08-052, Graffiti control servicesJun 03 09 02:57p Graffiti Control 16503554062 p.l
70300 rorre Avenue
/ Cupertino, CA 95014 C~ .
408-77 ~ 0 NO,~~ ~/ p~
BY THIS AGREEMENT, modc and eMared into lhis . ,day ot~une , 2008, by ane between tha CITY OF
CUP~RTiNO (Hereinefoer ref~rred to os CITY) and crafr.ti CantroT Sarivacs; Arron Smlth Address:P.O. Box 388,
PaCIflCa, CA 94Q44, Phone: (850)547-2334~ Csil Pbono: (650)255~333~ Fex: (a5D)35~-4062
(Nereinaftcr referrad as CONTRqC;'1'OFt), in eansideretlon of (heir mutuol covenants, the parties hereto agree as
CONTRACTOR shaq provide pr fuFnish the foNowing speGiFied servicPS and/or m~terfats:
Ore CAllServFce for t2amOVa1 of G~raffiti on Mary Avenuv Bridgo Projsct
Gr~fiit! to be rsmoved within 24 hours oi notificat~on
EXHIBITS: The iollowing att~Ched exhibits hereby arr made part of n~is Agreomont: N/A
YERMS: The ServiCe9 ~nd/or materials fumished under Ihis Agr~rnent sha11 commence on ApM! 9, 2048
8nd Sha11 be Completed beforo April 30~ 2009
COMPENSATION: For the full perfprmancc of mis Agreement, ~~N sha~~ ~~Y ~oN7~,GTO~: E~(~'ERED
Qased on 'fime snd M~1~stisla ItOt to exeeed ST~500
TbiS ~IgTCC~ent is non-prevailing wages because it ~~ ~or custodial ser+vEces oirecnrrin~ nature.
Ho1Q Nannlrss. Con[rsclor aproas to 6ave an0 ~oW harmlQSe u~o Ciy, id officros, aaen~ and o~*+pbyooa /rom hny end ~ Qemaqe en0 IiBhility dus
to ne~tgencp, erro~s a~0 Om~ssior-s, incJudnq an eosto of defa~+ding any rJ~-m, eaweQ 6y or arising out o( the perfvnnanoe or th~s Aaroernont. Ciry
anail not bo IiaWe for acts of Cont,~~epr iq perlwminp sarvlcss dasu~bod hereln.
Insurane.. ShoWd It-a Ciqr nqu~re avi~encs ol Insurdbply, Gontraclw Rhaq IIIe w;th Gtr e Ce~tificam of In:urar~ pgfp~p tpmmenanq any sen+kes
unCet Ihis At~ra^men1. Sald CaM~lwec snn~ be aubjeet ta Ene eADrove~ ot C1171's Dlrador or AdmINaL~ative serviass.
Nen-0Ise~lm1~11on. No dicuiminatien ei~all b0 mBGA h tfle empioylnsnt o[ perS0~6 vnder thia Ayroemem becau6e af d-e rSCe, cobr, naNOnal
o~Spin, uncestry, religion a ssx oi aucR ponon.
rn~roat ot con~rector. Ir le untlantood ~nd aQrood ~hat tt~i~ ny~ee~ner~ ~a rsot a cana~ci ot emplor.wnt ~n n+9 aense ihat tnc rcir~onsnFp or matter
an4 servanl e~daU ~etween CHy ~r-0 undorsipned, A1 all tima6, Convactor ahall Da elMmed to ba an indeper~dent oontrrclo~ ~nd Gontrsctor fs not
a~,lhonzrd lo bfnd the Cih to anY m+l~a~~~ a otha- oWlpaUons In aoecutlnq th~s ~eement. Contrsetor oortlnea mat ~+o one who has or w~ll ~avc
any IlnanCial intere~t under tlils Aprosmont Ia an oMr.or w empbydp o~ Ci~l.
Chanpes. Thia A~reement snall not be a5bi0nAd or fransfwr.eo wqnout p,v wrfden eonssnt o1 m~ CIly. No chanpe~s or v~.L~tbn~ of eny klnA aro
~ulhorized wlthout 1he wrltr~o ppnsent a~ 1tx C-ky.
CON'rRACT CO-~RDINAT~R and rep~cscntatlve f~r G11Y 9nall D8:
NAMQ: Carmen Lynaugh D~PARTMENT~ PublfC Wotks
This 4c~re~ment shall become effeCtlve upon its ezecution by CITY, i~ witneSS lhereof, ih~ partics hpve executed this
Ag~eBment the cfay end year first written abovo.
BY ~G~irq~~~~~/ By ~~ _
nao _ ~1v{ R,~~ /Y~ ~R ~ Terry Greene, c~~y a,~cn~~ecc
Tex ~.o. ~