FSP 05-02-2011 City of Cupertino
Fiscal Strategic Plan Committee
May 2. 2011
At 3:15 p.m. Carol Atwood called the meeting to order at Cupertino City Hall, 10300
Torre Avenue, Conference Room A, Cupertino, CA.
Present: Carol Atwood, Kelly Kline, Aarti Shrivastava, David Woo, Mark Linder, Julia
Lamy, Mark Santoro, Roger Lee, Timm Borden,
Absent: Gilbert Wong, Roger Lee
Guests: Quinton Adams
Mark Santoro moved to approve the minutes of April 11, 2011. It was noted that Item
B.2., should read "see item B.1., above." Aarti Shrivastava seconded and the motion
passed unanimously.
A. TEA/ERAF Legislation — David Woo reported that the proposed legislation is still "in
B. TOT Survey Results—Results have been shared with Council, and are quite favorable,
with 62% supportive (definitely/probably/yes). With further explanation, the number
moves up to 68%. While 73% of the respondents favor a 1% increase, Godbe
recommends going forward with a 2% increase since only a simple majority is required.
Discussion with the hotels and the Chamber's LAC will take place next. The top
message for the measure is Library Services (76%). Next is a three-way tie of 74%
between Neighborhood Response, Streets, and Police Patrols. The third best message is
School Crossing Guards at 69%.
C. Agenda Reordering— This would move up "ordinances" before "public hearings" to
avoid staff and consultants waiting for 2nd Readings to come up on the agenda. Under
this proposal, 2nd Readings for Ordinances would come up after "Items to be Removed
from the Consent Calendar". The committee was in agreement that this recommendation
should move forward.
D. DeAnza/Sheriff Follow-up — Mayor Wong and Councilmember Mahoney will meet
with the Chancellor to discuss further.
A. Revenue Considerations
1. Other ideas? - Vehicle Impact Fees: This is something that has been considered
in the past, and has been raised again recently. This would result in development
impact fees related to construction traffic. Although such fees have generated
$400-500k in Saratoga, the committee decided not to take action at this time.
B. Expenditure Reductions/Best Practices
1. Virtual Server Project - This project has a $150-160 cost and a three year
payback. Quinton Adams explained that the goal is to reduce power
consumption, maintenance costs and system downtime by reducing 15 servers to
3. The virtual server runs the operating system as an application. The City has at
least two systems that can't be virtualized, including Pentamation. This project
is timely because the NetApp box for file sharing needs to be replaced along with
several other servers. There was good discussion and the committee decided to
move the idea forward.
2. Other-None.
C. Reserve Policy/Levels - Carol Atwood and David Woo distributed the City Reserve
Policy for review with three proposed changes that were supported by the committee:
a. Eliminate reference to UUT since this is no longer relevant.
b. Add the following language to "Economic Uncertainty 1"- "If other reserves
are not available, the City Council may approve borrowing up to 10% of the
policy level,for a term not to exceed six years, if the Council approves a plan
for the replenishment of the reserve that is reasonable and assured. "
c. Add the following language regarding prioritization: "Funding of these
reserves will come generally from one-time revenues, annual net income, and
transfers from other reserves that exceed policy levels. They will be funded in
the following priority order: 1) Infrastructure (annual appropriation), 2)
Economic Uncertainty I, 3) Economic Uncertainty II, 4) Undesignated, and 5)
Capital Improvement. "
D. Next Steps -Carol will incorporate a summary of the Committee's recommendations
for the proposed budget document. No further meetings are planned at this time.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:25 p.m.
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Carol Atwood, Director of Administrative Services
g:\admin services\fiscal strategic plan\2011\fspc—5-2-11 minutes.doc