07020017CITY OF CUPERTINO �ryrr f � iFlw BUILDING DIVISION PERMIT ; BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10505 MILLER AVE ABCO CONST 07020017 OWNER'S NAME; PERMIT ISSUE DATE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 14880 LLAGAS AVE 03/06/2007 PHONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. ARCHRECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO DEMO SFDWL & SHEDS ON CHURCH BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION PROPERTY Job Description I hereby affirm that I aro licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing o with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full force and effeeL License Class Lie. N Date Contractor ARCHrfECPS DECLARATION I understand my plans shall be used as public records Licensed Professional OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that 1 am exempt from the Contractors License Law for the following reason. (Section 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuanttothe provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9 Sq. Ft. Floor Area Valuation (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Pro[essiens Cade) of . that he is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of APN Number Occupancy Type Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant io a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500). ❑ L as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, Required Inspections will do the work. and the structure isnot intended oroffered forsale(Sec.70",Business and Professions Code: The Contractors License Law does not apply to an owner of Q p property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or through his own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered for sale If, ' however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner. builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for purpose of sale.). . L as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044. Business and Professions Code:) The Contractors. Li• cent Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for such projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor's - .. . License Law. . -... .._ ❑ I am yxemp�CQ..—�&�P-C Cor)nis� 3 Date WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION � � 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the fglloWing4mlecationu ❑ I have and will maintain a Certificate of Consent to self -insure for Worker's Compen- sation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ❑ 1 have and will maintain Workers Compensation Insurance, is required by Section, 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued.. My Workers Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number are: Carrier. Policy No.: CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed if t he permit is for one hundred dollars ($100) or less) I certify that in the perfonna c of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any m ner so a>l.tQ become sub'ec t h Workers' Compensaton Laws of Califon JFV Applicant 11 NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, after making this Certificate of Exemption, you should become subject to the Worirers Compensation provisions of the Labor Code, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.) Lenders Name , e Lenders Address 5 1 certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is ' " correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to " building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above -mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We) agree to save, indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against j liabilides,judgmeam, costs and expenses which may in any way accrue against said City e in consequence of the granting of this permit. , ? q APPLICANT UND D WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON -POINT j/- Issued by: Date SOURCE REGULKn0NS. Re -roofs Type of Roof Signature of Applicant/ mractor Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the applicant or future building necupantstore or handle hazardous material as defined by the Cupertino Municipal Codc. Chapter 9.12. and the Health and Safety Code, Section 25532(a)7 ❑ Yes All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove Will the applicant or future building occupant use equipment or devices which emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. District? ) 013 ❑ Yes I have read the hazardous materials requirements undcrChaptcr6.95of dw Califor- nia Health & Safely Code, Sections 25505. 25533 and 25534.1 understand that if the building . es donot currently have a tcnanL that it is my responsibility to notify the occupant of the rcqur mans-whi be met prior to issuance of a Ccrtific mr eapancy. Signature of Applicant Date r /�_ > ° All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better Owner o a o zed agent Dater I�V4 i� E` /i•�i�c% 7.20�Wlmlo Alan Fie-fiaree d6� z- � • �a�>�U �.,ae cY�,�[ . ; I ; 1, 1AICr (Aq& y =# 1 X,.&1427 _ j r A. PREMIER RAPIDFOLD DESKTOP FOLDER • Feeds and folds a stack =f 8V x 11' documents. • Creates 2 different fcics: eater and half. hem No. Dewiptioo/Style t Our Price W-5598Automaticfolder,FRE?i200 $219.99 B. MARTIN YALE AUTO FOLDER TABLETOP FOLDER • Feeds and folds a stack of 8'n' x 11' or 8'7' x 14' documents. • Creates 4 different fc;cs: ~,er, half, double parallel and z-fold. hem No. Descriptio4tyle t Our Price 0710.0102 Auto folder/1501X $&%.99 C. PREMIER DESKTOP 3-SHEET FOLDER • Hard -fed machine foics 1 -o 3 sheets of 81n' x 11'. • Creates a letter fold fcr s:ardard size envelopes. i hem No. Descriptfon/Style t Our Price •- "' `! 2006-2478 Automatic folder P-,% Officer's & Standing Committee's First Baptist Church, Cupertino September 21, 2003 Deacons: Usher: 1. Ralph Spencer 1. Frank Craft 2. Ryan Blake Trustee's: 3. Don Kowallis 4. Joe Evans 1. Greg Krisfalusy 5. Justin Craft 2. Robert Erickson 6. Steven Craft 3. Joe Evans 7. Bob Wheatly Personnel: Library: 1. Robert Erickson 1. Ralph Spencer 2. Rameche Bayat 2. Alexander Shen 3. Pat Likowski Van: Stewardship & Finance: 1. Frank Craft 1. Gary Blake 2. Robert Hatcher Fellowship / Kitchen 3. Cora Sue Johnson 1. Sophine Too Nominating : 2. Becky Rambis 3. Frank Craft 1. Director of Sunday School 4. Colin Blake 2. Director of Church Training 5. Ryan Blake 3. Director of WMU & Mens's Min. 6. Alexander Shen Property & Grounds: Flower: 1. Ralph Spencer 1. Becky Rambis 2. Robert Erickson 2. Louise Mahaffie 3. Greg Krisfalusy 3. Louise Gulkin Pre -School: Treasurer: Carolyn Krisfalusy 1. Carolyn Krisfalusy 2. Louise Mahaffie Disbursing/Assistant Treasurer: 3. Merle Woods Louise Mahaffie Audio -Visual: Church Clerk: Louise Mahaffie 1. Breann Krisfalusy 2. Greg Krisfalusy 3. Robert Erickson BUSINESS MEETING AGENDA SEPTEMBER 21, 2003 1, CALL TO ORDER 2, SCRIPTURE READING / PRAYER 3. ADOPTION OF AGENDA 4. READING OF MINUTES 5. ORGANIZATIONAL REPORTS & RECOMMENDATIONS a. Music Ministry b. Youth Ministries c. Outreach d. Trustee's e. Deacon's 6. COMMITTEE REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: a. Audio / Visual b. Building & Grounds c. Kitchen / Fellowship d. Personnel e. Nominating f. Pre -School g. Stewardship / Finance h. Ushers i. Van j. Floweh 7. OLD BUSINESS 1. Pastor Search Committee Report 2. Trustee Security Motion 8. NEW BUSINESS 1. Youth & Outreach Resignation 2. 3. 9. CHURCH COUNCIL RECOMMENDATIONS 10. TREASURER'S REPORT 11. ADJOURN Report of the Pastor Search (Pulpit) Committee September 14, 2003 Thank you for the opportunity to report to you on our work in searching for a pastor. We appreciate your confidence in us. Please pray for us as we seek to serve the church in this capacity. The Committee met on Friday evening, September 12. We had tapes (audio and TV) from four (4) candidates. So we listened to and watched those tapes. After that, the committee went carefully over resumes and reference letters for 10 candidates, and looked at one additional new resume which we have received. We had one member of the committee who was not there; so our decisions are subject to ratification by that person. Should there be a disagreement with any of the decisions made, the whole committee will re -visit those issues. Subject to that possibility, the committee decided that four (4) candidates would not be right for us, and the chairman was directed to so inform those candidates. We are waiting for further information on two (2) candidates; we do not have enough information on which to make a decision. We need further background investigation concerning three (3) candidates whose resumes and reference letters do not address certain questions raised. The committee then divided up among the members the necessary work to proceed with those tasks. We have two additional candidates on whom we have completed our investigation, but do not feel God has given us either a "yea" or a "nay" We are praying about this and waiting for His leadership concerning these two men. One thing we know, however, is that we have the right to ask God for, and expect from Him, the very best man possible. Though God has not given us His timetable, we fully trust that He has our best at heart and when He is ready, it will happen. Pat Likowski, Chairman Pastor Search (Pulpit) Committee loft FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Memo To: All Committee Members From: Pastor Jim, Interim Date: 9/24/03 Re: Committee Training Workshop October 5, 2003 Greetings! How exciting and wonderful to have you on the team! Enclosed is a list of the various committees and the members of each committee .As we approach the year of 2004, each committee will need to meet and plan their budgets, goals, dates, etc. for all the year Now., to make sure we all are on the same page, a workshop is planned for October 5, 2003. This meeting will begin after the moming worship. The Church will provide the lunch (Yeah!) Hopefully we will complete the workshop between 2:30-3:00 p.m. (I guarantee it!) this will be an informative time and a productive time for your committee. PLAN NOW TO BE HERE! OCTOBER 5, 2003- AFTER MORNING WORSHIP BYLAWS First Baptist Church of Cupertino 10505 MILLER AVENUE, CUPERTINO, CA 95014 (408) 252-7191 By -Laws PREAMBLE We the members of the First Baptist Church of Cupertino declare and establish these Bylaws to preserve and secure the principles of our faith and to govern the body in an orderly manner. This church shall be of the Congregational type, independently ruling itself by actions agreed to by its members. These Bylaws will preserve the liberties of each individual member and the freedom of action of this body in its relation to other churches. ARTICLE I 1. Name, Duration and Seal This corporation shall be known as the First Baptist Church of Cupertino, and shall exist for the maximum period allowed by the law of this state, unless sooner lawfully dissolved. It shall have a corporate seal of circular design on which shall be engraved the words " First Baptist Church of Cupertino" with the words " Incorporated Feb. 18, 1955 " in the center. 2. Purpose & Location This corporation is for the purpose of conducting religious worship, to teach, to train members, preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, build up the Christian community and spread the message of Jesus Christ throughout the world in cooperating with the Central Coast Baptist Association of California, and the Southern Baptist Convention as well as with the associations and agencies of each. This corporation shall operate within the meaning of Section 501(c) (3) of the I.R.S. Code. The place of worship shall be at 10505 Miller Avenue, Cupertino, in Santa Clara County, California, or such other place as may be designated by a 2/3 majority affirmative vote, of the Active Members, present and voting, taken at a Regular business meeting. The business of the organization shall be conducted at such place of worship. By -Laws of the I' Baptist Church of Cupertino Briefed April 12.. Approved Oct.11, 2006 Page 1 of 15 ARTICLE II MEMBERSHIP The membership of the church shall be those members present at the time of the vote to incorporate (Charter members ), all those which shall be added by being baptized by immersion by the lawful authority of the church upon a profession of faith, and those received by the church by letter from another Baptist church, or upon statement as sanctioned by usage and customs among Southern Baptist churches. Section 1. Composition: This body shall be composed of persons who have confessed Jesus Christ to be their Savior and Lord, have been baptized by immersion by authority of a Baptist church, and have been received into the fellowship of this church. Section 2. Petition for Membership: Petition for membership may be made by the following methods: A. Profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, requesting baptism and church membership. B. Transfer by letter from a sister church of candidates having been duly baptized by immersion by a church of like faith and order. C. Statement claiming membership in a Baptist church of like faith and order provided that neither the applicant nor the church can secure a letter of transfer. D. Reinstatement in the event the candidate has been excluded from membership in the church for cause deemed sufficient by the church provided the candidate makes a statement of his repentance which is acceptable to the church. Section 3. Granting of Membership: Membership in this church shall be granted by a majority vote if a quorum is present. If a quorum is not present, the motion shall be to "Recommend acceptance into membership by vote of the first quorum assembled." If there is an objection to the admission of the candidate into the church, action shall be deferred until the next regular business meeting of the church, at which time the objector may state the reason and a vote will be taken. A. There will be established three classes of membership) as follows: 1. Active members. 2. Watch care members 3. Inactive members Section 4. Active Members: Those who have contributed to the support of the church within the last six months by their presence and/or financial contributions. When no contributions have been entered on an Active Members giving record fora minimum of six months, the church clerk will bring this name to the church secretary who will send a letter to the last known address of the active member, indicating the pending removal from the Active Member class, if no response is received from the active member within 30 days, the name will be brought to the next business meeting for removal from the active member class to the inactive member class. If at the business meeting two people can verify the active member has been present in either church worship or Sunday school, the name will remain on the active member class list. Section 4A. Only Active Members may serve in the following church positions. Deacon, Clerk, Trustee, Director of a church program or organization or a voting member of a standing committee. Inactive, or Watchcare members or persons in attendance at church services/Sunday school for more than three months may serve in any support capacity not specifically prohibited by this section, if recommended by a member.and approved by a majority vote at a regular business meeting. By -Laws of the 1" Baptist Church of Cupertino Briefed April 12.. Approved Oct.11, 2006 Page 2 of 15 Section 5. Watch care: Christians who desire to associate with this church and yet retain membership in another church or denomination may present themselves for Watch care. Upon acceptance by the church, they will be given full participation in the life of the church and its activities, except for voting rights and holding an elected position. A person under watch care may serve in a substitute or assistant position if recommended by the Pastor and approved by a majority vote at a business meeting. Persons attending the church who are neither members, nor under watch care may not act in any teaching position. Section 6. Inactive Members: Those Members who have not fulfilled the obligations required to remain on the Active Member or Watch care list, unless otherwise provided for in these By -Laws. Section 7. Duties: Members are expected, first of all, to be faithful in all the duties essential to the Christian life; They shall be regular in attendance, giving for the support of the causes of the church and sharing in its organized work. Section 8. Rights: Any active member may act and vote in the transactions of the church. Matters requiring a written ballot may be voted upon only by Active Members age 14 and older. Section 9. Termination of Membership: The following rules shall govern the termination of individual membership: A. Transfer of letter. A letter will be granted to a Baptist church of like faith and order upon the request of such church, and will not be given the individual member as he leaves. B. Any member who has made a change of faith shall be removed from the church roll by erasure. Such action is to be confirmed by action of the church in a regular business meeting. C. Upon the death of any member, the name is removed from the roll of membership. Such action is to be confirmed by action of the church in a regular business meeting. D. When a member becomes an offense to the church and to its good name by reason of immorality, un-Christian conduct, by persistent breach of his covenant vows, or by advocating doctrines out of harmony with those held by the church. The church may terminate the membership, but only after due notice and hearing, and after faithful efforts have been made to bring such member to repentance and amendment. See Article Vlll for procedure, E. If a member in good standing requests to be released from the covenant obligations to the church for reasons which the church may finally deem satisfactory, after it shall have patiently and kindly endeavored to secure continuation in its fellowship, such requests may be granted and church membership terminated, If the member leaves the church and requests a letter of reference, the secretary may issue a letter after conference with the Pastor and Chairman of Deacons. . ARTICLE III Meetings Section 1. Worship Services: Are held Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night for Preaching and Worship. Business issues are not generally discussed on Sunday morning, except acceptance of new members. Special meetings may be held after a Sunday morning worship service after non-members have been dismissed. Section 2. Service of ordinances: The Lord's Supper will be observed at least once every 3 months at a By -Laws of the F Baptist Church of Cupertino Briefed April 12.. Approved Oct.] ], 2006 Page 3 of 15 worship service designated by the Pastor and Deacons. Baptism services are held at any regular worship service when there is a person needing to be baptized, designated by the Pastor and person to be baptized. Section 3. Business meetings: Definition: Regular Business Meeting shall be defined in the By -Laws as: "The scheduled Business meeting which is held on dates specified in the By -Laws either monthly or quarterly, and does not include any called meetings". Monthly, All Regular Business meetings are held at normal worship time on the Second Wednesday following the first Sunday of each month. Quarterly business meetings are held during the months of January, April and July. The annual business meeting is held during the month of October. Notice of meetings, and known controversial or abnormal agenda items for regular business meetings, will be given via Sunday bulletin, the Sunday before the business meeting, Changes to the By -Laws are handled in accordance with Article XI, and are not considered topics for special/called meeting agenda. Monthly business meetings may be suspended in favor of Quarterly Business meetings by a majority vote taken at any monthly business meeting. If suspended, monthly meetings may be restarted by a majority vote taken at any Quarterly business meeting. Section 4. Special meetings: may be called by the Pastorate, Chairman of the Deacons, or Chairman of the Trustees to expedite the resolution of a matter that cannot wait for a Monthly/Quarterly business meeting. Special meetings are subject to quorum requirements. The Chair or Moderator of the special meeting is required to give an account of reasons and outcomes of the special meeting at the next Regular business meeting. Notice of, and agenda of a special meeting will be given via Sunday bulletin one week prior to the special meeting when possible. Section 5. Voting: All votes are settled by majority of Active Members present, except where other requirements are given in the By -Laws. Votes may be verbal unless there is no clear majority, then a count of hands must be taken. Written ballots are only to be cast where required in the By -Laws, and are subject to the rights of membership, given in Art. it Sect 6 of the By -Laws. Section 6. Procedure: Conduct of business meetings are to follow Roberts Rules of Order only to the extent required to carry out necessary business, and where the rules are not in contradiction with the By -Laws. Meetings are to be as informal as possible and all members are expected to be courteous and behave in a Christian manner. The moderator will determine formality, as the meeting situation warrants. Normally the pastor will moderate business meetings. In the absence of the pastorate the Chairman of Deacons shall preside. If neither be present, the clerk shall call the meeting to order and a Moderator Pro -tern shall be elected. The moderator may vote to break a tie. Section 7. Quorum: One third of the Active Membership- constitutes a quorum. The church clerk is responsible for determining if a quorum is present before the meeting is called to order, and letting the moderator know if the quorum is not filled. A quorum may not be waived ARTICLE IV Officers, and their Duties 1. Pastor(s) The spiritual leaders of this church consist of the Pastorate and Deacons. The pastorate consists of the Pastor and any Associate Pastors. The Pastorate shall be licensed and ordained in a church cooperating with, and in fellowship with, the Southern Baptist Convention. The Pastorates' qualifications are spelled out in 1 By -Laws of the V Baptist Church of Cupertino Briefed April 12.. Approved Oct.11, 2006 Page 4 of 15 Tim. 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5 through 3:15. The Pastor serves as the spiritual leader, and shall have general supervision and oversight over all of the activities of this church. The Pastor is a voting member of the congregation and a voting, ex-officio, by virtue of the office, member of all committees and organizations. The Pastorate may only be called to this church by a 75% affirmative ,written vote, taken on the first ballot at a business meeting. Associate Pastors serve in a more focused role leading a specific ministry. Section 1. Officers and Staff: The officers of this church shall be the Pastorate, the professional church staff, the deacons, a clerk, a treasurer and trustees. The Spiritual leaders of the church, (Pastorate and Deacons) shall be ordained. Other positions of leadership, if filled, may be filled by trained professionals or Lay persons To meet the church needs, these paid positions may be combined. A. Pastor: A Pastor shall be chosen and called by the church whenever a vacancy occurs. A Pastor Selection Committee (Pulpit Committee ) representative of the membership, shall be elected by the church to seek out a suitable pastor. The pastor may relinquish the office as pastor by giving at least two weeks notice to the church at the time of resignation. The office of pastor shall be vacant upon acceptance by the church of the pastor's resignation. Acceptance shall be by majority vote of the members present at the appropriate Sunday worship service following the notice . The church may exclude a pastor from office. Such action shall take place at a meeting called for that purpose, of which at least one month's written public notice has been given to the pastor and all members on the Active Member list. B. Associate Pastors: Associate Pastors, when called, will become a part of the pastorate of this church. They will be called and they will relinquish their office in the same manner as the pastor. They will, therefore, meet all of the same scriptural tests regarding character and qualifications. Associate Pastors may serve as interim pastor during the pastor's absence or when the church is without a pastor. However, they will not automatically accede to the office of Pastor. C. Interim Pastors: Are serving to fill the time until a permanent pastor is called; therefore an Interim Pastor will surrender the position when notified by the Pastor Search Committee (Pulpit Committee) that a permanent pastor has been chosen and accepted by the congregation. An Interim Pastor may continue to serve as a Supply Pastor if asked by the Chairman of Deacons. C-1 An Interim Pastor shall be chosen by the Deacon(s) and affirmed by a majority vote at a business meeting , called for that purpose. The duties of the interim pastor will be a part of the motion, brought to accept the interim pastor. The pay and hours of the interim pastor will be decided by the Personnel committee and approved by the church at a business meeting. C-2 Intentional Interim pastor: The Intentional Interim Pastor(s) are specifically trained to help churches regroup, refocus and recommit to the church's mission and purpose after having lost a permanent pastor. A. They may be called by the Deacons for a specified period of service or until a Pulpit Committee is established and functioning, as determined at a Regular Business Meeting. B. During the time of service of the Intentional Interim pastor, he may assume full pastoral rights and responsibilities of Pastor, i.e. Leadership: acting as moderator at the business meetings and having full voting privileges at meetings, as allowed by the church's By -Laws. All other By -Laws not herein exempted will apply. By -Laws of the V Baptist Church of Cupertino Briefed April 12.. Approved Oct.11, 2006 Page 5 of 15 2. Deacons Deacons shall be ordained in a church cooperating with the Southern Baptist Convention. They provide leadership in ministry where they serve, and assist the Pastor in the administering of the ordinances. Deacons provide spiritual leadership to other members of this church and serve as a counsel to the Pastorate. Deacons' qualifications are spelled out in 1 Tim 3:8-15 and Acts 6:1-8 D. Deacons: In accordance with the meaning of the word and the practice of the New Testament, deacons are to be servants of the church. 1. They shall serve as a council of advice and conference with the pastor in all matters pertaining to the welfare and work of the church. They shall promote and care for the temporal and financial needs of the congregation. They shall cooperate with the Pastorate in visiting the church members, the caring for the sick and needy and depressed members of the church. They shall prepare for the observance of the ordinances of Baptism and the Lords Supper. They constitute the standing committee of the Church for the purpose of membership, discipline, and benevolence. 23hey shall serve as a general committee to supply for the pulpit and shall take charge of the worship service, in the absence of the pastorate. It being understood, that the pastor may personally arrange for such supply. 3. They will arrange for a Supply Minister when the church is without a pastor. The whole fellowship of deacons shall be organized as a unit for the consideration of all larger problems and general policies. 4. There may be seven deacons for the first 200 active church members, and one more deacon for each additional 50 members and fraction thereof. If there should be more deacons than described above, a rotation system for active/inactive service shall be established by the deacons and confirmed by the church. The church may promote to "Honorary Life Membership" any deacon who by reason of age or infirmities shall, after honorable service, be no longer able to render active service. A deacon transferring membership from another church shall serve a minimum of six months faithful service within the church before becoming eligible for election as a deacon. There is no obligation to constitute as an active Deacon, any person who comes to this church from another church where this person has been serving as a deacon. The Deacons shall be responsible for the processing of and the recommending of such a deacon to the church for active service. The Deacon Officers shall be selected by the deacons and confirmed by the church. 3. Other Officers Other paid leadership or elected lay leadership, definitions and duties are defined in these By-Laws/Procedures Manual. Trustees/Officers E. Trustees: Trustees, (also called The Board) shall consist of not more than 9 members, elected at a regular business meeting of the church when a vacancy shall occur. 1. The Trustees shall be elected from the general membership of the church and shall hold office for a 3 year term with option for renewal, if their nomination be affirmed by the congregation. One third will By -Laws of the 1" Baptist Church of Cupertino Briefed April 12.. Approved Oct.11, 2006 Page 6 of 15 rotate off each year. They may offer their resignation at any time. Note: Vacancies count as positions rotated off. 2. The Trustees will hold in trust all properties of the church, They oversee all contractual issues, but shall have no power to buy sell, mortgage, lease or transfer any property, except expendable supplies, without a specific vote of the church authorizing such action. They hold all property of the church in trust and are accountable to the congregation for audit of inventory and financial books. As the name implies, Trustees must be of the highest moral and ethical character. 3. In the event there is no Personnel Committee in the church, the Trustees will function in this capacity to continue the personnel contracts administration, until a Personnel Committee can be approved by the congregation. F. Clerk: (Also called Corporate Secretary.) The Clerk of the church shall keep, in a suitable book, a record of all the actions of the church, except as otherwise herein provided. The Clerk shall keep a register of the names of members, with dates of admission, dismissal, or death, together with a record of baptisms. The Clerk shall also notify all officers, members of committees, and delegates of their election or selection, by including these names in the minutes of the business meetings. The Clerk shall issue letters of dismissal voted by the church, preserve on file all communications and written official reports, and give legal notice of all meetings where such notice is necessary, as indicated in these By -Laws. G. Treasurer: ( Also called Chief Financial Officer.) The church shall elect a Church Treasurer. The Treasurer shall record all money or things of value paid or given to the church, keeping at all times an itemized account of all receipts and disbursements, except as otherwise provided in these By -Laws. Payment of bills for local work and expenses shall be made promptly by check, and all funds received for denominational or other causes shall be remitted at least monthly by check. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to render, at each regular business meeting, an itemized report of receipts and disbursements for the preceding month (s). The books shall be available for inspection at all times by any member of the church. At the end of each year, the Treasurer will render the annual account to the church. Upon its acceptance and approval by the church, the same shall be delivered by the Treasurer to the Church Clerk, who shall keep and preserve it as a part of the permanent records of the church. In the event a new Treasurer is elected, the Standing Treasurer shall: complete the report, then promptly deliver to the active chairman of the Finance Committee all books, records and accounts held, pertaining or relating to in any manner the duties of the office being relinquished. H. Minister of Music: The Minister of Music shall be charged with the responsibility to provide worshipful music for all services and departments of the church and shall have general oversight and direction of the music. The term of service and the procedure for termination thereof shall be the same as provided for the pastor in these By -Laws. A more detailed description of duties are as follows: 1. Responsible for all music in all organizations of the church. 2. Leads music in all regular and special services. Provides special music for these services within the capabilities of the church. 3. Organize and develop graded choir program and other special singing and instrumental groups. Grading should be on the church adopted basis. 4. Should assist in the selection, supervising and development of musicians. Must seek to develop all music talent in the church. By -Laws of the I' Baptist Church of Cupertino Briefed April 12.. Approved Oct.11, 2006 Page 7 of 15 5. May give individual and group instructions for a fee, as long as there is no conflict of interest with the church program. 6. Responsible for the provision and upkeep of musical instruments, hymnals, song books, sheet music, robes, supplies etc. 7. Will furnish special music for funerals, weddings, associational gatherings, etc. when requested by the Pastor. 8. Build and maintain a good church music library. 9. Will be responsible for preparing order of worship music for secretary or printer. I. Minister of Education: The Minister of Education shall be charged with responsibility for general direction of all educational functions of the church. The term of service and the procedure for termination thereof shall be the same as provided for the pastor in these By -Laws. A more detailed description of duties are as follows: 1. Works in cooperation with the Sunday School Director and/or Church Training Director. 2. In relation to church teaching and training organizations, The Minister of Education shall lead in establishing of units in keeping with best standards of our denomination; lead all teaching and training organizations to reach their constituencies; lead toward progressive goals, keeping teaching and training organizations keyed to the program and main functions of the church. Coordinate work of various organizations to avoid conflicts and overlapping, seeking to keep all plans and projects shaped into a program of work for the entire church. Guide in selecting, enlisting, training and counseling of workers, assisting them in establishing and accomplishing worthy goals. Seek constructively and constantly to bring teaching and training ministry up to the highest standards of effectiveness. 3. By direction of the Pastor, the Minister of Education shall develop and promote a definite, consistent visitation program; plan and direct special emphasis such as census; seek to develop positive programs of self improvement; make self available to assist the pastorate. Work (only to the extent that the church program is not hindered.) In cooperation with the pastorate, serve as immediate director of church offices; assist in preparation of all orders for literature, supplies, and oversee the editing of the church paper. J. Minister of Youth : The Minister of Youth shall be charged with the responsibility for general direction of all Youth functions of the church, and in cooperation with the Sunday School Director of Youth will be responsible for the oversight of all youth programs of the church. The Minister of Youth will provide adequate program information to the Sunday School Director of Youth to protect the church program in the event of an unexpected vacancy in the position. The term of service and the procedure for termination thereof shall be the same as provided for the pastor in these Bylaws. A more detailed description of duties are as follows: 1. Staff Role. The Minister of Youth is a member of the staff and serves as Assistant to the Pastorate in such capacities as are commensurate with the personal skills of the individual. These may include counseling, working with committees/groups, teaching, spiritual oversight, participation in the worship experience of the church. 2. Ministry -related Functions. The Minister of Youth will function as a specialist in the following areas: By -Laws of the 1 ' Baptist Church of Cupertino Briefed April 12.. Approved Oct.11, 2006 Page 8 of 15 Youth Work: the development and coordination of programs/activities forjunior high through high school age youth ministry, inclusive of teaching, counseling, devotional and recreational activities, evangelism, as well as the recruitment and training of lay support. The overall goal will be to challenge and cultivate spiritual growth, demonstrate in Christian profession (e.g., baptism), attitudes, behavior, interests, service, and church participation (e.g. membership, leadership, etc. ) by means of personal role modeling, the teaching of Biblical truths and Christian principles. As staff youth specialist, the Minister of Youth may serve on other youth boards, commissions or agencies. The overall goal will be to strengthen the family units spiritually through a better understanding of parent/child relationships, parental and adolescent stress, cultural influences, and other factors, concerns, or problems uniquely associated with youth. 3. The Minister of Youth will work closely with the Youth committees, as well as with other groups/committees as may seem fitting to the Pastor for the effective performance of duties as a resource and liaison person. K. Secretary: The church may employ a secretary on a full or part time basis as a part of the office staff. Salary and hours shall be determined by the Personnel Committee at the time of hiring. The secretary shall insure that the Policies and Procedures Manual is available to all committee chair persons and that all church council members are familiar with it's existence and contents. Also that a copy of the specific committee's procedure is made available to new committee members upon their approval by the business meeting. L. Financial Secretary: If desired, the church may elect a Financial Secretary whose duties will be defined by the Nominating Committee, or if this is a paid position, by the Personnel Committee. If a Financial Secretary is elected, the job description will be brought as an amendment to the By -Laws in the prescribed manner. ARTICLE V Organizations: Section 1.Organizations: All organizations of the church shall be under church control. The pastor of the church is the pastor of all its organizations. The church may maintain Sunday School, Church Training, Women's Missionary Union, Baptist Men and such other organizations which can be supported by the church population. These organizations shall operate according to the guidelines set forth by our Southern Baptist Convention. A. Sunday School Officers: 1. Director of Sunday School: The Director of the Sunday School shall have responsibility for and oversight of the regular functions of the Sunday School, for maintenance of Sunday School records and for the preparation of such reports as may be required. 2. The Sunday School Year: The Sunday School Year ends in June to coincide with the local school year. During this month a graduation exercise may be held by the church to honor those students moving ahead. By -Laws of the 1" Baptist Church of Cupertino Briefed April 12.. Approved Oct.11, 2006 Page 9 of 15 (THE CHURCH ON A MONTHLY BUSINESS MEETING SCHEDULE) 3. Elections: Three months before the close of the Church year the Sunday School Director shall be elected, upon nomination by the standing Nominating Committee. The nomination of Organization Directors constitutes the final official act of the standing Nominating Committee. The newly elected Organizations' Directors form the upcoming years Nominating committee. The Nominating Committee will bring to the church, nominations of Sunday School officers and Secretary. Within thirty-five days the committee, enlarged by the addition of these officers, will bring a complete list of nominations of all teachers. though nominated and confirmed, the new Sunday School Council and teachers do not take their seats until the annual business meeting. The duties of these officers and teachers shall be those ordinarily designated in the approved denominational standards. (THE CHURCH ON A QUARTERLY BUSINESS MEETING SCHEDULE.) 3A. Elections: Three months before the close of the Church year the Sunday School Director, the SS Officers and Secretary shall be elected, upon nomination by the standing Nomination Committee. The nomination of the Organization's Directors and Secretary form the upcoming years Nominating committee. At the annual meeting the committee, enlarged by the addition of these officers, will bring a complete list of nominations of teachers. The new Sunday School Council takes its seat at the annual meeting. The duties of these officers and teachers shall be those ordinarily designated in the approved denominational standards. B. Church Training/Discipleship Officers: The Church Training Director, department leaders and other officers of the Church Training Dept. shall be elected annually by the church in the same way as the Sunday School Officers so far as it is applicable. The regular committees of each department shall be selected by the executive committee of that department. C. W.M.U. Officers: The general officers of the Women's Missionary Union consisting of W.M.U. Director, Baptist Women's Director, Mission Friends Director, Girls for Action Director, Acteens Director and Baptist Young Women's Director, shall be elected annually by the church in the same way as the Sunday School Officers so far as it is applicable. Other officers, leaders and committees shall be selected by the W. M. U. Executive Committee. The duties of these officers and committees shall be those designated by the approved denominational standards. D. Baptist Men: The President of the Baptist Men shall be elected annually by the church. At the first meeting following his election, the Baptist men shall elect the remaining officers of the Baptist Men. The duties of the officers and committees shall be those designated by the approved denominational standards. E. Other Necessary Officers: shall be nominated and elected as indicated above and in accordance with provisions of these By -Laws. Section 2: Committees: Special committees which may be needed from time to time shall'serve for an indefinite period according to the need of their purpose and, with the exception of a Pulpit Committee, may be selected or elected. Standing committees shall be elected (except as may be otherwise provided herein) for a term of one year and shall take office immediately subsequent to the Annual Business Meeting. All Selections made under the authority of this Article shall be submitted by the Nominating Committee in regular or special business meetings, for ratification by the congregation. A. Personnel Committee: 1. Personnel Committee: The Personnel Committee will conduct annual salary evaluations on all paid church officers and employees. The evaluations will begin in sufficient time to bring the committee recommendations to the church at the annual business meeting. The committee, working in conjunction with By -Laws of the 1 °' Baptist Church of Cupertino Briefed April 12.. Approved Oct.11, 2006 Page 10 of 15 the Finance committee will, determine the sufficiency of money to fund the increases. 2. Employees and Staff Members: Janitor, Caretaker, Custodian, or other persons filling church approved, paid positions concerning administration and upkeep of buildings and grounds shall be employed or discharged at the discretion of the Personnel Committee. Other paid church employees must be recommended to the church by the Personnel Committee and approved for employment or discharge, by church action. Contractual Employees, which are not direct church employees, will be administered by the Trustees i.a.w. Article IV,3,E.(1) B. Nominating Committee: 1. Nominating committee: The principal function of the Nominating Committee is to lead in filling all church -elected leadership positions filled by volunteers. It shall develop and implement a process for selecting, interviewing, and enlisting such leadership unless otherwise specified in the by-laws. This committee shall recommend all church -elected leaders to the congregation. Upon their confirmation by the business meeting, all Program/Organization Directors and the professional staff, shall be ex-officio voting members. In the event there are no Program Directors, the Sunday School teachers will automatically become members of the Nominating Committee. C. Pastor Search Committee (Pulpit Committee:) 1. Pulpit Committee: When the church is without a pastor, the regular Nominating Committee shall nominate, for election by the church, a Pulpit Committee whose duties shall be to locate, investigate and recommend to the church such pastors as may be suitable and available. The recommendation of the Pulpit Committee will constitute a nomination. Any church member has the privilege of submitting names to the Pulpit Committee. The committee shall bring to the consideration of the church only one name at a time. The election shall take place at a meeting called for that purpose. At least one week's written notice must be given to each member listed on the Active list. A Quorum being present, the election shall be by secret ballot, Blank votes cast will not count. 2. If the office of Pastor is vacant, the Pulpit Committee may consider Associate/Interim Pastors, serving in this church, for the office of Pastor. D. By -Laws Oversight Committee: 1. The duties of the By -Laws Committee will be to fulfill the job of parliamentarian with the exception that it will be a committee, rather than an individual. At least one committee member will be present at each business meeting. 2.The purpose of the committee is to insure the procedures outlined in the By-laws _and the Policies and Procedures Manual are followed. And that the Manual and the By-laws follow the intent of the Cal. Corporations Code. At least one member will be available to the pastor or other committee chairpersons for consultation prior to a business meeting. In the event there is any question on intent or meaning, the committee member may consult with the other members of the committee before rendering a' judgement. This will be a Standing committee. E. Missions Development Committee: 1. The Missions Development Committee shall consist of up to (5) individuals. This committee will recommend new mission works, start the new work, and monitor existing mission activities. The committee will issue a report on the status of each supported mission to the Church Council and to the Business Meetings. The committee will be responsible forestablishing the purpose and guidelines for any new mission established by the church. This committee will recommend to the church, financial giving goals for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, for the church approval. It will also actively promote these two Southern Baptist missions By -Laws of the I' Baptist Church of Cupertino Briefed April 12.. Approved Oct.11, 2006 Page 11 of 15 ARTICLE VI Church Council Section 1. Organization: The Church Council, shall have as regular members the Pastor and other professional staff, the Program/Organization Directors, the Chairman of Deacons, the Chairmen of Trustees the Treasurer, the Clerk, the Financial Secretary, the committee chairmen and other church elected officers. The Church Council shall bring recommendations to the church for approval of all projects, programs and calendar activities. The Church Council is not an authoritative body. It may advise and recommend, but it cannot enforce its decisions. Neither is it an administrative group. Once it agrees on a program or project, the head of one of the church organizations or the chairman of a church committee becomes responsible for carrying out the program or project, and for reporting program progress to the congregation at the business meetings. The Church Council is an advisory and correlating agency through which all organizations and committees may coordinate their activities into one harmonious program of work. Section 2. Duties: The Church Council shall seek to correlate and coordinate the various activities and organizations of the church. They shall prepare and recommend objectives and goals, shall promote the wholehearted cooperation of the congregation. They shall become familiar with the contents of the By-laws and the Policies and Procedures Manual, kept in the Secretary's office, and insure that each new member of their committee is provided with a copy of the specific committee procedure. ARTICLE VII. Finance Section 1. Source: This church shall be supported bythe tithes and offerings of its members. All funds, for any and all purposes, shall pass through the hands of the treasurer and be properly recorded on the books of the church. Section 2. Contracts and Expenditures: The following rules shall govern church contracts and expenditures. A. No contract for supplies, materials or services, pledging the credit of the church, shall be made, except after approval of the Finance Committee, unless authorized by direct vote of the church. B. Elected members of the Finance Committee are the only ones authorized to sign checks. The Finance Committee will write a procedure to insure adequate record keeping is accomplished when purchases of supplies, materials or services are made. C. Any money collected by any church organization shall be duly recorded by said organization and turned in to the church treasurer or in case of special expenditures, reported to the Finance Committee. Section 3. Audit: The trustees shall call for, and receive, an annual audit of all books and accounts of the church. They shall provide for an annual inventory of church supplies and equipment By -Laws of the 1" Baptist Church of Cupertino Briefed April 12.. Approved Oct.11, 2006 Page 12 of 15 ARTICLE VIII. Discipline Section 1. Should any unhappy differences arise between members, the aggrieved member shall follow, in tender spirit, the rules given by our Lord in the 18th. Chapter of Matthew, verses 15 - 19. Section 2. Should any case of gross breach of covenant, or of public scandal, occur, the deacons, in cooperation with the pastorate, shall endeavor to remove the offense; and if such effort fail, shall report the case to the church. Section 3. If the church vote to entertain a complaint (which must be made in writing), it shall appoint a reasonable time and place of hearing and notify the person in question thereof, furnishing him with a copy of the charge. Section 4. At such hearings, the accused member may call to his aid any member of the church as counsel. If he shall not present himself at the time appointed, or give satisfactory reasons for his neglect to do so, the church may proceed in his absence. Section 5. All such proceedings shall be pervaded by a spirit of Christian kindness and forbearance, but should an adverse decision be reached, the church may proceed to admonish or to declare the offender to be no longer in the membership of the church. Section 6. In case of grave difficulty the church will be ready, if requested, to ask the advice of an acceptable council from sister churches. ARTICLE IX Distribution One copy of the By -Laws shall be kept in the Church Clerk's current record book and at least one copy shall be kept in the church office. These shall be made available to any member for inspection on request. Upon adoption All previous or undated copies of the Constitution and the Bylaws shall be destroyed, with the exception of the Church Clerk who is required to maintain an Historical record of changes since inception. Current copies of documents referenced in these By -Laws will be maintained in the church office. Each member shall be provided with one copy and each new member shall be presented with a copy to be enclosed in the New Members packet. ARTICLE X Dissolution X.01 The property of this corporation is irrevocably dedicated to religious purposes and no part of the net income or assets of this corporation shall ever benefit any director, officer, member or any private person therein. Upon the dissolution, or if at any time this church ceases to function as a Southern Baptist church, By -Laws of the 1 ' Baptist Church of Cupertino Briefed April 12.. Approved Oct.11, 2006 Page 13 of 15 the property and assets, both real and personal, will be distributed to the Central Coast Baptist Association or its successors. In the event it becomes necessary to invoke the following Church Protection Clause, the Church Trustees( S) or any church member, active or inactive, will inform the Central Coast Baptist Association that there has been a possible violation or breach of the Church assets. This notification will invoke the Church Protection Clause and all of its content, Article X may not be removed from this Constitution without the written consent of the Central Coast Baptist Association. Church Protection Clause Articles X.01, X.02, X.03 and X.04 are held to be irrevocable for the purpose of preserving the founder's intent for this ministry and all of its assets and properties to remain in Southern Baptist life. X.02 A vote to dissolve as a church shall require a majority vote at a called business meeting for that purpose. X.03 The church shall be determined to have ceased functioning as a cooperating Southern Baptist church when a statement to that effect is adopted by the Central Coast Baptist Association Executive Board ("Executive Board".) A. Preceding any such statement being adopted the church in question shall be requested in writing by the Executive Board to attend a hearing to discuss ministry related concerns. The purpose of such a hearing is to resolve the concerns to all parties satisfaction. The church agrees that when notified of the hearing about ministry related concerns that no properties or assets, (other than normal budgeted expenses) will be liquidated, transferred or encumbered in any way until the conclusion of the process set forth in Sections X.03 and X.04. B. The church shall have a period of 90 days to address concerns discussed in the first hearing. At the end of 90 days the church shall meet again with the Executive Board to discuss progress towards concerns raised. If satisfactory progress has been made the matter shall be considered resolved. If insufficient progress has been made as determined by the Executive Board, a statement may be adopted to the effect that the church has ceased to function as a cooperating Southern Baptist Church with the Central Coast Baptist Association. C. This statement would be made in rare instances. For example: the church assets were in danger of being removed from Southern Baptist life by parties seeking to circumvent the church's will as expressed herein or other conditions that end the Southern Baptist ministry life of the church. The executive Board must notify the church in writing if such a statement is adopted. A "ceasing to function as a cooperating Southern Baptist Church" statement will require a 3/, vote in favor of the motion by the Executive Board. X.04 Should the church be determined to have ceased functioning as a cooperating Southern Baptist church according to the provisions of Article VI.03, the church may appeal the decision to an ecclesiastical council if it believes that the Executive Board was in error or unaware of important facts that would alter the decision. By -Laws of the V Baptist Church of Cupertino Briefed April 12.. Approved Oct.11, 2006 Page 14 of 15 A. This appeal must be made in writing 30 days of receiving written notice of ceasing to function as a cooperating Southern Baptist Church with the Central Coast Baptist Association. B. A hearing will be granted within 60 days of receipt of the written request from the appealing church. C. The appeal will be heard by the Ecclesiastical council, which consists of the CCBA Administrative Council, the Director of Missions, four pastors within the association that are mutually agreed upon by both the church and the Executive Board and a non -voting representative of the California Southern Baptist Convention, if available. The church will be notified in writing within 30 days of the appeal hearing as to the final decision Of the council. It will require a 2/3 vote of the ecclesiastical council to uphold the Executive Board decision. D. The decision of the ecclesiastical council is legally binding upon all parties. Neither the Executive Board nor the church shall contest the decision of the ecclesiastical council in court. E. Should either the church, or the Central Coast Baptist Association fail to cooperate in the council's establishment or proceedings, that party should automatically concede its position and privileges in the matter. ARTICLE XI Amendments These By -Laws may be amended in whole or in part by a two-thirds (2/3) majority affirmative vote of the Active Members present and voting atany Annual Business meeting, a quorum being present, provided the changes have been presented in writing at any previous Regular business meeting, by the duly elected BYLAWS Committee.. The following format will be used when making changes to the By -Laws: 1 Text as is currently in the By -Laws 2. Text to be added or deleted. Chairmen Signatures & Date By -Laws Committee Corporate Secretary 21 / 1� 41 0 65 2 ( Signature) (Da e) (Signature ( Date) Trustee By -Laws of the 1 ' Baptist Church of Cupertino Briefed April 12.. Approved Oct.11, 2006 Pastor Robin Davies IF- G--o(,�, ( Date) Page 15 of 15 STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS. CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO I------------------------CyARLES--- E-.---RICKERSHAU5ER,--,IR ----------------- , Commissioner of Corporations of the State of California, do hereby certify that the following is a true and correct copy of the ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION filed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------heretofore on the ---- 26th -- ...day of ------------- March --------------------------- 19-55--, nxx--b-y-----FIRST_BAPTIST_ CHURCH_ OF CUPERTINO, are CAL IF ORNIA as the same* now on file and of record in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this ------- 1].th------- day of-- --_February- ............................... 19__b4_. ES IRP. FORM F-31 16 10-01 9M sP0 CHARLES E. RICKERSHAUSER, JR. ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------- Commissione of Corporations V'``-� By-- - --------------- --- ------------- -- ------------------------ OBERT E. LaNOUE Su rvising Deputy Co issioner DMSK)N OF CORPORA I Imoz, 298494 ENDORSED VD ?ME'D FEB. 18, I9,�'S F7A1•4C6Cb 0fF1Qr ARTICLES of INCORP[ILITION of the EIRST Baptist Churoh of CUnRTINO , California. AN Ili ALL MEH 31 THEM P'RE EM: That the F Baptist Church of CUPERTINO ; CaWorni.a, an uninoorporstood asssocia on, and the ms=nbers of sa o urc have voluntarily associated themselves for the purpose of forming a corpora- tion under the Lars of the State of California: FIRST s That the name of this corporation is s Baptist. Church of CVMTIN10n California SECOND: That the purposes for which this organization iB formed are the fol.lowiag s To cultivate, prmote, and promulgate the teachings and precepts of Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible as interpreted by Baptist Churches cooperating with The Southern Baptist General Convention of California. To purchase, receive, takep aoqui.re, hold, sell, convey, or otherwise dispose of property, whether real, personal or mixed. To reoeive property by devise or bequest, subject to the laws regulating the transfer of property by gill, and to otherwise acquire and hold all property, real or personal, including shares of fft-mk, bonds and securities of other eotporations, To act as traxtes under any trust incidental to the principal objecta of the corporatims and to receive, hold, administer, and expend funds axed property subject to such trust. To coney, exchange, ]save, mortgage, encumber, transfer upon trust, or otherwise dispose of all property, real or personal. To barrow normal, contrast debts, and issue bonds, notes and debentures, and secure ssaafm. To boutraat nod be contracted with. To ace and be imbed. To do all aoU meoeawT or expodlent for the a&d nistratioa of the affairs and attar of the pis of the carporetion. That this is a 4ktob dew scot ocutm Plate peewd=T gain or profit to the awalbert t'borea. �S�liill That the apbere of said FIRST Baptist Church of , Califs a, an unincorporated aaaociation, shall becom ambers of this aorpora►tion unles■ they file their dieaent in writin with the secretary, thereof. Other persona may become membera of this cor- poration in accordance with the provision of the By -Laws. SIITH: That the name of the unincorporated association which is being incorporated is tho Baptist Church of -G[FPERTINO ,California. SEVENTH: That there is no capital. -stock in said association and that the same is not farmed for profit] nor does said aaaociation contemplate the distribution of gains: profits or dividends to the ambers thereofa but in formed for the purpose of promoting public voredp and the preaohing of 3 the gospel of Jesus Christ under Title I. Division 2, Part I, of the Corporation Code of the State of California. IN WMISS WHO, me have her mte sit our hands and seals this 1Z th day of ,September --, 19 4. rasa* S Mmz Gilbert OF CALIFORNIA ) r Or Santa I'Zara )� ,s .j2. day of SepreLber 195,before me, the under- , to a Notary Publics in and for the County; of Santa C1 ra of California,, residing therein duly commissioned and sworn, mMy appeared Fred Gray and Nary lilri rt to me to be persona whose names are subscribed to the attached scent and ack-nowledged to me that they executed same. 'NESS HEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed say official .n the County of _San �,a Clara w, the day and year in this leate firert above written. /SLW B. Melons _ Notary NELlie an foie said Cowity and State .11 STATE of ULIMNIA Santa Clara Free Gray _ and Mary Gilbert , being first duly sworn, each for himself or herself, and not one for the other* That the affiant, Fred Gray , is the pastor and presiding officer of the FIRST I Baptist Church of CTWERTINO California; and t§gX Gilbert seta as secretary to all meetings of the FM= I Baptist Church of CITFUTNO , California; that on the Sth day of September—, 19 -'h , the members of said church, at a regular meeting of such members, duly called and regular- ly assembled, adopted a resolution to incorporate said unincorporated association and church to associate together the members thereof into, and to farm a corporations not for profit, under the laws of and in accordance with the Uwe of the State of California relating to non-profit corporations. That pursuant to and in accordance with said resolution adopted as aforaeaid and to carry out the same, obese etfiants and es.ah of them have executed and acknowledged as preaidUA officer and clerk, respectively, of the said unincorporated association, the FIRST Baptist Church of 7,MRTINO _, CaliforrAay the gttsahed articles of in- corporation, having been eutharised by said association to do so. Pastor S Fred Gray Ssuheesibed and men to M #ids In& &W of ANIMMLIP >V.&* FILE No.75fi31SF BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF INVESTMENT DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS IN RE APPLICATION OF FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA CERTIFIED COPY OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION DEPARTMENT OF INVESTMENT DIVISION OF CORPORATIONS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA CORP. FORM F-35 76526 11-42 20W ®PO aJ!W SWAT PEST CONTROL P.O. BOX 361675 MILPITAS, CA 95036 (408) 894-0247 CELL: (408) 781-4367 February 27, 2007 Re: 10505 Miller Ave Cupertino Dear Mr Frank Woods, I inspected your building on February 12, 2007 for rats. Roof rats are commensal rodents, meaning they share the same table with humans. Rats can not grow to large numbers without food from humans. Food usually consists of pet food, bird seed and other items communally associated with human activity. The building that you need to tear down has not had human occupancy for a very long time. It would be more of a community problem for skunks or raccoons. The photos taken show the latest rat occupied the shed next to the large building about 3 to 4 weeks ago. Grass seed was forgotten and consumed by a rat. The rat left after the food was depleted. There is no mass exodus of rats expected when the buildings are demolished. Sincerely, Steve Hebert Owner\OperatorD 710Q7 Y 02/21/2007 11:53 4087791763 ABCO CONST PAGE 02/02 ,A.SBESTES'I', INC. 1550 Dell Avenue, Suite G Campbell, CA 95009-6912 (408) 374,3362 Fax (408) 374-7269 ABCO CONSTRUCTION February 12, 2007 14880 "GAS AVENUE SAN MARTIN, CA 95046-9522 Job No, A-31535-07 ATTENTION: DOUG GALBRAITH RECEIVED PROJECT: 10505 MILLER FEB 212997 CUPERTINO, CA BY ASBESTOS IDENTIFICATION BY POLARIZFP LIGHT MICROSCOPY Non -Fibrous Fibrous Asbestos Other Fibrous Materials or Sample Iden.ffim o Miaerals. % Materials. % Minerals, % 1 FLOORING NONE DETECTED FIBERGLAS, BINDER, 50% ORGANIC FIBERS, 50% 2 SHEETROCK NONE DETECTED ORGANIC FIBERS, BINDER, 97% 3% 3 ROOFING NONE DETECTED ORGANIC FIBERS, MISC. PARTICLES, 35% BINDER, 65% This test report relates only to the items tested. The materials were examined by polarized light microscopy according to Environmental Protection Agency methods_ Reported asbestos percentages were estimated based on comparison to test samples provided by the EPA. Samples will be stared for sic months and then properly disposed unless prior arrangements have been made. Respectfully submitted, ASBE TEST, INCORPORATED Robert M. Kumagai Microscopist 02/21/2007 BAY AREA ,AI R QiJAL" MANAGEMbNT D t S T R I O T 11:53 4087791763 ABCO CONST COMPLIANCE & ENFORCEMENT DIVISION Abco Construction 14880 Uagas Avenue San Martin, CA 95046 PAGE 01/02 Oegulation 11, Rule 2 Acknowledgement of Notification and Payment of Fees Job No: 2R409 Invoice No: ] QA,83 The Bay Area Air Quality Managetnent District (BAAQMD) acknowledges receipt of your payment and your Asbestos Removal or Demolition Plan described as: DemolMon Site address Start Date Completion Date 10505 Miller Ave Cupertino, CA 95014 February 23, 2007 March 3112007 RECEIVED BY FEB 212007 Removal amounts of liable ACM 0 linear feet 0 square feet 0 cubic feet Should it become necessary to revise this plan, please do so in the spaces provided below and immediately copy the District by fax or by mail. y.. REGULATION 11-2 REVISION BAAQMD J# 2R909 \ REVISION # START DATE COMPLETION -DA:M 2 3 ! ! ! 4 ! ! ! NOTE: This form 0 not intended as a verification of either the completeness of yow original notification or of its compliance with BA,4QMD Regulation II-2. If you have any questions about this acknowledgment, please call our office at (4.15) 749-4762. • * City of Cupertino Public Works Department 10300 Torre Ave. Cupertino CA 95014 (408) 777-3354 Debris Bins Debris from a project in Cupertino can be collected and disposed of in either: 1. a Los Altos Garbage Co. bin (call 725-4020 to order), OR 2. a bin owned by the project's general contractor or demolition contractor, and hauled by a vehicle owned and registered to that contractor (contractor should be prepared to prove ownership), OR 3. a private truck with a bed, but no bin The Los Altos Garbage Company is the only debris bin service provider franchised to do business in Cupertino. Bins from other leasing companies may not be used in Cupertino. Please check all that apply: ❑ I will use a Los Altos Garbage Company bin I will use a bin and truck owned by the general contractor or the demolition contractor. ❑ I will use a private truck, and not drop a bin. Recyclable Materials Recyclable materials may be collected in private debris bins or containers leased from ANY company, as long as the materials are both: 1. separated by type of material into separate containers, AND 2. are not contaminated by garbage. Separated recyclable materials are materials that are separated into individual containers, each containing just one type of recyclable material. Typical examples of recyclable materials include: metal, wood, concrete, steel -reinforced concrete, asphalt, tree trimmings, white goods, toilets (hardware removed), rocks and clean fill dirt. Separated recyclables must ultimately be recycled or otherwise reused, and not disposed of in a landfill. Contractor should be prepared to provide the name and phone number of any recycling companies being used on the project. A list of local recycling companies can be found at: www.recyclestuff.org. •............. 6.......................... ................... •.......... ......... ............ Signature: Date: Name (printed): : N ,6A-V � C S Title: S /- -S 1-0 r'c Phone: 2- - 7/ q Project address: 16 �-D 5- /p , LLe r- A Y e This form to remain in the project's building permit file for the duration of the project Revised 1/03 • City of Cupertino Public Works Department 10300 Torre Ave. Cupertino CA 95014 (408) 777-3354 Debris Bins Debris from a project in Cupertino can be collected and disposed of in either: 1. a Los Altos Garbage Co. bin (call 725-4020 to order), OR 2. a bin owned by the project's general contractor or demolition contractor, and hauled by a vehicle owned and registered to that contractor (contractor should be prepared to prove ownership), OR 3. a private truck with a bed, but no bin The Los Altos Garbage Company is the only debris bin service provider franchised to do business in Cupertino. Bins from other leasing companies may not be used in Cupertino. Please check all that apply: ❑ I will use a Los Altos Garbage Company bin ❑ I will use a bin and truck owned by the general contractor or the demolition contractor. ❑ I will use a private truck, and not drop a bin. Recyclable Materials Recyclable materials may be collected in private debris bins or containers leased from ANY company, as long as the materials are both: 1. separated by type of material into separate containers, AND 2. are not contaminated by garbage. Separated recyclable materials are materials that are separated into individual containers, each containing just one type of recyclable material. Typical examples of recyclable materials include: metal, wood, concrete, steel -reinforced concrete, asphalt, tree trimmings, white goods, toilets (hardware removed), rocks and clean fill dirt. Separated recyclables must ultimately be recycled or otherwise reused, and not disposed of in a landfill. Contractor should be prepared to provide the name and phone number of any recycling companies being used on the project. A list of local recycling companies can be found at: www.recyclestuff.orc. •........ 0...............••................................••............................• Signature: Date: Name (printed): 7/0JO IN �>4 Title: Phone: Project address: ! r —r This form to remain in the project's building permit file for the duration of the project. Revised 1/03 0 Pacific Gas and S Electric Company 10900 North Blaney Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, Ca 95014 To Whom It May Concern: Rf`'` SEP 1 8 2006 SUBJECT: REMOVAL OF GAS AND/OR ELECTRIC FACILITIES The gas and electric facilities have been removed and/or abandoned for a structure on the property located at: 10505 MILLER AVE, CUPERTINO. on 6/27/06. If you have any further questions, please contact me at (408) 725-3325. t Sincerely, 4 Service Planning