12080149 CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT BUILDING ADDRESS: 10148 CASS PI. CONI'RACFOR:SOLARCITY PERNII'I'NO: 12080149 OWNER'S NAME: KUZNETSOV VLADIMIR ANDTSIALA 3055 CLEARVIEW WAY DATE ISSUED:08/142012 OWNER'S I'IIONE: 4085945256 SAN MATEO,CA 94402 PHONE NO:1650)638-1028 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION BUILDING PERMIT INFO: BLDG r ELECT K PLUMB r • O Q License Class Yh Lie. 1 • r r r '/ MEC" RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Contractor i // I • ' •ate g'/ ] Z. I hereby aft m that I zap 1 ceased under the provisions of Chapter') JOB DESCRIPTION: INSTALL ROOF MOUNTED PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM(25 (commencing with Secli([I((i 7000)of Division 3 of Ihe Business& Professions MODULES).UPGRADE MAIN ELECTRICAL SERVICE PANEL TO Code and that toy license is in full force and effect. 125 AMPS I hereby affirm under penally of perjury one of the following two declarations: • I have and will maintain a certificate ol'consent to self-insure for Worker's Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this Sq. Ft Floor Area: \initiation:$35000 permit is issued. AI'I'LICANI'CERTIFICATION AI'N Number:35701035.00 Occupancy Type: I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes. (We)agree to save PERMIT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments, costs,and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the WITHIN 180 DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR granting of this permit.. Additionally,t c applicant understands and will comply 180 DAYS FROM LAST CALLED INSPECTION. with all non-points urce regu tins p1 the Cupertim Municipal Code,Section 9.18. — p may/ // 1l Signator / % Date Q -±117--. Issued by: ,/a1/✓ .///9rli� Date: i� / 'ra 0 OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION RE ROOFS: I hereby affirm that I um exempt from the Contractor's License Law for one of All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed.If a roof is the following two reasons: installed without first obtaining an inspection,I agree to remove all new materials for I,as owner of the property,or my employees with wages as their sole comNnsation. inspection. will do the work,and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Sec.7044, Business&Prolbssions Code) Signature of Appl iaut: Date: I,as owner of the property,am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project(Sec.7044.Business&Professions Code). ALL ROOF COVERINGS TO BE CLASS \"OR 13 E'1"I'EK 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following three declarations: I have and will maintain a Certificate ofConsent to self-insure for Worker's HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Compensation,as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,for the I have read the hazardous materials requirements under Chapter 6.95 of the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. California Ilcalth&Safety Code,Sections 25505.25533.and 25534. I will maintain I have and will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as provided for by compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code.Chapter 9.12 and the Health& Section 3700 ol'the Labor Code,for the performance of the work for which this Safety Code,Section 25532(x)should I store or handle hazardous material. Additionally,should I use equipment or devices which emit hazardous air permit is issued. contaminants as defined by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management District I will I certify that in the performance of Ihe work for which this permit is issued.I shall maintain compliance with the Cupertino Municipal Code.Chapter 9.12 and the not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the Worker's Ilea!th J Safety ode,S coons 25505.25533.and 25534. Compensation laws of California. If,after making this certificate of exemption,1 become subject to the Worker's Compensation provisions of the Labor Code,I must Owl er o authori• d lig'01: (� /' forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit shall be deemed revoked - `!fin .•- ' �""'i1Ls Date: 1l l 7 —/7` II CONSI'RIICI'ION LENDING AGENCY APPLICANT CER'I'I FICA'l'I ON I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of work's correct.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating for which this permit is issued(Sec.3097,Civ C.) to building construction,and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter Lender's Name upon the above mentioned property for inspection purposes.(We)agree to save indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgments. Lender's Address costs,and expenses which may accrue against said City in consequence of the granting of this permit.Additionally,the applicant understands and will comply ,\I2CI11'I'ISCI"S DICCL,\K,\"I'IC)N with all non-point source regulations per the Cupertino.Municipal Code.Section 9.18. I understand my plans shall be used as public records. Signature Date Licensed Professional CITY OF CUPERTINO FEE ESTIMATOR- BUILDING DIVISION r ADDRESS: 10148 Cass PI. DATE: 08/14/2012 REVIEWED BY: Sean ,fit"�\ APN: BP#: `VALUATION: $35,000 *PERMIT TYPE: Building Permit PLAN CHECK TYPE: Alteration / Repair PRIMARY PENTAMATION USE: SFD or Duplex PERMIT TYPE: SOLAR-RES WORK Install roof mounted photovoltaic system (25 modules). Upgrade main electrical service panel to 125 SCOPE amps. 1 Mech. Plan Check _ Plmb. Plan Check Elec. Plan Check 0.0i hrs $0.00 Meeh. Permit Fee: Plumb. Permit Fee: Elec. Permit Fee: IEPERMIT Other Mech.Insp. Other Plumb Insp. Other Elec. Insp. ( 0.0 I hrs $45:00 Mech.Insp. Fee: Plumb. limp. Fee: Elec.Lisp. Fee: NOTE: Tins estimate does not include fees due to other Departments(Le. Planning, Public Works, Fire,Sa iitary'Setver District,School District. etc.). These fees are based on the preliminary information available and are only an estimate. Contact the Dept for adtbt'I info. FEE ITEMS,free Resolution 11-053 Elf 7/Ul)) FEE QTY/FEE MISC ITEMS Plan Check Fee: $0.00 I 1 # Alternative Energy System Suppl. PC Fee: Q Reg. 0 OT 0.0 hrs .$0.00 $219.00 IPHOTOVRES Photovoltaic System l PME Plan Check: $0.00 I 125 I amps Electrical Permit Fee: $0.00 $45.00 IERT<200 Services Suppl. Insp. Peer Reg. 0 OT 0.0i hrs $0.00 PME Unit Fee: $0.00 . PME Permit Fee: $45.00 Construction Tax: . Administrative Fee: IADAIIN $42.00 0 Work Without Permit? 0 Yes 0 No $0.00 0 Advanced Planning Fee: $0.00 Select a Non-Residential 0 Travel Documentation Fee: 1TRA VDOC $45.00 Building or Structure 0 A Strong Motion Fee: IBSEISMICR $3.50 Select an Administrative Item Bldg Stds Commission Fee: IBCRSC $2.00 SUBTOTALS: $137.50 $264.00 TOTAL FEE: $401.50 • Revised: 07/01/2012 i 20 a 0 i L-I 9 • AE lALTERNATIVE-ENERGY PERMIT APPLICATION J' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT• BUILDING DIVISION •;1'.4:\ 10300 TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 (408) 777-3228 • FAX(408)777-3333 •buildingecuoerino.orq CUPERTINO PROJECT ADDRESS / / / Jryir3 spi I Ammo mo &c.571,6 .577—v t 3 OWNER NAME2 �.' 2--at- i< l)9- ip- Sd I "ref--SIVSc2.--2. L./ 4_) C /a14d t erni STREET ADDRI.ESS IV/vs. �ss1D/ IC�m,frihrL0C - 9J✓/ JIFAX ) CONTACT NAMET /m1 vi) JD'4r73/ PHONE E-MAIL STREET ADDRESS I EZB FAX ❑OWNER 0 OWNER-BUILDER 0 OWNER AGENT �CONf0.ACTOR 0 CONTRACTOR AGENT 0 ARCHITECT 0 ENGINEER 0 DEVELOPER 0 TENANT CONTRACTOR NAME /}L. mrt; ja 14 I/� I LICENSE NUMBER grgg�4y/ LICENSE$YV/e I BUS.LIC 4 COMPANY NAME 'f7�,a/-/(/T�1Wr-e/ /lI/_ /�P I E VII a rz n£4Ct9.d -l/s-/at STREETADDRESSGS / / fI ) er r, grn/I art*Z -C! „ CA IYYoy -3r.-y37z • ARCHTTECT/ENGINEER NAME rQ ' I LICENSENUMBER {{_ BUS.LIC a COMPANY NAME fl I EMAIL FAX STREET ADDRESS ` I CITY.STATE,ZIP I PHONE ' USE OF SFD or Duplex ❑ Multi-Family PROJECT IN WILOLAND PROJECT IN .,J/�,� STRUCTURE: 0 ommercial URBAN INTERFACE AREA 0 Yes No FLOODZONE 0 Yes .// No SOLAR PANELS 0 ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATION 0 SOLAR WATER HEATING ❑ orriER: FOR SOLAR PANELS': NUMBER OF PANELS/UNITS: 7 s �KILOWATTS(COMMERCIAL ONLY): Toy,li?IAQON: ,' era DESCRIPTION OF WOe W )er1is /? IL ,zyt � UJ`A _v, aliole/ cc" 1tr I,,ds (6, ,okw) ® 1fJ le e/et red Sf°xv Acte 1ZS-✓/reps • By my signature below,I certify to each of the following: I F m theyrop;ry owner or authorized agent to act on the property owner's behalf.I have read this application and the information I have p •vide correct. I @ ave read t-- Descriptional ork and verity it is accurate. I agree to comply with all applicable local ordinances and state laws relating to but rt�"/g, 'nstructipn. la�utt'eo'�riEe ep sentati es o pertino to enter the above-identified property for inspection purposes. Signature of Applicant/Agent: •v /L. i<iuj) r Date: $---- rte. SUP'LEMENTAL OrORMATION REQUIREDcrsaycr.�, _�N} "�OFEICE USEONLYe�;` d t R• 'h. nr-_ v , )",-,-%,., a.t.•9 YERTHECOUNTER q -• . t,-_:*�" �ISTAYDARD T4% fat 1141. ,.-reeS's )S to -i T_DyUJORt a t�:r�--' f'.0 PVApp_2011.doc revised 03/16/// • t. F 1T,N Switching Devices 8 21 • Safety,'Switches . - • , February 2007 ,• Product Selection • 120/240 Vac General-Duty, Fusible,Single Throw Table B-41.120240 Vac General-Duty,Fusible,Single Throw System Ampere Fuse Maximum Horsepower Ratings0 NEMA 1 Enclosure NEMA 3R Enclosure Rating Type Single-Phase tie 3-Phase Sc dc Indoor Rainproof Provision 120 Volt 240 Voh 240 Volt 250 Voh Catalog Price Catalog Price Number U.S.S Number U.S.S 3-Pole 3-Wire(Three Blades.Three Fuses)—240 We 30 — — — — — 07 01 — — — —— - n m 100o4r 01 61 200rp 400 H 50-125 - DG325F'GK CO DG325FRK GO 600 H — — 75-200 — DG326FGK GO DG326FRK ao 4-Wire(Three Blades,Three Fuses.SIN)—120/240 Vec ' t. 1 I I 30 H — 1-1/2-3 3-7-1/2 — DG32INGB DG321NRB o/ I 2 60 - H - 7-2 7-1/20 15 - DG322NGB3DG322NRB IbQQ 100 H 7-ID-15 15-30 DG323NGB DG323NRB - s,f N 200 H 15 25-SD DG324NGK DG324NRK 400 H 50-125 DG325NGK DG325NRK 600 H — — 75-200 DG326NGK 0G326NRK ID Maximum hp ratings apply only when dual element time delay fuses are used. 3. Use 4-wire catalog numbers below. 0 Solid neutral bars ore not included.Order separately tram Table 8.1 on Page 8.5. 1`t WARNINGI Switch is not approved for service entrance unless a neutral kit is installed, 120/240 Vac General-Duty, Non-Fusible,Single Throw r — is itk . oFF110E CisPY 1 ,:r...... . , ,,,..„5,... ‘ : v. • R' • ". j . N p 4 . r DG322URB Table 8-42.12W240 Vec General-Duty,Non-Fusible,Single Throw System Ampere Maximum Horsepower Ratings NEMA 1 Enclosure NEMA 3R Enclosure Rating Single-Phase ac 3-Phase ac do Indoor Rainproof 120 Volt 240 Vol 240 Vol 250 Volt Catalog Price Catalog Price Number U.S.S Number U.S.S Non-Fusible—2-Pole 2-Wire(Two Blades)—240 Vec ' 30 2 3 — — DG227UGB• DG221URB0 d/d/ 60 3 10 _ DG222UGB0 DG222URBUit ,T( ,T{ 100 15 DG223UGB0 DG223URBG1 200 — — — — O!7 O.1) 3-Pole 3-Wire(Three Bladesl—240 Vac )) b b so 2 la DGGBCV UR '200 — o 100 — 115 5 30 7-1/2 — 60 -- DG322U DG324UGK0 DG B€+ DG324URK0 400 — — 125 — DG325UGK0 DG325URK0 , 600 — — 200 — DG326UGK0 DG326URK0 Ill WARNINGI Switch is not approved for service entrance unless a neutral kit is installed. O Use 3-wire catalog numbers below. U) Drilled to accept field installed neutral kits. Note:All general-duty safety switches are individually packaged. Note:Accessories are limited in scope on general-duty safety switches.See Page 8.5 for availability.In addition,clear line shields are available as an accessory on 200-600 ampere general-duty switches.Catalog Numbers:200 A.70-7759-11.400 A.70.8063.8,600 A.70.8064.8 • Discount Symbol 22CD s - CA08101001E For more information visit:www.eeton.com E% 'ioN Switching Devices Safety.SWitches X8 13 . February 2007 Technical Data and Specifications Technical Data and Specifications _ -o Dimensions el-1 I Table 8-26.General-Duty,Plug Fuse,120,120240 Volt,1-,2-Pole Solid Neutral,Single Throw AmpereNEMA 1 Rating Dimensions in Inches Imml Height i Width Depth 1i� 30 6.88(174.81 4.94(125.51 13.44(87.41 i Table 8-27.General-Duty,Non-Fusible,240 Volt;3-Pole,Single Throw '_t Ampere NEMA 1 NEMA 311 • Rating Dimensions in Inches(mm) Weight Dimensions in Inches(mm) Weight Width Height Depth Depth Lbs(kg) -Width Height Depth Depth Lbs(kg) Figure 8-1.NEMA 1.3830-100 Amperes 1W) (H) ID) (02) IW) IH) (DI (D21 General-Duty Non-Fusible 30 6.38 10.69 6.88 3.75 6 6,38 10.81 6.88 3.75 6 and Fusible Single Throw (162.11 (271.51 (174.81 (95.21 (2.7241 (162.11 (274.61 (174.81 (95.21 12.7241 Note:Figure is not applicable to plug fuse. 60 8.69 14.19 7.38 4.21 9 8.69 14.38 7.38 4.21 9 (220.7) (360.41 (187.5) (106.91 (4,0861 (220.71 (365.31 (187.51 (106.91 14.0861 - - - -100 9.13 18.81 7.38 4.23 12 9.13 19.25 7.38 4.23 12 I- v+-= 0-- (231.91 (477.81 (187.51 (107.4) (5.4481 (231.91 1489.0) (187.51 (107,41 (5.4481 I 1 200 16.00 25.25 11.25 6.14 48 16.00 25.50 11.25 6.14 55 .4P" --z 1406.4) (641,41 (285.81 (156.01 (21.7921 (406.41 1647.71 (285.81 (156.01 (24.971 400 23.00 44.75 12.63 7,27 100 23.00 45.19 '12.63 7.27 105 1584.2) 11136.7) 1320.81 (184.71 (45.41 - (584.21 (1147.81 (320.81 1184.7) 147.67) 600 24.00 52.25 14.25 8.95 130 24.00 52.70 14.25 8.95 135 (609.6) (1327.21 (362.01 (227.3) 159.021 (609.61 (1338.6) 1362.01 (227.31 (61.291 Note:Dimensions are for estimating purposes only. ' c I c Table 8-28.General-Duty,Fusible,240 Volt,3-Pole Solid Neutral,Single Throw L.07.4-' Ampere NEMA 1 ' NEMA 3R Rating Dimensions in Inches Imm) Weight Dimensions in Inches(mm) Weight Figure 8-2.NEMA 1.38 200-600 Amperes Width Height Depth Depth lbs(kg) Width Height Depth Depth Lbs(kg) General-Duty Non-Fusible (WI IH) (D) (D2) (WI (HI (D) (D21 and Fusible Single Throw 30 6.38 10.69 6.88 3.75 6 6.38 10.81 6.88 335 6 (162.1) (271.5) 1174.8) 195.2) (2.7241 (162.11 (274.6) 1174.81 195.2) (2.724) 60 8.69 14.19 7.38 4.21 10 8.69 14.38 7.38 4.21 10 1220.7) (360.4) 1187.5) 1106.9) 14.54) 1220.7) (365.3) (187.5) 1106.9) (4.54) 100 9.13 18.81 7.38 4.23 14 9.13 19.25 7.38 4.23 14 (231.9) (477.8) (187.5) (107.4) (6.356) (231.91 1489.0) (187.51 (107.41 16.356) 200 16.00 24.75 11.25 6.14 48 16.00 15.50 11.25 6.14 55 (406.4) (628.7) 1285.8) (156.01 (21.792) (406.41 (647.7) 1285.8) (156.0) (24.97) 400 23.00 44.75 12.63 7,27 110 23.00 45.19 12.63 7.27 115 1584.2) 11136.7) 1320.8) (184.7) (49.94) (584.2) (1147.8) (320.81 (184.7) (52.21) 600 24.00 52.25 14.25 8.95 145 24.00 52.70 14.25 8.95 150 (609.6) (1327.2) (362.0) (227.31 (65.831 (609.61 11338.6) (362.01 (227.31 168.1) Note:Dimensions are for estimating purposes only. CA08101001E For more information visit:www.eaton.com IDS-17-3 Amp henor • 0 ' • ser HELIOS003 OWE. ft-woe-000e a cata °1CY(Ic'ftodu s .,t . � °l eo?N7 fOrDl•4Tc B ealtztrpil egmselSCPMS3YELqIXiDlydr-ina61®o owlj11i[ wwa`,Rll'-'Q r•,vcdFr:tlo Oa- t-nd piggfi(-iRtlig•l• Ili (SICkd;3)fp:Lir0'r•TI Ij vim- �olmixi aa:GCteivadai require•LL/ (OCI--gingbaeilfKy ,'r • ftl iflalll'.l3 ° P J • 7EYamaa.Y]�'RTa3GiF(- "It�y rrp eigro-0 Ili-citlitm,,a dOEM. t'it[LDGJ+n-eak e °®•rotir- DICANDE ilemf3g 'q' moot n•ha triC 1•Wfpta(tM0S`•1C•PR,c"iF7S lU1?cj1 ' o La .- - i att1?1337®t(d: laits'p I- hnologies Amphonol'I j01:B:yia4utIdat a n•ogles o • -- co deo e Amp honer aialigtgJI UnaLp•^e. the o•o • vino • . - , r-DShiAt'L7DOttl23.t3 •rnecor(pastor- °C. p,tt3Cl+t-�L• r-IIiCli•Il �7r7� • -. CONT)Q7Epco e o rolulots Amp en°•QFlrrittrll • ofteu;,.jri'rrtrti4kirrn ea is OF [:p104•kiy febtiN Iia 0Re.. (rift ram r. iagv Helios j', Amphenol solar connector RADSOK"Contact • Technical Data Rated current 36A(2.5mm',AWG14),45A(4.0mm',AWG12),52A(6.0mm'.AWG10),60A(10.Omm',AWGB) Rated voltage 10DOV(IECICE1):601)V(Uy' 4 - Testvoltage 6kV for 1 minute.lokV impulse(1.2150115)(IEC) Typical contact resistance 0.25m0 Contact material Copper,tin plated Contact system • - -.Machined/cold formed contact with Radsokt.insert Insulation material ' - PC . _ Locking mechanism Snap-lock,special unlock tool required to un-mate as required by NEC2008 Cable strain relief - •Compression gland with ratcheting gland nut. Degree of protection IP68(Ymeter,1 hour)mated • , Safety class II(IEC61140) Pollution degree 2(IEC60664) Overvoltage category III(IEC60664) Flame class UL94-VO Ambient temperature range -40t---+90t . A TAie T0V JR 50111743 rd»4m Derating curves I $4..['nisi ' ..o.a.u.o W.. no ,•o.:.a+a:e.e caw 1,4 in \\ ? 2\ . \ )» r ‘ How to order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7• 8 • i H ` �r 4 1[ C - t F { C ' I� D 1 11 Pro: ►Pmel 14M 1 r---fit '1 1 — i r GOMatrs r r Approval - 1 Saw. . 'V.dWm Helios H4 solar C OonneBw F Female• uDle gland 2 25mm' T .TUV approved I Single 1 solar arta connector , r _ _ I„mind) G /AWGIb _ P Protective alp M -Mlle- M DAW ulhheed MI2 4 4.Dnn' G12 U UL approveBWk d C. pe , ' Isbndalnl . __ _ , _ IOOpurckcne'• y Branca P matedDaly N hea0 M14 a 6 m On '/A'AGID D 'dueI.PProvel 0 Bpkpacll connector hut 'SOD pwcnase.�. - ddpick G female• 0 over-mold B toAnn'IAVGB _- M •BDpp purchase.. Bu' Lk ' N male. N 20037uda. .IdeM1 pac4gvl' How to order assembly tools Tooling part numbers Description Ordering code , T' H4 Strip tool H4160000 Universal unlocking tool WrendVdiaconneclassembly tool HI CrimpnTool H4TC0000 .e - H4 Wrench Tool H4TW0000Q . - H4 Ring Tool H4TR0000 < - H4 Universal Unlocking Tool H4TU0000 Crimp tool for 2,5SOMM-6SOMM Unlocking ring tool Stnp tool for 2,5SOMM6SOMM (AWG10-AWG14) (AWG10-AWG14) rr�'Is WF:(j(rifJlalFllpldi77r)l-u7a Irrrt/,t:nFll..pp at on tequdeme is contort VIEGOCittiaCKKO..10 , • tall ,(888 356-1662 - - • y. 6775357-6600 • BLllte] 6Q6It3 TV T` Y06�lCL! , OLAR YL240P'29b SERIES Power Your Life • ABOUT YINGLI SOLAR • • Yingli Solar is a vertically integrated manufacturer - _ of solar photovoltaic modules.Under one roof we . e S manufacture our ingots,wafers,cells and modules. This ensures that we can tightly control our material and production quality,offering our customers leading i product durability and sustainable performance backed • by our 25 year limited power warranty'. I PERFORMANCE s u High efficiency,polycrystalline solar cells with high transmission and textured glass delivering a i I i. module series efficiency of up to 14.4%,minimising ' I ' l installation costs and maximising the kWh output • e i 1 of your system per unit area. r - 3 u Power tolerance of+/-3%minimising PV system mis- f f match losses. I I 1 I' QUALITY& RELIABILITY ! - , {r , u Robust,corrosion resistant aluminium frame Independently tested to withstand wind loads b 1 • - of 2.4KPa and snow loads of 5.4KPa ensuring 1 rf a stable mechanical life for your modules. 1 .� f �.,.I-. .:. . 1 u .� .1 ] u Take confidence in our modules with a 5 year • limited product warranty and a 25 year limited 11230P291 11235P-291 Y1240P-291 power warranty. _ �' u Modules protected by box during transportation It,',..!,,'. i _ - and with 20 modules in a box on-site waste is ` • ��- minimised. ..‘',-.>"-,..<. �i...-3.. " u Modules independently tested to ensure conformance 5r.� P Y .. . - with certification and regulatory standards. A Manufacturing facility certified by TUV Rheinland to ISO 9001:2008.ISO 14001:2004 and BS OHSAS 18001:2007. WARRANTIES -in compliance with our warranty Terms and conditions 5-year limited product warranty' Limited power warranty':I0 years at 90%of the minimal rated power output,25 years at e0%of the minimal rated power output - QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATES IEC 61215 Ed.2,IEC 61730 Class A,ISO 9001:2008, 150.14001:2004,85 OHSAS 10001:2007,MCS,CE RT & CEV9 CYCL[ YINwU SOLAR 1/ 1 OA' 1 - www.yingIIsolaLCor17 ' — Oficastereaaee:morr.w.•nco-- - c: c 1 ' 2, (1 Z1 J } 4( fl t F . { 1- 1 '1 YL240P-29b SERIES ELECTRICAL PARAMETERS Electrical parameters at SIC(1,000 Whria,25°C.AM 1.5 according to EN 60904-3) N odule typo YL230P-29b Y1235P-296 YL240P-296 Power output [q 230.0 235.0 2100 Power output production tolerances [%1 •/-3 •/-3 •l-3 Module efficiency 1%1 11.1 11.4 14.7 Voltage at Pates,Va„ IV) 29.5 29.5 29.5 Currant at Pan,Ice IA) 7.80 7.97 8.11 Open circuit maw V. (V] 37.0 37.0 37.5 Short circuit currant I„ [A] 8.40 8.54 8.65 llmltlec reverse current I, (Al •.20 N u.system voltage (V] 1,000 YOC Electrical parameters at NOC7(600 W/m2,AM 1.5,wind velocity 1m/s,Tamb 20°C) NOCI(Nominal Operating Ceti Temperature) MI 16•/-2 Voltage al Paas,V__ [VI 26.5 26.5 26.6 Curren at Pmu,I, [A] 6.28 6.41 6.56 Open circuit voltage V. [VI 33.5 33.8 31.2 Short circuit current l,: IA] 6.80 6.92 7.01 Thermal characteristics Temperature coefficient beta of I. [%/Ml •0.06 Temperature coefficient alpha of V. [%/q -0.37 Temperature coefficient gemma of P•,. 1%/M) -0.45 MECHANICAL PARAMETERS Dlmnions(length(mal/width Imm1/thlchness[man • 1,650/990/50 Frame Sloth(ami 50 Weight(ec) 19.8 . fleet cover(material/thickness[mm)) tempered Glass,3.2mm Cell type(quantity/technology/umenlens) 60/Polycrystalline/156 c 156 Encapsulation materiels Ethylene Vinyl Acetate(EVA) Rear cover(materiel) Laminated Polymer Plastic Frame(material) Robust Anodized Aluminum Alloy Junction box.cable b connector configurations . Each configuration(CII)/Y1706G)Is available with 2 different connector types each Junction b2(manufacturer/protection decree) - [III/IP65 YI70116/IP65 4 Junction boo dimensions(noth/width/thickness[mmn 151/122/25 III/137/28 PosiOn cede&negativecable(manufacturer/length[mm)/cable mns-ul4n[mon CIII/1200(900)/4.0 IINHONGY[/1200(900)/4.0 Connhr(mamutocturer/typo/protection degree) CIII/Clll/IP67 MC/NCI/IP67 117011G/1108-1/1265 MC/MCI/IP67 8 OPERATING CONDITIONS _ 9rom 6 Operating temperature PCI -40 to•85 9'°'01 spew a' Mn.wind Mad/Max.same load[Pa] 2.46/5.46 - I .111 RNoetNa of efficiency hem n irradiance 011,00011/m2 _ I �® E z+-rrii - ts 200111/m2 n.,e�„•25•C)according to EN 60904-1 /,OI , I g 8 PACKAGING 17 a ,I g .y Member of'modules per Om 20 ,t• _ i, uananwm . . E E E poi size 1Negth/width/death[mat) 4710/1.150/1.190 \\- ,mw, - F . 2.44.m. $ E. E Box Gress weight In kg 150 • per pallet 1 vs a win;Wer .e=sre.a z •The data does not refer to a single module and they are not part of R Dram roes st.h 2 the offer,they serve for comparison only to different module types. (-, ei1- "O1 id • Subject to modlikatlons and errors I � o Electrical 7. yingli Green Energy Holding Co. Ltd. equipment, a _ check with commerce@yingllsolarcom 0086 - (0)312 - 8929802 your installer Before installation,please check _ • the installation manual provided www.yinglisolar.com with the product. - .- YINGLI SOLAR PV MODULES • ( a Installation and User Manual YINGU 51]LAR oennxma ma ensi lrasY Revision Date March 1,2012 I Applicable for products in the United States and Canada. This manual applies to photovoltaic modules SAFETY ("PV modules", also commonly known as General solar panels) manufactured by Yingli Green Energy You must understand and follow all applicable local,state,and federal Holding Co., Ltd. ("Yingli Solar"), and is explicitly regulations and standards for building construction,electrical design, fire,and safety,and must check with local authorities to determine written for qualified professionals ("Installer" or applicable permitting requirements before attempting to install or "Installers"), including without limitation licensed maintain PV modules. electricians and NABCEP-Certified PV Installers. Rooftop PV systems should only be installed on dwellings that have been formally analyzed for structural integrity,and confirmed to be capable of INTRODUCTION /� handling the additional weighted load of PV system Thank you for choosing Yingli Solar as your PV module provider.We components,including PV modules,by a certified appreciate your business!This manual contains important information building specialist or engineer. pertaining to the electrical and mechanical installation and maintenance For your safety,do not attempt to work on a rooftop until safety of PV Modules,and contains safety information that you must read precautions have been identified and taken,including without limitation carefully and be familiar with before handling,installing,and/or fall protection measures,ladders or stairways,and personal protective maintaining Yingli Solar PV modules. equipment(PPE). • Yingli Solar does not assume responsibility and expressly disclaims For your safety,do not install or handle PV modules under adverse liability for losses,damages,or expenses arising out of,or in any way conditions,including without limitation strong or gusty winds,and wet or connected with this Installation and User Manual.Yingli Solar assumes frosted roof surfaces. no responsibility for any infringement of patents or other rights of third The flat-plate PV module construction consists of a laminated assembly parties,which may result from using Yingli Solar PV modules. No license of solar cells encapsulated within an insulating material with a rigid glass is granted expressly or,by implication or under any patent or patent surface and an insulated substrate.The laminated assembly is supported rights.The information in this manual is believed to be reliable, but does by an aluminum frame that is also used for mounting the module.See not constitute an expressed or implied warranty.Yingli Solar reserves Figure 1 for an illustration of the FV module components. the right to make changes to its PV modules and other products,their specifications,or this manual without prior notice. Yingli Solar and its subsidiaries are not liable for any damages caused Jwnron Box fr r_t•,+ 1 by inappropriate installation,use,or maintenance of Yingli Solar PV modules,including without limitation damages,losses,and expenses E [" ( ( i('" caused by non-observance of the instructions of this manual or caused Cable [.., [ ,r t _ ( \ 1.Aluminum Femmez.Gu„ by or in connection with products of other manufacturers. 3.Encapsulating Eva y( 4.W Cell This manual refers to UL certified products and conforms to UL standard , ,E " ` i�� , Encapsulating e,a,heer cOnneetO' 1703:Flat Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels.For PV module "" at _ installations to be performed in Canada,the installation shall be in cell 1. I f r accordance with CSA C22.1,Safety Standard for Electrical Installations, r Canadian Electrical Code, Part 1. ^� - =- i This Installation and User Manual is available in different languages. In Frame _ l L cases of discrepancy between versions,the English language version shall control. Failure to comply with the requirements listed in this manual will invalidate the Limited Warranty for PV Modules as provided by Yingli Solar at the time of sale to the direct customer.Additional recommendations are provided to enhance safety practices and performance results. Please provide a copy of this manual to the PV Figure 1:Module components and cross'section of the laminated assembly system owner for their reference,and inform them of all relevant aspects of safety,operation,and maintenance. Electrical PV modules can produce current and voltage when © exposed se to light hf any intensity.Ely. rical currentagf increases with higher light intensity.DC voltage of 30 Volts or higher is potentially lethal.Contacting the • live circuitry of a PV system operating under light can • result in lethal electric shock. YINGLISOLAR.COM j Yingli Americas De-energize PV modules by removing them entirely from light or by Check PV modules for damage due to transportation before they covering their front surface with an opaque material.Regard the safety are installed;do not install damaged modules.Contact the company regulations for live electrical equipment when Working with modules that you purchased the Yingli Solar PV modules from in order to obtain - are exposed to any light.Use Insulated tools and do not wear metallic information on making claims for defective PV modules. jewelry while working with PV modules. PV module surfaces are susceptible.to damage that could affect the In order to avoid arcing and electrical shock,do not disconnect electrical performance or safety of the PV module;do not damage or scratch connections under load.Faulty connections can also result in arcing and the PV module surfaces,and do not apply paint or adhesive to any of electrical shock.Keep connectors dry and clean,and ensure that they the surfaces,including the frame.For your safety,do not disassemble are in proper working condition.Never insert metallic objects into the or modify Yingli Solar PV modules in any way. Doing so may degrade connectors,or modify them in any way in order to secure an electrical performance or cause irreparable damage and will void any applicable connection. warranties. Do not touch or handle PV modules with broken glass,separated frames If it is necessary to store PV modules priorto installation,the PV modules or a damaged backsheet unless the PV modules are first disconnected should remain inside the packaging and protected from exposure that and you are wearing proper PPE.Avoid handling PV modules when they could compromise the durability of the packaging. are wet unless cleaning the PV modules as directed in this manual.Never touch electrical connections that are wet without protecting yourself with Fire insulated gloves. Yingli Solar PV Modules have a Class C fire resistance rating in accordance with UL 1703 certification.When PV modules are mounted Transport and Handling on rooftops,the roof must have a fire resistant covering suitable for this Yingli Solar PV modules must be transported in the supplied packaging application. PV modules are electrical generating devices that may affect only and kept in the packaging until they are ready to be installed.. the fire safety of a building. Protect pallets against movement and exposure to damage during The use of improper installation methods and/or defective pans may transportation.Secure pallets from falling over.Do not exceed the result in the unexpected occurrence of an electrical arc during operation. maximum height of pallets to be stacked,as indicated on the pallet In order to mitigate the risk of fire in this event, PV modules should not packaging.Store pallets in a cool and dry location until the PV modules be installed near flammable liquids,gases,or locations with hazardous . are ready to be unpackaged. materials. In the event of a fire, PV modules may continue to produce a dangerous voltage,even if they have been disconnected from the inverter,have been partly or entirely destroyed,or the system wiring has been compromised or destroyed.In the event of fire,inform the fire crew about the particular hazards from the PV system,and stay away from all elements of the PV system during and after a fire until the necessary '-- steps have been taken to make the PV system safe. • APPLICATION INFORMATION Figure 2:Pallet of PV modules Application Restrictions Yingli Solar PV modules must be mounted on appropriate mounting Yingli Solar PV modules are heavy,and should be handled with care. structures positioned on suitable buildings,the ground,or other PV modules shall be handled at the frame;never usethe junction box structures suitable for PV modules(e.g.carports,building facades or PV or cables as a grip.Do not exert mechanical stress on the cables. Never trackers).PV modules must not be mounted on moving vehicles of any step on PV modules or drop or place heavy objects on them.Be careful kind.Yingli Solar PV modules must not be installed in locations where when placing PV modules on hard surfaces,and secure them from falling. they could be submerged in water. Broken glass can result in personal injury.PV modules with broken glass cannot be repaired and must not be used. Broken or damaged PV Yingli Solar PV modules must not be sited in locations where aggressive modules must be handled carefully and disposed of properly. substances such as salt or salt-water,or any other type of corrosive agent,could affect the safety and/or performance of the PV modules. Although Yingli Solar PV modules have passed the IEC 61701 salt- For unpacking PV modules from the Yingli Solar supplied packaging, mist corrosion test with a salt concentration of 5%by weight,galvanic first remove the pallet lid(after removing securing straps,if provided). corrosion can occur between the aluminum frame of the PV module Remove PV modules one at a time by sliding them up the channel in and mounting or grounding hardware if such hardware is comprised of the package(see Figure 3).You mayneed to secure the remaining PV dissimilar metals.Yingli Solar recommends that only stainless steel and modules in the pallet packaging to prevent them from falling over. aluminum metal directly contact PV modules in seaside installations to limit corrosion. n 'r i t 1 4 Artificially concentrated light must not be directed on Yingli Solar PV LI modules. Design Recommendations �, Yingli Solar recommends that PV modules be mounted at a minimum tilt I YINGurhhVJi angle of 10 degrees to allow for proper self-cleaning from normal rain 1 showers. Partial or complete shading of a PV module or modules can significantly Figure 3:Removing PV modules from a pallet reduce system performance.Yingli Solar,recommends minimizing the amount of shade throughout the year to increase the amount of energy produced by the PV modules. - • Lightning protection is recommended for PV systems that are to be installed in locations with high probability_of lightning strikes. • ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION Use field wiring with suitable cross-sectional areas that are approved for use at the maximum short-circuit current of the PV module.Yingli Solar Electrical Configuration recommends installers use only sunlight resistant cables qualified for Under normal conditions,a photovoltaic module is likely to experience direct current(DC)wiring in PV systems.The minimum wire size should conditions that produce more current and/or voltage than reported be 12 AWG. at Standard Test Conditions(STC: 1000 W/mz,AM 1.5,and 25°C cell temperature).As required by the US National Electric Code(NEC),the • � • Typ.. . '..'ir Wir:Sixa�-Tompeoture Rating 1 short-circuit current(ISC)should be multiplied by a factor of 1.25 and the Required Minimum Field Wiring USE-2 or PV Wire 11 AWG -CPC a•90Y open-circuit voltage NOC)should be multiplied by a factor of up to 1.25 based on the lowest ambient temperature recorded for the installation location when determining component voltage ratings,conductor Table 1:Required minimum field wiring specifications current ratings,fuse sizes,and size of controls connected to the PV output.Follow Section 690.7 in the(NEC)to determine the adjusted Cables should be fixed to the mounting structure in such a way that system voltage value. mechanical damage of the cable and/orthe module is avoided.Do not apply stress to the cables.For fixing,use appropriate means,such as Refer to Section 690.8 of the NEC for an additional multiplying factor of sunlight resistant cable ties and/or wire management clips specifically 125 percent(80 percent de-rating)which may be applicable for sizing designed to attach to the PV module frame.While the cables are fuses and conductors. sunlight resistant and waterproof,where possible,avoid direct sunlight Voltages are additive when PV modules are connected directly in series, exposure and water immersion of the cables. and module currents are additive when PV modules are connected Connectors directly in parallel,as illustrated in Figure 4. PV modules with different _ electrical characteristics must not be connected directly in series.The use 10 N I N G1Keep connectors dry and clean,and ensure that of suitable third-party electronic devices connected to PV modules may a connector caps are hand tight.Do not attempt Arc Rash makingan electrical connection with wet,soiled,or enable different electrical connections and must be installed according and lethal otherwise faultyconnectors.Avoid sunlight exposure to the manufacturers specified instructions. electrical B po snook hazard and water immersion of the connectors.Avoid Series wring(voltage Additive) connectors resting on the ground or roof surface. 0 Faulty connections can result in arcs and electrical shock.Check that all electrical connections are securely fastened.Make sure that all locking I_I rI_� - I connectors are fully engaged and locked. I i �I1 3. �F _p ,cap Parallel"'wing(Curren;Addni.el O I Full O ` y engage and lock � Figure 5:Series interconnection of a male(-)and female(4)connector j I_ [0-11 The junction boxes used with Yingli Solar PV modules contain bypass diodes wired in parallel with the PV cell strings.In the case of partial shading,the diodes bypass the current generated by the non-shaded Figure 4:Electrical diagrams of series and parallel wiring cells,thereby limiting module heating and performance losses.Bypass diodes are not overcurrent protection devices. The maximum number of PV modules that can be connected in a series string must be calculated in accordance with applicable regulations in Bypass diodes divert current from the cell strings in the event of partial such a way that the specified maximum system voltage of the PV module shading.See Figure 6 for a diagram showing how the cell strings are and all other electrical DC components will not be exceeded in open- electrically connected with the diodes. circuit operation at the lowest temperature expected at the PV system e location. A appropriatelyrated overcurrent protectioevice must used when the reverseurrent couldexceed the valueof the maximum fuse rating � ■aElEalaElaElEalaEIEIEIEIE Iofl n t es ntoduithanuwo piestrings is requiredefor each ■alalaialBhalalalalal series stringif more two series strip s are connected in parallel. v r� ■EIEIEIESSEIEEE Cables and Wiring ■alalalanBlal l�lal Yingli PV modules are provided with two(2)stranded,sunlight resistant ■Ela EIEIEIEIEIEIEIE output cables that are terminated with PV connectors ready for most installations.The positive(+)terminal has a female connector while the negative(-)terminal has a male connector.The module Figure 6:Electrical circuitry of cells and bypass diodes wiring is intended for series connections(i.e.female(4)to male(-) interconnections),but can also be used to connect suitable third-party In the event of a known or suspected diode failure,installers or • electrical devices that may have alternative wiring configurations so long maintenance providers should contact the company the PV modules as the manufacturer's instructions are followed. were purchased from. Never attempt to open the junction box of a Yingli Solar PV module yourself. Equipment Grounding The frame of the PV module,as well as any exposed non-current-carrying metal parts of fixed equipment that are able to become energized by the an _w Laminate PV system,must be connected to the equipment grounding conductor in order to prevent electrical shock.Refer to section 250 of the NEC for Aluminum specific instructions on grounding.Even when applicable regulations, Frame — code requirements,and standards do not require safety-related on— Bactina Nut grounding,Yingli Solar recommends grounding all PV module frames in _ Toothed Lock washer or KEPS Nut order to ensure the voltage between electrically conductive equipment Equipment a and earth ground is zero in all circumstances. Groundingr — Grounding Lug *l' „ screw Proper equipment grounding is achieved by bonding all exposed non- - current-carrying metal equipment continuously to one another using an . . appropriately sized equipment grounding conductor(EGC)or racking system that can be used for integrated grounding(see Option C in Figure 8:Grounding lug detail Grounding Methods below). Yingli Solar PV modules employ a coated aluminum frame for corrosion Option B: Screw Assembly resistance.In order to properly ground the module frame,the coating must be penetrated. 1.A grounding screw assembly must be attached at a designated grounding hole location using only stainless steel hardware.Insert a Grounding wire use copper wire with minimum 12 AWG insulated for a #10 stainless steel screw first through the stainless steel cup washer, minimum 90°C. and then through the grounding hole. The potential for corrosion due to the electrochemical action between 2.Loosely engage a stainless steel backing nut and toothed lock washer dissimilar metals in contact is minimized if the electrochemical voltage to the screw. potential between the dissimilar metals is low.The grounding method must not result in the direct contact of dissimilar metals with the 3. Bend the EGC into an omega (4)shape to tightly fit between the aluminum frame of the PV module that will result in galvanic corrosion. partially-installed screw head and cup washer.The EGC shall be An addendum to UL 1703 recommends metal combinations not exceed exclusively in contact with stainless steel. an electrochemical potential difference of 0.5 Volts. 4.Tighten the screw to 35 in-lbf(4 N•m)torque.The toothed lock washer The frame rails have pre-drilled holes marked with a grounding sign, should be visibly engaged to the frame. as illustrated in Figure 7.These holes should be used for grounding 5.Route the appropriately sized EGC in such a way as to avoid contact purposes and must not be used for mounting the PV modules.Do not with the aluminum module frame. drill additional holes into the frame rails. - — _PV laminate // Nx / y ♦♦ Aluminum Frame re- Grounding Holes tl I e0236in temnU 1 I o— I It e I .. = Backing Nm k1 / Grounding Toothed Lock Washer or KEPS Nut ♦ / Conductor — cup Washer • ♦♦ _s // / �— Snow Figure 9:Grounding screw assembly detail Figure 7:Grounding hole detail Option C: Racking Manufacturer Integrated The following grounding methods are available: Grounding Methods Option A: Grounding Lugs Yingli Solar PV modules can be grounded by bonding PV modules to a grounded racking system.Integrated grounding methods must be CEZInill Pin NumberEtalalaTight.nirg Tory". i certified to UL 1703 or 2703 for grounding PV modules and must be installed in accordance with the specified instructions of their respective It5C0 ) GBL-0GBT Tn.plated cooper 20 to 25 in-Ibf a t 12.3 to 2.6 Nim) manufacturers. Bundy.' •Ct501-IN r Tin-plated copper !20.25 in.bl : t2.3 to 2.6 N-n) Tyco Electronics SolKlip ir Nickel and 1 15.441.1.7 in-Ibt 1954381-4 tin-plated copper 0.740 5/-0.2 Wm) Table 2:Grounding lug specifications Installation of grounding lugs must be in accordance with the specified instructions of the respective manufacturers.A grounding lug must be attached at a designated grounding hole location using#10 stainless steel hardware.A stainless steel toothed lock washer or KEPS nut is required to adequately engage the frame and penetrate the nonconductive coating.The screw holding the appropriately sized EGC in place must firmly clamp the EGC in order to establish a reliable electrical bond. MECHANICAL INSTALLATION ma _Pt laminate • Mounting structures and other mechanical parts must be designed and _ Aluminum Frame approved to withstand the design wind and snow loads applicable for a particular site.Yingli Solar PV modules must not be subjected to forces Bailing Nut from the substructure,including forces caused by thermal expansion. Nut Washer The mountingmethod must not result in the direct contact of dissimilar Support Structure metals with the aluminum frame of the PV module that will result Y _ screw in galvanic corrosion.An addendum to UL 1703 recommends metal combinations not exceed an electrochemical potential difference of 0.5 Volts. Figure 11:Detail of a bolt mounting attachment Yingli Solar PV modules can be mounted in landscape or portrait orientation,as illustrated in Figure 10,provided that the mounting method •Top-down Clamps:Third-party clamps that have been designed for follows one of the acceptable methods listed below. PV mounting structures are an approved mounting attachment method for Yingli Solar PV modules. Modules must be fastened using clamps Landscape Orientation applied to the top side of the long frame parts.A clamp holds two f-t-'� modules except for the clamps at the beginning and end of a module row.The centerline of the clamps must be in line with the mounting � hole positions plus or minus a distance of two(2)inches(50mm). 4§7 Clamps must be installed according to the manufacturer's specified instructions with minimum bolt size of 1/4 inches. Do not apply excessive pressure on the frame such that the frame deforms.Refer to the clamp manufacturer for specific hardware and torque requirements. This mounting method has been tested for a maximum static load of 50 psf(2400 Pa)in both the positive and negative directions. I, C��1I /—�jl I Fri PVtamina:e 4lumnum Frame'--- �Portrait Onentatron Ba[4irg Nm Nut Washer � t_®lel _ Sete. lit t. • Mounting Rail z r t. tJ Figure 12:Detail of a top'down clamp mounting attachment Figure 10:landscape and portrait mounting Option B: PanelClawTM Attachment System In order to maintain the fire class rating,the distance between the PV Attachment with the PanelClaw system is permitted for Yingli Solar module front surface(glass)and the roof surface shall be at least 4 PV modules listed in the Module Supplement.Support structures inches(10 cm).This spacing also allows air flow to cool the PV module. Install PV modules with a minimum spacing of 0.4 inches(1 cm)between manufactured by PanelClaw,Inc.employ a special clamp,or "claw" (Part neighboring frames to allow for thermal expansion. Number:500-0005)designed to attach to the flange of the PV module at each of the four corners,on the two short frame members. Mounting Methods The following mounting methods are available: - _` Option A: Bolts or clamps ,� -�.[ Refer to the Module Supplement at the end of this manual to determine �./ `i • how many connection points are required for a specific module series. The locations of mounting holes and clamp tolerances are illustrated Figure 13:Detail of claw placement in the drawings located in the Module Supplement.Do not modify the existing mounting holes or drill new holes. For proper attachment,place a claw over the PV module frame flange at • Bolts: Modules must be mounted using the mounting holes located on each of the four designated locations and tighten the stainless steel 3/8- the rear side of the long frame pans using Y.inch stainless steel bolts, 16 x 1.25"hex head cap screw to a torque pressure between 18 ftwlbf nuts,and washers. Refer to the racking manufacturer for specific torque (24.4 the long and 20 ft lbf(27.1 N•m).Ensure that l e Langeclaws are flush with requirements.This mounting method has been tested for a maximum both been testedrt lengths of the PV module flange.This mounting static load of 50 psf(2400 Pa)in both the positive and negative method has for a maximum static load of 50 psf(2400 Pa)in directions. both the positive and negative directions. • INSTALLATION OF YGE-Z SERIES DECOMMISSIONING Z E P COMPATIBLE MODULES The dismantling.of PV systems must be performed with the same Yingli Solar offers the YGE-Z Series PV module which features a care and safety precautions used during the initial installation.The PV modified aluminum frame that is compatible with mounting and system can-generate hazardous voltage even after the system has been grounding hardware manufactured by Zep Solar.Refer to the disconnected.Follow safety regulations for working with live electrical 'YGE-Z Series Installation Supplement'for installation information. equipment. Detailed design and installation information of Zep Solar's mounting systems can be found at http://www.zepsolar.com/resources.html. The YGE-Z Series PV module warranty will become void if non-Zep-certified.hardware is attached inside the Zep Groove of the module frame. YGE-Z Series PV modules are also compatible with the mounting and grounding methods included in this manual. MAINTENANCE Yingli Solar recommends that PV systems be periodically inspected by the installer,or other qualified person. The purpose of the PV system inspection is to ensure that all system components are functioning properly.At a minimum,this inspection t, should confirm the following: -All cables and connector attachments are undamaged and properly secured -No sharp objects are in contact with the PV module surfaces -PV modules are not shaded by unwanted obstacles and/or foreign material -Mounting and grounding components are tightly secured • with no corrosion Defects should be addressed immediately. Cleaning Over time,dirt and dust can accumulate on the glasssurfaceof the module,reducing its power output.Yingli Solar recommends periodic cleaning of PV modules to ensure maximum power output,especially in regions with low precipitation_ In order to reduce the potential for electrical and thermal shock,Yingli Solar recommends cleaning PV modules during early morning or late afternoon hours when solar radiation is low and the modules are cooler, especially in regions with hotter temperatures. Never attempt to clean a PV module with broken glass or other signs of exposed wiring,as this presents a shock hazard. Clean the glass surfaceof the PV modules with a soft brush using soft, clean water with a recommended pressure less than 100psi•(690kPa), which is typical of most municipal water systems.Water with high mineral content may leave deposits on the glass surface and isnot recommended. Yingli Solar PV modules may contain a hydrophobic anti-reflective coating on the glass surface to enhance power output and reduce dirt and dust buildup.In order to avoid module damage,do not clean PV modules with a power washer or pressure washer.Do not usesteam or corrosive chemicals to facilitate the cleaning of modules.Do not use aggressive tools or abrasive materials that could scratch or damage the glass surface. Failure to comply withthese requirements may adversely affect the PV module performance. Yingli Solar PV modules are designed to withstand high snow loads. However,if removing snow is desired to enhance production,use a brush to gently remove snow.Do not try to remove frozen snow or ice from PV modules. Yingli Green Energy Americas, Inc. info@yingliamericas.com Td: +1 (888) 686-8820 • YINGLISOLAR.COM/US I NYSE:YGE o _ - - _ _. _ • YINGLI SOLAR Module Supplement Revision Date March 1, 2012 I Applicable for products in the United States and Canada. This supplement refers to modules of the following types: FAMILY YGE 245 SERIES YGE•Z SERIES YGE 295 SERIES PANDA SERIES YL225P.29b YL225P.29b Y1270P.35b YL250C-30b YL230P.29b YL230P•29b YL275P-35b Y1255C-30b YL235P.29b YL235P.29b 0.280P.35b Y1260C.306 TYPE - - - - ' - - 11240P-296 YL240P'29b YL285P-35b YL265G30b Y1245P.29b Y12451%29b Y1290P'35b Y1.270-6-lib YL295P-35b MOUNTING REQUIREMENTS t . 1 Mounting Method Option A: Bolts or clamps Mounting Method Option B: PanelClaw'M Attachment System ' The Following Modules Require Si.16) PmdClawra Approved Modules Modules that Require Connection Points for Installations that Four(4)Connection Points YGE 245 SERIES Exceed SO psi(2400 Pal Loading - -. .-- ---- PANDA SERIES YGE 245 SERIES YGE 295 SERIES YGE.2 SERIES • YGE295SER1E5• Installation Method: Zep Solar Mounting Systems PANDA SERIES - -------- - 251,2511,25111 •Connection;are required at the lots mar mou tig holes YGE-2.SERIES' se - •Refer to•YGEZ Series Wtalation Supplement-Its additional animation ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Nameplate ratings are average values.The electrical characteristics are within+/- 10 percent of the indicated values of Isc,Voc,and Pmax under Standard Test Conditions(irradiance of 1000 W/m',AM 1.5 spectrum,and a cell temperature of 25°C). Refer to'module datasheets for specific power output tolerance. fff s Module ( Module I'. Power p Voltage at Current a1 Open-circuit Short'dreult r Max.DC system - Maxsari.,fuse family type output `i Pmts ll Pma. , voltage current voltage rating • ' P.,.. F Vew t I, V. I. P - _ _. I._ - 1 IWI f M _ -$ ___ (Al _ ._M__ _. IA)-_ _ - NI IA) I YL295P-35b 295 I 36.3 8.12 45.4 8.63 600 15 - -YL290P.35b 290j_ 355 t'• 8.10 8.62 45.3 -_-_ 600 15 YGE 295 YL285P-35b 285 35.5 k 8.02 45.0 - 8.50 600 15 SERIES Y1280p.35b 280 35.5 7.89 45.0 8.35 600 15 - _ I YL275P-35b 275 ' 35.5 7.75 45.0--- 8.30 600 15 YL270P.35b 270 35.3 I 7.65 44.8 8.20 600 15 YL245P 29b r.' 245 3028.11 37.8 8.63 600 15 YGE 2d5 ___. t' _. T _ . _ ._ _ _-._ - . _ - _ -. . SERIES YL240P.29b 240 295 8.14 373 8.65 600 15 l YL235P-29b 235 29.5 7.97 37.0 8.54 600 15 YGF2 Yt230P.29b 230 295 7.80 3T0 8.40 600 - 15 SERIES r. ___._ - - _ YL225P.29b 225 I 29.5 7,63 365 8.28 600 15 Y1-270C.30b 270 31.1 8.68 39.0 9.06 600 15 or 20 YL265C.30b 265 31.0 8.55 39.0 8.93 600 15 or 20 PANDA - YL260C-30b 260 30.8 8.46 38.6 8.91 600 15 or 20 SERIES YL255C.301.1 255 30.6 8.33 383 8.85 600 I5 or 20 • YL250C.306 250 30.5 8.20 38.1 8.71 600 15 or 20 1 REAR AND SIDE 'VIEW DIMENSIONS OF MODULE SERIES UNITS: INCH (mm) YGE245. ERIES PANDA SERIES 31198(990) 3038 1990) 31.24(946) 1.57(401 33.24 '46 1.57(401 1 s 1 1 otie Iofiii ., tis :71 iti IE Grounding E Grounding holes°E ^ 6 . 40.236(61 e a t-.0.236(6) ^ 3 4 ^ $ I) Mounting hales Bil Mounting holes ' T 4- 1: T. '4- T„ t le— is .iE— S - Drainage horn B EE Drainage roles 6'66. _'L 8- -Fm .{1 8-0.12,0.315(3.81 .Fm ry LV_ •vm 1-1 d 1 V =m I-1 394(100) 3.9411(01 .YGE 295 ERIES. YGE-ZSERIES 38.98(9903 I 38.96(990) 8 I 33.24(9461 1 1931(50) 3e.85(936) 1.E1 I g7 i. 2,{ g gT. ff N _f: _ ^ 11 9e 1 p.. Grounding hales°a 'R S 6-o0.236(6) ii re.- 8 s. I. ^ Grounding holes Mounting hole. 6-0(1.23616) _ 1-,8) N Mounting hole - Drainage holes r rC R -q- 6- T. as2 0- . V 1: _O. PS Drones.holes 4 4 n 13-0.124.31513.0) 4 . - 1P ' s 3.94 001 YGE 295 YGE 245 & PANDA YGE-Z Legend Frame Cross Section. .Frame Cross Section Frame Cross Section �Q4](127 ----- `` Qat(12) a Grounding holes i i e ♦ . MI 'N ♦ i 0.421121 • 5s i - Mounting holes ♦ ......... ♦ EMI ♦ ii,,,,_. (- . a s Drainage odes �, 3s j [- 11 jl s\\ - MounWg tolerance , 1 Fl I ( SECTION 4-4 I j I j - SECTION C{ t 1 ( SECTION 9-8 I I I I (.26(32) 1.26)321 1.38(351 • . ABBREVIATIONS ELECTRICAL NOTES INDEX LEGEND LICENSE 1. WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING PV1 COVER SHEET n CA # 888104 • A AMPERE MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN PV2 SITE PLAN I I (E) UTILITY METER & WARNING LABEL (6)' C-46, C-10 • AC ALTERNATING CURRENT POSITION, A SIGN WILL BE PROVIDED WARNING PV3 STRUCTURAL VIEWS BLDG BUILDING PV4 PANEL LOAD & UPLIFT CALC INVERTER W/ INTEGRATED DC DISCO CONC CONCRETE OF THE HAZARDS PER ART. 690.17. II & WARNING LABELS (3),(4),(5),(6) C COMBINER BOX 2. EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR OF THE PV5 THREE LINE DIAGRAM D DISTRIBUTION PANEL MULTIWIRE BRANCH CIRCUIT WILL BE IDENTIFIED PV6 ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS n DC DIRECT CURRENT BY PHASE AND SYSTEM PER ART. 210.5. PV7 CUTSHEETS AND LABELS I I DC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS (4),(5) EGC EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR 3. A NATIONALLY-RECOGNIZED TESTING PV8 CUTSHEETS (E) EXISTING LABORATORY SHALL UST ALL EQUIPMENT IN PV9 CUTSHEETS Ac AC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING COMPUANCE WITH ART. 110.3. (2),(4),(6) G SOLAR GUARD METER 4. CIRCUITS OVER 250V TO GROUND SHALL GALV GALVANIZED COMPLY WITH ART. 250.97, 250.92(8) Q JUNCTION BOX JURISDICTION NOTES GEC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR 5. DC CONDUCTORS EITHER DO NOT ENTER GND GROUND ORBUILDING DNCL0SURES TOE N IN METALLIC THEFIRST ACCESSIBLEYS DCGENERAL NOTES �` DC COMBINER BOX & WARNING LABELS (7),(9) •, HDG HOT DIPPED GALVANIZEDLABELS (1),(2) OFFICE COPY I CURRENT DISCONNECTING MEANS PER ART. 69O.31(E). DISTRIBUTION PANEL & WARNING Imp CURRENT AT MAX POWER 6. ALL WIRES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH STRAIN 1. THIS SYSTEM IS GRID-INTERTIED VIA A �° INVS INVERTERS RELIEF AT ALL ENTRY INTO BOXES AS UL-LISTED POWER-CONDITIONING INVERTER. T �;f CENTER & WARNING LABELS 1:'_ .._. L _. . Isc SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT REQUIRED BY UL LISTING. 2. THIS SYSTEM HAS NO BATTERIES, NO UPS. t.Yt 1J kVA KILOVOLT AMPERE 7. MODULE FRAMES SHALL BE GROUNDED AT THE 3. PHOTOVOLTAIC SOURCE AND INPUT CIRCUITS AND 'i-' f� ),(6) CUPERTINO kW KILOWATT UL-LISTED LOCATION PROVIDED BY THE INVERTER INPUT CIRCUIT ARE UNGROUNDED. XIti Building Department LBW LOAD BEARING WALL MANUFACTURER USING UL LISTED GROUNDING 4. SOLAR MOUNTING FRAMES ARE TO BE GROUNDED g .�!4^"•NATED PV SYSTEM MEILH PLOT PLANS J'�''"t"' .UIT RUN MIN MINIMUM HARDWARE. 5. ALL WORK TO BE DONE TO 2010 CALIFORNIA i. 4 ON EXTERIOR �� a • (N) NEW 8. ALL EXPOSED METAL PARTS (MODULE FRAMES, BUILDING CODE. 611UIT RUNJON INTERIOR 6. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE — GATE / NEC NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE RAIL, BOXES, ETC.) SHALL BE GROUNDED USING ;AATE _ 1Z. l'.--.- 2008 NIC NOT IN CONTRACT UL LISTED LAY-IN LUGS LISTED FOR THE NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE AS AMENDED BY - I'�EVN ::'IBH1�H MEN L1ANCE •— ,-r THE 2010 CAUFORNIA ELECTRIC CODE. L NTS NOT TO SCALE PURPOSE. POSTS SHALL BE MADE Reviewed By: OC ON CENTER ELECTRICALLY CONTINUOUS WITH ATTACHED '( ) NUMBERS REFER TO LABELS PLANNING OWL i P PANEL BOARD RAIL. ON CUTSHEET PAGE ' PL PROPERTY LINES 9. MODULE FRAMES, RAIL, AND POSTS SHALL BE BATE PV PHOTOVOLTAIC BONDED WITH EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTORS PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE AND GROUNDED AT THE MAIN ELECTRIC PANEL. _ WM. OEM S SUBPANEL 10. THE DC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR VICINITY MAP SCH SCHEDULE SHALL BE SIZED ACCORDING TO ART. SS STAINLESS STEEL 250.166(B) & 690.47. ` / �� SSD SEE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS � a�°` t� ��P f n STC STANDARD TESTING CONDITIONS �� `,, I 6 1 I . ' s ° v SWH SOLAR WATER HEATER �� 7 ° Des , ) 9P.•.COMMUNITyDEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT T1P TYPICAL et° i ITT] .. BUILDING DIVISION-CUPERTINO waa.mw.. ',. 4:5 l J • M�9�.� APPROVED LION UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED 4.1.\9 tt `•, I UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY tt 9 TIO N w •a 1 I of plans and specifications Icons MUST be kept at the V VOLT © Q Job to during construction. It Is unlawful to make any Vmp VOLTAGE AT MAX POWER 1 k` ./[�� ` Voc VOLTAGE AT OPEN CIRCUIT -�y_�^•�., J� o-:. „a.,..'w= c .nges or alterations on same,or to deviate W WATTN v Oro,\�o •" �L, art Im,without approval from the Building Official. 3R NEMA 3R, RAINTIGHT I `�" l o " ` Frye sten ping of this plan and specifications SHALL NOT ` 71 I • I: .f ,; be heic to permit or to bean approval of the violation J •o u.+ of 9 o •n 4 w .off any i rovislons of any City Ordinance or State Law. , ., ... j� ��, D BY Y Ems'(✓ A 2C 1ENTS n . ?e- ! CA� . m.. Walla K,. `, o- -. . Cui,enva DAIC,�'REV , , (/ lV/11•R„ ° Yp �e�`w•°`a PERMITN), ,� 29 G yJ C y g z pa e l I 4 I p J. ,/ • I .. . .. l % d ......... v °m u 3 CONFIDENTIAL- THE INFORMATION MORIN IMISER J 8-950573 00 °"'�"` Alit ``°"°'" oao iu MDR • 4.-.14 CONTAINED STB NOT BE IN FOR THE KUZNETSOV, TSIA KUZNETSOV RESIDENCE KBREU ..:SolarCity BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCItt INC. YINET: YCOIAII NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSE IN MHOLE OR IN RESI (25) YINGLI N YL24OP-29b _ 10148 CASS PL. 6.0 kW ROOF MOUNT PV SYSTEM ° P"RT0 OTHERS 0U7SIDE DOE REgP°"noscr NANAHR WAIN Wilt CUPERTINO, CA 95014 r i ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT N CONNECTION VIMi , . . N(SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE * SC L-FOOT • 30S5 Ckah,w way San N,rtrn,CA 99902 SOLARUTY EQUIPMENT, MTHOUT THE WITIFN PAYMENT TIPS PAL NAI[ SNEET: REV: DAIS T:(650)6381028 F:(650)6781029 PERMISSION OF SDLAxan INC. PPA (1 POWER ONE AURORA PVI-5000-OUT)-US 4085945256 H COVER SHEET PV 1 8/10/2012 (888}50{ yp654989)eww.mLtary.mm 40', 1 . Y 0 30'to PL LrJ' B J 1 PV3 Pi TOTAL ARRAY AREA: 450 sq ft t FFIC E COpy I TOTAL ROOF AREA: 3354 sq ft L. ` C TOTAL ARRAY AREA IS -13% PV3 OF TOTAL ROOF AREA. LEGEND /// Q (E) UTILITY METER & WARNING LABEL (6)* /� tim INVERTER W/ INTEGRATED DC DISCO \ i/` Se/ CUPERTINO & WARNING LABELS (3),(4),(5),(6) ' sD'toPL g // A Building Department a �V3 M a2 iy4` .` DC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS (4),(5) AUG 13 2012 AC AC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS I= (2),(4),(6) REVIEWED OR 120— ;C,Qra1�LIANCE O JUNCTION BOX Reviewed By: +-�� �� 1 0 DC COMBINER BOX & WARNING LABELS (7),(9) Front Of House PV3 n DISTRIBUTION PANEL & WARNING . • I 1 LABELS (1),(2) LOAD CENTER & WARNING LABELS (2),(4),( ) ,4P1 Cl40'toPL DEDICATED6PV SYSTEM METER FLASHINGS WILL BE --� O PAINTED TO MATCH — CONDUIT RUN ON EXTERIOR ROOF COLOR •-•.- CONDUIT RUN ON INTERIOR — GATE --- INTERIOR EQUIPMENT 10148 Cass PI. 0 MP3 11( ) NUMBERS REFER TO LABELS • / ON CUTSHEET PAGE if ,/l/ - - --- b - , � ) : -7,: , Inv ; L__JI I SITE PLAN 4 ' — ! © Scale: 1/8" = 1' 2 t _ 30'[o PL 0 1' 8' 16' d' lit m ■..� ,� C" 0 . : . CONnDENTIAL- THE IttORMATR*I HEREIN �e NUMBER L -950573 00 PRalff DINER ANI � ,ti� OESadPDDt Mu, KUZNETSOV, TSIA KUZNETSOV RESIDENCE BENEFIT SHALL NOT CE USD FON DIE KBREU �� SolarCity BENEFIT O'ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCitt INC., YARIRF. MOMS �� •' NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN MU OR IN RESI (25) YINGLI N YL240P-29b• 10148 CASS PL. 6.0 kW ROOF MOUNT PV SYSTEM PART TO DINERS OUTSIDE THE RcT FNrs PROJECT MANAGER POURING sYsn CUPERTINO, CA 95014 PART AOON, E%CEPT w CONNECTION VA . INE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE * SC L-FOOT 3055 Cleatew way San Mateo,CA 94402 SMARMY EQUIPMENT. MIHOIT THE NPoTTEN pewit TYPE: PACE NAW SET: REM. DATE: T:(650)618-1028 F:(650)6381029 PERNISSICN a SMARMY INC. PPA (1 POWER-ONE AURORA PVI-5000-OUTD-US 4085945256 H SITE PLAN PV 2 8/10/2012 (888)-50.-CITY(765-2489)wwwstlae .mm (E) 2x4 TOP CHORD 1;F IC (,� • TYP. 0 24° O.C. E c 1. " ® I .' BETWEEN FOOTING r '/ (E) 2x4 WEB (TYP) S l r; r; 7: 7: '7 _00000_„,,sir (E) 2x4 BOTTOM 1-2' TYP X CHORD 0 24" O.C. • •101. - 7'-1° A, 3'-7° / 7-1" / (E) 2x4 RAFTERS (E) LBW 0 24° SPACING (E) LBW TOP+CHORD: 2x4 p FRONT VIEW OF MOUNTING PLANES SUPPORT: 2x4 WEB D Scale: 1/2" = 1'-0" MAX SPAN: 7'-1" t. CUPERTINO Building Department SIDE VIEW OF MP1 �c � 1 CA) AUG 3 2012 REVIEWED OR CODELIANCE (E) 2x4 TOP CHORD Reviewed By: 0 24" O.C. • SOLAR PANEL STANDOFF INSTALLATION ORDER ��` ' (E) 2x4 WEB (TIP) ATTACHED W1TH MODULE ® / a�� Scale: 1 i/2" = 1' LOCATE RAFTER, MARK HOLE Cl" CLAMPS, r-16 BOLTS, (1) LOCATION, AND DRILL PILOT 1 -2" I' 4'-5° _ AND �° NUT HOLE. I (E) 2x4 BOTTOM • SOLARCITY SOLAR RAIL (E) LBW CHORD 0 24" O.C. & BOLT — - (4) (2) SEAL PILOT HOLE WITH POLYURETHANE SEALANT. TOP CHORD: 2x4 LEVELING FOOT -"UR. (3) SUPPORT: 2x4 WEB (E) COMP. SHINGLE 'L (1) (3) INSERT ECOFASTEN FLASHING. MAX SPAN: 6'-6" (4) PLACE THE LEVELING FOOT. ECOFASTEN FLASHINGer SIDE VIEW OF MP2 (5) INSTALL LAG WITH SEALING O (E) ROOF DECKING WASHER. (E) a° DIA LAG BOLT (5) (2-1° EMBED, MIN) (E) RAFTER CONODENTIAL- THE INFORYAHON HERON JOB AMER JB-950573 00 PROITE OPER ANJ CWcrhm DESLRPI Ut rat • ‘(•,‘ TSIA KUZNETSOV RESIDENCECONTAINED SHALL NOT BE T9]) FOR THE KUZNETSOV, KBREU BENEFIT OF ANY(Y!E EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., YARI�T: Y(gU1ES j�/' NCH SHALL IT EE DISCLOSED IN ?,0.E OR IN RESI . (25) YINGLI H YL240P-29b 10148 CASS PL. 6.0 kW ROOF FOUNT PV SYSTEM r'� Sola it o • PART IZ TON. EXCEPT OUT9DE THE R a+WIT PRCECTMA/ACM GSrsRLE CUPERTINO, CA 95014 v PART TO OON, 5CIJID CHE RE x1N IIS • 1IE SALE AND USE Of THE RESPECTIVE * SC L-FOOT 3055 OeaNew Way San Mateo,CA 99902 SOLARCOY EDUIPUENT, 111INOUT THE *S111EN PA31@lfNf 11PE PACE NAYS SHEET: REV. DATE P0°'�'OF JROTM INC. 4085945256 B 1 T:(650)638-1028 F:(650)638-1029 PPA -. 'MOWER-ONE // AURORA PVI-5000-OUT)-US STRUCTURAL VIEWS PV 3 .8/10/2012 (888).Sa-dnY(765-2489)www.saladN.mm - UPLIFT CALCULATIO�,�N,.��B �� COPY I PANEL SCHEDULE AND LOAD CALC INPUT VARIABLES C4LCULA770NSAND VALUES ;_ Required Variables Design wind pressures based upon: ' Mean Roof Height: 16 ASCE 7-05 Chapter 6 Wind Loading Residential Standard Calculation I KUZNETSOV,TSIA Exposure Category: C Equation and Cladding Elements ,_,•,,, Version 7.28 Press Fl lar Hep Basic wind speed(or city in the future): 85 Wind pressure P=gh'Cn'G STEP 1e Article 220.42&220.52 SolarCity 6.5.10: Velocity pressure Importance factor(1 for residential): 1 !Select U 2457 General Lighting load VA' Address - qh=0.00256'Kz'Kzt'Kd'VA2'1 2 Small Appliance 3.000 VA' City,State,Zip Code 1 Laundry circuit 1,500 VA 1.888-765-2589 Roof shape: pitched From Table 6-3: Gen.Lgt.,Sm App.&Laun. Load 4.500 VA' 8/10/2012e43 0 Roof Angle(degrees): 18 Kz=0.86 3,000 VA @ 100%= 3.000 v' Roof zone: 3 1,500 VA @ 35%= 525 VA From Figure 6-4: VA @ 25%= VA' Contiguous sq. feet of any: 53 Kzt= 1.00 • General Lighting Demand Load 3,525 VAI Least width of the building: 92 STEP 2 Article 220.50&220.51 Obstructed wind flow? TRUE From Table 6-4: 3.5 ten 0 5.800 VA' AHU 1 I Select U VAI Total Heat Load VA Kd=0.85 •• AX=2 0 VA' AHU 2 Select 0 VA( Total CU Load 5.800 VAS k•• Eyrr•0.,-,?3,. To'o.ra'hical •.!_!_s AK=3 0 VA' AHU 3 Select VA Greater of Heat 100%vs.NC 100% I . • •'f . + , bibPp From figure 6-1: I @ @ 5,800 VA •. (ch..�a y, or refer to pictu - .h, : A =M 0 } BuildingDe Arman V=85 K VA' AHU 4 Select VA h t _ Type of hill: none A/C=5 VA' AHU 5 Select 0 VA _ STEP 3 'Article 220.53 I Appliance Demand Load 9060 yA rr•`'" From table 6-1: • ! ,.•.;. Hillnnheight(h)(ft): GAs 0 1Water Healer VA AUG Slope ovhf�ll(degrees): I- 1 1,9o0vA0 1 IRefngerator 1.900 VA Dryer Demand Load 5,000 VAI ditop toc 1hno�upse(x): From Velocity Pressure Equation 'Freezer VA �m ��Dkic itl& ltE qh=13.52 ® } Height from bottom o hll�So mea 1,400 VA0 1 (Dishwasher 1,400 VA Range Demand Load VA; vvro>r.ud y. r O 1Disposat VA _ �e From Figure 6-19B o }Trash Compactor VA Service Demand P(lbs. per sq.ft.)=gh'Cn'G Cn(uplift) -2.28 Pa 23,385 VA ( P )=O }Microwale VA Pd(downforce pressure)= 9.19 Cn(down)=0.80 • J_0 }Central Vac VA Demand Load 97 A 10 }Mini Refrigerator VA Pu(uplift pressure)= 26.20 From J 0 }Range hood ' VA Neutral Demand 43 A G=0.85 • J�0 Wine Cooler VA I Max Tributary Area Feet Inches 0 Ironing Center VA See Service Riser 1 Individual Rows in Portrait X (E-W distance between standoffs)= 6 0 J select 0 Jacuzzi Tub ' VA Yingh YL240 P-29b Y(N-S distance between standoffs)= 3 0 J select 0 Sprinkler Pump VA • • Amax(sq.ft.)=0.5'L'X Staggered Penetrations= No 17.1 select 0 Well Pump VA select 0 Fountain Pump ' VA' L(length of panel in ft. perpendicular to rail) 5.41 Module Rail Max. Span/Cantilever(in) 72 33 select 0 Eleletor VA' Ei 'Aluminium X= 6.00 p Pool Equip. Panel ' VA'100%Demand PJ 1 r2 ' VA No Demand Y= 3.00 Max Uplift Force on a Single Standoff J 5760 1 rJ ' 5,760 VA No Demand Total Appliance Load 9,060 VA L= N/A Pmax(lbs.)=Amax'Pu 4 or more demand @ 75%plus 100%demand loads VA, STEP 4 Article 220.54i Amax= 16.29 426 Electric Clothes Dryers 5,000 VA Dead Load Calculations Factor of safety= FI'D'NI/Pmax • STEP 5 Article 220.55 Electric Ranges Col C demand W' DL(lbs/sq. ft.)=(Mm+Mh)I(L'1N) 5/16 x 4 in. =Lag size and length Number of appliances I L(length of modules) 5.41 984 • =CapacityI s)of o 1 lag(NDS) Cooktop Cal B demand 1. =NI(number of lags per standoff) )check Box for Gas Range Cooktop Col B demand W(width of modules)3.25 2.31 =Factor of safety Oman(s) 7,680 W Col B demand Mm(weight of modules)43.65 Point Load Calculations Den(s) Col B demand Number of appliances cen,.Factor 1 e%IMh(weight of hardware per module)= 7.21 m PL(lbs)=Aax'DL Cooktop 8 Olen Demand Load W DL=2.89 47 rnptidsnearthreknn JB-950573 00 • PREMISE OMETE NE< CaPertra °"°�1Dl: �G� a' 4444 9anu- n[ INFORMATION I ERE1N 309 x 1®E E _A0,,•,,, BENEFIT SMALL NOT EXCEPT FOR NE KUZNETSOV, TSTA KUZNETSOV RESIDENCE KBREU eie SolarCity -,.. CFNTCONTAINED AIA .N BE U ED RAY INC, YAPo(Er: YEWS •••` NRR SHALL n BE DISCLOSED IN Mal OR IN RESI (25) YINCLI N YL240P-29b 10148 CASS PL. 6.0 kW ROOF MOUNT PV SYSTEM , • PART TO OTHEORZAN1ZAPCN. 0 PT IN THEWM RECIPIENTS H PRQE01 MANAGER YawnNc smat CUPERTI N O, CA 95014 . • THE yAar AND USE OF THE RESPECT.. * SC L-FOOT - 3055 Oea*w Way San Ma a 94402 SOIARCITY EQUIPMENT. %MOUT THE WRITTEN PAIYFNI TVP- PA NMIE SIEET: REY. DATE: I'DNISsiW of saARcr1Y INC. PPA (POWER-ONE I AURORA PVI-5000-OUT)-US 4085945256 PANEL LOAD & UPLIFT CALL PV 4 8/10/PD12 T(650)5381028 F:(650)63e 1029 GROUND SPECS MAIN PANEL SPECS GENERAL NOTES INVERTER SPECS MODULE SPECS LICENSE BOND (N) 08 GEC TO (E) GROUND ROD (N 125A MAIN SERMCE PANEL Inv 1: DC Ungrounded INV 1 —(1)PoxTx_OyE AURORA PM—Soo�W US --05)YTNCU 9 n24GP-29b CA 1888104 Al PANEL WITH IRREVERSIBLE CRIMP (N; 100A/2P MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER lawtes (— Ik SDamt 277V 40V vax79t5%/96% Vor. 37.5 Noaee (-2011); 240x• 215.9W PTC, H4, 50101, Bock Fin C-46, C-10 Panel Number. INV 2 Vpmax 29.5 Meter Number.1006677383 *MODULE CURRENT RATINGS ARE SHOWN AS Ise AND Imp IN INV 3 THE DC STRINGS IDENTIFIER OF THE SINGLE UNE DIAGRAM. AMPHENDL MAIN SERVICE PANEL Adj. Min. DC Input to 176V! Y Branch Connector 0 Inverter 1 °`- CUTLER—HAMMER © ❑A D 100A/2P Disconnect n POWER-ONE / Ix. zsna2(s)a9oa r4P1 I DC- 100A/2P AURORA PN-5000-OUT°-US 1 1 DC- (E) LOADS B L EGC I 1 L1 1av r � �- I � [Id • 1 1 �. N GFP/GFCL,I•- 0 I 2 (N)30A/2P A J EGG V� �• O )) Lm m /J1��� A r GEC O DC- 1. G I (` DG sn 1 SVi^p(s)a)On MP 2 • : 9 ( CND 1___-EGC 1 CC / l e N 1 EGC/GEC ii - Y - z-Esc__ ____i _ (UConduil NlL' 3/4' ENT 10.�� � ��� ®� I _ GEC TO 120/240V SINGLE PHASE • UTILITY SERVICE CUPERTINO Building Department �[ dr AUG 13 2012 REVIEWE FOR COD CC�)PL(ANCE Reviewed By: J B —(1)WTLR-HAMMER 4 DG221URB AC A —(1)MRIeNOL KIgt DC Disconnect AJDIER�240Va, NarFuable• NEMA 3R —(1)�tma %tar, H4, Nde —(1)6wM/Neutrd d; 30A. Generd DutY(DG) Y BranchConnecta; H4, Femde (1)AWG /lo, 1H11N-2, Block (2)ANG /10;PV WE, Bock Voc =337.5 VDC La =17.3 AX (4)ANG /10, PV WIRE, Block Voc =337.5 VDC Ise =8.65 ADC ®I[(I)AWG 110, THAN-2, Red O (1)AWG 910, Slid Bore Copper EGC Vmp =265.5 VDC Imp=16.28 ADC O (I)AWG /10, Shca Rae Copper EGG Vmp =265.5 VDC Imp=8.14 ADC (1)AWS /10, THAN-2, Mite NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp'=20.83AAC (1)Canduil 101; 3/4' ENT FFRJJJ —(I)AWG'gi. THNN-2, Deem EGC/GEC —(1)Condull KR; 3/4' ENT (2)AWG /10, PV WIRE. Black Voc =262.5 VDC Isc =8.65 ADC O (I)AWG /10. Slid Bare Copper EGC Vmp =206.5 VDC Imp=8,14 ADC JB-950573 00 MICEOINDE Alit Cuperdro IFSOOP110N IX9Qt %hie CONFlOENWAL- THE INFQOIATgN HEREIN JOB NWBER =,•rbc CONTAINED SHAL NOT BE USED FOR THE KUZNETSOV, TSIA KUZNETSOV RESIDENCE KBREU - /`Crte /A� BENEFITSH Cr ANYONE EXCEPT IN nal INC, YARQT: NOOBES 'I I,V O l A re'tY r NOT SIAL IT BE DfSCLosm IN nal aR W REST (25) YINGLI p YL240P-29b 10148 CRSS PL. �, 6.0 kW ROOF MOUNT PV SYSTEM M Ja PART To oT ERS°UMW THE RECIPIENTS PRaECT uxA� NaR IMG!Tsar CUPERTINO, CA 95014 N OROANREMON, EXCEPT IN CONNECTKIN WITH • 1FE SALE AND USE DF THE RESPECTIVE * SC L—FOOT 3055 Cleaview way sal Mateo,CA 94402 SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WHIM METFH PAGE NAPE: DATE: IT TH PETAISSION Q SOLARQTY INC. PAN1ENT TYPE T;(650)678.1028 F:(650)63&1029 PPA (1 POWER—ONE fi AURORA PVI-5000 —US 4085945256 THREE LINE DIAGRAM PV 5 8/10/2012 (Beal-506 (T65-2489)ww s-1029 xn 1. Conductor Sizingper Art e .8(6)(1) ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS ' a. Conductor muustt d have 30 deggoc . C ampacity >= 125% of continuous - current per Art 215.2(A)(1). Module: 25 Yingli YL240P-29b Black 215.9 Inv Power WPTC Voltage Drop Calculations Version 5_8.0 Inverter 1: 1 Power-One PVI-5000-5 0.965 5000 5208.59 Vdrop= Im. ' 2'Len.th • Resistance / Vmp) b. Conductor must hove (after corrections for conditions of use) >= Module: 11:0110Wan wire continuous current per Table 310.15(B)(16). Inverter 2: Vdro Chins 8.14 70 AWG 10 at Max Ave Hi:91 deg F Module: p= 8.14 ' .1 1.111 hms / 206.5 0.76 Inverter 3: Branch: 8.14 50 AWG_10 at Max Ave Hi:91 deg F c. Evaluate conductor temperature at terminations per 110.14(C). Module: Vdrop= ( 8.14 * 111 ' 1.0012.Ohms)/ 206.5 0.84 Ampocity of wire derated for conditions of termination must be >= Inverter 4: Total voltage drop in DC conductors= 1.6 Inverter: l 16.28 I 15 AWG_10 I at 240v continuous current'1.25. All string terminations are rated at 90' C. Vdrop= ( 16.28 ' 30 ' 0.0 12 Ohms) / 240 V 0.2442 Total: 25 Modules Total Inv Pwr. 5000 5208.59 PTC Combined 0 I 0 I I at 240V 2. OCP Sizing per Art 690.6(8)01 - Photovoltaic Module Electrical Specificabons: Total STC: 6000 Vdrop= (0 '0 Ohms) / 240 V 0 a. Round up to next size per Art 240.4(B) nit Voc: 37.5 V deg F deg C , _ FF1T ///��� �a Vmp: 29.5.6V Record Low Hi Temp: 82 0 Total voltage drop in AC anddDCors`�cto&fl11Ti 1 3. Conductor Sizing per Art 690.6(8)(1) Isc: 8.65 A Max Average Hi Temp: 84 29 Total voltage drop in AC and DC condublorst=' Il!841 a. Conductor must have 30 deg. C ampacity >= 125% of continuous Imp: 8.14 A Record Hi Temp: 91 33 WE [1- current per Art 215.2(A)(1). Tvoc: -0.13875 V/deg C , Tisc: 5.19 mA/deg C b. Conductor must have (after corrections for conditions of use) >= String Type A and 2 Combined Strings Type A Voc Correction Method: Manuf Tvoc data Branch Circuit Type A 1 way wire length: 50 Voc Correction Factor: continuous current per Table 310.15(8)(16). t1 TYPE A_INV 1 Istrings per branch 1 2 Istrings per branch 2 Inverter Min Vdc Input: 120 7 Yingli YL240P-29b Black 7'modules per series string 9 modules per series string c. Evaluate conductor temperature at terminationsper Art 110.14(C). vac= 262.5 Min Vmp at Max Temp: 186.99 Voc= 262.5 V Voc= 337.5 V p Vmp= 206.5 Max Voc at Min Input:nmp: 286.78 Vmp= 206.5 V Vmp= 265.5 V Ampacity of wire derated for conditions of termination must be >= Inverter Max Vdc 600 continuous current'1.25. All branch terminations are rated at 75' C Isc= 8.65 Max String Size: 14 sc= 8.65 A Isc= 17.3 A min. Imp= 8.14 1-way wire length: 70 Imp= 8.14 A Imp= 16.28 A 'cant= 10.81 Art 690.8(AX1) �I 1. A (cont= 21.62 A Art 690.8(A)(1) _ 1.a Conductor: AWG_10 PV Wire 2.a did G_10 PV Wire 4. OCP Sizing a. Round up to next size per Art 240.4(6) BLIIIIIng aBiaartniWG_10 PV Wire Iwnt' 1.25=(Amps) 13.52 Conductor 1 Conductor 2 30 deg C ampacity= 40 'cont' 1.25=(Amps) 13.52 27.03 5. Conductor Sizing Der Art 690.8(8)0) 1.b 'cont=(Amps) 10.81 •s <004 ` AUG 1 2 90Y30 deg C ampacity 40 40 1 • a. Conductor must have 30 deg. C ampocity >= 125% of continuous Stan empathy 40 2:b Icon=(Amps) 10.81 21.62 current per Art 215.2(A)(1). Temperature derate(%=F) 0.71 .� 40 40 Conduit fill derate(%41) 1 REVIEWECIFOR COD e'�emperature derate(^�=F) 1.. 1 b. Conductor must have (after corrections for conditions of use) >= Derated ampacity 28.4 - .I f Condu' .• •) 1 1 continuous current per Table 310.15(6)06). tc Derated ampacity 40 40 • !cont' 1.25=(Amps) 13.52 2.c Term 1 Term 2 _ Ampacity 401 Temp table 756900 75degC c. Evaluate conductor temperature at terminations per Art 110.14(C). i loont'1.26-(Ampo) 13.52 13,52 Ampocity of wire derated for conditions of termination must be >= 1.d !cont' 1.25=(Amps) I, 13.52 I Ampacity 35 35 continuous current'1.25. All inverter output terminations are rated at OCP Size= 15 75' C. Inverter Type A Output 2.d OCP Size= I 15 1 301 • Power-One.PVI-5000-S I 1 way wire length: 10 ft Combined Inverter Output 6. OCP Sizing Icont= I 20.83 IA Art 690.8(AX1) Service Voltage= a. Round up to next size per Art 240.4(6) 3.a Icont' 1.25=(Amps) 26.04 Art 690.8(8X1) Total Inverter Power- 1 way wire length= 0 OCP Size= 30 Art 240.6(A) 'cont=#of inverters'max inverter current Art 690.8(AX1) 3.b Conductor:)AWG_10 THWN-2 at 90 deg C:Table 310.16 'cont=(Amps) • 7. Conductor Sizing per Art 690.8(8)0) 4.a Icont'1.25=(Amps) An 690.8(8X1) 04 a. Conductor must have 30 deg. C ampacity >= 125% of continuous 'cont' 1.25=(Amps) z6.40 OCP size= Art 240.6(A) 9 p y 30 deg C ampacity= 40 current per Art 215.2(A)(1). 3.c !cant=(Amps) 20.83 4.b Conductor: I THWN-2 at 90 deg C:Table 310.16 Start ampaciry 40 'cont' 1.25=(Amps) b. Conductor must hove (after corrections for conditions of use) >= Temperature derate(%=F) 0.91 30 deg Campacity= 4.c 'cont=(Amps) • continuous current per Table 310.15(B)(16). Conduit fill derate(%tet) 1 Start ampacityDerated ampacity 36.4 I Temperature derate(%=F) 3.d Icont' 1.25=(Amps) 26.04 c. Evaluate conductor temperature at terminations per Art 110.14(C). Ampeci 3s Conduit 11 derate(%=#) Ampacity of wire derated for conditions of termination must be >= ry Derated ampacity continuous current'1.25. All inverter output terminations are rated at 4.d Icont' 1.25=(Amps) 75' C min. [ Ampacity car JB-950573 00 nDEr MAL - THE 1soRu" oN HEREIN DDa mA aR PREY&OMIER N,d Cupertino 0ESaa1tat D`Sta" `de N.; .e. SHALL ALL NOT BE USED FOR NE , KUZNETSOV, TSTA KUZNETSOV RESIDENCE KBREU . „ " Solar�ity BENEFIT OF ANYONEEXCEPT SavRC.TY INC., MARTI: MCCUE& 10148 CASS PL. 6.0 kW ROOF MOUNT PV SYSTEM Nat SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE C7 IN REST (25) YINGLI # YL240P-29b /' • PART TO OTHERS DUTTDE THE RECIPIENTS YX� ;-y ORGAN12ATal, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION MiTH PROJECT MANAGER MOUNTMG WIN: ;CUPERTINO, CA 95014 THE SALE AND USE Of THE RESPECTIVE * SC L-FOOT • 3055 awwe„way San Matra,C4 44402 5OLARa1Y EQUIPMENT. WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PAGE NAIL SHEET: REV.. DATE -1029 PERIMSSlON OF SOIAROTY INC. PANDIT 17POWER-ONEAURORA PVI-5000-OUTO-US 4085945256 TYPE T:ac(650)ry(765.2 89)vo)5Talarat - PPA # ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS PV 6 8/10/2012 (seal-sat Y(]es44e4)www.w av .oa LABELSfir!.. EE++�I F^�1 �� • PHOTOVarLIC MO Or 011211.1.01•11/XTION WARNING!ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD! , 7 r 1 lE Copy -�_.�4 - : PV MODULE ! l J � � M,SolarC1"ALJ.yI, —na 1E�` /[pT PHOTOVOLTAIC is DISCONNECT VG I 240 YL2355PP.296 Cr la VGE 240 SERIES WARNING!ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD! Me 1f Yu3�. Ern. fi7SERIES YLAASP'09bELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE 2 OPERATING VOLTAGE Y Hen J .. _.n m GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS __ vMUe VC!In .n,a m a..—•.w"^ •••2•0•S.1..../NM nevumr MAXIMUM OPERATING A ..www v.s.,w�.uneswl nzszw�ns,r» If/rear., CURRENT l I COMPANY are.u..e.• --- '� m ...�- Y— as^msy ,y Y Green Enc NYSE:YG w-. h_ "1 na lnic. ^'w� anity ISM n I I I I I I,I III a'9E Energy Qis one of woddb largest lolly '• • "n. ns na na _ w3A5E�4 ewsnayncv _ vertically integrated PV manufacturers.With over l GW of modules ._. ""- _____,-_-_ PACKAGING SPECIFICATIONS installed globally.we are a leading solar energy company beat upon c....rw '- • et. rn rn ?ST ._._. n•.. a aNOT000uuc DC DISCONNECT I 1 I I I I proven product reliability and sustainable performance.Founded • �=-• -- 555 a'a "^`^'+`•-"'�- WARNING!ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD! — I I I h 1998.Y li Green Energyserves h at U.S. 'm'•r`�-OovM .��e��r�v'�' es9 t!TMa`9 .rt.mo_.r....ac.sae-r,-..wtYy..+w.cverrra Tm" subsidiary.Ynogg Americas,co-headquartered in New Yoh and r"r-_+++'^.^-^-'•+•• ( 3 ) ya V ' I I_ San Francisco.We we the first renewable energy company and the E „�I....wren. , -^ _ Yh sIY sa v� v r I I —� I first Chinese company to sponsor the FIFA World Cup . .......... n...wst 1..w.s..van• w• = • Urdu:knss orate IMP • PERFORMANCE r......_ • . 45. .•u nl ---.7i-- •.r ,was i I Industry leading in-house manufacturing of po'ysilicon,ingots. w_.an.:rw __= _ ._ -_ I — •`'�'(..v�.a.(Y wafers.calla end maL'ks ensures right control of our material ` J w•SDlaiCft lresew cr .--.I and production quality. II L -High performance,multiaystalso solar cells deliver a module series efficiency ofupto14.7%,redcig installation costs andrra.imizig THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS Solar Disconnect I the WI outputper"h'ma. a ;.os I I I I Power tolerance of /.3%mi:imizes PV system mismatchlosses. 1•••••••••••••••"••••••"--snows el v. _• ___ air __ _ /� I _. . _ _l I�� QUALITY & RELIABILITY '- _- K en J •Yb:^,.. i s e ■` `} I Ir............-w.. i i i ) WARNING_ E,Iacul on Ii. Hazard _ I Robust corrosion resistant aluminumframeerode I and tested DO NOT-TO RMINAALS I to withstand wind ad snow loads of up to 50 p'f and 113 psf, • Termna!s ane �n0 taesdre I f I respectivoly.ensising a stable mechanical life. OPERATING CONDITIONS '" ." _..- ....o ma .— may Wisner: ad In the Open Position -^ iz 1 I I� Manufacturing facility certified to 1509001 Quality Management _......�,... Iy u $II System standards. 0..�.�.,... 2I r `l --F' 1 I 37—r -Module packaging optimized to protect product during '. b� •�ppm ,e. `l — I 1 • tr>hsponatian rd - m minimi- onwr te ware. ......... • -r-_a _ turamau --_ Il E Disconnect WARRANTIES ""-'^'" 1p'•,...".2.0•IiII '/� no -Extensive r F ive 5.year limited product warranty aa 25.yeeted power / _ warranty, CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS I B [k,:r...-... ) WARNING-Ele�n ock Ha+ard- -Limited forypower%ofthe'A90%oldw minimum rated power output 'w� .- 1 DO TO ERMINALG for 10 years.BO%WI minimum rated power output for 25 years. u- - ..a - — aypee...r^w^a.r - J ■/` a..w s ^ .., 5s wren • / Terminals on o a ane Ewae alae. `. m.DOy NOTi ee In mo Open Position HmAl.�a..w.w vm.+a maw_ r.wrm ' t'�-��- •t^"^�• QUALIFICATIONS 8 CERTIFICATES �o-...•u..n .....--w.r...�....... . L I I IA 1703 cat nest cant SalaryCmCCEC MEC ISO 9001:2C011. u. ��.w_. n / ( \aes oc rou.ctuuw.n r•asaNr.Nn ` ISO 140)1:KOs.DS Duos 1x801:2087.s•eoro m".... "e""'^a-"' w..xn,r.n�...ru.wOr.>u..,,.a MCP PPousuSn m.szo'10 suuttc,, C®m A esRr •_i, •Ite Spec kazoo il OuttimaTmei anon gar.vmad al sr Ntisa la il,orip-flea Irc•rata a....-. 6 WARNING-Dual Power Sourness 'u ,..r.-. NO 1 CUPER IND 7 W u..r?.nisae a SHOP•HT L�� YngllGreen nn ._ BuildingDepartment Q r. �i� . H_a.p r. d • Tal:.l l9ramer)68: !'.J P uI/ cam t. wr e.. n.rta ...wK el:•1(88 < � 8 \ YINGLI50 S':•q.., NY -1' 13 2012 — ! � v JJ PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURGS YINGLISOLAR.COM I YilgllAmerieas a....�...e,..w+.,.ra.t .at:m..,'n . r_ REVIEWED OR COD MPLIANCE r l G7IDI �O / WARNING: Reviewed By: / I m01:23C12) (10 WARNING! INVERTER OUTPUT CONNECTION. DO NOT RELOCATE THIS CONFIDENTIAL- THE IttU MATKIN HEREIN le MAtBE1D JB-950573 00 PROASE DINER NM Cupertino • BESMIRCH OF9DE .:"'- CONTAINED SHA1.1 NOT BE USED FOR THE KUZNETSOV, TSIA KUZNETSOV RESIDENCE KBREU �_ BENEFIT Cr ANYONE EXCEPT SCLARCITY INC., MN8¢T: MOpU j• .- NOR SHALE IT BE DISCLOSED IN WOLF OR IN RESI (25) YINGLI k YL240P-29b 10148 CASS PL. 6.0 kW ROOF MOUNT PV SYSTEM ���SolarCity PLATT IDIZ TION. EXCEPT C DEIN THE REDON T'SWIT PROW MANAGER "MDAIINE SYSIM CUPERTINO, CA 95014 BC SALE AND THE RESPECTIVE WITH TE RALE AND USE OFT. THE R E DiE YE a Sc L—FOOT 3055 Ona ew WaySan Mateo,u 94402 • SMARMY EWPYFNT, M1HOUT THE MK71EN PAIIIFNT IYPF: PINE NATE: SHEET: DA1L T050)638-1028 F:(650)63B-1029 PERMISSION CP SCLARCITY INC PPA ("'j�10tPOWER—ONE (I AURORA PVI-5000—OUT)—US 4085945256 CUTSNEETS AND LABELS PV 7 8/10/2012 (888)-501-CITY(765-2489)www.sdaoty.rsan pNvwe ore° AURORAI vRenewable Energy Solutions TECHNICAL DATA 1 PVI-5000-OUTD-US PVI-6000.OUTD-US Rated Grid Ac Wane I V ( 206 1 243 I 771 T 200 . 243 I 217 vm Side IL $ WamwUuMaPownMFaddumel W , 4666 4666 _ PVI-5000-OUTD 4PPTYdupe46e _— —57-1---- 10D5>, A. _ 206530 _ - — x Man.Up V•ha9e 700 Wj1163501 200 1767561 ©©© ///���� '� �����555 `, 31. 4° Absolute Maximum Ydta6elVmul V I 600 �� PVI-6000-OUTD I- 000—OUTD W>m®Conmtlkmvgla6oNMPPTbPm6d A j _ M \,I��JY-1 Z,ZZWWJ✓✓A//{13337FEoµll W.onam Usable torrent Cal A L_ �9_— — le NvmhndK taMhglamk.d4padurvwl ! I I _ ��Zj���������.._....a ..11/: Murtha of lmtPtndmt MITT Cb ands » — -- 1 4. a---, _. r .,.31 k red Ir,mm.i*cS Scrar tamANl mc1 M,y Mirhg Termination I _ _. i. 3Yno[bQ,51N'a fled big Worn.) 3rnoc,ov5e1 W'a 1'M/RugPedaal isinp GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS ""�I - - { } WTYn5p11_DRW Lv�+I�D� _ ___ OUTDOOR MODELS j NominalPower VmJnYa�I_—_ 1 V t` slim T 211500D64 7+ao le}:n H T N+ao 4 I bid ir.qu cj R�^9r•__ N> _ 6.OA593(OA _ 60A59JiO3) _ Wvmm�Current Mc m,.l _A i ]} I ]l _.. r - ]0_ i _ m T _7a OPaws ixtar _1,(—___ ,0995 .{ ,°935 iou114rmonk DhiordonAlR.ted Powe Y � <} <} 'I E IMzxim[Y_ WdinrnlElfNlercy ! - _ 91.1 1 9)_I Q CEC EIkia1<Y M ` 96 ' 1 Ws T Ws , e 965 T S Designed for residential and small commercial PV open'=tMiPx,srcta4 installations, this inverter fills a specific niche in the -- Comvmptio^mond ey 16gh41 _ _ Cu, t _ <60 _ _ _ <60 _ P comvmvtbn D�drg operxlon w- }6 _ _1_ 70 i. Aurora product line to cater for those installations producing TapobgY a--- u•elamaN., I u.ummiakn> between 5kw and 20kW. I [xNniu55pWh,tiao 1 .. Endounradn6- —_—__ __ _ NtMA4 8°ECarva •. Cooling._ _ _ _ — t ___ Natural tion _- — Netu tion. --Th1 and • is inverter has all the usual Aurora benefits,including dual -" h2�vs� . . . Aml-ht cog ansu TiWes�1AiIwln'1- Traded2etO,si - 1 input section to process two strings with independent MPPT, _ - -- - _.- J2u.lw2pxaridttmntrer _ _ - (hsn_V4;1pomsldth!Areal _ Unt high speed andprecise MPPT algorithm for real-timepower S Widwumg TendmimnType Saewcactnikai Sue.90CIr!lma 9 Pee 9 _ _ - -- _ s.g�en.dre9oc wm.u,w;r�rg si,gNw297cr< w.;rmy _ tracking and energy harvesting, as well as transformerless I� DMw,uiomlwmtml iNmml 1}e.4l.pe}U}sulos}.21}1 i}6.41,4 eJpm 105}.}}}1 MIS 0 ' operation for high performance efficiencies of up to 97.1%. 0. ShIPP Weight _ _ �b0gl_ r112,119 __ _ _ _<595Inq__ - <S951no1 _ xoumingSyrtem 1 WA hrxM WSIbxM The wide input voltage range makes the inverter suitable to low " ) powerinstallationswith reduced string size.Thisoutdoor Liver- -- `. - Ambient Naha Eealmramye !1'q_+_al_•i4of}s_.mlwmdaaig aiaa1n1501 -u.146p75_-cq.iNdan�ng,boe1»1501 A®uYk Naha Fmluun lnN dY/.�Im _ <50 _ _ _ <56 ter has been designed as a completely sealed unit to withstand NWtb Humidity endo _ 0106 tandem/no _ - 6mo caMemtrg, the harshest environmental conditions. ) AURORA Maxim=Operating ANtudewl0owalta@g WWII 6560pW01 6560110601 Protoomen Ant{btaedinq hotxtbn I A4[6rdng to VL 1741/1011547 Armdig to lA 171 8[11541 _ External AC OCPD Rating h_ ._ 35 1-11:7-1 }S 40 I— 15 I 50_ —�—_� over_Vdupe hotxdlon Type __ _ VYuta.MSN4-pt) --__ Nris:ordIUNM1P3 FeaIMre-�s -- L.�a.Po�dyho�Won = — n --- W.Smom Shed Omsk CamntliMtpa CNnml A 1 n _ }} _ -_ - __.. __— ___ .__ - _ ___ _ -. _. . . __ -_ _ _. __t O.eVotape Protection Type T Vaihfa,}Ix eYhdunM Vaka.}la exhchvn[5 _ - _ _. __ PV Amy Ground Fault DrixWa. ,um<a RnaiM Almam44rDl-- _--ResuuWl4umd dyrumNfdp._.___ lP4W.m[1onPg�?+nl _ PNWesfbmollLa ) • Each inverter is set on specific grid codes which can be selected in the field DC Switch Comm Rating Wee(*Mull _ ._NV _ 25)600 75/600 • Single phase output halation Level tr„45amNd4+s01o.tr Array) _(F1mNtl., 9Ar,d`_ � -_ •Dual input sections with independent MPP tracking, allows optimal energy harvesting from two Safety and EMCSundxd Una.C5A•C22.2 N.101.1m u 1741,C54•ClL}N.101.101 _ sub-arrays oriented in different directions �•tyMPmen,' ,CA-s. ,CSM Wide input range IY�cammvnN,Won 5 1 • WurircMx,lUhd+Yl I 16d1m<ten.2 toestmdhWy _ 16 rh•xtm.2 Imes LCDdapiay • High speed and precise MPPT algorithm for real time power tracking and improved energy harvesting Remote Menwng D:Rsus Ind, AuFesAu, it - 1�NU AURORA-UNIVERSAL(opt] •Flat efficiency curves ensure high efficiency at all output levels ensuring consistent and stable Wired Lo<+Ixonha4M9 II 40S465 MO4 _ _ ivwse-Rs565,D}kp!L yw50F6485,m}(soil Ped-DESX10P—fedi_ performance across the entire input voltage and output power range Mi.lnat4<4I WdI°^"9._ -_ _ ,\/: � �PIogJ�dmal otseci 1''FT_12d,IbESETovlopU+rhan RAprou6anEJoµ1 _. • Outdoor enclosure for unrestricted use under any environmental conditionsStandard 'Avalabh t ` _ SO ?RS-485 communication interface(for connection to laptop or datalogger) 1SMndard.W5th 0Csritc.rmabg Array_ — - h±50D0001D41s __j _ 046001001D US I 'd Compatible with PVI-RADIOMODULE for wireless communication with Aurora PVI-DESKTOP Na,A.Wuuewyrn•m.0• /;IA.:- 4501q +OSW.b•:m:..Rar.mn..amwsJulAUG 3 L L / aT�nnlm ° REVIEWED FOF .CODE C IANCE/ JB-950573 00 PREF D"'� Ant °°erom DEsatIOt °`�" bb ' CONFlDONTIAL- THE INFORMATION HEREIN 1D6 NIR1ffR -_ow/ CONTAINED SHAlI.NOT BE USED FOR THE KUZNETSOV, TSTA KUZNETSOV RESIDENCE KBREU BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SCUMMY INC.. WARM: YOOIIIES I�1�SolarCity NOR SHALL IT BEET IN IN VOWEL OR IN REST (25) Snit*. YL240P-29b 10148 CASS PL. 6.0 kW ROOF MOUNT PV SYSTEM PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE 94 THE RECIPIENTS CUPERTIIN CA 95014 a� ° ORGANIZATION.OTH E7(OUT DE CONNECTION ICH ITtaccT 1NANARR MOUNTING 6nitlF. THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE * SC L—FOOT 3055[Wavle..Way Sal Mateo,CA 99402 SOURCITY EQUIPMENT. WITHOUT THE W911Di PAIIffNT TYPE: PACE NATE: 9EEI: REV: DAIL PERMISSION OF S LAROTY INC. 4085945256 - e 10 201 1x650)636.1028 1:(650)63&1039 • PPA (POWER-ONE # AURORA PVI-5000—OUT)—US CUTSHEETS PV 8 2 (688)-501.{IiY'(765.2469)vwws0WNry.mm • ri?' - -„ I' P ? FFACEICOPY SolarCity L-Foot with Eco-Fasten Flashing i , The SolarCity L-Foot with Eco-Fasten GreenFasten flashing optimizes strength,performance and aesthetics while structurally attaching solar panels to composition shingle roofs. This engineered connection uses Eco-Fasten's patented,IAPMO-certified*green fasten'technology to achieve a watertight seal. 6000 series aluminum offers superb structural and fatigue strength,which in conjunction with anodization offers excellent corrosion resistance even in coastal environments. • IAPMO-E5-certified product for waterproofing-Tested in accordance with ICC standards • Tested in accordance with UL 441-Waterproofing for rooftop penetrations CP' • Anodized for long term corrosion resistance and best aesthetics 9i • No shingle cutting required 7 • Fast and error-proof installation reduces overall Impact on roof • Rail is attached using Stainless Steel Fasteners CUPERTINO Building Department Installation Instructions 1. Drill pilot hole in rafter 2. Seal pilot hole with roofing sealant —L;—'' AUG 13 2012 3. Insert Eco-Fasten flashing under upper layer of shingle 4. Place SolarCity LFoot REVIEWED FOR COD PLIANCE 5. Install lag with sealing washer �! • ti Reviewed By: Ara vj t� �AI . r-- i z . Components Ctaji,, '\ i "' U �, A. 5/W Lag Screw 2`�'R....3 fr ' B. Stainless Steel•EPDM Sealing Washer :•D" f C. SolarCity l-Foot -- "'s/ D. Eco-Fasten Green Fasten Flashing - - ° i•..- l' . :•may oiarCity CONFIDENTIAL- THE INFORMATION HERON M NNat J B-9 50573 00 PREIS ODOR AH.1 Ciperlm DFPTICR DESIGN: `"' KUZNETSOV, TSIA KUZNETSOV RESIDENCE ONFIT E SWILL E BE SO FOR THE KBREU U , 's OI a it ItY0 BENEEFIT OF ANYONE %CFPT SOLAR=INC, WEE MULES I (J_ NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WH_aE OR IN RESI (25) YINGLI N YL240P-29b 10148 CASS PL. 6.0 kW ROOF MOUNT PV SYSTEM PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE REDPIENYS CUPERTINO, CA 95014 - • CRO1W SAUTION, t& IN CONNECTION WRN PROECT MARKER MOOTING SYSTEM 3055 OmNew way 5m Mateo,CA 9x402 • THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECmE * SC L—FOOT ' SOLAROTY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PANDIT ME: PAGE NAI[ SHEET: REV. DAIS T:(650)638-1028 F:(650)638-1079 PERMISSION OF.SourmlY INC. PPA (POWER—ONE AURORA PVI-5000 OUT)—US - 4085945256 CUTSHEETS PV 9 6/1D/2012 (Ba8}SO{ V 65-Ma9) mwsdadry.mm