FAC 07-26-2011 f 4,yT•19ss APPROVED MINUTES FINE ARTS COMMISSION C U P E RT I N O Meeting, Conf. Rm. A 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino Tuesday, July 26, 2011 7:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE At 7:04 p.m., Vice-Chair Jessi Kaur called the meeting to order in Conference Room A, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California, and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Vice-Chair Jessi Kaur, and Commissioners Marvin Spielman, Rajeswari Mahalingam, and Russell Leong. Absent: Chairman KC Chandratreya. Staff present: Staff Liaison Kimberly Smith STAFF REPORT ORAL COMMUNICATIONS -None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS • email from Cupertino Rotarian Robert Harrison regarding the Fall Festival APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Minutes of the regular meeting of May 24, 2011.. Spielman moved and Mahalingam seconded to approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS 2. Discuss arrangements for the Distinguished Artist and Emerging Artist award ceremony. The event will take place on Sunday, August 14, on the Shakespeare theater stage at Memorial Park. The commissioners and artists are invited to a VIP reception in the park beginning at 6:00 p.m., and the artist award will take place approximately 7:15. Distinguished Artist Consuelo Jimenez Underwood is expected to attend, but Emerging Artist Steven Lin may be out of the state on tour. Staff liaison Kimberly Smith reminded the group of the VIP reception being held at the Senior Center on August 14, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. prior to the Distinguished and Emerging artist award ceremony and Shakespeare in the Park event. Chairman Chandratreya is the planned presenter and Vice-Chair Kaur will be the back-up presenter for the award ceremony. Smith will bring the award plaques with her to the event and send an event reminder to the Commissioners just prior. Commissioner Chandratreya is already tasked with contacting the artist winners for a brief background statement to read at the ceremony. 3. Reschedule the June 7 presentation to City Council about the activities of the Fine Arts Commission. Staff liaison Kimberly Smith requested the Commissioners think about a future date to re-schedule when one or more commissioners can attend. It was decided that all commissioners would attend July 26, 2011 Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page 2 for a group presentation. The topic will be discussed again when Chairman Chandratreya is present to help choose a date. 4. Status of the proposal by Apple, Inc. for a new technology campus. Video of brief presentation by Mr. Jobs and press conference by Mayor Wong is available on www.cupertino.org under the News heading. Staff liaison Kimberly Smith presented an article from the San Jose Mercury regarding the new Apple campus, noting there may be a public art requirement and encouraged the Fine Arts Commission to get involved. She suggested tracking the project through the Planning Department by watching the Planning Commission meetings on television or reading the minutes. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 5. Update on Cupertino Fall Festival & Fine Arts League of Cupertino (FALC) art auction. Discuss participation and select representatives to assist with the Distinguished and Emerging Artists participation in the upcoming FALC event, scheduled for September 10 and 11, 10:00 a.m., at the Quinlan Community Center. (The Fall Festival, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Cupertino and the Chamber of Commerce, will be held only on Saturday, September 10). Staff Liaison Kimberly Smith read an email to Chairman Chandratreya from Rotarian and former FAC Commissioner Robert Harrison requesting that a representative of the FAC serve as a project manager for the Distinguished Artist venue at the Fall Festival. Commissioner Spielman volunteered to assist and Commissioner Mahalingam will help if Chairman Chandratreya is unavailable. 6. Status report on city's Green Agenda project, using digital devices instead of printing paper packets for City Council and Planning Commission. Agendas and minutes of the Fine Arts Commission are also available in digital form from the city's website. Staff Liaison Kimberly Smith gave a brief overview of the project explaining that it has been successful in saving the City thousands of dollars by using digital agenda packets for City Council meetings instead of paper, and there are plans to extend the project out to the Planning Commission later. COMMISSIONER REPORTS 7. Select representatives to attend the Mayor's meeting with commission representatives. The remaining meetings this year will be August 9 and October 11. August 9 - Rajeswari Mahalingam and Russell. Leong will co-present. Chairman Spielman might be available as a last minute back-up presenter. October 11 —to be determined STAFF REPORTS 8. Status of the Library's Commission's search for a Poet Laureate (application deadline is July 29). Staff Liaison Kimberly Smith reported that the Library Commission may have a possible candidate for Council to formally appoint. 9. Status report on the Fine Arts Commission budget. July 26, 2011 Cupertino Fine Arts Commission Page 3 The City Clerk said that the FAC budget request was approved. Also, the City Council honored the Euphrat's separate request for additional funding, so the Euphrat Museum was granted the $6,000 FAC request plus an additional $9,000. for a total of$15,000 for fiscal year 2011/2012. NEWS ARTICLES • San Jose Mercury News article dated Thursday June 9, 2011 featuring the planned Apple complex in Cupertino • Metro article dated June 1-7 2011 featuring 01SJ, SubZERO music and art festival UNFINISHED BUSINESS COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Spielman visited the Stein family collection exhibit at the San Francisco Modern Museum of Art and highly recommended going to see it. ADJOURNMENT At 8:12 p.m. the meeting adjourned to Tuesday, September 27`". Kimberly Smith Staff Liaison