 1GAL FU�LPLANTS,MATCHEO --- - - ---� --- 5 GAL FULL PLANTS,MATCHED __......-._--. _._._-_- ------- 5 GAL FULL PLANTS,MATCHEO �--------- -._ ._ ..--- SGA� FULLPLANTS.MATCHED �---__._. _._-----�------ -- - • TRANSPLANT ..._ _._.__.- ._.__.._._.___. 5 GAL� FU�L PLANTS,MATCHED 5 GAl FULL PLANTS.MATCHED �---- ------ �_ .-- - -�-- 5 GAL FULL PLANTS,MATCHED . _ _ . 7 GAl FULL PLANTS MATCHEO -- .. _. ..-� -----_. 1GAL FUI�PLANTS MATCHED _ - ._ . .__... 1 GAL FULL PLANTS,MATCHED CONSTRUCTION SET PROJECT: Travigne Villas Cupertino,CA 95014 LIMITED REMEDIATION TITLE: LANDSCAPE NOTES AND DETAILS DATE:August 8,2011 DRAWN BY: EG APPROVED(SG):JM FILE NAME: PROJECT N0: REVISIONS: �4JG`IC` Landscape Architecture 232 Sir frands Drake&vd. San Mselrta,CA 54960 ru�.�.(415j 721-0905 r,.�.(415)721-0910 wb.stUdlogreeRCqn _,.�i,ro@5n�tioo�ee�.ccm L 1 0 . _ __ �� NEW BENC ❑ __ __ (E) PLANT TO 8E REPOTTED Do., otr� ,j,�_ 2 NEw BENCHES-- � a �3 PLANTER POT RuM Aoi �o.� (E) PLANT TO � BE REPOTTED LANTER 2i3 - — POT �o.t �_,',��-1��(—`` FIRST FLOOR PLANTING PLAN Scale:118"=1'-0" f� u� �PIANTER �o.t POT � (E) P�NT TO BE REPDTTEO � nl—, ��-1 f �r' , I��I�° �° �� ,-�� � � �-1 � 1 I� � � 0 Z LEGEND (E) EXISTING (N) NEW OPOTTED PLANT OORNAMENTALOBJECT I � BENCH L_J � PLANTER SITE FURNISHING NOTES 14 EXISTING PLANTER POTS TO BE REUSED FOR PIANTING. 4 NEW BENCHES SHALL BE PURCHASED AND INSTALLED. BENCH MODEL TO BE DETERMINED BY TRAVIGNE VILLAS BOARO. ��`'�y�— ��i� 2• f�7 �-- �� -; r __t { }� � CONSTRUCTION SET PROJECT: Travigne Villas Cupertino, CA 95014 LIMITED REMEDIATION TITLE: FIRST FLOOR PLANTING PLAN DATE:August8,2011 DRAWN BY: EG APPROVED(SG):JM FILE NAME: PROJECT N0: REVISIONS: ,r�d�� Landscape Architecture 232 Ss Franos Gake&vd. San Mselmo,CA 54960 r�,�.�.(415)721-0905 �.,(415)721-0510 ++e�studiogreen.com =.r�.in(p�5�uti0uieen.tom L1 . 1 �� � � � ❑ � SECOND FLOOR PLANTING PLAN Scale:1/8"=1'-0" � � -- - - ___ I � 'I - -- -- -__ � ----------__ THIRD FLOOR PLANTING PLAN Scale:1/8"=1'-0" i i _ N - - - � . _� _- - ---- --- --_ : o _ _ -___ --____ ___ _ _ _ - -�-' � PLANTER POT L0.1 � NEW TABLE & CHAIRS a RUM ADI '',;', Or — --- _-- - .— y _- - __ _ �, � _� _ - L� - -� -- O �o t P�NTER POT � ��---- NEW TABLE & CHAIRS � TEU CHA PHQ MAI I �, � = a .-=_ -J -- - _ - -_ ___ _-- PLANTER POT � � LO.t RUM ADI I' li � N W N H E BE C -_-- ---- --- -__. - - -- _-- __ ,,!, - J SITE FURNISHING NOTES 7 EXISTING PIANTER POTS TO BE REUSED FOR PtANTING. 1 NEW BENCH SHALL BE PURCHASED AND INSTALLED. 1 NEW TABLE AND CHAIRS SHALL E3E PURCHASED AND INSTALLED. BENCH MODEL TO BE DETERMINED BY TRAVIGNE VILLAS BOARD. �J � _ — � TEU CHA PHO MAI PLANTER POT � L0.1 NEW BENCH I! !� 0 SITE FURNiSHII�IG NOTES 9 EXISTING PLANTER POTS TO BE REUSED FOR PLANTING. 7 NEW BENCH SHALL BE PURCHASED AND INSTAILED. 1 NEW TABLE AND CHAIRS SHALL BE PURCHASED AND INSTALLED. BENCH MOOEL TO BE OETERMWED BY TRAVIGNE VI�IAS BOARD. , i� ,��:` �-�(�' V- �� � -� �,��j� -,r ./-4-� � C- NOTE: SEE SHEET L0.1 FOR NOTES AND DETAILS CONSTRUCTION SET PROJECT: Travigne Villas Cupertino,CA 95014 LIMITED REMEDIATION TITLE: SECOND&THIRD FLOOR PLANTING PLANS DATE:August 8,2011 DRAWN BY: EG APPROVEO(SG):JM FILE NAME: PROJECT N0: REVISIONS: 5#�cic: Landscape Archftecture 232 Sir F2nas Drake Blvd. San Msdmo,CA 54960 �,.�.(415)721-0905 �..:(415)721-0910 we�studiogreen com E„a�in(oQstudioareen.tom L1 .2 I FIRST FLOOR IRRIGATION PLAN Scale:1/8"=1'-0" I l OT IN CONTRACT, TYPICAL I � (E) BLDG. WALL (E) WATER SUPPLY & GATE VALVE AT (E) PENETRATION IN BLDG. WALL cnii cu�i i ❑C 7" RGi(1\,1,1 hC>IP I�\/FI OF (E) FLASHING. DO NOT ALLOW PLANTER SOIL TO COME IN CONTACT W/ FLASHING ASSUMED/TYPICA� EXISTING 4 CONDITIONS @ WATER SUPP�Y L2.1 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE (E) BUILDING WALL REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PREVENTER, SEE IRRIG. LEGEND GALV. STEEL, TYP. �-THREADED UNION CARSON 8" VALVE BOX z � N �ii,; _ - - -- -- -- - - _ - _-- - _ -_ _ _ .- __ --- ___- ._- - _ _ -_ - __ _ _ _ ' _ - -- - - 4 PV PIPE -- SC H. 0 C - - - - -- - - - _ ��!� �_ - �. _ �� - - - -----TO VALVES - - '�C' . - � PIPE BRACE, TYP. 6+ b i 2 � CONCRETE THRUST AT VALVE E G E BLOCK TYP. � ) , 3 POINT OF CONNECTION & BACK��OW PREVENTER L21 SCALE: NOT TO SCALE � I � 1 � � i �.�-- � L__1 ; � � � � , � � � � � � � � � 1 � F - � � � � � � , � ' ' ���� � TYPICAL VALVE ENLARGEMENT PLAN NOT TO SCAIE � � Q Z IRRIGATION NOTES 1.Freeslanding plante�pots are watered by hand by filAng reservoir Nnei wilh a hose or wale�ng can. 2.After existing so:t and irngation system are rertwved,document the size,bcallon and type of supO�Y P��e to each danler boz and provide lo Owner's Reprrsenlative for disirubution to design team. 3.It is assumed that the waler supply to each planter box is a 1!2'Type K Copper supply pipe,complete with brass shut oH valve. 4.II is assumed thal each plantev box cuntains one water source. 5.It is the contractors responsibiliry to inform the landscape architect of site conditans that diNrr from the described assumptio�s. 6.Verify prrssure and bcalbns of poi�t of connecl'an and main lines,particulaAy in relatbn to the proposed contrdler,prior lu commenceme�t of work.Any discrepancy belwee�the drawings ana fiPld conditans which aNects irtigatan layout shaN be brought to lhe aKention of the Landscape ArchitecL The Contrecror is responsible fc�r lhe instaNatio�of the irrigation system that provides 100%complete and approD�ate coverage in all plantirg areas.The work of the coniract includes adjusiments lo tha system,including quantilies of piping, heads,razzles,and olher equipment. 7.The irrigatbn dravrings are diagrammatic and do not show ezact bcatbns of ppi�g, valves or control lines.Install these items in planling areas paraNel to and as dosely as possible to curbs,headers,or paving edges unless otherwise noted.Irrigation head bcation<_ are indicaled as accuralely as possible on the drawings,install them as indicated by the crnteAine of the symbol and in accordance with irrigatio�details. 8.Co�traclor shall exercisa extreme care in excavating and working near existing utilities. Verify the locatbn ot utAities and repair any damage caused by or dunng the performance of work at no cost to the City.Field adjust head bcations to avoid co�flicts with utilities. 9.Prolecl at all times trom damage and the(t.Replace all damaged or stolen parts at Co�lractor's ezpense until final written approval hom ihe Owner. 10.Final bcatan and positionirg of the automatic conVONer shall be by Landscape Architect 11.Flush and adjust atl sp�nkler heads for optlmum performance,induding throttWng the flow conUOl at each valve to obtai�optimum operating pressure for each system. '2.Place valve bor,e<_in groundcove!areas vA?erP possibin,�ich with finish arade.Grou� valves to be equaMy spaced.Valve boxes lo be placed 12'from and paraMel to curbs and walks. 13.Flush main lines prior to insWllation of remote contrd valves.Flush laleral li�es prior to instaNation of irrigation heads.Main linr.lo be visuaMy inspectrd for leaks under fuN operatirx pressure D�b��o badcfdYng. 14.Irrigatlo�control wire to be#14 U.L.approved for direcl burial.Common wire shall be #12 U.L.apDroved for dirrcl burial,whi�e in cdor.Wires lo individual remote contrd valves shaN br_a cobr other than white.AA splices shall be made wtthin remote conlrol valve bcala�s. 15.Trenches to provide 12'of cover over lateral ines.Sleeved Fnes to have a minimum cover of 1 Z'.Trenches to be backfiNed with material free kom rocks over 3l4"in diameter. All excavatbns to be backfilled l0 90%compactan minimum.Contractor lo repair settled trenches tor one year aRer completion of work. 16.Irrigation system shaM be installed in conformance with all applicable slate and bcal codes and ordinances by a icensed landscape co�tractor and ecperir_nced workmen. Contraclor to oblain aY required permits and pay required fees. 17.Contractor to maintai�a set of'as-0ui1C drawings throughout constructlo�and deliver these drawings to Landscape Architect upon completion of work. Itl.i.ontraclor sheN wd�iaiily[fie[>yn[eni wil�Ge frce Tvm defecls a��:'.vuektnai�al�i�;(u;.: perbd of one year afler wmpletion of work. 19.ConUactor shaN inslruct the Owner in the complete operado�and maintenance of syslem. 20.All inyround boxes and covers shaN be black in cdor. 21.The inigation system shap be warranted by Ihe Contractor for one fuM year of any defect from Ihe lime of final acceptance. LEGEND Ol AMBIENT UGHT POWERED ^ IRRtGATION CONTROLLER. TERMINAL STRIP. 12 OR 14 GAUGE WIRE. PROGRAMMING KEY. 12"STEEL MOUNTING COLUMN. FINISH GRADE. BACKFlLL SOIL. POURED CONCRETE BASE INSTAIL PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTALLATION GUIDE. DIRECT BURIAL CONTROL WIRES TO CONTROL VALVES AND RAIN SENSOR(VIA SKIT ADAPTER,SEE DETAILJ. Z �EIT CONTRO�LER L2.1 SCAIE' NOT TO SCALE IRRIGATION LEGEND SVMBOL � DESCRIPTION -..- --- --... ... ...._ ---- Schedule 40 PVC Main Line,see plan for s¢e ---_.._ . --. -�--- .._...-- -- - --- ------ ----- �, Schedule 40 lateral,see D�an for size _._..__..:- __. ._-----. ..------..-__....._.-_.___.-._-----.. .. _ -� Schedule 40 PVC Sleeve,1'larger tha�min,pipr,under paveme�t -_.._. ._..:._ _._.- _.._.----._.__..-------------__.._. . , ,7 Agrifim compressic,n end cap,typical aA drip lines _-.___. _�.--..._-----�-- ..___.__._..____. _. � ', _ Agrifim Dura-fb Dnpper Line SFPC-BR-20412 ---- ' --- ------ ---- ------- -------- 4� ControNer Stal'wn PJumber ' �- - --"-"- ��-�- 'NOTE:Provide 1 surplus wntrol wire 8,8 ' ' Galbns P.w Minute ���to valve box for future use ._._.. .. _.-_..-._.- ...__... ���__.. Valve Size '����'. _._.._ --------- --.__.. ___.... ,._.. --- --------- H � Gate Valve '�KBI Lo-Torque BaN Valve ----- �-------------.e_.__..----'�--- ------ --� � i Remote Contrd V�Ive ;Hu�ter PGV series ---- ----- �--._ ----- --� ----- ❑ �'� Automatic ControNer with remote Leit 4004 ambie�H�ght powwed. _ C -�- � Control Wire �Connect Conlydler - � -�----- --�- -. ..._.._.... ..._------__... �� � V Filter Amiad,3/4'with 155 mesh screen I I- ----------- - - -- - ��' Threaded unbn . pR�Pressure Rrgulato�_ '�.. Wilkens 1'S00 Series,_or equal - � ��Laleral Pressure Rr.gulator �' Sennirger PSR-40 .. ___ ��� Backflow Preventer � Febco 3/4"825Y --------- -�-- -------- ----- NOTE:All in-ground boxes and covers shali be black in color. SUBMITTALS 1.Existirg conditions descnptbn and pholographs 2.Product data:provide compone�t Gst 3.Record dxuments:Record actual locations of all concealed componenls.'AS BuAts' 4.Provide an instrucdon manual tu the Owner's Representative containing: A.Manu(acl�rers'hooklets B.Part lisl with all parts numbers included C.Separa�e shee�with conlroNer program and run times 5.Maintenance Materials: A.Extra drippeAine(50'length) B.SpAce kit(2) C.Extra controller bck key INSPECTIONS i aRPr cnil rPmnval and�rior to irrigation svstem installation 2.After irrigation is installed and prar to the installatan of planUng "Provide a minimum 3 days advance notice of the need for site inspections. . ► I I � . � . .. .. �. . �. . / ' / _, �2'ct."O'E CC'J'RQL`.',\l\�E 'vVITH FILTcR F4D REGU��_.4T0� FVC OP.POLY EXH'vl.ST HEA7ER F1%C CR POIV St;P?'.V N'cACE� PvC P��F. F�r r-_E oR a� AREA�ERI\/LT[R pVRA-FLO ARIPPER_�tiE L>7ERALS ?VC CF POIY FI'TI�GS A�REOU7REC ?ERIME'ERIATERILLS S FRCM!EGi;c NR1'aCVUM REIIEF S'A_Ve Pl'Jt.+BeO TC EA.^,h HIGH P019:'• PV�OR POLY EXH.AUSF HEF�.�EH FL'JSF VA_VE?Ll:M6=� 70 PVC OF2 POLY TYPICA� DRIPPER�INE LAYOUT � TO MU�TIP�E P�ANTERS L2.1 SCALE 1 1/2"=1'-0" `�/ f ��i i!t� :,�L.f:� _,�✓ ' � ..��IG� 7 R� PERMIT SET PROJECT: Travigne Villas Cupertino,CA 95014 LIMITED REMEDIATION TITLE: FIRST FLOOR IRRIGATION PLAN DATE:May 5,2011 DRAWN BY: EG APPROVED(SG):JM FILE NAME: °ROJECTNO: REVISIONS: fi}��ic' Landscape Architecture 232 Sir Franas Drake Blvd. San Mselrta,CA 94960 m�,�.(at5j 721-0905 c..�.(415)721-0910 x�e�.S�UdO�fCEn COff1 :�..r:info(�1sWdioareen.com L2 . 1 I-. � O -- - � �PD �— — � i L I I I I _� ROVIDE 3"RISER -� i OT IN CONTRACT, TYPICAL � AND 3" REMOVEABLE CAP (DO NOT GLUE), TYPICAL AT ALL ENDS - - --- O I�I . o-- "' PD � --- — — _ � T PDT d V {'�; P D 'r D 3'� PERF PIPE ,ii. FE - il. � 3" PERF PIPE '� o �3, ° - - 3�� PERF PIPE I I I , -- �L II I'I �C�— —'�; - - -- dED EXISTING PD PD _ -- � I p _ N LOCATIONS P o _ o____ � �i��. ! a �� � � - � � a � FIRST FLOOR IN-PLANTER DRAINAGE PLAN Scale:1/8"=1'-0" f, � � 0 Z DRAINAGE NOTES 1.Plan is diagrammalic and only to show intent.Plan may change during constructbn documentation and consWCtan phases. 2.Slope perforated drain qpes at 0.5%minimum to fioor drain assembly. 3.Once ezisting sdl and plants have been removed,document existing drains,location, size,brand,and means of water convaence to Owner's Representative for distribution lo design team. 4.The basi�,riser and atrium drain assembly(Plar�der Drain Assembly)shall be provided at each Iloor drain bcation. 5.Drain bcations shown shall have the Planter Orain Assembly even if no floor drain occurs. 6.Perforated pipe hdes b face downward and be positioned at 5 and 7 o clock. 7.Flush all poUplanler drains prior b refding with�danter soil. 8.Take care nol to damage the drainage layer,m2t or any other pohion of the DRAINAGE LEGEND -� DIRECTION OF WATER OVER SIOPED PLANTER BOTTOM P�� PIANTER DRAIN ASSEMBLY, SEE DETAIL 1/L3.1 — — PERFORATED P;PE,PVC — --0 3"SOLID END CHP (E� BUiLDING WALL— TO REMAIN 1'-6" TYP. 1'-6" TYP. SEE ARCH DWG NDS 6"ATRIU "0 RISER FOR PLANTER GRATE, BLACK PERFORATED WATERPROOFING & WRAPPED IN DETAILS PLANTER FILTER fABRiC SOIL MIX �--� ------ --- V' `- --- S01:_ SHALL BE 2" BELOW DRIP EDGE Of (E) FLASHING. DO NOT 1 0 0 0 0 o ALLOW PLANTER SOIL TO COME �o0000 � IN �ONTACT W/ FLASHING N w I 1 j ��-�- o0000 -__���\ I NDS SPEE-0 BASIN #201, a � ��� MODIFY: DRILL HOLES � ��/ ?%� o o �: I 1/2"0 & REMOVE BOTTOM �--- -- °Q Q------- - I I --- SLOPE PLANTER DRP.IN MAT, CONTINUOUS. SEE ARCH. DWGS FOR �— 1" CLEAN CRUSHE BOWARD PERF. PIPE WATERPROOFING REQUIREMENTS DRAIN ROCK FILTER FABRIC WRAP, 3�� PERFORATED PIPE OVERLAP 18", TYPICAL ONNECT TO (E) STORM SYSTEM � TYPICAL P�ANTER SECTION L3.1 SCALE: 1 1/2"= 1�-0" � i J 1�� .., �.�:� � ~�� _ �.-�� - �;���� � � � , v PERMIT SET PROJECT: Travigne Villas Cupertino,CA 95014 LIMITED REMEDIATION TITLE: FIRST FLOOR IN-PLANTER DRAINAGE PLAN DATE:May 5,2011 DRAWN BY: EG APPROVED(SG):JM fILE NAME: °ROJECT N0: REVISIONS: 'St;��io' Landscape Architecture 232 Sir Frands Drake&vd. San Msdmo,CA 94960 vm.�.(415)721-0905 w�.(415)721-0510 we-.sWAogreen.can e�.r�.i�b(?sN6oareen.wm L3 . 1