Budget 2008-2009CCty ~f Cu~ieYt~ 2008 -09 Citizens of Cupertino City Council CITY OF Citizen Adivisory --i Commissions and Committees C O P E RT I N O City Attorney Charles Kilian City Manager Gty Treasurer David Knapp Carol Atwood Public & Environmental Affairs Dvector Rick Kitson Director of Director of Director of Director of Adminisvative Serv ices Community Development Parks and Recreation Public Works Carol Atwood Steve Piasecki Mark Linder Ralph Qualls IT Manager City Clerk Building Official Recreation Supervisor Recreation Supervisor CityArchitect Assistant Director Manyah Serratos Kimberly Smith Greg Casteel Sports Center Senior Center Terry Greene of Public Works -Eng. Don McCarthy Julia Lamy Glenn Goepfert Finance Dvector Human Resources City Planner Recreation Supervisor Recreation Supervisor Public Works Environmental David Woo Director Vacant Youth Programs Facilities/Community Events Project Manager Programs Manager Sandy Abe Christine Hanel Tom Walters Carmen Lynaugh Cheri Donnelly Code Outreach Economic DevelopmenU Assistant Director Senior Civil Engineer Enforcement Programs RDA Manager of Public Works - Mai nt David Stillman Kelly Kline Bob Rizzo Parks Facilities Sweets Public Works Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor John Bisely Chris Orr Diane Mahan Ron Silva CITY OF CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Fiscal Year 2008/09 CITY COUNCIL T~~ _ ' '`* ~~; r --- ! - \ .. Dolly Sandoz al Ma~~or Orrin Mahoney Mark Santoro Vice Manor Cou»cilnze~nber Kris Wang Gilbert Wong Counciln~e~nber Cou~acilmenaber DIRECTORY OF CITY OFFICIALS David W. Knapp -City Manager Charles T. Kilian -City Attorney Carol Atwood -Director of Administrative Services Mark Linder -Director of Parks and Recreation Steve Piasecki -Director of Community Development Ralph Qualls -Director of Public Works iii CITY OF CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Fiscal Year 2008/09 COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES AUDIT COMMITTEE PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Myoung Kang Orrin Mahoney Stanley Stemkoski Garrett Wade Gilbert Wong HOUSING COMMISSION Sarah Hathaway-Feit Radha Kulkarni Frances Seward Winnie Lee FINE ARTS COMMISSION Nancy Canter KC Chandratreya Michael Harkin Robert Harrison Jessi Kaur PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION Charles Caldwell Nina Daruwalla Tamara Pow TEEN COMMISSION Raghav Aggarwal Sruthi Damodar Ojas Goyal Anusha Koganti Pooja Kundargi Nikhil Menon Soumya Murag Sanjana Ramachandran Nirali Shah Anandi Somasundaram Pranati Sreepathy Stephanie Szeto Mishika Vora BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Donald Armstrong May Koski Geoffrey Paulsen Joseph Walton James Wiant Jeanne Bradford David Greenstein David Lee Darcy Paul Debbie Stephens Stauffer SENIOR COMMISSION Ralph Otte Christine Kennedy Pierce Mavis Smith Thycaud Subramonian Linda Walker LIBRARY COMMISSION Ram Gopal Ronald Miller Janet Riddell Katherine Stakey Susanna Tsai PLANNING COMMISSION Paul Brophy Lisa Giefer David Kaneda Marty Miller Jessica Rose ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Bob Adams Carol Atwood Paul Brophy Mike Foulkes Shawna Holmes Kelly Kline David Knapp Orrin Mahoney Steve Piasecki Ralph Qualls Dolly Sandoval Scott Stauffer TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION William Allen Peter Friedland Avinash Gadre Wallace Iimura Andrew Radle iv J Cali f ornia ~ociet o ~ f ~;~/~,unicipa~ ~inance 0 f f icers Certificate of Award For Excellence in Operating Budgeting Fiscal YeaY 2007-2008 The Calijontia Society ojMuniciprt/Finance Officers (CSD1F0) proudly presen[s t/tis certificate to City of Cupertino For meeting the criteria established to achieve the Excellence Award in the OPERATING BUDGET CATEGORY. Marclt 6, 2008 ' - Brad Grant Cindy Guzisk, Chair CSMFO President Budgeting & Financial Reporting 1 The California Society of Municipal Finance Officers issues annual awards for outstanding achievement and contributions to the profession. The City of Cupertino received the award shown above for its 2007-08 annual operating budget. In bestowing this honor, the Society acknowledges the City for its outstanding presentation of financial and budgetary data. Our 2008/09 budget document is intended to meet the Society's high standards and will be submitted again this year to determine eligibility for another award. v RESOLUTION NO. 08-089 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ADOPTING AN OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 BY RATIFYING ESTIMATES OF REVENUES TO BE RECEIVED IN EACH FUND AND APPROPRIATING MONIES THEREFROM FOR SPECIFIED ACTIVITIES AND ACCOUNTS AND SETTING FORTH CONDITIONS OF ADMINISTERING SAID BUDGET WHEREAS, the orderly administration of municipal government is dependent on the establishment of a sound fiscal policy of maintaining a proper ration of expenditures within anticipated revenues and available monies; and WHEREAS, the extent of any project or program and the degree of its accomplishment, as well as the efficiency of performing assigned duties and responsibilities, is likewise dependent on the monies made available for that purpose; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has submitted his estimates of anticipated revenues and fund balances, and has recommended the allocation of monies for specified program activities; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby adopt the following sections as a part of its fiscal policy: Section 1: The estimates of available fund balances and anticipated resources to be received in each of the several funds during fiscal year 2008-09 as submitted by the City Manager in his proposed budget and as have been amended during the budget study sessions are hereby ratified. Section 2. There is appropriated from each of the several funds the sum of money as determined during the budget sessions for the purposes as expressed and estimated for each department. Section 3. The City Manager is hereby authorized to administer and transfer appropriations between Budget Accounts within the Operating Budget when in his opinion such transfers become necessary for administrative purposes. Section 4. The Director of Administrative Services shall prepare and submit to City Council quarterly a revised estimate of Operating Revenues. Section 5. The Director of Administrative Services is hereby authorized to continue unexpended appropriations for Capital Improvement projects. vi Section 6. The Director of Administrative Services is hereby authorized to continue appropriations for operating expenditures that are encumbered or scheduled to be encumbered at year end. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 17th day of June 2008, by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Sandoval, Mahoney, Wang, Wong NOES: Santoro ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: APPROVED: '~ .l~ ~~ City Clerk Mayor, City of pertino vii TABLE OF CONTENTS FISCAL YEAR 2008-09 PAGE TITLE PAGE . i ORGANIZATION CHART ii DIRECTORY OF CITY OFFICIALS iii COMMISSIONS/COMMITTEES iv EXCELLENCE IN OPERATIONAL BUDGETING 2007-08 v ADOPTED BUDGET RESOLUTION vi BUDGET MESSAGE 1 BUDGET STRATEGIES Mission Statement. 6 Financial Values Statements 7 City Council Work Program.. 8 Fiscal Strategic Plan 13 BUDGET GUIDE Elements of the Budget Document 28 Structure of the City's Finances 29 The Annual Budget Process 31 Glossary of Budget Terminology . 32 COMMUNITY PROFILE History of Cupertino 36 Community Economic Profile. 37 FINANCIAL AND PERSONNEL SUMMARIES Budget Summary 44 Revenue and Expenditure Charts . 45 Revenue Summary 29 Personnel Summary 64 Five Year Budget Forecast 71 Appropriations Limit 97 DEPARTMENTAL OPERATING BUDGETS COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS City Council 103 Technology, Information & Communications Commission 105 Library Commission 107 Fine Arts Commission 109 Public Safety Commission 111 Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission 113 Parks and Recreation Commission 115 Teen Commission . 117 Senior Commission 119 Planning Commission 121 Housing Commission . 123 ADMINISTRATION City Manager 129 City Manager Discretionary Fund. 131 Legal Services . 133 LAW ENFORCEMENT Law Enforcement . 139 PUBLIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS Community Relations . 145 Cupertino Scene 147 Government Channel . 149 City Website 151 Environmental Affairs .. 153 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Administration 161 Accounting/Business Licensing. 163 City Clerk . 165 Emergency Preparedness 167 Human Resources . 169 Code Enforcement 171 Information Technology 173 PARKS AND RECREATION Administration 181 Facilities/Parks/Blackberry Farm/Community Events. 183 Youth & Teen Programs/McClellan Ranch Park . 185 Sports & Fitness/Blackberry Farm Golf/Monta Vista Rec Center. 187 Senior Center Programs/Stevens Creek Trail/Blue Pheasant. 189 Blackberry Farm -Nature Programs 191 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Administration 197 Planning 199 Housing Services 201 Building 203 PUBLIC WORKS Administration 211 Environmental Programs 213 Engineering Services 215 Service Center. 217 Grounds 219 Streets . 221 Facilities 223 Transportation . 225 General Services 227 Fixed Assets Acquisition . 229 NON-DEPARTMENTAL OPERATING BUDGETS Interfund Transfers 235 Debt Service 237 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Five Year Capital Improvements Program 240 CUPERTINO June 19, 2008 To the Citizens of Cupertino, Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Subject: Fiscal Year 2008/09 Budget Message Enclosed please find Cupertino's fiscal year 2008/09 operating and capital improvement budgets as approved by City Council at its June 17 Council meeting. In addition, projections for four additional fiscal years are included to aid in long-range financial planning. Proactive Financial Planning For the third consecutive year, Cupertino's financial picture shows a projected positive net operating income after debt service, internal transfers and before funding of capital projects. This positive trend is a major improvement over four years ago when the City was experiencing its fourth year of recessionary trends, which required a hiring freeze, furloughs and deferred maintenance of facilities, streets, trees and equipment. To counter balance economic uncertainties, the City Council adopted a Fiscal Strategic Plan in May 2006. This plan identified revenue and expenditure strategies to improve the City's ability to provide services under fluctuating economic conditions. The City has already seen the benefits of some of those strategies in the areas of business-to-business sales tax and property tax. These proactive measures have kept Cupertino in a positive financial condition at a time when many cities throughout the state are experiencing cuts in services to keep budgets balanced. This year's update of the Fiscal Strategic Plan targets improved retail sales tax, additional property tax, securing the cell phone utility users tax and reducing retiree medical costs. Other recommendations for funding operations and capital projects will be proposed to diversify our revenue sources while maintaining high quality service levels. Fiscal Year 05/06, 06/07 and 07/08 Results The City's audit report for the year ended June 30, 2006, showed the General Fund in a net income position after accounting for operating expenditures, debt service and transfer obligations of approximately $1.2 million with an additional $3.58 million from the sale of surplus property, loan paybacks and park dedication fee paybacks. As for expenditures, all departments came in under budget and the low crime rate contributed to savings under our law enforcement contract for the year. 1 During fiscal year 06/07, revenue trends began to improve, especially in the area of sales and property taxes, charges for services and use of money and property. Sales tax increased as a direct result of high-tech business activities. In addition, outreach efforts brought a new business-to-business sales tax producer to Cupertino. Apple, HP and Insight are now the top three sales tax producers. Another major success was the passage of State legislation, which partially reversed a 1980's decision and restored a portion of the property tax revenue previously lost to the County. City Council members were instrumental in getting this legislation approved. This Tax Equity Allocation (TEA) change provided another $1.35 million in property tax for the fiscal year. Charges for service and construction tax also showed healthy increases this fiscal year. In addition, as our portfolio balance increased, so did interest income. The City's audit report for the year ended June 30, 2007 showed the General Fund in a positive net income position of $.6 million with an additional $2.2 million from the sale of surplus property and loan paybacks. As for expenditures, all departments came in under-budget and the low crime rate again contributed to savings on the law enforcement costs. Trends improved over prior years, but the General Fund still only realized an operating surplus of 1.5% on a $40 million operating budget after adjustments for one-time revenues. The current 07/08 budget provides for full funding of staff positions as well as new positions to accommodate specific customer service level standards and growth in workload. Maintenance has been budgeted at moderate levels and capital projects, deferred for several years, are funded. During the year, Council approved two major capital projects -the Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge and the first reach of the Steven's Creek Corridor Project. In addition, Parks and Recreation operations were reviewed and restructured to separate the self-supporting programs in the Enterprise Funds and reflect all of the programs subsidized by the General Fund. Year-to-date revenues through March 31, 2008 are up 6% over a comparable period from last year. Growth in sales taxes, hotel taxes and interest earnings are offset by declines in development-related fees and taxes. We have experienced a slowdown in these areas based on two major factors. First, the economic slowdown is starting to depress development in Silicon Valley and especially in the two revenue categories above. Second, voter referenda over the past few years have limited residential construction. Developers appear to be directing their efforts to other jurisdictions where project approval and build-out have a higher chance of success. Even with this slowdown, revenues are projected to be about 1% above last year's results. The 07/08 operating expenditure budget is currently on track to save 7%. If these revenue and expenditure trends continue, the end of this fiscal year will realize budget savings as well. Fiscal Year 08/09 Highlights This adopted budget results in a balanced budget which maintains the City's reserve policy levels. City service levels have been kept intact and in some areas, such as pavement management, enhanced to address community needs. New capital improvement projects over the next five years are limited because most available funds have already been authorized for projects and project administration capacity has been fully committed. 2 Revenue projections reflect an anticipated economic downturn for Cupertino starting in the Fall of 2008. Although buffered from its current affects, it is only a matter of time until our business- to-business sales tax falls prey to cyclical trends as it did in 2001. In addition, there are still concerns in regards to sales tax point of sale legislation, franchise revenues, court decisions on cell phone utility user tax, maintenance for recently annexed older areas and increased fuel and asphalt costs. Further, the State's budget crisis will surely impact cities as the State Legislature fails to make the hard choices required to live within its means. To ensure Cupertino's financial health, it is imperative that we continue to improve revenue composition, streamline operations, and control costs. To that end, I am recommending the following actions consistent with our Fiscal Strategic Plan: / TEA/ERAF Issue -Work on TEA/ERAF legislation to finish correcting the inequitable distribution of property tax. If successful, this would mean recovering an additional $982,000 to $1,308,000 of our property tax per year; / Enhancing of the Retail Sector -Economic development efforts will concentrate on the retail sector as a hedge against the more volatile business-to-business sales tax. Anew 16-screen AMC theater opened this last year at our regional mall, Cupertino Square, and is performing in the top 10 out of the 90 theater locations in the Bay Area. One-third of all retail space in the City is located in Cupertino Square. Its success means important commercial services for our residents and needed sales tax dollars to fund municipal services. Additional new retailers in the past year include Strike Bowling, a 66,000 square foot Whole Foods and the Merlion Restaurant. Other retail developments under way include a new Japanese Market, Steve and Barry's and several new restaurants; / Utility User Tax Ordinance -The existing City ordinance has not been updated to accommodate current technology, and this has put cell phone utility user tax revenue of approximately $500,000 per year at risk. Recent court cases have ruled that our current, outdated language does not necessarily apply to cell phones. The Ordinance can be taken to the voters in the next municipal election scheduled for November 2009. A successful vote would preserve approximately $500,000 per year in utility tax from this source; / Santa Clara County Library JPA -Approach the JPA in an effort to identify a revenue stream that will provide open libraries throughout the county seven days per week, without city augmentation for excess hours; / Retiree Medical Obligations - Establish a trust fund for our retiree medical obligations. This mechanism could save the City approximately $500,000/year in funding of this long- term obligation. 3 Fiscal Year 08/09 New and Restored Items The adopted budget reflects the second year funding of a three-year salary and benefit package and covers future retiree medical obligations. The following programs have been supplemented or newly added in the adopted 08/09 budget: - New Positions including a new Environmental Affairs Coordinator one-half of a Human Resource (HR) Analyst, and a Blackberry Farm Coordinator. Savings have been found to offset the additional cost for half of an HR Analyst; and - Consulting Services were added to support the City's Housing Element ($25,000) In addition to staffing, the adopted budget includes: Park and Building maintenance Estimate of State hits to balance its budget Maintenance of effort funding for pavement management Funding of a City infrastructure reserve Additional County charges to balance its budget Information Technology Storage Project Quinlan Center furniture and equipment needs Blackberry Farm infrastructure start up costs Seven Day Library Service Community Hall/City Channel equipment replacement fund Festival use of facilities, staff, sheriff and special event fees Funding for Community Development Permit Process Review Walk/Bike to School Program Funding for the hybrid vehicle replacement policy Santa Clara County Interoperability project Public Safety Commission -Safety Fair Supplement to $5,000 total $1,040,000 815,000 750,000 400,000 278,000 200,000 194,000 190,000 250,000 100,000 85,000 50,000 30,000 28,000 13,500 1,676 The following capital improvement projects have been funded during fiscal year 08/09: Pavement Management (Prop 1 B & Prop 42) Sterling/Barnhart Park Construction Monta Vista Community Building Re-roof Community Hall Fountain Tennis Court Resurfacing -various park locations Wilson Park Irrigation Renovation Rancho Rinconada Street Study Linda Vista Pond Renovation Study $1,420,000 650,000 405,000 400,000 225,000 150,000 100,000 30,000 4 Major capital improvement projects funded for fiscal year 09/10 and beyond include: Lawrence & Mitty Park (Saratoga Creek) $1,700,000 Stevens Creek Corridor Park (Phase II) 200,000 Funding for the Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge and the Stevens Creek Corridor Park (Phase I) occurred in FY 07/08. Conclusion I am pleased to submit to you a balanced budget for the upcoming fiscal year 2008/09. We are currently enjoying a revenue base that is providing us the funding for our anticipated operational and capital needs. However, national economic forces and the fact that our fiscal health is strongly tied to three business-to-business sales tax producers require that we stay firm to our commitment to implement the Fiscal Strategic Plan. This means supporting economic development, embarking on new revenue sources, and continually seeking ways to deliver high customer service more efficiently. Respectfully submitted, David W. Knapp City Manager City of Cupertino MISSION STATEMENT The City of Cupertino will.• • Provide prompt, courteous and equitable service that responds to individual needs. • Treat each customer and employee with respect, dignity, and sensitivity. • Support and encourage individual professional growth and innovation to enhance customer service and employee satisfaction. • Create a positive, professional environment based upon teamwork. • Provide the highest level of satisfaction in all programs and services. 6 BUDGET STRATEGIES FINANCIAL VALUES STATEMENTS The City of Cupertino adheres to the following guidelines and principles in preparing its budget and conducting its day-to-day and long-term fiscal affairs. 1. Revenue Levels • To the extent possible, maximize investment yield while maintaining a high level of liquidity for the City's anticipated capital costs. • Identify and recommend sources of revenue necessary to maintain the services desired by the community and to maintain the City's quality of life. • Perform ongoing evaluations of existing sources of revenue to maximize the City's revenue base. • Recover costs of special services through user fees. • Allocate all internal service charges to appropriate user departments. • Ensure that Enterprise activities remain self-supporting in the long term. 2. Expenditure Control • Maintain operating activities at levels which are offset by revenues. • Evaluate expenditures at the department and project levels to ensure control. • Reduce costs and improve productivity through the use of efficiency measures. • Structure debt refinancing to provide the necessary capital while minimizing future debt service costs. 3. Long-Term Financial Stability • Ensure ongoing productivity through employee training and retention programs. • Pursue consolidation of resources and activities with other agencies and jurisdictions where beneficial. • Ensure financial planning flexibility by maintaining adequate fund balances and reserves. • Provide for major maintenance and repair of City buildings and facilities on a timely basis. • Provide for infrastructure asset preservation that maximizes the performance of these assets at minimum life-cycle costs. • Continually evaluate and implement long-term financial planning including technology automation, multiple year capital improvement programs, revenue and expenditure forecasting. 7 BUDGET STRATEGIES CITY COUNCIL WORK PROGRAM Maior Developments Process applications for and work with developers to present the best projects for our community for: • Cupertino Square • HP Property • The Oaks • Rose Bowl • North Vallco Parkway Retail • California Pizza Kitchen Capital Improvements Design and implement the following capital improvement projects: - Mary Avenue Pedestrian Footbridge • Phase I completed (grading, fencing and utility relocation). • Construction begins February 2008. - Stevens Creek Corridor Park. Includes improvements to Blackberry Farm picnic grounds, creek realignment and restoration, trail construction. Funding is secured for Phase I and grant application process for Phase II has begun. - Rancho Rinconada park. a) Commence negotiations on Lawrence Linear park and explore potential property exchange with San Jose Water Company and County Roads and Airports staff. b) Purchase the two parcels at Sterling and Barnhart and commence park construction. - Pursue neighborhood park in the Homestead area. Planning staff worked with developers of the Villa Serra project to require a small neighborhood park approved in conjunction with the planned expansion of the development. Preliminary park concept has been developed. - Sports Center pool and bath house upgrade. Cost to upgrade exceeds it value to community. Multi-purpose court (for basketball, badminton, etc.) project was funded in the 2007/08 CIP. Budget Reference 198, 200, 204 240-271 8 BUDGET STRATEGIES CITY COUNCIL WORK PROGRAM Capitallmprovements (continued) - Quinlan Fountain. Project added to CIP in 2007/08. Final use of space to be decided. - Civic Center Fountain Cryptosporidium protection project approved and fountain modification will be completed in September 2008. Organizational Improvements - E-Services. Bring City Hall to the customer and improve efficiency of service delivery. Applications completed and/or in process: • On-line building permits • On-line business licenses • On-line job applications • City public records • Economic Development • Recreation registration • Community Outreach Program • Neighborhood Watch eCap • On-line Muni Code • Digital signage • 3N -Enables City to communicate with thousands of people on any device. • E-mail notification • City Mapguide • Mapguide Inquirer • Webcasting • On-line Elections page • Access Cupertino • City projects, bids & RFP's • Street sweeping notification • Parking citation inquiry Budget Reference 240-271 173-174 9 BUDGET STRATEGIES CITY COUNCIL WORK PROGRAM Budget Reference Organizational improvements (continued) - Redesign Website 151-152 Will include, but not limited to: • Attractive design • Intuitive navigation • Content management solution • Integrated interactive components • Integration of third-party tools and databases - Provide Support for City Attorney Transition 133-134 - Fiscal Strategic Plan. 13-27 Develop along-term solution to reposition the City to ensure services can be fully supported by revenues collected. • Pursue tax legislation for full TEA funding. • Perform community outreach for utility tax ordinance changes for November 2009 election. Public Safety - Law Enforcement 137-140 • Continue emphasis on Neighborhood Watch and provide 161-162 quarterly Neighborhood Watch maps. - Emergency Preparedness 167-168 • Continue emphasis on Emergency Response (ER) and Preparedness. • Continue expanding outreach programs. • Continue ER training for City staff. • Pandemic flu. • Mass immunizations. • Managing spontaneous volunteers. 10 BUDGET STRATEGIES CITY COUNCIL WORK PROGRAM - Traffic Safety • Implement the "walkable city" concept. • Review traffic safety issues including safe routes to school program, Tri-school/Regnart traffic improvements, lighted crosswalks, flashing speed limit signs, public education. • Provide pedestrian ramps at required intersections Housing - Provide housing opportunities for Cupertino workers. - Facilitate Cleo Avenue affordable housing. - BMR Manual update. Budget Reference 197-200 225-226 221-222 201-202 Economic Develonment/Redevelonment 199-200 - Encourage, retain and support healthy environment for retail growth. - Consider retail in reviewing new development. Planning - Review Heart of the City Plan - Develop Green Building Standards. - Prepare a historic preservation policy. - Propose policy for tree topping under property maintenance standards. - Put sign code review on Planning Commission work program. - Update the General Plan Housing Element. 197-200 201-202 11 BUDGET STRATEGIES CITY COUNCIL WORK PROGRAM Budget Reference Building Community 183-184 - Continue to offer opportunities and programs to promote cultural understanding and address the needs of our diverse community. - Beautification Program and Community Service Day. - Leadership Cupertino. • Explore options to re-introduce Leadership Cupertino 161-162 Community Organizations - Support the Cupertino Historical Society in its effort to create 197-198 a Center for Living History. - Pursue partnership opportunities with the three school districts 137-140 including traffic, parking, teacher housing, School Resource Officers and Juvenile Prevention Program. - Provide a community event similar to Cupertino Day. 183-184 - Facilitate and coordinate the reconstruction of the Tank House. 197-198 Environmental Affairs - Develop list of possible projects. 153-154 12 BUDGET STRATEGIES FISCAL STRATEGIC PLAN Define the Problem -Analyze the Current Funding Gap Background -Fiscal Years 2000 to 2004 The 2000-2004 recession coupled with significant increases in retirement and medical costs, energy costs, new infrastructure service needs and the State of California take-always severely undermined the ability of the City of Cupertino to continue delivering high quality municipal services. The City weathered the economic storm by cutting service levels, freezing up to 17 staff positions, refinancing debt service, turning to a full cost recovery fee structure for certain services, realizing one-time revenues through sale of surplus property and reducing employee compensation through direct salary cutbacks and work furloughs. Service levels clearly suffered and sacrifices were necessary across the board. The city learned that our fiscal structure left us vulnerable to the whims of economic fluctuations and the ability of the State to raid our revenue sources. Two major revenue sources, sales tax and property tax, were principal weak points in the above scenario. Cupertino is heavily dependent on business-to-business sales taxes and its retail sales tax is significantly under performing due to the condition of older strip shopping centers in the community and the recent loss of several significant revenue producers such as Anderson Chevrolet and Drexel Heritage Furniture. Also, Cupertino is one of four no-low property tax cities frozen by pre-proposition 13 to abnormally low tax rates. The City must evaluate its revenue structure to ensure more reliable, less volatile revenue sources and evaluate its cost structure to ensure we are operating in a cost effective manner. The following fiscal strategic plan defines strategies to reposition the revenue and cost structure of the city to ensure it is not as severely impacted by future changing economic conditions and that we are able to continue funding of existing and new service levels. Fiscal year 2004/05 The city's audit report for the year ended June 30, 2005 showed the General Fund in a strong net income position after operating expenditures, debt service and transfer obligations. Based on this, and the fact that the federal government was estimating inflation in the 3.6% plus levels, one might say that the goal to achieve financial viability had been achieved. However, the 2004/05 financials were not representative of our true level of service. Vacancies were upwards to 11% of our authorized workforce, maintenance of infrastructure was cut to an all-time low and because of the shortages in staffing, and many budgeted projects were carried over to the next fiscal year. In addition, one-time revenues such as sale of property inflated this bottom line. 13 BUDGET STRATEGIES FISCAL STRATEGIC PLAN To analyze our current funding Qap and present a more accurate financial picture, we looked at the actual inflows and outflows~to the General Fund and identified one-time, non-reoccurring revenue. In addition, we looked at the latest audit report for fiscal year 04/05 and added back the salary and benefits, deferred maintenance and deferred projects approved but not spent. Finally, for 04/05, we deducted the non-reoccurring State payback, park dedication fee payback and sale of property. The result was a snapshot of what our financial results would have been at fully approved levels of operation and without one-time revenue sources. The following chart shows total revenue (operating and transfers-in) versus total expenditures (operating and transfers-out) for the fiscal years 02/03 to 07/08. One-time revenues are shown in yellow to visually denote the magnitude of inflows versus outflows in the General Fund. General Fund Trends 14 BUDGET STRATEGIES FISCAL STRATEGIC PLAN Although Fiscal Year 04/05 ended with a $5.6 million dollar "profit", once one-time revenues were removed and expenditures were reflected at approved levels, the result was a net loss of $L1 million dollars. This net loss figure did not reflect concerns in 05/06 in the following areas: Pending legislation will put X389,000 of cable franchise fees in jeopardy; Pending court cases may put $350,000 in cell phone utility user tax in jeopardy; The City is currently spending $1.53 million per year on active and retiree medical prenuums and future liability costs. There are 150 active and 81 retired employees receiving benefits. The cost of providing this benefit has fluctuated and it is conceivable that health premiums could increase in excess of 8% per year; ~ Fuel costs have risen 30% since preparation of the 05/06 budget. The City has approximately 130 rolling stock and vehicles in the fleet. Asphalt is a petroleum-based product and the cost of street work has risen dramatically this year. A consultant is updating the pavement management plan, and has indicated that street jobs are conung in 25% to 46% higher than a year ago; The annexation of Monta Vista, Garden Gate and Rancho Rinconada neighborhoods has lowered the overall pavement standard for Cupertino, and a disproportionate amount of funding has gone into these areas to bring streets closer to city standard; Our current annual $750,000 commitment is minimal for keeping the streets in good order. Keeping pavement in good condition is the most economical maintenance strategy over the long tem; Library aquarium maintenance reimbursement will be reduced by 50% ($7,500 per year) starting in 2009 and will be the City's full responsibility in 2014. Co~aclusion of the Committee Besides balancing at the basic level of operating revenues and operating expenses/debt service obligations with the above issues in mind, we will need to fund our reserves at appropriate and/or mandated levels. A healthy "net income" will be required to embark on operational or capital improvement areas that are already being discussed. Some of these projects include: Additional parks on the east side of the city; Reserves to accommodate major renovation requirements of our facilities such as the Quinlan Community Center; Funding for environmental components such as artificial turf and solar enemy options for fields, parks and facilities; Extended library hours; i Improved street standards; Alternative energy sources; E-Services; and Risk reduction efforts. Based on the under-funded current and non-funded future needs, staff recommends that the city reposition its revenue and expenditure base to fund an additional $2.5 million per year. 15 BUDGET STRATEGIES FISCAL STRATEGIC PLAN 2007/08 Note: The Cit}~'s audit report for t11e ~~ear e~ided June 30, 2007 sho~~ed the Gei7.eral Fund in a strong net incor~ie positio~i after- accouizting for operating expenditures, debt ser~~ice and transfer obligations. This $2.8 million bottom line, howei~er, was inflated b~~ one-time revenues of $2.2 million from the sale of surplus propert~~ and loan pa~~back-s. As .for expenditures, all departments came in under-budget and the low crir~ae rate also contributed to bottom-line sa~~ings on our law enforcement costs. Trends impro~~ed oi~er prior ~>ears, but tJze General Fund still o~T,ly reali:.ed an operating profit of $.6 million, or 1.5%, on a $40 million operating budget. Automate and Streamline Service Delivery We currently have 162.75 full-time equivalent positions in our budget. Although lean for a city of our size, the committee looked at the structure of our organization and areas to automate or streamline. This task was critical since approximately 70% of the general fund operating expenditures are associated with salary and benefit costs. In addition, long-term trends for what we call "hidden" costs (medical insurance premiums, workers compensation and retiree medical costs] are directly associated with the number of our employees. The more we can streamline or contract out services, the more we can control these current and long-term costs. Our hiring freeze in prior years demonstrated that we couldn't reduce our workforce and maintain all existing programs for any length of time. Our organization is too lean and too flat to accommodate this option without experiencing declines in customer satisfaction and service level. If we are successful in a workforce reduction, programs impacted by staffing reductions need to be identified and either contracted out, modified or eliminated. ~~i; 3~: 3~~ 3~3 3-~ ' 3-~ 1 3-~ ~ 339 33 S ~~- 33 is 16 '003 ?00-~ '00` '006 ?t?~~- 'OUS P.e~ideiir~ Eu~{~lo}-ee BUDGET STRATEGIES FISCAL STRATEGIC PLAN We also need to be cognizant of our future personnel needs. Last year we added afull-time Information Technology Assistant to accommodate the workload associated with our increasing technology base. A Facility Attendant was also approved to staff the new Community Hall and an Economic Development/Redevelopment Agency Manager was added. In early fiscal year 2006/07, we increased law enforcement needs as a result of oui° annexations and the development of new residential and commercial buildings. 2007/08 Note: T~~o new positions will be proposed ir~.cluding increasing a Code Er~forcenT.ent Officer from half to full time, an Assistant Planner, and a tivo-~~ear term Park Planner for the Ste>>ens Creek Corridor-. As an offset, one Recreation Supervisor position has been eliminated 112rough stremnlirting. 2008/09 Note: Two new positions will be proposed - an environmental affairs coordinator, and a personnel anah~st. A Parks and Recreation position was reclassified to recreation coordinator to manage Blackberry Farm operations. The Committee identified several areas for potential short term and/or long term savings for Council's consideration. A. Streamline and reposition our workforce as opportunities arise. As future vacancies occur through attrition, we will need to streamline and reposition our workforce whenever feasible. All vacant positions should be reviewed to identify opportunities for automation, level of effort shifts or other cost saving ideas. We will also need to reposition our workforce to meet evolving workload demands, emphasize cross training and career development opportunities, and fill vacancies through internal transfers and promotions. 2007/08 Note: Parks grad Recreation ha~~e reorgani,ed resulting in streamlining and elimination of two.full-time positions. In addition, two vacancies were filled this year through internal promotions. 2008/09 Note: We anticipate a cost sharing agreement -a;ith a neighboring cih~ in conjunction with our new environmental affairs coordinator position. B. Implement E-Services with the goal of bringing city hall to the customer and reducing our cost of service delivery. The City's E-Service budget was eliminated for two fiscal years in an effort to save expenditures. In 2006/07, an E-Services master plan was drafted which addressed automation opportunities of government services. Examples of products currently being assessed include but are not limited to: Permit tracking ~ Econonuc Development Information Records management/retrieval ~ Community Outreach Information On-line job applications ~ Code Enforcement Tracking On-line business licenses ~ Website Revision 17 BUDGET STRATEGIES FISCAL STRATEGIC PLAN C. Pursue artificial turf in our athletic fields to reduce maintenance and risks associated with injury. Utilization of artificial turf is a growing trend to curb the rising costs of maintenance and general liability claims. The committee recommends that we use all future youth sports league fees for refurbishment of the fields and that we pursue utilization of artificial turf and solar energy whenever feasible and cost effective. 2007/08 Note: No activity to date. D. Pursue alternate energy sources for the City's infrastructure and vehicle replacement needs. The committee recommends the City investigate use of alternative energy for application in City facilities and vehicles where it is a proven cost benefit. 2007/08 Note: Adopt a policy to purchased hybrid vehicles where possible. 2008/09 Note: Perfo~7n a sustai~iability stud~~ inco~~orating green building sta~idar-ds afad other em~iroiu~zental.frie~idl}~ policies. Modify our solid waste co~ztract to e~iha~ue recycling. Allocate $500,000 for a green project. Stabilize and Reposition Revenue Sources Sales Tam b}• Economic C'ate~or~- i =.ooo.ocro io.~rou.ocKl ^Business to Business F..000,(KIU '~, ^Gmeral Ret ail ' ^Fuod Pxoduots 0.000.000 ~,Opp,p00 OConstmctioa ~Miscell aneous (111(1 (K 1f1 (I ~(If15 ~ ~tl(1 (T 1 ?1.11~~ ~_ :(Il l~l~ ~(1(IU'~ ~illl-1 _CII I- - -il(1- ~ X1.111-'~ 1-ear Eu d iu ¢ Qn utter Cupertino has historically been heavily dependent on sales tax as a major general fund revenue source, however trends over the past ten years have chanced not only the percentage of revenue received from this source (31.6%) but also the make-up of where the revenue is conung from. Ten years ago, over 50% of our sales tax base came from the retail sector where today 66.5% is from the business-to-business or the high-tech sector. 18 BUDGET STRATEGIES FISCAL STRATEGIC PLAN Our largest sales tax producer, Apple Computer, comprises 26% and given the volatility of the high tech industry, this fact alone has put this revenue source in an "at risk" situation. To add to this concern, the State is continuing it's efforts to chanffe the way Internet sales are reported and, if they are successful, will dramatically affect the amount of sales tax revenue currently received from our top three producers -Apple, Hewlett Packard and Insight, Inc. During the recent years of budget cuts, we have mainly focused our efforts on reduction of expenditures. No new revenue sources per se have been implemented with the only major change resulting from an independent analysis of existing fees to ensure that we are covering our eosts~of service. The Comnvttee believes that it would be~ prudent to consider the following revenue strategies: A. Pursue Tax Equity Allocation (TEA) relief with Santa Clara County. When Proposition 13 passed in 1978, it froze property taxes at their current levels. This action created significant problems for cities that at the time had low property tax rates because they couldn't raise those rates to meet their community needs. Four cities, including Cupertino, are significantly below the average. We are actively pursuing an amendment to bring us to par with the TEA rate of 7% with the County. 2007/08 Note: During 2006/07, the passage of State legislati.o~i rei~ersed a 1980's decision acid restored a portion of our property tax revenue, ~~lT.ich had been lost to the Counh~. Cin~ Council was instrum.e~7.tal irz getting this legislation appro~~ed. This TEA change provided afzother $1.35 million in properr)~ tam for the fiscal year. 2008/09 Note: This ~~ear-, we will continue to work on the TEA issue to finish cof-recting t71.e inequitable distri~butio~z of properh~ ta.x. If successful, this would mean betti•een $982, 000 to $1, 308, 000 per year in properh~ ta.x. B. Re-assess Park Dedication Fees on an ongoing basis to capture rising real estate costs associated with park acquisition. Each time a new development application comes to the City, real estate costs should be researched to ensure that the park dedication fees are current and reflect appropriate costs for property acquisition. This will ensure that our purchasing power is not diminished. 2007/08 Note: Con~ipleted a~~d ongoing. C. Negotiate with Hansen regarding future land use rights in exchange for annexation. Hansen currently resides in the County but utilizes Cupertino streets for access to its site. The cement trucks that frequent Foothill Boulevard and Stevens Creek inflict much more street and landscape maintenance needs than the average user. Cupertino has been absorbing the traffic and pavement issues associated with this business, but receives no revenue benefit. It is estimated the utility users tax from this site alone will bring over $1 million per year to the city. The committee recommends pursuit of annexation in exchange for future land use rights. 19 BUDGET STRATEGIES FISCAL STRATEGIC PLAN 2007/08 Note: The Cite has approached Hansen and opened a dialogue to discuss the benefits of current anne.~atio~z in e.a-clz.ange for a future developme~it agreement. Hansen does not wish to pursue at this tinge. D. Support Redevelopment/Economic Development for Cupertino Square and other major projects. ~ _ Analysis shows us that our regional mall is producing well below the average sales tax per square foot that is required to have a strong operation. We currently receive approximately $1.1 million per year from Cupertino Square in sales tax as compared to the Oakrid~e Mall, which is remitting around $~.4 million per year. In addition, build-out projections on infrastructure will provide about $2 million per year in new tax increment for the project area starting in 09/10 and approximately $23 million for low and very-low housing over the next 30 years. To decrease our dependence on the business-to-business sector, we recommend strong support for the mall rede~~elopment. In addition, as new developments come before the Planning Commission and City Council, we recommend a quality retail component be incorporated into the project. 2007/08 Note: Sales ta.~ looks promising as our regional mall Cupertino Square sees the impact of the new 16-screen AMC theater a~zd a soo~z to be opened Strike Box~ling center. These changes have sparked a shopping-enter-tninment bu;,; that things at the mall are finall~~ cl2anging for the better. One-third of all retail space in the cite is located in Cupertino Square. Its success means important commercial services for our residents acid needed sales tc~z dollars to fund municipal services. Other retail developm-eats under construction include a new Japanese Market, a 68,000 square foot Whole Foods Market and se~~eral nen~ restaurants such as California Pizza Kitchen, Islands and Merizon. 2008/09 Note: Whole Foods Market anal Merlion are now open aful Cuperti~io Village has an additional 25,000 sq.f1 approved. New proposals include the Rose Bora~l area, the former HP site on Ste~~en's Creek and additions to the Oaks Shopping Center. 20 BUDGET STRATEGIES FISCAL STRATEGIC PLAN E. Consider an Entertainment Tax and a modification to our existing Utility User Tax Ordinance in conjunction with the municipal election November, 2007. The Commttee recommends that we consider placing on the ballot both an entertainment tax and re-wording of our UUT Ordinance to reflect recent trends in technology and retain existing UUT revenue such as cell phone renuttances. 2007/08 Note: We mill propose taking three measures to the voters this fall. The first would update our utilirh user tax ordinance for curre~zt technolog~~ trends i~~ the. effort to retaia7 our e.visting f~tilih~ tax hose. The second mould add a ne~a~ business license categorr~ for quarries so that if a quarr~~ aiiiiexes to the cih~, iti'e have a revenue generator i~~ place to pa~~ for the added service requirements. And third, nee u~il1 propose a minimal tax on theater tickets to he used for extended libra~~~ hours a~ul maintenance, thus providing the on-going revenue to open the Ir~brarv seven da~~s a meek. 2008/09 Note: The Council voted to not pu~:cue the revenue measures above. Ho~•ever, due to a recent court decision, staff ~a~i~ll re-propose an update for our utilin~ user- tax ordinmlce in November 2009 to ensure $500,000%~ear iai cell phone revenues. F. Phase out one-time revenue to the General Fund. Limit park dedication fee payback to the General Fund to $500,000/year for 06/07, decreasing by $100,000 increments each year with additional revenues vesting to the Park Dedication Fund. The Committee believes that the payback of park acquisition costs inflates the General Fund revenue and gives the impression that this is on-going revenue from operations. As this funding will eventually "dry up" it is prudent to replace it with true operational and annual revenue streams. 2007/08 Note: Park Dedication. fee pa~~back ia~as completel~~ eliminated with th-is ~~ear's budget. G. Consider assessing a sales tax in-lieu fee for discontinuance of retail land use. This concept would assess any developer who proposes taking land use currently zoned for retail/commercial use and replacing the infrastructure with non-sales tax producing product such as housing. 2007/08 Note: The Cih_ ~ Council revie~~ed this concept anal has decided not to pursue a~~ in-lieu fee. 21 BliDGET STRATEGIES FISCAL STRATEGIC PLAN H. Re-visit the adoption of a County Communication fee if our sales tax composition exceeds 50% from the business-to-business sector. Two years ago a 9-1-1 fee for County Communications was deliberated on by the City Council. Estimates showed $1 per line per month would provide approximately $650,000 towards a $750,000 cost of service. Given our high percentage amount of business-to-business sales tax, the committee proposes to re-visit this fee if our sales tax composition exceeds a 50% benchmark. Our current nux of sales tax providers results in a high risk of fluctuation in our largest general fund revenue category, and a 9-1-1 fee would identify a new and stable revenue source to offset this risk. 2007/08 Note: Council did aaot N~ant to pua-sue at dais tune. 2008/09 Note: Santa Clara County lags adopted a fee fog- these ch-arges. I. Consider a Refuse Vehicle Impact Fee. Several cities in California have successfully levied a street impact fee on their refuse providers to offset the wear and tear on city streets from these oversized vehicles. Such an assessment would pass the cost of street repairs due to heavy usage through to the garbage company and provide needed funds for maintenance, but ultimately result in fee increases to the customer. The Committee was not in agreement on pursuit of this revenue. 2007/08 Note: Council did azot ~~~ant to pursue at tlTis tinge. Decrease Expenditures and Risk Exposure The Committee looked at our major programs in relation to operating costs and risk exposure associated with general liability claims and workers compensation claims. Currently, claim costs are paid directly by the Risk Management Division, which results in an understatement of the true cost of service of some of our programs. For high-exposure or highly loaded "hidden cost" programs, additional trend analysis was performed to establish what other municipalities are implementing in an effort to decrease expenses and areas of risk. Several suggestions for potential short term and/or long term savings have been identified for your consideration: A. Require developers to maintain new open space associated with their projects. With new parks and open space come the costs associated with maintaining those green spaces throughout our city. The Conunittee believes that it is in our best interests to use the pernut process to require the developer to pay for, or provide for, mechanisms that fund the maintenance of these parks. 22 BtiDGET STRATEGIES FISCAL STRATEGIC PLAN Suggestions include the incorporation of a landscape district or homeowners association within the new development. Or, as in the case of Cali Mi11 Plaza, the property and it's maintenance would stay with the developer. It is estimated that it costs the Public Works Department approximately $40,000 per year for every new acre of parkland that goes on-line. This recommendation would hold the line on our park maintenance and help control future costs in this area. 2007/08 Note: Included in current de~~elopm.ent~roposals. B. Require safety enhancements in new developments. The City has experienced an increase in residential burglaries this past year, which increases our sheriff costs. Many of these crimes involved taking jewelry from the homes. We suggest that new housing developments be required to have built-in safes to secure valuables and reduce accessibility of jewelry in an effort to reduce/deter crime. 2007/08 Note: Staff~~ti•ill present this Program duri~~g fiscal )year 2007/08. 2008/09 Note: Council did ~zot ~1~mzt to pursue at this time. C. Contract School Maintenance In the 1990's, the City issued approximately $5 million in bonds to refurbish 9 school sports fields. The agreement with CUSD provided that we refurbish and maintain the fields in exchange for their use during non-school hours. This provided an excellent partnership by providing CUSD with high-quality fields and the City with expanded parkland. This has resulted however in a duplication of both maintenance equipment and workers between the two organizations. 23 BUDGET STRATEGIES FISCAL STRATEGIC PLAN Currently, our Ground Maintenance Division mows 33.17 acres and edges 24,305 linear feet of turf at these school sites. TransitioninQ the mowing operation only to CUSD would reduce our long-term "hidden costs" and our vehicle and equipment replacement needs. The current cost to provide mowing service to the schools is $137,594 out of $55,000 in total expense per year. 2007/08 Note: Do n.ot pursue at this time. D. Add Capital Improvement Projects only if on-going maintenance funding can be identified (LLD, homeowners association, development. maintainedlowned). The City is currently using the permit process to incorporate private maintenance of sidewalks, medians and other improvements for new developments. For City projects, all associated budget costs should be considered with the adoption of the original budget for the Capital hl~provement Program. ?007/08 Note: Cor~ipleted atT.d ongoi~ig. E. Increase the number of Block Leaders, Neighborhood Watch programs and CERT graduates. Increases in these programs will capitalize on community policing and reduce/maintain sheriff costs. We also encourage commissioners to become involved in these programs. 2007/08 Note: Con7pleted an-d o~igoii~g. 24 BtiDGET STRATEGIES FISCAL STRATEGIC PLAN F. Change accounting for Enterprise Funds The Committee proposes that all Enterprise Fund activity be reflected in the individual fund whereby all costs, including building costs are recognized in one place. In addition, all revenues associated with the complex should be recognized in the fund. The reader could easily ascertain the subsidy from the General Fund and Council could quantify self- supporting percentages for each fund. 2007/08 Note: Completed arzd is on-goii7g. G. Continue to investigate cost-saving options for medical and retiree medical insurance. The City should analyze the benefits of setting up a trust for the retiree medical reserves to increase investment return and decrease funding obligations. In addition, staff should continue to look for ways to reduce medical benefit costs including benefits for City Council. ?007/08 Note: The Ci~t>> >1~i11 be pursuing legislatio~i this year to provide a ]oN•-cost retiree »Tedical option for- new h-ices. Ei~~plo~~ee co~~.tracts i~~ere ~iegotiated i~1 Ma~~, ?007 ~1•hiclt provide for this option if, and ~•he~i, availaUle. 2008/09 Note: Staff~proposes to invest the OPEB retiree r~tedical obligatiof~ mof~.ies ii2 a separate trust fund starting tlt.is year, this sa~•i~rg the city approximately $500,000 each year in firndi~~g obligations. In addition, w~e ~~~ill strive to mai~ltain the current amounts for medical during future izegoti.atiofzs to limit this long-term liabilit~•. H. Adopt a Sidewalk Liability Ordinance requiring the landowner to be responsible for sidewalk maintenance and claims to third parties from failure to maintain. The City has approximately 250 nines of sidewalk to monitor and maintain. The annual sidewalk, curb and gutter contract is $500,000 plus an additional ~ 150,000 in inspection and contract monitoring costs. It requires 1.25 full time. staff per year. Since it is impossible for one worker to cover the miles of sidewalk that we are ultimately responsible for, we are at risk for claims associated with needed repairs. 25 BtiDGET STRATEGIES FISCAL STRATEGIC PLAN The landowner however, already has a duty to inspect and maintain the area and is considered the most able to recognize and respond to a potential hazard. Sidewalk falls are ABAG's second most frequent claim with $4.5 nullion paid during the past 15 years in settlement and attorney fees. The City has paid over $100,000 in costs associated with these claims in the past five years and two new claims this year could equal $100,000. The Committee recommends that we continue to inspect and mark needed repairs, but that the liability for repair and associated claims vest to the property owner. 2007/08 Note: Council did ~aot ~ti~a~al to pursue at this ti»ze. L Adopt a Tree Maintenance Ordinance requiring the landowner to be responsible for their street trees. The Street Tree Maintenance program provides for maintenance for over 13,000 trees, including safety trimming and clearing for vehicle and pedestrian height clearance. It costs approximately $525,000 per year, which covers 4.2 positions equipment costs of almost $200,000. As per the above suggestion, the Committee considers the landowner the most able to recognize and respond to a potential hazard caused by the tree.(s). We recommend that we continue to inspect and notice needed maintenance, but that the liability for maintenance and associated claims should vest to the property owner. 2007/08 Note: Council did not waaTt to pursue at dais tinge. 26 BUDGET STRATEGIES FISCAL STRATEGIC PLAN Implementation Timeline Stabilize and Re osition Re~~enue Sources 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 Tax E uit Allocation -Phase UPhase II Re-assess Park Dedication Fees _ Hansen Negotiations Su ort Redevelo ment Pro~ects Entertainment Tax Phase Out One-Time Revenue to General Fund __ Modify UUT to Include New Technolo~ti~ '~ Modif ~ Business License Ordinance for Quarries _ '~ A roach Foothill/DeAnza to Share Sheriff Costs ' ~-~ __ Refuse Vehicle Im act Fee ~ I Sales Tax In-Lieu Fee Count ~ Communications Fee ~, _ ' Subdivide & Sell Simms Pro erty for Phase 2 _ of Stevens Creek Corridor Charge a User Fee at Library for Monday Hours 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 Require Developers to Maintain Open Space Require Safety Enhancements/New Development Contract School Maintenance CIP if On-Going Maintenance Funding Available 11~crease BL, NW, CERT Graduates Chance Accounting for Enterprise Funds Cost Saving Options for MedicaURetiree Medical Adopt Sidewalk Liabi]ity Ordinance Adopt Tree Maintenance Ordinance ___ 'Completed andlor policy in place In process/to be implemented Not approved at this time 27 BUDGET GUIDE The budget is the City's fundamental policy document. It describes the City's goals and details how resources are allocated to achieve these goals. In addition, the budget serves as the annual financial plan, an operations guide and a communications tool. The budget guide provides an overview of the elements of the budget document. It describes the structure of the City's finances and the annual budget process and includes a glossary of budget terminology. ELEMENTS OF THE BUDGET DOCUMENT The budget document includes the following key elements: 1. Budget Message: The Budget Message is the City Manager's transmittal letter submitting the budget to the City Council. The Budget Message summarizes the City's current and long- term financial position, highlights new programs and organizational changes addressed in the budget and outlines both short and long-term goals of our city government. 2. Budget Strategies: The Budget Strategies section includes the City's mission statement, the Financial Values of the City and identified City Council goals for the fiscal year. The 2008- 09 operating budget addresses the implementation of these goals and explores various revenue enhancements and cost reduction measures. 3. Financial Summaries: The Financial Summaries section provides financial information on projected revenues, expenditures, fund balances and reserves. This section includes the Budget Summary of Funds as well as detailed fund descriptions and information on all revenue sources and expenditure projections. In addition to 2008/09 information, this section includes fund balance trends and detailed revenues and expenditures projections for the next five years. This section includes an analysis of all City revenues by category. Our major revenue projections are based on trends, current economic indicators and other agency input. Sales tax projections are based on input from our sales tax consultants, industry trends and major company forecasts. Property tax revenues are projected by the county and adjusted by staff based on known trends. Park dedication fees are estimated based on current development projects and other taxes are reviewed monthly and budgets are based on this trend analysis. 4. Departmental Operating Budgets: The Departmental Operating Budgets section details historical and proposed expenditures by operating department. The City is organized into eight key operating functions, including the Administration, Law Enforcement, Public and Environmental Affairs, Administrative Services, Parks and Recreation, Community Development and Public Works. Each department budget includes a summary narrative, financial information regarding the department and each of its major divisions and personnel information. 28 BUDGET GUIDE Expenditures for employee compensation are based on negotiated contracts. The materials category of expenditures are based on trends. Contract services and capital outlay are justified each year by the departments. Departmental expenditures are divided into five categories, which include the following charges: Employee Compensation represents permanent full-time and part-time salary costs, overtime, PERS retirement, health insurance costs, and other benefits. Materials represents items purchased for repair and maintenance, operational activities such as books, uniforms and recreation supplies, and office supplies. Contract Services represents legal, consulting and other professional services, contract repair and maintenance, utility charges, training and memberships, equipment rentals, insurance and employment services. Capital Outlay represents expenditures for tangible fixed assets including land, buildings, furnrniture, equipment and City vehicles. Debt Service/Other represents principal and interest payments on outstanding debt and interfund transfers. 5. Non-Departmental Operating Budgets: The Non-Departmental Operating Budgets section details historical and proposed expenditures for the functions of interfund transfers and debt service. 6. Capital Improvements: The Capital Improvements section details the proposed capital projects for 2008-09 through 20012-13. These projects are organized into six categories: Parks, Buildings, Medians and Overpasses, Streets, Traffic and Storm. The five-year budget denotes funding sources and a description of each project. The City Council approves funding of the Capital Improvements on a yearly basis. STRUCTURE OF THE CITY'S FINANCES The City's finances are structured in a variety of funds that are the basic accounting and reporting entities in governmental accounting. The funds that comprise the 2008-09 budget are grouped into two major categories, Governmental Funds and Proprietary Funds. The purpose of each of the various funds within these two categories is described below: 29 BUDGET GUIDE GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS Governmental Funds include Tax Supported Funds, Special Revenue Funds and Federal Grant Funds. They are accounted for under the modified accrual basis of accounting. Tax Supported Funds include the General and Capital Improvement Funds. The General Fund is the primary operating fund for governmental services, funding traditional tax-supported activities such as law enforcement and community development. The Capital Improvements Fund is utilized for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities. Special Revenue Funds include the Park Dedication, Gas Tax, Storm Drain, Environmental Management and Leadership Cupertino funds. The use of Special Revenue Fund resources is legally restricted for specific purposes. Federal Grant Funds include the Federal Housing and Community Development Block Grant programs. The Community Development Block Grant is a federally funded program for housing assistance and public improvements. PROPRIETARY FUNDS Proprietary Funds include Enterprise Funds and Internal Service Funds. They are accounted for under the full accrual basis of accounting. Enterprise Funds, including the Resource Recovery, Sports Center, Blackberry Farm, Recreation and Senior Center funds, are used to account for operations that are self-supporting with user fees covering expenditures. Internal Service Funds include the Workers Compensation, Management Information Services, Equipment and Long-Term Disability funds. Internal Service Funds are similar to Enterprise Funds, except that fees are charged to user City departments to cover the costs of services provided by the activity. COST ACCOUNTING By using this financial technique, the City is able to assess the true cost of providing a service and benefits. The Internal Service Funds and Enterprise Funds capture the full cost of a program's activities. Internal users of information management, fleet and equipment, and insurance are assessed rental rates through their programs for the use and eventual replacement of such services and equipment. Employee benefits such as leave usage, retirement and insurances are also recovered as revenue of the funds by charging the programs that use personnel services. 30 BUDGET GUIDE THE ANNUAL BUDGET PROCESS The City's annual budget is prepared on a July 1 to June 30 fiscal year basis. The budget process is an ongoing process that includes the phases of development, proposal, adoption, and monitoring. The budget development phase begins in February with the preparation of budget instructions and goal setting sessions by the City Council and City Manager. During March, departments prepare the budgets for which they are responsible. These proposed department budgets are reviewed by the Finance Division and compared to current and prior year trends. The City Manager then reviews the proposals with the City Treasurer and departmental staff and makes final adjustments. The proposed budget is then submitted to the City Council in May. During the months of May and June the Council considers the budget proposals at a series of City Council Study Sessions and meetings. At this time, the Council hears from Boards, Commissions and community groups regarding budget requests and recommendations. Prior to June 30, the City Council holds public hearing(s) on the budget and then adopts the final budget by resolution. The adopted budget takes effect on July 1, the first day of the new fiscal year. After the budget is adopted, the City enters the budget monitoring phase. Throughout the year, expenditures are monitored by the Finance Division staff and department managers to ensure that funds are used in an approved manner. Adjustments to expenditures within or between departmental budgets are accomplished on an as-needed basis administratively throughout the year. The City Manager and Department Heads can transfer funds between their line items and/or divisions as needed. City Council approval is required for additional appropriations from fund balances or for new revenue sources. PERFORMANCE MEASURES The City of Cupertino prides itself on being aloes-cost, service provider. We have 162 full-time employees who provide a wide range of service levels to our community. As such, our organization structure is very consolidated and flat in comparison to other cities. Because of this structure, our performance can easily be measured by citizen feedback and organizational walkthroughs. We understand the desire of the industry to identify, record, and monitor performance standards. To this end, we have incorporated department measures throughout the budget on pages 100-230. Our philosophy, however, is to concentrate our limited employee base to providing the service, not recording and monitoring. As such, the reader will not find extensive performance measures in this document as compared to other municipalities. 31 BUDGET GUIDE GLOSSARY OF BUDGET TERMINOLOGY The City's budget contains specialized and technical terminology that is unique to public finance and budgeting. To help the reader understand the terms, a glossary of budgetary terminology has been included in the document. Adopted Budget -Revenues and appropriations approved by the City Council in June for the following fiscal year. Allocated Costs - An expense charged by one department/division to another for services performed or expenditures of a general nature that are charged to one main account and allocated to other departments/divisions by a specified formula. Appropriation - An authorization made by the City Council that permits the City to incur obligations and to make expenditures of resources. Budget - A financial plan for a specific period of time (fiscal year) that matches all planned revenues and expenditures with various municipal services. Budget Amendment - A legal procedure utilized by the City Manager to revise a budget appropriation. Adjustments to expenditures within or between departmental budgets may be accomplished administratively. City Council approval is required for additional appropriations from fund balance or new revenue sources. Capital Improvement Program - A plan for capital expenditures to provide for the acquisition, expansion or rehabilitation of an element of the City's physical plant to be incurred over a fixed period of several future years. Capital Outlay -Expenditures relating to the purchase of equipment, land and other fixed assets. Cost Recovery -The establishment of user fees that is equal to the full cost of providing services. Department - A major administrative segment of the City that indicates overall management responsibility for an operation or a group of related operations within a functional area. Division - A unit of organization that reports to a department. 32 BUDGET GUIDE Enterprise Fund - A fund established to account for activities that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises, in which costs of providing services are primarily recovered through user fees. Estimated Budget -The status of appropriations between July 1 and June 30. Includes the adopted budget, budget amendments, prior year encumbrances, approved carryovers, and transfers between objects, divisions and departments. Expenditure -Utilization of fund resources. Expenditures include operating expenses, debt service and capital outlays. Expenditure Category - A basis for distinguishing types of expenditures. The major expenditure categories used by the City are: employee compensation, materials, contract services, capital outlay and debt service. Fiscal Year - A twelve-month time period signifying the beginning and ending period for recording financial transactions. The City has specified July 1 through June 30 for its fiscal year. Fund - A fiscal and accounting entity for which the recording of financial transactions is made for the purpose of carrying on specific activities in accordance with the requirements placed upon the use of financial resources. Fund Balance -The net effect of assets less liabilities at any given point in time. General Fund -The fund used to account for the major operating revenues and expenditures of the City, except for those financial resources that are required to be accounted for in another fund category. General Fund revenues are derived primarily from property and other taxes. Goal -Broad mission statements that define the purpose of a department. Infrastructure -Long lived capital assets that normally are stationary in nature and can be preserved for a significantly greater number of years than most capital assets. Examples include roadways, bridges, and drainage systems. Internal Service Fund - A fund used to account for the services provided by one department to other departments on acost-reimbursement basis. 33 BUDGET GUIDE Operating Budget - A financial plan for the provision of direct service and support functions that provide basic governmental services. The operating budget contains appropriations for such expenditures as employee compensation, materials, contract services, capital outlay and debt service. It does not include Capital Improvement Project expenditures. Reserve - An account used to designate a portion of the fund balance for a specific future use and is, therefore, not available for general appropriation. Revenue -Increases in fund resources. Revenues include income from user fees, taxes, permits, and other sources. Section - A unit or organization that reports to a division. Self-Supporting Activity - An enterprise activity where all service costs (including principal and interest debt payments) are primarily covered solely from the earnings of the enterprise. Subsidy - Supplemental resources provided to ensure adequate funding when anticipated expenditures exceed revenues. User Fees -Fees charged to users of a particular service provided by the City. 34 NOTES 35 .~lzsto~y Cupertino owes its name and earliest mention in recorded history to the 1776 expedition led by the Spaniard, Don Juan Bautista de Anza, from Sonora, Mexico to the Port of San Francisco to found the presidio of St. Francis. Leaving the majority of the party of men, women, and children in Monterey to rest from their travels, deAnza, his diarist and cartographer, Petrus Font, and 18 other men pressed on through the Santa Clara Valley in late March to their San Francisco destination. With the expedition encamped in what is now Cupertino, Font christened the creek next to the encampment the Arroyo San Joseph Cupertino in honor of his patron, San Guiseppe (San Joseph) of Cupertino, Italy. The arroyo is now known as Stevens Creek. . - ?! GEHERAt, MERGHANDlSE „,., .,,,,,.. v ~.~+ .. ..... ~~r~rw~ __... ... _-.. The village of Cupertino sprang up at the crossroads of Saratoga- Sunnyvale Road (now DeAnza Boulevard) and Stevens Creek Boulevard. It was first known as West Side; but by 1898 the post office at the Crossroads needed a new name to distinguish it from other similarly named towns. John T. Doyle, a San Francisco lawyer and historian, had given the name Cupertino to his winery in recognition of the name bestowed on the nearby creek by Petrus Font. In 1904 the name was applied to the Crossroads and to the post office when the Home Union Store incorporated under the name, The Cupertino Stores, Inc. Many of Cupertino's pioneer European settlers planted their land in grapes. Vineyards and wineries proliferated on Montebello Ridge, on the lower foothills, and on the flat lands below. After 1906 a lot more than grape growing was going on in Cupertino. Orchards were thriving and new businesses were being started. In the late 1940's Cupertino was swept up in Santa Clara Valley's postwar population explosion. Concerned by unplanned development, higher taxes, and piecemeal annexation to adjacent cities, Cupertino's community leaders began a drive in 1954 for incorporation. Cupertino rancher Norman Nathanson, the Cupertino - Monta Vista Improvement Association, and the Fact Finding Committee played important roles in this movement. Incorporation was approved in the September 27, 1955 election. Cupertino officially became Santa Clara County's 13`h City on October 10, 1955. A major milestone in Cupertino's development was the creation by some of the city's largest landowners of Vallco Business and Industrial Park in the early 1960's. Of the 25 property owners, 17 decided to pool their land to form Vallco Park, six sold to Varian Associates, a thriving young electronics firm, founded by Russell Varian, and two opted for transplanting to farms elsewhere. The name Vallco was derived from the names of the principal developers: Varian Associates and the Leonard, Lester, Craft, and Orlando families. 36 2007 C ~" ,~rd~ Cupertino, with a population of 55,000 and city limits stretching across 12 square miles, is considered to be one of the San Francisco Bay Area's most prestigious cities in which to live and work. Economic health is an essential component to maintaining a balanced environment, which provides high-level opportunities, and services that create and help sustain a sense of community and quality of life. Public and private interests must be mutual in that our success as a partnership is a direct reflection of our success as a community. The cornerstone of this partnership is that of a cooperative and responsive government that provides an environment for business and residential prosperity and fosters strong working relationships with all sectors of the community. Our economic development strategies are tailored to address the specific needs of the community. As the City of Cupertino is a mature city with over 90% buildout, our focus concentrates more on business retention and revitalization. Business recruitment is site specific and targeted to industries that enhance, rather than draw from, our existing business base. ,. J, As home to many well-known high-tech companies, Cupertino offers a dynamic and exciting business climate. Apple Computer is headquartered in the city along with Symantec and Portal Software. In addition, key divisions of Hewlett Packard, Sun Microsystems and Borland are also located in Cupertino. The City's proactive economic development efforts have resulted in a number of innovative, mutually beneficial partnerships with local companies. The City strives to retain and attract local companies through policies of balanced growth and streamlined permitting. Cupertino Square includes Macy's, Penney's and Sears as anchors and features popular chain stores such as Victoria's Secret, Express and Natural Wonders. Shoppers can also enjoy iceskating at the mall's ice skating rink or a nice meal at Todai Restaurant. The mall is undergoing major changes with the addition of a 16-screen movie theater, which opened in April 2007, California Pizza Kitchen, and many other new shops. Cupertino Square is becoming a vibrant, exciting place for residents and visitors to enjoy. The City of Cupertino has a history of providing high-level municipal services to complement the sense of community and quality of life enjoyed by our constituents. The City will continue to enhance and promote a strong local economy to provide municipal services that make Cupertino a place that people are proud to call home. 37 ~~ ~.:! ~.~ ~ ~_ ~Wm... ~~;, i ~~~. a ~l ~, ZooT cry ~YO~ The City of Cupertino operates as a general law city with a city council-city manager form of government. Five council members serve four year, overlapping terms, with elections held every two years. The council meets twice a month on the first and third Tuesday at 6:45 p.m. in the Community Hall. The City has 162 authorized full-time benefited employees. City departments include administrative services (finance, human resources, IT, city clerk, emergency preparedness, outreach programs, code enforcement); community development (planning, building, and economic development); parks and recreation; public works (engineering, maintenance, transportation, and environmental); and public and environmental affairs. Police service is provided by the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Department, and fire service is provided through the Santa Clara County Fire District. Assisting the city council are several citizen advisory commissions/committees which include housing, telecommunications, fine arts, library, planning, audit, parks and recreation, bicycle and pedestrian, teen, senior, and public safety. Members of the volunteer boards are appointed by the city council and vacancies are announced so that interested residents may apply for the positions. Residents are kept informed about city services and programs through the Cupertino Scene, a monthly newsletter; Cupertino's government access cable TV channel; The City Channel; and the city's website. Housing Apartment and duplex rentals range from $1,320 to $3,655 per month. As of May 2008, the average price of an existing single family home is $1,291.,460 and the average price of a condominium/townhouse is $673,449. Community Health Care Facilities Cupertino is served by the Cupertino Medical Clinic, NovaCare Occupational Health Services. Nearby hospitals include El Camino Hospital in Mountain View, O'Connor Hospital in San Jose, Community Hospital of Los Gatos, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Santa Clara, Stanford Hospital in Palo Alto, and the Saratoga Walk-in Clinic in Saratoga. Utilities Gas & electric - Pacific Gas and Electric, (800) 743-5000. Phone - AT&T, residential service (800) 894-2355; business service (800) 750-2355. Cable - Comcast, (800) 945-2288. Garbage -Los Altos Garbage, (408) 725-0420. Water -San Jose Water Company (408) 279-7900 and California Water (650) 917-0152. Sewer Service -Cupertino Sanitary District (408) 253-7071 Tax Rates and Government Services Residential, commercial, and industrial property is appraised at full market value, as it existed on March 1, 1975, with increases limited to a maximum of 2% annually. Property created or sold since March 1, 1975 will bear full cash value as of the time created or sold, plus the 2% annual increase. The basic tax rate is $1.00 per $100 full cash value plus any tax levied to cover bonded indebtedness for county, city, school, or other taxing agencies. Assessed valuations and tax rates are published annually after July 1. Retail Sales Tax: Santa Clara County: 1.25%; City: 1%; State General Fund: 5%; State Local Public Safety Fund: 0.50%; State Local Revenue Fund: 0.25%; County Transportation Fund: 0.25%. Total: 8.25%. Assessed Valuation: (Secured and Unsecured) Cupertino: $11,176,513,115 (6/30/07) County: $262,468,080,253 (6/30/07) Transportation Rail -Southern Pacific, San Jose to San Francisco, with spur line in Cupertino. Air- Seven miles north of San Jose International Airport; 32 miles south of San Francisco airport. Bus -Santa Clara County Transit Systems, Greyhound bus lines Highways -Interstate Route 280, State Route 85. 38 c ~ y st~~~ Facts and Figures Population in City Limits Median Household hicome Median Age Sales Tax Rate Registered Voters Democrats Republicans Independent Other Did Not State 55.162 $143,000 38 8.25% 26.128 9,685 8,188 357 533 7.365 Top 40 Sales Tax Producers Fourth Quarter 2007 (In Alphabetical Order) Alexander's Steakhouse Apple Inc. Argonaut Window & Door Benihana's BJ's Bar & Grill Chevron Service Stations Cupertino Smog Pros Cupertino Supply DeAnza College Campus Center Dental Arts of California Dynasty Restaurant Elephant Bar Hewlett Packard IBM Corporation Insight Direct USA Jade Galore JC Penney Longs Drug Store Macy's Marina Foods Mervyn' s Michael's Arts & Crafts Mirapath Outback Steakhouse Ranch 99 Market Rite Aid Rohde & Schwarz Rotten Robbie Service Station Scandianavian Designs Sears Shane Diamond Jewelers Shell Service Station Sodexho Marriott Management Symantec Target TGI Friday's Union 76 Service Station Valero Service Stations Verizon Wireless Whole Foods Dernog~•aplzic haformatio~i White 50.1 Asian 44.4% Hispanic 4.0% Black 0.7%~ American Indian 0.2% Native Hawaiian 0.1% 39 C ar~~~e~c,~e~atu~vSe~vu,~ Blackberry Farm This 33-acre recreational facility is currently closed. The City is currently working on the Stevens Creek Restoration Project which affects the grounds of Blackberry Farm. Highlights of the completed project include: anew Blackberry Farm community park, park picnic upgrades, remodeled pool and catering station, and a fully accessible trail between Blackberry Farm and McClellan Ranch. The project is expected to be completed in the spring of 2009. The nine-hole golf course remains open during the restoration project. The golf course is located at 22100 Stevens Creek Boulevard. Telephone: (408) 253-9200. The Quinlan Community Center Civic Center and Library The City of Cupertino's Quinlan Community Center is a 27,000 square foot facility that provides a variety of recreational opportunities. Most prominent is the Cupertino Room - a multi- purpose room that can accommodate 300 people in a banquet format. For more information, call (408) 777- 3120. Cupertino Sports Center The complex has a 6,000 square foot Community Hall, plaza with fountain, trees and seating areas. City Council meetings are now held in the Community Hall as well as Planning Commission and Parks and Recreation Commission. The new 54,000 square foot library, despite reduced hours due to budget cuts, continues to be one of the busiest in the Santa Clara County Library system. For more information call (408) 446-1677. The Sports Center is a great place to meet friends. The facility features 17 tennis courts, complete locker room facilities, and a fully equipped fitness center featuring free weights, Cybex, and cardio equipment. A teen center is also included as well as a child watch center. The center is located at the corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Stelling Road. Telephone: (408) 777- 3160. Cupertino Senior Center The Senior Center provides a welcome and friendly environment for adults over age 50. There is a full calendar of opportunities for learning, volunteering, and enjoying life. There are exercise classes, a computer lab and classes, language instruction including English as a second language, and cultural and special interest classes. The center also coordinates trips and socials. The Senior Center is located at 21251 Stevens Creek Boulevard and is open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Telephone: (408) 777-3150. McClellan Ranch Park A horse ranch during the 1930'and 40's, this 18-acre park has the appearance of a working ranch. Preserved on the property are the original ranch house, milk barn, livestock barn, and two historic buildings: Baer's Blacksmith Shop, originally located at DeAnza and Stevens Creek, and the old water tower from the Parish Ranch, now the site of Memorial Park. Rolling Hills 4-H Club members raise rabbits, chickens, sheep, swine, and cattle and a Junior Nature Museum, which features small live animal exhibits and dispenses information about bird, animal, and plant species of the area. McClellan Ranch is located at 22221 McClellan Road. Telephone: 777-3120. 40 ~a~'iuatco~n~ Winner of numerous state and national awards for excellence, our city's schools are widely acknowledged to be models of quality instruction. Cupertino Union School District serves over 17,000 students in a 26 square mile area that includes Cupertino and portions of five other cities. The district has 20 elementary schools and five middle schools, including several choice programs. Eighteen schools have received state and/or national awards for educational excellence. Student achievement is exceptionally high. Historically, district test scores place Cupertino among the premier public school districts in California. The district is a leader in the development of a standards- based system of education and is nationally recognized for leadership in the use of technology as an effective tool for learning. Quality teaching and parent involvement are the keys to the district's success. The Fremont Union High School District serves over 10,000 students in a 42 square mile area covering all of Cupertino, most of Sunnyvale and portions of San Jose, Los Altos, Saratoga, and Santa Clara. The five high schools of the district have garnered many awards and recognition based on both the achievement of students and the programs designed to support student achievement. Student achievement is at an all time high based on the statewide Academic Performance Index (API). All five high schools in the district exceeded their state established achievement targets for the 2000 API. District students are encouraged to volunteer and/or provide service to organizations within the community. During their senior year, if students complete 80 hours of service to anon-profit community organization, they are recognized with a "Community Service Award" medal that may be worn during their graduation ceremonies. Cupertino is served by four local institutions of higher education: DeAnza College, the University of San Francisco, National University and the UCSC Extension. In addition to these schools, Cupertino's location offers easy access to Stanford University, Santa Clara University and San Jose State University. Building on its tradition of excellence and innovation, DeAnza College challenges students of every background to develop their intellect, character and abilities; to achieve their educational. goals; and to serve their community in a diverse and changing world. DeAnza College offers a wide range of quality programs and services to meet the work force development needs of our region. The college prepares current and future employees of Silicon Valley in traditional classroom settings and through customized training arranged by employers. Several DeAnza programs encourage economic development through college credit courses, short-term programs, services for manufacturers, technical assistance, and/or recruitment and retention services. 41 eta-do-ancLSe~ Euphrat Museum of Art The highly regarded Euphrat Museum of Art adjacent to the Flint Center on the DeAnza College campus traditionally presents one-of-a-kind exhibitions, publications and events reflecting the rich diverse heritage of our area. The Museum prides itself on its changing exhibitions of national and international stature, emphasizing Bay Area artists. Museum hours are 1 1 a.m. - 4 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday; 6-8 p.m. Tuesday and 1 1 a.m. - 2 p.m. Saturday. Telephone: 408-864-8836. Minolta DeAnza Planetarium Stargazers have a Cupertino facility catering to their interests, the Minolta Planetarium on the DeAnza College campus. It hosts a variety of planetarium shows and events, including educational programs for school groups and family astronomy evenings on Saturdays at 7:00 p.m. For more information and current schedule of events, visit the website at www.planetarium.deanza.lhda or call 408-864-8814. Flint Center The cultural life of the Peninsula and South Bay is enhanced by programs presented at the Flint Center for Performing Arts located at 21250 Stevens Creek Boulevard at DeAnza College campus. The center opened in 1971 and was named in honor of Calvin C. Flint, the first chancellor of the Foothill-DeAnza Community College District. The box office is open 0 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday through Friday and one and one half hours prior to any performance. Box office: 408-864- 8816; administrative office: 408-864-8820. Cupertino Historical Society On May 2, 1966, the Cupertino Historical Society was founded as anon-profit organization by a group of 177 longtime residents concerned about the rapid growth in the area and its impact on the quickly vanishing Cupertino heritage. On March 30, 1990, the Society opened the Cupertino Historical Museum dedicated to the preservation and exhibition of the city's history. Through its exhibits the museum attempts to develop and expand the learning opportunities that it offers to the ethnically diverse community of the City of Cupertino. The Society continues to build partnerships with the local school districts to ensure that the history of Cupertino is offered as part of the educational curriculum. The Society is located at the Quinlan Community Center, 10185 N. Stelling Road. Telephone: 408-973-8049. Farmers' Market Residents and visitors can visit the farmers' market every Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The market is located at the Vallco Fashion Park behind Macy's. California History Center The California History Center is located on the DeAnza College campus. The center has published 39 volumes on California history and has a changing exhibit program. The center's Stocklmeir Library Archives boasts a large collection of books, a pamphlet file, oral history tapes, videotapes and a couple thousand student research papers. The library's collection is for reference only. Heritage events focusing on California's cultural or natural history are offered by the center each quarter. For more information, call 408-864-8712. The center is open September through June 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. 42 NOTES 43 BUDGET SUMMARY 2008/09 Fiscal Year Estimated Estimated Balance at Operating Operating Non-operating Balance at Funds July 1 Revenues Expenditures Transfers June 30 General Fund Special Revenue Funds: Storm Drain Park Dedication Tax Environmental Management Gas Tax Housing & Community Development Vallco Redevelopment Fund Totals Debt Service: Cupertino Facilities Corporation Traffic Impact Fund Totals Capital Projects Funds: Capital Improvement Stevens Creek Corridor Park Mary Ave Bicycle Footbridge Fund Totals Enterprise Funds: $ 16,178,000 $ 41,668,000 $ (35,377,000) $ (6,974,000) $ 15,495,000 65,000 80,000 (75,000) (25,000) 45,000 294,000 316,000 - - 610,000 128,000 369,000 (441,000) - 56,000 639,000 2,678,000 (3,898,000) 775,000 194,000 3,306,000 868,000 (700,000) - 3,474,000 (79,000) 233,000 (231,000) - (77,000) $ 4,353,000 $ 4,544,000 $ (5,345,000) $ 750,000 $ 4,302,000 46,000 - (3,537,000) 3,537,000 46,000 119,000 37,000 (37,000) - 119,000 $ 165,000 $ 37,000 $ (3,574,000) $ 3,537,000 $ 165,000 2,264,000 - (619,000) 30,000 1,675,000 $ 2,264,000 $ - $ (619,000) $ 30,000 $ 1,675,000 Resource Recovery 4,891,000 2,542,000 (2,467,000) - 4,966,000 Blackberry Farm 127,000 589,000 (578,000) - 138,000 Cupertino Sports Facility 90,000 1,711,000 (1,706,000) - 95,000 Recreation Programs 1,219,000 2,395,000 (2,986,000) - 628,000 Senior Center - - - - - Fund Totals $ 6,327,000 $ 7,237,000 $ (7,737,000) $ - $ 5,827,000 Internal Service Funds: Information Management 1,181,000 1,086,000 (1,290,000) 322,000 1,299,000 Workers' Compensation 148,000 321,000 (308,000) - 161,000 Equipment Replacement 1,471,000 1,190,000 (1,405,000) 45,000 1,301,000 Comp Abs and Long Term Disb. 27,000 62,000 (450,000) 400,000 39,000 Retiree Medical Insurance 5,984,000 - (7,930,000) 1,946,000 - Fund Totals $ 8,811,000 $ 2,659,000 $ (l 1,383,000) $ 2,713,000 $ 2,800,000 44 Total City Revenue Total City revenue for fiscal year 2008-09 is expected to be $63,341,000. The chart below provides an overview of all City revenue. General Fund revenue is shown on the next pale of this summary. Sales Tax represents the City's lamest source of revenue. We receive 1 ~Io of the 8.25% colle.cte~d in the county. Charges for Ser~~ices includes program and enaineerina/building fees from Blackberry Farm, the Sports Center, the Senior Center, Quinlan Center and our Community Development and Public Works Departments. Intergovernmental Reve~zue includes motor vehicle in-lieu fees and Qrant funds, while Use of Mo~aev and Propert~• represents rental fees and interest income on the city investment portfolio. Propert~• Tax increased this last year with the passage of the tax equity allocation (TEA) legislation bringing the City to the State's no/low property tax rate of 7%. Other Ta.x:es include park dedication fees, business licenses taxes and property transfer taxes. Total City Revenue $63,341,000 Capital Projects Equipment Other Transfers Funding ,`° 4% Debt -!- Sales Tax Payb acks 21 °i° o°,~a / ,. / ! `` License & Permits _ _ ° f ~' ~ _. TGT ~,__ ~ ff_' 4°lo I '~- ~ -'~' Intergovernmental \ 12% ~~ r Charges for Services 1, 134,0 /~ Use ofMoney & Property 3% ~~~•~ " ~ ~.' Other Taxes F1ne5 y~ 3% LTt~lity Miscellaneous Tax Franchise Revenues 5°ib Fees Property 1°r0 4°10 Taxes 11% 45 Total City Expenditures Total City expenditures for fiscal year 2008-09 are expected to be $71,576,000. This sununary chart provides a quick overview of all the City's operating and capital expenditures. Many of the Special Revenue fund activities, such as the Gas Tax, Storm Drain, Park Dedication and Environmental Management funds, are administered by the Public Works Department. The Public Works Department also oversees the Resource Recovery operations, with expenditures of over $2.7 for the City-wide garbage collection contract and disposal costs. All other Enterprise fund operations are directed by the Parks and Recreation Department, which spends over $8.7 million annually to provide programs for all ages and to maintain the City's enviable community facilities at the Blackberry Farm Golf Course, Quinlan Community Center, Sports Center, and Senior Center. The majority of funding for Capital Projects, which provides for street. projects, sidewalks, facilities and upgrades, and major equipment purchases is designated to the Stevens Creek Corridor Park Project and the Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge. Total City Expenditures $71,76,000 46 General Fund Revenue Total General Fund revenue for fiscal year ?008-09 is expected to be $41,738,000. The chart below provides an overview of our revenue. Sales Ta.x is used for general government expenditures and is therefore accounted for entirely in the General Fund; it represents approximately 33.3% of General Fund revenue. Our sales tax comes from retail sales, business-to-business (largely high tech sector) sales and use tax. Charges for Ser~~ices within the General Fund is comprised of revenue from zoning, planning and engineering fees. Intergovernmental Revenue includes motor vehicle in-lieu fees and grant funds. This revenue source represents 10.6% of the budget. Use of Money and Property is received from rental fees and interest income. Property Tax increased this last year with the passage of the tax equity allocation (TEA) legislation bringing the City to the no/low property tax 5% rate. General Fund Revenue $41,738,000 License & Operating Permits Transfers In TnT i ' ~ ~~ ~ ~;zz' ~ f ! '~~cA r~"~ r yy ~, , ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~" ~~ ' r< Charges for ~,~;~ 4 x~~~~,r R~~w'~`~' `ez SerV i CeS i ~ -£ 3ir+`~~~~~::-``'~.--;.x.. 4°l0 `"y r~ "~ Sales Tax Fines 3 ~ % 2°l0 Utility z Tax ~ t ~ ~;~ ~ r ~~ $~ ,~ ~# W , ~~ 8°/a ~ ~ 4~ ~ , $<~ i~~~l ~. ¢:~ R ar;~ ,r yb~ / ~, ~ b 3.a Franchise ~`/ ~~. ~~~~ Fees ~ ~5'Y, 6% VLFfGrants 10°/a Property Taxes Use ~af P,~ioney Iviiscellaneous Other &Froperty 77°~° Taxes G°J0 Revenue 4% ~% 47 General Fund Expenditures Total General Fund expenditures for fiscal year 2008-09 are expected to be $42,477,000. General Fund expenditures, for the general operation and administration of the City, comprise over 59.3% of total expenditures. The General Fund budget allows for all expenditures necessary to carry out the basic activities of the City that are not provided through other funds. It includes the necessary resources to carry out police and emergency preparedness; community development through planning, building and econonvc development activities; public works operations, engineering and maintenance; recreational programs and park utilization; and other general government functions such as legal, personnel, finance and administrative services. The City's debt service costs are also borne by the General Fund, as well as funding for capital projects where grant dollars are not available. General Fund Expenditures (Including Transfers) $42,477,000 Council & Administrative Commissions Services ° 1 ~'° S°rn ~ ^ ~" CapitalProjectsJRetiree i ~f Publict~Jarks ~ PvledicallOther ~ 27% ~% /, ~ ~ \ J ~~ Debt Service ~ \ 8% __,~ ' i----- Convnunity ice 's''~'' ,i °^ ~- Development ~; 10% . , %~~ s" Parks & E ~~~~~' Recreation 10% Administraticai ~ 3% ~ ' Publicl ~ ~ w Environmental Enforcement Affairs 4% 20% 48 REVENUE SUMMARY Property Taxes Property taxes represent approximately 16.8% of total general fund operating revenues. Property tax revenue for the 2008/09 fiscal year is estimated to be $7,270,000. Property tax revenues fluctuate with market conditions from year-to-year; however, they will generally increase in the long-term due to property sales and new construction. In l 978, voters approved the passage of Proposition 13, which froze property tax rates and limited the amount of their increase each year. Cupertino had one of the lowest property tax rates in Santa Clara County receiving $.02 for every $1.00 paid. The County then provided another $.02 as a tax equity allocation (TEA). A major success in fiscal year 2006/07 was the passage of State legislation which reversed a 1980's decision and restored a portion of our property tax revenue which had been lost to the County. City Council was instru- mental in getting this legislation approved. This TEA change provided another $1.35 million in property tax for the fiscal year. $0.243 Cupertino Elementary $0.20.5 County Bond $0.164 Fremont High School Maintenance $0.148 Santa Clara County Fire District $0.065 Mid Peninsula Open Space & Various Agencies $0.063 Foothill Community College Maintenance $0.042 County Library Retirerment $0.050 City of Cupertino We are continuing to work on the TEA issue with the three other cities in Santa Clara County to finish correcting the inequitable distribution of property tax. If successful, this would mean between $982,000 to $1,308,000 in additional property tax to the city per year. In accordance with State law, property is assessed at actual full. cash value with the maximum levy being 1% of the assessed valuation. Increases in assessed valuation are limited to 2% annually if there is no change in property ownership, major improvements or requests for re-assessment. 49 REVENUE SUMMARY Property Taxes (continued) 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Actual Estimate Proposed REVENUE BY CATEGORY: Property Taxes REVENUE BY FUND: General Redevelopment Agency Traffic Impact $6.707.000 $6,968,000 $7,270,000 $7,010,000 223,000 37,000 $7,270.000 50 REVENUE SUMMARY Sales Tax The City's sales and use tax revenues are generated from three principal economic categories: general retail-16.5%, business-to-business-66.5% (includes electronic equipment and software manufacturers and distributors), and other products1.7.0%. During fiscal year 2005/06, revenue trends in this area began to turn around as a direct result of two large high-tech firms. In addition, thanks to our outreach efforts, a new business-to-business sales tax producer located in Cupertino. These three companies -Apple, HP and Insight -now represent over 55% of our sales tax. Revenue from this sector has kept the Cupertino sales tax projections in the black, while other municipalities are forecasting declining trends in this area due to the onset of recessionary times. While this means a positive cash flow position for the City, three companies comprising over 55% of the tax base puts us at greater risk as far as diversification of this key revenue source. As a result of our high dependence on business-to-business sales, our economic development efforts are concentrating on our retail sector. Anew 16-screen AMC theater opened this last year at our regional mall, Cupertino Square, and is performing in the top 10 out of 90 AMC locations in the Bay Area. Additional new retailers in the past year include Strike Bowling, a 66,000 sf Whole Foods and the Merlion Restaurant. Other retail developments under way include a new Japanese Market, Steve and Barry's and several new restaurants. 16,000,000 1-1,000,000 12 AOO,000 10,000 (~00 S A00,000 6,000 A00 -1.000,000 2,000,000 0 ^ Busutess to Busittess ^ nliseeltaneous ^ Coustn-chou a Tratt~portatiou Foocl Products tteuei al Reta-l 51 200"-I _'OOti~l >UO(i~2 ?0063 3006-J 300-~1 300-~2 200-'3 200-~J REVENUE SUMMARY Sales Tax (continued) The following schedule shows a per capita comparison of sales tax for the cities in Santa Clara County. Although Cupertino is one of the highest at $276 per capita, without our strong business-to-business section, we would be one of the lowest at $93 per capita. Sunnyvale Saratoga Santa Clara San Jose Palo Alto Mountain View Morgan Hill Monte Sereno Milpitas Los Gatos Los Altos Gilroy Cupertino Campbell Santa Clara County California ~~ 0% Source: Muniservices, LLC r ~ 25% 50% ~1 75"/" 100% In addition, Council has approved 400,000 square feet of new or replacement retail currently planned or in process. The majority of this buildout will occur in fiscal years 2008/09 through 2009/10 and is expected to help balance our retail sales with our business-to-business revenues. Sales and use taxes are the City's largest single source of revenue and are budgeted at $13.89 million for the 2008/09 fiscal year, representing 33.28% of the City's total general fund operating revenues. 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Actual Estimate Proposed REVENUE BY CATEGORY: Sales Tax REVENUE BY FUND: General 0 ~ ~ ^ Businessto Business ^ General Retail Food Products ^ Transportation Construction Miscellaneous 11.252000 $14,190,000 $13,890,000 13,890,000 52 REVENUE SUMMARY Other Taxes The principal components of Other Taxes include utility, franchise, park, and transient occupancy taxes. The utility tax, which was approved by voters in 1990, is assessed on gas, electricity and telecommunication service provided within the City's jurisdiction at a rate of 2.4% of user charges. This tax is a general tax and can be used for any purpose. The following chart shows that the City's tax rate and areas of application are generally lower than that of other cities within Santa Clara County. In March 2002, voters approved an extension of the utility tax from a sunset date of 2015 to 2030. This extension will correspond with the extended debt maturity dates as a result of refinancing for capital improvement projects. Utility taxes are budgeted to be $3,300,000, up slightly compared to the previous year's projections. Due to the recent court rulings for applying this tax to cell phone usage, we propose that a measure be placed on the November 2009 ballot to change the antiquated language in our current ordinance and update for new technology in this area. Utility Tax Rate Comparison Gas/Electric Cable Water Telephone Sunnyvale 2.0% -- -- 2.0% Cupertino 2.4% -- -- 2.4% Mountain View 3.0% -- -- 3.0% Los Altos 3.5% 3.5% 3.5% 3.5% Palo Alto 5.0% -- 5.0% 5.0% Gilroy 5.0% 5.0% -- 5.0% San Jose 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% -- Franchise fees are received from cable television, garbage, water, gas and electricity franchisees that operate in the City. The fees range from 2% to 10% of the franchisee's gross revenues depending on each particular agreement. Franchise fee revenues for fiscal year 2008/09, estimated to be $2,630,000, are also flat due to the applicability for telecommunication transmission. Park tax is paid by developers on housing development and can vary greatly from year-to-year. Estimated revenue for fiscal year 2008/09 is $300,000 which is generated from new developments within the City. Transient occupancy taxes (TOT) are levied on hotel facilities located in the City at the rate of 10% of room revenues. The taxes in this category amount to $2,660,000 and have been increasing since January 2005 for all four hotels in the city. Although several new hotels have been discussed at the developer level, no additional revenue projections have been included in this document as no approved plans or permits have been completed. 53 REVENUE SUMMARY Other Taxes (continued) Other taxes of $ l ,820,000 reflect business license fees, property transfer tax, construction tax and housing mitigation fees. Tax projections in this category have decreased compared to prior years due to the recessionary trends that are being realized in these areas. 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Actual Estimate Proposed REVENUE BY CATEGORY: Utility Tax Franchise Fees Park Dedication Fee Transient Occupancy Tax Other Taxes $ 3,012,000 $ 3,240,000 $ 3,300,000 2,537,000 2,580,000 2,630,000 253,000 209,000 300,000 2,511,000 2,660,000 2,660,000 2,628,000 1,700,000 1,820,000 $ 10.941,000 $10,389,000 $10,710.000 REVENUE BY FUND: General Housing & Community Development Park Dedication Fund $ 10,090,000 320,000 300,000 $10.710,000 54 REVENUE SUMMARY License and Permits Licenses and Permits represent approximately 7.6% of total General Fund operating revenues. This category includes building, plan check and electrical and plumbing permits. In fiscal year 2006/07, a new fee study for building, planning and engineering fees was performed to reflect actual cost of service and to comply with a new court ruling on applications of these fees. Although some fees increased and other decreased, the net effect was a minor increase in regards to rates. These revenue categories, however, are greatly affected by the economy. We have experienced a slowdown in these areas based on two major factors. First is the recession that is starting to show in Silicon Valley and especially in this revenue category. The second is a direct result of voter referendums the past several years which sought to limit setback, height and density of new construction and the building of condominiums. Developers have also "voted" by not investing their time and efforts in Cupertino for fear that their project will not be approved or will be reversed by voter referendum. ..,:... 1 J 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Actual Estimate Proposed REVENUE BY CATEGORY: License and Permits $3,326,000 $3.030,000 $3,180,000 REVENUE BY FUND: General $3,180,000 55 REVENUE SUMMARY Revenues From Use of Money and Property This revenue category represents approximately 3.3% of total City revenues and is comprised of interest earnings on City funds, facility rents and concession payments on City-owned property, assessment bond interest, and repayment of long-term loans. Investment earnings are a function of the amount of excess cash available for investment and the current interest rate. A majority of our portfolio, although built up for several years, will be spent in the coming year with the Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge and the Steven's Creek Corridor Park projects. In addition, interest rates have declined this past year by almost 200 basis points. These two facts in tandem represent the lower investment earning projections for 08/09 fiscal year. 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Actual Estimate Proposed REVENUE BY CATEGORY: Investment Earnings Property Rentals Loan Repayment $2,413,000 $2,461,000 $1,565,000 477,000 514,000 501,000 537 000 515,000 43,000 3,427,000 $3.490,000 $2,109,000 REVENUE BY FUND: General Resource Recovery Transportation Housing and Community Development Other Funds $1,470,000 170,000 100,000 143,000 226,000 2 109 000 56 REVENUE SUMMARY Intergovernmental Revenues Intergovernmental revenues comprise approximately 11.6% of the City's total revenues and consist of State motor vehicle license fees (VLF), State gas tax, and various grants from federal, state or county agencies. This revenue fluctuates widely depending on grant awards. As a result of State budget deficits between the years 2003 to 2006, the City has seen many State borrowings, shifts and revenue take-aways. In 2004/05, the State paid back the $885,000 in VLF that it had borrowed in 2003/04. As described in the State Revenue Raid section of this Revenue Summary, in 2004/05 and 2005/06, the City lost $1.2 million in property taxes, sales taxes and VLF to the State, in exchange for the Governor's support of Proposition 1 A. Finally, to collateralize the State's deficit recovery bonds and to backfill the permanent reduction of VLF, a portion of sales taxes and VLF formerly remitted to the City monthly have been replaced by semi-annual payments of property taxes, which has affected cash flows and interest income. This next fiscal year brings more of the same State take-aways. As we are unsure as to what category of revenues this will affect, an amount has been estimated and will be displayed in a separate category, "State Revenue Raid", to ensure that our revenue projections are not overstated. Cupertino became an entitlement city for housing and community development block grants, which increased our grant allocation from $60,000 to over $400,000 per year. In addition, one of our major capital projects, the Mary Avenue Bicycle Overcrossing'is primarily funded by grants. 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Actual Estimate Proposed REVENUE BY CATEGORY: Motor Vehicle in Lieu Transportation Stevens Creek Corridor CIP Mary Avenue CIP Housing & Community Development Other/Grants $4,017,000 $ 4,104,000 $4,280,000 2,005,000 1,355,000 2,478,000 91,000 3,448,000 0 1,222,000 10,187,000 0 189,000 398,000 405,000 838,000 1,300,000 189,000 $8.362.000 $20,792,000 $7.352,000 REVENUE BY FUND: General Fund Transportation Housing & Community Development Capital Improvement Projects Resource Recovery $4,455,000 2,478,000 405,000 0 14,000 $7,352,000 57 REVENUE SUMMARY Charges for Services Due to the nature of the services provided, most of the activity in this category is accounted for separately as enterprise funds. As such, the City attempts to recover the cost of the services provided through user charges. Charges for services, representing approximately 13.5% of .total City revenues, are estimated to be $8,535,000 for the 2008/09 fiscal year. With the remodel of our Sports Center, expansion of our youth programs and the update of our building, planning and engineering fees, this category has been one of our largest growing revenue sources. However, in the upcoming fiscal year, these revenues will be reflective of recessionary trends and are projected based on the past 12 months of activity. Golf Course rounds are currently down 20% and developers are weary of new construction in Cupertino after the voter referendums in the past several years. 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Actual Estimate Proposed REVENUE BY CATEGORY: Construction and Other Permits Transportation Resource Recovery Blackberry Farm Cupertino Sports Center Fees Recreation -Cultural, Youth and Teen, Physical, Nature and Park Programs Senior and Teen Centers $1,538,000 $890,000 $910,000 16 0 100,000 2,253,000 2,311,000 2,358,000 969,000 559,000 565,000 1,643,000 1,625,000 1,689,000 2,397,000 2,235,000 2,355,000 691,000 260,000 558,000 9,507.000 $7,880,000 $8,535,000 REVENUE BY FUND: General Transportation Resource Recovery Blackberry Farm Cupertino Sports Center Recreation Programs $1,468,000 100,000 2,358,000 565,000 1,689,000 2,355.000 $8,535;000 58 REVENUE SUMMARY Fines and Forfeitures Fines result from vehicle code, parking code and other miscellaneous violations. Our fines have decreased over prior years due to an enhanced signage effort by our Code Enforcement and Public Works Departments 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Actual Estimate Proposed REVENUE BY CATEGORY: Fines REVENUE BY FUND: $926,000 $800.000 $820,000 General 820 000 59 REVENUE SUMMARY Miscellaneous Revenues Miscellaneous revenues consist of environmental management fees, property sales and other revenue items that the City receives on anon-consistent basis from year-to-year. Revenues for fiscal 2008/09 are budgeted at $515,000. Non-reoccurring revenues include the sale of surplus property. 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Actual Estimate Proposed REVENUE BY CATEGORY: Developer Fees Environmental Management Sale of Property Miscellaneous REVENUE BY FUND: General Fund Storm Drain Environmental Management $ 43,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 363,000 365,000 365,000 1,664,000 0 0 155,000 116,000 100,000 $2 225,000 $531,000 $515,000 $100,000 50,000 365,000 $515,000 60 REVENUE SUMMARY Interdepartmental Revenues Interdepartmental revenues consist of interdepartmental service charges and operating transfers. Interdepartmental service charges arise from the centralized administration of certain activities the costs of which are allocated to the various City departments benefited. The City uses internal service funds to account for the provision of these services and the related charges. Operating transfers are, in essence, subsidies of one fund to another fund whereby monetary resources are recorded as non-operating revenues in the receiving fund and as non-operating expenditures in the transferring fund. Operating transfers of $7,196,000 are primarily due to the transfer of $3,537,000 in debt service payments and $1,946,000 in GASB #34 retiree medical benefit obligations. 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Actual Estimate Proposed REVENUE BY CATEGORY: Transfer of Funds Interdepartmental Service Charges: Insurance Premiums Equipment Chargebacks IT Chargebacks $ 11,189,000 $20,292,000 $7,196,000 326,000 343,000 358,000 841,000 899,000 1,155,000 883,000 909,000 1,066,000 13.239,000 $22,443,000 $9,775,000 REVENUE BY FUND: General Fund Capital Improvement Funds Transportation Cupertino Facilities Corporation Information Technology (IT) Equipment Replacement Workers' Compensation Compensated Absence/Long-term Disability Retiree Medical $ 70,000 101,000 775,000 3,537,000 1,388,000 1,200,000 296,000 462,000 1,946,000 9 775 000 61 REVENUE SUMMARY State Revenue Raid This category denotes the beginning of another State budget problem that will be solved by local governments. The League and Governor Schwarzenegger agreed that the State would take $619,000 and $618,000 for fiscal years 2004/05 and 2005/06 respectively in return for the Governor's endorsement of Proposition 1 A, which was passed by the voters in 2004. This raid of local revenue represented one-third sales tax, one-third property tax and one-third vehicle license fees and was therefore segregated in this budget as a separate line item. The Proposition instituted protections from future takeaways of these revenue sources and strengthened the State's funding requirements for programs mandated by the State. But, since history repeats itself, the 2008/09 fiscal year sees the State in another budget shortfall of $20 billion as of this writing. Since we have not been informed on exactly where the State will borrow or take monies away from the city, we are establishing this line item in the budget to provide an estimate of what we currently believe to be our obligation. 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 Actual Estimate Proposed REVENUE BY CATEGORY: State Revenue Raid 0 $ 0 $(815,000) REVENUE BY FUND: General 815 000 62 NOTES 63 80.00 70.00 -- - 00 - - -- - 60 Summary of Employees By Department - ---- . 50.00 - -- ----- --- - ---- ----...------- 40.00 -- -- - -------- 30.00 -- --- - --- - 20.00 -- - 10.00 _- - 0.00 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008109 ^CounciUCommissions O Admini stration ^Public/Environmental Affairs ^Adminiatrative Services ^ Parks and Recreation OCommunity Development ^Public Works 64 Employee Summary Trend Analysis Council and Commissions During the 2006-07 budget preparations, City Council requested inclusion of all staff time associated with commissions for consistency in recording purposes. Administration The Administration Department has had minimal increases over the past six years. The Community Outreach Coordinator was decreased to a half-time position in 2001-02, a half-time clerk receptionist was added in 2002-03. Administrative Services From fiscal year 2000-01 to 2007-08 the Administrative Services Department has seen several changes in staffing. The majority of the increase was due to the expansion of the IT Division with the addition of a GIS Coordinator and an IT Assistant. The Finance Division increased an Account Clerk position from apart-time to a full-time position to handle Business Licensing, and a half-time clerk receptionist was added to the City Clerk's office in 2002-03. In 2007-08, the receptionist position will transfer from the City Clerk's office to Communications and apart- time Code Enforcement Officer will go to a full-time position. A Human Resource Analyst will be added in 2008-09. Public and Environmental Affairs Staffing in the Public Information Department includes taking a 75% position to full time in 2001-02, adding a Media Coordinator position in 2006-07, and adding a receptionist in 2007-08. An Environmental Affairs Coordinator will be added in 2008-09. Recreation Services Recreation Services has changed staffing due to new programs and restructuring from fiscal year 2000-O1 to 2007-08. A Maintenance Worker for Blackberry Farm, a Building Attendant for the Senior Center and two Recreation Coordinators were added in fiscal year 2000-01. Changes for 2001-02 included the reclassification of four positions from part-time to full-time due to increased workload at the Quinlan Center, Senior Center, Blackberry Golf Course and Sports Center. During 2002-03, greens maintenance was contracted out, moving three Maintenance Workers to vacancies in the Public Works Department, two part-time positions were consolidated into a full time, an Assistant Golf Shop Attendant was added, and apart-time position went to 75% time at the Senior Center. Continued consolidation of contract maintenance efforts allowed for the reduction of one (vacant) Maintenance Worker position at Blackberry Farm in 2004-05. In 2005-06 a Facility Attendant was added to service the new Community Hall and in 2006-07 a Recreation Coordinator was eliminated at Blackberry Farm. During 2007-08, the department eliminates a Recreation Supervisor and replaces the position with atwo-year term Park Planner. One position was reclassified to a recreation coordinator to manage Blackberry Farm operations. 65 Community Development The Community Development Department has had variations in staffing over the past eight years. In 2001-02, the department combined two part-time intern positions into afull-time position to increase efficiency. In addition, during 2002-03 the Senior Building Inspector position was vacated as a result of an internal promotion. For fiscal year 2006-07 an Economic Development/RDA Manager was authorized as well as a Counter Specialist. In 2007-08, an Assistant Planner will be added due to the growing workload. Public Works The Public Works Department has had minimal increases over the past seven years. A Traffic Engineer was eliminated and replaced with a City Architect in 2001-02 and an Assistant Director of Public Works was added in 2002-03. The Facilities position count was increased in 2004-OS by one maintenance worker to support the additional maintenance workload required for the library, new Community Hall and City Center Park. In 2006-07 a Traffic Technician was upgraded to a Senior Civil Engineer. Redevelopment Agency (RDA) The Cupertino Square Redevelopment Project Area was approved and existing staff time is allocated each year as appropriate. During fiscal year 2006-07, an Economic Development/RDA Manager was approved and will split their time between the Agency and Community Development. 66 PERSONNEL SUMMARY ____ __ Summary of employees by Division Permanent, Benefited Positions 2002-03 2003-04 2004-OS 2005-06 CITY COUNCIL/COMMISSIONS City Council Fine Arts Commission Technology, Information & Communications Commission Parks and Recreation Commission Teen Commission Housing Commission Library Commission Senior Commission Public Safety Commission Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission Planning Commission ADMINISTRATION City Manager Community Outreach City Attorney PUBLIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS Community Relations Cupertino Scene Government Channel City Website Environmental Affairs ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Administration Accounting Business Licensing City Clerk Duplicating and Printing Human Resources Insurance Administration Code Enforcement Information Technology 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 1.45 1.45 1.50 1.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.75 2.70 2.70 2.70 4.70 4.65 4.70 4.70 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.40 3.25 3.25 2.25 2.25 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 1.90 1.90 1.95 1.95 4.40 4.40 4.40 4.40 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 3.90 3.90 3.90 3.90 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 20.30 20.30 20.35 20.35 67 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 0.40 0.40 0.40 0.10 0.10 0.10 0:05 0.05 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.45 0.45 0.45 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.40 0.50 0.50 0.50 2.40 2.40 2.95 4.30 4.30 4.85 0.75 1.85 1.90 0.40 0.35 0.35 3.40 3.30 3.30 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.00 0.00 0.87 5.55 6.50 7.32 1.94 1.94 1.94 4.39 4.39 4.40 0.50 0.50 0.50 3.90 2.90 2.90 0.60 0.60 0.60 2.70 2.55 3.54 0.30 0.45 0.45 3.30 4.55 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 21.63 21.88 22.33 68 PERSONNEL SUMMARY Summary of employees by Division Permanent, Benefited Positions 2002-03 2003-04 2004-OS 2005-06 PARKS AND RECREATION Administration Facilities/Community Events Youth & Teen/McClellan Ranch Park Sports & Fitness/Golf Course Senior Center/Stevens Creek Trail Blackberry Farm COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Administration Planning Housing Services Building Economic Development/RDA PUBLIC WORKS Administration Environmental Programs Engineering Services Service Center Grounds Streets Facilities Transportation General Services TOTAL PERMANENT, BENEFITED POSITIONS 1.90 1.90 1.90 1.90 6.50 7.00 7.00 7.00 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 5.50 5.50 5.50 5.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.88 7.88 6.88 6.88 32.63 33.13 32.13 32.13 1.49 1.49 1.49 1.49 6.96 6.96 7.04 7.04 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 11.40 11.40 11.40 11.40 0.00 0.00 0.32 0.32 20.75 20.75 21.15 21.15 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.00 2.32 2.17 3.02 3.27 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 2.20 2.20 2.20 2.20 18.40 18.40 18.40 18.40 22.55 22.70 22.45 22.45 7.30 7.30 7.60 7.60 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.10 4.10 4.20 4.20 70.22 70.22 71.22 71.22 153.80 154.25 154.75 154.75 69 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 1.89 2.89 1.90 7.55 8.60 9.60 3.35 4.88 4.88 5.50 6.00 6.00 7.69 7.39 7.39 5.98 2.00 1.00 31.96 31.76 30.77 1.39 1.39 1.39 7.76 8.28 7.78 0.81 0.79 0.79 11.90 11.90 11.90 0.92 1.42 1.92 22.78 23.78 23.78 3.23 3.23 3.35 3.02 3.02 3.15 5.68 5.68 6.72 2.20 2.20 2.20 18.40 18.15 18.30 22.45 22.20 21.90 7.60 7.50 7.90 4.35 4.75 4.23 4.20 4.40 4.55 71.13 71.13 72.30 158.75 160.75 162.75 70 Five Year Budget Forecast 71 FUND BALANCE TRENDS GENERAL FUND Five Year Forecast (in thousands) 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Beginning Balance at July 1 $ 23,635 $ 16,178 $ 15,495 $ 15,440 $ 15,132 $ 15,006 Operating Activity: Estimated Operating Revenues 42,481 41,668 43,279 43,506 45,227 45,349 Estimated Operating.Expenditure Savings 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 Use of Public Access Reserve 54 56 58 60 62 64 Estimated Operating Expenditures (33,957) (35,377) (36,388) (37,368) (39,065) (40,154) Net Operating Activity 9,578 6,347 6,949 6,198 6,224 5,259 Debt Service (3,538) (3,537) (3,538) (3,534) (3,534) (3,539) Retiree Medical (1,882) (1,946) (1,900) (1,500) (1,500) (1,500) Net Operating Activity after Long-Term 4,158 864 1,511 1,164 1,190 220 061igations Transfers Out to Other Funds: Infrastructure Reserve (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) (100) Capital Improvement Reserve (900) 0 0 0 0 0 Information Technology Fund (194) (322) (300) (300) (300) (100) Compensated Absence 0 (400) (300) (200) (100) (100) Equipment Fund (44) (45) (50) (50) (50) (50) Environmental Management 0 0 (16) (72) (72) (72) Net Income/(Loss) After Transfers 2,920 (3) 745 442 568 (201) One Time Revenues: Senior Center/Traffic Impact Resource Recovery Income/(Loss) for Capital Projects/Reserves Proposed Capital Projects: 50 0 0 0 56 0 500 0 0 0 0 0 3,470 (3) 745 442 624 (201) Capital Projects (3,191) 0 (50) 0 0 0 Stevens Creek Corridor Park (7,736) 0 0 0 0 0 Transportation Projects & Maintenance (750) (750) (750) (750) (750) (750) Capital Project Savings 750 70 0 0 0 0 Total Capital Projects (10,927) (680) (800) (750) (750) (750) Ending Balance June 30 Reserves: Economic Uncertainty Economic Uncertainty I Economic Uncertainty II Other Reserves UUT One-Time Revenues Undesignated Total Reserves 16,178 15,495 15,440 15,132 15,006 14,055 Policy 5,000 7,500 5,000 7,500 5,000 7,500 5,000 7,500 5,000 7,500 5,000 7,500 4,955 7,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,455 1,600 1,070 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 2,207 1,395 1,340 1,032 906 0 500 401 0 0 0 0 0 2,100 3,678 2,995 2,940 2,632 2,506 1,600 14,600 16,178 15,495 15,440 15,132 15,006 14, 055 72 FUND BALANCE TRENDS Five Year Forecast (in thousands) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS STORM DRAIN Beginning Balance at July 1 Estimated Operating Revenues Estimated Operating Expenditures Capital Projects Transfers Out Ending Balance at June 30 PARK DEDICATION TAX Beginning Balance at July 1 Estimated Operating Revenues Estimated Operating Expenditures Net Operating Activity Transfers Out Capital Projects Ending Balance at June 30 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Beginning Balance at July 1 Estimated Operating Revenues Estimated Operating Expenditures Net Operating Activity Transfers In Ending Balance at June 30 TRANSPORTATION Beginning Balance at July 1 Estimated Operating Revenues GrantsBonds Estimated Operating Expenditures Net Operating Activity Transfers In Transfers Out Capital Projects Ending Balance at June 30 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 $ 1,114 $ 65 $ 45 $ 51 $ 57 $ 64 100 80 81 81 82 82 (161) (75) (75) (75) (75) (75) (893) 0 0 0 0 0 (95) (25) 0 0 0 0 $ 65 $ 45 $ 51 $ 57 $ 64 $ 71 $ 150 $ 294 $ 610 $ 134 $ 366 $ 606 217 316 1,224 232 240 248 0 0 0 0 0 0 217 316 1,224 232 240 248 0 0 (1,700) 0 0 0 (73) 0 0 0 0 0 $ 294 $ 610 $ 134 $ 366 $ 606 $ 854 $ 176 $ 128 $ 56 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 369 369 369 369 369 369 (417) (441) (441) (441) (441) (441) (48) (72) (72) (72) (72) (72) 0 0 16 72 72 72 $ 128 $ 56 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 3,730 $ 639 $ 194 $ 275 $ 349 $ 409 1,225 1,788 1,680 1,702 1,718 1,734 330 890 0 0 0 0 (747) (824) (848) (878) (908) (940) 808 1,854 832 824 809 794 845 775 750 750 750 750 (645) 0 0 0 0 0 (4,099) (3,075) (1,500) (1,500) (1,500) (1,500) $ 639 $ 194 $ 275 $ 349 $ 409 $ 453 73 FUND BALANCE TRENDS Five Year Forecast (in thousands) 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Beginning Balance at July 1 $ 3,423 $ 3,306 $ 3,474 $ 3,653 $ 3,776 $ 3,875 Estimated Operating Revenues 843 868 816 774 763 752 Estimated Operating Expenditures (960) (700) (637) (651) (665) (679) Ending Balance at June 30 $ 3,306 $ 3,474 $ 3,653 $ 3,776 $ 3,875 $ 3,947 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Beginning Balance at July 1 $ (85) $ (79) $ (77) $ 216 $ 520 $ 815 Estimated Operating Revenues 225 233 530 1,050 2,050 2,450 Estimated Operating Expenditures (219) (231) (238) (246) (255) (264) Capital Projects/Affordable Housing Debt 0 0 0 (500) (1,500) (2,000) Ending Balance at June 30 $ (79) $ (77) $ 216 $ 520 $ 815 $ 1,001 74 FUND BALANCE TRENDS DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Five Year Forecast (in thousands) 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 CUPERTINO FACILITIES CORPORATION Beginning Balance at July 1 $ 46 $ 46 $ 46 $ 46 $ 46 $ 46 Transfers In 3,538 3,537 3,538 3,534 3,534 3,539 Debt Service Payments (3,538) (3,537) (3,538) (3,534) (3,534) (3,539) Ending Balance at June 30 $ 46 $ 46 $ 46 $ 46 $ 46 $ 46 TRAFFIC IMPACT Beginning Balance at July 1 $ 119 $ 119 $ 119 $ 93 $ 56 $ 0 Estimated Operating Revenues 39 37 9 0 0 0 Debt Service Payments/Close-Out (39) (37) (35) (37) (56) 0 Ending Balance at June 30 $ 119 $ 119 $ 93 $ 56 $ 0 $ 0 75 FUND BALANCE TRENDS Five Year Forecast (in thousands) CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Beginning Balance at July 1 Transfers In for Capital Projects Transfers Out Prior Year Grants Authorized Grants/Other Income Capital Projects Ending Balance at June 30 CAPITAL RESERVES Beginning Balance at July 1 Transfers Into Infrastructure Reserves Transfers Into Capital Reserves Transfers Out Grants/Other Income Ending Balance at June 30 Reserves: Infrastructure Capital Improvement Designated projects Total Reserves 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 $ 4,058 $ 688 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 3,191 1 1,750 0 0 0 (1,211) (70) 0 0 0 0 520 0 0 0 0 0 289 0 0 0 0 0 (6,159) (619) (1,750) 0 0 0 $ 688 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 500 $ 1,576 $ 1,675 $ 1,775 $ 1,675 $ 1,775 100 100 100 100 100 100 900 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1) 0 (200) 0 0 76 0 0 0 0 0 $ 1,576 $ 1,675 $ 1,775 $ 1,675 $ 1,775 $ 1,875 Policy 600 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 1,300 $5,000 900 699 699 499 499 499 76 76 76 76 76 76 1,576 1,675 1,775 1,675 1,775 1,875 STEVENS CREEK CORRIDOR PARK Beginning Balance at July 1 $ 1,110 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Grants/Other Income 809 0 0 0 0 0 Prior Year Grants Authorized 2,639 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers from General Fund & Cap Imprvmt 8,546 0 0 200 0 0 Transfers to General Fund (420) 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Projects (12,684) 0 0 (200) 0 0 Ending Balance at June 30 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 MARY AVENUE BICYCLE FOOTBRIDGE Beginning Balance at July 1 $ 504 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Prior Year Grants Authorized 6,837 0 0 0 0 0 Grants/Other Income 3,350 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers from Transportation & Cap Imprv 716 0 0 0 0 0 Capital Projects (11,407) 0 0 0 0 0 Ending Balance at June 30 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 76 FUND BALANCE TRENDS Five Year Forecast (in thousands) 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 ENTERPRISE FUNDS RESOURCE RECOVERY Beginning Balance at July 1 $ 5,540 $ 4,891 $ 4,966 $ 4,996 $ 4,971 $ 4,903 Estimated Operating Revenues 2,605 2,542 2,569 2,603 2,652 2,702 Estimated Operating Expenditures (2__,754) (2,467) (2,539) (2,628) (2,720) (2,815) Net Operating Activity (149) 75 30 (25) (68) (113) Transfers Out--General Fund (500) 0 0 0 0 0 Ending Balance at June 30 $ 4,891 $ 4,966 $ 4,996 $ 4,971 $ 4,903 $ 4,790 BLACKBERRY FARM GOLF COURSE Beginning Balance at July 1 $ 105 $ 127 $ 138 $ 161 $ 180 $ 191 Estimated Operating Revenues 589 589 618 634 648 662 Estimated Operating Expenditures (567) (578) (595) (616) (637) (660) Net Operating Activity 22 11 23 18 11 2 Ending Balance at June 30 $ 127 $ 138 $ 161 $ 180 $ 191 $ 193 CUPERTINO SPORTS CENTER Beginning Balance at July 1 $ 126 $ 90 $ 95 $ 111 $ 126 $ 143 Estimated Operating Revenues 1,652 1,711 1,772 1,832 1,897 1,964 Estimated Operating Expenditures (1,577) (1,706) (1,756) (1,817) (1,881) (1,947) Net Operating Activity 75 5 16 15 17 18 Capital Projects (111) 0 0 0 0 0 Ending Balance at June 30 $ 90 $ 95 $ 111 $ 126 $ 143 $ 160 RECREATION PROGRAMS Beginning Balance at July 1 $ 1,155 $ 1,219 $ 628 $ 818 $ 979 $ 1,108 Estimated Operating Revenues 2,415 2,395 2,395 2,442 2,490 2,539 Estimated Operating Expenditures (2,021) (2,336) (2,204) (2,282) (2,361) (2,444) Net Operating Activity 394 59 191 161 129 95 Capital Projects (330) (650) 0 0 0 0 Ending Balance at June 30 $ 1,219 $ 628 $ 818 $ 979 $ 1,108 $ 1,203 Reserves: Capital Improvement 969 328 518 679 808 903 Workers Compensation 250 300 300 300 300 300 Total Reserves 1,219 628 818 979 1,108 1,203 77 FUND BALANCE TRENDS ENTERPRISE FUNDS SENIOR CENTER (1) Beginning Balance at July 1 Transfers Out -General Fund Ending Balance at June 30 (1) To General Fund in 2007-08 Five Year Forecast (in thousands) 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 $ 50 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 (50) 0 0 0 0 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 78 FUND BALANCE TRENDS Five Year Forecast (in thousands) INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Beginning Balance at July 1 Estimated Operating Revenues Estimated Operating Expenditures Net Operating Activity Transfer In--General Fund Depreciation Reserve Capital Outlay -New & Replacement Ending Balance at June 30 WORKERS' COMPENSATION Beginning Balance at July 1 Estimated Operating Revenues Estimated Operating Expenditures Ending Balance at June 30 EQUIPMENT Beginning Balance at July 1 Estimated Operating Revenues Estimated Operating Expenditures Net Operating Activity Transfer In--General Fund Depreciation Reserve Capital Outlay -New & Replacement Ending Balance at June 30 COMPENSATED ABSENCE & LTD Beginning Balance at July 1 Estimated Operating Revenues Estimated Operating Expenditures Net Operating Activity Transfer In--General Fund Ending Balance at June 30 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 $ 1,483 $ 1,181 $ 1,299 $ 1,489 $ 1,681 $ 1,875 929 1,086 1,107 1,143 1,181 1,220 (931) (969) (997) (1,032) (1,068) (1,105) (2) 117 110 111 114 115 194 322 300 300 300 100 138 102 80 80 80 80 (632) (423) (300) (300) (300) (300) $ 1,181 $ 1,299 $ 1,489 $ 1,681 $ 1,875 $ 1,869 $ 114 $ 148 $ 161 $ 174 $ 186 $ 198 310 321 330 340 351 363 (276) (308) (317) (328) (340) (351) $ 148 $ 161 $ 174 $ 186 $ 198 $ 209 $ 1,631 $ ],471 $ 1,301 $ 1,462 $ 1,630 $ 1,805 934 1,190 1,226 1,262 1,300 1,339 (899) (1,034) (1,064) (1,101) (1,140) (1,180) 35 156 162 161 160 160 44 45 50 50 50 50 207 242 249 257 264 272 (446) (613) (300) (300) (300) (300) $ 1,471 $ 1,301 $ 1,462 $ 1,630 $ 1,805 $ 1,986 $ 17 $ 27 $ 39 $ 53 $ 66 $ 80 58 62 65 67 69 71 (48) (450) (351) (253) (155) (157) 10 (388) (286) (186) (86) (86) 0 400 300 200 ]00 100 $ 27 $ 39 $ 53 $ 66 $ 80 $ 94 79 FUND BALANCE TRENDS Five Year Forecast (in thousands) 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS RETIREE MEDICAL Beginning Balance at July 1 $ 4,785 $ 5,984 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 Transfers In--General Fund 1,882 1,946 1,900 1,500 1,500 1,500 Estimated Operating Expenditures (2) (683) (7,930) (1,900) (1,500) (1,500) (1,500) Ending Balance at June 30 $ 5,984 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 $ 0 (2) Move assets into trust in 2008-09 g0 REVENUE ESTIMATE Adopted Revised Actual Budget Budget FIVE YEAR FORECAST (in thousands) 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 GENERAL TAXES: Property Tax 6,480 6,510 6,710 7,010 7,150 7,436 7,734 8,043 Sales Tax 11,252 12,870 14,190 13,890 13,890 14,029 14,309 14,596 Transient Occupancy Tax 2,511 2,550 2,660 2,660 2,740 2,849 2,935 3,023 Utility Users Tax 3,012 2,100 3,240 3,300 3,366 3,501 3,606 3,678 Franchise Fees 2,537 2,580 2,580 2,630 2,630 2,630 2,630 2,630 Other Taxes 2,365 1,770 1,400 1,500 1,725 1,380 1,408 1,436 28,157 28,380 30,780 30,990 31,501 31,825 32,621 33,405 LICENSES AND PERMITS 3,326 3,172 3,030 3,180 3,339 3,172 3,013 3,013 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY: Investment Earnings 1,432 1,000 1,617 1,000 800 700 714 728 Property Rentals 332 483 483 470 404 416 424 432 1,764 1,483 2,100 1,470 1,204 1,116 1,138 1,161 INTERGOVERNMENTAL: Motor Vehicle License In-Lieu 4,017 4,250 4,104 4,280 4,360 4,530 4,700 4,880 Grants 202 180 185 50 50 50 50 50 Other Intergovernmental 368 300 216 125 125 125 125 125 4,587 4,730 4,505 4,455 4,535 4,705 4,875 5,055 CHARGES FOR SERVICES: Zoning and Planning Fees 665 747 447 470 494 469 445 445 Engineering Fees 754 704 404 400 420 399 379 379 Senior Center (from Enterprise in 07-08) 0 500 250 500 510 520 531 541 Teen Center/BBF (3) 0 10 ]0 58 300 306 312 318 Other Service Charges 119 105 39 40 41 42 42 43 (3) Nature/Com Gardens 07-08; Picnic 09-10 1,538 2,066 1,150 1,468 1,764 1,736 1,710 1,727 FINES AND FORFEITURES 926 690 800 820 836 853 870 888 MISCELLANEOUS 155 100 116 100 100 100 100 100 STATE PROP lA BORROWING 0 0 0 (815) 0 0 900 0 Subtotal 40,453 40,621 42,481 41,668 43,279 43,506 45,227 45,349 TRANSFERS IN/OTHER REVENUES Sale of Property 1,664 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Resource Recovery 500 500 500 0 0 0 0 0 Senior Center/Traffic Impact 0 125 50 0 0 0 56 0 RDA Loan Payback 0 275 0 0 0 0 0 0 Stevens Creek Corridor Park 0 0 420 0 0 0 0 0 Capitallmprovement 0 330 330 70 0 0 0 0 Total General Fund 42,617 41,851 43,781 41,738 43,279 43,506 45,283 45,349 81 REVENUE ESTIMATE Adopted Revised Actual Budget Budget FIVE YEAR FORECAST (in thousands) 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS STORM DRAIN Investment Earnings 55 30 50 30 31 31 32 32 Developer Fees 43 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Water District cost share 106 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 204 80 100 80 81 81 82 82 PARK DEDICATION TAX Park Dedication Tax 253 1,100 209 300 1,200 200 200 200 Investment Earnings 7 8 8 16 24 32 40 48 Transfer In -General Fund 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 310 1,108 217 316 1,224 232 240 248 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Investment Earnings 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Fees 363 365 365 365 365 365 365 365 Transfer In -General Fund 0 0 0 0 16 72 72 72 364 369 369 369 385 441 441 441 TRANSPORTATION Investment Earnings 196 90 200 100 70 70 70 70 Transfer In -General Fund/Storm Drain 800 845 845 775 750 750 750 750 Sales Tax on Gasoline-Proposition 42 388 0 0 553 564 575 581 587 Federal and State Grants 629 330 330 0 0 0 0 0 Proposition 1 B Bonds 0 0 0 890 0 0 0 0 Charges for Services 16 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 Gasoline Tax 988 1,025 1,025 1,035 1,046 1,056 1,067 1,077 3,017 2,290 2,400 3,453 2,430 2,452 2,468 2,484 HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Investment Earnings & Rent 132 20 130 100 50 50 50 50 Grants 189 398 398 405 393 381 370 359 Loan Repayments 15 43 15 43 43 43 43 43 Housing Mitigation Fees 263 300 300 320 330 300 300 300 599 761 843 868 816 774 763 752 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Investment Earnings 6 0 6 10 30 50 50 50 Property Taxes 187 575 219 223 500 1,000 2,000 2,400 193 575 225 233 530 1,050 2,050 2,450 82 REVENUE ESTIMATE Adopted Revised Actual Budget Budget FIVE YEAR FORECAST (in thousands) 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS CUPERTINO FACILITIES CORPORATION Investment Earnings (6) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfer from General Fund 3,535 3,538 3,538 3,537 3,538 3,534 3,534 3,539 3,529 3,538 3,538 3,537 3,538 3,534 3,534 3,539 TRAFFIC IMPACT Property Assessment 40 39 39 37 9 0 0 0 40 39 39 37 9 0 0 0 83 REVENUE ESTIMATE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUNDS Adopted Revised Actual Budget Budget FIVE YEAR FORECAST (in thousands) 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Transfer into Capital Projects 2,272 2,948 3,191 1 1,750 0 0 0 Prior Year Grants Authorized 0 0 520 0 0 0 0 0 Grants/Other Income 146 446 289 0 0 0 0 0 2,418 3,394 4,000 1 1,750 0 0 0 CAPITAL RESERVES Transfer into Infrastructure Reserve 500 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Transfer into Capital Improvement Reserve 0 0 900 0 0 0 0 0 Grants/Other Income 0 0 76 0 0 0 0 0 500 100 1,076 100 100 100 100 100 STEVENS CREEK CORRIDOR PARK Transfers from Gen Fd/Park Ded/Capital Impr 901 6,236 8,546 0 0 200 0 0 Prior Year Grants Authorized 0 0 2,639 0 0 0 0 0 Grants/Other Income 91 0 809 0 0 0 0 0 992 6,236 11,994 0 0 200 0 0 MARY AVENUE BICYCLE FOOTBRIDGE Transfers from General Fund 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers from Transportation 0 0 645 0 0 0 0 0 Transfers from Capital Improvement 0 0 71 0 0 0 0 0 Prior Year Grants Authorized 0 0 6,837 0 0 0 0 0 Federal and State Grants 1,222 0 3,350 0 0 0 0 0 2,222 0 10,903 0 0 0 0 0 84 REVENUE ESTIMATE ENTERPRISE FUNDS Adopted Revised Actual Budget Budget FIVE YEAR FORECAST (in thousands) 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 RESOURCE RECOVERY Investment Earnings 282 160 280 170 150 150 150 150 Charges for Services 2,253 2,311 2,311 2,358 2,405 2,453 2,502 2,552 Loan Payback for FF&E 22 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grants 16 14 14 14 14 0 0 0 2,573 2,485 2,605 2,542 2,569 2,603 2,652 2,702 BLACKBERRY FARM GOLF COURSE Investment Earnings 5 2 11 5 5 5 5 5 Rent-Golf Course 20 20 19 19 20 21 23 24 Rent-PicnicB Pheasant (1) 113 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Charges for Services-Golf Course 638 660 559 565 593 608 620 633 Charges for Services-Picnic (1) 331 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1) to General Fund 2007-08 1,107 682 589 589 618 634 648 662 SPORTS CENTER Investment Earnings 14 7 15 10 10 7 7 7 Rent 12 12 12 12 13 14 15 15 Tennis 1,230 1,310 1,210 1,230 1,267 1,305 1,344 1,384 Membership 413 434 415 459 482 506 531 558 1,669 1,763 1,652 1,711 1,772 1,832 1,897 1,964 RECREATION PROGRAMS Investment Earnings 59 35 60 40 40 40 40 40 Cultural, Youth, and Teen Programs 1,275 1,235 1,235 1,235 1,235 1,260 1,285 1,311 Physical Recreation and Sports 1,122 1,000 1,120 1,120 1,120 1,142 1,165 1,189 2,456 2,270 2,415 2,395 2,395 2,442 2,490 2,539 SENIOR CENTER (2) Investment Earnings 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Charges for Services 691 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (2) To General Fund in 2007-08 696 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 g$ REVENUE ESTIMATE Adopted Revised Actual Budget Budget FIVE YEAR FORECAST (in thousands) 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Investment Earnings 64 20 20 20 20 34 50 66 Service Charges 883 909 909 1,066 1,087 1,109 1,131 1,154 Transfers In 285 150 194 322 300 300 300 100 1,232 1,079 1,123 1,408 1,407 1,443 1,481 1,320 WORKERS' COMPENSATION Investment Earnings 71 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Premiums 280 285 285 296 305 315 326 338 351 310 310 321 330 340 351 363 EQUIPMENT Investment Earnings 89 35 35 35 36 37 38 39 Service Charges 841 899 899 1,155 1,190 1,225 1,262 1,300 Transfers In 25 44 44 45 50 50 50 50 955 978 978 1,235 1,276 1,312. 1,350 1,389 COMPENSATED ABSENCE & LTD Investment Earnings 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 Premiums 46 58 58 62 64 66 68 70 Transfers In from General Fund 0 0 0 400 300 200 100 100 47 58 58 462 365 267 169 171 RETIREE MEDICAL Transfers In from General Fund 1,821 1,882 1,882 1,946 1,900 1,500 1,500 1,500 86 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES GENERAL COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS: 1000 City Council 1031 Telecommunications Commission 1040 Library Commission 1042 Fine Arts Commission 1050 Public Safety Commission 1055 Bicycle/Pedestrian Safety Commission 1060 Recreation Commission 1065 Teen Commission 1067 Senior Commission 1070 Planning Commission 1075 Housing Commission ADMINISTRATION: 1200 City Manager 1201 Community Outreach 1300 City Manager Discretionary Fund 1500 CITY ATTORNEY Adopted Revised Actual Budget Budget FIVE YEAR FORECAST (in thousands) 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 204 227 227 273 281 291 301 312 IS 18 28 31 32 33 34 35 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 15 15 15 21 22 22 23 24 4 5 5 11 11 12 12 13 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 8 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 17 17 15 15 16 17 17 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 92 96 96 99 102 105 109 113 4 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 365 405 415 477 491 508 526 544 307 410 410 372 383 396 410 424 58 73 74 76 78 81 84 87 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 415 533 534 498 511 527 544 561 507 550 550 620 638 660 684 707 LAW ENFORCEMENT: 2100 Law Enforcement 6,871 7,745 7,856 8,302 8,717 9,153 9,611 10,091 2101 Interoperability Project 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 2401 Citizens Option for Public Safety 105 120 126 0 0 0 0 0 6,976 7,865 7,982 8,315 8,717 9,153 9,611 10,091 PUBLIC & ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS: 3300 Community Relation & Information 232 306 306 294 303 313 324 335 3350 City 50th Anniversary 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3400 Cupertino Scene I10 123 123 127 131 135 140 145 3500 Government Channel 472 495 518 673 693 717 742 768 3501 Gov't Channel--Special Project 99 122 122 71 73 76 78 81 3502 Public Access Support 42 54 54 56 58 60 62 64 3600 City Web Site 153 153 153 167 172 178 184 191 3700 Environmental Affairs 0 0 0 103 132 136 141 146 1,121 1,254 1,276 1,491 1,560 1,615 1,671 1,730 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES: 4000 Administration 334 342 332 363 374 387 400 414 4010 Leadership Cupertino 1 13 13 13 13 15 16 17 4040 Library Extra Hours 0 240 240 255 129 133 138 143 4050 Neighborhood Watch 30 38 38 42 43 45 46 48 4100 Accounting 751 677 692 705 726 751 777 804 4110 Business Licenses 41 42 42 46 47 49 51 52 4300 City Clerk 419 454 454 418 430 445 461 477 4310 Duplicating and Postage 154 208 220 150 154 160 165 171 4330 Elections 118 305 370 2 300 0 300 0 4400 Disaster Preparedness 128 93 131 96 99 102 106 110 4510 Human Resources 512 575 605 693 713 738 764 791 4511 Human Resources Litigation 31 55 55 30 31 32 33 34 4540 Insurance Administration 557 583 583 571 588 608 629 652 4700 Code Enforcement 640 760 762 726 747 773 800 828 3,716 4,384 4,536 4,110 4,394 4,238 4,687 4,541 g7 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES Adopted Revised Actual Budget Budget FIVE YEAR FORECAST (in thousands) 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 GENERAL (cons) RECREATION SERVICE: 6100 Recreation Administration 259 461 435 328 338 349 362 374 Quinlan Community Center-Cultural: 6200 Supervision 469 502 502 527 709 734 760 786 6220 Blackberry Farm Picnic Area (1) 0 218 218 652 475 492 509 527 6230 Community Hall Operation 23 30 30 33 34 35 36 38 6248 Cultural Programs 103 193 195 202 208 215 223 230 6265 Quinlan Community Center 282 394 430 383 394 408 422 437 Monta Vista Recreation Center-Youth: 6300 Administration 230 298 300 306 315 326 337 349 6342 Youth Programs 37 42 42 46 47 49 51 52 6343 Teen Programs 4 8 8 9 9 ] 0 10 ] 0 6344 Teen Center 47 63 63 71 73 76 78 81 6347 Na[ure Programs 85 101 101 99 102 105 109 113 Cupertino Sports Center-Physical/Recreation 6400 Supervision 227 256 258 259 267 276 286 296 6445 Creekside Park 7 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 6448 Fourth of July 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6460 Monta Vista Recreation Center 6 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 Senior Center: 6500 Senior Adult Programs 524 532 532 555 571 591 612 633 6529 Senior Center Case Manager 55 70 70 78 80 83 86 89 6549 Senior Adult Recreation (I) 0 670 670 803 826 855 885 916 6660 Blue Pheasant Restaurant (1) 0 14 32 13 13 14 14 15 (1) Former Enterprises 2,403 3,874 3,908 4,386 4,485 4,642 4,804 4,973 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT: 7200 Planning Administration 195 211 226 265 273 282 292 302 7301 Current Planning 701 899 918 958 986 1,020 1,056 1,093 7302 Mid and Long Range Planning 206 416 260 310 319 330 342 354 7305 Annexations 7 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 7306 Economic Development 25 130 141 242 249 258 267 276 7307 North Vallco Study 81 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 7406 Human Service Grants 41 40 40 40 41 43 44 46 7501 General Building- 488 689 689 725 746 772 799 827 7502 Construction Plan Checking 1,199 726 726 891 917 949 982 1,017 7503 Building Code Enforcement 542 668 668 725 746 772 799 827 7504 Building Abatements 1 25 25 25 26 27 28 29 3,486 3,814 3,722 4,191 4,313 4,464 4,620 4,782 gg EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES GENERAL (cont.) PUBLIC WORKS: Administration: 8001 Public Works Administration 8005 Environmental Management Engineering: 8101 Engineering Design 8102 Inspection Service Service Center Administration: 8201 Public Works Supervision Grounds: 8302 McClellan Ranch Park 8303 Memorial Park 8312 School Site Maintenance 8314 Neighborhood Parks 8315 Sports Fields/Jollyman/Creekside 8321 Civic Center Maintenance Streets: 8402 Street Cleaning 8406 Graffiti Removal 8407 Overpasses & Medians Maintenance 8408 Street Trees Maintenance 8409 Elmwood Program Facilities: 8501 City Hall 8501 City Hall Kitchenette 8502 Library 8503 Service Center 8504 Quinlan Community Center 8505 Senior Center 8506 McClellan Ranch 8507 Monta Vista 8508 Wilson 8509 Portal 8511 Creekside 8512 Community Hall 8513 Teen Center 8830 Street Lighting Traffic Management: 8601 Traffic Engineering 8602 Traffic Signal Maintenance 8603 School Traffic Improvements Long-Term Maintenance aRer 2008-09 Operating Expenditures Adopted Revised Actual Budget Budget FIVE YEAR FORECAST (in thousands) 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 456 510 510 544 560 579 600 621 154 144 144 162 167 173 179 185 647 826 860 939 800 828 857 887 128 134 134 142 146 151 157 162 856 855 855 880 906 937 970 1,004 39 45 45 57 59 61 63 65 518 518 523 548 533 552 571 591 480 655 655 602 550 569 589 609 863 925 935 1,025 996 1,031 1,067 1,105 506 387 387 520 510 528 547 566 166 143 143 157 162 167 173 179 41 81 81 85 87 91 94 97 44 55 55 58 60 62 64 66 579 679 679 794 817 846 875 906 581 821 821 735 756 783 810 839 259 303 303 276 284 294 304 315 480 525 544 503 497 514 532 551 0 50 44 0 0 0 0 0 240 237 253 274 262 272 281 291 311 269 273 328 257 266 276 285 325 334 388 431 374 387 400 414 145 170 170 197 166 171 177 184 59 65 65 65 67 69 72 74 90 122 122 137 110 114 118 122 18 38 38 28 26 27 28 29 23 50 50 32 33 34 35 37 52 63 63 66 58 60 62 64 134 127 157 147 145 150 155 161 25 27 27 26 27 28 29 30 476 486 539 479 452 468 484 501 407 490 500 454 467 484 501 518 400 455 482 568 546 566 549 568 0 300 189 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 400 300 300 200 9,502 10,888 11,033 11,289 11,279 11,560 11,918 12,224 28,491 33,567 33,957 35,377 36,388 37,368 39,065 40,154 89 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES Adopted Revised Actual Budget Budget FIVE YEAR FORECAST (in thousands) 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 GENERAL (cont.) Transfers Out: 0100 Debt Service Obligations 3,535 3,538 3,538 3,537 3,538 3,534 3,534 3,539 0100 Capital Improvement Projects 2,272 2,948 3,191 0 50 0 0 0 0100 Infrastructure Reserve 500 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0100 Capital Improvement Reserve 0 0 900 0 0 0 0 0 0100 Transportation Projects & Maintenance 800 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 0100 Environmental Management 0 0 0 0 16 72 72 72 0100 Park Dedication-McClellan Ranch 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0100 Stevens Creek Corridor Park 701 6,236 7,736 0 0 0 0 0 0100 Mary Ave. Bicycle Footbridge 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0100 Equipment Fund 25 44 44 45 50 50 50 50 Ol00Information Technology Fund 285 150 194 322 300 300 300 100 0100 Compensated Absence 0 0 0 400 300 200 100 100 0100 Retiree Medical 1,821 1,882 1,882 1,946 1,900 1,500 1,500 1,500 Non-operating Expenditures 10,989 15,648 18,335 7,100 7,004 6,506 6,406 6,211 TOTAL GENERAL FUND 39,480 49,215 52,292 42,477 43,392 43,874 45,471 46,364 90 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES Adopted Revised Actual Budget Budget FIVE YEAR FORECAST (in thousands) 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS STORM DRAIN 9612 Minor Storm Drain Improvements 62 75 161 75 75 75 75 75 9620 CIP -Minor S[orm Drain Projects 120 (120) 893 0 0 0 0 0 0100 Transfer to Transportation 0 95 95 25 0 0 0 0 182 50 1,149 100 75 75 75 75 PARK DEDICATION TAX 0100 Transfers Out 200 0 0 0 1,700 0 0 0 9213 CIP -McClellan Ranch Improvements 0 0 73 0 0 0 0 0 200 0 73 0 1,700 0 0 0 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 8004 Non Point Source 333 411 417 441 441 441 441 441 333 411 417 441 441 441 441 441 TRANSPORTATION 0100 Transfer to Mary Ave Footbridge 0 0 645 0 0 0 0 0 8403 Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter Maint 169 157 160 168 173 179 185 192 8404 Street Pavement Maintenance 238 198 198 204 210 217 225 233 8405 Street Signs/Markings 413 387 389 452 465 481 498 516 9435 CIP -Neighborhood Traffic Calming 0 0 55 0 0 0 0 0 9443 CIP -Bollinger Bike Lane/Calabzas Cr Brd 89 95 251 25 0 0 0 0 9447 CIP -Mary Ave Gateway 95 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9450 CIP -Pavement Management 1,566 1,122 2,893 750 750 750 750 750 9450 CIP -Pavement Management-Prop 1B 0 0 0 890 0 0 0 0 9450 CIP -Pavement Management-Prop 42 0 0 0 530 0 0 0 0 9451 CIP -Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Repairs 462 750 900 750 750 750 750 750 9452 CIP -Rancho Rinconada Street Study 0 (100) 0 100 0 0 0 0 9453 CIP -City Monument Signs 0 (50) 0 0 0 0 0 0 945x CIP -Route 85 Soundwall Repairs 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 3,032 2,559 5,491 3,899 2,348 2,378 2,408 2,440 HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 7401 General Administration 77 77 77 86 89 92 95 98 7402 Rehab Loans & Administration 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 7403 Affordable Housing 50 243 658 254 250 250 250 250 7404 Public Service Grants 62 66 66 64 66 68 71 73 7405 Below Market Rate Housing 141 129 158 296 233 241 249 258 330 516 960 700 637 651 665 679 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY 0100 Transfers to General Fund 0 275 0 0 0 0 0 0 7304 Cupertino Square Project Area 154 219 219 231 238 246 255 264 9xxx CIP/Affordable Housing Debt 0 0 0 0 0 500 1,500 2,000 154 494 219 231 238 746 1,755 2,264 91 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES DEBT SERVICE FUNDS Adopted Revised Actual Budget Budget FIVE YEAR FORECAST (in thousands) 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 CUPERTINO FACILITIES CORPORATION 5301 Principal 1,295 1,355 1,355 1,415 1,460 1,500 1,545 1,600 5301 Interest+Fees 2,240 2,183 2,183 2,122 2,078 2,034 1,989 1,939 3,535 3,538 3,538 3,537 3,538 3,534 3,534 3,539 TRAFFIC IMPACT 5306 Principal 25 30 30 30 30 35 0 0 5306 Interest +Fees 11 9 9 7 5 2 0 0 Close Out to General Fund 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 0 36 39 39 37 35 37 56 0 VALLCO 1974 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 5304 District 74-3 Maintenance 117 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5305 District 74-4 Maintenance 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 92 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 9116 San Thomas/Saratoga Creek Trail 9121 Memorial Park Softball Field Renovation 9122 Sterling/Barnhari Park Acquisition 9123 Library Field Renovation 9124 McClellan Ranch Facility Improvements 9125 Blue Pheasant/Stocklmeir Preservation 9126 Sterling/Barnhart Park Construction 9127 Lawrence & Mitty Park (Saratoga Creek) 9128 Veteran's Memorial 9129 Stocklmeir Orchard Rehabilitation 91xx Wilson Park Irrigation Renovation 91xx Linda Vista Pond Restoration Study 9229 City Hall Emerg Generator/PG&E Upgrd 9231 Sports Center Upgrade and Pool Demol 9232 Library Improvements & Upgrades 9233 Community Hall Improvm & Upgrades 9234 Monta Vista Park Bldg HVAC 9235 Service Center Security Gate 9236 Sports Ctr Tennis Lighting 9237 Quinlan Center Fountain 9238 Library Court Yard Modifications 9239 Library Book Drop Modifications 9240 Library Stair Seatwall Modifications 9241 Community Hall Fountain 9243 Community Develop Office Reconfig 92xx Community Hall Lighting Upgrade 92xx City Hall Office Improvements 9544 Safe Routes to School -Cupertino HS 9545 Traffic Sig Upgrade-Stelling/Greenleaf 9547 Countdown Ped Heads 9548 Traffic Street Walkability Models 9549 Safe Routes to School -Garden Gate 9550 Traffic Signal Battery Power Backup 9551 Lawrence Expwy/ Mitty Crossing 9555 SVITS Extensions (FO Cable & Boxes) 9556 Remove Flashing Red LT Arrows 9557 DeAnza/McClellan/Pacifica Signal Mod 9558 Various Trf Signal/Intersection Modif Capital Projects Transfers Out: 0100 Transfer to General Fund 0100 Trf to Stevens Creek Corridor Park 0100 Transfer to Mary Av Bridge Transfers Out TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT CAPITAL RESERVES 0100 Transfer [o Capital Improvement 0100 Trf to Stevens Creek Corridor Park Transfers Out 9222 CIVIC CENTER & LIBRARY Adopted Revised Actual Budget Budget FIVE YEAR FORECAST (in thousands) 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 (230) 9 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 1,514 0 0 0 0 0 0 (100) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 672 727 0 0 0 0 0 34 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 650 0 0 0 0 0 1,500 975 (810) 1,700 0 0 0 0 55 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 13 30 399 30 0 0 0 0 0 500 500 0 0 0 0 0 43 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 136 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 250 0 0 0 0 0 8 150 292 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 55 (28) 16 50 50 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 442 0 0 0 0 0 0 (100) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 50 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 200 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 75 0 0 0 0 0 210 3,064 6,159 619 1,750 0 0 0 0 330 330 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 810 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 330 1,211 70 0 0 0 0 210 3,394 7,370 689 1,750 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 200 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 200 0 0 93 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS (cont.) Adopted Revised Actual Budget Budget FIVE YEAR FORECAST (in thousands) 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 STEVENS CREEK CORRIDOR PARK 9112 Stevens Creek Corridor Park 472 6,236 12,684 0 0 200 .. 0 0 0100 Transfer to General Fund 0 0 420 0 0 0 0 0 472 6,236 13,104 0 0 200 0 0 9449 MARY AVE. BICYCLE FOOTBRIDGE 937 0 11,407 0 0 0 0 0 94 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES Adopted Revised Actual Budget Budget FIVE YEAR FORECAST (in thousands) 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 ENTERPRISE FUNDS RESOURCE RECOVERY 8003 Programs 2,123 2,708 2,754 2,467 2,539 2,628 2,720 2,815 0100 Transfers to General Fund 500 500 500 0 0 0 0 0 2,623 3,208 3,254 2,467 2,539 2,628 2,720 2,815 BLACKBERRY FARM GOLF COURSE 6600 Administration (1) 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6620 Park (1) 509 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6640/6440 Golf Course 453 567 567 578 595 616 637 660 6680 Retreat Center (1) 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (1)to General Fund 2007-08 975 567 567 578 595 616 637 660 SPORTS CENTER 6450 Sports and Physical 1,438 1,441 1,361 1,474 1,517 1,570 1,625 1,682 8510 Maintenance 186 216 216 232 239 247 256 265 9230 CIP -Tennis Court Resurfacing 0 0 111 0 0 0 0 0 1,624 1,657 1,688 1,706 1,756 1,817 1,881 1,947 RECREATION PROGRAMS 6249 Cultural Programs 438 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6349 Cultural, Youth and Teen Programs 642 1,116 1,116 1,393 1,234 1,277 1,322 1,368 6449 Sports and Physical 749 905 905 943 970 1,004 1,040 1,076 6649 Nature Program 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9121 CIP Memorial Pk Softball Field Renovate 0 230 230 20 0 0 0 0 9123 CIP Library Field Renovation 0 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 91xx CIP Pazk Tennis Court Resurfacing 0 0 0 225 0 0 0 0 92xx CIP Monta Vista Community Bldg Re-roof 0 0 0 405 0 0 . 0 0 1,830 2,351 2,351 2,986 2,204 2,282 2,361 2,444 SENIOR CENTER (2) 6549 Programs 772 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0100 Transfer to General Fund 0 125 50 0 0 0 0 0 (2) To General Fund in 2007-08 772 125 50 0 0 0 0 0 95 EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES Adopted Revised Actual Budget Budget FIVE YEAR FORECAST (in thousands) 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-I1 2011-12 2012-13 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 4800 Operations 686 910 931 969 997 1,032 1,068 1,105 9800 Acquisitions & Projects 241 302 632 423 300 300 300 300 927 1,212 1,563 1,392 1,297 1,332 1,368 1,405 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 4550 Claims 307 279 276 308 317 328 340 351 EQUIPMENT 8840 Equipment Maintenance 810 841 899 1,034 1,064 1,101 1,140 1,180 9820 Equipment Acquisition 4 298 446 613 300 300 300 300 Loss on Equipment Disposal 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 820 1,139 1,345 1,647 1,364 1,401 1,440 1,480 COMPENSATED ABSENCE & LTD 4570 Disability Claims 45 48 48 50 51 53 55 57 4571 Leave Payouts 0 0 0 400 300 200 100 100 45 48 48 450 351 253 155 157 RETIREE MEDICAL 4512 Insurance Payments 615 683 683 820 850 930 1,010 1,080 4512 Long Term Obligation (1) 0 0 0 7,110 1,050 570 490 420 (1) Place into trust in 2008-09 615 683 683 7,930 1,900 1,500 1,500 1,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 59,561 77,721 107,885 71,576 66,477 64,291 66,806 68,561 . TOTAL REVENUES 69,912 71,848 91,098 63,341 66,773 64,744 67,500 68,055 96 City of Cupertino Gann Appropriations Limit 2008-09 Budget Article XIIIB of the California State Constitution as enacted by Proposition 4, the Gann initiative of 1979, mandates a limit on the amount of proceeds of taxes that state and local governments can receive and appropriate (authorize to spend) each year. The purpose of this law is to limit government spending by putting a cap on the total proceeds of taxes that may be appropriated each year. The original Article XIIIB was further modified by Proposition 111 and SB 88 approved by California voters in June of 1990. Proposition 111 allows cities more flexibility in choosing certain inflation and population factors to calculate the limit. Appropriations Subject to Limit 80, 000, 000 _ _..._ ~.. 70.000.000 60, 000, 400 50.000.000 40.000.000 ___ __ _... --r--Appropriation Lirr~it ,~ ~. _. ~ 30.000,000 _ ^ ~.. ~ Subjectto Limit 20.000.000 __... __.... 10.000,000 _ _ __ __ 0 ~ .. _. 02!03 0310~i 04!05 0510& 06107 07108 08!09 The limit is different for each agency and the limit changes each year. Each year's limit is based on the amount of tax proceeds that were authorized to be spent in fiscal year 1978-79 in each agency, modified for changes in inflation and population in each subsequent year. Proposition 111 has modified those factors to allow cities to choose either the growth in California Per Capita Income or the growth in non-residential assessed valuation due to new construction in the city. Alternatively, the city could select a population growth factor represented by the population growth in Santa Clara County. Each year the city establishes its appropriations limit for the following fiscal year. The City's appropriation limit for fiscal year 2007/08 was $65,298,148 and was adopted by Council. The City's appropriations limit for fiscal year 2008/09 of $69,217,707 is $3,969,559 or 6.08% higher than the fiscal year 2007/08 limit of $65,248,148. For fiscal year 2008/09, the City's estimated appropriations of proceeds from taxes are $36,381,000. This is $32,836,707 or 47.44% under the legal limit established for fiscal year 2008/09. When a city's proceeds of taxes (less statutory exclusions) exceed the legal limit, excess tax revenue must be returned to the State or citizens through a process of refunds, rebates, or other means that may be determined at that time. The City is currently at 47.45% of its limit. As a result, the appropriations limit is not expected to present a restraint on current or future budget deliberations. 97 DEPARTMENTAL OPERATING BUDGETS The Departmental Operating Budgets section provides budget information for each of the City's eight key operating functions: City Council, Administration, Law Enforcement, Public and Environmental Affaris, Administrative Services, Parks and Recreation, Community Development and Public Works. Each departmental operating budget includes the following elements: 1. Department Summary: The department summary includes an organization chart for the department and condensed financial information for each division within the department. It is a "big picture" snapshot of the department's responsibilities and costs. 2. Division Summary: Most departments are organized into smaller units or divisions. A program overview has been presented for each division denoting the key functions of the division. In addition, service objectives are listed to identify for the reader the upcoming goals and objectives of that section. Finally, the budget document includes an expenditure summary that details historical and proposed expenditures by category and funding source and the personnel charged to that division. 98 NOTES 99 Council and Commissions Citizens of Cupertino City Council Bicycle/Pedestrian Public Safety Commission Commission Fine Arts Senior Commission Commission Housing I I I Technology Information Commission m & Communication Library Teen Commission Commission Parks & Recreation Audit Committee Committee Planning ~ Economic Development Commission Committee 100 CITY COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS Expenditures by Division 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Actual Actual Adopted CITY COUNCIL 1000 CITY COUNCIL 183,797 183,797 COMMISSIONS 1031 TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 1040 LIBRARY 1042 FINE ARTS 1050 PUBLIC SAFETY 1055 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN 1060 PARKS AND RECREATION 1065 TEEN 1067 SENIOR 1070 PLANNING 1075 HOUSING 203,996 203,996 227,152 272,417 60,853 15,556 17,953 31,126 309 3,811 4,589 4,776 12,335 15,371 14,561 20,928 0 4,400 4,600 11,200 0 4,626 4,600 3,457 8,731 7,317 9,640 10,040 12,678 11,947 16,648 15,3 80 0 1,694 2,502 1,748 24,852 91,944 96,464 99,180 13 3,907 6,482 6,855 119,771 160,573 178,039 204,690 TOTAL ~ 303,568 364,569 405,191 477,107 102 2008-09 227,152 272,417 COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS CITY COUNCIL PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Mayor and Councilmembers, acting as the elected representatives of the City of Cupertino, establish public policy to meet community needs and assure orderly development of the City. SERVICE OBJECTIVES The City Council goals are carried out by the city staff under the sole direction of the City Manager. The council goals are listed in the Budget Strategies section. 103 COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS 1000 CITY COUNCIL Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation 116,093 118,476 127,782 156,637 Materials 55,158 69,883 74,700 79,600 Contract Services 1,926 2,407 10,000 15,000 Cost Allocation 10,620 13,230 14,670 21,180 Total 183,797 203,996 227,152 272,417 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 183,797 203,996 227,152 272,417 Total 183,797 203,996 227,152 272,417 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 0.40 0.40 0.40 Total 0.40 0.40 0.40 104 COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION & COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Technology, Information & Communications Commission advises the City Council and informs the community about issues relating to the rapidly changing field of telecommunications. Commissioners also served as a resource for the Planning Commission in offering technical guidance for antenna sitings. The Public Information Manager serves as staff liaison. With legislation now in effect encouraging effective competition, the commission will continue to look at new and forthcoming FCC rulings that may alter Comcast's impact on the community. The commission also will continue to monitor cable services to subscribers and to act as a resource for both the Cupertino elementary and high school districts. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Continue to work with appropriate companies in bringing advanced services to interested residents. Monitor Comcast services. Negotiate with public access provider KMVT to insure maximum programming value for Cupertino residents. Continue to work with staff and legal counsel to enforce the terms of the current cable franchise agreement. Work with the Cupertino Planning Commission in developing an antenna ordinance. 105 COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS 1031 TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION, & COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Employee Compensation 6,380 6,616 6,903 14,626 Materials 757 1,255 2,050 2,500 Contract Services 53,716 7,685 9,000 14,000 Total 60,853 15,556 17,953 31,126 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 60,853 15,556 17,953 31,126 Total 60,853 15,556 17,953 31,126 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 0.05 0.05 0.10 Total 0.05 0.05 0.10 106 COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS LIBRARY COMMISSION PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Library Commission is a five member commission appointed by the City Council that reviews and makes recommendations related to the operations and services of the Cupertino Library. The Cupertino Library is operated by the Santa Clara County Library Services. The building is provided by the City of Cupertino for which the county pays a rental fee. County Library staff serve as staff to the commission and the Director of Administrative Services or Human Resources Director serve as City liaisons. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Monitors the various service activities of the library and makes recommendations for improvements to appropriate bodies. Supports library advocacy groups, including Friends of the Cupertino Library and Cupertino Library Foundation. Advocates library funding and service levels at the city, county, and state levels. Represents the Cupertino library in the local community. Participates in state and local library workshops and conferences. Participates in the long range planning of quality library services for the City. Develops potential resources to expand volunteer efforts in the library. Investigates ways to expand access to non-traditional media. Continues library advocacy in Cupertino activities and with other organizations. Continues emphasis on integrating additional technology into library services. Continues proactive efforts to ensure adequate library funding. 107 COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS 1040 LIBRARY COMMISSION Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation 0 3,722 3,739 3,926 Materials 309 89 850 850 Total 309 3,811 4,589 4,776 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 309 3,811 4,589 4,776 Total 309 3,811 4,589 4,776 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 0.02 0.02 0.02 Total 0.02 0.02 0.02 108 COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS FINE ARTS COMMISSION PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Cupertino Fine Arts Commission is charged with advancing the arts in the City. This is done through several activities and programs, including the following: Overseeing the "Quarter Percent for Art" requirement for developments over 50,000 square feet; promoting art in public places, making recommendations to City Council regarding arts opportunities; awarding grants to individuals and organizations; and selecting a "Distinguished Artist of the Year." In prior years, grants had been awarded to a diverse group of individuals and organizations, including the Cherry Blossom Festival, local performing arts groups, sculptors, artists, and the Euphrat Museum of Art and its Arts in Schools program. Budget constraints resulted in the elimination of fine arts grants for several years, although in 2006-07 a portion of the grant money was reinstated and awarded to the Distinguished Artist of the Year and to the Euphrat Museum of Art. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Review and approve public art projects required for developments over 50,000 square feet. Promote programs and activities that provide a direct cultural benefit to the citizens of Cupertino, with special emphasis on groups not likely to receive regular exposure to the arts. Actively encourage business and community participation in the arts. Pursue opportunities for visual and performing arts throughout the city. I09 COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS 1042 FINE ARTS COMMISSION Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Employee Compensation 12,335 12,601 13,361 14,228 Materials 0 2,770 1,200 6,200 Contract Services 0 0 0 500 Total 12,335 15,371 14,561 20,928 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 General 12,335 15,371 14,561 20,928 Total 12,335 15,371 14,561 20,928 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 0.10 0.10 0.10 Total 0.10 0.10 0.10 110 COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Cupertino Public Safety Commission (PSC) is a five member board appointed by the City Council, which, when requested by Council, assists the Council by reviewing and recommending public safety services and policies for police, fire, emergency planning, and traffic. The Sheriff's West Valley Commander, who is the City's Chief of Police, serves as staff liaison. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Review safety issues and concerns and make recommendations to the City Council. Promote public education programs concerning safety issues. Provide assistance in implementing public safety programs approved by the City Council. 111 COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS 1050 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Employee Compensation 0 4,283 4,400 0 Materials 0 117 200 200 Contract Services 0 0 0 11,000 Total 0 4,400 4,600 11,200 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 0 4,400 4,600 11,200 Total 0 4,400 4,600 11,200 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 0.03 0.03 0.00 Total 0.03 0.03 0.00 112 COUNCILS AND COMMISSIONS BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Cupertino Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission (BPC) is afive-member board appointed by the City Council, which, when requested by Council, assists the Council by reviewing, monitoring, and making recommendations on City transportation matter pertaining to bicycle and pedestrian traffic, parking, education, and recreation within Cupertino. The City's Senior Civil Engineer serves as staff liaison. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Review City transportation infrastructure, development standards, public and private development projects, and citizen outreach and education efforts as they affect bicycle and pedestrian traffic in the City of Cupertino. Promote safe, efficient, and enjoyable travel for bicycle and pedestrian traffic within Cupertino. 113 COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS 1055 BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation 0 4,599 4,400 3,257 Materials 0 27 200 200 Total 0 4,626 4,600 3,457 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 0 4,626 4,600 3,457 Total 0 4,626 4,600 3,457 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 0.03 0.03 0.02 Total 0.03 0.03 0.02 114 COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS PARKS AND RF,CREATION COMMISSION PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Parks and Recreation Commission is afive-member citizen's commission appointed by the City Council to make recommendations pertaining to parks and recreation. The Director of Parks and Recreation serves as staff liaison. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Engage the public in dialog regarding the design of new programs and facilities. Make recommendations regarding these projects to the City Council. Work with staff and the public to draft and/or revise policies for use of Parks and Recreation facilities. Consider public input regarding the operation of Parks and Recreation facilities and make recommendations for their improvement. Participate on a number of special committees dealing with Parks and Recreation. Serve as ambassadors for the Parks and Recreation Department. 115 COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS 1060 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation 8,541 6,356 8,340 8,740 Materials 190 961 1,300 1,300 Total 8,731 7,317 9,640 10,040 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 8,731 7,317 9,640 10,040 Total 8,731 7,317 9,640 10,040 Personnel Summary 2006-08 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 0.10 0.10 0.10 Total 0.10 0.10 0.10 116 COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS TEEN COMMISSION PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Teen Commission is composed of 13 teens representing grades 8-12. The Teen Commission advises the City Council and staff on teen issues. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Engage the public in dialog regarding the design of new programs, and make recommendations regarding these projects to city staff. Assist staff with the programming of the Teen Center. Assist staff with the evaluation of teen programming. Work with staff and the public to create new avenues to interact with teens. Assist staff with communication and public relations with teens. 117 COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS 1065 TEEN COMMISSION Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Employee Compensation 11,824 11,230 14,578 11,360 Materials 854 717 1,770 3,220 Contract Services 0 0 300 800 Total 12,678 11,947 16,648 15,380 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 General 12,678 11,947 16,648 15,380 Total 12,678 11,947 16,648 15,380 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 0.15 0.15 0.15 Total 0.15 0.15 0.15 118 COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS SENIOR CITIZENS COMMISSION PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Senior Citizens Commission is afive-member commission appointed by the City Council that advises the Council on senior issues. The commission meets quarterly. The Senior Center Manager serves as staff liaison to the commission. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Provide a forum for the discussion of issues important to senior citizens in the community and a conduit to city staff and the City Council. Commissioners serve as ambassadors for the senior population. Develop a work plan to encourage Commissioners to view their job more broadly. Investigate joint meetings with other Commissions as appropriate. Expand the number of Commission meetings to at least six times a year. 119 COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS 1067 SENIOR COMMISSION Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation 0 1,694 2,002 1,248 Materials 0 0 500 500 Total 0 1,694 2,502 1,748 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 0 1,694 2,502 1,748 Total 0 1,694 2,502 1,748 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 0.02 0.02 0.01 Total 0.02 0.02 0.01 120 COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS PLANNING COMMISSION PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Planning Commission is afive-member citizen board appointed by the City Council to make or recommend decisions on matters pertaining to land use and physical development. The major work of the Commission is to conduct public hearings on "current planning" applications. The Director of Community Development and the City Planner serve as staff liaisons. The Commission also advises the City Council on land use and development policy through study sessions and formal hearings on issues necessary to maintain the current status of the General Plan. The Commission also undertakes periodic review of implementation ordinances and issues interpretations of these documents. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Conduct periodic reviews of the General Plan. These reviews test the fundamental goals and measure performance of short-term objectives. Conduct public hearings for approximately 75 land development applications. Ensure that decisions are made fairly and expeditiously in accordance with adopted General Plan policies, zoning ordinances, development plans and design guidelines. Prepare specific plans, zoning ordinance amendments and amendments to the General Plan. Serve on the Planning Commission Design Review Committee, the Environmental Review Committee and in an advisory role to the Housing Commission and Economic Development Committee. 121 COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS 1070 PLANNING COMMISSION Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation 6,848 73,036 76,464 80,680 Materials 9,879 10,713 13,000 10,500 Contract Services 8,125 8,195 7,000 8,000 Total 24,852 91,944 96,464 99,180 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 24,852 91,944 96,464 99,180 Total 24,852 91,944 96,464 99,180 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 0.45 0.45 0.45 Total 0.45 0.00 0.45 122 COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS HOUSING COMMISSION PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Cupertino Housing Commission (CHC) is afive-member board appointed by the City Council to assist the Planning Commission and the City Council in developing housing policies and strategies for implementation of General Plan Housing Element goals. The Commission also oversees the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. The Senior Planner serves as staff liaison. SERVICE OBJECTIVES: When requested by the Director of Community Development or the City Council, make recommendations regarding affordable housing proposals including requests for money from the CDBG and the Affordable Housing funds, possible fee waivers or other incentives, the number and type of affordable units, and the target groups to be served. 123 COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS 1075 HOUSING COMMISSION Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation 0 3,867 6,282 6,655 Materials 13 40 200 200 Total 13 3,907 6,482 6,855 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 200$-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 13 3,907 6,482 6,855 Total 13 3,907 6,482 6,855 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 0.05 0.05 0.05 Total 0.05 0.05 0.05 124 NOTES 125 Administration Administration (4.85) City Attorney I City Manager Community Outreach (2.95) (1.40) (.50) 126 NOTES 127 2008-09 1200 CITY MANAGER 334,279 307,415 409,359 372,027 1201 COMMUNITY OUTREACH 46,454 59,494 72,867 75,992 1300 CITY MANAGER DISCRETIONARY FUND 23,050 49,837 50,000 50,000 1500 LEGAL SERVICES 529,040 506,585 550,351 619,780 TOTAL ~ 932,823 923,331 1,082,577 1,117,799 ADMINISTRATION Expenditures by Division 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Actual Actual Adopted 128 ADMINISTRATION CITY MANAGER PROGRAM OVERVIEW The City Manager is responsible to the City Council for the effective and efficient operation of the City. Under the direction of the City Council as a whole, the City Manager carries out the City's adopted goals and objectives. The City Manager also oversees the Community Outreach Program and is responsible for developing and sustaining community-building activities that increase citizen involvement in the community. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Accomplish the City Council's work program. Manage City operations. See that all laws and ordinances of the City are duly enforced and that all franchises, permits, licenses, and privileges granted by the City are faithfully performed and observed. Keep the City Council advised as to the financial conditions and needs of the City. Investigate all complaints concerning the operation of the City. Supervise the use and condition of buildings, public parks, streets and other public property. Make reports and initiate recommendations as may be desirable or as requested by the City Council. Ensure that the City's policies and procedures provide a foundation for a secure financial position. Develop strategies to enhance the City's tax base and to position the City to take advantage of economic opportunities. 129 CITY MANAGER/ COMMUNITY OUTREACH 1200 ADMINISTRATION Expenditures by Category 2005-06 Actual 2006-07 Actual 2007-08 Adopted 2008-09 Adopted Employee Compensation 341,298 317,254 343,596 364,839 Materials 34,876 42,025 109,400 55,500 Contrat Services 229 0 10,500 10,500 Capital Outlay 0 0 15,000 15,000 Cost Allocation 4,330 7,630 3,730 2,180 Total 380,733 366,909 482,226 448,019 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 380,733 366,909 482,226 448,019 Total 380,733 366,909 482,226 448,019 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 1.90 1.90 1.90 Total 1.90 1.90 1.90 130 ADMINISTRATION CITY MANAGER DISCRETIONARY FUND PROGRAM OVERVIEW This account is discretionary fund for unexpected occurrences, such as special studies, consultants or other special unplanned needs that may occur during the year. 131 CITY MANAGER DISCRETIONARY FUND 1300 ADMINISTRATION Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Contract Services 23,050 49,837 50,000 50,000 Total 23,050 49,837 50,000 50,000 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 23,050 49,837 50,000 50,000 Total 23,050 49,837 50,000 50,000 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 132 ADMINISTRATION LEGAL SERVICES PROGRAM OVERVIEW The City Attorney serves as legal counsel to the City Council, City Commissions, and City administrative staff. The City Attorney's Office prepares ordinances and resolutions as requested, prepares or reviews contracts and agreements, conducts research and supports the City in litigation and some negotiations, and prosecutes code violations. Secretarial and support services are provided to the City Attorney's Office by the City. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Attend or provide legal representation at all regularly scheduled City Council meetings, provide procedural and legislative information to the Council, and attend commission and staff meetings as requested. Meet with the City administrative staff on a regular basis to provide legal services and advice. Prosecute municipal code violations as necessary. 133 LEGAL SERVICES 1500 ADMINISTRATION Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation Materials Contract Services Cost Allocation 426,593 408,963 412,711 507,200 33,407 31,560 42,800 40,700 57,660 59,252 92,500 69,000 11,380 6,810 2,340 2,880 Total 529,040 506,585 550,351 619,780 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 529,040 506,585 550,351 619,780 Total 529,040 506,585 550,351 619,780 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 2.40 2.40 2.95 Total 2.40 2.40 2.95 134 NOTES 135 Law Enforcement ~w E~fo~ceme~~ (Con[racQ 136 PERFORMANCE MEASURES Description Goal Accomplishment Sheriff Response Time Priority One: 5 Minutes 5.83 Minutes Priority Two: 9 Minutes 7.95 Minutes Priority Three: 20 Minutes 15.73 Minutes 137 LAW ENFORCEMENT Expenditures by Division 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted 2100 LAW ENFORCEMENT 6,396,074 6,870,725 7,745,455 8,301,556 2101 INTEROPERABILITY PROJECT 0 0 0 13,500 2401 COPS GRANT 103,837 104,792 120,000 0 TOTAL ~ 6,499,911 6,975,517 7,865,455 8,315,056 138 LAW ENFORCEMENT LAW ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW This activity provides for law enforcement, emergency communications, School Resource Officers, and the Youth Probation Programs. Law Enforcement services are provided by the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Department. Communication services are provided by the Santa Clara County General Services Administration. The County's Youth Probation Program is enhanced by contract through a partnership with the Cupertino Union School District and the City of Cupertino. Law Enforcement services include general law enforcement (patrol), traffic and detective services. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Respond to emergency situations within an average of less than six minutes. Enforce the vehicle code with the goal of increasing traffic safety. Divert first time/minor youth offenders from the juvenile justice system. Provide daily on-site interaction with our youth. 139 LAW ENFORCEMENT 2100 LAW ENFORCEMENT Expenditures by Category Materials Contract Services COPS Grant Interoperability Project 2005-06 Actual 2006-07 Actual 2007-08 Adopted 2008-09 Adopted 35,429 39,455 43,000 45,500 6,360,645 6,831,270 7,702,455 8,256,056 103,837 104,792 120,000 0 0 0 0 13,500 Total 6,499,911 6,975,517 7,865,455 8,315,056 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 6,499,911 6,975,517 7,865,455 8,315,056 Total 6,499,911 6,975,517 7,865,455 8,315,056 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 140 NOTES 141 • u is nvl~on~en~a ales Public & Environmental Affairs (7.32) Community Cupertino Government City Environmental Relations Scene Channel Website Affairs (1.90) (0.35) (3.30) (0.90) (0.87) 142 PERFORMANCE MEASURES Description Goal Accomplishment Access Cupertino Response Time 3 Days 3 Days Videotape City Meetings 167 Hours 159 Hours Source Footage 54 Hours 88 Hours In-House Productions 9 Hours ~ 16 Hours Average Visits to Website New for 08/09 New for 08/09 143 PUBLIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS Expenditures by Division 2005-06 Actual 2006-07 Actual 2007-08 Adopted 2008-09 Adopted 3300 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 161,879 244,734 306,203 294,309 3400 CUPERTINO SCENE 106,459 109,718 122,563 126,561 3500 GOVERNMENT CHANNEL 356,885 472,167 495,254 673,046 3501 GOVERNMENT CHANNEL-SPCIAL PROJ 53,697 99,023 122,263 71,103 3502 PUBLIC ACCESS SUPPORT 0 42,554 54,000 56,000 3600 CITY WEBSITE 126,875 153,242 153,394 166,651 3700 ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS 0 0 0 103,302 TOTAL ~ 805,795 1,121,438 1,253,677 1,490,972 144 PUBLIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS COMMUNITY RELATIONS PROGRAM OVERVIEW Functions of this department include informing citizens about programs and services provided by local government, responding to media inquiries and preparing all press information. The office acts as a resource for other city departments, staff and council members. The public information officer actively participates in regional discussions and workshops involving crisis communications, media relations and cable television regulation. Awards dinners, special events and ceremonial activities also are handled through this department. Examples include the annual Commissioners' Dinner, the CREST Awards (up to ten recipients per year), mayoral proclamations and the SWING program. Also included is the Chamber of Commerce membership. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Coordinate the City's 50th Anniversary event. Aid in the coordination of City programs designed to draw Cupertino neighborhoods together. Coordinate and disseminate useful and important information to all Cupertino residents through appropriate local, state and national communications channels. Coordinate and implement recommendations of city communications audit including customer service software. 145 COMMUNITY RELATIONS 3300 PUBLIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation 87,190 104,555 180,903 202,679 Materials 36,705 79,479 65,300 38,200 Contract Services 36,224 53,040 55,000 47,000 Cost Allocation 1,760 7,660 5,000 6,430 Total 161,879 244,734 306,203 294,309 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 161,879 244,734 306,203 294,309 Total 161,879 244,734 306,203 294,309 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 0.75 1.85 1.90 Total 0.75 0.75 1.90 146 PUBLIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS CUPERTINO SCENE PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Cupertino Scene is published 11 months out of the year and is distributed to residents and businesses in Cupertino. The Cupertino Scene is the most read City publication and continues to be the most important source of community information for residents. The Scene provides information that is of general interest to the community and is presented in a straightforward manner that is non-political, non-religious and non-commercial. The postal rate has been increased slightly to offset a rise in bulk-rate permit costs. Each issue of the Cupertino Scene costs approximately 14 cents to mail. Many of the articles appearing in the Scene are regular, monthly features, such as Roots, Simply Safe, Community Calendar, Council Actions and Library News. Another portion of material in the Cupertino Scene includes articles dealing with ongoing citywide issues, including community outreach, environmental programs and city jobs. Other material appearing in the Scene is a mixture of one-time city events, community activities, government services and other city-related information. About 300,000 copies of the Scene are distributed annually. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Provide an electronic subscription option for the Scene. Continue regular production schedule of the Scene, presenting information in a timely, interesting and visually pleasing manner. Focus on information relevant to citizens of all cultural backgrounds. Continue to adhere to regulations imposed by Proposition 73 and other legislation that regulates public communications by the city. 147 CUPERTINO SCENE 3400 PUBLIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation 39,091 40,385 42,363 41,361 Materials 67,368 69,333 80,200 85,200 Total 106,459 109,718 122,563 126,561 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 106,459 109,718 122,563 126,561 Total 106,459 109,718 122,563 126,561 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 0.40 0.35 0.35 Total 0.40 0.35 0.35 148 PUBLIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS GOVERNMENT CHANNEL PROGRAM OVERVIEW The City Channel continues to offer a variety of news and information for and about the residents of Cupertino. As the first government channel to broadcast city council meetings in the county, the City Channel continues to set best-practice service standards including web casting of many city meetings. Demands for City Channel services continue to increase with frequent coverage of community meetings and study sessions. The fulltime web specialist position also works within the Communications Department. The Web Specialist works closely with department heads, managers and members of the community to ensure that the City of Cupertino's website is both timely and relevant. Multimedia advancements have allowed this department to improve and expand many of its services. The City's new webcasting service allows Cupertino residents who are not cable subscribers to see live council meetings, commission meetings and study sessions. Webcasting has also allowed online video archives to be made available to the public on demand at no cost to the public. The department creates visual effects using animation and software graphics for city department presentations and productions. The City Channel also provides audio-video services that include tape duplication, viewing, editing, equipment recommendations and design meeting set-ups and multimedia presentations. In addition to special programs produced for and featured on the City Channel, other programs come from the following sources: PBS, the United Nations and The California Channel (CAL- SPAN). Those who are not cable subscribers may check out tapes from the Cupertino Library, including City Council meetings. In addition to publishing a monthly schedule, programs on the City Channel are featured on the city's website. Throughout each week, viewers may tune in to the City Channel to learn about city departments and services, special city programs, local points of interest, health and safety tips and upcoming community events. Staff members produce numerous promotions, public service announcements and video bulletin board announcements made specifically for Cupertino residents. These local announcements continue to increase annually and are presented in a timely manner, showcasing an active, involved community. ERVICE OBJECTIVES Maintain a timely and relevant website in response to city needs. Continue improvements to city meetings, productions, promotions and website services by incorporating more multimedia technology. 149 GOVERNMENT CHANNEL 3500 PUBLIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation Materials Contract Services Capital Outlay Cost Allocation 252,073 297,385 338,557 362,829 31,441 38,927 34,000 36,100 49,686 139,610 110,500 111,500 8,922 49,562 10,000 10,000 68,460 88,260 178,460 279,720 Total 410,582 613,744 671,517 800,149 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General ~ 410,582 613,744 671,517 800,149 Total ~ 410,582 613,744 671,517 800,149 Full-time Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted 3.40 3.30 3.30 Total 3.40 3.30 3.30 150 PUBLIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS CITY WEBSITE PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Web Specialist position works within the Communications Department. The Web Specialist works closely with department heads, managers and members of the community to ensure that the City's website is both timely and relevant. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Ensure the clear, comprehensive and accurate presentation of the City's online presence on the Internet by designing, developing and maintaining the City's website. Incorporate new web technology, features and functionalities into the site based on the needs of the community and current trends. Maintain all related documents for the usage and policies of the site. Implement and maintain the City's Intranet site. Continue work on the e-government initiatives. 151 CITY WEBSITE 3600 PUBLIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation 92,621 98,203 103,324 99,111 Materials 1,162 1,332 2,100 2,100 Contract Services 33,092 50,337 46,000 61,000 Cost Allocation 0 3,370 1,970 4,440 Total ~ 126,875 153,242 153,394 166,651 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 126,875 153,242 153,394 166,651 Total 126,875 153,242 153,394 166,651 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total 1.00 1.00 1.00 152 PUBLIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS PROGRAM OVERVIEW The City of Cupertino's Environmental Affairs Program is to provide leadership and contribute practical solutions to ensure a prosperous community where people and nature thrive, now and in the future. The program provides leadership and supports practical solutions to improve the environmental, social and economic health of Cupertino. The program integrates policy and programs related to energy efficiency, renewable resources, waste reduction and recycling, global warming, green building and sustainable food systems. Develop, implement and monitor action plans for implementation of the city sustainability initiatives and policies, organization wide, departmentally, and by division. Works with Department Directors to ensure compliance, implementation and communication. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Collect data to demonstrate environmental impacts of municipal operations and compliance with state and federal regulations as they relate to sustainability. Provide education, public exposure, governmental recognition, and information on environmental efficiencies and energy management programs and practices internally and externally. Research best practices for efficient energy management and conservation and adapts these practices to the unique culture of City government. Research, communicate, and work with surrounding municipalities to obtain grant funding for energy initiatives. Integrate energy management and awareness into organizational culture and operations. 153 ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS 3700 PUBLIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL AFFAIRS Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation 0 0 0 103,302 Materials 0 0 0 0 Contract Services 0 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 103,302 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 0 0 0 103,302 Total 0 0 0 103,302 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 0.00 0.00 0.87 Total 0.00 0.00 0.87 154 NOTES 155 • • • ~ In is ~~atlve e~vices Administrative Services (22.33) Administration Finance (1.94) (4.90) City Clerk IT (3.50) (4.00) Human Resources Code Enforcement (3.99) (4.00) 156 PERFORMANCE MEASURES Description Investment Portfolio Rate of Return (ROR) Accounts Payable Processing Business License Issuance Goal Greater than LAIF ROR 5 Days 1-7 Days Accomplishment Below LAIF ROR 1-5 Days 1-7 Days Archival Research Requests Routine Duplication Requests Special Duplication Requests Council Minutes for Approval Within 9 Days Recruitments: Qualification Lists to Depts Mark Abandoned Vehicles Parking Citations Block Leader Captains Block Parties Active Neighb^rhood Watch Groups Trained Emergency Response Team Members Citizens Trained in First Aid Citizens Trained in CPR 5 Days 1 Day 3 Days 27 Meetings 60 Days 140 3,522 222 24 109 Groups 570 54 72 1-5 Days 1 Day 1-3 Days 25 Meetings 45-60 Days 152 3,369 275 34 109 Groups 685 62 84 157 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Expenditures by Division I 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 4000 ADMINISTRATION 4010 LEADERSHIP CUPERTINO 4040 LIBRARY SERVICE 4050 NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH FINANCE 4100 ACCOUNTING 4110 BUSINESS LICENSING CITY CLERK 4300 CITY CLERK 4310 DUPLICATING AND MAIL SERVICE 4330 ELECTIONS EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 4400 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS HUMAN RESOURCES 4510 HUMAN RESOURCES/LITIGATION 4512 RETIREE MEDICAL LIABILITY 4540 INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION CODE ENFORCEMENT 4700 CODE ENFORCEMENT 311,251 331,172 341,901 362,707 0 417 12,500 12,500 0 0 240,000 255,000 25,578 30,145 37,750 42,218 336,829 361,734 632,151 672,425, 647,638 766,052 677,131 704,874 40,821 40,612 42,071 46,383 688,459 806,664 719,202 751,257 461,700 418,786 453,547 418,002 142,187 155,739 208,244 150,340 262,862 118,421 305,300 2,000 866,749 692,946 967,091 570,342 85,958 127,845 92,700 96,038 85,958 127,845 92,700 96,038 483,352 543,254 629,780 722,823 1,076,932 614,692 682,500 7,930,000 1,027,584 908,656 908,175 1,329,000 2,587,868 2,066,602 2,220,455 9,981,823 572,377 641,804 760,061 726,467 572,377 641,804 760,061 726,467 158 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 4800 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 9800 EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION TOTAL 2008-09 765,693 706,391 909,883 969,224 116,000 323 302,000 423,000 881,693 706,714 1,211,883 1,392,224 6,019,933 5,404,309 6,603,543 14,190,576 FY 2008-09 total includes a one time transfer of funds from OPEB to trust Expenditures by Division 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Actual Actual Adopted 159 NOTES 160 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM OVERVIEW Provides overall department oversight for several divisions including City Clerk, Human Resources, Information Technology (IT), Finance, Code Enforcement, Emergency Preparedness, Leadership Cupertino and Neighborhood Watch. Staff support is also provided to the Audit Committee, Library Commission and Fine Arts Commission. In addition, the department oversees the contracts for Sheriff services, animal control, and funds the allocation for additional library hours. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Manage the City's investment portfolio to obtain safety of funds, liquidity and a rate of return equal to or exceeding the State investment fund. Provide short and long term fiscal planning including the implementation of the Fiscal Strategic Plan. Monitor revenue and expenditure trends and analysis of cash flow needs. Propose options for re-establishing the Leadership Cupertino program. Enhance "neighborhood policing" through the expansion of the Neighborhood Watch Program, Neighborhood Captains Program and the E-cap Program. Perform special projects for the City Manager. 161 ADMINISTRATION 4000 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation Materials Contract Services Cost Allocation 306,716 318,118 327,471 349,575 15,794 20,001 33,400 33,400 9,219 19,405 266,650 281,650 5,100 4,210 4,630 7,800 Total 336,829 361,734 632,151 672,425 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 336,829 361,734 632,151 672,425 Total 336,829 361,734 632,151 672,425 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 1.94 1.94 1.94 Total 1.94 1.94 1.94 162 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ACCOUNTING AND BUSINESS LICENSING PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Finance Division oversees accounting and business licensing functions for the City. Accurate and timely maintenance of all City financial records, collection, disbursement of all funds, and payroll processing are handled by Accounting. All required Federal, State and other agency reports pertaining to the City's financial status are upheld. In addition, Accounting monitors budget-to-actual activities for both operational and capital budgets, analyzes financial alternatives, and conducts research and prepares reports on special fiscal matters for all internal and external customers. Collection of revenue and monitoring business activity for compliance with the City Municipal Code and applicable state law is handled through Business Licensing. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Maintain a high level of professionalism in all the City's financial practices and procedures and provide timely and accurate financial information for City departments to make sound fiscal decisions. Respond to inquiries from the public and City departments. Process invoices, deposits, vendor payments, purchase contracts and claims in a timely and accurate manner. Provide quality payroll service for the City's full and part-time employees, properly administering salaries and benefits in a timely and confidential manner. Provide businesses with information regarding compliance with the Business License Tax Code and provide useful sources of information related to business activity. Collect appropriate business license fees. Monitor business activity to identify non-compliance with the Municipal Tax Code and actively pursue non-compliant businesses. 163 ACCOUNTING/ BUSINESS LICENSING 4100 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation Materials Contract Services Cost Allocation 454,269 486,948 486,187 521,272 16,060 14,015 20,275 20,660 62,100 117,071 122,850 118,215 156,030 188,630 89,890 91,110 Total 688,459 806,664 719,202 751,257 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 688,459 806,664 719,202 751,257 Total 688,459 806,664 719,202 751,257 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 4.89 4.89 4.90 Total 4.89 4.89 4.90 164 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES CITY CLERK/DUPLICATING & MAIL/ELECTIONS PROGRAM OVERVIEW The City Clerk's office administers the legislative process including management of local elections and filings of Fair Political Practices Commission documents. Other responsibilities include administrative and clerical duties associated with the City Council's actions and reprographic and mail service to all City Departments. The division's goals are to administer elections and Fair Political Practices Commission filings in compliance with State law, to ensure compliance with the Brown Act open meetings requirements, to accurately process documents, maintain a records management system that facilitates timely access to information, duplicate accurately and in a timely manner those documents needed in the day-to-day and long-term operation of City business, and deliver routine incoming and outgoing mail and packages daily. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Maintain compliance with State laws regarding elections, records, annexations, commission appointments, Brown Act public meeting requirements, legal notices, and Fair Political Practices Commission filings. Conduct a local election in odd-numbered years in compliance with the California Elections Code and conduct ballot measure elections as necessary. Facilitate timely filing of required and voluntary documentation from candidates and committees associated with election costs and candidate information, including Nomination Papers, Candidates' Statements, and Statements of Economic Interest, as well as candidate biographies and photographs. Make election-related information available to the public and news media in a timely manner. Provide complete, accurate, and timely information to the public, staff, and City Council. Respond to routing requests within two working days; respond to requests requiring archival research within five working days. Duplicate and assemble material within the time requested. Provide weekly delivery of documents to board members including City Council, Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation, and Design Review Committee. Provide additional special deliveries as needed. 165 CITY CLERK/ DUPLICATION & MAIL/ELECTIONS 4300 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Expenditures by Category 2005-06 Actual 2006-07 Actual 2007-08 Adopted 2008-09 Adopted Employee Compensation 366,594 314,757 330,911 356,402 Materials 65,653 95,992 135,900 103,500 Contract Services 364,685 210,557 415,000 77,100 Capital Outlay 7,577 0 0 0 Cost Allocation 62,240 71,640 85,280 33,340 Total 866,749 692,946 967,091 570,342 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 866,749 692,946 967,091 570,342 Total 866,749 692,946 967,091 570,342 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 4.50 3.50 3.50 Total 4.50 3.50 3.50 166 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM OVERVIEW The mission of the Office of Emergency Services (OES) is to ensure that the Cupertino community and City staff are reasonably protected/prepared from emergencies and/or disasters. The mission is accomplished through a comprehensive emergency preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation program. OES is staffed by a representative of the Santa Clara County Fire Department. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Maintain the City's Emergency Operations Center in a perpetual state of operational readiness. Support the Cupertino Amateur Radio Emergency Service (CARES) to ensure amateur radio capability in Cupertino. Systematically prepare, test and revise emergency response and recovery policies, plans and procedures in compliance with the California Emergency Services Act and the Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS). Coordinate training of City staff in personal preparedness, SEMS/NIMS, and EOC functions. Coordinate training of Cupertino residents in CPR, First Aid, Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), and Personal Emergency Preparedness workshops for adults and Kaleidoscope Public Safety Training for Jr. High and High School. Provide guidance to neighborhood preparedness organizations through assistance with formation, team training, and drills. Promote emergency preparedness by publishing a monthly column (Simply Safe) in the Cupertino Scene, maintaining an OES website and providing public speaking support to community groups, schools, and service clubs. Maintain effective liaison with local, state and national emergency management organizations and/or allied disaster preparedness and response agencies. Ensure interagency/multi-agency coordination and communication for disaster planning and responses. Facilitate monthly school preparedness meetings to encourage planning and preparedness. Develop City volunteer disaster response capability through development of a Medical Reserve Corps and City CERT teams. 167 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 4400 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation 13,645 15,465 30,000 34,718 Materials 52,290 78,997 29,900 27,900 Contract Services 15,923 28,343 27,000 27,000 Cost Allocation 4,100 5,040 5,800 6,420 Total 85,958 127,845 92,700 96,038 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 85,958 127,845 92,700 96,038 Total 85,958 127,845 92,700 96,038 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 168 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES HUMAN RESOURCES/RETIREE MEDICAL/ INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION/RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Human Resources Division is responsible for the administration of a full range of human resource, employee benefit and labor relations programs including personnel selection, classification, compensation, equal employment opportunity, labor negotiations, employee relations, employee development, benefits and retirement. In addition, Human Resources administers risk management, safety programs, general liability, property and aself-insured Workers' Compensation Program. Funding for retiree medical is also covered in the Human Resources budget. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Provide for a working environment where respect for the individual is encouraged and safeguarded. Provide timely personnel services to departments and divisions in a fair, objective, and equitable manner. Enter into agreements with employee groups concerning terms and conditions of employment. Provide an employee development program addressing immediate and long-term training needs. Provide departments a listing of qualified persons for employment consideration within 60 days of an authorized vacant position. Ensure for equal employment opportunity. Administer classification plan. Provide funding for retiree medical each year. Provide personnel services consistent with the operational needs of user department. Administer general liability and property insurance and associated claims. Satisfy statutory regulations regarding Workers' Compensation and employee safety. Promote a work environment that emphasizes safe work practices. 169 HUMAN RESOURCES/ INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION/ RETIREE MEDICAL 4500 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation Materials Contract Services Cost Allocation 1,487,909 1,034,787 1,159,395 8,444,497 31,506 50,329 56,500 75,750 1,047,683 953,076 985,900 1,417,500 20,770 28,410 18,660 43,330 Total 2,587,868 2,066,602 2,220,455 9,981,077 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Workers' Compensation 460,632 306,674 276,412 307,721 General 2,085,963 1,714,487 1,895,643 9,623,356 Long Term Disability 41,273 45,441 48,400 50,000 Total ~ 2,587,868 2,066,602 2,220,455 9,981,077 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 3.00 3.00 3.99 Total 3.00 3.00 3.99 170 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES CODE ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Code Enforcement division provides for the enforcement of field activities related to the Municipal Code. Code Enforcement staff also provide assistance to the Sheriff's Department by responding to non-emergency calls in lieu of sworn law enforcement personnel. The Code Enforcement activities include services related to parking enforcement, abandoned vehicles, and ascertaining compliance with Municipal Code provisions concerning health and sanitation, streets and sidewalks, noise, graffiti, and placement of signs on public property. Assistance is provided to other departments and agencies as related to code enforcement activities. This budget also includes funding for the animal control contract. The City of Cupertino contracts with the City of San Jose for field, medical, licensing, and sheltering services. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Respond to citizen, City department, and Sheriff's Department requests for services within 24 hours. Provide services with an emphasis on public relations. Enforce the Municipal Code in a fair, equitable, and objective manner. 171 CODE ENFORCEMENT 4700 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation Materials Contract Services Cost Allocation 360,670 387,916 479,721 421,097 11,797 11,032 16,200 16,550 165,610 209,186 211,500 220,500 34,300 33,670 52,640 68,320 Total 572,377 641,804 760,061 726,467 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 572,377 641,804 760,061 726,467 Total 572,377 641,804 760,061 726,467 Full-time Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted 3.30 4.55 4.00 Total 3.30 4.55 4.00 172 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM OVERVIEW This activity provides for all technology related expenses for the citywide management of information services. The Information Technology Manager and staff are responsible for implementing the City's Technology Master Plan and assists in training staff and troubleshooting the City's information systems. These systems include: the Pentamation financial building systems; Records Management system, CLASS Reservation System, Graphical Information System (GIS) data, Egov and Recreation Web servers, Code Enforcement databases and the specific departmental MS SQL databases. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Establish standards and procedures for the replacement and maintenance of all personal computers, printers, peripherals and systems defined in the Technology Master Plan. Maintain and service the City's wide area network between eight separate locations. Oversee the implementation of the following key information systems in fiscal year 2008/09: City-wide PC and monitor replacement, BBF Golf Course network site and database, Intranet project, PCI Compliance, upgrades to the following systems; Exhange Email System, GIS Systems, Network Infrastructure, Microsoft Office, storage and disaster recovery. Infrastructure Upgrades Amount Replacement Equipment Amount Hardware/Software/E-Services $321,550 Hardware/Software $102,100 Total $321,sso ~ Total $1o2,ioo 173 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 4800 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation Materials Contract Services Capital Outlay Cost Allocation 373,827 382,668 456,783 491,624 57,491 86,109 95,000 65,000 202,650 138,190 220,000 240,000 116,000 323 302,000 423,000 131,725 99,424 138,100 172,600 Total 881,693 706,714 1,211,883 1,392,224 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Information Technology 881,693 706,714 1,211,883 1,392,224 Total 881,693 706,714 1,211,883 1,392,224 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 4.00 4.00 4.00 Total 4.00 4.00 4.00 174 NOTES 175 Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation (30.77) Facilities/ Administration Community Events (1.90) (9.60) Senior Center Blackberry Farm (7.39) (1.00) Sports Center/ Blackberry Golf Youth Programs (6.00) (4.88) 176 PERFORMANCE MEASURES Description Goal Quinlan Center Rentals $95,000 Community Hall Rentals $30,000 Park Reservations $9,000 Provide Middle School Dances 10 Dances Afterschool Enrichment Program -Revenue $250,000 Afterschool Enrichment Program -Participation New for 08/09 Preschool Programs -Revenue $230,000 Contractual Classes -Revenue $400,000 Contractual Classes -Participation New for 08/09 Middle School Dances -Attendance New for 08/09 Summer Camps -Revenue $162,300 Youth & Teen Program -Membership 400 Senior Case Management 1,200 Service Hours Senior Center Revenue * $500,000 Senior Center Membership * * 2,200 Senior Center Volunteer Service * * * 14,000 Hours Senior Trips 43 Sports Center Membership 1,336 Sports Center Revenue $1,393,575 Blackberry Golf Course -Rounds 50,000 Blackberry Golf Course -Revenue $585,000 Accomplishment $108,700 $35,400 $14,663 9 Dances $259,833 New for 08/09 $227,131 $452,864 New for 08/09 New for 08/09 $115,608 444 1,350 Service Hours $383,118 2,110 10,508 48 1,419 $1,558,601 49,000 $586,26 * Accomplishment as of 6/17/08 ** Accomplishment as of 5/14/08 ***Accomplishment as of 4/30/08 177 PARKS AND RECREATION Expenditures by Division 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted PARKS AND RECREATION 6100 ADMINISTRATION 264,751 259,226 461,074 328,392 264,751 259,226 461,074 328,392 FACILITIES/PARKSBLACKBERRY FARM/ COMMUNITY EVENTS 6200 QUINLAN C.C., CULTURAL/SUPRVSN 469,049 468,359 502,122 527,371 6220 BLACKBERRY FARM PICNIC AREA 670,293 478,879 218,011 651,698 6230 COMMUNITY HALL 5,130 23,323 30,110 33,054 6248 CULTURAL PROGRAMS 77,632 102,913 195,269 201,594 6265 QUINLAN COMMUNITY CENTER 644,032 318,581 430,243 383,000 1,866,136 1,392,055 1,375,755 1,796,717 YOUTH & TEEN PROGRAMS/ MC CLELLAN RANCH PARK 6300 YOUTH, TEEN, M.V. REC. CNTR/SUPVR 221,738 229,841 298,484 306,539 6342 YOUTH PROGRAMS 34,607 37,353 42,225 45,566 6343 TEEN PROGRAMS 8,303 4,347 7,610 9,042 6344 TEEN CENTER 50,547 46,773 63,120 71,026 6347 NATURE PROGRAMS 86,675 85,023 101,176 99,515 6349 RECREATION PROGRAMS 635,335 642,170 1,116,001 1,393,337 1,037,205 1,045,507 1,628,616 1,925,025 SPORTS & FITNESSBLACKBERRY FARM GOLF COURSE/MONTA VISTA REC/ CREEKSIDE PARK BUILDING 6400 PHYSICAL RECREATION/SUPERVISION 231,745 227,236 256,063 258,601 6440 BLACKBERRY FARM GOLF COURSE 458,859 453,183 566,993 578,098 6445 CREEKSIDE PARK PROGRAMS 6,018 7,040 8,500 9,074 6449 RECREATION PROGRAMS 732,074 749,430 905,222 942,902 6450 CUPERTINO SPORTS CENTER 1,205,173 1,438,158 1,440,819 1,474,174 6460 MONTA VISTA RECREATION CENTER 4,714 5,778 12,550 13,166 2,638,583 2,880,825 3,190,147 3,276,015 178 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAMS/STEVENS CREEK TRAIL/BLUE PHEASANT 6500 SENIOR ADULT PROGRAMS 6529 SENIOR CENTER CASE MANAGER 6549 RECREATION PROGRAMS 6660 BLUE PHEASANT RESTAURANT BLACKBERRY FARM/ NATURE PROGRAMS 6600 BLACKBERRY FARM ADMINISTRATION 6680 BLACKBERRY FARM RETREAT CENTER Expenditures by Division 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Actual Actual Adopted 2008-09 509,893 524,042 532,427 555,117 49,948 55,092 70,076 77,559 588,819 772,790 670,553 803,170 7,505 0 13,500 12,500 1,156,165 1,351,924 1,286,556 1,448,346 143,352 7,000 0 0 22,845 6,000 0 0 166,197 13,000 0 0 TOTAL ~ 7,129,037 6,942,537 7,942,148 8,774,495 179 NOTES 180 PARKS AND RECREATION ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM OVERVIEW Provides overall department administration, as well as project management, community outreach and support to the Parks and Recreation Commission. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Provide overall department administration, budget control, and employee development and evaluation. Supports the Planning and Public Works Departments in the development of new parks. 181 ADMINISTRATION 6100 PARKS AND RECREATION Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation Materials Contract Services Capital Outlay Cost Allocation 257,398 251,387 437,614 306,942 3,865 3,409 14,600 9,290 378 0 500 1,600 0 0 0 8,560 3,110 4,430 8,360 2,000 Total 264,751 259,226 461,074 328,392 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 264,751 259,226 461,074 328,392 Total 264,751 259,226 461,074 328,392 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Ado ted Adopted Full-time 1.89 2.89 1.90 Total 1.89 2.89 1.90 182 PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES/PARKS/BLACKBERRY FARM/ COMMUNITY EVENTS PROGRAM OVERVIEW Provides the supervision and management of the Quinlan Community Center, Memorial Park, Community Hall, and reservable picnic sites for private events, classes, community group events, and recreation department activities. Provides supervision and management of the Blackberry Farm Picnic area. This division is also responsible for the City's special events (Summer Concert Series, Cinema at Sundown, Shakespeare, the 4`" of July, and Community Tree Lighting). For the 2008-09 fiscal year, this division will generate approximately $118,000 from facility rentals and picnic reservations. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Manage the Quinlan Community Center, Community Hall, reservable picnic areas, and Blackberry Farm. Complete staff training on the Quinlan Center Mass Shelter Binder and set up meetings with full time Parks and Recreation staff to review information. Work with San Francisco Shakespeare Festival to bring free Shakespeare in the Park to Cupertino. Facilitate all festivals sponsored by community groups that take place at the Quinlan Center, Memorial Park, and Community Hall. Manage ongoing CLASS computer system and develop a facility and picnic booking system for Blackberry Farm by year-end 2008 to begin taking 2009 reservations. Work with Public Works on the design of new facilities at Blackberry Farm, including pool maintenance/repairs. Develop SOPS and train aquatic staff at Blackberry Farm. Work with caterers to provide organic, locally grown food service at Blackberry Farm. Develop a marketing plan for the restored/renovated Blackberry Farm. Market, organize and supervise the grand opening event of Blackberry Farm in May 2009. 183 FACILITIES/PARKS/BLACKBERRY FARM COMMUNITY EVENTS 6200 PARKS AND RECREATION Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation Materials Contract Services Capital Outlay Cost Allocation 625,795 841,269 796,218 1,010,747 35,979 233,958 240,025 247,950 31,038 182,605 215,742 204,300 14,996 13,223 0 190,000 95,940 121,000 123,770 143,720 Total 803,748 1,392,055 1,375,755 1,796,717 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 803,748 913,176 1,375,755 1,796,717 Recreation 0 0 0 0 Blackberry Farm 0 478,879 0 0 Total 803,748 1,392,055 1,375,755 1,796,717 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 7.55 8.60 9.60 Total 7.55 8.60 9.60 184 PARKS AND RECREATION YOUTH & TEEN PROGRAMS/MC CLELLAN RANCH PARK PROGRAM OVERVIEW Provides for youth and teen recreational, social and educational programs through classes, camps, special events, and excursions. Environmental education classes for school groups are offered at McClellan Ranch Park. McClellan Ranch Park is home to the Organic Gardening Program and Rolling Hills 4-H. The Division, in cooperation with the Cupertino Union School District, will oversee the After School Enrichment Program at school sites and will continue to expand program offerings. In addition, the Division will expand its level of service to teens by providing new and expanded programs with the ongoing operation of the Teen Center and through the efforts of the Teen Commission. The Youth/Teen Division will generate approximately $1,175,000 in user fees for the 2008-09 fiscal year. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Continue to provide anine-month Preschool program at the Monta Vista Recreation Center and the Quinlan Community Center. Research facility space to expand the program and accommodate growing waitlists. Coordinate the following special events: the annual Volunteer/Staff Summer Recognition event, Almost Anything Goes, Country Fair, Cupertino Day, and Breakfast with Santa. Work with the Teen Commission to coordinate a high school charity dance and an intergenerational event with the Senior Center. Continue to increase enrollment and revenue for the Afterschool Enrichment program through improved marketing. Continue to improve the cooperative working relationship with the school district. Offer new classes. Market the Ceramic Center at Wilson Park and increase enrollment in ceramics classes and ceramic birthday parties. Continue to provide the Leader In Training program in and effort to enhance teens' job skills for future employment opportunities. Increase enrollment at the Teen Center by promoting new events and programs. Outreach at the schools to promote the Teen program. Provide summer excursions and special events for the teen population. Update McClellan Ranch Trail Guide to reflect changes in the corridor and develop informational signage at the park to provide park visitors with an understanding and appreciation of the park features. Continue to offer school group tours, fee-based nature classes and reinstitute the drop-in Saturday programs at the Nature Museum. Evaluate division programs and improve as needed to maintain adequate revenue and excellent service. 185 YOUTH AND TEEN PROGRAMS MC CLELLAN RANCH PARK 6300 PARKS AND RECREATION Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation Materials Contract Services Capital Outlay Cost Allocation 687,004 681,044 816,576 877,495 105,736 91,713 165,560 145,460 236,520 264,357 637,000 691,070 0 0 0 194,000 7,945 8,393 9,480 17,000 Total 1,037,205 1,045,507 1,628,616 1,925,025 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 315,195 403,337 512,615 531,688 Recreation 635,335 642,170 1,116,001 1,393,337 Total 950,530 1,045,507 1,628,616 1,925,025 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 3.35 4.88 4.88 Total 3.35 4.88 4.88 186 PARKS AND RECREATION SPORTS AND FITNESS PROGRAM OVERVIEW Operate the Cupertino Sports Center and Blackberry Farm Golf Course as enterprise facilities. Manage the Monta Vista Recreation Center and Creekside Park building. The Sports and Fitness Division includes a diverse physical recreation program for all ages including sports leagues, camps, clinics, drop-in activities, and special events. Aquatic lessons, golf, and specialty classes are offered seasonally. This division will generate approximately $3,157,860 in user fees. The cost recovery is approximately 99%. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Manage the Cupertino Sports Center, Blackberry Farm Golf Course, Monta Vista Recreation Center, Creekside Park Building and eight school sites and various City fields. Work with Public Works staff to design for enhanced tennis court lighting, and amulti-use sport court at the Sports Center. Renovate the Memorial Park softball field. Inventory improvements needed at Blackberry Farm Golf Course. Offer a summer learn to swim and recreational swim program at a high school site. Manage the Bib Bunny Fun Run. Facilitate the adult softball program, accommodating 1,000 participants. Continue the successful operation of ongoing programs. Improve the golf lesson program and retail pro shop at Blackberry Farm Golf Course. Replace the front counter in the Blackberry Farm pro shop. 187 SPORTS & FITNESS/BLACKBERRY FARM GOLF COURSE/MONTA VISTA REC CENTER CREEKSIDE PARK BUILDING 6400 PARKS AND RECREATION Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation Materials Contract Services Capital Outlay Cost Allocation 653,137 653,137 794,711 830,396 116,731 116,731 200,916 201,739 1,838,316 1,838,316 2,149,800 2,181,630 0 0 15,000 23,000 30,399 30,399 29,720 39,250 Total 2,638,583 2,638,583 3,190,147 3,276,015 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General Recreation Sports Center Blackberry Farm Golf Course 242,477 240,054 277,113 280,841 732,074 749,430 905,222 942,902 1,205,173 1,438,158 1,440,819 1,474,174 458,859 453,183 566,993 578,098 Total 2,638,583 2,880,825 3,190,147 3,276,015 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 6.00 Total 5.50 6.00 5.50 6.00 188 6.00 PARKS AND RECREATION SENIOR PROGRAMS/STEVENS CREEK TRAIL/BLUE PHEASANT PROGRAM OVERVIEW Create a welcoming environment at the Senior Center for everyone 50 years and older. Enhance a healthy lifestyle through quality education, recreation, travel, socials and volunteer opportunities. Cupertino residents use the facility for room rentals on weekends when the Senior Center is not being used for classes and programs. The Senior Center program will generate user fees of approximately $500,000 from trips, memberships, classes, rentals and social events. Council on Aging of Santa Clara County provides an annual grant of $20,000 from the Older Americans Act to fund the case management program. Senior Center members support programs and services and give over 12,000 hours of volunteer service annually. The proposed Stevens Creek Trail is a fully accessible path compatible to its natural setting that will accommodate a variety of trail uses. The trail begins at McClellan Road, continues through McClellan Ranch Park and Blackberry Farm. Trail patrol is managed in this division. The Blue Pheasant property is a 6,800 square foot leased restaurant. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Plan for Stocklmeir orchard and house restoration, and interpretation. Prepare grant submittals for Reach C of Stevens Creek Trail. Assess the Senior Center volunteer program through a taskforce comprised of six Senior Center volunteers and staff. Develop a volunteer recruitment campaign for the Senior Center. 189 SENIOR CENTER PROGRAMS STEVENS CREEK TRAIL/BLUE PHEASANT 6500 PARKS AND RECREATION Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation Materials Contract Services Cost Allocation Total General Senior Center Blackberry Blue Pheasant 629,672 633,961 690,576 735,316 462,338 654,728 531,100 631,635 16,802 7,905 29,000 38,225 47,353 55,330 35,880 43,170 1,156,165 1,3 51,924 1,286,556 1,448,346 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted 559,841 1,351,924 1,286,556 1,448,346 588,819 0 0 0 7,505 0 0 0 Total 1,156,165 1,351,924 1,286,556 1,448,346 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 7.69 7.39 7.39 Total 7.69 7.39 7.39 190 PARKS AND RECREATION BLACKBERRY FARM PROGRAM OVERVIEW This 33-acre recreational facility is currently closed. The City is working on the Stevens Creek Restoration Project which affects the grounds of Blackberry Farm. Highlights of the completed project include: anew Blackberry Farm community park, park/picnic upgrades, remodeled pool and catering station, and a fully accessible trail between Blackberry Farm and McClellan Ranch. The project is expected to be completed in the spring of 2009. The nine-hole golf course remains open during the restoration project. Funding for prior fiscal years reflects the history of the Retreat Center and Administration. 191 BLACKBERRY FARM NATURE PROGRAM 6600 PARKS AND RECREATION Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Employee Compensation 150,937 141,655 0 0 Materials 7,740 13,950 0 0 Contract Services 240 500 0 0 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 Cost Allocation 7,280 4,200 0 0 Total 166,197 160,305 0 0 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Blackberry Farm 166,197 160,305 0 0 Total 166,197 160,305 0 0 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 5.98 2.00 1.00 Total 5.98 2.00 1.00 192 NOTES 193 o~~un Z eve o ~ en ~ Community Development (23.78) Administration Housing Services Building Planning Economic Dev. (1.39) (0.79) (11.90) (7.78) (1.92) 194 PERFORMANCE MEASURES Description ~ Goal Accomplishment Planning Applications 207 157 Building Permit Applications 2,302 2,254 Building Inspections 24,423 19,358 Improve satisfaction rating for the City's efforts 1.0 .44 in Economic Development Percent of public rating Cupertino shopping 60% New for 08/09 environment better than competing shopping areas Percent of public rating importance of creating 60% 65.7% a downtown or main street feeling Percent of major stakeholders rating Economic 90% New for 08/09 Development function as "very good" 195 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Expenditures by Division 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Actual Actual Adopted PLANNING 7200 PLANNING ADMINISTRATION CURRENT PLANNING 7301 CURRENT PLANNING 7302 MID AND LONG RANGE PLANNING 7304 VALLCO REDEVELOPMENT 7305 ANNEXATIONS 7306 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 7307 NORTH VALLCO STUDY HOUSING SERVICES 7401 CDBG GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 7402 REHAB LOAN ADMINISTRATION 7403 AFFORDABLE HOUSING 7404 PUBLIC SERVICE GRANTS 7405 BMR HOUSING 7406 HUMAN SERVICE GRANTS BUILDING 7501 GENERAL BUILDING 7502 CONSTRUCTION PLAN CHECKING 7503 BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT 7504 BUILDING ABATEMENTS TOTAL 209,148 209,148 194,606 211,184 194,606 211,184 265,068 265,068 692,041 714,745 898,813 957,581 259,778 224,566 415,936 309,905 67,114 93,190 219,135 230,666 0 7,000 10,000 10,000 5,628 26,669 130,381 242,276 0 100,453 0 0 1,024,561 1,166,623 1,674,265 1,750,428 88,458 76,817 77,170 85,997 411,636 177 500 200 592,967 50,153 243,404 254,147 70,564 62,193 66,024 64,493 191,379 144,961 128,638 295,624 39,790 41,267 40,092 40,092 1,394,794 375,568 555,828 740,553 483,573 488,586 688,646 725,281 1,502,761 1,199,100 725,631 890,773 434,972 541,846 668,189 724,599 17,425 1,200 25,000 25,000 2,438,731 2,230,732 2,107,466 2,365,653 5,067,234 3,967,529 4,548,743 5,121,702 2008-09 196 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM OVERVIEW Efficiently manage the daily operations of the Community Development Department. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Development of systems to implement General Plan program policies and test their effectiveness. Ensure that the General Plan and Economic Development plan are coordinated. Conduct an effective Building Plan Check, Inspection Program, and Housing Code Enforcement Program to ensure that buildings are constructed based upon approved codes and that they are safe and well maintained. Continue to utilize specialized training programs to develop a highly motivated and technically competent staff. Planners are encouraged to attend at least one UC extension course or equivalent course regarding professional planning topics. The building inspectors will continue to participate in the certificate program offered by the International Conference of Building Officials. Continue to streamline the internal application processing system and public review process. Continue efforts to create a more effective records management system and land use data system using GIS. 197 ADMINISTRATION 7200 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation 191,408 177,619 184,074 197,918 Materials 4,997 4,880 9,700 9,700 Contract Services 3,093 2,597 11,000 46,000 Cost Allocation 9,650 9,510 6,410 11,450 Total 209,148 194,606 211,184 265,068 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 209,148 194,606 211,184 265,068 Total 209,148 194,606 211,184 265,068 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 1.39 1.39 1.39 Total 1.39 1.39 1.39 198 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING PROGRAM OVERVIEW Provide efficient and responsive professional planning services to the community and implement city development policies, programs, and regulations. The Mid and Long Range program examines the General Plan to ensure that it reflects community values, prepares new and updated ordinances, prepares and interprets development policy and works with several special purpose agencies to address issues of regional concern such as transportation and air quality. The Current Planning program provides technical processing of applications for land development, including environmental assessment, architectural and landscaping review, and commercial sign requests. The Economic Development Committee is also covered in this division. The committee is responsible for the identification and implementation of programs specifically targeted to business retention, expansion and attraction. A detailed workplan is adopted each year to ensure high priority of this program. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Provide timely and complete technical processing of approximately 125 applications for discretionary land use entitlements and 30 code enforcement actions. Check approximately 400 building permit plan sets for compliance with zoning requirements within the time limits set by Planning Division policy. Implement Housing programs: housing development; BMR & MCC programs, particularly for public employees, teachers; housing advocacy program. Maintain a parcel database, a project database, develop a Geographic Information System and provide planning resources on Cupertino's web page. Enhance the business environment and economic climate while maintaining a healthy balance with residential concerns. Improve pubic awareness and promote education of community interdependence. Enhance and promote a strong local economy to provide municipal services that business and residents desire and need to maintain the community's quality of life. 199 PLANNING 7300 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation Materials Contract Services Cost Allocation 856,517 893,724 1,216,425 1,355,468 76,513 42,423 54,800 77,100 62,831 199,476 354,000 261,000 28,700 31,000 49,040 56,860 Total 1,024,561 1,166,623 1,674,265 1,750,428 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 957,447 1,073,433 1,455,130 1,519,762 Redevelopment Agency 67,114 93,190 219,135 230,666 Total 1,024,561 1,166,623 1,674,265 1,750,428 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 7.76 8.28 7.78 Total 7.76 8.28 7.78 200 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT HOUSING SERVICES PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Housing Services Division manages the City's housing programs and related services for residents of very low to moderate income. The Division's primary goals are (1) to encourage a balanced community by improving the local availability of affordable housing opportunities and (2) to maintain the existing housing stock by correcting housing deficiencies and building code violations in existing homes. The Division provides loans and grants for the development of affordable housing units, the provision of housing related services, and the rehabilitation of single-family homes. The Division also conducts research and recommends innovative approaches to the financing and development of affordable housing options. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Submit approved Consolidated Plan to the federal department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This year, the federal government decreased city allocations for Community Development Block Grants (CDBG). Coordinate the Request for Proposals for CDBG funds and the Affordable Housing Fund by April 2009. Present CDBG proposals to the Housing Commission for their recommendation. Conduct public hearing in November 2008 for setting CDBG funding priorities and a second hearing in Apri12009 for final award of CDBG funds. Develop and monitor contracts with all CDBG sub-recipients on a quarterly basis. Present funding applications and coordinate meetings as needed of the Cupertino Housing Commission. Quarterly monitor housing program accounts and affordable housing loan payments and rent payments to the Affordable Housing Fund. Meet with local developers and other property owners to encourage the development of 30 affordable housing units. Monitor existing Housing Rehabilitation Program loan collections, payoffs, foreclosures and program income for $ l OO,000 loan portfolio. Provide Mortgage Credit Certificate funding in the amount of $100,000 (4 MCC's). Work with school district to develop teacher housing assistance program. 201 HOUSING SERVICES 7400 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation 104,071 94,175 97,485 108,462 Materials 1,158,920 188,863 387,751 491,099 Contract Services 131,803 92,530 70,592 140,992 Total 1,394,794 375,568 555,828 740,553 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 39,790 41,267 40,092 40,092 Housing 1,355,004 334,301 515,736 700,461 Total 1,394,794 375,568 555,828 740,553 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 0.81 0.79 0.79 Total 0.81 0.79 0.79 202 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING PROGRAM OVERVIEW Safeguard the health, safety and welfare of residents, workers and visitors to Cupertino by effective administration and enforcement of adopted codes and ordinances, which regulate the design, construction, use, occupancy, location and maintenance of all buildings and structures. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Provide a friendly, efficient department that assists customers in meeting their deadlines and objectives. Increase the knowledge of staff through in-house training, meetings, and seminars. Provide useful and informative data on the City's website. 203 BUILDING 7500 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation Materials Contract Services Cost Allocation 870,335 987,124 1,357,256 1,437,273 20,693 20,537 38,050 31,700 1,501,522 1,166,001 597,800 742,300 46,181 57,070 114,360 154,380 Total 2,438,731 2,230,732 2,107,466 2,365,653 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 2,438,731 2,230,732 2,107,466 2,365,653 Total 2,438,731 2,230,732 2,107,466 2,365,653 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 11.90 11.90 11.90 Total 11.90 11.90 11.90 204 NOTES 205 • u is o~ s Public Works (72.30) Administration Transportation Service Center Environmental Engineering (3.35) (4.23) (2.20) Mgmt. (3.15) (6.72) Facility Ground Street General Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Services (7.90) (18.30) (21.90) (4.55) 206 PERFORMANCE MEASURES Description Goal Accomplishment Street Sweeping Street Maintenance Sidewalk Repair/Maintenance Graffiti Cleanup Streetlights Maintenance 696 Curb Miles/Month W/in 24 Hours of Call Emergencies: 24 Hours 48 Hours of Call 5 Days of Call 696 Curb Miles/Month W/in 24 Hours of Call Within 24 Hours 48 Hours of Call 5 Days of Call 207 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 8001 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 8005 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS 8003 RESOURCE RECOVERY 8004 NON POINT SOURCE ENGINEERING SERVICES 8101 ENGINEERING DESIGN 8102 INSPECTION SERVICE SERVICE CENTER 8201 ADMINISTRATION GROUNDS 8302 MCCLELLAN RANCH PARK 8303 MEMORIAL PARK 8304 CITY CENTER PARK 8312 SCHOOL SITE MAINTENANCE 8314 NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS 8315 SPORTS FIELD JOLLYMAN/CREEKSIDE 8321 CIVIC CENTER MAINTENANCE 2008-09 492,995 456,117 510,286 543,611 143,661 153,772 144,057 161,622 636,656 609,889 654,343 705,233 2,101,198 2,168,848 2,707,652 2,467,143 379,048 339,524 410,749 441,131 2,480,246 2,508,372 3,118,401 2,908,274 637,984 127,066 659,570 127,844 826,313 133,964 939,144 141,708 765,050 787,414 960,277 1,080,852 853,997 856,327 854,778 880,012 853,997 856,327 854,778 880,012 39,481 38,686 44,551 56,661 527,563 522,403 518,506 548,013 -112 0 0 0 469,349 479,988 654,619 601,945 840,081 873,473 924,621 1,024,680 405,880 505,891 386,601 520,254 125,577 165,697 143,149 157,163 2,407,819 2,586,138 2,672,047 2,908,716 Expenditures by Division 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Actual Actual Adopted 208 Expenditures by Division STREETS 8402 STREET CLEANING 8403 SIDEWALK CURB AND GUTTER 8404 STREET PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE 8405 STREET SIGNS MARKINGS 8406 GRAFFITI REMOVAL 8407 OVERPASSES AND MEDIANS 8408 STREET TREE MAINTENANCE 8409 ELMWOOD PROGRAM FACILITIES 8501 BUILDING MAINTENANCE CITY HALL 8502 LIBRARY 8503 SERVICE CENTER 8504 QUINLAN COMMUNITY CENTER 8505 SENIOR CENTER 8506 MC CLELLAN RANCH 8507 MONTA VISTA 8508 WILSON 8509 PORTAL 8510 CUPERTINO SPORTS CENTER 8511 CREEKSIDE PARK 8512 COMMUNITY HALL MAINTENANCE 8513 TEEN CENTER BLDG MAINTENANCE TRANSPORTATION 8601 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 8602 TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND MAINTENANCE 8603 TRAFFIC SAFETY STUDY 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted 73,290 41,130 81,181 84,747 275,888 172,016 157,459 167,681 233,640 237,997 197,557 203,531 389,416 415,181 387,341 452,346 49,768 44,489 55,293 57,764 603,898 579,303 679,436 793,958 524,004 581,888 820,579 735,501 248,124 258,785 302,755 276,345 2,398,028 2,330,789 2,681,601 2,771,873 386,077 490,183 575,040 502,746 212,972 240,213 236,943 274,355 262,086 314,647 268,886 327,749 318,662 325,112 334,267 431,458 133,333 144,491 170,008 197,555 47,632 59,297 64,690 65,088 90,475 89,797 122,196 136,688 24,800 17,695 37,672 27,714 23,666 22,804 49,830 31,366 186,396 185,680 215,922 231,527 48,473 51,867 62,912 66,351 121,580 133,524 126,945 146,751 22,915 25,218 27,357 26,051 1,879,067 2,100,528 2,292,668 2,465,399 274,704 406,822 489,713 454,177 379,544 426,200 455,269 568,593 0 0 300,000 30,000 654,248 833,022 1,244,982 1,052,770 209 Expenditures by Division 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted GENERAL SERVICES 8830 STREET LIGHTING 8840 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE FIXED ASSETS ACQUISITION 9820 FIXED ASSETS ACQUISITION 429,368 529,396 485,826 478,955 859,440 809,519 899,474 1,034,060 1,288,808 1,338,915 1,385,300 1,513,015 27,626 10,000 349,000 613,000 27,626 10,000 349,000 613,000 TOTAL 13,391,545 13,961,394 16,213,397 16,879,144 210 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM OVERVIEW Administers the different divisions within the Public Works Department -- Engineering, Environmental Programs, Transportation, Facilities, General Services, Grounds, and Streets. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Carry out the responsibilities of the Public Works Department in the most efficient and productive manner by continuously assessing current programs. Provide response within 24 hours to the community on complaints and request for services. Represent the City on county and regional issues such as congestion management. 211 ADMINISTRATION 8000 PUBLIC WORKS Employee Compensation Materials Contract Services Cost Allocation Total 636,656 609,889 654,343 705,233 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted 498,316 461,447 497,823 539,283 51,838 60,510 63,100 70,100 72,552 75,092 80,500 80,500 l 3,950 12,840 12,920 15,350 General 636,656 609,889 654,343 Total 636,656 609,889 654,343 705,233 705,233 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 3.23 3.23 3.35 Total 3.23 3.23 3.35 212 PUBLIC WORKS ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Environmental Programs Division manages the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund, Urban Runoff Program Fund and the Environmental Management activity. The Division provides contract management, program development and implementation and public education and information as they relate to solid waste, recycling, household hazardous waste, and urban runoff pollution prevention. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Comply with State AB939 requirements to divert 50% solid waste to the landfill by the year 2000, and maintain 50% diversion by implementing source reduction, recycling and composting programs. Provide contract oversight for solid waste and recyclables collection and hauling, yard waste processing, compost hauling, solid waste disposal and household hazardous waste collection. Comply with Regional Water Quality Control Board permit requirements with regard to urban runoff pollution prevention. Coordinate urban runoff pollution prevention activities (street sweeping, catch basin cleaning, new development and construction best management practices) with other departments and divisions (e.g. Planning, Building, Engineering, Public Works Service Center). Represent the City on county and regional issues such as solid waste, urban runoff pollution prevention and household hazardous waste. Provide public education and information to the residents, businesses and schools regarding environmental programs. 213 ENVIRbNMENTAL PROGRAMS 8003-8004 PUBLIC WORKS Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation Materials Contract Services Capital Outlay Cost Allocation 290,720 .230,538 349,251 381,004 58,945 26,476 26,800 30,600 2,110,370 2,224,986 2,691,500 2,496,000 0 0 50,000 0 20,211 26,372 850 670 - Total 2,480,246 2,508,372 3,118,401 2,908,274 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Resource Recovery 2.,101,198 2,168,848 2,707,652 2,467,143 Non Point Source 379,048 339,524 410,749 441,131 Total 2,480,246 2,508,372 3,118,401 2,908,274 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 3.02 3.02 3.15 Total 3.02 3.02 3.15 214 PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING SERVICES PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Engineering Division provides design and construction administration for all capital improvement programs including streets, buildings, parks, utilities, and pavement maintenance. The Division reviews plans for all private developments including residential, commercial and industrial to ensure conformance with City standards. Inspection services ensure compliance with city standards on all public and private projects. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Respond to public inquiries or complaints in a timely manner. Ensure that all public improvements are constructed in accordance with City standards. Place safety of the general public, City employees and workers as the highest priority on construction sites. Minimization of injury accidents and prevention of fatalities is safety goal. Maintain infrastructure at the least possible cost by selecting the program to yield the best benefit/cost ratio. Continue to expand GIS system. 215 ENGINEERING SERVICES 8100 PUBLIC WORKS Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation 684,753 669,184 695,037 911,512 Materials 18,958 13,576 21,000 21,000 Contract Services 29,509 52,293 208,400 107,400 Capital Outlay 0 16,861 0 0 Cost Allocation 31,830 35,500 35,840 40,940 Total 765,050 787,414 960,277 1,080,852 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 765,050 787,414 960,277 1,080,852 Total 765,050 787,414 960,277 1,080,852 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 5.68 5.68 6.72 Total 5.68 5.68 6.72 216 PUBLIC WORKS SERVICE CENTER PROGRAM OVERVIEW Administer the operations of the public works field operations including streets, facilities, and grounds divisions, and provides administration for the service center and clerical support. Costs related to non-specific activity functions; such as, sick leave, holiday, vacation, other leaves, travel time, contract administration for school crossing guards, and equipment operating cost are recorded to this cost center. ERVICE OBJECTIVIE Maintain all records and inventory for trees, sidewalk repair, striping and legends, street signs, vehicle and equipment, and streetlights. Maintain records of all complaints and requests for services by tracking responses through computer programs. Maintain productivity units of measure for each task performed by employee and activity center. Administer the Elmwood work furlough program to assist in daily cleanup tasks in the city. 217 SERVICE CENTER 8200 PUBLIC WORKS Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation Materials Contract Services Cost Allocation 365,643 366,359 346,918 348,492 54,348 46,469 64,500 62,500 137,536 144,429 147,000 154,000 296,470 299,070 296,360 315,020 Total General 853,997 856,327 854,778 880,012 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted 853,997 856,327 854,778 880,012 Total 853,997 856,327 854,778 880,012 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 2.20 2.20 2.20 Total 2.20 2.20 2.20 218 PUBLIC WORKS GROUNDS PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Grounds Division maintains 16 parks and landscape areas consisting of approximately 122 acres of community and neighborhood facilities. The park sites include Memorial, Linda Vista, McClellan, Monta Vista, Portal, Somerset, Varian, Wilson, Jollyman, Three Oaks, Hoover, Canyon Oak, Little Rancho, Creekside. Library Field and Civic Center Plaza. The City also maintains school sites for recreational activities at Hyde, Eaton, Lincoln, Regnart, Faria, Stevens Creek, Garden Gate, and Kennedy schools consisting of approximately 52 acres. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Daily Tasks: restroom maintenance, equipment repair, general cleanup, debris, and graffiti removal. Goal to minimize complaints to less than two per month. Weekly Tasks: mowing, edging, maintenance of play equipment and park accessories. Maintenance of tennis courts, where available. Quarterly Tasks: landscape maintenance, aerating, fertilizing, weeding, etc. Semi-Annual Tasks: pruning and spraying trees and shrubs, and as needed, sprinkler repair, replacement of planting material, tennis court nets, etc. Maintain school sites for recreational activities for Eaton, Regnart, Faria, Stevens Creek, Hyde, Garden Gate, Kennedy, and Lincoln (approximately 52 acres). Utilize Elmwood work furlough program to assist in weekend and weekday cleanup programs. This is equal to approximately three (3) full time maintenance workers. Contract restroom cleaning at the following park sites: Linda Vista, Monta Vista, Portal, Wilson, McClellan Ranch, Memorial, Jollyman, and Creekside Parks. 219 GROUNDS 8300 PUBLIC WORKS Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation Materials Contract Services Capital Outlay Cost Allocation 1,412,864 1,500,386 1,608,772 1,722,921 544,813 593,235 575,225 583,525 130,598 127,142 200,500 165,500 153,354 172,055 71,000 178,100 166,190 193,320 216,550 258,670 Total 2,407,819 2,586,138 2,672,047 2,908,716 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 2,407,819 2,586,138 2,672,047 2,908,716 Total 2,407,819 2,586,138 2,672,047 2,908,716 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 18.40 18.15 18.30 Total 18.40 18.15 18.30 220 PUBLIC WORKS STREETS PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Streets Division maintains all street rights-of--way pavement, including curb, gutter, sidewalks, street signs and markings, and storm drain system. Administers the street-cleaning program. The division maintains another 31.54 developed acres of median and overpasses, 21.69 undeveloped acres, and approximately 13,000 street trees within the park strip. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Provide high-level maintenance of city's infrastructure to protect the City's investment. Continue annual street maintenance program consisting of slurry sealing and improving the structural integrity by adding asphalt overlays to existing facilities. The City utilizes an up-to- date computerized pavement management program that assists in developing priorities and providing future planning for scheduling road improvements and maintaining all the streets in the community. Cleanup of storm drain inlets and respond to citizen requests immediately. Perform mainline cleaning contractual arrangements. The City pays San Jose a fee for use of San Jose's facilities in the area that was de-annexed from San Jose and annexed to Cupertino. Perform street cleaning every two weeks in residential areas and every week in the commercial and industrial areas. The City presently has approximately 696 curb miles that are swept each month. Annual maintenance of sidewalks, curbs, and gutters through contractual service. Respond within 24 hours for emergency or temporary repair to alleviate hazardous conditions. Perform maintenance of all streets, traffic signs and markings within 24 hours to minimize liability. Repaint markings and legends once a year prior to the beginning of the school year and centerline striping as needed. Maintenance of street trees: staff performs watering, spraying, staking, pruning, and fertilizing in the commercial areas. Contract for major tree maintenance. Administer and schedule the weekday and weekend Elmwood work furlough program. Maintenance of landscaping medians strips, trails, landscape roadsides and public right of ways: Staff performs maintenance of irrigation systems, weed control, pruning and fertilizing of plant material in these areas. Pond Maintenance. Respond within 48 hours to cleanup of graffiti on city property. 221 STREETS 8400 PUBLIC WORKS Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation Materials Contract Services Capital Outlay Cost Allocation 1,653,525 1,669,342 1,956,721 2,009,183 348,020 383,733 402,950 381,700 146,596 36,380 13,500 12,500 3,617 21,184 40,000 12,000 246,270 220,150 268,430 356,490 Total 2,398,028 2,330,789 2,681,601 2,771,873 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Gas Tax 898,944 825,194 742,357 823,558 General Fund 1,499,084 1,505,595 1,939,244 1,948,315 Total 2,398,028 2,330,789 2,681,601 2,771,873 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 22.45 22.20 21.90 Total 22.45 22.20 21.90 222 PUBLIC WORKS FACILITIES PROGRAM OVERVIEW Provides maintenance and mechanical services to all public buildings. These include 13 City- owned buildings and nine single standing restroom facilities. Administers the janitorial contract, alarm system, and the maintenance of building equipment at all City facilities and special projects. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Maintain City buildings and installations to reflect community pride by responding to citizen requests within 24 hours. Strive for safe and clean working environment for the public and employees and reduce complaints to less than 24 requests per year. Maintain City communication system and telephone system. 223 FACILITIES 8500 PUBLIC WORKS Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation Materials Contract Services Capital Outlay Cost Allocation 726,376 749,800 766,144 785,249 580,651 588,424 684,650 690,650 420,896 513,518 542,700 573,300 65,844 166,216 226,054 308,500 85,300 82,570 73,120 107,700 Total 1,879,067 2,100,528 2,292,668 2,465,399 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 1,692,671 1,914,848 2,076,746 2,233,872 Sports Center 186,396 185,680 215,922 231,527 Total 1,879,067 2,100,528 2,292,668 2,465,399 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 7.60 7.50 7.90 Total 7.60 7.50 7.90 224 PUBLIC WORKS TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Transportation Division develops plans, specifications and estimates for the installation, operation and maintenance of the traffic signals, the traffic signal interconnects, traffic signs, pavement markings, and design standards. The Division assists in the preparation of the General Plan, street plan lines and capital improvement program related to street improvements. Staff, with support of consultants, is designing and building capital improvements projects for the transportation system. For traffic signals, they have implemented the adaptive traffic signals control system, and are continuing to implement Silicon Valley Smart Corridor. For bicycle and pedestrian facilities, they have been instrumental in implementing the Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Ensure the efficiency and safety of the street system through continual observation of traffic signals and other traffic control devices. Review traffic collision reports periodically, traffic flow patterns annually, intersection levels of service annually, and neighborhood traffic issues as needed. Cooperate with neighboring jurisdictions on mutual issues that affect both traffic safety and traffic efficiency at city boundaries. Continue training personnel in traffic engineering by encouraging attendance at classes and seminars at least once a year. Maintain the level of service on the traffic control systems by monitoring traffic volumes at least once per year and updating the traffic signal timing patterns more frequently. 225 TRANSPORTATION 8600 PUBLIC WORKS Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Employee Compensation 402,929 530,147 556,042 591,640 Materials 63,762 56,692 73,500 72,500 Contract Services 117,462 178,013 554,500 271,500 Capital Outlay 15,485 0 0 0 Cost Allocation 54,610 68,170 60,940 87,130 Total 654,248 833,022 1,244,982 1,022,770 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General 654,248 833,022 1,244,982 1,022,770 Total 654,248 833,022 1,244,982 1,022,770 Full-time Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted 4.35 4.75 4.23 Total 4.35 4.75 4.23 226 PUBLIC WORKS GENERAL SERVICES PROGRAM OVERVIEW Provides maintenance and service to all vehicles (92), rolling stock (51), trailers (18), riding mowers (12), and all power equipment (221). Maintains (3301) City-owned streetlights, parking lot lights, and park lights. Responsible for inspections of all new street light installations. Responsible for handling of hazardous waste and materials and responding to non-point source spills. Maintains above and below ground fuel tanks. Maintains the complete Service Center yard maintenance. Perform fabrication, welding and repair of metal parts and equipment for City vehicles, apparatus, structures and facilities. Respond to USA underground locates, and mark City owned utilities. Responsible for writing specifications and bidding process of major purchases of trucks, tractors, and other equipment; also administration of street sweeping and storm drain contracts. Responsible for all hazardous waste records, manifests, and reports, as well as all Service Center employee training and training records as required by OSHA. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Maintain the City streetlight system for a safe environment and respond to outages within five working days of first notice. Maintain City vehicles and equipment for general maintenance and safety. Maintain City Park and parking lot lights for a safe environment. Strive for a safe and clean working environment for the public and employees at the Service Center Maintenance yard. Repair vandalized, broken and worn metal equipment for safety. 227 GENERAL SERVICES 8800 PUBLIC WORKS Employee Compensation Materials Contract Services Capital Outlay Cost Allocation Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted 430,543 455,957 464,700 506,189 447,338 487,929 488,000 499,000 90,791 80,114 91,000 86,000 64,855 108,470 117,000 163,000 255,281 206,445 224,600 258,826 Total 1,288,808 1,338,915 1,385,300 1,513,015 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General Equipment Maintainence 429,368 859,440 529,396 809,519 485,826 899,474 478,955 1,034,060 Total 1,288,808 1,338,915 1,385,300 1,513,015 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 4.20 4.40 4.55 Total 4.20 4.40 4.55 228 PUBLIC WORKS FIXED ASSETS ACQUISITION PROGRAM OVERVIEW The purchase of equipment having a value greater than $5,000, expected life of more than one year, and used for general government purposes is financed from this budget. Equipment users are charged for the use of these assets through a depreciation schedule. Equipment used by Special Revenue and Enterprise funds are charged to the respective funds. SERVICE OBJECTIVES Obtain quality equipment through competitive bidding and pursue the purchase of energy efficient vehicles whenever possible. CAPITAL OUTLAY Replacement Fund Purchase All Prices include safety light bar, tool racks, truck bed inserts, and two-way radios. Vehicle # Description Amount 24 1998 1 Ton Cargo Van $30,000 O1 1997 1 Ton Pickup 23,500 72 1995 Van (Replace with Hybrid) 26,500 87 1195 Truck (Replace with Hybrid) 26,500 22 1998 Truck (Replace with Hybrid) 26,500 20 1998 1 Ton Flat Bed 30,000 57 Traffic Truck Bucket 123,000 78 1998 Service Body 1 Ton P/LT 25,000 18 3/4 Ton P/U 21,000 17 3/4 Ton P/U 21,000 63 3/4 Ton P/U 21,000 Replacement Eauipment # 108 Airless Paint Street Striper $150,000 Radio's and Equipment Change Out 44,000 3 Base Stations 1200 each 50 Portables 800 each New Equipment RP Trailer and Crane $15,000 Forklift for Traffic 30,000 Total Fixed Assets: $613,000 229 FIXED ASSETS ACQUISITION 9820 PUBLIC WORKS Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Capital Outlay 27,626 298,000 349,000 613,000 Total 27,626 298,000 349,000 613,000 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Equipment Maintenance 27,626 298,000 349,000 613,000 Total 27,626 298,000 349,000 613,000 Personnel Summary 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Adopted Proposed Full-time 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 230 NOTES 231 Non- Departmental 232 NOTES 233 NON-DEPARTMENTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS 0100 TRANSFERS OUT GENERAL FUND STORM DRAIN FUND PARK DEDICATION FUND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT RESERVE RESOURCE RECOVERY RECREATION PROGRAMS SPORTS CENTER SENIOR CENTER DEBT SERVICE 5301 PUBLIC FACILITIES CORPORATION 5306 TRAFFIC IMPACT 5304 VALLCO ASSESSMENT DISTRICT TOTAL Expenditures by Division 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted 7,917,000 10,989,000 15,648,000 7,100,000 0 0 95,000 25,000 657,000 500,000 0 0 0 0 275,000 0 0 0 330,000 70,000 0 0 0 1,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 0 200,000 0 0 0 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 125,000 0 9,374,000 11,989,000 16,973,000 7,196,000 3,532,913 3,534,588 3,538,063 3,536,994 38,237 36,363 39,000 37,000 0 120,000 0 0 3,571,150 3,690,951 3,577,063 3,573,994 12,945,150 15,679,951 20,550,063 10,769,994 234 NON-DEPARTMENTAL INTERFUND TRANSFERS PROGRAM OVERVIEW Interfund transfers represent transfers of monies between various funds. These transfers provide additional resources to the receiving fund to support operating and capital project costs. For the 2008-09 fiscal year, budget activity accounts have been established for the following transfers: 1. Funding from the General Fund to the Debt Service Fund in the amount of $3,537,000 which provides for the annual payment of the Certificates of Participation for the City Hall/Library remodel, Wilson Park, Memorial Park, Open Space acquisitions, the new library and the new animal control facility. 2. Funding from the General Fund to the Retiree Medical Fund in the amount of $1,946,000 to provide for current and future retiree medical obligations. 3. Funding from the General Fund to the Transportation Fund in the amount of $750,000 to maintain City streets. 4. Funding from the General Fund to the Compensated Absence Fund in the amount of $400,000 for funding employee retirement and accumulated leave payouts. 5. Funding from the General Fund to the Information Technology Fund in the amount of $322,000 to enhance community programming, online permitting, work productivity, and the graphic capabilities of zoning and planning. 6. Funding from the General Fund to the infrastructure reserve in the amount of $100,000. 7. Funding from the General Fund to the Equipment Fund in the amount of $45,000 for a forklift, trailer, and crane. 8. Transfer $25,000 from the Storm Drain Fund to the Transportation Fund for the Bollinger Road/Calabazas Creek Bridge widening project. 9. Move $70,000 in project savings from the Capital Improvement Fund to the General Fund in order to fund Monday library hours. 10. Use $1,000 in Capital Reserves to pay for new projects in the Capital Improvement Fund. 235 INTERFUND TRANSFERS 0100 INTERFUND TRANSFERS Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Transfers Out 9,374,000 11,989,000 16,973,000 7,196,000 Total 9,374,000 11,989,000 16,973,000 7,196,000 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted General Storm Drain Park Dedication Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Capital Improvement Reserves Resource Recovery Recreation Programs Sports Center . Senior Center 7,917,000 10,989,000 15,648,000 7,100,000 0 0 95,000 25,000 657,000 500,000 0 0 0 0 275,000 0 0 0 330,000 70,000 0 0 0 1,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 0 200,000 0 0 0 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 125,000 0 Total 9,374,000 11,989,000 16,973,000 7,196,000 Personnel Summary 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 236 NON-DEPARTMENTAL DEBT SERVICE PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Debt Service Program provides for the payment of principal and interest obligations and associated administrative costs incurred with the issuance of debt instruments for the City and the Public Facilities Corporation. The budget includes funding for the following debt service payments: The Public Facilities Corporation's annual. payments of principal and interest on the City Hall/Library, Wilson/Memorial Open Space and Library Certificates of Participation (COP). In September, 2002, the City refinanced its $44 million in debt to obtain a lower interest rate and extend debt maturity. An additional $10 million was issued to ensure adequate funding of the five year Capital Improvement Program, and primarily the new library project. The majority of the borrowings occurred in early 1990 to acquire additional park real estate and expand community facilities. A breakdown of the capital acquisitions follows: • Increased 90 acres of park real estate to 190 acres, a 111 % increase; • Increased 26,031 sq ft of recreation building space to 84,460 sq ft, a 224% increase; • Specific purchases included: Blackberry Farm - $18 million, voter approved debt; Creekside Park - $12 million voter approved debt; Sports Center - $8 million; Quinlan Community Center, including park real estate - $6.1 million; Wilson Park and improvements - $5.6 million; Jollyman Park development - $1 million; City Hall renovation improvements - $1.7 million; Library renovation improvements - $1.7 million. New library/community center - $10 million. 2. The annual payment of principal and interest on outstanding special assessment bonds for Traffic Impact. The City acts as agent for the property owners of parcels upon which assessments were made for local improvements and therefore is not a guarantee or directly liable for the debt. 237 DEBT SERVICE 5301-5306 DEBT SERVICE Expenditures by Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Debt Service/Other 3,571,150 3,690,951 3,577,063 3,573,994 Total 3,571,150 3,690,951 3,577,063 3,573,994 Expenditures by Fund 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Public Facilities Corporation 3,532,912 3,534,588 3,538,063 3,536,994 Traffic Impact 38,238 36,363 39,000 37,000 Vallco Assessment District 0 120,000 0 0 Total ~ 3,571,150 3,690,951 3,577,063 3,573,994 Personnel Summary 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 Actual Actual Adopted Adopted Full-time 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 238 NOTES 239 Five Year Capital Improvements ~o ~a~ Fiscal Years 2008-09 to 2012-13 240 NOTES 241 Proposed Five Year Capital Improvement Program Current Fund Description 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 N N 9100 Parks 580-9121 Memorial Park Softball Field Renovation 9,000 250,000 580-9123 Library Field Renovation 100,000 420-9124 McClellan Ranch Facility Improvements 727,000 420-9126 Sterling Barnhart Park Design & Construction 700,000 420-9127 Lawrence & Mitty Park (Saratoga Creek) 165,000 1,700,000 420-9129 Stocklmeir Orchard Rehabilitation 28,000 24,000 New Projects Park Tennis Court Resurfacing 225,000 Wilson Park Irrigation System Renovation 150,000 Linda Vista Pond Restoration Study 30,000 Total 864,000 1,544,000 1,700,000 0 0 0 9200 Buildings 420-9229 City Hall Emergency Power/Electrical System 29,000 400,000 420-9236 Sports Center Tennis Court Lighting 250,000 420-9239 Library Book Drop Modifications 60,000 20,000 420-9240 Library Stair and Seatwall Modifications 29,500 420-9237 Quinlan Center Fountain Replacement 292,000 420-9231 Sports Center Upgrade and Pool Demo 500,000 New Projects Community Hall Fountain 25,000 400,000 Community Hall Lighting Upgrade 25,000 City Hall Office Improvements 50,000 Monta Vista Community Bldg Re-roof 405,000 Total 1,185,500 1,300,000 0 0 0 0 9400 Streets 270-9450 Pavement Management 2,524,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 270-9450 Pavement Management - STP Portion 369,000 270-9451 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Repairs 900,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 270-9452 Rancho Rinconada Street Study 100,000 New Projects 270-945x Route 85 Soundwall Repairs 30,000 270-945x Pavement Management -Prop 1 B 890,000 270-945x Pavement Management -Prop 42 530,000 Total 3,793,000 3,050,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 Proposed Five Year Capital Improvement Program Current Fund Description 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 9500 Traffic Facilities 270-9435 Neighborhood Traffic Calming Measures 420-9545 T/S Upgrade Stelling/Greenleaf 420-9549 Safe Routes to School-Garden Gate 420-9547 Countdown Ped Heads 420-9551 Lawrence Expwy./Mitty Xing (Cupertino Share) 420-9557 DeAnza/McClellan/Pacifica Signal Modification 420-9558 Various Traffic Signal/Intersection Modifications Total 9600 Storm Drainage 210-9612 Minor Storm Drain Improvements 215-9620 Monta Vista Storm Drainage Syst. 210-9612 Master Storm Drain Plan Update 270-9443 Bollinger Bike Lanes/Calabazas Cr. Bridge Total ~' Major Projects W 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge 427-9112 Stevens Creek Corridor Park (Phase I) New Projects Stevens Creek Corridor Park (Phase II) Total Total Capital Improvement Program Total Outside Revenue Share Net City General Fund Funding 55,000 50,000 442,000 15,500 50,000 50,000 75, 000 200,000 75,000 195,500 767,000 50,000 0 0 0 131,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 93,000 800,000 30,000 51,000 225,000 275,000 1,130,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 7,261,000 4,146,000 11,294,000 1,810,000 200, 000 18,555,000 5,956,000 0 200,000 0 0 24,868,000 13,747,000 3,325,000 1,775,000 1,575,000 1,575,000 14,897,348 8,934,000 2,525,000 825,000 825,000 825,000 9,970,652 4,813,000 800,000 950,000 750,000 750,000 REVENUE Proposed Five Year Capital Improvement Program Current Fund Description Funding Source 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 9100 Parks 420-9124 McClellan Ranch Facility Improvements 580-9121 Memorial Park Softball Field Renovation 420-9127 Lawrence & Mitty Park (Saratoga Creek) 580-9123 Library Field Renovation 580-91xx Park Tennis Court Resurfacing Total Land & Water, Rivers Pkwy, Park•Bond, 4H Recreation Park Dedication Recreation Recreation 295,915 250,000 1,700,000 100,000 225,000 395,915 475,000 1,700,000 0 0 0 9200 Buildings 420-9239 Library Book Drop Modifications 580-92xx Monta Vista Community Bldg Re-roof Total 9400 Streets 270-9450 Pavement Management-STP Portion 270-9451 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Repairs 270-9452 Rancho Rinconada Street Study New Projects 270-945x Route 85 Soundwall Repairs 270-945x Pavement Management 270-945x Pavement Management Total County Recreation Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transp Equity Act, A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) Gas Tax VTA Local Streets & County Roads 20,000 405,000 20,000 405,000 0 0 0 0 327,000 900,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 100,000 Gas Tax 30,000 Prop 1 B 890,000 Prop 42 530,000 1,227,000 2,300,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 9500 Traffic Facilities 270-9435 Neighborhood Traffic Calming Measures Gas Tax 420-9545 T/S Upgrade Stelling/Greenleaf SR2S 420-9549 Safe Routes to School-Garden Gate SR2S 420-9557 DeAnza/McClellan/Pacifica Signal Modification Developer Total 9600 Storm Drainage 210-9612 Minor Storm Drain Improvements 215-9620 Monta Vista Storm Drainage Syst. 210-9612 Master Storm Drain Plan Update 270-9443 Bollinger Bike Lanes/Calabazas Cr. Bridge Total Storm Drain Account Storm Drain Account Storm Drain Account Storm Drain Account & Gas Tax 55,000 45,000 394,000 200,000 100,000 594,000 0 0 0 0 131,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 93,000 800,000 30,000 51,000 225.000 275,000 1,130,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 N REVENUE Proposed Five Year Capital Improvement Program Current Fund Description Funding Source 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Major Projects 427-9112 Stevens Creek Corridor Park 427-9112 Stevens Creek Corridor Park 427-9112 Stevens Creek Corridor Park 427-9112 Stevens Creek Corridor Park 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge Total TOTAL OUTSIDE REVENUE SHARE Urban Park Act, Land&Water Conservation, 4,248,433 Roberti-Z'Berg-Harris, SCVWD FACHE Settlement, Dept. of Water Resources, SCVWD Collaborative Recreation 680,000 Park Dedication 200,000 Green Projects Fund 490,000 VTA Measure B/TFCA/TDA 6,073,807 City of Sunnyvale (General Fund &TDA) 110,000 80,000 Caltrans 304/BTA - 2003/2004 600,000 TDA (Non BEP)2004-05:$65k;2005-06:$38k 103,000 Caltrans 304/BTA - 2005/2006 300,000 TDA 06/07 42,193 TDA 07/08 32,000 VTA Measure B Augmentation 3,350,000 Gas Tax Allocation 600,000 12,879,433 4,030,000 0 0 0 0 14,897,348 8,934,000 2,525,000 825,000 825,000 825,000 N Unfunded Five Year Capital Improvement Program Current Fund Description 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 9100 Parks Rancho Rinconada Park Construction Stevens Creek Corridor Park (Phase 2) 2,000,000 3,500,000 0 0 0 5,500,000 0 0 9200 Buildings City Hall Remodel with Seismic/ADA/ Fire Code Upgrades (Essential Building) Sports Center Gymnasium 9300 Trails 3,000,000 2,500,000 0 0 3,000,000 2,500,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9500 Traffic Facilities Memorial Park Sidewalk Enhancements on SCB 150,000 Pedestrian Enhancements on Overpasses 350,000 0 0 0 0 0 500,000 9700 Storm Drainage Bubb/McClellan Storm Sewer Upgrade 750,000 2,000,000 0 0 0 0 750,000 2,000,000 Total Unfunded Projects 0 0 3,000,000 8,000,000 750,000 2,500,000 N a\ SUMMARY FINE. YEAR PRtJGRAM _ _ FIVE Y~R 08-09 09-10 ___ 1!0-1 t 11-12 12-13 TOTAL SUIIIIMARY OF FUNDING SOURCES GF=GENERAL FUND 4,813,000 800,000 950,000 750,000 750,000 8,063,000 RC=RECREATION FUND 880,000 0 0 0 0 880,000 GT=GAS TAX 1,510,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 4,510,000 EI=ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT 0 0 0 0 0 0 PD=PARK DEDICATION 0 1,700,000 0 0 0 1,700,00 SD=STORM DRAIN 1,000,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 1,300,000 RA=RESERVE ACCOUNT 0 0 0 0 0 TG=TRANSPORTATION GRANT FUND 5,344,000 0 0 0 0 5,344,000 PG=PARK GRANT 0 0 0 0 0 0 DV=DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION 200,000 0 0 0 0 200,00 SC=SPORTS CENTER 0 0 0 0 0 0 SP=SALE OF PROPERTY 0 0 0 0 0 TOTALS 13,747,000 3,325,000 1,775,000 1,575,000 1,575,000 21,997,000 SUMMARY OF PROGRAMS _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ,, PARKS 1,544,000 1,700,000 0 0 0 3,244,000 BUILDINGS 1,300,000 0 0 0 0 1,300,000 STREETS 3,050,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 9,050,000 TRAFFIC FACILITIES 767,000 50,000 0 0 0 817,000 STORM DRAIN 1,130,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 1,430,00 MAJOR PROJECTS 5,956,000 0 200,000 0 0 6,156,00 TOTALS 13,747,000 3,325,000 1,775,000 1,575,000 1,575,000 21,997,000 SUMMARY OF OPERATING: MAINTEN __ ANCE: - - _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ _.. OM=OPERATING MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 0 N J PARKS SUMMARY FIVE YEAR :PROGRAM: uNPRQGRAMMED OB=09' 09-10 fi0-1T 11-12 12-13 GURRENTDOLLARS SUMMARY OF FUNDING SC3URCES, _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ . GF=GENERAL FUND 1,069,000 RC=RECREATION FUND 475,000 GT=GAS TAX EI=ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT PD=PARK DEDICATION 1,700,000 SD=STORM DRAIN TG=TRANSPORTATION GRANT FUND PG=PARK GRANT DV=DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION SP=SALE OF PROPERTY PARKS TOTAL ~ 1,544,000 1,700,000 SUMMARYOF PROGRAMS MEMORIAL PARK SOFTBALL FIELD RENOVATE. 250,000 STERLING BARNHART PARK CONSTRUCTION 700,000 LAWRENCE 8 MITTY PARK (SARATOGA CK.) 165,000 1,700,000 STOCKLMEIR ORCHARD REHABILITATION 24,000 PARK TENNIS COURT RESURFACING 225,000 WILSON PARK IRRIGATION SYSTEM RENOVATIO 150,000 LINDA VISTA POND RESTORATION STUDY 30,000 TOTAL 1,5aa,ooo 1,700,000 SUMMARY OF QPERATING MAINTENA __ _ , _ _ __ NCE OM=OPERATING MAINTENANCE N ~A PARKS. _ __ _ ~ FIVE YEAR PRQGRAM fl8-Q9 'FD 09-141 F~ 10-11 F[) 1f-'#2 'FD 12-T3 FD tJNPRQGRAMMED !. 4URRENT DOLLAR MEMORIAL PARK SOFTBALL FIELD RENOVATION 9121 Renovation of existing softball field. Project Cost 250,000 RC STERLING BARNHART PARK CONSTRUCTION Constnidion of neighborhood Park. Total Project Cost 700,000 GF LAWRENCE 8~ MITTY PARK (Saratoga Creek) Acquire property end design and construct park at the North end of the San Thomas Aquino Saretoga Creek trail. Total ProJectCost - 165,000 GF 1,700,000 PD STOCKLMEIR ORCHARD REHABILITATION 9129 Implementation of orchard rehabilitation plan including soil prep, planting new orchard trees, vreed/pesl management and inigalion. , Total Project Cost 24,000 GF N PARKS _ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ FIVE. YEAR PROGRAM 0$-09 ;gip. 09-1p Fq: 10-t1 FC3 1i=12 ~L! 12-13 r=[? uw~~o+~~-Mnn~a GUI2R~N71~OUAFi PARK TENNIS COURT RESURFACING This project will resurtace the 6 tennis courts in Memorial Parts and 2 at " Varian Park and 2 a< Monte Vista. Total Project Cost 225,000 RC WILSON PARK IRRIGATION SYSTEM RENOVATION Renovation of existing irrigation system to keep turf in good condition. Total Project Cost 150,000 GF LINDA VISTA POND RESTORATION STUDY Study to determine the feasiability of restoring the existing pond to make operational. 30,000 GF N cn O BULLDINGS 5'UMMARY _ _ _ ___ 'FIVE YEAR. PROGRAM uNPR(JGRAMM~U 08-09 09-1t3> i0-1 f 11-12 12,'{3 CURf2ENT DOLLARS SUMMARY OF I`UNDIN~G SOUt2C~S, _ __ _ _ _ _ __ , GF=GENERAL FUND 895,000 RC=RECREATION FUND 405,000 GT=GAS TAX EI=ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT PD=PARK DEDICATION SD=STORM DRAIN RA=RESERVE ACCOUNT TG=TRANSPORTATION GRANT FUND PG=PARK GRANT DV=DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION SC=SPORTS CENTER BUILDINGS TOTAL 1,300,000 0 0 0 0 SUMMARY 4F RROGRAMS - CITY HALL EMERGENCY POWER/ELEC. SYS. 400,000 LIBRARY BOOK DROP MODIFICATIONS 20,000 COMMUNITY HALL FOUNTAIN 400,000 COMMUNITY HALL LIGHTING UPGRADES 25,000 CITY HALL OFFICE IMPROVEMENTS 50,000 MONTA VISTA COMMUNITY BLDG. RE-ROOF 405,000 TOTAL 1,300,000 0 0 0 0 SUMMARY QF OPERATING MAINTENANCE: OM=OPERATING MAINTENANCE N .--~ BUILDINGS _ FIVE YEAR PRCIGRAM 08-09 Fa QS-i~ ~D ~o-~~ FD ~1-~2 ~D i2-13 ~ uMWRQGI2AMME#3 ~uI~REN"t'DOtt.Af~S CITY HALL EMERGENCY POWER/ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 9229 Modficalions of existing building main panel to accept temporary /portable backup emergency generator. Project Cost 400,000 GF LIBRARY BOOK DROP MODIFICATIONS 9239 Installation of County owned automated book drape. (4) This is additional money to compete the watt Cost 20,000 GF COMMUNITY HALL FOUNTAIN Mod~cetion of pumps and recirculation system to comply with County Health ordinances. Project Cost 400,000 GF COMMUNITY HALL LIGHTING UPGRADE upgrade the existing rv broadcast lighting system to reduce neat and energy consumption. Project Cost 25,000 GF N c!i N BUILDINGS _ _ FIVE YEAR PROGRAM. c~e-as ~~ 09-0 ~~ ~a,, Fu ~,-,2 ~,~ ,2-,~ ~r~ uN~~r~wn cv~NTaa~:~-as CITY HALL OFFICE IMPROVEMENTS Planning DepartmenUPublic Counter mod~cationa. Project Cost 50,000 GF MONTA VISTA COMMUNITY BLDG. RE-ROOF SYSTEM This projed will re{oof the main building and the preschool building. Project Cost 405,000 RC N to STREETS: SUMMARY __ _ _ FIVE YEAR PROGRAM: uNPRO~~AnnM~n __. _ _. ._ 08-08- tf9-14 '10-11 11-12 '12-13 CWF2F3ENT gOLkA12S SUMMARY QF F!UNQ'ING SQUR~ES - __ ___ GF=GENERAL FUND 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 RC=RECREATION FUND GT=GAS TAX 780,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 EI=ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT PD=PARK DEDICATION SD=STORM DRAIN RA=RESERVE ACCOUNT TG=TRANSPORTATION GRANT FUND 1,520,000 PG=PARK GRANT DV=DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION STREETS TOTAL 3,050,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 SUMMARY C}F PR4GRANIS, __ PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK REPAIRS 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 RANCHO RINCONADA STREET STUDY 100,000 ROUTE 85 SOUNDWALL REPAIRS 30,000 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT -Prop . 1 B 890,000 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT -Prop . 42 530,000 TOTAL 3,050,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 N to :STREETS: _. _ _ FIVE YEAR PR~.?GRAM -.08-09 Fp t19-i0 ~"Cf 90-11 f=#3 11 12 :~t7 12-13 ~0! uNpao~w~nn~ca CUftI~EN~'pf~l.lAftS PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT 9450 Annual City funding of 3750,000 (maintenance of etTort). Actual PMS backlog is 51,540,000. Additional Grant Funding wilt be sough) on an annual basis for the short fall in the backlog. Project Cost 750,000 GF 750,000 GF 750,000 GF 750,000 GF 750,000 GF CURB, GUTTER AND SIDEWALK REPAIRS 9451 These funds are for the repair of curb, puller and sidewalks when they meet repair criteria. This may indude accessibility uppredes. Project Cost 750,000 GT 750,000 GT 750,000 GT 750,000 GT 750,000 GT RANCHO RINCONADA STREET STUDY VTA Local Streets and County Roads money for the neighborhood street circulation study, funded by VTA Project Cost 100,000 TG ROUTE 85 SOUNDWALL REPAIRS To install en unfinished section of existing soundwall which is the only residential soundwall pap in Rte. HS in Cupertino, the well will shield residents at the at the end of Elderwood Ct. City's request far outside funding hea not been successful to date. Project Cost 30,000 GT PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT - PROP. 1 B Currently allak:ated funds from local transportation facili-ies maintenance and improvement Proposition 1 B will be used for pavement maintenance projects in the Pavement Management Program. Project Cost 890,000 TG N to to STREETS- FIVE YEAR PROGRAM- Q8-09 FD 09-10 FD 10-11 FD 11-12 FD 12-i3 FD UNPROGRAMMED CURRENT DOLLARS PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT -PROP. 42 Proposkion 42 of gasoline sale tax allocation will be used for pavement maintenance projects in the Pavement Management Program. Project Cost 530,000 TG N to MAJQR PRC'~JEGTS _ __ _ _ - FI~/E YEAR PRfJG'F~AM UNPROGRAMMED SUMMARY 08-09 09-1E1 10-11 11-12 12-'13 ~t9RRENT DfJI.LARS '.SUMMARY OF FUNDING SOURCES GF=GENERAL FUND 1,926,000 200,000 RC=RECREATION FUND GT=GAS TAX 600,000 EI=ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT PD=PARK DEDICATION SD=STORM DRAIN RA=RESERVE ACCOUNT SC=STEVENS CREEK FUND TG=TRANSPORTATION GRANT FUND 3,430,000 PG=PARK GRANT DV=DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION SP=SALE OF PROPERTY MEDIANS AND OVERPASSES TOTAL 5,956,000 200,000 SUMMARY OF PROGRAMS STEVENS CREEK CORRIDOR PARK (PHASE 1) 1,810,000 MARY AVE. BICYCLE FOOTBRIDGE 4,146,000 STEVENS CREEK CORRIDOR PARK (PHASE II) 200,000 TOTAL 5,956,000 200,000 SUMMARY OF OPERATING MAINTENAN __ __ CE: __ __ __ _ __ OM=OPERATING MAINTENANCE N J MAJfJR PRt~JEC7S _ __ _ _ Fl'VE YEAR !PR4CRAM 08-09 FD 09-1D FD ~ 10=11 FD . 11-12 Fp _ 1 ^x:13 FD _ _ _ __ UNPEtOGRAMNIED CURRENT t30LiARS '. STEVENS CREEK CORRIDOR PARK -PHASE 1 91 12 Restoration of 2,700 L.F. of Stevens Creek in Blackberry Farm, reduced picnic area from 4,000 to 800, install muRikue freil from McClellan Ranch to Bladkbeny Farms, reconstruct park artieniliea and poH course maintenance fadlities. Cost 1,810,000 GF MARY AVE. BICYCLE FOOTBRIDGE 9449 To complete the Mary Ave. Bicyce Footbrid0e Project. 3,430,000 TG 600,000 GT 116,000 GF Cost 4,146,000 STEVENS CREEK CORRIDOR PARK PHASE II Preliminary project development for trail from Blackberry Fern to Stevens Creek Boulevard. Cost 200,000 GF N TRAFFIC FAG'I'LIT!'ES Sv'MMARY FIVE YEAR PROGRAM _ uNPR~RAMM~D 11-12 12-'!3 fl8U9 09-10' 'Ef)-'E~ CURRE,Nl'QOLLARS _ _ _ SUMMARIF OF FU'NQ[NG SOURCES _ __ GF=GENERAL FUND 173,000 50,000 RC=RECREATION FUND GT=GAS TAX EI=ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT PD=PARK DEDICATION SD=STORM DRAIN RA=RESERVE ACCOUNT TG=TRANSPORTATION GRANT FUND 394,000 PG=PARK GRANT DV=DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION 200,000 STREETS TOTAL 767,000 50,000 0 0 0 SUMMARY OF PRQIGRAMS _ . SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL-GARDEN GATE 8 SIG. 442,000 COUNTDOWN PED HEADS 50,000 50,000 VARIOUS TRAFFIC SIGNAVINTERSECTION MODS. 75,000 DeANZA BL./McCLELLAN SIGNAL MODS. 200,000 TOTAL 767,000 50,000 0 0 0 SUMMARY OF OPERATING MAINTENANCE: OM=OPERATING MAINTENANCE N TRAFFlC'FACILITIES FIVE YEAR PR~~RAM __ OS-09:FQ OB-10 FD 3Q-1i'fD 1'1-12 FD 12-13 FD uivPRO~w~nnM~D CURR~NT'DOLLARS SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL -GARDEN GATE 8 SIGNAL UPGRADE AT STEELING/GREENLEAF 9549 Install sidewalks where gaps exist on Stalling Rd., Greenleaf Dr. and on Ann Arbor Ave, to provide a safe route to Garden School. Also includes fraffic signal upgrade at StellinglCxeenleaf. This is a GreM project yet to be funded. City Share of Project Cost 48,000 GF Grant Share of Project Cost 394,000 TG Total Project Cost 442,000 COUNTDOWN PED HEADS 9547 This project is for the re-tamping of existing pad traffic signal units with LED countdown units throughart fhe City. The Countdown feature advises pedestrian time provided and/or remaining to cross the street Currently 5 intersections have been completed. 50 inleroediona remain to be completed. ,These funds will complete 20 iMereedions over 2 years. Cost 50,000 GF 50,000 GF DeANZA BLVDJMcCLELLAN SIGNAL MODS. This project would involve relocating two 55' mast arms and poles from the near aide to the far side of the intersection, and related electrical, concrete end striping work. Funding from adjacent developments. Project Cost 200,000 DV VARIOUS TRAFFIC SIGNAL/INTERSECTION MODS. This project would involve minor upgrades to various traffic signals Citywide. This project would also upgrade 4 existing lighted crosswalks Project Cost 75,000 GF N O STC1-RM DRAIN "SUMMARY _ _ _, _ _ _ ___ FIVE:.YEAR PR~GFiAM _ tlNPROGRAMMED a8-Q9 " 09-10 1a-ti 11-12 12-13 CURRENT DOLLARS` SUMMARY OF FUNQiNG SGIURC'ES __ GF=GENERAL FUND RC=RECREATION FUND GT=GAS TAX 130,000 EI=ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT PD=PARK DEDICATION SD=STORM DRAIN 1,000,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 RA=RESERVE ACCOUNT TG=TRANSPORTATION GRANT FUND PG=PARK GRANT DV=DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION STREETS TOTAL 1,130,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 SUMMARY OF'PROGRAMS MINOR STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 MONTA VISTA STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM 800,000 MASTER STROM DRAIN PLAN UPDATE 30,000 BOLLINGER BIKE LANES/CALABAZAS CR. BRIDGE 225,000 0 TOTAL 1,130,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 SUMMARY OF`~PERATING MAINTENANCE: _ _ _ _ ._ _. _ OM=OPERATING MAINTENANCE N ~-. S70RM .DRAIN. _ _ _ _ F~YE YEAR PRbGRAM ` 08-U9 fD OS-iD FD 10-11 FD 11-12 FCI ' '12-13 EQ vN>'RC~wvu-r~ep Ct1RR~NT I~LIARS MINOR STORM DRAIN IMPROVEMENTS 9612 Funding fa emergency dreinage repairs es needed in various locaticna Project Cost 75,000 SD 75,000 SD 75,000 SD 75,000 SD 75,000 SD MONTA VISTA STORM DRAINAGE SYST. 9620 Installation of atann drainage system in Monts Vista Area. Lines to be installed an Orange Avenue and 8yrna Avenue. Design and Construction 800,000 SD MASTER STORM DRAIN PLAN UPDATE The Master Storm Drein Plan was last updated in 1993, this update would evaluate fhe existing system and make recommendations, including fee updates. Cost 30,000 SD BOLLINGER BIKE LANES/CALABAZAS CR. BRIDGE 9443 City's share to widen bridge fa bicycle lanes over Calabezas Cr. at Bollinger Rd. in partnership with Santa Clara Valley Water Distrid. Project is being managed by SCVWD. 130,000 GT 95,000 SD Total Project Cost 225,000 N N UNFUNDEQ PR~J~CT~ :>.. f~V~ YEAI~.PR~G#~AM. 08 09 FD 49 10 FD .. 10-11 FD` : 11-12 FD .: : 12-18 FD: . PARKS Rancho Rinconada Park Construction 2,000,000 Stevens Creek Corridor Park (Phase 2) 3,500,000 BUILDINGS City Hall Remodel with Seismic/ADA 3,000,000 Fire Code Upgrades (Essential Building) Sports Center Gymnasium 2,500,000 TRAFFIC FACILITIES Memorial Park Sidewalk Enhancements on SCB 150,000 Pedestrian Enhancement on Overpasses 350,000 STORM DRAINAGE Bubb/McClellan Storm Sewer Upgrade 750,000 2,000,000 TRAILS UNFUNDED PROJECTS N W rnTei R~mr;FT Proposed Five Year Capital Improvement Program Current Carryover New Total Fund Description 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 9100 Parks 580-9121 Memorial Park Softball Field Renovation 420-9122 Sterling Barnhart Park Acquisition 580-9123 Library Field Renovation 420-9124 McClellan Ranch Facility Improvements 420-9125 Stocklmeir Property Preservation 420-9126 Sterling Barnhart Park Design & Construction 420-9127 Lawrence & Mitty Park (Saratoga Creek) 420-9128 Veteran's Memorial 420-9129 Stocklmeir Orchard Rehabilitation New Projects 580-91~oc Park Tennis Court Resurfacing 420-91~oc Wilson Park Irrigation System Renovation 420-91~oc Linda Vista Pond Restoration Study Total 9200 Buildings 420-9229 City Hall Emergency Power/Electrical System 420-9232 Library Improvements & Upgrades 420-9233 Community Hall Improvements & Upgrades 420-9236 Sports Center Tennis Court Lighting 420-9234 Monta Vista Park Building Replace HVAC System 420-9235 Service Center Security Gate 420-9239 Library Book Drop Modifications 420-9240 Library Stair and Seatwall Modifications 420-9237 Quinlan Center Fountain Replacement 420-9231 Sports Center Upgrade and Pool Demolition 420-9243 Community Development Office Reconfiguration New Projects 420-9241 Community Hall Fountain 420-92~oc Community Hall Lighting Upgrade 420-92~oc City Hall Office Improvements 580-92~oc Monta Vista Community Bldg Re-roof Total N Q~ 9,000 230,000 20,000 1,514,000 100,000 727,000 16,000 50,000 650,000 975,000 (810,000) 55,000 28,000 24,000 250,000 700,000 165,000 1,700,000 24,000 225,000 225,000 150,000 150,000 30,000 30,000 2,449,000 1,255,000 289,000 1,544,000 1,700,000 0 0 0 29,000 370,000 30,000 400,000 40,000 44,000 250,000 136,000 50,000 60,000 20,000 20,000 29,500 292,000 500,000 50,000 25,000 400,000 400,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 405,000 405,000 1,505,500 370,000 930,000 1,300,000 ~ 0 0 0 0 Finance Reference Sheet T(~TAI_ Bl1DGET Proposed Five Year Capital Improvement Program Current Carryover New Total Fund Description 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 9400 Streets 270-9450 Pavement Management 2,524,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 270-9450 Pavement Management - STP Portion 369,000 270-9451 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Repairs 900,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 270-9452 Rancho Rinconada Street Study 100,000 100,000 New Projects 270-945x Route 85 Soundwall Repairs 30,000 30,000 270-945x Pavement Management -Prop 1 B 890,000 890,000 270-945x Pavement Management -Prop 42 530,000 530,000 Total 3,793,000 0 3,050,000 3,050,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 9500 Traffic Facilities 270-9435 Neighborhood Traffic Calming Measures 55,000 420-9545 T/S Upgrade Stelling/Greenleaf 50,000 420-9548 Traffic Street Walkability Models 2,000 420-9549 Safe Routes to School-Garden Gate 442,000 442,000 420-9547 Countdown Ped Heads 15,500 50,000 50,000 50,000 420-9551 Lawrence Expwy./Mitty Xing (Cupertino Share) 75,000 420-9555 SVITS Extensions (FO Cable & Boxes) 50,000 420-9557 DeAnza/McClellan/Pacifica Signal Modification 200,000 200,000 420-9558 Various Traffic Signal/Intersection Modifications 75,000 75,000 Total 247,500 717,000 ~ 50,000 767,000 50,000 0 0 0 9600 Storm Drainage 210-9612 Minor Storm Drain Improvements 131,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 215-9620 Monta Vista Storm Drainage Syst. 93,000 800,000 800,000 210-9612 Master Storm Drain Plan Update 30,000 30,000 270-9443 Bollinger Bike Lanes/Calabazas Cr. Bridge 51,000 200,000 25,000 225,000 Total 275,000 1,030,000 100,000 1,130,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 Major Projects 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge 7,261,000 4,146,000 4,146,000 427-9112 Stevens Creek Corridor Park (Phase I) 11,294,000 1,810,000 1,810,000 New Projects 427-9112 Stevens Creek Corridor Park (Phase II) 200,000 Total 18,555,000 5,956,000 0 5,956,000 0 200,000 0 0 Total Capital Improvement Program 26,825,000 9,328,000 4,419,000 13,747,000 3,325,000 1,775,000 1,575,000 1,575,000 N Finance Reference Sheet GENERAL FUND PORTION Proposed Five Year Capital Improvement Program Current Carryover New Total Fund Description 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 9100 Parks 420-9122 Sterling Barnhart Park Acquisition 420-9124 McClellan Ranch Facility Improvements 420-9125 Stocklmeir Property Preservation 420-9126 Sterling Barnhart Park Design & Construction 420-9127 Lawrence & Mitty Park (Saratoga Creek) 420-9128 Veteran's Memorial 420-9129 Stocklmeir Orchard Rehabilitation New Projects 420-91~oc Wilson Park Irrigation System Renovation 420-91~oc Linda Vista Pond Restoration Study Total 9200 Buildings 420-9229 City Hall Emergency Power/Electrical System 420-9232 Library Improvements & Upgrades 420-9233 Community Hall Improvements & Upgrades 420-9236 Sports Center Tennis Court Lighting 420-9234 Monta Vista Park Building Replace HVAC System 420-9235 Service Center Security Gate 420-9239 Library Book Drop Modifications 420-9240 Library Stair and Seatwall Modifications 420-9237 Quinlan Center Fountain Replacement 420-9231 Sports Center Upgrade and Pool Demolition 420-9243 Community Development Office Reconfiguration New Projects 420-9241 Community Hall Fountain 420-92~oc Community Hall Lighting Upgrade 420-92~oc City Hall Office Improvements Total 9400 Streets 270-9450 Pavement Management 270-9450 Pavement Management-STP Portion Total N a\ 1,514,000 431,085 16,000 50,000 650,000 700,000 975,000 (810,000) 165,000 55,000 28,000 24,000 24,000 150,000 150,000 30,000 30,000 2,044,085 1,025,000 44,000 1,069,000 0 0 0 0 29,000 370,000 30,000 400,000 40,000 44,000 250,000 136,000 50,000 40,000 20,000 20,000 29, 500 292,000 500,000 50,000 25,000 400,000 400,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 1,485,500 370,000 525,000 895,000 0 0 0 0 2,524,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 42,000 2,566,000 0 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 Finance Reference Sheet GENERAL FUND PORTION Proposed Five Year Capital Improvement Program Current Carryover New Total Fund Description 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 9500 Traffic Facilities 420-9545 T/S Upgrade Stelling/Greenleaf 420-9548 Traffic Street Walkability Models 420-9549 Safe Routes to School-Garden Gate 420-9547 Countdown Ped Heads 420-9551 Lawrence Expwy./Mitty Xing (Cupertino Share) 420-9555 SVITS Extensions (FO Cable & Boxes) 420-9558 Various Traffic Signal/Intersection Modifications Total Major Projects 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge 427-9112 Stevens Creek Corridor Park (Phase I) New Projects 427-9112 Stevens Creek Corridor Park (Phase II) Total Total Capital Improvement Program General Fund Portion N v 5,000 2,000 48,000 48,000 15,500 50,000 50,000 50,000 75,000 50,000 75,000 75,000 147,500 123,000 50,000 173,000 50,000 0 0 0 116,000 116,000 5,675,567 1,810,000 1,810,000 200,000 5,675,567 1,926,000 0 1,926,000 0 200,000 0 0 11,918,652 3,444,000 1,369,000 4,813,000 800,000 950,000 750,000 750,000 Finance Reference Sheet REVENUE Proposed Five Year Capital Improvement Program Current Carryover New Total Fund Description Funding Source 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 9100 Parks 420-9124 McClellan Ranch Facility Improvements 580-9121 Memorial Park Softball Field Renovation 420-9127 Lawrence & Mitty Park (Saratoga Creek) 580-9123 Library Field Renovation 580-91xx Park Tennis Court Resurfacing Total Land & Water, Rivers Pkwy, Park Bond, 4H Recreation Park Dedication Recreation Recreation 295,915 230,000 20,000 250,000 1.700.000 100,000 225,000 225,000 395,915 230,000 245,000 475,000 1,700,000 0 0 0 9200 Buildings 420-9239 Library Book Drop Modifications 580-92xx Monta Vista Community Bldg Re-roof Total 9400 Streets 270-9450 Pavement Management-STP Portion 270-9451 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Repairs 270-9452 Rancho Rinconada Street Study New Projects 270-945x Route 85 Soundwall Repairs 270-945x Pavement Management 270-945x Pavement Management Total County Recreation 20,000 405,000 405,000 20,000 0 405,000 405,000 0 0 0 0 Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transp 327,000 Equity Act, A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) Gas Tax 900,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 VTA Local Streets & County Roads 100,000 100,000 Gas Tax 30,000 30,000 Prop 1 B 890,000 890,000 Prop 42 530,000 530 000 1,227,000 0 2,300,000 2,300,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 9500 Traffic Facilities 270-9435 Neighborhood Traffic Calming Measures Gas Tax 420-9545 T/S Upgrade Stelling/Greenleaf SR2S 420-9549 Safe Routes to School-Garden Gate SR2S 420-9557 DeAnza/McClellan/Pacifica Signal Modification Developer Total 9600 Storm Drainage 210-9612 Minor Storm Drain Improvements 215-9620 Monta Vista Storm Drainage Syst. 210-9612 Master Storm Drain Plan Update 270-9443 Bollinger Bike Lanes/Calabazas Cr. Bridge Total Storm Drain Account Storm Drain Account Storm Drain Account Storm Drain Account & Gas Tax [J Do 55,000 45,000 394,000 394,000 200,000 200,000 100,000 594,000 0 594,000 0 0 0 0 131,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 93,000 800,000 800,000 30,000 30,000 51,000 200,000 25,000 225.000 275,000 1,030,000 100,000 1,130,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 Finance Reference Sheet REVENUE Proposed Five Year Capital Improvement Program Current Carryover New Total Fund Description Funding Source 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Major Projects 427-9112 Stevens Creek Corridor Park Urban Park Act, Land&Water Conservation, 4,248,433 Roberti-Z'Berg-Harris, SCVWD FACHE Settlement, Dept. of Water Resources, SCVWD Collaborative 427-9112 Stevens Creek Corridor Park Recreation 680,000 427-9112 Stevens Creek Corridor Park Park Dedication 200,000 427-9112 Stevens Creek Corridor Park Green Projects Fund 490,000 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge VTA Measure B/TFCA/TDA 6,073,807 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge City of Sunnyvale (General Fund 8~ TDA) 110,000 80,000 80,000 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge Caltrans 304/BTA - 2003/2004 600,000 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge TDA (Non BEP)2004-05:$65k;2005-06:$38k 103,000 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge Caltrans 304/BTA - 2005/2006 300,000 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicyce Footbridge TDA 06/07 42,193 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge TDA 07/08 32,000 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge VTA Measure B Augmentation 3,350,000 3,350,000 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge Gas Tax Allocation 600,000 600,000 Total 12,879,433 4,030,000 ~ 0 4,030,000 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OUTSIDE REVENUE SHARE 14,897,348 5,884,000 3,050,000 8,934,000 2,525,000 825,000 825,000 825,000 N Finance Reference Sheet enera Revenu Fund Total Amount Amount 2008- Amount Fund Description 2008-09 Funding Source 09 2008-09 9100 Parks 580-9121 Memorial Park Softball Field Renovation 250,000 Recreation 250,000 0 420-9126 Sterling Barnhart Park Design & Construction 700,000 0 700,000 420-9127 Lawrence&Mitty Park (Saratoga Creek) 165,000 0 165,000 420-9129 Stocklmeir Orchard Rehabilitation 24,000 0 24,000 New Projects Park Tennis Court Resurfacing 225,000 Recreation 225,000 0 Wilson Park Irrigation System Renovation 150,000 0 150,000 Linda Vista Pond Restoration Study 30,000 0 30,000 1,544,000 475,000 1,069,000 9200 Buildings 420-9229 City Hall Emergency Power/Electrical System 400,000 0 400,000 420-9239 Library Book Drop Modifications 20,000 0 20,000 New Projects Community Hall Fountain 400,000 0 400,000 Community Hall Lighting Upgrade 25,000 0 25,000 City Hall Office Improvements 50,000 0 50,000 Monta Vista Community Bldg. Re-roof 405,000 Recreation 405,000 0 Total 1,300,000 405,000 895,000 N 0 9400 Streets 270-9450 Pavement Management 750,000 0 750,000 Curb, Gutter and Sidewalk Repairs 750,000 Gas Tax 750,000 0 Rancho Rinconada Street Study 100,000 (VTA Local Streets & County Roads) 100,000 0 New Project Route 85 Soundwall Repairs 30,000 Gas Tax 30000 0 Pavement Management - Prop. 1 B 890,000 Prop. 1 B 890,000 0 Pavement Management -Prop. 42 530,000 Prop. 42 530,000 0 Total 3,050,000 2,300,000 750,000 9500 Traffic Facilities 420-9549 Safe Routes to School-Garden Gate & 442,000 SR2S 394,000 48,000 420-9547 Countdown Ped Heads 50,000 0 50,000 DeAnzas /McClellan/Pacifica Sig. Mod. 200,000 Developer 200,000 0 420-9558 Various Traffic Signal/Intersection Modifications 75,000 0 75,000 Total 767,000 594,000 173,000 9600 Storm Drainage 210-9612 Minor Storm Drain Improvements 75,000 Storm Drain Account 75,000 0 215-9620 Monta Vista Storm Drainage Syst. 800,000 Storm Drain Account 800,000 0 215-9612 Master Storm Drain Plan Update 30,000 Storm Drain Account 30,000 0 270-9443 Bollinger Bike Lanes/Calabazas Cr. Brdg. 225,000 Storm Drain Account & Gas Tax 225,000 0 Total 1,130,000 1,130,000 0 Major Projects 270-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge 270-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge 80,000 City of Sunnyvale 80,000 0 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge 3,466,000 VTA Measure B Fund Augmentation 3,350,000 116,000 428-9449 Mary Avenue Bicycle Footbridge 600,000 Gas Tax Allocation 600,000 0 427-9112 Stevens Creek Corridor Park (Phase I) 1,810,000 0 1,810,000 Total 5,956,000 4,030,000 1,926,000 TOTALS 13,747,000 8,934,000 4,813,000 N J