TICC 10-03-2012 TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION& COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Regular Meeting October 3,2012 Conference Room A,City Hall MINUTES CALL MEETING TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Shishir Chavan, Peter Friedland, Rod Livingood, Beverly Siegel, Wally Iimura Commissioners absent: None Staff present: None Visitors: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 5, 2012 - Commissioner Iimura moved to adopt the minutes as written, Commissioner Livingood seconded no objections Vote: 5-0 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 2. This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3)minutes a person. In most cases, state law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 3. Commissioner Friedland reported on communications with Mayor Santoro on the topic of approaching both the Cupertino Union School District and Apple Computer over assistance with fiber infrastructure. The Mayor will bring up the topic at one of his regular meetings with the School District. OLD BUSINESS 4. Commissioners discussed the Everbridge rollout. Again TICC urged the City to define policies on Everbridge use in non-emergency situations--for polling, etc. Commissioners discussed web sign-up interface. Commissioner Livingood said he had learned that information provided to Everbridge via the web would also be passed to the existing Santa Clara County alert system. All 1 thought that a bad idea because there is no notification in that regard in the Everbridge sign-up process. 5. Commissioner Chavan updated the Commission on KMVT. Explained that KMVT had not yet received funds from the City for the digital switcher. (Commissioner Friedland later found out from City staff that there was no problem here and funds would be received shortly). 6. Commissioner Siegel brought up the fact that at least parts of the Brown Act had been suspended. TICC must request guidance from the City as to the ramifications of that. 7. Commissioner Livingood brought up the issue of plastic bag recycling. This should be an agenda item at the next TICC meeting when Erin Cooke is present. NEW BUSINESS 8. None. REPORTS 9. Commissioner Livingood reported on the October Mayor's meeting. MISCELLANEOUS 10. Review Activities Calendar - Commissioner Friedland reported he could not attend November 7 meeting--Vice-Chair Ilmura will chair - Commissioner Friedland requested the December 5 meeting be moved to 6 PM. All agreed to that. 11. Review Action Items List - Items 8. 10, and 14 can be removed. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Livingood made a motion to adjorn. Commissiner Chavan seconded. No objections. The meeting adjourned at 8 p.m. Vote: 5-0 SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY:. i _,17, ,_)ifitet)vL___, Jo nn Huang, Recording S retary Wallace Iimura,Vice-Chair 2