DRC 08-21-08 Design Review Committee August 21, 2008 Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 777-3308 APPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE HELD ON August 21, 2008 ROLL CALL , Committee Members present: Lisa Giefer, Chairperson Jessica Rose, Coinmissioner Coinmittee Members absent: none Staff present: Elizabeth Pettis Staff absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 7, 2008 Minutes of the August 7, 2008 Design Review Committee meeting were approved as amended WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None POSTPONEMENTS/REMOVAL FROM CALENDAR: None ORAL COMMUNICATION: None CONSENT CALENDAR: None PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Application No.(s): EXC-2008-15 Applicant: Kyi Chow-Shar (Mardesich Company Crossroads, LLC) Location: 20510 Stevens Creek Blvd Sign Exception to allow signs to exceed the number and maximum height limitations at an existing commercial building (Ever Trust Bank) Design Rez~iezu Conimittee decision final unless appealed. Staff inember Pettis explained that the applicant is requesting a Sign Exception to the Sign Ordinance due to the poor visibility the bank has on Stevens Creek Boulevard. There is a gas station next door and with its signs and landscaping and the traffic on Stevens Creek Boulevard, the bank is easily overlooked. They just received approval for one sign over the main entrance facing De Anza Boulevard. This sign will be 24" high. For conformity, the applicant is requesting that the sign over their secondary entrance on Stevens Creek Boulevard also be 24". The Sign Ordinance allows for only an 18" sign. Staff inember Pettis noted that the previous tenant at two signs at this location, however, it appears that the second sign did not have proper 2 Design Review Committee August 21, 2008 approval. Staff is recommending approval of the application with the condition that the applicant take this time to also install some landscaping improvements along the De Anza side of the building since what exists there is in poor condition. All of the plants around the perimeter of the building are not in good shape. Cominissioner Rose asked what was currently planted there and what Staff recommended would be a good replanting choice. Chairperson Giefer asked how many other signs were already at the site. Staff inember Pettis explained that the planting strip is very narrow so trees would not be a good option but tall shrubbery or bamboo would work. She said that there are no other signs at the site. Chairperson Giefer asked the applicant how they felt about the additional landscaping requirement. Mr. Kyi Chow-Shar stated that they would need to work out something with the landlord. A resident spoke in favor of the project. Coinmissioner Rose stated that she is familiar with the shopping center and knows that signage is a problem for the tenants. She supports the project and would like the bank to work with their landlord to come up with a solution to the planting issue. Chairperson Giefer also supports the project. She understands that working with the landlord could be a problem, so does not want to make the replanting of the strip along De Anza conditional as part of the approval. She suggested that if the landlord did not want to participate in replanting, the bank could put in potted plants or topiaries themselves. MOTION: Commissioner Rose moved to approve EXC-2008-15 with the additional "friendly" condition that the property owner be responsible for making minor landscaping improvements along the East side of the building. If the owner is unwilling to take staff's suggestion in this regard, then the applicant is to place potted plants on either side of their main entrance SECOND: Chairperson Giefer ABSENT: none ABSTAIN: none VOTE: 2-0 OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None Respectfully submitted: Beth Ebben Administrative Clerk g:plamm~g/DRC Committee/Minutes082108