DRC 08-07-08Design Review Committee August 7, 2008 Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 777-3308 APROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE HELD ON August 7, 2008 ROLL CALL Committee Members present: Committee Members absent: Staff present: Staff absent: Lisa Giefer, Chairperson Jessica Rose, Commissioner none Gary Chao None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 17, 2008 Minutes of the July 17, 2008 Design Review Committee meeting were approved as amended WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None POSTPONEMENTS/REMOVAL FROM CALENDAR: None ORAL COMMUNICATION: None CONSENT CALENDAR: None PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Application No.(s): ASA-2008-04 Applicant: Brian Replinger (Cupertino Village) Location: Homestead & Wolfe Road Architectural and Site approval to finalize the architectural, site and landscaping plans for an approved Use Permit (U-2007-06) Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed. This application is being heard by the Committee to finalize the parking plan, and final Architectural and design details as directed by the City Council with it's approval of the Use Permit in April of 2008. Staff member Chao explained that the applicant had met the requirements of the conditions of approval and supports the application, but would like to add some additional conditions to further enhance the shopping center. Specifically the addition of more shade trees in the courtyard areas, enhance the fountain in front of the Joy Luck Palace Restaurant and "spruce up° the entrance area near the Ranch 99 grocery store. The final plaza detail should be presented to Staff for approval prior to final occupancy and should include the 2 Design Review Committee August 7, 2008 new sidewalk plan and provisions to replace the "Welcome to Cupertino' sign. Commissioner Rose asked about the construction materials of the sidewalk and had questions for the applicant regarding the "rain gardens' in the swales. Chairperson Giefer asked for clarification of where the plaza enhancements would be and asked about using impervious pavers in the parking lot or as part of the landscaping plan. Staff member Chao explained that the parking lot for the Ranch 99 store has a space requirement. If pavers were used to mark the pedestrian walkways, they would lose spaces. The Architect for the applicant, Young Wong, pointed out where the placement of the recycling and trash bins were going to be and where the "rain gardens' were planned. He explained that everywhere they were redesigning planters and the grade was supportive, they would be using rainwater run off to sustain the gardens. The discussion continued about how to obtain more water percolation in the parking lot without losing parking spaces or creating a maintenance or tripping hazard. It was suggested that the parking lot be designed with or parking headers to funnel rainwater. It was also suggested to design the tree planters to be open at the bottom with hardy trees that grow well in parking islands. Commissioner Rose asked the applicant how they felt about the additional conditions Staff had proposed. He stated that he was fine with the conditions overall. They would find a better use of the fountain area. The applicant is open to either paying toward the purchase of a new "Welcome to Cupertino' or replacing it with a sign similar to the sign shown on the plans. The concept sign is about 6' feet tall with a wooden middle and backlit lettering. The concrete sides are the supports for the handicap ramp. They would add more plants to the area to complement the existing ones. The discussion continued regarding approving a sign to incorporate a "welcome" sign and a center sign at the existing "Welcome to Cupertino' sign site. The Committee would like to have the sign designed such that there would be one sign with both messages on it. Staff will work with the applicant on the design, height and lettering font. The applicant expressed concern about the need to extend the sidewalk width along two of the perimeters due to the very mature trees along there. Staff member Chao said that the City Arborist would determine which trees the sidewalks would have to go around so as not to endanger the root system of the existing trees. Chairperson Giefer liked the design, but wanted the applicant to be sure to plant drought tolerant and native species. MOTION: Chairperson Giefer moved to approve ASA-2008-04 with the additional conditions that fountain enhancements and other plantings on the site be native and drought resistant species and that the sidewalk width may be reduced if the City's Arborist deems that the sidewalk enlargement will impact the health of the existing trees SECOND: Commissioner Rose ABSENT: none ABSTAIN: none VOTE: 2-0 OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None Res ectfully submitted: Beth Ebbe Administrative Clerk g:planning/DRC Committee/Minutes080708