TC 04-04-01Telecommunications Commission Regular Meeting April 4, 2001 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair David Eggleston at 7:05 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: David Eggleston, Ernest Tsui, Sal Algeri; L.T. Guttadauro Commissioners absent: Reggie Duhe Staff'. Rick Kitson, Linda Lagergren Guests: Linda Grodt APPROVAL OF MARCH 7, 2001 MINUTES Tsui made a motion to accept the minutes as amended, Guttadauro seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed. COMMUNICATIONS Oral: Linda Grodt said last week's Courier had an article about the Silicon Kids. Written: Kitson distributed three pieces of written communication: 1) Corporate overview from Bill Ingalls of Infrastructure Alchemy Associates. 2) Legal update on communications law from Moss & Barnett. 3) Fax from resident regarding AT& access for Silver Oak Way neighborhood. Commission agreed to take New Business items out of order. NEW BUSINESS Grant request from Michael Kenman - Commission reviewed producer grant request from Michael Kenman. After discussion, Commission determined grant request was incomplete. Kenman will prepare an itemized budget and submit to commission for review at the May meeting. Report on Internet Forum - Part 2. Commissioners reported on contacts they made with speakers for the Forum. Eggleston said AT&T has committed to participating in the Forum. Duhe was not at the meeting but reported earlier in the day that Pac Bell also committed to attend the Forum. Tsui said Sprint Broadband would send a representative. Commission agreed June 6 was the best date for the Forum. It will begin at 7 p.m, Kitson said he reserved the council chambers and the City Channel staff would videotape the event. Eggleston said he would contact all the panelists to confirm their attendance. Kitson said he would put the information in the May and June Scene. He would also send out a press release with all the specific details of the event. OLD BUSINESS Activities Calendar. No changes or additions were made to the calendar. Reports from: AT&T: AT&T representative Eddie Garcia did not attend the meeting. Kitson distributed AT&T's January and February customer service reports. Commission was concerned that only 72% of the phone calls were answered in 30 seconds or less. Two months in a row AT&T did not reach their standard of 90%. The Commission agreed that a letter should be sent to AT&T expressing the city's concern with AT&T's unsatisfactory declining customer service. It was the consensus of the Commission for Kitson to identify penalties related to this decline. City of Cupertino: No report. De Anza College: Bob Haber did not attend the meeting. ADJOURNMENT Tsui made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:44 p.m.; Algeri seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED: