Special Meeting
May 16,2012,7:00 p.m.
Conference Room B,City Hall
The meeting was called to order at 7:00p.m.
Commissioners present: Wally limura, Rod L ivingood,Beverly Siegel, Shishir Chavan(arrived at
7:06 p.m.), Peter Friedland
Commissioners absent: None
Staff present: Rick Kitson,Erin Cooke
Visitors: Shelley Wolfe, Executive Director of KMVT, Dianne Sparks
1. Minutes of the regular meeting of April 4,2012
- Amended the minutes to add the adjournment time at 9:15 p.m.
- Commissioner Livingood made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted, Commissioner
Friedland seconded.
Vote: 4-0
2. This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any
matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3)minutes a person. In most cases, state
law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on
the agenda.
- Shelley Wolfe spoke about KMVT,which was then discussed under New Business.
With the approval of the commission,Commissioner Friedland took Agenda Item 5,out of order.
5. KMVT—funding request
- Shelley Wolfe, the Executive Director from KMVT, requested funding to upgrade KMVT's
infrastructure toward digital. Ms. Wolfe noted that these upgrades could be used to further
serve the Cupertino community. A PowerPoint presentation was made and discussion
- Ms. Wolfe requested support for a digital upgrade for KMVT's outdated analog equipment in
the amount of$250,000. TICC recommends the City of Cupertino approve a grant of up to
$50,000 for the purchase of digital equipment with specific conditions and direct benefits to
Cupertino to be defined by the City Council and or the TICC. The grant would be monitored
by the TICC.
- Commissioner Livingood made a motion to propose to the City Council that the City of
Cupertino approve a grant of up to $50,000 for the purchase of digital equipment with
specific conditions and direct benefits to Cupertino to be defined by the City Council and or
the TICC. The grant would be monitored by the TICC. Commissioner Friedland seconded.
The motion passed unanimously.
3. April 12,2012—AT&T report regarding programming changes
- No discussion.
4. Subcommittee reports on the Work Plan
- Implementation of Everbridge: Rick Kitson, City of Cupertino Director of Public and
Environmental Affairs, gave a brief update on the fully executed agreement to begin
implementation of the project. Recommendation to city staff from commission that members
of all the other city commissions be invited to discuss policies to the implementation.
6. City of Cupertino
- Erin Cooke,City of Cupertino Sustainability Manager,presented a report summarizing her
findings on preliminary water and energy savings.
- Commissioners reviewed correspondence and data from Mariyah Serratos, City of Cupertino
IT Manager. Commissioners expressed concern that the city was paying too much for Internet
- Inquiry from commissioners and report:;rom staff about protocols in place for the area code
Inquiry from commissioners about a city-wide ban on single use bags. Update from Ms.
Cooke regarding Council's decisions to participate in the San Jose EIR.
- Ms. Cooke presented ideas about showcasing efforts to increase the energy efficiency of the
library. Ms. Cooke shared how eco-tags and QRcodes are being used in communications
from City of Cupertino.
Peter Friedland
- Commissioner Friedland went over the implementation of the new area code and discussed
the communication plans with Mr.Kitscn.
Rod Livingood
- Commissioner Livingood discussed single-use plastic bags with Ms. Cooke. Ms. Cooke
mentioned that she would speak with Cheri Donnelly,Environmental Programs Manager,to
see about a tour of the recycling facility.
Wally limura
- Commissioner Iimura provided an update on the use of SMS messaging and its use in
emergencies and the risks of misinformation and misuse.
Beverly Siegel
- Commissioner Siegel provided an update that Comcast was no longer going to provide C-
SPAN access without a surcharge.
7. Review Activities Calendar
- Commissioners reviewed the activities calendar.
8. Review Action Items List
- Commissioner Friedland noted that Action Items 6-11 had been accomplished. An action
item was added for Mr.Kitson to schedule a meeting with the IT Director to speak about
broadband. Action items 1-5 are still on-going.
- Commissioner Friedland made a motion that June meeting be cancelled. Commissioner
Iimura seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
- Commissioner Friedland made a motion that the next meeting with staff be July 11 instead of
July 4. Commissioner Iimura seconded. The motion passed unanimously. The next meeting
with staff will be July 11 at 7 p.m.
- Request from TICC for staff to keep commission apprised of May 30th Council meeting on
TICC related items.
Commissioner Friedland made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Chavan seconded. By unanimous
vote,the meeting was adjourned at 9:28 p.m.
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JoAnn Huang,Recordi ecretary Peter Friedland,Chair