CC Resolution No. 08-134 Solar feeRESOLUTION NO. 08-134 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 08-044 SCHEDULE D MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS TO ADD FEE FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS (SOLAR;i FOR QUASI PUBLIC BUILDINGS WHEREAS, the State of California requires fees charged for service rendered not to exceed the cost of delivering said services; and WHEREAS, a public hearing has been held to review user fees; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Cupertino has established guidelines for setting user fees; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that: A user fee is added to Schedule D, Miscellaneous Items Photovoltaic Systems (Solari for Quasi Public Buildings as shown on Attachment A. 2. Photovoltaic Systems <Solar) for Quasi Public Buildings are effective December 8, 2008. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meetinl~ of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 7`h day of October 2008 by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: Sandoval, Mahoney, Santoro, Wang, Wong NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: APPROVED: __ ~ -. /~~ ~ ~~ '- City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino CITY OF CUPERTINO Resolution 08-044 and OS-134 Fees Effective July 1, 2008 and December 8, 2008" Schedule D -Miscellaneous Items Work Item Unit Fea Standard Hourly Ra[e $ 722 Acoustical Review $ - Single Family Home/Duplex-New _ each $ _ 551 Single Family Homer/Duplex-Addition/Alteration each ___ $ _ 672 Multi-Family/Commercial _ each $ 245 Address Assignment par hour $ 306 Antenna-Telecom Facility _ _ __ Radio each $ 367 Cellular/Mobile Phone, free-standing each _ $ 979 _ _ _.___ Cellular/Mobile Phone, attached to building each $ 979 _. __. _ Application Meeting_ _ _ _ ___ First Hour hourly rate $ 722 __. _ _ -_ __. _.. Each additional hour hourly rate $ 722 Arbor/Trellis Awning/Canopy (supported by building) - - each $ _._ _ 306 __ Balcony A_ ddition each __ $ _ _ 673 Carport each $ 551 Certifications _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ Special Inspector Certi£cation Application each $ 4, 767 Materials Testing Lab Cert£cation _ ~ each -- $ _ _ ___ 2,570 Chimney each $ 490 Chimney Repair each $ _ 490 Close Existing Open_ ing_ s , Interior wall each _ $ 428 _ Exterior wall each $ 428 Commercial Coach (per unit) _ each unit _ $ 734 Covered Porch _ - each $ 857 Deck (wood) _ each $ 428 Derck Railing .. __. _ __. each _._ $ _ _ 428 __ _.. _ ___ - ____. _._ - Demolition Commercial (up to 3,000 sf) each $ _ 4_90_ Commercial (each add'1 3,000 sf) each 3,000_ s_f $ _ _ 245 Residential (up to 3,000 sf) each $ _ _ 490 Residential (each add'I 3,000 sf) each 3,000 sf_ $ _ 122 Disabled Access Compliance Inspection per hour $ _ _ 722 Door New door (non structural) each _ $ _ _ _ _ 245 New door (structural shear wall_/masonry) each _ $ _ _ _ 367 _ Duplicate/Replacement Job Card _ _ each $ 67 Fence _- N_ o_ n-masonry, over 6 feet in height up to 700 I.f $ 367 __ Non-masonry, each addrt~onal 700 If each 700 Lf $ 67 Masonry, over 6 feet in height up to 700 Lf __ $ 612 __. _.. Masonry, each additional 700 If __ each 700 I.f. _ _._ $ 245 __. - - __ Fireplace _ _ _ _ Masonry each $ 672 Pre-Fabricated/Metal _ each _ $ 428 _ Flag pole (over 20 feet in height) each _$ _ _ 337_ Foundation Repair _ each _ $ - 734 Garage (detached) _ _ _ _ Wood frame up to 7,000 sf each $ _ 7.707 Masonry up to 7,000 sf each $ _ 7__.__70__7_ Inspections Outside of normal business hours, O-2 hours (minimum charge) uF~ to 2 hrs $ 245 Each additional hour or portion thereof _ 7 hour $ _ _ _ 122 _. Reinspection fee-per hour __ 7 hour $ _ __ 722_ Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated-per hour (minimum charge = 7/2 hour) __ _ _ 7 hour $ _ 722 Life Safety Report each _ $ 734 Lighting pole each $ 367 each add'I pole each $ 367 Modular Structures each $ 734 CITY-OF CUPERTINO Resolution OS-044 and 08-134 Fees Effective July 1, 2008 and December 8, 2008* Schedule D -Miscellaneous Items Work Item Unit Fee Standard Houny Rata $ 722 Partition-Commercial, Interior (up to 30 I. f.) up to 30 I.f. _. - __- _ $ _ _ _ _ 428 Additional partition each 30 Lf. $ __ _ _ 92 Partition-Residential, Interior (up to 30 I.f.) up to 30 I.f. $ 428 Additional partition each 30 I.f. $ 92 Patio Cover/ Sun R_ oom_ Wood frame _ _ up to 300 sf $ 612 Metal frame up to 300 sf $ 612 Other frame up to 300 sf $ 612 Additional patio - __. __- -_.- _- ____-_.. _ __. each 300 sf _._ ___ ___.__ __- $ 490 _____._ -. _. _ ___ _ Enclosed, wood frame _ P u to 300 sf $ 734 Enclosed, metal frame _ up [0 300 sf $ _ _ _ _ 734 Enclosed, other frame _ _ up [0 300 sf $ 734 Additional enclosed patio - - - - each 300 sf - - - - $ 612 Photovoltaic System _ _ _ __ _ _ Residential each $ _ 200 Commercial, up to 4 kilowatts up to 4 kW _ $ _ _ 612 Commercial, each additional 1 kilowatt each 1 kW _ $ _ 245 Quasi Public Buildings' - - - - $ 1,123 - - - Pile Foundation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cast in Place Concrete (first 10 piles) up to 10 $ _ __ _ 857 Additional Piles (increments of 10) - each 10 $ _ _ _ _ _ 734 Driven (steel, pre-stressed concrete) -.. -_ up to 10 $ 857 - _ Additional Piles (increments of 70) each 10 $ 734 Product Review per hour $ 122 Remodel-Residential _ __ _ Kitchen _ -._._ _ up to _30_0 sf_ $ 5_51 - - _.. _ ._. __-Bath up to 300 sf 551 $ Other Remodel up to 300 sf $ 367 Additional remodel each 300 sf $ 61 Other Remodel 1(100 sf $ 3,694 _ Additional remodel each 300 sf $ 242 - Other Remodel 2:500 sf+ $ 4,907 Additional remodel ea~~h 300 sf _ __ - $ 175 -- Re-roof _ Residential each 100 sf $ _ _ 13 Multi-Family Dwelling each 100 sf $ - 13 Commercial Commercial (Frst 5,000 sf) each $ _ _ 337 _ Commercial (each adtl'I 2,500 sf) each 2,500 sf $ 153 Retaining Wall (concrete or masonry) _ Standard (up to 50 If) up to 50 Lf. $ - 734 Additional retaining wall each 50 I.f. $ 612 Specal Design, 3-1 O' high (up to 50 If) up to 50 Lf. $ 857 Additional retaining wall each 50 I.f. $ 734 Special Design, over 1 O' high (up to 50 If) up to 50 I.f. $ 918 Additional retaining wall - each 50 Lf. $ 795 Gravity/Crib Wall 0-10' high (up to 50 If) up to 50 I. f. $ _ _ _ 918 Additional Gravity/Crib Wall each 50 Lf. $ 795 Gravity/Crib Wall, over 10' high (up to 50 If) up to 50 I. f. $ _ 918 Additional Gravity/Crib Wall each 50 I.f. $ 795 Revisions _ _ Commercial New _ _ each $ 734 ___ Tenant Improvement each _$ 734 SFDWL - each $ 734 _- - -- Addition - each 612 $ -- - Remotlel each 612 $ Roof Structure Replacement up to 100 sf $ 612 Additional root structure replacement each 100_ sf $ 490 Sauna-steam _. __ _. each $ 673 Siding Stone antl Brick Veneer (interior or eMerior). up to 400 sf _ $ 551 All Other up to 400 sf $ _. 367 CITY OF CUPERTINO Resolution OS-044 and 08-134 Fees Effective July 1, 2008 and December 8, 2008" Schedule D -Miscellaneous Items Work Item Unit Fee Standard Hourly Rate $ 122 Additional siding ea<:h 400 sf _ $ 184 _ __ Signs _ ___ _ _ ____ __ _ _ Directional each $ 245 Each additional Directional Sign each _ $ _ ____ ___ __ _ _ _ _ 122 Ground/Roof/Projecting Signs each $ 306 Master Plan Sign Check each $ 306 _ Rework of a_ny existing Gro_ and Sign _ _ each $ 306 Other Sign each _ $ _ _ _ _ 306 Reinspection Fee each $ 61 Wall/Awning Sig_ n, Non-Electric_ _ _ each _ $ _ 245 Wall, Electric each $ _ 245 Shed over 120 square feet each _ _ _ 366 $ Skylight _ _____ _._ _ _ Less than 1 O sf each $ 367 Greater than 1 O sf or structural _ each - $ 673 - - -- - Solar Panels erystem 200 $ _ Stairs-First Flight _ first flight $ 306 Each additionalflight p'r flight $ 784 Storage Racks _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ O-8' high (up to 100 If) first _100 If $ 306 each additional 100 If each 700 If $ _ 67 __ over 8' high (up to 700 If) _ _ first 100 If $ _ 337 each additional 100 If each 100 1f _ $__ _ 92 Stucco Applications up to 400 sf $_ _ 428 Additional Stucco Application _ each 400 sf $ 37 __ _ _ Supplemental Inspection Fee-IT a project requires significantly more inspections than average, the Building Official may charge additional inspection fees _ First 1/2 hour minimum _ fir,:t 3. O min $ _ _ 61 Each Additional hour per hour $ 722 Supplemental Plan Check Fee (after 2nd review) _ First 7/2 hour minimum _ _ _ _ _ _ _fi r<:t 30 min _ $ 67 Each Additionalhour per hour $ 722 Swimming Pool/Spa _. Vinyl-linetl (up to 800 sf) each _ $ _ _ _ 857_ Fiberglass each $ _ 612 Gunite (up to 800 sf) each $ _ 7,346 ._ Additional pool (over 800 sf) each 100 sf $ 184 ___ Commercial pool (up to 800 sf) each _. _. $ 7,773 __ _. Commercial pool (over 800 sf) each $ 274 Spa or Hot Tub (Pre-fabricated) _ each _$ _ _ _306 Temporary Permit (commercial only) each $ 366 Window or Sliding Glass Door _ _ Replacement (each 8 windows) _ each 8 $ 367 New Window (non structural) each $ 428 New window (structural shear wall/masonry) _ _ each $ _ 734 Bay Window (structural) each $ 734