05. Treasurer's budget reportADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT CUPERTINO CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 (408) 777-3220 • FAX (408) 777-3109 SUMMARY Agenda Item No. SUBJECT AND LSSUE Meeting Date: June 17, 2008 Accept the Treasurer's Investment and Budget Report for May 2008, including a status report on General Fund Revenue and Expenditures. BACKGROUND INVESTMENTS The market value of the City's portfolio totaled $65.8 million at May 31, 2008, with a cost of $65.7 million, with a $0.1 million unrealized paper gain difference. The gain results from the economy's low interest rates, which drives up the market value of fixed interest securities in the portfolio. With interest rates continuing to decline, the portfolio's yield fell to 2.94% in May, compared to 2.99% the previous month and 4.86% a year ago. The Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) yielded 3.07% for May, down from 3.40% for the previous month and 5.25% a year ago. Three million dollars in Federal Agencies and U.S. Treasuries were called or matured. The City's cash balance increased two million dollars due to sales taxes. The maturing and called securities and the new cash were re-invested into agency notes issued by the Federal Home Loan Bank and Federal Farm Credit Bank. Investments are in full compliance with City investment policy and/or State Iaw, and are tiered to provide sufficient cash flows to pay City obligations over the next six months. GENERAL FUND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Year-to-date revenues through May 31, 2008 are up 1% over a comparable period from last year. Growth in sales taxes, hotel taxes, property taxes, utility user taxes, and interest earnings are offset by declines in development-related fees and taxes. However, revenues are trending to end up the fiscal year at 1 % below last year's results because of the worsening economy and because of last year's one-time property sales. Overall revenues are anticipated to end up $700,000 below budget, but possible expenditure budget savings of $1.9 million may leave the General Fund with a net $1.2 million surplus for 2007-08. A surplus of $1 million for 2007-OS is projected in the new five-year budget that is up for adoption by the City Council. 5-1 Treasurer's Investment and Budget Report June 17, 2008 Page 2 of 2 RECOMMENDATION Accept the Treasurer's Investment and Budget Report for May 2008. Submitted by: Approved for submission: _~- L.• David Woo David W. Knapp Deputy Treasurer City Manager Reviewed by: Carol A. Atwood City Treasurer Attachments: l . Investment Portfolio 2. Rate of Return Comparison and Investments by Type 3. Compliance with Investment Policy 4. General Fund Budget Report 5. Revenue and Expense Trend Charts 5-2 City of Cupertino Investment Portfolio May 31, 2008 nnua . ~.._ o Mat`uri YIEL6 ~S `"~° -~- ~ACT7E S - _~ _` _ SECURITIES MATURED/CALLEb V----------- ---------- _02/OS/08 02!05/09 FFC_B_cailable --~ 3.00% __3.00% _3_00% 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 _ -12/10/07 - 05/15!08 US Treasury Note ___ 2.63% 3.17% 3.17% 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 12/07/07 _05/15/08 US Treasury Note 2.63% 3.25% 3.23% 1,000,000 _ _ 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 ---~- _-~ SECURITIES PURCHASED -- - --- ~- OS/07/O8 06/ll/10 FHLB 3.00% 2.98% 2.98% 1,000,407 1,000,000 1,000,420 13 05/19/08 11/19/10 FHLB callable ~ 3.15% 3.15% 3.15% 1,000,000 -1,000,000 _ 1,005,310 _ ___ V ^ 5,310 05/20/08 05/20/10 FFCB callable 3.34% 3.34% 3.34% 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 _ _ ~ 0 05/27/08 08/27/10 FHLB callable 3,30% 3.30% 3.30% 1,000,000 _ 1,000,000 1,000,400 p 05/28/08 02/28/11 FHLB callable 3,40% 3.40% 3.40% 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 05/28/08 02/26/!0 FHLB callable _ 3.00% 3.00% 3.00% 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 CITY PORTFOLIO _......_, T ~"~ CASH _ - ..__ _ --- _A _T- --~ 05/31/0$ Wells Fargo -Workers Comp Checkin g _ 24,593 24,593 ^ ~ 24,593 0 05/31/08 Wells Fargo -Regular Checking _ _ 537,304 537,304 53 7,304 0 _ ~ - 561,897 561,897 _ _ ~ 561,897 u_ 0 LA_IF T ____ ~ _ - ._.____.__._____ _- _ --- 05/3I/O8 LA1F -State Pool 3.07% 3.07% 3.07% 17,039,962 17,039,9b2 17,039,962 0 -~- CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT __03/26/04 _ 09/26/08 South Coast Community Bank_ - 3.20% 3.20% 3.20% 98,000 98,000 98,071 71 _ 11/23/07 _ 11/23/08 Pinnacle Bank & others _-__ 4.8_8% 4.88% 4.88% 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 0 03/17/04 03/17/09 Peoples State Bank 3.40% 3.40% 3.40% 99,000 99,000 9 8,690 (310) 03/24/04 03/24/09 Washita State Bank 3.35% 3.35% 3.35% 99,000 99,000 _ _ _ 98,651 __ _ - y (349) 12/30/05 12/30/09 Meridian Bank 4.80% 4.80% 4.80% _ __ 99,000 99,000 ____ 99,229 229 12/28/05 _ 12/28/10 Nat'l Bank of New York City 4.90% 4.90% 4.90% 97,000 _ 97,000 96,125 (875) 1,492,000 1,492,000 J ~1,490,76b (1,234) MONEY MARK$T_F_UNDS - _ 05/31/08 We11s Fargo Government 2.09% 2.09% 2.09% 12,335,819 12,335,819 12 ,335,819 ~-0 08/31/08 We1lsFargo100%Treasury 1.17% 1.17% 1.17% __ 100,000 100,000 _ _ 100,000 _ _ _ - 4 12,435,819 _ 12,435,8] 9 ____ 12,435,819 0 AGENCY NOTES ~ _ ~ ~~ 11/21/05 _ 06/23/08 FFCB - 5,79% 4.65% 4.62% 1,000,668 1,000,000 1,001,950 1,282 ___01/30!08 09/12/OS `- FFCB ___ 4.50% 2.70% 2.73% - 1,005,021 1,000,000 _ 1,005,630 609 01/28/08 10/01/08 FFCB discount note 2.68% 2.77% 2.73% _ 990,843 1,000,000 __ ~ 992,500 1,657 12/30/43 12/30/08 FHLMC callable, step coupon ~ 4.75% 3.90% 4.75% _ _ 1,004,000 1,040,000 _ V 1,012,510 12,510 01/22/08 08/03/09 FFCB_ 5.25% 2.55% 2.56% __ ],034,843 __ 1,000,400 1,027,810 (3,033) 08/28/08 02/26/14 FHLB callable _ 3.00% _3.00% 3.00% 1,060,000 __ » 1,400,000 997,500 __ (2,500) 08/20/08 05/20/IO FFCB callable _ _ 3.34% _3_.34% 3.34% 1,040,000 _ - 1,000,000 1,000,940 940 05/07/08 Q6/t1/l0 FHLB -- - 3.00% 2.98% 2.98% 1,040,407 1,000,000 996,250 _ (4,157) 11/21/05 __07!12/10 FHLMC 4.13% 4.73% 4.78% 988,598 1,000,000 018,130 1, _ 29,532 _-05/27/08 08/27/1 O - FHLB callable - 3.30% 3.30% 3.30% 1,0 00,000 1,000,000 _ __ 999,690 _ _ ~ (310} Y I l/19/07 l l/I9/t0 FFCB callable 4.63% 4,63% 4.63% _ _ _ 1,000,000 1,000,000 - ~ 1,009,(160 9,064 05/19/08 I I/19/10 FHLB callable _ 3.1_5% 3.15% 3.15% _ 1,040,0 00 1,00 0,000 _ 993,750 _ (6,250) 12/15/05 12/15/10 FHLMC callable 5.04% 5.04% 5.04% _ _ 1,040,000 __ _ 1,000,000 1,012,180 12,180 ' 05/28/08 02/28/11 FHLB callable _ 3.44% 3.40% 3.40% 1,000,000 1,000,000 994,380 (5,620} 14,016,380 14,000,000 14,062,280 45,900 5-3 City of Cupertino Investment Portfolio May 31, 2008 nnua L S ------ --RA-~`E o Maturit Y -- ---VALUE---.._ _.___.YA~CT11; - - US TREASURY SECURTfIES T 02/29/08 06/12/08 ~ US Treasury Bill 1.76% _1.80% 1.77% 1,998,827 __2,000,000 ___ 1,998,980 153 _ 01/28/OS _ ~ 06/30/08 __ _ U5 Treasury Note ____ _ S.i3% 2.25% 2.29% 1,002,344 _ _-_ _1,000,000 1,002,660 ~ 316 12/10/07 07/31/08 U5 Treasury Note _ 5.00% 3.27% 3.31% 2,005,621 2,000,00_0 2,009,840 4,219 12/07/07 08/15/08 US Treasury Note 4.13% 3.35% 3.37% 1,001,555 1,000,000 1,004,380 2,825 ]2/10/07 08/31/08 US Treasury Note 4,88% 3.34% 3.37% 2,007,486 2,000,000 _2,014,060 ___ - _6,574 12/07/07 09/30/08 _ US Treasury Note 4.63% _ 3.27% 3.3 ]% 1,004,350 1,000,000 1,008,670 4,320__ 12/10/07 __ ~09/30/OS US Treasury Note _4.63% _3.29% 3.31% 1,004,329 _- 1,0_00,000 1,008,670 _ 4,341 _ 12/07/07 _ 10/3 ]/0$ ~ US Treasury Note 4.88% 3.27% 331% 1,006,4_67 1,000,040 1,011,800 5,333 _ 12/10/07 10/31/08 US Treasury Note 4.88% 3.25% 3.28% 1,006,600 _r._...____ 1,000,000 1,011,500 5,200 12/07/07 11/15/OS US Treasury Note 4.38% 3.31% 3.33% 1,004,731 1,000,040 1,010,630 5,899 12/10/07 11/15/08 US Treasury Note 4.38% 3.27% 3.29% 1,004,927 _____ 1,000,000 - T 1,010,630 5,703 -.______...------ 12/10/07 12/31/08 US Treasury Note 4.75% 3.18% 3.20% 2,017,799 2,000,000 2,031,400 13,601 12/20/07 01/31/09 _ US Treasury Note 4.88% 3.06% 3.08% 1,011,822 _ _1,000,000 ~ ` 1,018,28p 6,458 02/14/08 02/15/09 US Treasury Note _ 3.00% 1.77% 1.78% 1,008,641 _1,000,000 _ - 1,006,250 (2,391} 03/]0/08 03/31/09 US Treasury Note 4.50% 1.44% 1.47% 1,025,227 _ 1,000,000 _ 1,019,220 _ _ (6,007) 03/12/08 04/30/09 US Treasury Note 4.50% 1.51% 1.54% 1,026,976 1,004,000 1,021,4]0 (5,566) 20,137,701 20,000,000 20,188,680 50,479 Total Mana ed Portfolio _--_--- 65 683 759 65 529 678 65 779 404 9S 645 Average Yield 2.94% _ ~_ _______ _ Average Length to Maturity ___.T (in years) ~_ 0.48 _ __ ____ _ --- _- ---- -_-' -. CASH - __.- 05/31/08 TRUST PORTFOLIO (KESTER TRUST) _ Wells Institutional Money Mkt Acct 2.23% 2.23% - .,..____ _ 47,597 __ _ _ _ _ __--~ 47,597 -_- ___-_ 47,597 _ ____ - _ - 0 Total Trust Portfolio 47,597 47,597 97 597 0 BOND RESERVE PORTFOLIO ~ y Bond Reserve Acct mbac Assurance Security Bond A 1 __ 1 l _ Bond Payment Acct ~ _ Wells Treasury Plus Money Mkt 1.49% _1.49% _ 1,203 1,203 1,203 0 _ Total Bond Reserve Portfolio 1 203 1 203 1 203 0 5-4 Rate of Return Comparison 5.50% 5.00°~6 4.50°~ 4.90% 3.50% 3.00% 2.50°~, X01 1~0~ ~°~ 0,\°'1 ,~p~o1 ~^~o'l ^~~o~ r~\o~ ~~ ,y~oo k~o ~o~ e~ o~ ay ~e o r`t`e 5 ~-•LAIF --f-Cupertino 5-5 COMPLIANCE WITI3 INV City of Cupertino ESTMENT POLICY May 31, 2008 Category _ ___ Standard f Comment Treasury Issues No limit Complies US Agencies No limit _ f Complies_ erm Corporate Bonds _ Medium T 30% with A rating _ Complies _ _ LAIF $40 million Complies - _ . _ ..-- y - ------------ _ _ Mone Market Funds , .... _ _.. _. ~... __ ------ 20% Complies Maximum Maturities Up to 5 years Complies _ Per Issuer Max 10% (except for Treasuries and US Agencies) Complies Bankers Acceptances 180 days & 40% Complies Commercial Paper Negotiable Certificates of Deposit 270 days & 25% 30% _ -- Complies. Complies . . Repurchase Agreements 365 days Complies Reverse Repurchase agreements ;Prohibited Complies 5-6 City of Cu ertino General Fund Budget Report May 31, 2008 Bud et Actual 2006/07 2007/08 5/31/2007 ~ 5/31/2008 Anal sis of Trends Taxes: Sales Tax 11,575,000 14,190,000 10,392,832 .12,251,994 Strong business-to-business; flat in other areas Pro erty Tax 6,290,000 6,710,000 5,665,432 6,172,884 Values holding u better than in other regions Transient Occu ancy 2,363,000 2,660,000 2,013,366 2,193,496 Revenue owth slowin down Utility Tax 2,392,000 3,240,000 2,466,452 2,602,0;8 Franchise Fees 2,500,000 2,580,000 2,231,426 2,220,267 Other Taxes 2,308,000 1,400,000 2,002,020 1,276,150 AMC & Whole Foods construction tax last year Licenses and Permits 3,050,000 3,030,000 f 2,934,705 2,406,938 Building permits down Use of Mone & Pro a 1,380,000 2,100,000 1,599,867 1,786,954 Strong cash position but rates declining Inter overnmental 4,706,114 4,505,071 4,552,174 4,487,320 ~ ~ SB 90 claims down; Last yr's VLF included corrections Char es for Services 1,482,000 1,150,000' 1,428,921 1,228,632 `•Development down; Senior Center now in Gen Fd Fines & Forfeitures 680,000 800,004 570,345 547,236; ;Last year had $i70k in one-time retroactive fines Other Revenue 140,000 116,200 149,794] 66,047] ~ Sale of Pro erty ~ 1,600,000 ~ 788,476, Two arceIs eventuall sold last year for $1.6 million Total Revenue 66 14 4 ~ 6 i U 1 %; ma end u $700k below bud et. I O eratin Ex enditures: f Administrative 1,362,195 1,499,095 1,142,516 1,220,425 Law Enforcement 7,177,378 7,871,526 6,637,178 7,021,487 FuII year of addt'1 de uties Community Service 917,644 1,275,848 1,002,056 1,043,189 Administrative Service 4,978,400 4,535,811 3,324,104 3,428,946 Recreation Service 2,428,298 3,908,359 2,056,414 3,353,303 BBF and Senior Center in General Fund this ear Community Development 3,885,441 3,722,479 2,967,401 3,072,358 Public Works 9,845,280 11,143,739 8,246 841 8,968,774 Park, building maintenance Total Ex enditures 0 6 7 8 Up 11 %; may end u $1.9M below budget Transfers In 1,459,974 1,300,164 458,326 1,230,996 Resource Recovery; CIP savin s Transfers Out l -7,026,296 -17,434,750' -12,951,083, -16,130,750 New CIP Net Gain/ oss 0 - - 7 ~ 8 H $14;000 y $12,000 ~, ~ $1 o,oao w o $8,000 0 $6,000 } $4,000 $2,000 $o ~, $7,000 a $6, 000 a ~ $5,000 r o $4,oao a L $3,000 ro r $2,000 $1,000 $a Sates Tax Projections vs. Actual --~--Projected, per budget ~^~~Actual 8107 9107 10/07 11 /07 12107 1 /08 2108 3108 4108 ~ 5/08 after budget change Month Property Tax Projec#ions vs. Actual 5-8 8107 9107 10/07 11107 12107 1/08 2108 3/08 4/OS 5/u~s after budget change Month Transient Occupancy Tax Projected vs. Actual ~, 2,4ao w 2,000 1,600 d .. 0 1,200 m 800 400 0 ~, 3,000 ,R o m ~ 2,000 0 0 r } 1,000 0 -~-Projected, per budge# ~, --~--Actual ~ r i 8/07 ~ 9/07 10/07 11 /07 12/07 1 !08 2/08 3/08 Month Licenses ~ Permits Projected vs. Actual 4108 5108 ~ ~ ~~, "'~ ~~ ~--Projected, per budget ~ ~-Actual 8107 9107 10107 11 /07 12/07 1 /08 after 2/08 3108 4108 5/08 budget change Month 5-9 Charges for Services Projected vs. Actual N 2,000 a ~„ o :: L 0 1,000 d 0 --•~ Projected, per budget -E--Actual ~~ .-. r '' X 8/07 9/07 10/07 11 /07 12107 1 /08 after 2/08 3108 4/08 5/08 - budget change Month General Fund Expenditures Projected vs. Actual ~, 35,000 - 30,000 0 L '' 2s,ooa 0 20,000 a ~' a 15,000 m r 10,000 5,000 0 ~~ ~ ---~-Projected, per budget -~-Actual 8107 9107 10/07 11107 12/07 1108 Month 2108 3108 4108 4108 5-10