TC 01-03-01Teleeommuniention~ Commission
Regular Meeting
January 3, 2001
The meeting was called to order by Chair L. T. Guttadauro at 7:00 p.m.
Commissioners present:
Commissioners absent:
Staff: Linda Lagergren
Guests: Linda Grodt
L.T. Guttadauro, Ernest Tsui, Sal Algeri, David Eggleston
Reginald Duhe
Guttadauro and Eggleston were nominated for Chair. After discussion the vote was 3-1 in favor
of Eggleston.
Duhe and Guttadauro were nominated for Vice-Chair. After discussion the vote was 3-1 in
favor of Duhe for Vice-Chair.
Algeri thanked L.T. Guttadauro for his outstanding service to the commission. Eggleston said
he felt L.T. had done an outstanding job as Chair of the commission and also thanked him for his
Eggleston stepped in as chair for the remainder of the meeting.
Approval of December minutes was continued until the February meeting because there was
not a quorum to approve the minutes. (Three commissioners were present at the Dec. meeting and of
those three, only two were at the January meeting)
Oral: None.
Written: Lagergren distributed three pieces of written communication: 1) fax from Eddie
Garcia regarding AT&T rate increases. 2) letter from Eddie Garcia regarding the franchise fees on
~Home. 3) news article from the Mercury News regarding the 5% rate increases
Activities Calendar. Commission reviewed the activities calendar and Tsui and Eggleston
switched January and May for attendance at the Mayor's breakfast meeting. After further review of the
calendar, Algeri made a motion to cancel the July 4e meeting. Guttadauro seconded the motion. All in
favor. Motion carried.
Annual report video update - Guttadauro reported that since De Anza College was dark until
the 8~ of January, he was unable to work of the video with Bob Haber. He will have the video
completed to present to council in March.
Report on WIN meeting - Tsui reported on the meeting with WIN. He said WIN is a cable
provider that pulls the fiber deep into the neighborhood. They provide telephony, high-speed Internet
access, and cable services. Tsui also stated that WIN has not yet completed any systems. The city
provided WIN with a copy of AT&T's franchise agreement to review. Tsui said that WIN is just in the
beginning stages of gathering infomlation from prospective cities.
Goals and Workplan for 2001 - After discussion, commission had consensus on the
following workplan for 2001.
1. Engage in joint project with Planning Commission to develop wireless facilities Master Plan for
city, including siting and design of aerial facilities.
2. Work with Pacific Bell to define DSL services and a timeline for deployment in Cupertino.
3. Continue to monitor citywide AT&T broadband performance standards.
4. Generate informational forum and video on selected topic. (Suggested topics: Wireless
communications, High definition television).
5.' Provide articles for the Cupertino Scene with current status of teleconununications services in
It was suggested IT Manager Mariyah Serratos be invited to a future Telecommunications
Commission meeting.
Reports from:
AT&T: None. (Eddie Garcia did not attend meeting). Lagergren will call Garcia to get copy of
the customer service report.
City of Cupertino: Lagergren reported the Mayor's State of the City Address would be held on
Wednesday, Jan. 31 at 11:30 a.m. at the Quinlan Community Center. Commissioners were requested to
call Lagergren by Jan. 22 if they were interested in attending.
Lagergren said the Commissioner's Dinner would be held on Feb. 9 and invitations would be
mailed by January 15.
De Anza College: None. (Bob Haber did not attend the meeting because De Anza was dark for
the holidays.)
Algeri made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m.; Guttadauro seconded and the motion
passed unanimously.
City Clerk