TC 02-07-01Telecommunications Commission Regular Meeting February 7, 2001 MINUTES CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Chair David Eggleston at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Commissioners present: Commissioners absent: Staff: Linda Lagergrcn De Anza: Bob Haber Guests: Linda Grodt, Nan-Sing Chuang David Eggleston, L.T. Guttadauro, Ernest Tsui, Reginald Duhe Sal Algeri APPROVAL OF DECEMBER 6, 2000 MINUTES Guttadauro made a motion to accept the minutes as presented, Duhe seconded the motion. All in favor. Algeri and Eggleston abstained. Motion passed. APPROVAL OF JANUARY 3, 2001 MINUTES Tsui made a motion to accept the minutes as presented, Guttadauro seconded the motion. All in favor. Duhe abstained. Motion passed. COMMUNICATIONS Oral: None. Written: Lagergren distributed the monthly report from AT&T and a memo from AT&T regarding the addition of International Channel Networks. Commission asked Lagergren to follow-up with Eddie Garcia's offer to set up a visit to the AT&T Switching Center in Santa Clara. Commission was concerned about AT&T not meeting its basic customer service standard of answering 90 percent of incoming calls within 30 seconds. For the month of December, AT&T answered incoming call within 30 seconds 87% of the time. Commission suggested the City Manager send a letter to AT&T regarding this matter. OLD BUSINESS Activities Calendar. Commission reviewed the activities calendar and no changes were made. Tsui reported on the Mayor's breakfast meeting. Duhe. Commission asked Lagergren to invite Colin Jung to the next meeting to report on the progress of the antenna ordinance and consultant. Annual report video update - Guttadauro reported the annual report video was not finished, but he will be meeting with Bob Haber on February 20 to complete the video. If the video is completed by Feb. 26, Commission will present the video to council on March 5, otherwise the video will be presented at the March 19 council meeting. NEW BUSINESS Review of 2001 goals/workplan - After discussion, Guttadauro made a motion to approve the workplan as amended. Duhe seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed. Discussion of Forum Topic - Three forum topics were suggested by the Commission: 1. High Definition Television. 2. Wireless Communications 3. Internet Forum - Part 2. a) Wireless b) DSL c) Cable Internet d) Satellite Internet e) TV Intemet It was the consensus of the commission that the Forum topic be a continuation of the first Internet Forum. Commission agreed to make contact with prospective speakers for the Forum. TV Internet (Eyeburst) - Ernest Tsui Sprint PCS Broadband Wireless - Ernest Tsui ~Home - Eggleston Pac Bell ISDN - Duhe AOL PC Satellite - Guttadauro Commission discussed the format of the Intemet Access Forum. Each business representative would have 10 minutes for a presentation. A question and answer session would follow, featuring questions from the audience and the commission. Reports from: AT&T: None. (Eddie Garcia did not attend meeting). City of Cupertino: Lagergren reported that Rick Kitson was hired as the new Public Information Officer to replace Donna Krey. Kitson's start date is Feb. 20. Lagergren reminded the Commission that the Commissioner's Dinner was on Feb. 9 at the Quinlan Community Center. De Anza College: Bob Haber thanked Kelly Bennett, Michelle Houde, all the law enforcement community, the city of Cupertino, and the De Anza College administration and staff for keeping De Anza campus safe on Tuesday, Jan. 30. Haber reported the Hometown Award entries have to be postmarked by Feb. 16. The Hometown National Conference and Trade Show will be in Washington, D.C. from July 11 through 14. Plans are to enter 25 programs this year. Another program was started on the new Macintosh G3 computers. This will be the first episode of "What's Up Wit That?" which was created on the non-linear edit suites. January was an active month with the computerized video editing and digital camera training classes. In addition to producers and their volunteers, students from De Anza are taking the training classes. Haber reported more videos have been added to the web casting service. ADJOURNMENT Guttadauro made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:48 p.m.; Duhe seconded and the motion passed unanimously. ATTEST: APPROVED: